Best of
Just Another Kid
Torey L. Hayden - 1988
Three were recent arrivals from battletorn Ireland, horribly traumitized by the nightmare of war. Then there was eleven-year-old Dirkie, who had known no life outside of an institution; Mariana, who was dangerously excitable and sexually precocious, though she was only eight; and Leslie, seven years old, yet completely unresponsive and unable to speak. These were the children entrusted to the care of Torey Hayden, the extraordinary special-education teacher who refused to give up on them. She was determined that every child should experience joy, hope, and a future free of fear, and with compassion, patience, and most of all love, she knew that miracles can happen.
Another Sort of Learning
James V. Schall - 1988
Schall has written a delightfully odd book about books, because he believes that (1) to be educated is to confront the great questions about what is; that (2) many modern students, in or out of school, never learn to raise, much less answer, the great questions, thus are uneducated in the deepest sense; and that (3) great books, past and present, which wrestle deeply yet non-technically with these questions rather than passively mirroring popular culture with its myopia and prejudices, can fill this vacuum for anyone, in or out of school. It contains unusually sane reflections on education, unusually reflective reviews of books, and unusually discriminating booklists. Just the book I have wanted to give my students for years." - Peter Kreeft, Boston College "For years I have meant to write such a book as Another Sort of Learning, suggesting how the rising generation might acquire some measure of wisdom despite the intellectual vices or indifferences of the Academy; but I am happy that Schall has forestalled me. It is full of much valuable wisdom." - Russell Kirk, Author, The Conservative Mind "Few teachers can match Fr. Schall at conveying a sense of the life of the mind, few would have the audacity to write about 'what a student owes his teacher', or the charm to carry it off, or the wisdom to make it memorable. He never forgets that 'to learn' is a transitive verb, and that its object is truth." - Joseph Sobran, Editor, National Review
Understanding and Using English Grammar
Betty Schrampfer Azar - 1988
While keeping the same basic approach and material as in earlier editions, the Third Edition more fully develops communicative and interactive language-learning activities. Some of the new features are: *Numerous real communication opportunities *More options for interactive work in pairs and groups *Additional open-ended communicative tasks for both speaking and writing *Expanded error analysis exercises *Interesting and lively new exercise material *Shorter units for easy class use The program components include the Student Book, Workbook, Chartbook, Teacher's Guide, and Companion Website. Also available: Understanding and Using English Grammar Interactive (a multimedia CD-ROM).
Mosby's 2007 Nursing Drug Reference
Linda Skidmore-Roth - 1988
It includes a concise, A-Z organization of the drugs, and includes information on 21 newly-approved drugs. More than 1,300 generic drugs and 4,500 trade names are included, as are over 800 new nursing guidelines.
Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning
Henry A. Giroux - 1988
Giroux demands reader involvement, transformation, and empowerment. He helps us understand that the political relationship between schools and society is neither artificial nor neutral nor necessarily negative. Rather, school personnel have a positive and dynamic political role to play.Educational LeadershipWe are fortunate to have these ideas expressed so clearly and in one place. It is a very useful book. . . .ChoiceOffers educators ways for reflecting critically on their own practices and the relationship between schools and society. The Educational Digest
Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals.
John B. Heywood - 1988
An illustration program supports the concepts and theories discussed.
The Kids' Book of Questions
Gregory Stock - 1988
This is the book that makes it happen. A revised and expanded second edition, The Kids' Book of Questions, with 634,000 copies in print, makes it easy to ask hard questions and fun to answer them. Questions to challenge, questions to provoke. Questions to entertain and expand young minds. Questions about right or wrong, about fears and hopes, ethics, religious beliefs, about why parents act the way they do--even about ruling the world.Updated to include questions on subjects that have arisen since the book's original publication in 1988--from the internet to issues like school violence and terrorism--the book is a sure way to prod young people into discovering who they really are and what they really believe. There are inquiries into values: "If you knew you wouldn't get caught, would you cheat on a test by copying someone else's answers?" Intriguing fantasies: "If you could email any famous person and know they'd read and answer your note, who would you write to and what would you say?" Philosophical queries: "Have you had any personal experiences that lead you to believe in God?" Provocative scenarios: "After being given a truth pill, what would you say if you were asked to describe your family?"Kids, and parents, will be amazed to find how far one little question will lead.
Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories and Environmental Activities for Children
Joseph Bruchac - 1988
Joseph Bruchac's lyrical retellings set the stage for Michael Caduto's abundance of related activities.
Connects to social studies, science, environmental studies and other content areas.
Uses a holistic approach suitable for all ages.
Provides field-tested activities
Includes charts, illustrations and graphs to enhance the projects and concepts.
The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy
E.D. Hirsch Jr. - 1988
Now in this newly revised and updated edition, the authors provide a comprehensive look at cultural literacy for the nineties. New entries reflect suggestions from hundreds of readers. The dictionary takes into account the growing consensus over the specifics of multiculturalism, the political and geographic changes in the world, and the new ideas and terms that flow constantly from scientific research and technological development. The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy challenges us to find out more about what we know and helps us make sense of what we read, hear, and learn. It is a "must have" book for every home.
Young Children and Worship
Sonja M. Stewart - 1988
Their approach, which integrates religious education and worship, has been presented at numerous workshops and training sessions. Based on the authors' experiences, the methods described here will be invaluable to teachers helping children understand and appreciate worship.
Conscientious Objections: Stirring Up Trouble About Language, Technology and Education
Neil Postman - 1988
Readers will find themselves rethinking many of their bedrock assumptions: Should education transmit culture or defend us against it? Is technological innovation progress or a peculiarly American addiction? When everyone watches the same television programs -- and television producers don't discriminate between the audiences for Sesame Street and Dynasty -- is childhood anything more than a sentimental concept? Writing in the traditions of Orwell and H.L. Mencken, Neil Postman sends shock waves of wit and critical intelligence through the cultural wasteland.
Games for Math
Peggy Kaye - 1988
At a time when the poor math performance of American school children has labeled us a "nation of underachievers," what can parents--often themselves daunted by the mysteries of mathematics--do to help their children? In Games for Math, Peggy Kaye--teacher extraordinaire and author of the highly praised Games for Reading--gives parents more than fifty marvelous and effective ways to help their children learn math by doing just what kids love best: playing games.
Pre-Referral Intervention Manual: The Most Common Learning and Behavior Problems Encountered in the Educational Environment
Stephen B. McCarney - 1988
There are over 570 pages of helpful information and charts.
How to Teach Your Baby to Be Physically Superb
Glenn Doman - 1988
How To Teach Your Baby To Be Physically Superb was designed to help you maximize your child's physical capabilities. The authors clearly explain each stage of mobility and show how to create an environment that will enable your baby to more easily achieve that stage. Full-color charts, photographs, illustrations, and detailed easy-to-follow instructions guide you in creating an effective home program.
Transitions: From Literature to Literacy
Regie Routman - 1988
Little has been offered to teachers who are not fully satisfied with their present reading-writing programs but who lack the confidence to make a change. In this book Regie Routman attempts to provide support, encouragement, and ideas to teachers looking for alternatives. Drawing from her own experience, she describes an existing program that has worked well for students and teachers and offers suggestions of how any elementary classroom can benefit from the transition from standardized texts to literature. The material she presents is designed to demonstrate the alternatives available, to stimulate thinking, and to give teachers, parents, and administrators the knowledge and procedures that are necessary to make a change.
Escalante: The Best Teacher in America
Jay Mathews - 1988
This is the story of his entire career, including the development of the teaching techniques that got such brilliant results from the desperate students of gang-ridden Garfield High in East Los Angeles.
The Dialectic of Freedom
Maxine Greene - 1988
Accounts of the lives of women, immigrants, and minority groups highlight the ways in which Americans have gone in search of openings in their lived situations, learned to look at things as if they could be otherwise, and taken action on what they found.Greene presents a unique overview of American concepts and images of freedom from Jefferson's time to the present. She examines the ways in which the disenfranchised have historically understood and acted on their freedom--or lack of it--in dealing with perceived and real obstacles to expression and empowerment. Strong emphasis is placed on the focal role of the arts and art experience in releasing human imagination and enabling the young to reach toward their vision of the possible.The author concludes with suggestions for approaches to teaching and learning that can provoke both educators and students to take initiatives, to transcend limits, and to pursue freedom--not in solitude, but in reciprocity with others, not in privacy, but in a public space.
In Search of Holiness
Loretta A. Bernard - 1988
These truths will come alive in your studies and excite you with fundamental principles of holiness as taught in the Scriptures.
A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965
Thomas Merton - 1988
These pages reveal his reflections as a hermit on the joys and dangers of a life of solitude in the woods.
Unbinding Prometheus: Education for the Coming Age
Donald Cowan - 1988
Essays include "Imagination, Redundancy, and the Act of Learning," "The Three Moments of Learning," "The Uncertainty Principle in Education," "Scientific Discovery and Gratitude," and "The Economics of Taste."
Tricia Hedge - 1988
This book offers suggestions and guidance for helping students who are having difficulty developing clear and effective writing skills.
Hands-On Nature: Information and Activities for Exploring the Environment with Children
Jenepher Lingelbach - 1988
Grouped around five themes (Adaptations, Habitats, Cycles, Designs of Nature, and Earth and Sky), fact-filled essays introduce each subject, followed by field-tested, experiential activities that engage students in learning about the natural world. With complete instructions and background information for teaching over 40 natural science units, and scientifically accurate drawings illustrating each topic, this easy-to-use, beautifully illustrated, up-to-date environmental education handbook both enables novice leaders to teach nature subjects successfully and offers creative new approaches for experienced educators.
Education of an Architect
John Hejduk - 1988
Chanin School of Architecture of the Cooper Union. It is divided into two parts covering chronologically the first four years of the design studio, and the thesis year which is organized by topic: Instruments, Orders and Projections, the City, the Institution, Outskirts, the House, Bridges, Topographies and Texts.This volume is a sequel to an earlier work of the same title, published in 1971 when the Cooper Union School of Architecture was invited by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, to exhibit student work produced between 1964 and 1971, the first such exhibition ever held at the Museum. That volume has since become a classic within architectural education, immensely influential upon architectural thought and practice in the last fifteen years.This new collection presents work influenced by art, literature, and medicine, and consequently details the scope of expanded thought that now permeates Architecture.
The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky, Volume 2: Fundamentals of Defectology (Abnormal Psychology and Learning Disabilities)
Lev S. Vygotsky - 1988
Of course, translations by scholars of advanced standing are not a novelty in modern scholarship. The Plenum translations ofVygotsky' s texts are appearing at a moment when authentic and authoritative English versions of them are rare-a moment when the frequency of works about Vygotsky threatens to outstrip the availability of work by Vygotsky. Since seminal thinkers make their contributions by provoking further thought, admirers ofVygotsky will, of course, welcome the spate of interpretation, reinterpretation, revision, reconstruction, and deconstruction which Vygotsky's work has invited and will participate with alacrity in the activity. Yet, the translations appearing in these volumes are not offered as interpretations in the sense that they are new analytic works about Vygotsky. They are offered to serve as basic texts for readers of English who may be interested in what Vygotsky himself had to say. They are offered to scholars and students, who will make their own interpretations (in its broader sense) and who will evaluate the interpretations of others. Having taken the view that a good translation is essentially an interpretation, the claim that this volume is an accurate and authentic interpretation of Vygotsky's meanings and intentions-and only of those meanings and intentions-must await hoped-for reassurances from those reviewers and critics who are qualified to make such judgments.
Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics and Culture in Everyday Life
Jean Lave - 1988
In so doing, she shows how mathematics in the real world, such as that entailed in grocery shopping or dieting, is, like all thinking, shaped by the dynamic encounter between the culturally-endowed mind and its total context, a subtle interaction that shapes both the human subject and the world within which it acts.
On Strike for Respect: The Clerical and Technical Workers' Strike at Yale University, 1984-85
Toni Gilpin - 1988
Members of Local 34, with a strong female majority, mobilized themselves and the public, breathing new life into the labor movement as they fought for and won substantial gains. A short update on current conditions concludes this volume.
A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics: 1
Paul Bamberg - 1988
The course covers principally the theory and physical applications of linear algebra and of the calculus of several variables, particularly the exterior calculus. The authors adopt the 'spiral method' of teaching, covering the same topic several times at increasing levels of sophistication and range of application. Thus the reader develops a deep, intuitive understanding of the subject as a whole, and an appreciation of the natural progression of ideas. Topics covered include many items previously dealt with at a much more advanced level, such as algebraic topology (introduced via the analysis of electrical networks), exterior calculus, Lie derivatives, and star operators (which are applied to Maxwell's equations and optics). This then is a text which breaks new ground in presenting and applying sophisticated mathematics in an elementary setting. Any student, interpreted in the widest sense, with an interest in physics and mathematics, will gain from its study.
Journey to the Promised Land
Jakob Streit - 1988
Originally published in German by Jakob Streit, they have been translated by Donald Sampson.
Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky, Volume 1: Problems of General Psychology, Including Thinking and Speech
Lev S. Vygotsky - 1988
This volume, the first of six, examines Vygotsky's works involving problems of general psychology, including thinking and speech.
Peace Education
Ian M. Harris - 1988
The very notion of what is meant by peace, at least domestically, has been profoundly affected by the events of September 11, 2001. The present volume begins with a discussion of the concepts of peace and peace education. It then considers religious and historical concepts of war, peace and peace education, describes how peace education can move people to work for social change and look for alternatives to violence, and discusses ways to begin implementing peace education in schools, churches and other community settings such as youth groups. It goes on to address sensitive issues in peace education, key concepts and topics, important biological and cultural factors, and barriers facing those who teach peace. It provides the "how" of peace education by examining optimal pedagogy and practices.
Growing Up Literate: Learning from Inner-City Families
Denny Taylor - 1988
Their aim: to study the familial contexts in which young Black children living in urban poverty are growing up literate. Through their focus on children who were successfully learning to read and write despite extraordinary economic hardship, this multiracial team presents new images of the strengths of the family as educator and the ways in which the personal biographies and educative styles of families shape the literate experiences of children.Through the stories of the Shay Avenue families, Taylor and Dorsey-Gaines reach several conclusions that some readers may find surprising.
Kindezi: The Kongo Art of Babysitting
K. Kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau - 1988
Kindezi (the art of babysitting) and the ndezi (the babysitters) provide extensive value and service to both society and the individual child, making for a cohesive, unified community.
Skullcaps 'n' Switchblades: Survival Stories of an Orthodox Jew Teaching in the Inner-City
David Lazerson - 1988
Primary Understanding: Education in Early Childhood
Kieran Egan - 1988
Has the education of young children become too rationalized? - Kieran Egan responded to this idea by taking a new approach to early childhood teaching from which he has formulated a theory of education which incorporates the idea of cultural sense-making capacities and oral tradition.
Art Smart!: Ready-To-Use Slides and Activities for Teaching Art History and Appreciation
Susan Rodriguez - 1988
Each of the 94 ready-to-use activities covers background information, style and technique, materials needed, and directions. Forty full-color museum slides are included.
The Making of an American High School: The Credentials Market and the Central High School of Philadelphia, 1838-1939
David F. Labaree - 1988
Labaree argues that the American public high school can be viewed as the product of both democratic politics and capitalist markets: although it was originally intended to produce informed citizens for the new republic, the high school, with its meritocratic emphasis, instead became a vehicle for conferring status on the select group that was educated there. The struggle between these two goals—one leading to political equality and the other reinforcing economic inequality—has characterized its history ever since, says Labaree. According to Labaree, Central was founded as a selective middle-class school with broad moral and political aims. However, the school’s success in providing advantages for its graduates led, during the 1880s, to growing public demand for secondary education. The resulting rapid expansion of Centrals’ enrollment and the establishment of other public high schools eventually undermined the selectivity that had made its credentials so valuable and enabled it to flourish. This in turn spurred the school to protect its credentials by introducing tracking, with a new dual curriculum for college-bound and non college-bound students. Labaree contends that this compromise between access and exclusivity does not work: it fails to serve the public interest because of the attenuation of the school’s democratic goals, and it fails to serve private interests because of the declining value of the credentials it bestows. In order to achieve its original democratic goals, he argues, the public high school must abandon its longstanding links to the market.
The Victory Garden Kids' Book
Marjorie Waters - 1988
Uses the experiences of a group of children, aged three to thirteen, working through an entire season in their own garden, as a background for general information on buying plants and seeds, using tools, planting and watering, and picking the harvest.
Walking on Borrowed Land
William A. Owens - 1988
A story of "Jim Crow" laws in action and the tragedy of American apartheid.
Guides to History Plus
Kathryn Stout - 1988
Includes teaching tips, instructions for making timeli
From Normal to Healthy
Georg Kuhlewind - 1988
The exercises--based on the Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path and Rudolf Steiner's cognitive spiritual path--lead to a new life in which superconscious intuitions gradually take the place of superconscious formations.This new life is a universal human life of improvisatory, living thinking: a life of presence, pure joy, which is health for human beings.Contents: 1. Inventory 2. The Diseased Consciousness 3. A Little Psychology 4. A Little Psychology 5. The Health of the Soul 6. The Path of Knowledge 7. On Human Freedom
Silver Bullets: A Revised Guide to Initiative Problems, Adventure Games, Stunts, and Trust Activities
Karl Rohnke - 1988
The Law of Sex Discrimination
J. Ralph Lindgren - 1988
The authors approach the idea of using law to combat sex discrimination from a variety of contexts; for example, as an occasion for ideological disputes, as a reflection of contemporary policy debates over the future direction of society, or as part of the historical development (and response to) feminism. Throughout, the authors provide legal materials in a form that affords instructors the flexibility to adapt the text to the needs of their course. Pedagogical elements include a list of further readings, appendices that deal with the court system, a brief discussion of how to outline cases, and a glossary of legal and technical terms.
Janice Vancleave's Chemistry for Every Kid: 101 Easy Experiments That Really Work
Janice VanCleave - 1988
Separate an egg fromits shell without breaking the shell. Make copper pennies turngreen. Have fun while you learn simple chemistry from a solution ofcolored water, and the behavior of gases with the help of a sodabottle. Through these and other activities, you'll explore thestructure of matter, the workings of acids, gases, and solutions .. . and much more.You'll find most of the materials you need around the house orclassroom. Every activity has been pretested and can be performedsafely and cheaply in the classroom, at a science fair, or athome.Also available in this series from Janice VanCleave: * ASTRONOMY FOR EVERY KID * BIOLOGY FOR EVERY KID * DINOSAURS FOR EVERY KID * EARTH SCIENCE FOR EVERY KID * GEOGRAPHY FOR EVERY KID * GEOMETRY FOR EVERY KID * THE HUMAN BODY FOR EVERY KID * MATH FOR EVERY KID * PHYSICS FOR EVERY KID.
How to Make Greeting Cards with Children
Joy Evans - 1988
These craft books have complete, illustrated step-by-step directions.Create 30 delightful holiday and special-occasion cards.
The Authentic Teacher: Sensitivity and Awareness in the Classroom
Clark E. Moustakas - 1988
Language and Thinking for Young Children
Ruth Beechick - 1988
Learn how to turn every day experiences into valuable learning experiences. Lights the spark of creativity in the parent as well as the student. Working together in the home schooling movement, Beechick and Nelson saw a need to help homeschool parents round out beginning programs with rich language experiences. This book is the result of the collaboration of their educational expertise
Roy Sorensen - 1988
Sorensen here offers a unified solution to a large family of philosophical puzzles and paradoxes through a study of blindspots: consistent propositions that cannot be rationally accepted by certain individuals even though they might by true.
Accommodation Without Assimilation: Sikh Immigrants in an American High School (The Anthropology of Contemporary Issues)
Margaret A. Gibson - 1988
It implies that the apparent academic progress of recent arrivals to our schools is the result of simple head work, opportunity, and a good attitude. Margaret Gibson has given us a complex antidote to this myth in a carefully researched and fully documented two-year study of Sikh children in a rural California educational setting. In addition to giving the reader the necessary cultural and religious background to understand this little known ethnic group, which originated in the Punjab area of northwestern India, the author details the context of their adjustment to life in America, particularly the factors that affect their progress in school."The micro-ethnographic detail on economic adaptation, home life, and family values is skillfully linked to both larger societal issues (immigration policy, assimilation, minority-majority relations) and to educational theory on school performance. The result is a holistic portrait which reveals why Sikh high school students, despite language barriers, prejudice, and significant cultural differences, often outperform their majority peers and other United States minority groups."One need not examine only the Japanese approach to education to find models to emulate. There are some immigrant patterns much closer at hand that arc at least as relevant. This study of 'accommodation without assimilation' is a very timely case in point and deserves a wide and critical readership."-Journal of American Ethnic History
Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition
Winifred Bryan Horner - 1988
Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity
Robert A. Kaster - 1988
Introducing his students to correct language and to the literature esteemed by long tradition, he began the education that confirmed his students' standing in a narrowly defined elite. His profession thus contributed to the social as well as cultural continuity of the Empire. The grammarian received honor—and criticism; the profession gave the grammarian a firm sense of cultural authority but also placed him in a position of genteel subordination within the elite.Robert A. Kaster provides the first thorough study of the place and function of these important but ambiguous figures. He also gives a detailed prosopography of the grammarians, and of the other "teachers of letters" below the level of rhetoric, from the middle of the third through the middle of the sixth century, which will provide a valuable research tool for other students of late-antique education.
Free-Heel Skiing: Telemark and Parallel Techniques for All Conditions
Paul Parker - 1988
Everything from beginning turns to advanced telemark techniques is covered, along with tips for choosing and caring for equipment and suggestions for conditioning and strength training.This is the seminal text on this sport and Paul Parker is the sport's recognized guru, which is the reason why many who began their love affair with free heeling refer this book simply as "The Parker Book". That says it all
Keepers of the Earth: Teacher's Guide
Michael J. Caduto - 1988
This supplement includes additional teaching ideas, background information and bibliographies of additional resources.
Official Guide to the National Air and Space Museum (Travel Guides)
Smithsonian Institution - 1988
The National Air and Space Museum (NASM) houses the world's greatest collection of historic aircraft and spacecraft plus an amazing assortment of other historic objects. Many fascinating items from the twenty-three galleries and two off-site facilities are presented here in 197 full-color photographs, and are accompanied by their equally intriguing stories.This gallery-by-gallery tour presents many milestones of aviation and spaceflight, such as the Wright Flyer, Chuck Yeager's Bell X-1, and the spacesuits worn by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Some of the lesser-known but equally captivating treasures illustrated here include soda cans specially engineered for space use, Otto Lilienthal's 1894 glider (which inspired the Wright brothers), and a sobering American flag recovered from the wreckage of the Challenger. Each gallery section concludes helpfully with notes about smaller objects and displays that are not to be missed.The final two sections are devoted to the museum's sprawling thirty-building Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration, and Storage Facility in Maryland -- where three-hour tours are available by reservation -- and the soon-to-be-opened Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles Airport. When completed, this facility will have enough space to finally display the Enola Gay, the first space shuttle (the Enterprise), and the fastest jet in the world, the ultrasleek SR-71 Blackbird.Certainly offering an enriched experience for any NASM visitor, this sturdy, richly detailedguide is also an inspiring tribute to the human spirit.
Techniques of Structured Problem Solving
Arthur B. Vangundy - 1988
The Prepare Curriculum: Teaching Prosocial Competencies
Arnold P. Goldstein - 1988
The book is designed for use with middle school and high school students and can also be adapted for use with younger students.Prepare presents a series of 10 course-length interventions grouped into three areas: reducing aggression, reducing stress, and reducing prejudice.The 93 supplementary exercises involve games, role plays, reading and writing, drawing, brainstorming, group discussion, relaxation, tape recordings, photography, and other hands-on activities.The Prepare Curriculum examines important issues such as behavior management, assessment, motivation, and transfer and maintenance of skills.
Hallie Flanagan: A Life in the Theatre
Joanne Bentley - 1988
16-page insert.
When Russia Learned to Read: Literacy and Popular Literature, 1861-1917
Jeffrey Brooks - 1988
Within a few decades, a ragtag assembly of semi-educated authors, publishers, and distributors supplanted an oral tradition of songs and folktales with a language of popular imagination suitable for millions of new readers of common origins eager for entertainment and information. When Russia Learned to Read tells the story of this profound transformation of culture, custom, and belief.With a new introduction that underscores its relevance to a post-Soviet Russia, When Russia Learned to Read addresses the question of Russia's common heritage with the liberal democratic market societies of Western Europe and the United States. This prize-winning book also exposes the unsuspected complexities of a mass culture little known and less understood in the West. Jeffrey Brooks brings out the characteristically Russian aspect of the nation's popular writing as he ranges through chapbooks, detective stories, newspaper serials, and women's fiction, tracing the emergence of secular, rational, and cosmopolitan values along with newly minted notions of individual initiative and talent. He shows how crude popular tales and serials of the era find their echoes in the literary themes of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and other great Russian writers, as well as in the current renaissance of Russian detective stories and thrillers.
Sharing Nature with Children II
Joseph Bharat Cornell - 1988
In his second book, a companion to Sharing Nature with Children, with even more games and activities, Joseph introduces his remarkable technique of Flow Learning, showing how to match nature activities to the interest and energy levels of children.
The Psychobiology of Down Syndrome
Lynn Nadel - 1988
There has been notable progress in understanding the psychobiological concomitants of Down syndrome. New data have pinpointed selective neurological defects, and recent research has revealed that it is possible to work with the supposedly intractable, irreversible deficits accompanying Down syndrome. Surprising improvements in cognitive functions, including language, can be shown by children and even adolescents.The topics include: early concept learning in infants with Down syndrome (Jennifer Wishart); the emergence of language skills (Lars Smith), early lexical development (Caroline Mervis), and developmental asynchrony of language development in Down syndrome (Jon Miller); the use of computers with speech output to promote language use (Laura Meyers); differences between Down syndrome and normally developing children in the use of a number concept (Rochel Gelman); the neuropsychological status of older Down syndrome individuals (Krystyna Wisniewski); neuropathological (Thomas Kemper), psychobiological (Siegfried Peuschel), and neurophysiological (Eric Courchesne) aspects of Down syndrome; and the relation between Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease (Michael Thase).The Psychobiology of Down Syndrome is included in the series Issues in the Biology of Language and Cognition, edited by John C. Marshall, and is sponsored by the National Down Syndrome Society.A Bradford Book.
The Wild Inside: Sierra Club's Guide to the Great Indoors
Linda Allison - 1988
Humor in the Classroom: A Handbook for Teachers (and Other Entertainers!)
Deborah J. Hill - 1988
Managing Our Natural Resources
William G. Camp - 1988
Full color photos and illustrations have been added throughout, and new case studies explore current real-life issues encountered in natural resource management.