Best of
Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar
William D. Mounce - 1993
Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar and its companion tool Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook are by far the best-selling and most widely accepted textbooks for learning New Testament Greek. As a result of feedback from professors, the author has made adjustments to his material. For example, a chapter on clauses has been added at the end of the book. The CD-ROM is now easier to use and has even more information on it than the earlier edition. The workbook has been significantly rewritten. Nearly 50 percent of the verses are new. They are shorter and more focused on the grammar of the chapter. Features include: - Best-selling Greek language textbook - Changes from the first edition made in response to ten years of use - Grammar's CD-ROM is easier to navigate and now includes short audio summary lectures (7-9 minutes) - An appendix in the Grammar allows professors to introduce verbs earlier in the course - Two tracks in the workbook: track one allows you to go through the book in the normal order. Track two has totally different exercises that allow you to teach verbs earlier. - Workbook has 3-hole, perforated pages
Breaking Out of Beginner's Spanish
Joseph J. Keenan - 1993
Written by a native English speaker who learned Spanish the hard way--by trying to talk to Spanish-speaking people--it offers English speakers with a basic knowledge of Spanish hundreds of tips for using the language more fluently and colloquially, with fewer obvious "gringo" errors.Writing with humor, common sense, and a minimum of jargon, Joseph Keenan covers everything from pronunciation, verb usage, and common grammatical mistakes to the subtleties of addressing other people, "trickster" words that look alike in both languages, inadvertent obscenities, and intentional swearing. He guides readers through the set phrases and idiomatic expressions that pepper the native speaker's conversation and provides a valuable introduction to the most widely used Spanish slang.With this book, both students in school and adult learners who never want to see another classroom can rapidly improve their speaking ability. Breaking Out of Beginner's Spanish will be an essential aid in passing the supreme language test-communicating fluently with native speakers.
Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook
William D. Mounce - 1993
Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar and its companion tool Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook are by far the best-selling and most widely accepted textbooks for learning New Testament Greek. As a result of feedback from professors, the author has made adjustments to his material. For example, a chapter on clauses has been added at the end of the book. The CD-ROM is now easier to use and has even more information on it than the earlier edition. The workbook has been significantly rewritten. Nearly 50 percent of the verses are new. They are shorter and more focused on the grammar of the chapter. first edition made in response to ten years of use * Grammar's CD-ROM is easier to navigate and now includes short audio summary lectures (7-9 minutes) * An appendix in the Grammar allows professors to introduce verbs earlier in the course * Two tracks in the workbook: track one allows you to go through the book in the normal order. Track two has totally different exercises that allow you to teach verbs earlier.
The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research
Stephen D. Krashen - 1993
Krashen also explores research surrounding the role of school and public libraries and the research indicating the necessity of a print-rich environment that provides light reading (comics, teen romances, magazines) as well as the best in literature to assist in educating children to read with understanding and in second language acquisition. He looks at the research surrounding reading incentive/rewards programs and specifically at the research on AR (Accelerated Reader) and other electronic reading products.
The Describer's Dictionary: A Treasury of Terms & Literary Quotations
David Grambs - 1993
Open it, and you have not only just the right words but—bringing them to life—stellar literary examples of descriptive writing as well.The Dictionary concern itself with the observable, from shapes to buildings to human beings. "Referably" organized, the book uses a handy reverse, definition-to-term format that makes it easy to zero in on the term you're seeking. For example, look up "Noses" to find "aquiline," "leptorrhine," and "snub-nosed." And as an inspiration to any writer—showing how it's done by the best—hundreds of colorful and evocative descriptive passages from such diverse authors as Dickens, Darwin, and Updike appear on facing pages, making this a singularly and richly different kind of reference book.The craft of description lives in literature, conversation, journalism, and personal letters. For help in painting pictures with the English language, The Desciber's Dictionary is one of the most indispensable reference tools you can own.
The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary
R.S. McGregor - 1993
This handy paperback dictionary is designed to meet the needs of the growing number of people now learning tospeak Hindi. It provides translations for over 36,000 headwords, using illustrative material to show words in use. Students of Hindi and South Asian studies of all kinds will find extensive coverage of historical Hindi, together with the most up-to-date colloquial and literary vocabulary. In addition, the Urdu vocabulary of Hindi is well represented. Providing contemporary, idiomatic Hindi and English, TheOxford Hindi-English Dictionary is the perfect reference guide for students, businesspeople, and travelers alike.
Basic Grammar in Use Without Answers: Reference and Practice for Students of English [With CD (Audio)]
Raymond Murphy - 1993
Each unit in the Basic Grammar in Use Student's Book is presented in a two-page spread, with simple, clear explanations on the left-hand page and practice exercises to check understanding on the right. This edition includes an Audio CD with example sentences, 10 units of new material, more exercises per unit, and a section of Additional Exercises, which give students the opportunity to consolidate what they have learned. Basic Grammar in Use, Second Edition, can be used as a class text or for self-study. A Student's Book with an answer key is also available.
The American Heritage College Dictionary
American Heritage - 1993
Includes the newest definitions, photographs and illustrations, guidelines for using the dictionary, and other features.
Cambridge Latin Course Book 1
Cambridge School Classics Project - 1993
Book I is full colour throughout, with a clear layout of stories and language notes. Featuring a glossary for quick reference and comprehension questions, the book also includes a full explanation of language points and grammar practice exercises.
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible
Emanuel Tov - 1993
An accessible approach to critical evaluation of the Old Testament, this book includes a detailed discussion of the transmittal of the Bible during the period of the Second Temple as well as extensive information on textual and literary criticism, including the relevance of the historical context.
The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles: 2 Volume Set: Thumb Indexed
Lesley Brown - 1993
Now, Oxford University Press is pleased to announce a landmark new dictionary--The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary--that brings the authority of the Oxford Dictionary Department and the vast scholarship of the OED itself within the reach of individuals. This completely new dictionary covers virtually every word or phrase in use in English--worldwide--since 1700. Not strictly an abridgment of the OED, the New Shorter draws on the OED's ongoing revision as well as its own independent research program. Each entry provides all the information you would expect from a leading unabridged dictionary: it identifies each word's various meanings, origins, part of speech, pronunciation (in the International Phonetic Alphabet), and combinations in which the word is often found, as well as cross-references to related words. The New Shorter, however, offers something that no competitor can match: the historical, literary approach made justly famous by the OED. Thousands upon thousands of changing meanings are followed through history, illustrated by more than 83,000 quotations, from Ben Franklin to Lord Byron, from Jane Austen to Kazuo Ishiguro. The changing emphasis in the meaning of fiend, for instance, is shown by quotes ranging from Milton ("The Gates...belching outrageous flame...since the Fiend pass'd through") to J.D. Salinger ("Old Brossard was a bridge fiend, and he started looking around the dorm for a game"). The historical approach of The New Shorter offers a true feel for our rich, subtly textured language. Words are a palimpsest: along with their current meanings, many words contain the shadows of their past definitions. Understanding a word's history can help writers and speakers charge their language with nuance as well as precision. The New Shorter offers a delightful introduction to the fruits of etymology, providing a fascinating guide to the evolution of language--for both scholars and those who need a practical aid to contemporary usage. In addition, The New Shorter offers truly international--and up-to-date--coverage. Every year, the Oxford Dictionary Department receives more than 200,000 notices of new words and meanings. These notices come from the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, South Africa, India--everywhere English is spoken. As a result, this two-volume work boasts an unprecedented range of headwords and meanings, drawn from the arts and humanities as well as the sciences and technology. From molecular biology to computer software, from human anthropology to theoretical physics, the subjects covered in this dictionary make it a useful resource for scientific professionals--and for the unscientific struggling with technical terms. The result is the world's most comprehensive, thorough, up-to-date dictionary of English. A fascinating and endlessly browsable reference, The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary provides the definitive resource for scholars, professionals, general readers--for anyone, in fact, who wants the wealth of language available only in an unabridged dictionary. FEATURES: The immense scholarship of the Oxford English Dictionary-- Brought within reach of everyone: * 2 Volumes * 500,000 definitions * 7.5 million words * 4,000 pages * 97,600 headwords * 25,250 variant spellings * 87,400 illustrative quotations * 7,333 sources of quotations (including 5,519 individual authors)Combines information from the OED with the work of a massive research project, offering thousands of fresh entries and new definitionsUp-to-the-minute coverage of English--reaching back to 1700--with thousands of new words from a worldwide monitoring programThorough, completely current scientific coverageTraces the etymology and evolution of thousands of worlds (candidate, for instance, stems from a Latin word meaning "clothed un white," as Roman candidates for public office dressed in white togas)A two convenient volumes, with full-size type
Dictionary of British Sign Language: Compiled by the British Deaf Association
David Brien - 1993
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary & Thesaurus
Merriam-Webster - 1993
Installs easily on hard drive for instant access. Includes 21 powerful search options. Features audio pronunciations, more than 1,300 illustrations, and a Go Online option for additional information.
Flutes of Fire: Essays on California Indian Languages
Leanne Hinton - 1993
Each of these languages represents a unique way of understanding the world and expressing that understanding.Flutes of Fire examines many different aspects of Indian languages: languages, such as Yana, in which men and women have markedly different ways of speaking; ingenious ways used in each language for counting. Hinton discusses how language can retain evidence of ancient migrations, and addresses what different groups are doing to keep languages alive and pass them down to the younger generations.
The Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament
William D. Mounce - 1993
Its combination of features sets it apart from all previously published analytical lexicons: · Based on the UBS 3d edition (revised). · Includes both accepted and variant readings · Consistent with today’s standard Greek lexicons · Gives the frequency of each inflected form, verse references for forms that occur only once · Includes Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers for all words · Includes principal parts for all verbs · Contains a grammatical section with a discussion of paradigms and explanations as to why paradigms are formed as they are Most significantly, The Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament is keyed to the author’s Morphology of Biblical Greek, which explains in detail why some Greek words follow certain patterns and other Greek words follow seemingly very different patterns. The Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament is more than a tool for quick reference—it provides the Greek student or scholar with an index to another body of literature.
The Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Ebenezer Cobham Brewer - 1993
The Slavonic Languages
Bernard Comrie - 1993
In addition, the various alphabets of the Slavonic languages - particularly Roman, Cyrillic and Glagolitic - are discussed, and the relationships of the Slavonic languages to other Indo-European languages and to one another, are explored. The last chapter provides an account of those Slavonic languages in exile, for example, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech and Slovak in the USA.Each language-chapter is written by an expert in the field, in a format designed for comparative study. Information on each language includes: an introductory description of social context and development (where appropriate); a discussion of phonology; a detailed presentation of synchronic morphology, noting major historical developments; comprehensive treatment of syntactic properties; a discussion of vocabulary; an outline of main dialects; and an extensive bibliography, listing English and other sources.
Swedish: An Essential Grammar
Philip Holmes - 1993
All examples have been fully updated, the bibliography has been expanded and a number of tables clarified.Swedish: An Essential grammar provides a fresh and accessible description of the language. It is suitable for independent study or for class-based students. The explanations are free of jargon and emphasis has been placed in the areas of Swedish that pose a particular challenge for English-speaking learners.
Goofy Mad Libs
Roger Price - 1993
The idea is simple. Someone asks for a part of speech: a verb, a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. We've included definitions and examples of the parts of speech in case you've forgotten. Players call out their ideas to fill in the blanks and in the end, you have a story reeling from one silly sentence to another until nothing makes sense. That's what you call a Mad Lib®, the world's greatest word game. Players have been howling with friends or laughing all to themselves for over 35 years!
Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik: Wiederholen und Anwenden
Jamie Rankin - 1993
The organization of the 30 chapters allows instructors to teach sequentially or in modules, as each chapter is self-contained and can be used in any order. The chapter structure provides a presentation of new information, followed by material for oral and written practice: Grammatik (grammar), Worschatz (vocabulary), Ubungen (exercises, self-, and small-group practice), Anwendung (application, in-class group activities), Schriftliche Themen (writing topics), and Zusammenfassung (summary)."
German Quickly: A Grammar for Reading German
April Wilson - 1993
It teaches the fundamentals for reading German literary and scholarly texts of all levels of difficulty. It can be used as an introductory text for scholars with no background in German, or it can serve as a reference text for students wishing to review German. The grammar explanations are detailed and clear, addressing common problems students encounter while learning to read German. The book includes thought-provoking and entertaining reading selections, consisting mainly of aphorisms and proverbs. There are also 12 appendices, including a summary of German grammar, a partial answer key, strategies for learning German, and an extensive humanities vocabulary. April Wilson has been offering German reading courses to graduate students in the University of Chicago community since 1972. Her courses have an excellent reputation for providing students with the essentials of German grammar, quickly.
Word by Word Picture Dictionary
Steven J. Molinsky - 1993
The unique conversational approach of the Word by Word Picture Dictionary gives students communication practice with every word and provides the key vocabulary students need to know in a wide range of relevant topics and situations. feature the translations printed next to the English words for both in-class and self-study use. Available in Chinese, Haitian Kreyol, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Introduction to Attic Greek
Donald J. Mastronarde - 1993
Each of the forty-two chapters is a self-contained instructional unit, with challenging exercises carefully tailored to reflect the vocabulary and grammar learned to date. The units gradually build up the student's knowledge of declensions, tenses, and constructions by alternating emphasis on morphology and syntax. Readings become progressively more complex and, in the second half of the book, are largely based on actual texts and include unadapted passages from Xenophon, Lysias, Plato, Aristophanes, and Thucydides. Logically organized and remarkably lucid, Introduction to Attic Greek provides students with a strong grounding in the essentials of Greek grammar as well as a substantial body of vocabulary, enabling students to read, on completion of the course, a continuous text with commentary and dictionary.Included are a concise introduction to the history of the Greek language, a composite list of verbs with principal parts, an appendix of all paradigms, Greek-English and English-Greek glossaries, and a detailed index. The book is also a useful reference work for more advanced students who discover that gaps in their knowledge of basic Greek grammar prevent accurate reading of texts.
Old English: A Historical Linguistic Companion
Roger Lass - 1993
Professor Roger Lass makes accessible in a linguistically up-to-date and readable form the Indo-European and Germanic background to Old English, as well as what can be reconstructed about the resulting state of Old English itself. He bridges the gap between elementary Old English grammars and the major philological grammars and recent interpretations of Old English data.
The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet
Alvin Boyd Kuhn - 1993
Reveals the hidden meaning of the alphabet and the surprising ways it has been used in history.
Practicing German Grammar: A Workbook
Martin Durrell - 1993
This workbook reflects trends in the language, and helps to practice and improve German skills. It encourages students to discover grammar regularities by themselves. Activities in it are based on documents such as newspaper articles.
The Welsh Language: A Pocket Guide
Janet Davies - 1993
This accessible and comprehensive introduction traces the development of the Welsh language from its origins, which extend back at least 2,500 years within Britain, to the present day, when about half a million people speak Welsh. Janet Davies offers a broad historical survey, looking at Welsh-language culture from sixth-century heroic poetry to television and pop music in the late twentieth century. She considers the public status of the language from the Act of Union with England of 1536 to the enactment of the Welsh Language Act in 1993, compares the status of Welsh with that of other minority languages throughout Europe and provides a brief guide to pronunciation, dialect and grammar.
Longman Advanced Grammar: Reference and Practice
L.G. Alexander - 1993
The book is designed to compliment and extend the grammar presented in conventional coursebooks and is also suitable for those working for the Cambridge Advanced English and Proficiency exams.
A Guide to the Oxford English Dictionary
Donna Lee Berg - 1993
Now, this work of art has been expanded and enhanced to a full-length book, A Guide to the Oxford English Dictionary. Here Donna Lee Berg has provided a fascinating source of general information about the OED as well as a detailed account of the conventions and organization of the dictionary text, specially designed to enhance the reader's enjoyment and understanding of this incomparable work. This lively volume is the first to provide an in-depth account of the structure of the OED: it gives an analysis of the components of a typical entry, and covers special entries, such as acronyms, abbreviations, and proper names. In addition, a fascinating A-Z companion section covers grammatical terms, languages, the history of the Dictionary, the individuals who have shaped it, and a host of other topics. Also included are a bibliography, a chronology of the OED, and a listing of key facts and figures about the Dictionary. The Guide will be an invaluable handbook for everyone who relies on the OED, a roadmap to the greatest dictionary ever compiled.
The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice
Willis Barnstone - 1993
Arguing that literary translation goes beyond the transfer of linguistic information, he emphasizes that imaginative originality resides as much in the translation as in the source text—a view that skews conventional ideas of artistic primacy. Barnstone begins by dealing with general issues of literalness, fidelity, and originality: with translation as metaphor, aesthetic transformation, and re-creation. He looks as well at translation as a traditionally stigmatized genre. Then he discusses the history of translation, using as his paradigm the most translated book in the world, the Bible, tracing it from its original Hebrew and Greek to Jerome's Latin and the English of Tyndale and the King James Version. Citing the way authors intentionally mistranslate for religious and political purposes, Barnstone provides fascinating insights into how, by altering names in the Gospels, the Virgin Mary and Jesus cease to be Jews, the Jews are turned into villains, and Christianity becomes an original rather than a mere translation. In the next section Barnstone analyzes translation theory, ranging from the second century B.C. Letter of Aristeas to Roman Jakobson's linguistic categories and Walter Benjamin's "Task of the Translator." The book ends with an aphoristic ABC of translating.
Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test (Book & CD-ROM)
Jolene Gear - 1993
Using an integrated skills approach that mirrors the structure of the TOEFL® iBT, this fully revised text is ideal for classroom use and self-study. The book contains hundreds of skill-building exercises covering all of the question types in the exam and four practice tests. A supporting skills section is provided to improve grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and study skills. The CD-ROM includes the tests from the book plus three additional practice tests in an electronic format that simulates the online TOEFL® iBT. The audio program, available on Audio CDs or Audio Cassettes, contains conversations, lectures, and all listening material for all listening exercises and test questions.
The Indo-European Languages
Anna Giacalone Ramat - 1993
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Language and Culture in Aboriginal Australia
Michael Walsh - 1993
How many Aboriginal languages are there? Where are they spoken? How are they learned by children? Are there dictionaries of Aboriginal languages? What is the connection between the land, people and language in Aboriginal Australia? This book answers these questions and more by providing a series of studies of different aspects of language and culture in different parts of Aboriginal Australia.
Writing Science: Literacy and Discursive Power
M.A.K. Halliday - 1993
Halliday and his colleague, J.R. Martin, show scientific discourses at work in a range of historical, contemporary, and cross-cultural sites: from the works of the nineteenth-century scientists to other cultures’ textual representations of the natural world; from school students’ writings on scientific knowledge and procedures to the construction of a “Secret English” of science in secondary school textbooks and classroom talk. While the book draws specifically from examples of Australian schooling, it both refers to and has immediate application to schooling in North America.Running across these essays is a commitment not just to remaking science as a humane endeavor, but also to developing new analytic perspectives for critiquing science. They will be of particular interest to science and literacy educators and to educational linguists teaching in the field of English.
Oxford Learner's Dictionary
Oxford University Press - 1993
An invaluable pocket dictionary for Greek-speaking learners of English.
Beckett's Dying Words: The Clarendon Lectures 1990
Christopher Ricks - 1993
But there is another truth: the longing for oblivion. With pain, wit, and humor, the art of Samuel Beckett variously embodies this truth, this ancient enduring belief that it is better to be dead than alive, best of all never to have been born. Beckett is the supreme writer of an age which has created new possibilities and impossibilities even in the matter of death and its definition--an age of transplants and life-support. But how does a writer give life to dismay at life itself, to the not unwelcome encroachments of death, when it is for the life, the vitality of their language that we value writers? Beckett became himself as a writer when he realized in his very words a principle of death: in clich�s, which are dead but won't lie down; in a dead language and its memento mori; in words which mean their own opposites, like cleaving; and in what Beckett called a syntax of weakness. This artful study explores the relation between deep convictions about life or death and the incarnations which these take in the exact turns of a great writer, the realizations of an Irishman who wrote in English and in French, two languages with different apprehensions of life and of death.
Brodie's Notes on J.M. Synge's the Playboy of the Western World
W.S. Bunnell - 1993
Part of a series of literature guides designed for GCSE and A Level coursework requirements, this book contains - author details, background to the work, summaries of the text, critical commentaries, analysis of characterization and sample questions with guideline answers.
Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 2
V. Abdur Rahim - 1993
The course is successfully taught in schools, colleges and universities throughout the world.Using the interactive teaching methods of Madinah Islaamic University, classical and modern Arabic is taught in methodical steps using topical dialogues, daily examples and ample examples from the Qur’aan, aHaadiith and Arabic poetry. Knowledge is cemented through a world of creative exercises.
Kansai Japanese: The Language of Osaka,Kyoto,and Western Japan
Peter Tse - 1993
This volume seeks to teach the Japanese language as it is really spoken in the region of Japan, which includes Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima and Nagoya, the home of the Japanese auto industry.
Speaking Our Language: The Complete Guide to Learning Gaelic For All Ages - Series 1, Part 1
Richard A.V. Cox - 1993
The learner is provided with vocabulary and phrases useful in everyday situations with the course focusing on conversation. The aim is to learn in an informal, fun way, using pictures and games, and "Speaking Our Language" has been praised by many people.
Context and Culture in Language Teaching
Claire Kramsch - 1993
This book focuses attention on cultural knowledge not just as a necessary aspect of communicative competence, but as an educational objective in its own right-as an end, as well as a means, of language learning.
Hungarian (Teach Yourself)
Zsuzsa Pontifex - 1993
You can use "Teach Yourself Hungarian Complete Course" at your own pace or as a supplement to formal courses. This complete course is based on the very latest learning methods and designed to be enjoyable and user-friendly.Prepared by experts in the language, "Teach Yourself Hungarian " begins with the basics and gradually promotes you to a level of smooth and confident communication, including: Up-to-date, graded interactive dialogues Graded units of culture notes, grammar, and exercises Step-by-step guide to pronunciation Practical vocabulary Regular and irregular verb tables Plenty of practice exercises and answers Bilingual glossary
Language Crimes: The Use and Abuse of Language Evidence in the Courtroom
Roger W. Shuy - 1993
These intriguing cases show how linguistic analysis can help the courts unravel the ambiguities of taped conversations used in evidence.
English Verb Classes and Alternations: A Preliminary Investigation
Beth Levin - 1993
Levin starts with the hypothesis that a verb's meaning influences its syntactic behavior and develops it into a powerful tool for studying the English verb lexicon. She shows how identifying verbs with similar syntactic behavior provides an effective means of distinguishing semantically coherent verb classes, and isolates these classes by examining verb behavior with respect to a wide range of syntactic alternations that reflect verb meaning. The first part of the book sets out alternate ways in which verbs can express their arguments. The second presents classes of verbs that share a kernel of meaning and explores in detail the behavior of each class, drawing on the alternations in the first part. Levin's discussion of each class and alternation includes lists of relevant verbs, illustrative examples, comments on noteworthy properties, and bibliographic references. The result is an original, systematic picture of the organization of the verb inventory. Easy to use, English Verb Classes and Alternations sets the stage for further explorations of the interface between lexical semantics and syntax. It will prove indispensable for theoretical and computational linguists, psycholinguists, cognitive scientists, lexicographers, and teachers of English as a second language.
Theoretical Bases of Indo-European Linguistics
Winfred P. Lehmann - 1993
This book presents, for the first time in English, a complete critical survey of the theory and methodology of Indo-European linguistics, from its origins two centuries ago to the present day.
Collins Bradford’s Crossword Solver’s Dictionary
Anne R. Bradford - 1993
Now available in paperback with a clear text design, users will never again be short of answers to their crossword clues!Bradford’s Crossword Solver’s Dictionary is a unique type of crossword dictionary in that it has been compiled and crafted by a single author based on her 50 years’ experience of crossword solving. Every word in this dictionary has appeared as a solution to a real crossword clue. Previous readers have found this book an invaluable reference work for both cryptic and quick crosswords, and new users will be quickly converted!
American Indian English
William L. Leap - 1993
It presents a convincing case for the fundamental influence of ancestral Native American languages on respective modern Indian English codes.A distillation of over twenty years’ experience, William Leap’s pioneering work on the varieties of American Indian English explores the linguistic and sociolinguistic characteristics of language use among Navajo, Hopi, Mojave, Ute, Tsimshian, Kotzebue, Ponca, Chilcotin, Seminole, Cherokee, and other American Indian tribes.Unlike contemporary studies on schooling, ethnicity, empowerment, and educational failure, American Indian English avoids postmodernist jargon and discourse strategies in favor of direct description and commentary. Data are derived from real-life conditions faced by speakers of Indian English in various English-speaking settings. This practical focus enhances the book’s accessibility to Indian educators and community-based teachers, as well as non-Indian academics.
Meaning and Reference
A.W. Moore - 1993
Contributors include Bertrand Russell, P.F. Strawson, W.V. Quine, Donald Davidson, John McDowell, Michael Dummett, Hilary Putnam, Saul Kripke, David Wiggins, and Gareth Evans. The aim of this series is to bring together important recent writings in major areas of philosophical inquiry, selected from a wide variety of sources, mostly periodicals, which may not be conveniently available to the university student or the general reader.
Phrasal Verb Organiser
John Flower - 1993
It does what its title promises: it organises this difficult but essential area of English.
Euripides and the Poetics of Sorrow: Art, Gender, and Commemoration in Alcestis, Hippolytus, and Hecuba
Charles Segal - 1993
Segal shows how these plays draw on ancient traditions of poetic and ritual commemoration, particularly epic song, and at the same time refashion these traditions into new forms. In place of the epic muse of martial glory, Euripides, Segal argues, evokes a muse of sorrows who transforms the suffering of individuals into a "common grief for all the citizens," a community of shared feeling in the theater. Like his predecessors in tragedy, Euripides believes death, more than any other event, exposes the deepest truth of human nature. Segal examines the revealing final moments in Alcestis, Hippolytus, and Hecuba, and discusses the playwright's use of these deaths--especially those of women--to question traditional values and the familiar definitions of male heroism. Focusing on gender, the affective dimension of tragedy, and ritual mourning and commemoration, Segal develops and extends his earlier work on Greek drama. The result deepens our understanding of Euripides' art and of tragedy itself.
MacMillan Visual Desk Reference
Jean-Claude Corbeil - 1993
The result makes both an entertaining browse and a comprehensive reference. 2,500 illustrations.
They Write Their Dreams on the Rock Forever: Rock Writings in the Stein River Valley of British Columbia
Annie York - 1993
This is perhaps the first time that a Native elder has presented a detailed and comprehensive explanation of rock-art images from her people’s culture. As Annie York’s narratives unfold, we are taken back to the fresh wonder of childhood, as well as to a time in human society when people and animals lived together in one psychic dimension.This book describes, among many other things, the solitary spiritual meditations of young people in the mountains, once considered essential education. Astrological predictions, herbal medicine, winter spirit dancing, hunting, shamanism, respect for nature, midwifery, birth and death, are some of the topics that emerge from Annie’s reading of the trail signs and other cultural symbols painted on the rocks. She firmly believed that this knowledge should be published so that the general public could understand why, as she put it, “The Old People reverenced those sacred places like that Stein.”They Write Their Dreams on the Rock Forever opens a discussion of some of the issues in rock-art research that relate to “notating” and “writing” on the landscape, around the world and through the millennia. This landmark publication presents a well-reasoned hypothesis to explain the evolution of symbolic or iconic writing from sign language, trail signs and from the geometric and iconic imagery of the dreams and visions of shamans and neophyte hunters. This book suggests that the resultant images, written or painted on stone, constitute a Protoliteracy which has assisted both the conceptualization and communication of hunting peoples’ histories, philosophies, morals and ways life, and prepared the human mind for the economic, sociological and intellectual developments, including alphabetic written language.
Developing Vocabulary Concepts for College Thinking
Sherrie L. Nist - 1993
Welsh English, English Welsh Dictionary
H. Meurig Evans - 1993
Irish Language in the United States: A Historical, Sociolinguistic, and Applied Linguistic Survey
Thomas W. Ihde - 1993
This collection of essays will inform them of the history of the language in America, the role this language plays in Irish-American identity, and the best way to go about learning it. The sociolinguistic essays concentrate on Irish as an American ethnic language, including interviews with native Irish speakers in the United States today, surveys of Irish usage, and an examination of letters by immigrants back to Ireland in the nineteenth century. Applied linguistic essays describe the Irish language student population in the United States, survey materials and methods used to teach Americans, and tell the story of one Irish language teacher in California whose work has led to great personal satisfaction and considerable Irish-American group solidarity. This is the first major work in English on the Irish language in America.
Encounters in Modern Hebrew: Level 2
Edna Amir Coffin - 1993
Extensively classroom-tested at the University of Michigan, the text provides a comprehensive introduction to the reading, writing, and pronunciation of modern Hebrew through an array of interesting exercises and activities reflecting up-to-the-minute language-learning theory.
French Verb Handbook
Berlitz Publishing Company - 1993
A perfect supplement for learners of French at all levels. Over 200 pages.
Africanisms in Afro-American Language Varieties
Salikoko S. Mufwene - 1993
The round table was held in response to an increasing realization among creolists that the contribution of the African substrate languages to the structures of creoles and semi-creoles in various parts of the world is more significant than has heretofore been acknowledged.This book challenges two prevailing hypotheses: the Language Bioprogram Hypothesis, which argues that Universal Grammar is the dominant influence on the structures of these languages, and the Superstratist Hypothesis, which maintains that the European lexifying languages are the dominant influences. The papers included in this volume focus on the majority of creole languages and black English variants found in North and South America. The collection also includes a number of lesser-known languages and contact situations in the Caribbean and in South America, including the Berbice Dutch community of Guyana and the French-based creoles of the Lesser Antilles.The contributors address many important questions. What are "Africanisms"? What kinds of conditions favor Africanisms? What is the relationship of linguistic Africanisms to cultural Africanisms? Are Africanisms, Europeanisms, and other influences mutually exclusive? How many kinds of Africanisms are there? Should we expect to find the same kinds of Africanisms throughout the New World? What do the findings of Africanisms tell us about the creole genesis in general?In the extensive introduction, Mufwene highlights the important features of each of the papers included in the volume, cross-references them, and attempts to capture their interrelatedness. The scholarship includes topics of current interest in creole genesis, language and culture contacts, and historical linguistics. Papers devoted specifically to historical concerns address such topics as the cultural development of the American South and the interaction of white and Afro-American groups.Africanisms in Afro-American Language Varieties represents a turning point in research and methodological approached in the study of African linguistic influences in the New World. The volume will be used not only by linguists interested in New World varieties of European languages and by scholars of the New World for indirect evidence for some of their hypotheses.
Harper Collins Italian Dictionary: Italian English, English Italian
Catherine E. Love - 1993
With emphasis on current American usage, the new college edition of the Harper Collins Italian Dictionary is designed primarily for the American English-Speaking reader, and is ideal for school, office and home use.
Themen Neu: Lehrwerk Fur Deutsch Als Fremdsprache (English Glossary for Themen Neu 1.)
Alan Jones - 1993
English Glossary for Themen neu 1.
Berlitz Portuguese Phrase Book & Dictionary
Berlitz Publishing Company - 1993
Providing a wealth of essential information and practical tips, this popular series, redesigned and with updated phrases and expressions and over 2,300 words covering just about any situation a traveler is likely to encounter, remains the unparalleled market leader.
The Myth of Egypt and Its Hieroglyphs in European Tradition
Erik Iverson - 1993
This is the story of a creative misunderstanding: an erroneous interpretation of the traditions of ancient Egypt became a rich source of inspiration for Europeans from ancient times through the medieval and Renaissance periods to the Baroque era. The misguided notion that hieroglyphs were allegorical, and that they constituted a sacred writing of ideas, exerted a dynamic influence in almost all fields of intellectual and artistic endeavor, as did conceptions of Egypt as the venerable home of true wisdom and of occult and mystic knowledge. The Baroque Piazza Navona in Rome, for instance, is only one of the many great public spaces that center on an Egyptian obelisk and an attempt to read its mysterious signs.Iversen begins by discussing the nature of Egyptian writing. Then he explains, in detail and with apposite illustrations and quotations, the ways in which Europeans tried to understand and use the hieroglyphs. A final chapter sets Jean Fran�ois Champollion's decipherment of the hieroglyphs into a vividly reconstructed historical context.