Child Development: A Practitioner's Guide

Douglas Davies - 1999
    The book begins with a framework elucidating the transactions between individual development and the child's wider environment, and emphasizing the crucial role of attachment. Key developmental processes and tasks from infancy through middle childhood are then discussed in paired chapters that respectively address how children of different ages typically feel, think, and behave, and how to intervene effectively with those who are having difficulties.

Intercultural Competence: Interpersonal Communication Across Cultures

Myron W. Lustig - 1993
    Blending both the practical and theoretical, the concrete and abstract, this book is both enjoyable to read and thoroughly researched. By clearly explaining different theories and the significance of cultural patterns and having readers practice what they learn via examples in the book, Intercultural Competence better prepares readers to interact in intercultural relationships. The book also provides a discussion of important ethical and social issues relating to intercultural communication. The authors cover U.S. cultures as well as global cultural issues.

Essentials of Psychiatric Diagnosis, First Edition: Responding to the Challenge of DSM-5

Allen Frances - 2013
    Covering every disorder routinely encountered in clinical practice, Frances provides the appropriate ICD-9-CM code for each one (the same code utilized in the DSM), a useful screening question, a colorful descriptive prototype, lucid diagnostic tips, and a discussion of other disorders that must be ruled out. The book closes with an index of the most common presenting symptoms, listing possible diagnoses that must be considered for each. Frances was instrumental in the development of past editions of the DSM and provides helpful cautions on questionable aspects of DSM-5.

The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View

Laura A. King - 2007
    This book is built around the idea that students must study the discipline of psychology as a whole, that the sub-disciplines are intricately connected, and that human behavior is best understood by exploring its functioning state in addition to its potential dysfunctions.

DSM-5 Overview (Quick Study Academic)

BarCharts, Inc. - 2009
    Disorders are summarized to be useful for students and professionals as a handy reference to support the study of the DSM-5 manual or its use in practice. Topics summarized include: Neurodevelopmental Disorders Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Bipolar and Related Disorders Depressive Disorders Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders Anxiety Disorders Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders Dissociative Disorders Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders Feeding and Eating Disorders Elimination Disorders Sleep-Wake Disorders Sexual Dysfunctions Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders Neurocognitive Disorders Personality Disorders Paraphilic Disorders Other Mental Disorders Other Conditions That May be a Focus of Clinical Attention

Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior

Dennis Coon - 2000
    The Twelfth Edition's hallmark continues to be its pioneering integration of the proven-effective SQ4R learning system (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Review, Recite), which promotes critical thinking as it guides students step-by-step to an understanding of psychology's broad concepts and diversity of topics. Throughout every chapter, these active learning tools—together with the book's example-laced writing style, discussions of positive psychology, cutting-edge coverage of the field's new research findings, and excellent media resources—ensure that students find the study of psychology fascinating, relevant, and above all, accessible.

Admission Assessment Exam Review

HESI - 2012
    Plus, it helps you identify areas of weakness so you can focus your study time. Sample problems and step-by-step examples with explanations in the math and physics sections show you how to work through each problem so you understand the steps it takes to complete the equation. Practice tests with answer keys for each topic - located in the appendices for quick access - help you assess your understanding of each topic and familiarize you with the types of questions you're likely to encounter on the actual exam. HESI Hints boxes offer valuable test-taking tips, as well as rationales, suggestions, examples, and reminders for specific topics.End-of-chapter review questions help you gauge your understanding of chapter content.A full-color layout and more illustrations in the life science chapters visually reinforce key concepts for better understanding.Expanded and updated content in each chapter ensures you're studying the most current content.Basic algebra review in the math section offers additional review and practice.Color-coded chapters help you quickly find specific topic sections.Helpful organizational features in each chapter include an introduction, key terms, chapter outline, and a bulleted chapter summary to help you focus your study.A glossary at the end of the text offers quick access to key terms and their definitions.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice

Paul E. Spector - 1995
    In a field as rapidly expanding and diverse as I/O psychology, it's not easy finding a book with just the right balance. Fortunately, Paul Spector's Fourth Edition of Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice is up to the job. A balance between cutting-edge topics and core material This Fourth Edition covers both the core material as well as newly emerging topics and cutting-edge findings. Inside, you'll find 125 new references, as well as the latest thinking on team job analysis, drug testing, group problem solving, group diversity, cross-cultural issues in leadership, and more. A balance between research and practice The text's balanced presentation of research and practice equips you with an understanding of the whole field. This balanced approach helps you see the relationship between the science and application of I/O psychology. You'll find detailed summaries of current research, including international studies. In addition, cases introduce you to the wide array of settings and applied work that involve I/O psychologists. A balance between employee performance and well-being I/O psychology isn't just about how the organization can use psychology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its workforce; it's also about improving the health of the workforce. This Fourth Edition provides more balance between these two over-arching areas of the field. Connect to online resources from the author's classroom. The author's website features class notes from his I/O psychology course, practice exams, internet exercises, I/O career information, and links to I/O instructor and student resources. Go to for help presenting and studying the material in your textbook, and use these resources to go beyond the text.

Psychology Applied to Teaching

Jack Snowman - 1971
    "Psychology Applied to Teaching "takes complex psychological theories demonstrates how they apply to the everyday experiences of in-service teachers. The Eleventh Edition combines fresh concepts and contemporary research with long standing theory and applications to create a textbook that speaks to today' s teachers and students."New! "Chapter 9: Social Cognitive Theory has been added in response to reviewer suggestions and the many recent developments in cognitive research. No other educational psychology book currently offers a separate chapter on this topic."New! ""Take a Stand!" features give the author an opportunity to spotlight issues such as inclusion, school violence, or high-stakes testing, and encourages debate on critical issues in education. Also accessible on the textbook web site with additional resources and pedagogy and in the Eduspace course with online chats."New! "Coverage of key national standards including PRAXIS and INTASC has been added and referenced throughout the text. A convenient correlation table highlighting text coverage is located on the inside covers for students and professors, with additional suggestions for instructor use in the IRM."Case in Print" exercises in every chapter use recent news articles to demonstrate how basic ideas or techniques are being applied by educators from the primary grades through high school. Each article is followed by several open-ended questions to encourage reflection. This feature can also be found on the textbook Web site."Suggestions for Teaching in YourClassroom" sections include detailed descriptions of how to apply the information and concepts discussed in the chapter to the classroom. These features are intended to be read while the book is used as a text and to serve as a reference for in-service teachers later on.Journal entries help students to prepare and use a Reflective Journal. Entries appear in the margins of the text and encourage readers to consider their own personality, style, and teaching situation in establishing personal guidelines for teaching. A guide for setting up a Reflective Journal is included in Chapter 16--students can use their journals as a reference before and during their teaching experience.Eduspace is a customizable, powerful Interactive platform that provides instructors with text-specific online courses and content in multiple disciplines. Eduspace gives an instructor the ability to create all or part of their course online using the widely recognized tools of Blackboard and quality text-specific content from HMCo. Instructors can quickly and easily assign homework exercises, quizzes, tests, tutorials and supplemental study materials and can modify that content or even add their own.

The Wilding of America: Money, Mayhem, and the New American Dream

Charles Derber - 1996
    The American Dream champions individualism.  But at what price?  In this timely revision of The Wilding of America, Charles Derber chronicles the latest incidents of "wilding" - extreme acts of self-interested violence and greed - that signal an eroding of the moral landscape of American society.  Despite this ever-increasing emphasis on individualism in America, Derber offers a communitarian alternative that is as inspiring as it is instructive.

Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders

Richard P. Halgin - 1998
    In Richard Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne’s Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders, students are shown the human side of Abnormal Psychology. Through the wide

The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting

Laurence Steinberg - 2004
    In The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting, Dr. Steinberg distills decades of research into a parenting book that explains the fundamentals of raising happy, healthy children, giving readers an invaluable map to help them navigate parenthood from infancy to adolescence.Dr. Steinberg found that the basic principles for effective parenting are simple and universal, and apply to all parents and children regardless of background. He explains each principle and shows how to put it into action, using anecdotes and examples: from “What You Do Matters” (parents make an enormous difference; children are not simply the product of their genes) to “Establish Rules and Limits” (how to provide structure in your child's life, and how to handle conflicts over rules) and “Help Foster Your Child's Independence” (help your child think through decisions instead of making them for him or her). Concise and authoritative, written with warmth and compassion, The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting is an intelligent guide to raising a happy, healthy child and to becoming a happier, more confident parent in the process.

Death, Society, and Human Experience

Robert J. Kastenbaum - 1977
    Fifteen chapters discuss subjects including the death system, causes of death, transition fro

Understanding Social Problems

Linda A. Mooney - 1996
    The text progresses from a micro- to macro-level of analysis, focusing first on such problems as illness and health care, drugs and alcohol, and family problems and then broadening to the larger issues of poverty and inequality, population growth, environmental problems, and conflict around the world. The social problem in each chapter is framed in a global as well as U.S. context. In every chapter, the three major theoretical perspectives are applied to the social problem under discussion, and the consequences of the problem, as well as alternative solutions, are explored. Pedagogical features such as The Human Side and Self and Society enable students to grasp how social problems affect the lives of individuals and apply their understanding of social problems to their own lives.

Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect

Cynthia Crosson-Tower - 1988
    Coverage progresses from the historical context to different types of maltreatment, intervention techniques, treatment, and the social work system.