Book picks similar to
Resolving Personal and Organizational Conflict: Stories of Transformation and Forgiveness by Kenneth Cloke
Don't Drop the Mic: The Power of Your Words Can Change the World
T.D. Jakes - 2021
Jakes!In Don't Drop the Mic, Bishop Jakes speaks to readers about communication and how the ways we speak and interact with others can be part of our everyday ministries. He helps readers understand:Why the way we speak and the words we use matterHow speaking well, no matter your topic or audience, improves your chances of getting the result you wantHow to craft your message, whether it's a simple email or a speech under the spotlights, to connect with listenersWhy good communication is important for building connection and communityHow sharing God's Word produces abundant fruitDrawing lessons from Scripture and his own life, Jakes gives career advice for those who have or want to grow into a speaking career, but he also provides clear direction and insight for everyone who gives presentations, writes emails, or talks to other people in their job or home life.There will be practical advice about how to craft insightful and meaningful communications, but the heart of this book is really about how we can communicate more clearly to build community and share the hope of Christ in our everyday lives. The more adept we become at using all available resources to convey our message, the greater our impact. From lovers to litigators, entrepreneurs to entertainers, and bloggers to board members, we all want to communicate more effectively, intimately, and efficiently. Whether you're interviewing for a new position, proposing a new business plan, auditioning for a performance, delivering a report for your committee, teaching Sunday school, or sharing your heart with a loved one, this book will help.
Taking the Guidon: Exceptional Leadership at the Company Level
Nate Allen - 2001
We wrote this book to capture our ideas about how to best prepare for and command a U.S. Army company-level unit. In the book, we lay out a leadership framework that was very effective for us and, based on feedback from hundreds of readers, is making a significant difference in how others think about leading. One of the best things that emerged out of this project was the idea for creating CompanyCommand and PlatoonLeader, but that is another story. Here is an excerpt from the preface that introduces the book: Combat is the ultimate team sport; the cost of losing is death. As an Army leader, your mission is to build a winning team of disciplined, fit, and motivated soldiers that will accomplish the mission. In this book, you will find some input into to the age-old dialogue on how to create a team and harness its energy to accomplish uncommon results. Leading soldiers is our inspiration; doing so has affected every part of our lives. To begin with, the knowledge that we would command a company motivated us to prepare doggedly for command. This book is a compilation of our research and thinking, validated by experience (both success and failure!). It is not meant to be prescriptive in nature; nor will all these ideas work for you and your situation. Rather, our intent is to spark your thinking and encourage you as you prepare for command. We were fortunate to work with and watch some great leaders in action and to learn from some challenging experiences. Now we are in a position to pass on some of what we have learned. Our desire is that reading this book motivates and challenges you while you prepare for and execute the most honorable mission in the world--leading American soldiers! Finally, many people wonder about the title of the book. We wrote this to clearly explain that: Significance of the title, Taking the Guidon The unit guidon serves to identify the unit, is a symbol of the commander's authority and presence, and represents the collective pride and spirit of all soldiers--past and present--who have served under it. Historically, the guidon accompanied the commander into battle where, in the heat and confusion of the close fight, it emboldened and rallied the soldiers to accomplish the mission. Today, the unit guidon continues to be an honored symbol of the commander's authority and responsibility, and it connects the valorous deeds of past warriors with today's soldiers who continue the proud tradition of selfless service to our Nation. An Army unit conducts a change-of-command ceremony whenever a new commander takes charge. The central rite of this ceremony is the passing of the unit guidon from the outgoing commander to the incoming commander. By taking the guidon, the new commander signals his or her selfless commitment to the traditions, values, and soldiers that the guidon represents.
The Corporate Mystic: A Guidebook for Visionaries with Their Feet on the Ground
Gay Hendricks - 1996
Who will succeed in the twenty first century?Today's creative business leaders already know the answer and it's not about cutting overhead downsizing or meeting next quarter's budget. Corporateleaders of the twenty-first century will be spiritual leaders-- grounded in vision, integrity and intuition--and they will know how to nurture thesequalities in others.Gay Hendricks and Kate Ludeman have been training top executives for more than twenty-five years. They have distilled the experience of the hundred wisestbusinessmen and women they know into nuggets of just-in-time wisdom that take no more than a minute or two to read. You will discover:* The twelve qualities of twenty-first-century leaders* How to make breakthrough decisions with intuitive ease* The visionary's ability to think twenty years down the line* How to spot and correct integrity problems in your organization* How to create a mind-set of prosperity in yourself and your companyDrawing on insights and observations from legendary CEOs like Bob Galvin ofMotorola and Ed McCracken of Silicon Graphics, The Corporate Mystic alsooffers spirited solutions to the day-in, day-out problems of business. You'll learn what these visionaries with their feet on the ground say about:* Giving and receiving honest feedback* Ending destructive turf battles* High-firing people who drain your energy* Handling big wins and big losses* Protecting your creative think-time* And much much more.Whether you're a new hire or already division chief The Corporate Mystic is a book to nourish your soul and light your path to professionalsuccess.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Special Operations Mental Toughness:The Invincible Mindset of Delta Force Operators, Navy SEALs, Army Rangers & Other Elite Warriors
Lawrence Colebrooke - 2015
However, the major factor in the success these warriors achieve is their mental toughness, decisiveness, resilience and ability to control their natural physical and psychological responses to fear and stress during some of the most dangerous situations imaginable. These extraordinary warriors possess a unique mindset that enables them to successfully attack and overcome obstacles and challenges that others can't - or for various reasons - won't even try to tackle. Now, you can leverage the insights and advice of members of some of Americas' elite military units to elevate your level of mental toughness and self-confidence. Topics covered in this book include; - The Rite of Passage: An Introduction to Special Operations Selection - The Special Operator Mindset: Individual Traits, Attitudes, Tactics & Techniques - How You Can Develop a "Spec-Ops" Level of Mental Toughness - How to Control Fear, Stress & Anxiety - The Navy SEAL Seven Pillar Technique - Methods of Developing Exceptional Self-Confidence - The "Whole Person" Approach to Personal Development - How Special Operators Achieve Excellence via "Deliberate Practice" - The "Wet Socks" Story: A Special Operators' Thoughts on Overcoming Adversity - The Four Levels of Competence: How You Can Apply Them To Your Life - How to Set Goals, Take Action & Achieve Success This book is designed to help you develop the same mindset, strength of will and winning mentality that is shared by Americas' most capable and respected warriors. It can help you change your perspective on how you have been approaching various aspects of your personal and professional life and it provides techniques, tools and tips that can help you achieve your dreams and goals!
T.E.T., Teacher Effectiveness Training
Thomas Gordon - 1974
This book describes and illustrates the skills and procedures teachers need in order to foster the cooperation and motivation of students, conduct productive teacher-parent conferences and earn the trust of their colleagues and administrators.T.E.T. is the textbook for Dr. Gordon's breakthrough training program, which since 1967 has earned college credit for over a hundred thousand teachers in a dozen different countries. The T.E.T. book is also used in a number of teacher training colleges and universities.In schools, both public and private, teachers and administrators report, "It works" -- reducing disciplinary problems in the classroom, fostering greater involvement of students in the learning process, giving teachers more "time-on-task," and making learning more fun and teaching less stressful.
Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders
Dave Earley - 2008
Prayer is the determining factor for maximum spiritual impact. The more we pray the more God works. Of all the skills needed by the difference-making spiritual leader, none is more important than prayer.Tracing the lives of high-impact Christian leaders from Abraham to Billy Graham, Dave Earley reveals the central role that prayer played in their effectiveness. In doing so, he points out the eight practices Christian leaders can apply to become more effective in their prayer lives, and therefore, more spiritually influential as a leader.While prayer is not the only weapon in the Christian leader's arsenal, it is one of the most powerful and often under-utilized. This book will inspire, transform, stretch, enhance, strengthen, and renew the prayer lives of readers.Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders is filled with juicy quotes and anecdotes; it gives dozens of practical applications of the principles discussed.
Thank You for Being Such a Pain: Spiritual Guidance for Dealing with Difficult People
Mark Rosen - 1998
By embracing four fundamental premises and putting into practice the author's many helpful and practical suggestions, you'll acquire the skills and insights necessary for turning around even the most troublesome relationship. What you need to keep in mind is that: (1) nothing in your life happens randomly and your difficulties have a deeper purpose; (2) frustration and even emotional pain are as necessary for your personal and spiritual growth as love and joy; (3) transforming enmity and completing unfinished business may be the most important skills you can learn in life; and (4) when you make an effort to work on your inner self, your outer relationships will be transformed. This groundbreaking book draws upon state-of-the-art psychological principles and timeless spiritual practices from all traditions. Filled with enlightening exercises and entertaining stories, Thank You for Being Such a Pain will forever change the way you see the difficult people in your life . . . as well as the way you see yourself.
Dare to Fly
Martha McSally - 2020
Initially rejected from Air Force flight school because she was too short, she refused to give up, becoming the first female fighter pilot to fly in combat and the first to command a combat fighter squadron in United States history. During her twenty-six-year military career, she fought to free American servicewomen stationed in the Middle East from restrictions requiring them to don full-body, black abayas and ride in the backs of cars – and won. McSally has continued to serve America, first in the House of Representatives, and now as a U.S. Senator from Arizona. McSally is also a survivor. She shares how her experiences propelled her to become a fighter for justice in and out of the cockpit. In this powerful, uplifting book, McSally reflects on her successes and failures, shares key principles that have guided her, and reveals invaluable lessons to break barriers, thrive through darkness, and make someone proud in your life. “Courage isn’t magic or genetics. It is a choice. By choosing to do things afraid, you discover your own power to overcome.” Filled with fresh stories and insights, Dare to Fly will help each of us find the courage inside to break our barriers, endure turbulence, and keep flying high.
Hipster Business Models: How to make a living in the modern world
Priceonomics - 2014
Yet, today’s young people have much more to offer. If half of the hipster stereotype is a consumer who tries to show off how cool he is based on his tastes, the other half of the stereotype is ‘The Maker’ -- the person out hawking homemade cheese, knitting sweaters for your beard, or repurposing steel-framed bicycles. The hipster business model is distinctive: Make a product you love so much that you’ll make it yourself. See if anyone wants it. Try again. When they want to build apparel companies, they teach themselves how to sew. When they dream of producing toys, they learn how to use 3D printing software. When they don’t know investors who will back their restaurant concepts, they open food trucks. All the while, they are guided by books, instructional videos, and intuition; only later do they move production to real factories, or hire lawyers. They frequent public parks to see if anyone will buy their custom, typewritten stories. They use crowdfunding websites to raise money from customers before their products even exist. They post their ideas to massive web forums to gauge interest, or set up online shops the second they have a product to sell. In their world, sales come first, not last. While each entrepreneur featured in this book embarked on his or her own unique quest, their stories share a common thread: like true hipsters, they were not afraid to try new things.
Staffing Organizations
Herbert G. Heneman III - 1994
This work contains components of the model, which include staffing models and strategy, staffing support systems (legal compliance, planning, job analysis and rewards), core staffing systems (recruitment, selection, employment), and staffing system and retention management.
Talk to Me: Find the Right Words to Inspire, Encourage, and Get Things Done
Kim Bearden - 2018
Louder Than Words: Take Your Career from Average to Exceptional with the Hidden Power of Nonverbal Intelligence
Joe Navarro - 2010
Cialdini, author of Influence: Science and Practice“Joe Navarro brings together the art and science of nonverbal communications for the business sector with the edge of a former FBI agent and the insight of a world-class observer.” — Jack Canfield, co-author of The Success PrinciplesJoe Navarro, bestselling author of What Every Body Is Saying and Phil Hellmuth Presents Read ‘Em and Reap and former FBI agent specializing in behavioral analysis, helps you successfully navigate the business world by training your brain to see what others are feeling, thinking, or intending. Job hunters and professionals of every ilk—as well as fans of the hit FOX television series Lie to Me—will find many helpful and effective tips to reading body language and microexpressions in Louder than Words.
Healthy Is the New Skinny: Your Guide to Self-Love in a "Picture Perfect" World
Katie H. Willcox - 2017
Society tells us that if we just looked a certain way, if we had the right products, if we were skinny enough, then we would be enough—we would have value. Society is wrong, but it took Katie H. Willcox years to understand this:“Over the course of my 30 short years, I have both worked as a professional model and been the exact opposite of our culture’s beauty ideal. I have struggled with my weight and felt like I didn’t and never would fit in. Then I had a powerful realization: my misery and self-loathing didn’t change with my weight or how ‘pretty’ society thought I was, so my looks weren’t the source of happiness and worth that I had believed them to be. But then, what was? And how had I come to invest so much of myself in beliefs that were so untrue?”In these pages, Katie shares the lessons she learned in her journey to find the answers to these questions. She reveals who gains from our feeling small and why we need to examine the messages we receive from our culture and our families. She explains how we can redefine beauty, make healthy the new “skinny,” and harness the power of our thoughts to choose self-love. Katie encourages us to discover our true magnificent selves, find our purpose, and pursue our dreams—and help others to do the same.Join the movement! Visit and follow us on Instagram @healthyisthenewskinny.
Coach to Coach: An Empowering Story about How to Be a Great Leader
Martin Rooney - 2020
Most likely, some were good, others not so good. Maybe one or two were great. One thing is undeniable: Coaches can influence your life in ways that can be negative or positive. A coach can either build you up or tear you down. The world needs better coaches in all walks of life--if you're a parent, a teacher, a co-worker, or a leader, you are also a coach. Which kind of coach do you want to be? Coach to Coach helps you answer this question and shares the secrets to bringing out the best in a person, both on and off the field.For more than twenty years, author Martin Rooney hascoached professional sport stars, Olympic champions, and business leaders to high levels of performance, analyzing thousands of real-life examples of what works and what doesn't. Reading like a simple parable, this engaging book gives you an easy-to-use yet highly effective formula for becoming a better coach for your teams, in your business, and in your personal life. Packed with valuable insights and expert advice, this appealing book helps you:Learn how to be a great leader by being a great coach Create positive lives for your children and the people you work with Inspire and motivate the people around you Turn your natural skills and talents into your own unique coaching style Use proven, time-tested coaching strategies to get results Coach to Coach: An Empowering Story About How to Be a Great Leader is an ideal book for coaches, leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, educators, parents, and anyone wanting to bring out the best in those around them.