Best of
Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of "Sex"
Judith Butler - 1993
Butler offers a brilliant reworking of the body, examining how the power of heterosexual hegemony forms the "matter" of bodies, sex, and gender. Butler argues that power operates to constrain sex from the start, delimiting what counts as a viable sex. She clarifies the notion of "performativity" introduced in Gender Trouble and via bold readings of Plato, Irigaray, Lacan, and Freud explores the meaning of a citational politics. She also draws on documentary and literature with compelling interpretations of the film Paris is Burning, Nella Larsen's Passing, and short stories by Willa Cather.
Wilton Barnhardt - 1993
Wilton Barnhardt's narrative races through three continents, nine countries, and dozens of colorful locales, as two character--shy theological student Lucy Dantan and hard-drinking, disillusioned ex-Jesuit Patrick O'Hanrahan--pursue rumors and clues about the gospel's whereabouts and contents. In the end, what they discover will challenge and forever change the nature of faith.An intellectual detective story with the erudition of Umberto Eco and the grand swirling entertainment of a nineteenth-century novel, Gospel is exciting, profound, reverent, and terrifically funny.
Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing
Hélène Cixous - 1993
Her emotive style draws heavily on the writers she most admires: the Brazilian novelist Clarice Lispector, the Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva, the Austrian novelists Ingeborg Bachmann and Thomas Bernhard, Dostoyevsky, and, most of all, Kafka.
A David Lodge Trilogy
David Lodge - 1993
When Philip Swallow, lecturer in English at Rummidge, changes places with flamboyant Morris Zapp of Euphoric State University, USA, trouble ensues. Then, ten years on, older but not noticeably wiser, they are let loose on the international conference circuit - a veritable academic carnival. And finally, Dr Robyn Penrose becomes part of a scheme to learn about industry instead of reading about it, with hilarious results. David Lodge exposes the dizzy pursuit of knowledge - literary, commercial, romantic and erotic - with unparalleled wit and insight.Changing Places 1975Small World 1985Nice Work 1989
Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen
Michel Chion - 1993
Expanding on arguments made in his influential books The "Voice in Cinema" and "Sound in Cinema," Chion provides lapidary insight into the functions and aesthetics of sound in film and television. He considers the effects of such evolving technologies as widescreen, multitrack, and Dolby; the influences of sound on the perception of space and time; and the impact of such contemporary forms of audio-vision as music videos, video art, and commercial television. Chion concludes with an original and useful model for the audiovisual analysis of film.
The Field of Cultural Production
Pierre Bourdieu - 1993
He examines the individuals and institutions involved in making cultural products what they are: not only the writers and artists, but also the publishers, critics, dealers, galleries, and academies. He analyzes the structure of the cultural field itself as well as its position within the broader social structures of power.The essays in his volume examine such diverse topics as Flaubert's point of view, Manet's aesthetic revolution, the historical creation of the pure gaze, and the relationship between art and power.The Field of Cultural Production will be of interest to students and scholars from a wide range of disciplines: sociology and social theory, literature, art, and cultural studies.
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - 1993
Combining poetry, wit, polemic, and dazzling scholarship with memorial and autobiography, these essays have set new standards of passion and truthfulness for current theoretical writing.The essays range from Diderot, Oscar Wilde, and Henry James to queer kids and twelve-step programs; from "Jane Austen and the Masturbating Girl" to a performance piece on Divine written with Michael Moon; from political correctness and the poetics of spanking to the experience of breast cancer in a world ravaged and reshaped by AIDS. What unites Tendencies is a vision of a new queer politics and thought that, however demanding and dangerous, can also be intent, inclusive, writerly, physical, and sometimes giddily fun.
Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class
Eric Lott - 1993
Born of extreme racial and class conflicts, the blackface minstrel show sometimes usefully intensified them. Based on the appropriation of black dialect, music, and dance, minstrelsy at once applauded and lampooned black culture, ironically contributing to a "blackening of America." Drawing on recent research in cultural studies and social history, Eric Lott examines the role of the blackface minstrel show in the political struggles of the years leading up to the Civil War. Reading minstrel music, lyrics, jokes, burlesque skits, and illustrations in tandem with working-class racial ideologies and the sex/gender system, Love and Theft argues that blackface minstrelsy both embodied and disrupted the racial tendencies of its largely white, male, working-class audiences. Underwritten by envy as well as repulsion, sympathetic identification as well as fear--a dialectic of "love and theft"--the minstrel show continually transgressed the color line even as it enabled the formation of a self-consciously white working class. Lott exposes minstrelsy as a signifier for multiple breaches: the rift between high and low cultures, the commodification of the dispossessed by the empowered, the attraction mixed with guilt of whites caught in the act of cultural thievery.
Crime Control as Industry
Nils Christie - 1993
Since the second edition was published in 1994, prison populations, especially in Russia and America, have grown at an increasingly rapid rate. This third edition is published to take account of these changes and draw attention to the scale of an escalating problem. It contains completely new chapters - one on 'penal geography', the other on 'the Russian case' - and has been extensively revised.
Unmarked: The Politics of Performance
Peggy Phelan - 1993
Written from and for the Left, Unmarked rethinks the claims of visibility politics through a feminist psychoanalytic examination of specific performance texts - including photography, painting, film, theatre and anti-abortion demonstrations.
Phlebotomy Essentials
Ruth E. McCall - 1993
This new edition continues the LWW focus on providing accurate, up-to-date, and practical instruction in phlebotomy procedures and techniques, grounded by a comprehensive background in phlebotomy theory. Key additions include updated information on the latest CLSI guidelines, new media to accompany each chapter, more color photos, and the addition of terms to align the text with the International Standards Organization (ISO).Written to be highly accessible to students at all levels, and comprehensive enough for practicing phlebotomists, this text is complemented by a robust ancillary suite to help readers of all learning styles master the material. The online ancillaries, coupled with the text and available workbook and exam review book, help create a dynamic phlebotomy learning experience.
Writing Diaspora: Tactics of Intervention in Contemporary Cultural Studies
Rey Chow - 1993
this is no doctrinaire tract but rather a concerted attempt to look at important cultural problems from a fresh perspective.... Chow's book is an excellent example of its type."--Discourse & Society"I believe that Rey Chow has written a powerful set of essays which offer a critical strategy for approaching questions of otherness and other societies by forcing us to constantly reassess our position." --Harry HarootunianWriting Diaspora questions aspects of cultural politics, including the legacies of European imperialism and colonialism, the media, pedagogy, literature, literacy, sexuality, intellectual labor, the uses and abuses of theory, and popularized notions about "others."
The One, the Three and the Many: God, Creation, and the Culture of Modernity
Colin E. Gunton - 1993
Problems of social, theological, and philosophical thought are traced back beyond the Enlightenment to the very roots of Western Christian theology. A response to these problems is essayed by constructively developing conceptual possibilities to be found in ancient and modern theology of the Trinity.
The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture
Terry Castle - 1993
In essays on literary images of lesbianism from Defoe and Diderot to Virginia Woolf and Djuna Barnes, on the homosexual reputation of Marie Antoinette, on the lesbian writings of Anne Lister, Sylvia Townsend Warner, and Janet Flanner, and on Henry James's The Bostonians, Castle shows how a lesbian presence can be identified in the literature, history, and culture of the past three centuries.
Gestalt Therapy: The Attitude & Practice of an Atheoretical Experientialism
Claudio Naranjo - 1993
Now fully updated by the author, it is joined by a collection of essays that present the Naranjo's reassessment of Gestalt therapy for the present day. In his fascinating study Naranjo has captured the flavour and distinctive character of the California-based school of Gestalt therapy, propagated by Perls in his last years as a teacher and exemplar of the approach he pioneered. Lively and readible, learned and insightful, this book will be indispensible both for professionals and the lay-reader, demonstrating why Fritz Perls was truly the father of the now-flourishing human potential movement.
Approaches to Teaching Austen's Pride and Prejudice
Marcia McClintock Folsom - 1993
Despite its enormous appeal--the novel has been in print almost continuously since its publication in 1812--there are few scholarly works devoted to teaching it. As Marcia McClintock Folsom notes in her introduction to Approaches to Teaching Austen's Pride and Prejudice, respondents to an MLA survey on teaching this Austen novel expressed the need for relevant background materials, brief reviews of criticism, and descriptions of pedagogical strategies This volume, like others in the MLA's Approaches to Teaching World Literature series, is divided into two parts. The first part, "Materials," reviews available editions of Pride and Prejudice and works of criticism. The section also includes a handy biographical chronology and a map. In the second part, "Approaches," sixteen teachers offer ideas for presenting the novel in the classroom, such as examining the social and economic conditions of late-eighteenth-century England; discussing biographical details, Austen's unpublished writing (e.g., her juvenilia and letters), and the influence of other works on her fiction; considering the structure and themes of the novel; and analyzing Austen's use of language. This collection is an indispensable resource for teachers of courses ranging from introductory literature surveys and continuing-education classes to graduate-level seminars.
On Weathering: The Life of Buildings in Time
Mohsen Mostafavi - 1993
Their central discovery, that weathering makes the final state of the construction necessarily indefinite, challenges the conventional notion of a building's completeness. By recognizing the inherent uncertainty and inevitability of weathering and by viewing the concept of weathering as a continuation of the building process rather than as a force antagonistic to it, the authors offer alternative readings of historical constructions and potential beginnings for new architectural projects.
Awareness, Dialogue & Process: Essays on Gestalt Therapy
Gary M. Yontef - 1993
Highly recommended as a training text and as a resource for graduate students and scholars.
Advances in Behavioral Finance
Richard H. Thaler - 1993
Nevertheless, as the increasingly exquisite and detailed financial data demonstrate, financial markets often fail to behave as they should if trading were truly dominated by the fully rational investors that populate financial theories. These markets anomalies have spawned a new approach to finance, one which as editor Richard Thaler puts it, "entertains the possibility that some agents in the economy behave less than fully rationally some of the time." Advances in Behavioral Finance collects together twenty-one recent articles that illustrate the power of this approach. These papers demonstrate how specific departures from fully rational decision making by individual market agents can provide explanations of otherwise puzzling market phenomena. To take several examples, Werner De Bondt and Thaler find an explanation for superior price performance of firms with poor recent earnings histories in the tendencies of investors to overreact to recent information. Richard Roll traces the negative effects of corporate takeovers on the stock prices of the acquiring firms to the overconfidence of managers, who fail to recognize the contributions of chance to their past successes. Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny show how the difficulty of establishing a reliable reputation for correctly assessing the value of long term capital projects can lead investment analysis, and hence corporate managers, to focus myopically on short term returns. As a testing ground for assessing the empirical accuracy of behavioral theories, the successful studies in this landmark collection reach beyond the world of finance to suggest, very powerfully, the importance of pursuing behavioral approaches to other areas of economic life. Advances in Behavioral Finance is a solid beachhead for behavioral work in the financial arena and a clear promise of wider application for behavioral economics in the future.
Comrades and Chicken Ranchers
Kenneth L. Kann - 1993
It had been a small-town agricultural community, where Jewish chicken ranchers and radicals enjoyed a vigorous Yiddish cultural life, maintained intense political commitments, and took part in sharp conflicts among themselves and with the society beyond.In this unique work of oral history, Kenneth Kann has ingeniously arranged and edited interviews with more than two hundred people, some of them telling their life stories in their own Yiddishized English. We meet an array of striking characters and families of three generations--East European immigrant settlers, their children, and their grandchildren.The narrative begins with the immigrant generation's flight from the Old World and traces the immigrants' long, uneasy adjustment to life in America. It describes the dilemma of the members of the second generation, who find themselves torn between the ways of their parents and the gentile world around them. The book concludes with accounts of the third generation, who feel distant from their grandparents but who struggle to recover lost ethnic roots and are uncertain how to raise their children.In this compelling chorus of voices, we find a Jewish Communist who describes being tarred and feathered in the 1930s and his grandson, recalling his own encounters, during the anti-war movement of the 1960s, with the grandchildren of the vigilantes who carried out the earlier assault. An immigrant proudly explains why she taught her children Yiddish, and a grandchild scolds his parents because they did not. One young woman finds the Jewish community too gossipy and confining; another is warmed by its closeness.The cast is vibrant, their words both touching and often hilarious. Comrades and Chicken Ranchers is a delight.
Dictionary of Theories
Jennifer Bothamley - 1993
Organized alphabetically, coverage extends from the arts to economics, history, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and on through the hard sciences. Ancient and modern, accepted and discredited, all theories which have relevance in today's world are included. The depth of the terms varies from undergraduate level to the more populist, with theories such as Parkinson's Law and the Peter Principle included.
Designed for Dignity: What God Has Made It Possible for You to Be
Richard L. Pratt Jr. - 1993
What has God made us? What have we made of ourselves? And what can we become in Christ? Richard L. Pratt shows from Scripture how God's amazing design for humanity can be realized in his people. Solid biblical insights, vivid illustrations, and helpful questions for review and discussion make this a valuable resource for group study or individual use.
Experiencing Narrative Worlds
Richard J. Gerrig - 1993
He discusses the ways in which we are cognitively equipped to tackle fictional and nonfictional narratives; how thought and emotion interact when we experience narrative; how narrative information influences judgments in the real world; and the reasons we can feel the same excitement and suspense when we reread a book as when we read it for the first time. Gerrig also explores the ways we enhance the experience of narratives, through finding solutions to textual dilemmas, enjoying irony at the expense of characters in the narrative, and applying a wide range of interpretive techniques to discover meanings concealed by and from authors.
Making Violence Sexy: Feminist Views on Pornography
Diana E.H. RussellCharlene Y. Senn - 1993
It does this in a collection of feminist articles, including testimonies by victims/survivors of pornography that together make a convincing case for the view that pornography (as distinct from erotica) causes harm to women, including acts of violence. The volume is organized into four parts, the first of which provides vivid and moving personal accounts of how women's lives have been damaged by pornography. Part two gives an overview of the present status of pornography in our society, as well as the raging debate over pornography and censorship. Part three details several interesting and significant studies on the effects of pornography, as well as critiques of some of the most influential non-feminist researchers. The concluding part then describes actions, both humorous and grave, that feminists have employed in their fight against pornography. Some of the contributors are: Andrea Dworkin, Patricia Hill Collins, Catharine MacKinnon, Gloria Steinem and John Stoltenberg. "Making Violence Sexy: Feminist Views on Pornography" will appeal to students and lecturers of women's studies and sociology, political activists, public officials, social scientists, legal and medical professionals - those who consider pornography free speech, and those who of it as obscene, and those who consider it a form of discrimination against women. Women's studies teachers should find it a welcome addition to their required reading lists, and those working against sexual violence may appreciate it as a primary, up-to-date, and comprehensive source and inspiration.
War, Aggression and Self-Defence
Yoram Dinstein - 1993
This third edition incorporates new material on the Kosovo air campaign, 'humanitarian intervention', recent resolutions adopted by the Security Council, the latest pronouncements of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Also discussed are new treaties including the 1998 Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court and current studies of the International Law Commission. In addition, supplementary sections consider, for example, enforcement action carried out by regional organizations under the authority of the Security Council. War, Aggression and Self-Defence remains a comprehensive and highly readable introduction to the legal issues surrounding war and self-defence, and continues to provide an indispensable tool for students and practitioners of international law, international relations and military studies.
Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Educational Needs
Peter Westwood - 1993
Not only must teachers understand and accept students with disabilities and learning problems, but they must also possess a wide range of teaching and management strategies. Similar knowledge and skills are also required by classroom assistants and other personnel working in a support role in schools. This book offers sound practical advice on assessment and intervention based on the latest research evidence from the field.This fully revised and updated sixth edition includes chapters on:general and specific learning difficulties students with autism intellectual, physical or sensory impairments self-regulation social skills behaviour management literacy and numeracy curriculum adaptation teaching methods.In addition, the book presents a new chapter on the special needs of gifted and talented students.The practical advice the author gives throughout the book is embedded within a clear theoretical context supported by current research and classroom practice.
Disabling Barriers Enabling Environments
John Swain - 1993
It has breadth and diversity in its content yet is presented in bite-size chapters. For those wishing to know more, it offers signposts to the relevant literature. The contributors have been carefully selected for their specific perspective yet these have been skilfully inter-related by the editors. It is now some 11 years since the first edition of this text was published. In my view, this second edition was worth the wait′ -
SCOLAG Journal
`This has been a ground-breaking book...and I whole-heartedly welcome a new edition′-
Professor Len Barton, School of Education, The University of Sheffield
`It is a really well-structured book which has been very popular and widely used by students...Its great qualities are accessibility and diversity of contributors′ -
Jenny Corbett, Institute of Education, University of London
`This book would be a valuable resource to students of disability studies and to health and social care staff and other professionals who work with disabled people′-
Disability and Rehabilitation
The Second Edition of this landmark text has been revised to provide an up-to-date accessible introductory text to the field of disability studies. In addition to analysing the barriers that disabled people encounter in education, housing, leisure and employment, the revised edition has new chapters on:
- international issues- diversity among disabled people- sexuality- bioethics.
Written by disabled people who are leading academics in the field, the text comprises 45 short and engaging chapters, to provide a broad-ranging and accessible introduction to disability issues.
Disabling Barriers, Enabling Environments is an invaluable resource for both students and practitioners alike. It is an ideal text for undergraduates and postgraduates taking courses in disability studies, as well as disability courses in social work, education, health studies, sociology and social policy.
Crime in the Making P
Robert J. Sampson - 1993
It is based on the reanalysis of a classic set of data: Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency, Sheldon and Eleanor Gluecks' mid-twentieth-century study of 500 delinquents and 500 nondelinquents from childhood to adulthood. Several years ago, Robert Sampson and John Laub dusted off sixty cartons of the Gleucks' data that had been stored in the basement of the Harvard Law School. After a lengthy process of recoding and reanalyzing these data, they developed and tested a theory of informal social control that acknowledges the importance of childhood behavior but rejects the implication that adult social factors have little relevance.
The War Puzzle
John A. Vasquez - 1993
The author describes systematically those factors common to wars between equal states to see if there is a pattern that suggests why war occurs and delineates the typical path by which relatively equal states have become embroiled in wars with one another in the modern global system. The book differs from others in that it employs the large number of empirical findings generated in the past twenty-five years to solve the puzzle of war and peace.
Women's Rebellion and Islamic Memory
Fatema Mernissi - 1993
The book first explores some of the concrete issues fundamental to the status of Muslim women, such as the production of statistics which mask women's contribution to the economies of the Arab States. The author also looks at a variety of demographics, including education and literacy. Mernissi shows their importance, not only for empowering women, but also for improving their health. She analyzes the role of the State in prescribing women's roles, activities and spheres, and explores the insidious consequences of state-supported inequality, not only for women but for the creative and spiritual life of a culture.
Fear of a Queer Planet: Queer Politics and Social Theory
Michael Warner - 1993
Book annotation not available for this title.
Words That Wound: Critical Race Theory, Assaultive Speech, And The First Amendment
Mari J. Matsuda - 1993
In this important book, four prominent legal scholars from the tradition of critical race theory draw on the experience of injury from racist hate speech to develop a first amendment interpretation that recognizes such injuries. In their critique of “first amendment orthodoxy,” the authors argue that only a history of racism can explain why defamation, invasion of privacy, and fraud are exempt from free-speech guarantees while racist and sexist verbal assaults are not.The rising tide of verbal violence on college campuses has increased the intensity of the “hate speech” debate. This book demonstrates how critical race theory can be brought to bear against both conservative and liberal ideology to motivate a responsible regulation of hate speech. The impact of feminist theory is also evident throughout. The authors have provided a rare and powerful example of the application of critical theory to a real-life problem.This timely and necessary book will be essential reading for those experiencing the conflicts of free-speech issues on campus—students, faculty, administrators, and legislators—as well as for scholars of jurisprudence. It will also be a valuable classroom tool for teachers in political science, sociology, law, education, ethnic studies, and women’s studies.
Our Ladies of Darkness: Feminine Daemonology in Male Gothic Fiction
Joseph Andriano - 1993
His close reading of the individual texts leads to illuminating intertextual parallels, drawn through an archetypal perspective, which creates coherence among the many recurring image-patterns and motifs.The haunting is an incursion into the male ego's dominion: the female demon is seen as a usurper or intruder; she inhabits and insidiously attempts to exert her influence, to feminize the male. These demands include the impelling need to acknowledge male femininity, or androgyny. Ignoring this drive, which Andriano views as instinctual and archetypal, often results in what the Romantics called nympholepsy, and what Carl Jung called anima-possession.Although the notion that men need to acknowledge their own femininity is not new, the realization that doing so involves coming to terms not only with Eros (in its widest sense) but also with Thanatos has never been sufficiently emphasized, except perhaps by the post-Jungian James Hillman, by whose work Andriano is especially influenced. This book clearly and succinctly demonstrates that fear of the inner feminine prevents a man from ever fully maturing; his anima remains that of a child (he can only view women as girls or mothers), and he never comes to know, much less to love, the dark side of his soul, his own lady of darkness.
Blood Cinema: The Reconstruction of National Identity in Spain
Marsha Kinder - 1993
Her questioning and internationalizing of the "national cinema" concept and her application of contemporary critical theory—especially insights from feminism, Marxism, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, and discourse theory—distinguish Blood Cinema from previous film histories. The author also makes use of a variety of sources within Spain such as the commentaries on Spanish character and culture by Unamunov and others, the contemporary debate over the restructuring of Spanish television.Kinder's book moves Spanish cinema into the mainstream of film studies by demonstrating that a knowledge of its history alters and enriches our understanding of world cinema.The interactive CD-ROM is available from CINE-DISCS, 2021 Holly Hill Terrace, Los Angeles, CA 90068, (213) 876-7678.
Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management: Organizing for Innovation and Growth
David J. Teece - 1993
These are the skills, processes, routines, organizational structures, and disciplines that enable firms to build, employ, and orchestrate intangible assets relevant to satisfying customer needs, and which cannot be readily replicated by competitors. Enterprises with strong dynamic capabilities are intensely entrepreneurial. They not onlyadapt to business ecosystems; they also shape them through innovation, collaboration, learning, and involvement.David Teece was the pioneer of the dynamic capabilities perspective. It is grounded in 25 years of his research, teaching, and consultancy. His ideas have been influential in business strategy, management, and economics, and are relevant to innovation, technology management, and competition policy.Through his consultancy and advisory work he has also brought these ideas to bear in business and policy making around the world.This book is the clearest and most succinct statement of the core ideas of dynamic capabilities. Teece explains their genesis, application, and how they offer an alternative approach to much conventional strategic thinking grounded in simplistic and outdated understandings of industrialorganizations and the foundations of competitive advantage. Accessibly written and presented, it will be an invaluable and stimulating tool for all those who want to understand this important contribution to strategic thinking, be they MBA students, academics, managers, or consultants.