Mastering Hypnotic Language - Further Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist

The Rogue Hypnotist - 2013
    For his own reasons he still remains anonymous, the hypnotic self-help elite must be ruffled! They don’t want this stuff getting out! The Rogue Hypnotist is a top UK clinical hypnotherapist and Advanced NLP expert. He has a very good success rate indeed with his client’s and he wants to share the tricks that work with you! He helps his client’s in 1 session only at a very reasonable rate. They leave with a big smile on their faces. Police officers, multimillionaire’s even TV celebs have sought his help; now he wants to help YOU! The sequel to ‘How to hypnotise anyone,’ the number 1 best seller on hypnosis on and is here! ‘Mastering hypnotic language,’ awaits you!!! You can now take your hypnotic mastery up to the next level! In book 1 you learnt how to hypnotise anyone using words alone. Now you will learn how to use words with such precision that your total hypnotic power is assured! The Rogue Hypnotist is giving away almost for free all the ‘language patterns’ that work as opposed to all the junk being sold out that that won’t do anything to anyone. Learning hypnosis should be easy and fun! The hypnosis bag of magic tricks that you can expect to effortlessly learn and put into practise are… 1. The specific language that will induce trance and hypnosis in anyone. 2. Why words beginning in RE are hypnotic! 3. Why you SHOULD use PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation) with a script showing just how to do so. 4. How to dissociate the conscious and unconscious minds. Script provided! 5. What ‘colour feelings’ are and how to use them in hypnosis. 6. The secrets of ‘hidden code’ hypnosis. 7. How to use ‘hypnotic negations’ properly and why they work. 8. The amazing expose of how the unconscious reveals the truth through ‘reverse speech.’ 9. A powerful and much more advanced ‘hypnotic mind model,’ that will give you far greater understanding of how the mind works than 99% of mental health care professionals, helping you hypnotise anyone with flair. 10. What the best ‘temporal and spatial’ language predicates to use in hypnosis are. 11. Exactly how to use language to dig out specifics, to find the missing pieces and stop yourself being influenced against your will. 12. How to use hypnotic assumptions and nominalisations and which ones work best. 13. How to specifically and expertly use artfully vague hypnotic language. 14. What hyperbolic words and hypnotic poetry is. 15. The specifics of ‘hypnotic languaging.’ 16. A knowledge of associational networks and artful ambiguity. 17. The 100% fail proof formula to create your own hypnotic deepeners! It’s easier than you think! And you get a free bonus – ‘The Silly Deepener!’ 18. An embedded commands induction PLUS the specific ‘embeds’ that induce trance in any conversation. You will learn TRUE conversational hypnosis that works including how to describe a state to elicit it! 19. A step by step description of the precise way to create a ‘symbolic deepener’ with full script provided. 20. Your special BONUS – ‘The Unicorn Deepener’ and much, much more! The Rogue Hypnotist is practically giving this away so that YOU will have by end of the book more hypnotic ability than 99% of so-called hypnotists out there! That’s my promise to you.

Poor Richard's Retirement: Retirement for Everyday Americans

Aaron Clarey - 2017
    Never started a 401k or IRA? Don’t worry. And are you so far behind in your personal finances you’re worried you’ll never be able to retire? It’s all good. Because whether you know it or not, the entire US retirement system is horribly flawed and was doomed to fail anyway. And that’s why every American needs to read “Poor Richard’s Retirement.” “Poor Richard’s Retirement” is a revolutionary retirement system because, unlike today’s conventional retirement planning, it works. It puts retirement easily within the reach of your everyday man. Whether you have student loans, a mortgage, are behind in your retirement planning, or have no retirement savings at all, “Poor Richard’s Retirement” bypasses it all by showing you how little you truly need to retire. And it does so through the simple truth that happiness is not found in $400 yoga pants, luxury SUV’s, McMansions, or whatever lies they’re selling you on TV, but through love of family, friends, and your fellow man. All of which are free. Make retirement infinitely easier and life happier. Buy “Poor Richard’s Retirement” today. Nobody in America has saved enough for retirement…until now.

Gamechanger: Forget Start-ups, Join Corporate and Still Live the Rich Life you want

M Pattabiraman - 2017
    "This book will change the outlook of those who read it." - Murali Vijay, Indian Cricketer "This book changed the way I looked at vacation planning and...I only wish that I had access to it at the start of my career." - Muthu Krishnan From the Author This step by step guide to your version of the Rich Life includes: - How your attitude toward money should move over from 'past looking' to 'future focusing' -How to find mistake fares to Europe, Pacific and Far East and make that extended 4-day weekend, Thai trip for under 10k INR - Years of research resulting in 40 resources of 'free and cheap accommodations' for vacations - Tried-and-tested scripts to negotiate down credit card, Dish TV, Phone and Internet Bills - How credit cards can help you lower home-loan payments - How to setup the cashflow, so that you can make Diwali, Birthdays and other repetitive expenditures, a breeze - How to make big purchases like a home or a car - a walk in the park - How to invest for your retirement with peanut money now - Enjoy guilt-free irrational spending while also being responsible over the future - Automate every part of your money-life If you are in a 9-5 and are even part-disgruntled, Gamechanger is going to be the turning point of your life

Rich By Retirement: How Singaporeans Can Invest Smart and Retire Wealthy

Joshua Giersch - 2016
    Rich By Retirement gives simple, low-cost investment advice that's tailored for the Singaporean market and for Singaporean investors. It'll help you get started with investing - in Singapore and in overseas markets; you'll learn how to save and invest for the long term; and you'll even have some fun along the way. Here's what you'll learn: * How to start an emergency fund to cover those unexpected expenses; * Whether you really need all those insurance policies; * How to invest in Singapore without paying high costs; * How to buy into overseas markets and diversify your investments; * How to turn your first investments into an investment that'll last the rest of your life; * How to spot - and avoid! - an investment scam; * And ten simple rules for investing for the long term. Rich By Retirement is friendly and easy to follow, so you can read it and put the investment strategies into action straight away. It's written for the regular investor, so anyone can use its advice, whether you're a new investor or already well-off. And the book explains why you're doing what you're doing; you get more than just a strategy, you'll learn how and why it works.

Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector

Ann Gravells - 2008
    This includes further education, adult and community learning, work-based learning, the forces and offender learning and skills. It is easy to read with plenty of practical activities and examples throughout and the content is fully linked to the Teacher Training Standards. Please note: This book has since been updated to reflect the new title of the qualification: The Award in Education and Training.The qualification unit content contained in the appendices has since changed, and some legislation mentioned in the book has been updated.

Mad Money Journey

Mehrab Irani - 2014
    John Pinto decides to end it all by walking into oncoming traffic. But Life has other plans from him! Through a quirky twist of fate, John finds himself saved and launched into a financial pilgrimage across the world. Through a whirligig of exotic, shocking and sometimes dangerous encounters, he learns what it means to be financially independent.The school of Life introduces him to people who have learned the 10 commandments of financial freedom the hard way. From Afghani terrorists to Kenyan marathon runners, from Bangkok prostitutes to Chinese mystics and many more. Each soul on this incredible journey holds a key insight into the relationship between man and money. To achieve true freedom, he will have to face it all-a turbulent odyssey of hair-raising adventure, unexpected teachers, monetary rewards and an overarching mission.A dazzling novel, written with wit, compassion, intelligence and deep humanity, travel with John Pinto to unearth the secrets of a rich life.

Little Black Book for Stunning Success + Tools for Action Mastery

Robin S. Sharma - 2016
    Discover the mindsets of the best, install the rituals of the icons, run the habits of the heroes and massive improvements will be yours for the taking. In The Little Black Book of stunning success, Robin Sharma - one of the true masters of leadership + elite performance on the planet - shares the potent insights that have helped so many people just like you do legendary work, live remarkable lives and lift everyone around them in the process. If you're truly ready to live your dreams, this book is your fuel. Dream. Dare. Lead. Learn. Craft. Create. Produce. Perfect. Iterate. Optimize. Inspire. Impact. Win. Repeat. Push. Rest. Love. Live.

The Honest Real Estate Agent: A Training Guide For a Successful First Year and Beyond as a Real Estate Agent

Mario Jannatpour - 2011
    This is the book for you because it will help you hit the ground running once you get your license. It is written by an actual, active Realtor. Mario Jannatpour is with RE/MAX Alliance in Louisville, Colorado and what he writes about is based on his experience of what it takes to be successful today as a Realtor. Mario has been a Realtor since 2002. Reader Review: Are you green in real estate or a veteran? Do you know what buyers and sellers are looking for when they are looking at you? What qualities differenciate you from your competition? Mario has helped pin point what today's buyers and sellers are looking for in their real estate agent giving relavent information as well as insight on how you should handle different situations. We all know that honesty is the best policy yet the profession of representation is riddled with pot holes where one can stray. This book will help any new agent or seasoned agent gain a true north when dealing with clients. Mario's first book, Must See Inside, was a great introduction to the real estate business and with this book, The Honest Real Estate Agent, Mario dives deeper on how to "be" a real estate agent which means doing the right thing, always! I sincerely recommend this book for anyone who is getting into the business and wants to get a firm handle of how to "be" great at your job. Addy Saeed, RE/MAX Active Realty (Toronto, Canada)

Think Rich, Pinoy! An expose on why most Pinoys are poor while others are rich.

Larry Gamboa - 2004
    They set the ball rolling and wealth simply accumulates. They let their money work for them. For the author, the combination of a book, a game, a woman and an opportunity helped him get out of the rat race onto the fast track. Discover why most Pinoys are poor and the secrets of the rich Tsinoys.

Soap Making Business Startup: How to Start, Run & Grow a Million Dollar Success From Home!

Suzanne Carpenter - 2017
    You can find that information anywhere, don’t have to buy my book to learn that. Wait! Oh! I did that in this book. I did explain how to make soap, I also did give you a few simple recipes too. But I hope that is not why you bought this book.In this book my goal is to explain to you in simple terms how to CREATE great natural and organic soaps and not just MAKE soaps, there is a difference. You will get to see and understand that difference when you understand each ingredients and how they interact and react with each other.& You will not have a great business if you are just making carbon copy of few soaps of other people which your customers can go buy from any local stores. What will make you unique is when you create a blend or two of your own and people start liking your creation. That is when you can hit the home run in business.Imagine growing your soap company into a local, regional and ultimately a national brand, where your soaps will be sold at every Whole food, Body, Bath and Beyond, Home Goods and many other great retailers.&This is a Two Part Book. In the first part I show you how to get started with soap making, I show you every steps you need to take to make your first batch of soap. Then I show you how to test your creation and how to figure out what works and what does not.On the second part of the book, I teach you everything you need to know about turning your new found passion into a successful business. I share my own story and how I turned my passion into a 6 figure business. Though this book is not about my success but yours, but I think you may find it inspiring that an average housewife like myself was able to build the business and then was able to sell it for a good profit. In the First Part I will Show You: Why you should your own Soap Making Business What Soap Making Equipment you will need How to get Started in Under a 1K How & Where to Buy Soap Making Supplies for Cheap What makes a soap Natural and Organic? What is the Difference between Fragrance and Essential oil How to use Various Natural Botanicals in your Soap and Make them Unique How to be Creative with various Soap Molds What and how to Use 32 Various Oils in your Soap How to Scent Your Soap How to Color your Soap with 11 Natural Colorants All the Soap Making methods Step by Step Soap Making Safety Rules to Follow Best & Easiest Recipes to Start with In the Second Part of the Book I Will Show You: Startup Costs for your New Homemade Soap Business How to get started, Step by Step Expected Average Monthly Revenue Average Monthly Expenses How to Start from Home and Save Money How to Find and Develop a Niche for your Soap Business The New Market Trends in the Soap Industry How to Price your Soap for Sale How to Calculate

Everything You Need To Know About Saving For Retirement

Ben Carlson - 2020

Blockchain: The Beginners Guide to Understanding the Technology Behind Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency (The Future of Money)

Artemis Caro - 2017
    As a result, many people are left with an incomplete understanding of this transformative new technology and its massive implications for the future. The goal of this book is not to plumb the depths of the mathematical wizardry used to code blockchain-based applications, but rather to serve as an introduction to the broader architecture and conceptual background behind blockchain technology. We will take a practical approach, examining how Blockchains are used in the real world. In this short, concise guide you will learn: A Brief History of Blockchain Technology Blockchain Basics: Managing Digital Transactions What is a Distributed Ledger? Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin Implications Of Blockchain: Big Data, Privacy & Personal Data Profiting from Blockchain Technologies Limitations & Challenges of Blockchain The Future of Blockchain For Centuries, people have relied on corrupt Centralized Institutions like banks and Governments to serve as intermediaries when it comes to storing and transacting financial assets. This is ALL About To Change... Make sure you take action and join the Financial Revolution by reading this book!

The Sell

Fredrick Eklund - 2015

Commercial Real Estate for Beginners: The Basics of Commercial Real Estate Investing

Peter Harris - 2014
    Why you should be a commercial investor, where the biggest pitfalls are, which types of properties are best for those just getting started, how to analyze any commercial deal quickly, how to speak the language of commercial real estate, the 4 guiding principles of commercial investment and much, much more. Let the author of Commercial Real Estate Investing for Dummies walk you through how to get started in Commercial Real Estate in this incredibly informative book.

Full Circle: A memoir of leaning in too far and the journey back

Erin Callan Montella - 2016
    Erin recounts her path of achievement starting as a promising young student and athlete and, ultimately, how she allowed her career and its demands to become the center of her life. She sacrificed all other priorities and relationships along the way, throwing work-life balance to the wind. The story reveals the subtleties of the everyday decisions that led collectively to a work-centric existence over a twenty-year career. Set against the backdrop of the dramatic circumstances at Lehman Brothers in 2008, Erin discloses her own struggle as events spiraled out of control. Ultimately, her resignation from her executive role prior to the Lehman bankruptcy resulted in a devastating personal crisis as her career crumbled revealing no foundation beneath it. We learn of the journey back to change her life with a semblance of present day peace and happiness. Full Circle provides a unique inside and emotional perspective of the sacrifices Erin made to achieve extreme career success and the self-awareness required to return to being the fundamentally grounded person she was as a child.