Book picks similar to
The The Most Wonderful Writing Lessons Ever: Everything You Need to Teach the Essentials—and the Magic—of Good Writing by Barbara Mariconda
An Ethic of Excellence: Building a Culture of Craftsmanship with Students
Ron Berger - 2003
He argues for a paradigm shifta schoolwide embrace of an ethic of excellence. A master carpenter as well as a gifted teacher, Berger is guided by a craftsman's passion for quality, describing what's possible when teachers, students, and parents commit to nothing less than the best. But Berger's not just idealistic, he's realistiche tells exactly how this can be done, from the blackboard to the blacktop to the school boardroom.
Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re)Invigorate Your Teaching
Meenoo Rami - 2014
In Thrive, Meenoo shares the five strategies that helped her become a confident, connected teacher. From how to find mentors and build networks, both online and off, to advocating for yourself and empowering your students, Thrive shows new and veteran teachers alike how to overcome the challenges and meet the demands of our profession. Praise for Thrive "Whether you are entering your first year of teaching or your 40th, Thrive feels as if it were written just for you. At a time in our profession when many of us are feeling stretched thin, Meenoo Rami offers strategies to reignite our passions and rediscover why we chose to teach." -Christopher Lehman, coauthor of Falling in Love with Close Reading "Teaching is a profession that eats its young. Meenoo Rami offers guidelines for surviving the challenges of the classroom as well as the faculty room." -Carol Jago, author, teacher, and past president of NCTE "Thrive includes a mosaic of dynamic teacher voices from many grade levels and content areas. Reading their stories deepened my thinking about the immense untapped potential of our profession. Meenoo Rami's vision of teaching and learning can sustain us all." -Penny Kittle, author of Book Love Join the conversation on Twitter at #edthrive. SAVE on a book study bundle! 15% off 15 copies.
The English Teacher's Companion: A Complete Guide to Classroom, Curriculum, and the Profession
Jim Burke - 1999
Covering the entire English curriculum, from basic reading and writing to digital literacy, media literacy, and integrated instruction, it proved to be a revolutionary guide for preservice and inservice teachers alike. And with it author Jim Burke became one of the most trusted names in secondary English.Now, in this new edition, "ETC"2, Jim incorporates his current thinking. He also shows how teachers can address standards and assessment issues while maintaining their commitment to meaningful, engaging curriculum. With all this, plus updated revisions and 40 percent completely new material, his "ETC2" is a must-have addition to every English teacher's bookshelf.Written for the way most teachers read-on the run, in search of a particular solution-the second edition retains the original's highly structured format with a new more open design for ease of use. Chapters are clearly subdivided; lessons are presented step-by-step; and assessment is integrated throughout. Outstanding new features include: increased emphasis on theoretical foundations completely revised major curriculum areas, especially reading and writing changes that reflect the latest use of technology in the classroom updated recommendations for the latest resources improved alignment with the latest standards and assessments sample instructional sequences to show how a complete unit looks new instructional design and planning tools expanded strategies for helping English Language Learners. Discover-or rediscover-a valued colleague who challenges you to reexamine your own classroom practice. Read "ETC2," reference it, share it, but most of all USE it-as your primary source of information about classroom management, curriculum content, professional development, and more.
The Strategic Teacher: Selecting the Right Research-Based Strategy for Every Lesson
Harvey F. Silver - 2007
Twenty reliable, flexible strategies (along with dozens of variations) are organized into these groups of instruction:*mastery style to emphasize the development of student memory;*understanding style to expand students' capacities to reason and explain;*self-expressive style to stimulate and nourish students' imaginations and creativity; *interpersonal style to help students find meaning in the relationships they forge as partners and team members, united in the act of learning; and*four-style strategies that integrate all four styles.To guide teachers in delivering content to students, the authors started with the best research-based teaching and learning strategies and created a tool called the Strategic Dashboard. The dashboard provides information about each teaching strategy in a concise, visual profile; it is also designed to document how you incorporate current, highly respected research into your instructional plans.For each strategy, you'll find the following information:*a brief introduction to the strategy;*an example of a teacher using the strategy in the classroom;*the research base supporting the strategy and how the strategy benefits students;*how to implement the strategy using a list of clear steps; *guidance through the planning process, providing steps, examples, and suggestions for designing superior lessons; and*additional tools, strategies, and resources for adapting and expanding the use of each strategy.The authors have combined their years of research and practice to deliver reliable, high-impact, flexible teaching and learning strategies grounded in current, highly regarded research to teachers at all levels of experience.
Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice
Robert E. Slavin - 1986
Slavin touches on various approaches and types of teaching and the consistent message of intentional teaching is evident. Joshua S. Smith, University at AlbanyThis edition continues to have in-depth, practical coverage with a focus on the intentional teacher. It presents up-to-the-minute research that a reflective, intentional teacher can apply. The eighth edition of this popular text from renowned educational psychologist Robert Slavin translates theory into practices that teachers can use in their classrooms and focuses on the concept of intentionality. An intentional teacher, according to Slavin, is one who constantly reflects on his or her practice and makes instructional decisions based on a clear conception of how these practices affect students. To help readers become intentional teachers, the author models best practices through classroom examples and offers questions to guide the reader. New to This Edition: NEW Teaching Dilemmas in all chapters introduce controversial issues of practice and ask students to reflect on their own beliefs with Reflective Questions. NEW Certification Pointers throughout the text note text content likely to appear on state certification tests. NEW Personal Reflections describe chapter-related events from the author’s own experience, helping students relate to the text as the product of a real author’s work. Updated throughout with important new coverage on programs for English language learners (Chapter 4), technology and No Child Left Behind (Chapter 9) to keep students abreast of current trends and issues. NEW IDEA updates are included in Chapter 12. NEW certification guides for state-specific tests in California, Texas, New York, and Florida as well as a general certification guide based on Praxis are available free with the text so that students can readily keep and use this text to prepare for their state certification tests. Please visit the companion web site for this book at to find practice quizzes, web links, activities and more! Package this text with MyLabSchool–a powerful set of online tools that bring the classroom to life! See the inside cover and visit for more information!
The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Instruction
Margo A. Mastropieri - 1999
The Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Instruction provides a wealth of practical and proven strategies for successfully including students with disabilities in general education classrooms. The text is unique for its three-part coverage of fundamentals of teaching students with special needs (including legal and professional issues, and characteristics of students with special needs); effective general teaching practices (including such topics as strategies for behavior management, improving motivation, increasing attention and memory, and improving study skills); and inclusive practices in specific subject areas (including literacy, math, science and social studies, vocational and other areas). This approach allows readers to understand students with special learning needs, effective general practices for inclusive instruction, and content-specific strategies. The overall approach is one of effective instruction, those practices that are most closely aligned with academic success.
Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children
Irene C. Fountas - 1996
Nonetheless, children still bring to literacy a wide range of experiences and competencies. How, then, might teachers best support a literate community yet still meet the needs of individual readers? For Fountas and Pinnell, the answer lies in guided reading, which allows children to develop as individual readers within the context of a small group. Their new book is the richest, most comprehensive guided reading resource available today and the first systematic offering of instructional support for guided reading adherents."Guided Reading" was written for K-3 classroom teachers, reading resource teachers, teacher educators, preservice teachers, researchers, administrators, and staff developers. Based on the authors' nine years of research and development, it explains how to create a balanced literacy program based on guided reading and supported by read aloud, shared reading, interactive writing, and other approaches. While there is an entire chapter devoted solely to the process by which children become literate, every chapter clearly presents the theoretical underpinnings of the practices it suggests. Also included are guidelines for:observation and assessment dynamic grouping of readers creating sets of leveled books selecting and introducing books teaching for strategies classroom management. Best of all, there are well over 2,500 leveled books in the Appendixes, along with many other reproducible resources that teachers will use for years to come."Good first teaching is the foundation of education and the right of every child," assert the authors. With the publication of this book, educators themselves will find the foundation in reading skills instruction they so rightly deserve.
Assessing Learners with Special Needs: An Applied Approach
Terry Overton - 1991
Each chapter starts out with a chapter focus that contains CEC Knowledge and Skills Standards that show you what you are expected to master in the chapter. Concepts are presented in a step-by-step manner followed by exercises that help you understand each step. Portions of assessment instruments, protocols, and scoring tables are provided to help you with the practice exercises. Additionally, you will participate in the educational decision-making process using data from classroom observations, curriculum-based assessment, functional behavior assessment, and norm-referenced assessment. New to the seventh edition: An emphasis on progress monitoring, including progress monitoring applied to the acquisition of knowledge and skills presented in this text The assessment process according to the regulations of IDEA 2004 A separate chapter on transition issues and assessment A separate chapter on assessment in infancy and early childhood A new chapter on the measurement aspects of Response to Intervention Increased consideration of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in the assessment process
Whatever It Takes: How Professional Learning Communities Respond When Kids Don't Learn
Richard DuFour - 2004
Whatever It Takes: How PLCs Respond When Kids Don't Learn examines the question, "What happens when, despite our best efforts in the classroom, a student does not learn?" In traditional schools, the response to this question has been left to the discretion of individual classroom teachers who are free to respond in very different ways. A Professional Learning Community will not leave this critical question to each teacher to resolve. A PLC will, instead, create a school-wide system of interventions that provides all students with additional time and support when they experience difficulty in their learning. The authors describe in detail the systems of intervention, including Adlai E. Stevenson High School's "Pyramid of Interventions," created by four different schools: a high school, a middle school, and two elementary schools. In addition to these systems, the authors discuss the logistical barriers these schools faced and their strategies for overcoming those barriers.Chapter 1 examines the current mandate that all students learn at high levels and places that mandate in a historical context by examining the assumptions that have guided public education. The chapter extends the popular rallying cry that "all children can learn" by re-examining the three critical questions with which all PLCs grapple in order to give that phrase relevance.Chapter 2 describes how schools have traditionally responded when students do not learn and provides a case study to examine that response. The chapter also presents some caveats readers must keep in mind as they consider creating a system of interventions for students in their own schools.Chapter 3 describes in detail the system of interventions created by Adlai Stevenson High School in suburban Chicago, one of three schools in the nation to receive the United States Department of Education's Blue Ribbon Award on four occasions.This system, the Pyramid of Interventions, represents a conscious attempt by the Stevenson staff to give students additional time and support when they experience difficulty in their learning.Chapter 4 discusses some of the logistical barriers Stevenson faced in building the Pyramid and strategies for overcoming those barriers. It acknowledges that other schools in other settings will face their own unique barriers but contends that if staff members clarify their priority and focus on the right questions, they too can overcome the obstacles posed by their local context.Chapter 5 examines the unique aspects of the middle school and explains how one of America's most celebrated middle schools has raised student performance by focusing on student achievement, building a collaborative culture, and creating systems to provide students with additional time and support. Chapters 6 and 7 describe how a system of interventions works for students in two very different elementary schools-one in a rural setting in south-central Virginia and another in an ethnically diverse Title One school in southern California.Chapter 8 identifies the commonalities between the four very different schools explored in the earlier chapters. It discusses how all of the characteristics of a PLC came to thrive in each school and describes some of the common approaches to leadership that characterized the principals of these four schools.Chapter 9 examines some of the philosophical concerns that have been raised regarding the proposal to provide students with additional time and support for learning when students fail to make the effort necessary to be successful. The chapter then attempts to address each of these concerns. Chapter 10 identifies some of the cultural shifts a school must make on the journey to becoming a Professional Learning Community. It contends that a PLC creates a "stretch culture" that leads both students and staff to embrace high expectations and to develop a sense of self-efficacy. It suggests strategies to promote such a culture.The appendix provides artifacts from the four schools described in this book that practitioners may find helpful-mission and vision statements, job descriptions, sample correspondence, program descriptions, and graphics to illustrate intervention plans. The appendix also contains a graphic representation of Adlai Stevenson's Pyramid of Interventions.
Ditch That Homework: Practical Strategies to Help Make Homework Obsolete
Matt Miller - 2017
Parents wonder if it’s worth the tears, frustration, and nightly arguments. eachers debate whether it’s really helpful or just busywork that consumes their precious time. One thing everyone can agree on is that homework is a contentious topic. In Ditch That Homework, Matt Miller and Alice Keeler discuss the pros and cons of homework, why teachers assign it, and what life could look like without it. As they evaluate the research and share parent and teacher insights, the authors explore some of the benefits for ditching homework: * Better education for all students * Reduced stress for families * More intentionality with lesson planning * Increased love of learning * More time for teachers to focus on learning at school and enjoying their after-school hours And that’s just the beginning. Miller and Keeler offer a convincing case for ditching—or at a minimum greatly reducing—homework. They also provide practical guidance on how to eliminate homework from your lessons. You’ll discover strategies for improving learning through differentiation and student agency and by tapping into the way the brain works best. Are you ready? Read this book and you’ll understand why it’s time to Ditch That Homework!
Dealing with Difficult Teachers
Todd Whitaker - 1999
.This book provides tips and strategies to help school leaders improve, neutralize, or eliminate resistant and negative teachers. 1999.
Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers
Edmund T. Emmer - 2005
Written for the prospective or new middle and high school-level teacher, the text's content is ready to be applied in a classroom setting. The book addresses the planning decisions teachers must make, including arranging the physical space; creating a positive climate; establishing expectations, rules, and procedures; planning and conducting instruction; encouraging appropriate behavior; addressing problem behavior; and using good communication skills, with particular attention paid to the growth of diverse and inclusive classrooms.
After the End: Teaching and Learning Creative Revision
Barry Lane - 1992
He encourages both teachers and students to enjoy a sense of discovery and surprise in their writing, as well as to examine and explore their own distinct revising styles."After" "THE END" revises our concept of revision, illustrating it as a constant inventive search for new possibilities and divergent meanings, rather than mere correction or what students wearily refer to as "redoing." For students in upper elementary to secondary school and beyond, and for every teacher looking to develop a common language of craft in the classroom, "After ""THE END" is a book of practical ideas and applications that inspire the reader to put it down and put it to use.
A Handbook for Classroom Instruction That Works
Robert J. Marzano - 2001
Designed as a self-study resource, this handbook guides readers through nine categories of instructional strategies proven to improve student achievement, and to apply the teaching practices from the companion text, Classroom Instruction That Works. For each of the nine categories, exercises, brief questionnaires, tips and recommendations, samples, worksheets, rubrics, and other tools are provided so teachers can apply what they've learned immediately in the classroom.
High Challenge, Low Threat: How the Best Leaders Find the Balance
Mary Myatt - 2016
It is the quality of these, whatever the size of the organisation, which make the difference between organisations which thrive, and those which stagnate.This is not to argue for soft, easy and comfortable options. Instead it considers how top leaders manage to walk the line between the impossible and the possible, between the undoable and the doable, and to create conditions for productive work which transcend the difficulties which come towards us every day. Instead of dodging them, they embrace them. And by navigating high challenge, low threat, they show how others how to do the same.