Best of
Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing
Penny Kittle - 2008
But it is also the planning, the thinking, the writing, the journey: all I've been putting into my teaching for the last two decades. This is the book I wanted when I was first given ninth graders and a list of novels to teach. This is a book of vision and hope and joy, but it is also a book of genre units and minilessons and actual conferences with students." -Penny Kittle What makes the single biggest difference to student writers? When the invisible machinery of your writing processes is made visible to them. "Write Beside Them "shows you how to do it. It's the comprehensive book and DVD that English/language arts teachers need to ensure that teens improve their writing. Across genres, Penny Kittle presents a flexible framework for instruction, the theory and experience to back it up, and detailed teaching information to help you implement it right away. Each section of "Write Beside Them "describes a specific element of Kittle's workshop:Daily writing practice: writer's notebooks and quick writes Instructional frameworks: minilessons, organization, conferring, and sharing drafts Genre work: narrative, persuasion, and writing in multiple genres Skills work: grammar, punctuation, and style Assessment: evaluation, feedback, portfolios, and grading. All along the way, Kittle demonstrates minilessons that respond to students' immediate needs, and her Student Focus sections profile and spotlight how individual writers grew and changed over the course of her workshop. In addition, "Write Beside Them" provides a study guide, reproducibles, writing samples from Penny and her students, suggestions for nurturing your own writing life, and a helpful FAQ. Best of all, the accompanying DVD takes you right inside Penny's classroom. Its video clips explicitly model how to make the process of writing accessible to all kids. Penny Kittle's active coaching and can-do attitude alone will energize your teaching and inspire you to write with your students. But her strategies, expert advice, and compelling in-class video footage will help you turn inspiration into great teaching. Read "Write Beside Them "and discover that the most important influence for all young writers is their teacher. Write Beside Them debuts as the field's most comprehensive, contemporary, and practical book on high school writing. Kittle not only tells how a skillful writing teacher operates, she shows you on the accompanying DVD, with clips of kids at work in every stage of a writing workshop. And all this glorious teaching happens with real, sometimes struggling kids who remind us of our own classrooms and students. Write Beside Them "is the whole package." -Harvey Daniels Author of "Content-Area Writing" and "Subjects Matter" Click here to view a sample video from the DVD.
Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher's Journey Through The Dark World of Compulsory Schooling
John Taylor Gatto - 2008
He puts forth his thesis with a rhetorical style that is passionate, logical, and laden with examples and illustrations.” ForeWord Magazine“Weapons of Mass Instruction is probably his best yet. Gatto’s storytelling skill shines as he relates tales of real people who fled the school system and succeeded in spite of the popular wisdom that insists on diplomas, degrees and credentials. If you are just beginning to suspect there may be a problem with schooling (as opposed to educating as Gatto would say), then you’ll not likely find a better expose of the problem than Weapons of Mass Instruction.” Cathy Duffy Reviews"In this book, the noisy gadfly of U.S. education takes up the question of damage done in the name of schooling. Again he touches on many of the same questions and finds the same answers. Gatto is a bold and compelling critic in a field defined by politic statements, and from the first pages of this book he takes even unwilling readers along with him. In Weapons of Mass Instruction, he speaks movingly to readers' deepest desires for an education that taps their talents and frees frustrated ambitions. It is a challenging and extraordinary book that is a must read for anyone navigating their way through the school system." - Ria Julien - Winnipeg Free PressJohn Taylor Gatto’s Weapons of Mass Instruction focuses on mechanisms of familiar schooling that cripple imagination, discourage critical thinking, and create a false view of learning as a by-product of rote-memorization drills. Gatto’s earlier book, Dumbing Us Down, put that now-famous expression of the title into common use worldwide. Weapons of Mass Instruction promises to add another chilling metaphor to the brief against schooling.Here is a demonstration that the harm school inflicts is quite rational and deliberate, following high-level political theories constructed by Plato, Calvin, Spinoza, Fichte, Darwin, Wundt, and others, which contend the term “education” is meaningless because humanity is strictly limited by necessities of biology, psychology, and theology. The real function of pedagogy is to render the common population manageable.Realizing that goal demands that the young be conditioned to rely upon experts, remain divided from natural alliances, and accept disconnections from the experiences that create self-reliance and independence.Escaping this trap requires a different way of growing up, one Gatto calls “open source learning.” In chapters such as “A Letter to Kristina, my Granddaughter”; “Fat Stanley”; and “Walkabout:London,” this different reality is illustrated.John Taylor Gatto taught for thirty years in public schools before resigning from school-teaching in the op-ed pages of The Wall Street Journal during the year he was named New York State’s official Teacher of the Year. Since then, he has traveled three million miles lecturing on school reform.
Lost at School: Why Our Kids with Behavioral Challenges are Falling Through the Cracks and How We Can Help Them
Ross W. Greene - 2008
Detentions. Suspensions. Expulsions. These are the established tools of school discipline for kids who don't abide by school rules, have a hard time getting along with other kids, don't seem to respect authority, don't seem interested in learning, and are disrupting the learning of their classmates. But there's a big problem with these strategies: They are ineffective for most of the students to whom they are applied.It's time for a change in course.Here, Dr. Ross W. Greene presents an enlightened, clear-cut, and practical alternative. Relying on research from the neurosciences, Dr. Greene offers a new conceptual framework for understanding the difficulties of kids with behavioral challenges and explains why traditional discipline isn't effective at addressing these difficulties. Emphasizing the revolutionarily simple and positive notion that kids do well if they can, he persuasively argues that kids with behavioral challenges are not attention-seeking, manipulative, limit-testing, coercive, or unmotivated, but that they lack the skills to behave adaptively. And when adults recognize the true factors underlying difficult behavior and teach kids the skills in increments they can handle, the results are astounding: The kids overcome their obstacles; the frustration of teachers, parents, and classmates diminishes; and the well-being and learning of all students are enhanced.In Lost at School, Dr. Greene describes how his road-tested, evidence-based approach — called Collaborative Problem Solving — can help challenging kids at school.His lively, compelling narrative includes:• tools to identify the triggers and lagging skills underlying challenging behavior.• explicit guidance on how to radically improve interactions with challenging kids — along with many examples showing how it's done.• dialogues, Q & A's, and the story, which runs through the book, of one child and his teachers, parents, and school.• practical guidance for successful planning and collaboration among teachers, parents, administrations, and kids.Backed by years of experience and research, and written with a powerful sense of hope and achievable change, Lost at School gives teachers and parents the realistic strategies and information to impact the classroom experience of every challenging kid.
Teaching with Intention: Defining Beliefs, Aligning Practice, Taking Action, K-5
Debbie Miller - 2008
Teaching with Intention: Defining Beliefs, Aligning Practice, Taking Action, K-5
, Miller defines her actions to ensure that children are the true beneficiaries of her teaching. As Peter Johnston writes, "Through this book we have Debbie's teaching mind on loan. She engages us in the details of a teaching life from inside her mind, showing the thinking behind her teaching and the consequences of her actions."
Teaching with Intention
brings us into classrooms of teachers and children Miller has met over the last five years in her work as a literacy consultant. From setting up the classroom environment to the intentional use of language, from comprehension instruction to lesson design, Miller is explicit about what she does and why. At the same time, she encourages teachers to develop their own belief statements concerning teaching and learning and includes key questions to guide them in this important process.In an environment where the handing down of scripted programs and "foolproof" curricula is increasingly the norm,
Teaching with Intention
offers a compelling reminder that truly transformative teaching is built from the ground up, and is rebuilt every year, by every teacher, in every classroom, with every new group of students.
Training from the Back of the Room!: 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn
Sharon L. Bowman - 2008
Bowman, the author of the best-selling Ten-Minute Trainer, comes the dynamic new book, Training from the BACK of the Room! This innovative resource introduces 65 training strategies that are guaranteed to deliver outstanding training results no matter what the topic, group, or learning environment. Now, trainers can replace the traditional Trainers talk; learners listen paradigm with a radical new model for designing and delivering instruction: When learners talk and teach, they learn.
Kiss My Math: Showing Pre-Algebra Who's Boss
Danica McKellar - 2008
Kiss My Math: Showing Pre-Algebra Who's Boss
Everyday Antiracism: Getting Real About Race in School
Mica Pollock - 2008
Topics range from using racial incidents as teachable moments and responding to the "n-word" to valuing students' home worlds, dealing daily with achievement gaps, and helping parents fight ethnic and racial misconceptions about their children. Questions following each essay prompt readers to examine and discuss everyday issues of race and opportunity in their own classrooms and schools.For educators and parents determined to move beyond frustrations about race, Everyday Antiracism is an essential tool.
Whatever It Takes: Geoffrey Canada's Quest to Change Harlem and America
Paul Tough - 2008
What would it take to change the lives of poor children—not one by one, through heroic interventions and occasional miracles, but in big numbers, and in a way that could be replicated nationwide? The question led him to create the Harlem Children’s Zone, a ninety-seven-block laboratory in central Harlem where he is testing new and sometimes controversial ideas about poverty in America. His conclusion: if you want poor kids to be able to compete with their middle-class peers, you need to change everything in their lives—their schools, their neighborhoods, even the child-rearing practices of their parents.Whatever It Takes is a tour de force of reporting, an inspired portrait not only of Geoffrey Canada but of the parents and children in Harlem who are struggling to better their lives, often against great odds. Carefully researched and deeply affecting, this is a dispatch from inside the most daring and potentially transformative social experiment of our time.
Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students
Mignon Fogarty - 2008
Mignon Fogarty, whose popular podcasts have been downloaded over twenty million times and whose first book, Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing,was a New York Times bestseller. For beginners to more advanced students, this guide covers it all: the parts of speech, sentences, and punctuation are all explained clearly and concisely with the warmth, wit, and accessibility Grammar Girl is known for. Pop quizzes are scattered throughout to reinforce the explanations, as well as Grammar Girl's trademark Quick and Dirty Tips--easy and fun memory tricks to help with those challenging rules. Complete with a writing style chapter and a guide to the different kinds of writing--everything from school papers to letter writing to e-mails--this guide is sure to become the one-stop, essential book on every student's desk.
Breaking Free Leader Guide
Beth Moore - 2008
Corresponds to the video presentations and member-book units of t
Spaces Places: Designing Classrooms for Literacy
Debbie Diller - 2008
You'll love the "before and after" pictures and the step-by-step processes outlined for organizing your furniture and cabinets, setting up your room space by space, and using your walls thoughtfully. Debbie has even documented how to pack your room at the end of the year to save time next fall (so you can focus on thinking about instruction) and what to do if you must move all your belongings.Through pictures and text, this unique visual reference answers tough questions educators ask, such as:What do I really need in my room and what's the best way to set it up?How does my physical classroom impact student learning?How can I find the space I need to teach more effectively? What can I get rid of and how?Where do I put all my stuff?Charts, reproducible forms, motivating quotes, a list of shopping sources, and reflection questions are included, along with a section outlining ten specific suggestions for on-going staff development. Whether or not you implement literacy work stations in your classroom, Spaces & Places includes everything you need to look deeply at classroom space and how it supports instruction.
Already Ready: Nurturing Writers in Preschool and Kindergarten
Katie Wood Ray - 2008
Katz Coauthor of "Young Investigators: The Project Approach in the Early Years" By the time they reach preschool or kindergarten, young children are already writers. They don't have much experience, but they're filled with stories to tell and ideas to express - they want to show the world what they know and see. All they need is a nurturing teacher like you to recognize the writer at work within them. All you need to help them is "Already Ready." Taking an exciting, new approach to working with our youngest students, "Already Ready "shows you how, by respecting children as writers, engaged in bookmaking, you can gently nudge them toward a lifetime of joyful writing. Katie Wood Ray and Matt Glover guide you through fundamental concepts of early writing. Providing numerous, helpful examples of early writing - complete with transcriptions - they demonstrate how to: make sense of children's writing and interpret how they represent sounds, ideas, and images see important developmental signs in writers that you can use to help them grow further recognize the thinking young children engage in and discover that it's the "same" thinking more experienced writers use to craft purposeful, thoughtful pieces. Then Ray and Glover show you how little ones can develop powerful understandings about: texts and their characteristics the writing process what it means to be a "writer." You'll learn how to support your writers' quest to make meaning, as they grow their abilities and refine their thinking about writing through teaching strategies such as: reading aloud working side by side with writers sharing children's writing. Writing is just one part of a busy early childhood classroom, but even in little doses, a nurturing approach can work wonders and help children connect the natural writer inside them to a life of expressing themselves on paper. Find that approach, share it with your students, and you'll discover that you don't have to get students ready to write - they're "Already Ready.
The Cornerstone
Angela Watson - 2008
It will guide you through each step of communicating and reinforcing your expectations. Learn how to create a vision for your classroom and TEACH for it!
What's Math Got to Do with It?: Helping Children Learn to Love Their Least Favorite Subject--and Why It's Important for America
Jo Boaler - 2008
When the level of spending was taken into account, we sank to the very bottom of the list. According to Jo Boaler, who was a professor of mathematics education at Stanford University for nine years, statistics like these are becoming all too common—we have reached the point of crisis, and a new course of action is crucial. In this straightforward and inspiring book, Boaler outlines the nature of the problem by following the progress of students in middle and high schools over a number of years, to find out which teaching methods are exciting students and getting results. Based on her research, she presents concrete solutions that will help reverse the trend, including classroom approaches, essential strategies for students, advice for parents on how to help children enjoy mathematics, and ways to work with teachers in schools.The United States is continuing to fall rapidly behind the rest of the developed world when it comes to math education, and the future of our economy depends on the quality of teaching that our children receive today. In What’s Math Got to Do with It?, Jo Boaler offers us a new way forward, making this book in dispensable for all parents and educators, as well as anyone interested in the mathematical and scientific future of our society.
Paisley Designs
Marty Noble - 2008
Colorists will enjoy hours of creative pleasure with this all-original gallery of paisley designs — 30 full-page illustrations swirling with gorgeous organic themes.
The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency
Anne Collins - 2008
She is also the only female private detective in Botswana. Her agency the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency is the best in the country. With help of her secretary, Mma Makutsi, and her best friend, Mr JLB Matekoni, she solves a number of difficult problems. A missing husband, a missing finger and a missing child she will solve these mysteries in her own special way.
Daily Word Ladders: Grades 1–2: 150+ Reproducible Word Study Lessons That Help Kids Boost Reading, Vocabulary, Spelling and Phonics Skills!
Timothy V. Rasinski - 2008
All the while, they're analyzing sound-symbol relationships, broadening their vocabulary, and building spelling skills to become better readers.
Science Formative Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning
Page Keeley - 2008
These 75 specific techniques help K-12 science teachers determine students' understanding of key concepts.
Basic Training for the Supernatural Ways of Royalty
Kris Vallotton - 2008
You will be stunned as Kris unearths the ancient mysteries of your kingly call and guides you into the supernatural attributes of royalty.
When Readers Struggle: Teaching That Works
Gay Su Pinnell - 2008
It's filled with specific teaching ideas for helping children in kindergarten through Grade 3 who are having difficulty in reading and writing.We want these young students to think and behave like effective readers who not only solve words skillfully but comprehend deeply and read fluently. To achieve our goal, we need to place them in situations in which they can succeed and then provide powerful teaching. Gay Su Pinnell and Irene Fountas offer numerous examples and descriptions of instruction that can help initially struggling readers become strategic readers. When Readers Struggle: Teaching That Works focuses on small-group intervention and individual interactions during reading and writing. Pinnell and Fountas also illustrate how to closely observe readers to make the best possible teaching decisions for them as well as how to support struggling readers in whole-class settings.Find immediately usable answers to your questions about struggling readers from educators you trust. Read Pinnell and Fountas's When Readers Struggle: Teaching That Works and find teaching that works for struggling readers.
Words Their Way: Word Sorts for Syllables and Affixes Spellers (2nd Endition)
Marcia A. Invernizzi - 2008
Broaden your word study understanding and instruction with this expanded word sorting tool for week by week implementation with syllables and affixes spellers (Grades 3-8). This stage-specific companion volume to Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction provides a complete curriculum of reproducible sorts and detailed directions for the teacher working with students in the letter name-alphabetic stage of spelling. NEW! This second edition boasts Targeted Learners sections that clarify which students will benefit most from the instruction Spell Checks and other Assessments available more frequently throughout High Frequency Words receive special attention
What Really Matters in Response to Intervention: Research-Based Designs
Richard L. Allington - 2008
To help teachers acquire a fuller understanding of the complexity of response to intervention designs, literacy researcher and best-selling author Dick Allington offers clear recommendations to guide classroom teachers in designing response to instruction (RtI) programs such that struggling readers will develop their reading proficiencies to match those of their achieving peers. Unlike any other book on the topic, Dick Allington provides a research-base that supports closing the reading achievement gap along with implications this has for designing RTI programs. In addition, Dick provides a comprehensive discussion of the factors that inhibit poor, disabled, and second-language learners from achieving and offers a number of research-based instructional strategies and routines for turning struggling readers into achieving readers. Teachers will be inspired and confident to design response to instruction programs! Take a look inside... Provides a complete review of what is critical to accelerating the development of struggling readers.Presents educators with a framework for how we might design response to intervention (RTI) programs such that struggling readers will develop their reading proficiencies to match those of their achieving peers.Features a complete analysis of response to intervention design (RTI) and offers a detailed framework for evaluating existing and future intervention efforts.Includes numerous websites that provide teacher-friendly information, strategies, and tools for accelerating reading development.
What's the Big Deal about Pornography?: A Guide for the Internet Generation
Jill C. Manning - 2008
Manning speaks directly to the young people she calls the internet generation. She discusses such topics as: What is pornography? How does pornography affect people? Can pornography teach me things about sexuality that I need to know in the
Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement
John Hattie - 2008
It builds a story about the power of teachers, feedback, and a model of learning and understanding. The research involves many millions of students and represents the largest ever evidence based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning. Areas covered include the influence of the student, home, school, curricula, teacher, and teaching strategies. A model of teaching and learning is developed based on the notion of visible teaching and visible learning.A major message is that what works best for students is similar to what works best for teachers - an attention to setting challenging learning intentions, being clear about what success means, and an attention to learning strategies for developing conceptual understanding about what teachers and students know and understand.Although the current evidence based fad has turned into a debate about test scores, this book is about using evidence to build and defend a model of teaching and learning. A major contribution is a fascinating benchmark/dashboard for comparing many innovations in teaching and schools.
Day-to-Day Assessment in the Reading Workshop: Making Informed Instructional Decisions in Grades 3–6
Franki Sibberson - 2008
Stressing that there are many ways to determine where students are and just as many ways to determine where to take them, they give teachers the tools to make that journey. They open with overview chapters on reading workshop and “the first six weeks” and move to detailed chapters on independent reading, read-aloud, whole-class instruction, small-group instruction, and conferences. In short, they provide a model for assessment-informed instruction.
Edible Schoolyard
Alice Waters - 2008
Twenty-five years later, she and a small group of teachers and volunteers turned over long-abandoned soil at an urban middle school in Berkeley and planted the Edible Schoolyard. The schoolyard has since grown into a universal idea of Edible Education that integrates academics with growing, cooking, and sharing wholesome, delicious food. With inspiring images of the garden and kitchenand their young caretakersEdible Schoolyard is at once a visionary model for sustainable farming and childhood nutrition, and a call to action for schools across the country.
Beyond Leveled Books: Supporting Early and Transitional Readers in Grades K-5
Karen Szymusiak - 2008
The key topic of series books has been revised and enlarged, with charts outlining new series with the challenges they pose and supports readers need. New lessons have been added, and most chapters now include a related article from a literacy expert. Some of the contributors include Kathy Collins, Larry Swartz, and Mary Lee Hahn.Leveled books are an indispensable tool for teaching children to read, especially for emergent readers, but the authors of Beyond Leveled Books are sounding the alarm about the overuse and misuse of leveling and the way it restricts teacher autonomy and undermines student choice and reading engagement. Franki, Karen, and Lisa lay out a blueprint for using leveled books effectively within a student-centered and differentiated approach that is designed to motivate all readers, particularly transitional ones. TEACHING TRANSITIONAL READERS: Beyond Leveled Books is packed with resources to help teachers understand and meet the needs of transitional readers, including examples of classroom instruction, sample mini-lessons, strategies for small-group instruction, assessment techniques, and articles by literacy expertsRESOURCES FOR K-5 CLASSROOMS: The book explores the uses and limitations of leveled texts in primary reading instruction, including ideas for how to organize your classroom library and a list of great books and series to use alongside leveled text in supporting new readersGATEWAY TO INDEPENDENT READING: The authors provide explicit tools for helping students consolidate their skills and reading strategies, to read widely and deeply, to increase their vocabulary, and build critical thinkingMAKING READING FUN: Teach students to experience joy from reading through deeper comprehension and applicationBeyond Leveled Books is an essential resource for K-5 teachers looking to help all readers, including budding readers, struggling readers, transitional readers, and readers who have plateaued.
The Independent Piano Teacher's Studio Handbook: Everything You Need to Know for a Successful Teaching Studio
Beth Gigante Klingenstein - 2008
This handy and thorough guide is designed to help the independent piano teacher in all aspects of running his/her own studio. Whether it be business practices such as payment plans, taxes, and marketing, or teaching tips involving technique, composition, or sight reading, this all-inclusive manual has it all! Topics include: Developing and Maintaining a Professional Studio, Finances, Establishing Lessons, Studio Recitals, Tuition and Payment Plans, Composition and Improvisation, Marketing, Communications with Parents, Make-up Policies, Zoning and Business Licenses, Teaching Materials and Learning Styles, The Art of Practice, Arts Funding, and many more!
Lessons from the Classroom: 20 Things Good Teachers Do
Hal Urban - 2008
There's wisdom, inspiration, and nuts-and-bolts guidance on every page.This book reads like a love letter - from a teacher who loved his work and loved his students, and now wants to share everything he learned from a lifetime of honing his craft. It has more practical insights, inspiring stories, and tested strategies for bringing out the best in kids than one normally finds in ten books on education. It will be a classic.
Of Primary Importance: What's Essential in Teaching Young Writers
Ann Marie Corgill - 2008
"Step inside" she says, "and breathe the writing workshop air with me. Take a look at a primary classroom, and take a minute to watch and listen and see real learning, real writing in action." Throughout these pages, you'll see Ann Marie guiding her primary students into deep and meaningful explorations of a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction. Watch as her classroom community progresses into eager and independent writers speaking with clarity, voice, and an undeniable understanding of the power and purposes of putting pen, pencil, crayon, and paper to work!Forming the heart of the book are detailed units of study on poetry, nonfiction, and fiction writing that provide a clear demonstration of the writing workshop process at work throughout a school year. You'll also find examples of favorite texts for teaching various craft components, ideas for classroom organization and where to purchase materials, suggestions for publishing student work, lists of professional resources and, most importantly, inspiring examples of what children who are empowered to write can and will write.Of Primary Importance is not a how-to manual as much as it is a celebration of the idiosyncratic journey of teaching young children to write. If you are a grade-one through grade-three teacher struggling to get your students writing well, if you want to push your writing workshop to new dimensions, or if you are just plain skeptical that primary kids can write something beyond "I love my mom. I love my dog. The end," this book is for you. You will come away inspired, challenged, supported, and wiser in your classroom writing instruction.
Entirety: Love Gives All
Dana Candler - 2008
God has given us His all, and His fiery love within empowers us to give our all. Discover the longings God has placed within for the divine romance, and explore how to abandon yourself to wholeheartedness.
Young Adult Literature in the 21st Century
Pam B. Cole - 2008
The first three chapters familiarize teacher candidates with the reading process of teens, discuss teen attitudes toward reading, and examine their interests and reading abilities. The genre chapters (Chapters 4-13) discuss genre characteristics and themes, survey young adult literature within the genre category, and examine relevant young adult literature in terms of style and structure. Each of the genre chapters also includes selections to illustrate methods for teaching reading to all learners - including methods that focus on writing skills - and provides the teacher candidate with additional resources in the field of young adult literature.
The Ecco Anthology of Contemporary American Short Fiction
Joyce Carol OatesE.L. Doctorow - 2008
Beha, this volume provides an important overview of the contemporary short story and a selection of the very best that American short fiction has to offer.Contents:The toughest Indian in the world by Sherman AlexieLobster night by Russell BanksThe hermit's story by Rick Bass1-900 by Richard BauschPoor devil by Charles BaxterLavande by Ann BeattieO. by Aimee BenderMercy by Pinckney BenedictThe love of my life by T.C. BoyleThe identity club by Richard BurginThe son of the wolfman by Michael ChabonNight women by Edwidge DanticatTelevision by Lydia DavisAurora by Junot DíazA house on the Plains by E.L. DoctorowDeath of the right fielder by Stuart DybekThe girl who left her sock on the floor by Deborah EisenbergDisaster stamps of Pluto by Louise ErdrichReunion by Richard FordRêve haitien by Ben FountainThe girl on the plane by Mary GaitskillThe paperhanger by William GayCity visit by Adam HaslettTo those of you who missed your connecting flights out of O'Hare by Amy HempelEmergency by Denis JohnsonDouble exposure by Greg JohnsonOld boys, old girls by Edward P. JonesAdina, Astrid, Chipewee, Jasmine by Matthew KlamBaboons by Sheila KohlerOnce in a lifetime by Jhumpa LahiriSome terpsichore by Elizabeth McCrackenCowboy by Thomas McGuaneSault Ste. Marie by David MeansRanch girl by Maile MeloyThe new automaton theater by Steven MillhauserPaper losses by Lorrie MooreStitches by Antonya NelsonLand. ll by Joyce Carol OatesOn the rainy river by Tim O'BrienThe escort by Chuck PalahniukPeople in hell just want a drink of water by Annie ProulxThe red bow by George SaundersLeslie and Sam by Douglas UngerThe brown chest by John UpdikeIncarnations of burned children by David Foster WallaceCinnamon skin by Edmund WhiteWho invented the jump shot by John Edgar WidemanBullet in the brain by Tobias Wol
The Fountas & Pinnell Prompting Guide 1: A Tool for Literacy Teachers
Irene C. Fountas - 2008
If you are a classroom teacher, reading specialist, literacy teacher, Reading Recovery teacher, or literacy coach, you can use this flip chart as a ready reference while working with students in several instructional contexts. Fountas and Pinnell have compiled a comprehensive collection of precise language to use when teaching, prompting for, and reinforcing effective strategic actions in reading and writing. Based on your observations and analysis of students' reading and writing behaviors, you can select the specific language that will work best for children as they build their literacy processing systems. The language in this guide will improve the reader's or writer's ability to solve problems and use strategic actions independently.
Aesthetic of the Cool: Afro-Atlantic Art and Music
Robert Farris Thompson - 2008
Cool has ancient roots in Nigeria, is still evident in "shared traits" of West African dance, and came to the Americas with slaves who wove it into a rich and dynamic creole civilization. No one is better able to uncover and recount this extraordinary story of change and survival than Thompson, a polymath with a gift for insights into the interconnectedness of cultures. He shows us the cool's reinvention in terminologies galore; clothing, gesture, and body language; sports, especially basketball; music and dance; religious practices; and art in various guises, yardshows and quilts, paintings and gallery installations. Cool is "the mask of mind itself," Thompson concludes, the means for attaining the calm and balance of transcendence when facing difficulty, whether playing bebop and/or confronting racist brutality.This book brings together all Thompson's writings on the cool, some hitherto unpublished, many in out-of-print and hard-to-find publications.Together they form an incomparable record of encounters and recognitions that began when the U.S. was still segregated and unwilling to acknowledge the existence, let alone the powers, of Black Atlantic culture. Thompson has played a leading role in gaining recognition for the Black Atlantic and making African American experiences into a subject of study at schools and universities. Aesthetic of the Cool is one of his monumental achievements.
Morning Meetings with Jesus: 180 Devotions for Teachers
Susan O'Carroll Drake - 2008
From the student who attacks verbally or physically to the lab experiment that goes wrong, teachers face a variety of challenges - and veteran teacher of Baltimore's public school, author Susan O'Carroll Drake, shares not only her own experiences but the biblical principles she has gleaned from a study of Jesus' life and teaching. Each devotion offers a Scripture reading, key verse, personal anecdote, biblical insight, and practical application before concluding with a brief prayer.
Rethinking Early Childhood Education
Ann Pelo - 2008
This anthology collects inspiring stories about social justice teaching with young children. Included is outstanding writing from childcare teachers, early-grade public school teachers, scholars, and parents. Early childhood is when we develop our core dispositions--the habits of thinking that shape how we live. This book shows how educators can nurture empathy, ecological consciousness, curiosity, collaboration, and activism in young children. It invites readers to rethink early childhood education, reminding them that it is inseparable from social justice and ecological education. An outstanding resource for childcare providers, early-grade teachers, and teacher education and staff development programs. Winner of a 2009 Skipping Stones Honor Award.
Zigzag: A Life of Reading and Writing, Teaching and Learning
Tom Romano - 2008
I am not a writer of ease and facility. I've done a lot of zigzagging to get where I am. . . . I have to rethink, replan, revise. Adjusting my balance and positioning is ongoing. We ask our students to write authentically, in their own voice. We validate their knowledge and their experiences. We want them to know the depth and joy of a lifelong love of reading and writing. In Zigzag Tom Romano writes his life, creating a model for us of the power that words - written, spoken, heard, read, taught - can have in shaping our professional, personal, and spiritual lives. Tom Romano has long been known for writing with one of the most distinctive and compelling voices in the field. Beginning with scenes of waxing the floor of his father's beer joint, Romano shows us how his voice evolved over time, how he found simpatico voices among friends, family, mentors, and literary writers, and how he wended a long, twisting road to helping students find their own voices. We have long cherished Romano's Clearing the Way, and here he shows us that the journey to that book led him down the same kinds of hallways we have walked, into the same kinds of classrooms we have taught in. In Zigzag we also see how the episodes of Romano's life led him to discover the dynamic fusion of imagination, voice, and content that fuels his celebrated multigenre approach and energizes writing curricula around the country. Romano speaks to us directly, confronting the problems every educator faces, and even years later finding more evidence that success and failure are not opposites but opportunities to learn - always to learn. From student to teacher, Ohio to New Hampshire, from miracle to meltdown to milestones, Zigzag opens a window into the development of a writer, a teacher, a reader, a learner. It is the story of our educational values - sometimes lived easily, sometimes shakily - and of what can happen when we pass those values on to our students.
The Usual Error: Why We Don't Understand Each Other and 34 Ways to Make It Better
Pace Smith - 2008
You'll learn why miscommunication happens so often, how to avoid needless conflict, how to resolve arguments peacefully, what societal myths block clear understanding, and how to be happier by changing the way you speak. So throw away that mind-reading helmet you bought on eBay. It doesn't work anyway. We'll show you better ways to be understood and to understand other people, and we'll entertain you in the process!
Working Memory and Learning: A Practical Guide for Teachers
Susan E. Gathercole - 2008
A good working memory is crucial to becoming a successful leaner, yet there is very little material available in an easy-to-use format that explains the concept and offers practitioners ways to support children with poor working memory in the classroom.This book provides a coherent overview of the role played by working memory in learning during the school years, and uses theory to inform good practice.Topics covered include:" the link between working memory skills and key areas of learning (such as literacy & numeracy)" the relationship between working memory and children with developmental disorders" assessment of children for working memory deficits" strategies for supporting working memory in under-performing childrenThis accessible guide will help SENCOs, teachers, teaching assistants, speech and language therapists and educational psychologists to understand and address working memory in their setting
Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques
I.S.P. Nation - 2008
This unified approach represents vocabulary instruction through listening, speaking, reading, and writing development.
Math Works: Montessori Math and the Developing Brain
Michael Duffy - 2008
Creating Robust Vocabulary: Frequently Asked Questions and Extended Examples
Isabel L. Beck - 2008
Responding to readers' success stories, practical questions, and requests for extended examples, this ideal volume builds on the groundbreaking work of Bringing Words to Life. The authors present additional tools, tips, and detailed explanations of such questions as which words to teach, when and how to teach them, and how to adapt instruction for English language learners. They provide specific instructional sequences, including assessments, for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12, as well as interactive lesson planning resources. Invaluable appendices feature engaging classroom activities and a comprehensive list of children's books and stories with suggested vocabulary for study. See also the authors' Bringing Words to Life, Second Edition: Robust Vocabulary Instruction, the authoritative guide to research-based vocabulary instruction, as well as Making Sense of Phonics, Second Edition: The Hows and Whys, by Isabel L. Beck and Mark E. Beck, an invaluable resource for K-3.
Launching the Writing Workshop: A Step-by-Step Guide in Photographs
Denise Leograndis - 2008
You'll find unique and highly practical ideas for setting up and maintaining record systems and organizing supplies, to teaching workshop routines, building community, and establishing a productive learning environment. This rich resource includes dozens of classroom-tested management and instructional charts and strategic lessons that build day-by-day and week-to-week, as well as lists of mentor texts and read alouds for launching a writing workshop. Great ideas for homework, too.
Using Picture Books to Teach Writing With the Traits: K–2: An Annotated Bibliography of More Than 150 Mentor Texts With Teacher-Tested Lessons
Ruth Culham - 2008
The short, focused, and tightly woven text mirrors the kind of writing they want their students to be doing. In this essential resource, the authors have organized by trait more than 150 annotations of new and classic books that will delight young students—and inspire powerful writing. Peppered throughout are 18 step-by-step, trait-focused lessons based on specific books.
Bilingual Education in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective
Ofelia García - 2008
This thought-provoking work is an ideal textbook for future teachers as well as providing a fresh view of the subject for school administrators and policy makers. Provides an overview of bilingual education theories and practices throughout the world Extends traditional conceptions of bilingualism and bilingual education to include global and local concerns in the 21st century Questions assumptions regarding language, bilingualism and bilingual education, and proposes a new theoretical framework and alternative views of teaching and assessment practices Reviews international bilingual education policies, with separate chapters dedicated to US and EU language policy in education Gives reasons why bilingual education is good for all children throughout the world, and presents cases of how this is being carried out
Lapham's Quarterly: Ways of Learning
Lewis H. Lapham - 2008
Scott Fitzgerald, Geoffrey Chaucer, Donald Barthelme.
What Really Matters in Fluency: Research-Based Practices Across the Curriculum
Richard L. Allington - 2008
Fluency has risen to the top of today's instructional agenda and yet it is a process that is still unfamiliar terrain for many teachers. To help teachers acquire a fuller understanding of the complexity of fluency development, literacy researcher and best-selling author Dick Allington offers clear recommendations to guide classroom teachers in fostering development with a few modest changes to their daily reading lessons that will strengthen every student's fluency development. Unlike any other book on the topic of fluency, Dick Allington provides a research-base that supports wide, free voluntary reading as an overlooked component in the development of reading fluency along with implications this has for planning fluency interventions. In addition, Dick provides a comprehensive discussion of the factors that inhibit fluency growth and a number of research-based instructional strategies and routines for turning struggling readers into fluent and achieving readers. Teachers will be inspired and confident to teach fluency!Written by the authors you know and trust, each of the books in the What Really Matters series offers a succinct presentation of what matters most when teaching different aspects of the reading process.With a thought-provoking, rich presentation, Pat Cunningham and Dick Allington explore complex issues teachers of reading face in today's classrooms and bring each of the topics to life. These brief and inexpensive books are written in a lively narrative with clear organization, exceptional pedagogy, and special features. Their friendly design and compact size make the books accessible, convenient, and easy-to read.
Visual-Spatial Learners: Differentiation Strategies for Creating a Successful Classroom
Alexandra Shires Golon - 2008
Visual-spatial learners are students who show advanced abilities with computers, maps, construction toys, and puzzles. The techniques outlined within these pages help all learners succeed--regardless of preferred learning style. Based on the most current understanding of the brain's hemispheric functions, the author provides a number of strategies and lesson plan ideas to help make your classroom a successful learning environment for all learners. These strategies address preparing students to succeed on timed tests; easing the pain of handwriting; teaching spelling using imagery; incorporating mnemonics, rhyme, and other tricks that engage the right hemisphere of the brain; helping students stay focused and on track; getting--and keeping--students organized; and much more!
Art Is Fundamental: Teaching the Elements and Principles of Art in Elementary School
Eileen S. Prince - 2008
Detailed lessons—developed and tested in classrooms over many years—build on one another in a logical progression and explore the elements of texture, color, shape, line, form, and value, and principles such as balance (formal, informal and radial,) unity, contrast, movement, distortion, emphasis, pattern and rhythm. Each lesson also represents an interdisciplinary approach that improves general vocabulary and supports science, math, social studies, and language arts. Though written for elementary school teachers, it can be easily condensed and adapted for middle or even high school students. A beautiful eight-page color insert demonstrates just how sophisticated young children’s art can be when kids are given the opportunity to develop their skills.
The Living Classroom
Christopher M. Bache - 2008
Combining scientific research with personal accounts collected over thirty years, Christopher M. Bache examines the subtle influences that radiate invisibly around teachers as they work-unintended, cognitive resonances that spring up between teachers and students in the classroom. While these kinds of synchronistic connections are often overlooked by traditional academics, Bache demonstrates that they occur too frequently and are too pointed to be dismissed as mere coincidence. Drawing upon Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic fields, Bache proposes that well-taught courses generate "learning fields" around them, forms of collective consciousness that can trigger new insights and startling personal transformations. Moving beyond theory, this book is rich with student stories and offers practical, hands-on strategies for teachers who want to begin working with these learning fields to take their teaching to a more conscious level.
The Book Tree: A Christian Reference to Children's Literature
Elizabeth McCallum - 2008
Quick -- whose side are you one? If you don't know, we suggest reading a hearty round of fairytales. Stories provide a roadmap for life. This is because stories ARE life. But oftentimes it's easiest to understand where we are when we can look through other eyes -- from the perspective of someone else, living somewhere else, somewhen else. Literary habits naturally give way to literary affections. For those beginning to read for the first time or those beginning to read again, "The Book Tree" will drop golden apples in your lap, until you can climb high enough to pick for yourself.
Keys to Teaching Grammar to English Language Learners: A Practical Handbook
Keith S. Folse - 2008
Written for classroom teachers (K-12, ESL, EFL), this book teaches the most common ELL grammar points in an accessible way through real ELL errors with suggested teaching techniques. Relevant grammar terminology is explained where practical.The four objectives of the book are to help teachers: (1) identify common ELL grammar points and understand the details associated with each one; (2) improve their ability to answer any grammar question on the spot (when on the "hot seat"); (3) anticipate common ELL errors by grammar point, by first language, and by proficiency level; and (4) develop more effective grammar/language learning lessons.The presentation of each of the 15 keys (grammar points) features information on typical ELL errors, an accessible grammar explanation including examples of mistakes, a native language interference chart, and ideas for teaching the grammar point.The Workbook for Keys to Teaching Grammar to English Language Learners provides extra practice in the grammar points studied in the handbook.
To Understand: New Horizons in Reading Comprehension
Ellin Oliver Keene - 2008
It will knock the socks off this profession.-Harvey Daniels Author of Subjects Matter and Content-Area Writing The renaissance in comprehension instruction launched by Mosaic of Thought has led to changes in hundreds of thousands of classrooms, where teachers now model reading strategies, and students probe meaning more deeply. But no book in the field has satisfactorily answered the question: What does it really mean to comprehend? In To Understand, Ellin Oliver Keene not only explores this important question, but reveals what teachers can do to encourage all students to engage in deep understanding far more consistently than before.In discovering what's really behind comprehension, To Understand goes well beyond comprehension strategy instruction. Keene identifies specific Dimensions and Outcomes of Understanding-characteristics identified in readers with a highly developed ability to make sense of text-to help you rethink what comprehension is. She demonstrates how to leverage the Dimensions and Outcomes into relevant, provocative, memorable instruction. To Understand proposes a model that incorporates all aspects of literacy instruction-word learning and comprehension-and describes how teachers can focus on what matters most in literacy content. Keene shows that when teachers target the most essential content, they have the time to help every student engage more deeply with texts and discover a passion for reading and learning. The model is founded on four simple, but powerful concepts:Focus on what's important by teaching vital concepts in depth rather than skimming over nonessential skillsUse research-based teaching and learning strategies, including proven-effective comprehension and language-based strategies, then taking them further by showing students how the strategies lead them to a fuller understand of a textTeach the essential concepts over a long period of time so that children have an opportunity to learn not only a comprehension strategy, but to explore where that strategy leads in their understandingGive students numerous opportunities to apply the concepts in a variety of texts and contexts. With To Understand in hand, you'll find new ways to draw out the innate intellectual interest in every student and spark dramatic improvements in literacy learning and comprehension, even among students who struggle. You'll see that by rethinking what it means to understand-by teaching children the Outcomes and Dimensions of understanding-you can help students exceed expectations while broadening your vision of their abilities, their capacity, and their energy for learning. There's still more-much more-to learn about comprehension. Read To Understand, join Ellin Oliver Keene, and discover that what's at the very core of comprehension can not only reinvigorate your teaching but take your students to new, uncharted levels of learning.
Natural Playscapes
Rusty Keeler - 2008
You can create extraordinary outdoor places for young children without highly complex play contraptions surrounded by a sea of wood chips or gravel... Places for children that tickle the imagination and surprise the senses...Places for young ones of all abilities to discover themselves and the world around them. This book is about a new movement in children's outdoor play areas, natural playscapes - Where the entire space and is filled with art, hills, pathways, trees, herbs, open areas, sand, water, music, and more... Where children find places to run, climb, dig, pretend, and hide, with opportunities to bellow or be silent. This magnificent 316-page resource contains close to 500 color photographs and illustrations.
A Quick Guide to Making Your Teaching Stick, K-5
Shanna Schwartz - 2008
If you've struggled to get around quickly enough to help all your writers, if you've wondered how to tweak your teaching to make it more effective and lasting, if you've needed to adapt your teaching for English learners, if you've struggled to teach grammar or nonfiction writing or test prep...if you've faced these and other specific, pressing challenges, then this series is for you. Provided in a compact 5 x 7 format, the Workshop Help Desk series offers pocket-sized professional development.For a comprehensive overview of the Units of Study in Opinion/Argument, Information, and Narrative series, including sample minilessons, sample videos, videos, frequently asked questions and more, visit
Macmillan English Grammar In Context Advanced With Key And Cd Rom Pack
Michael Vince - 2008
Game On: The All-American Race to Make Champions of Our Children
Tom Farrey - 2008
Youth sports isn't just orange slices and all-star trophies anymore. It's 14-year-olds who enter high school with a decade of football experience, 9-year-olds competing for national baseball championships, 5-year-old golfers who shoot par, and toddlers made from sperm donated (for a fee) by elite college athletes. It's a year-round "travel team" in every community--and parents who fear that not making the cut in grade school will cost their kid the chance to play in high school. In short, a landscape in which performance often matters more than participation, all the way down to peewee basketball.Much as Fast Food Nation challenged our eating habits and Silent Spring rewired how we think about the environment, Tom Farrey's Game On will forever change the way we look at this desperate culture besotted by the example of Tiger Woods. An Emmy award-winning reporter, Farrey examines the lives of child athletes and the consequences of sorting the strong from the weak at ever earlier ages: fewer active kids, testier sidelines, rising obesity rates, and U.S. national teams that rarely win world titles.He dives into the world of these games that are played by more than 30 million boys and girls, and along the way uncovers some surprising truths. When the very best athletes enter organized play. The best approach to coaching them. And the powerful influence of wealth and genetics. Farrey has written a surprising, alarming, thoughtful, and ultimately empowering book for anyone who wants the best for the newest generation of Americans, as athletes and citizens.
Crafting Writers, K–6
Elizabeth Hale - 2008
In Crafting Writers, K–6 Elizabeth Hale shows us how to identify specific elements of craft when assessing student work and planning instruction, and use them to teach students the specific craft techniques that will move them forward as writers.Liz offers practical information that teachers can use immediately in their classrooms. She also presents a concrete process for noticing craft in writing so teachers can develop and plan craft lessons based on their students' writing. Learning the techniques that make up good writing also allows teachers to see craft in many different levels of writing, a skill that is particularly powerful when conferring with below-grade-level writers. Additional chapters look closely at assessment and classroom management practices like group conferring.Most of us know good writing when we read it, but writing teachers need to know what makes it work. Filled with easy-to-use charts, and practical lessons, Crafting Writers, K–6 provides clear insight into identifying and teaching the small elements that make good writing successful.
Writing for Understanding
Joey Hawkins - 2008
Through Writing for Understanding, teachers learn to help students: 1) Build and process working content knowledge and understanding of the writer's craft 2) Identify a central idea for their writing, then focus it through a question, and 3) Transfer their developing writing abilities independently to new situations. With models of effective teaching, samples of student writing, and practical tools for classroom use, Writing for Understanding offers an inspiring and useful tool for developing effective, independent student writers.
On Becoming a Leadership Coach: A Holistic Approach to Coaching Excellence
Christine Wahl - 2008
This book focuses on coaching leaders in the context of the organizational systems within which they lead, drawing on the curriculum of the Georgetown University Leadership Coaching Certificate Program, one of the premier coach training programs in the world and the only one with this particular focus.
What's the Point of School?: Rediscovering the Heart of Education
Guy Claxton - 2008
Guiding readers past the sterile debates about City Academies and dumbed-down exams, Claxton proves that education’s key responsibility should be to create enthusiastic learners who will go on to thrive as adults in a swiftly-changing, dynamic world. Students must be encouraged to sharpen their wits, ask questions, and think for themselves - all without chucking out Shakespeare or the Periodic Table. Blending down-to-earth examples with the latest advances in brain science, and written with passion, wit, and authority, this brilliant book will inspire teachers, parents, and readers of all backgrounds to join a practical revolution and foster in the next generation a natural curiosity and the spirit of adventure.
Roderick Hunt - 2008
Stories and More Stories continue to provide a mix of fantasy settings and familiar situations. More complex sentences develop stamina, to enable readers to progress with confidence.
U.S. Presidents and Latin American Interventions: Pursuing Regime Change in the Cold War
Michael Grow - 2008
Richard Nixon sponsored a coup attempt in Chile. Ronald Reagan waged covert warfare in Nicaragua. Nearly a dozen times during the Cold War, American presidents turned their attention from standoffs with the Soviet Union to intervene in Latin American affairs. In each instance, it was declared that the security of the United States was at stake--but, as Michael Grow demonstrates, these actions had more to do with flexing presidential muscle than responding to imminent danger.From Eisenhower's toppling of Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954 to Bush's overthrow of Noriega in Panama in 1989, Grow casts a close eye on eight major cases of U.S. intervention in the Western Hemisphere, offering fresh interpretations of why they occurred and what they signified. The case studies also include the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Reagan's invasion of Grenada in 1983, and JFK's little-known 1963 intervention against the government of Cheddi Jagan in British Guiana.Grow argues that it was not threats to U.S. national security or endangered economic interests that were decisive in prompting presidents to launch these interventions. Rather, each intervention was part of a symbolic geopolitical chess match in which the White House sought to project an image of overpowering strength to audiences at home and abroad--in order to preserve both national and presidential credibility. As Grow also reveals, that impulse was routinely reinforced by local Latin American elites--such as Chilean businessmen or opposition Panamanian politicians--who actively promoted intervention in their own self-interest.LBJ's loud lament--What can we do in Vietnam if we can't clean up the Dominican Republic?--reflected just how preoccupied our presidents were with proving that the U.S. was no paper tiger and that they themselves were fearless and forceful leaders. Meticulously argued and provocative, Grow's bold reinterpretation of Cold War history shows that this special preoccupation with credibility was at the very core of our presidents' approach to foreign relations, especially those involving our Latin American neighbors.
Storymaking (Jumpstart)
Pie Corbett - 2008
It focuses upon 'storytelling for writing' as well as creating a whole school culture of storytelling, reading and writing. Storymaking is the process of retelling, innovating and creating new stories.Like the best-selling Jumpstart Literacy, this book contains imaginative quick-fire' ideas that could be used as creative warm-ups and starters or developed into lessons. There are over 100 provocative and thought-provoking games and activities, intended to jumpstart storytelling, reading and writing in any Key Stage 1, 2 or 3 classroom. Practical, easy-to-do and vastly entertaining, the jumpstarts will appeal to busy teachers.
Emergent Curriculum in Early Childhood Settings: From Theory to Practice
Susan Stacey - 2008
Sections on observation, documentation, assessment, and relationships that support learning provide a complete subject overview.
Kingdom Living in Your Classroom
Joy D. McCullough - 2008
It demands that you maintain a vibrant, growing relationship with God so that you can reflect and model Christlikeness for your students, their parents, and others in your school community. This book provides valuable insights and practical tips on how to maximize your influence for God wherever you serve.
Oxford Practice Grammar Intermediate: With Key Practice-Boost CD-ROM Pack: With Key Practice-boost CD-ROM Pack Intermediate level
John Eastwood - 2008
Each level has an interactive Practice-Boost CD-ROM.
Biscuit Goes to the Fair
Alyssa Satin Capucilli - 2008
A pull-tab on the bottom of each spread transforms pictures into words in an instant to teach new words in a memorable way.
The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition
Zoltán Dörnyei - 2008
Readers will find succinct and up-to-date descriptions of a wide range of psycholinguistic and neuropsychological topics such as language and the brain; neuroimaging and other research methods in psycholinguistics and brain research; non-nativist approaches to language acquisition; explicit/implicit learning and memory, procedural/declarative knowledge, and the automatization of language skills; learner characteristics, age effects, and the critical period hypothesis; and the psychological basis of language learning in educational contexts.
More Tools for Teaching Content Literacy
Janet Allen - 2008
When appropriate strategies are combined with engaging texts, student interest and learning increase.In Tools for Teaching Content Literacy Janet Allen put a wealth of research-based instructional tools at teachers' fingertips to help students make connections with informational resources and to read critically. More Tools for Teaching Content Literacy extends this treasure trove with 25 new instructional strategies -- from Expert Groups to Point-of-View Guides, to Wordstorming -- using the same compact, tabbed flipchart format. Each of the strategies includes: a brief description of the instructional tool; an exploration of how and why the tool would be used for instruction in content classes; graphic organizers; models; step-by-step instructions to support using and adapting the instructional strategy; a research base that documents the origin, adaptations, and related reading for understanding the effectiveness of the strategy.Like its predecessor, More Tools is a handy reference that provides instant access to succinct descriptions, practical strategies, and manageable assessments, allowing teachers to save time and be more flexible and confident in meeting students' needs.
Approaches to Teaching Poe's Prose and Poetry
Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock - 2008
His writings have inspired film, television, and musical adaptations--sources for much of students' knowledge about Poe. Thus the challenge for teachers is to reacquaint students with Poe as a complex literary figure. This volume equips teachers with the tools necessary to meet that challenge.Part 1 identifies the most frequently taught Poe texts, reviews useful editions of his work, and suggests secondary sources on Poe as well as television, film, music, and Web materials for use in the classroom. Essays in part 2 explore the relation between Poe's writing and his biography, including his attitudes toward racial difference and plagiarism and his wide publication in the literary magazines of his time. Contributors consider the range of Poe's writings, from his horror stories to his analytic essays and tales of ratiocination; his work is also compared with that of Stephen King, Alfred Hitchcock, and graphic novelists. Other essays assess the usefulness of theoretical approaches to Poe, especially psychoanalytic ones, and discuss the controversies concerning the literary merit of his work. Together, these essays bring to life the political, philosophical, and religious context in which Poe wrote.
Teaching Writing in Kindergarten: A Structured Approach to Daily Writing That Helps Every Child Become a Confident, Capable Writer
Randee Bergen - 2008
Master teacher Randee Bergen shares her yearlong plan for daily writing, providing complete lessons and tips for motivating all learners, managing writing time, and assessing children's work effectively and efficiently. Includes guided lessons for the whole group as well as individualized mini-lessons to support learners exactly where they need help. For use with Grade K.
The Way Literacy Lives: Rhetorical Dexterity and Basic Writing Instruction
Shannon Carter - 2008
Shannon Carter argues that fostering in students an awareness of the ways in which an autonomous model deconstructs itself when applied to real-life literacy contexts empowers them to work against this system in ways critical theorists advocate. She builds upon a theoretical framework provided by new literacy studies, activity theory, and critical literacies to construct a new model for basic writing instruction, one that trains writers to effectively read, understand, manipulate, and negotiate the cultural and linguistic codes of a new community of practice based on a relatively accurate assessment of another, more familiar one.
Classroom Habitudes: Teaching Learning Habits and Attitudes in 21st Century Learning
Angela Maiers - 2008
But how do you work those skills into the curriculum? Learn how to use the content you already teach to challenge students to think critically, collaborate with others, solve new problems, and adapt to change across new learning contexts. Help students build the seven habitudes habits of disciplined decisions and specific attitudes they need to succeed."
City Kids, City Schools: More Reports from the Front Row
William Ayers - 2008
A contemporary companion to City Kids, City Teachers: Reports from the Front Row, this new and timely collection has been compiled by four of the country's most prominent urban educators. Contributors including Sandra Cisneros, Jonathan Kozol, Sapphire, and Patricia J. Williams provide some of the best writing on life in city schools and neighborhoods. Young people and practicing teachers, poets and scholars, social critics and journalists offer unique takes on topics ranging from culturally relevant teaching and scripted curricula to the criminalization of youth, gentrification, and the inequities of school funding.In the words of Sonia Nieto, City Kids, City Schools "challenge[s] the conventional wisdom of what it means to teach in urban schools."
Nonfiction Reading Power: Teaching Students How to Think While They Read all Kinds of Information
Adrienne Gear - 2008
Using the best children's books to motivate students, Adrienne Gear shows teachers how help students zoom-in, question and infer; find the main idea, make connections, and transform what's on the printed page. Key introductory concept lessons for each of the five reading powers provide valuable insight into the purpose of each strategy. The book also explores the particular features of nonfiction and offers lists of key books organized around strategies and subject areas.
Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems
Darrell Morris - 2008
He demonstrates how to conduct a comprehensive diagnostic assessment; interpret reading scores; and provide individualized instruction that takes each student's specific strengths and weaknesses into account. Case studies bring to life the book's one-to-one strategies for struggling beginning readers, older remedial readers (second- to sixth-grade reading levels), and those with severe reading disabilities. Small-group and whole-class applications are discussed, and a special chapter describes an exemplary teacher training approach. Helpful appendices feature ready-to-use assessment tools, book lists, and other reproducibles.
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream for Kids: 3 melodramatic plays for 3 group sizes (Shakespeare for Kids)
Brendan P. Kelso - 2008
What you will get: Fun! 3 melodramatic modifications for group sizes: 9-10 11-14 15-20 Actual lines from Shakespeare's play mixed in. Creatively funny interpretations of the remaining script. A delightfully funny rendition that is easy for ADULTS to understand too! A kid who loves Shakespeare! This mini-melodramatic masterpiece is sure to be a doorway for your child to love all the classics. Shakespeare is difficult enough in class or watching on stage, let alone trying to teach the stories to children, but as the author's mantra states in the book, "there is no better way to learn than to have fun!" Kids who have read this have also eventually purchased the entire Shakespeare works, and have completed 'hero' reports on Shakespeare at school. Guaranteed to have you coming back for more!
Hack the SAT: Strategies and Sneaky Shortcuts That Can Raise Your Score Hundreds of Points
Eliot Schrefer - 2008
Harvard honors graduate Eliot Schrefer discovered this lucrative truth when he took a job at the nation’s most exclusive test-prep firm. He has helped hundreds of his clients raise their scores an average of 300 points and reel in admission to exclusive colleges. Now, in a guide that is as unique as his tricks, Schrefer brings his extraordinary pointers to every anxious applicant.This user-friendly rescue manual delivers such scoreboosting features as:a killer vocabulary list, including words the SAT has repeated for decades (and why reading Vanity Fair magazine is smart test prep)cheap tricks to master the math section (surprise! you learned all you needed to know about SAT math by the eighth grade)how to be a grammar genius without cracking another book (bonus: discover the tiny subset of grammar rules that is the SAT’s secret lover)Schrefer writes in a snappy, conversational tone, dishing gossipy anecdotes about former clients while presenting advice not found in competing books. With a design that is as vibrant as a gamer’s virtual world, this is the ultimate weapon in the quest for test-score triumph.
No Child Left Behind? The True Story Of A Teacher's Quest
Elizabeth Blake - 2008
"No Child Left Behind? The true story of a teacher's quest"; explores her inspirational fight for students others have left behind. Despite struggling with the stress of gangs, drugs, shootings and uncooperative administrators, the students capture her heart. While she searches for a way to reach them, they teach her to become a wiser, stronger person.Her final quest turns to discovering God's purpose for sending her on this difficult, and at times frightening, journey.
Ancient Rome And Modern America
Margaret Malamud - 2008
Places America's response to Rome in a historical context, from the Revolutionary era to the present Looks at portrayals of Rome in different media: writing, architecture, theatre, painting, World's Fairs and Expositions, and film Beautifully illustrated with over 40 high quality photographs and figures
Making the Most of Small Groups
Debbie Diller - 2008
Now Debbie turns her attention to the groups themselves and the teacher's role in small-group instruction. Making the Most of Small Groups grapples with difficult questions regarding small-group instruction in elementary classrooms such as:
How do I find the time?
How can I be more organized?
How do I form groups?
How can I differentiate to meet the needs of all of my students?
Structured around the five essential reading elements-comprehension, fluency, phonemic awareness, phonics, and vocabulary-the book provides practical tips, sample lessons, lesson plans and templates, suggestions for related literacy work stations, and connections to whole-group instruction. In addition to ideas to use immediately in the classroom, Debbie provides an overview of relevant research and reflection questions for professional conversations.
Music Theory in Practice: Grade 1
Eric Taylor - 2008
Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 (Revised Edition - 2008), Revised Edition (2008), The eight volumes in this series contain a detailed list of the requirements for each grade of the Theory of Music ex
The Great Escape: Tunnel to Freedom
Mike Meserole - 2008
The organization was in place, with men digging hidden passageways and squads dispersing yellow sand in the middle of soccer scrimmages. Forgers worked to create false travel documents. Tailors stitched up civilian suits from blankets. Their goal? To break out of an “escape-proof” German prison camp and raise havoc throughout the German countryside. The stakes were high, however: anyone caught would be executed.Author Mike Meserole keeps the tension high in this newly-written tale filled with daring and danger. Kids will hang on to every word.
What Kindergarten Teachers Know: Practical and Playful Ways for Parents to Help Children Listen, Learn, and Coope Rate at Home
Lisa Holewa - 2008
There are secrets teachers know about our kids that let them calmly and gracefully manage a group of students who only hours earlier were arguing and negotiating with their parents about getting dressed, eating breakfast, or brushing their teeth. What Kindergarten Teachers Know is for any parent who has imagined how much easier life would be if their three- to six-year old would cooperate at home just as they do with their favorite teachers. Lisa Holewa and Joan Rice offer creative tips, tools, and activities straight from the classrooms of award-winning teachers nationwide, translating them into things you can do at home to get your little ones listening, learning, and thinking independently.You'll also get insight into what teachers know about the way kids develop and learn how to use that knowledge to keep them engaged throughout the day. Packed with real-life examples, creative ideas, and practical advice, you'll learn how to:Give directions that your child will actually listen to and followSet the tone in your home just as a teacher does in her classroomHandle transitions to keep your day running smoothlyOrganize your home and schedule to make everyone's life easierCreate rules that are straightforward, fun, and work for your family's needsGive kids the tools to handle conflicts independentlyCreate a sense of community and teamwork at home
Essential Skills for Youth Work Practice
Kate Sapin - 2008
Throughout the book, practical examples grounded in participatory and anti-oppressive practice address the core values and the purpose of youth work. Suggestions for further reading, definitions, and theories are also provided.
Fce Result Student Book
Paul A. Davies - 2008
The multi-level exam preparation series for Cambridge ESOL exams which inspires students to better exam results.
Curious You on Your Way!
Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld - 2008
Follow along with George in classic scenes from many of his original books as he provides words of congratulations and encouragement to anyone who has accomplished much but still has many things to see, to do, and to dream!The ideal gift book for a graduation, a promotion, or any occasion, Curious You: On Your Way! helps to celebrate all of the milestones of our lives.This inspirational story reminds readers young and old who are moving up or moving on that they have a special someone cheering for them as far as their curiosity can take them!
Talking out of School: Memoir of an Educated Woman
Kass Fleisher - 2008
We watch as shealienates her family by hanging her “snobbish” nose over books; as sheembarks on an adulterous affair with her instructor; as she comes toterms with her racist attitudes toward her own inner-city students; andas she abandons her principles for the sake of her career. A scathingand fierce work, at once sorry and triumphant.
Nystrom Atlas of World History (2008 Update)
Nystrom - 2008
The Teacher's Craft: 10 Essential Skills of Effective Teaching
Paul Chance - 2008
It favors no educational theory except that we should do what works.
TeamWork: Setting the Standard for Collaborative Teaching, Grades 5-9
Monique D. Wild - 2008
Now, through their new book, Monique Wild, Amanda Mayeaux, and Kathryn Edmonds are ready to share their successful approach with others.TeamWork: Setting the Standard for Collaborative Teaching, Grades 5–9 is full of captivating stories and insightful conversations. "The teamers" provide an honest and richly detailed explanation of collaborative teaching in action. They deliver the straight scoop on teaming, offering insights on these and other key topics:how to shape a shared purpose for learning by mining the talents of students and colleagues;how to build strong partnerships with parents, principals, and other key people who influence the lives of young adolescents;how to deepen curriculum integration by "cutting the fluff."This insider's guide to teaming reveals the conversations, the conflicts, and the collegial sharing that enables teachers to collaborate so that every member of the team can meet the highest standards of professional practice. For new teachers and seasoned veterans alike, TeamWork provides a powerful foundation for achievement.
Comprehensive Curriculum of Basic Skills, Grade 6
American Education Publishing - 2008
Topics and activiti
Uncovering Student Ideas In Science: Volume 3
Page Keeley - 2008
Following in the footsteps of the first two volumes, this new book provides short, easy-to-administer probes that help teachers determine what misconceptions students bring to the classroom about the nature of science and about physical, life, Earth, and space sciences. This volume is an invaluable resource for classroom teachers, preservice teachers, professional developers, and college science and preservice faculty.
Botanical Illustration
Valerie Oxley - 2008
Starting with an introduction to basic botany; this guide next covers preparation of plant material for drawing and the use of pencils, watercolors, colored pencils, and pen and ink; and finishes withcorrecting mistakes and finishing touches and suggested topics for further study.
Writing with Ease: Workbook - Level 2
Susan Wise Bauer - 2008
Each covers one year of study. Used along with Writing with Ease, Level Two (second in a planned four-volume set) complete the elementary-grade writing curriculum.