Book picks similar to
Prescotts Microbiology by Joanne Willey
Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments
Gerald Karp - 1979
The sixth edition explores core concepts in considerable depth and presents experimental detail when it helps to explain and reinforce the concepts. The majority of discussions have been modified to reflect the latest changes in the field. The book also builds on its strong illustration program by opening each chapter with “VIP” art that serves as a visual summary for the chapter. Over 60 new micrographs and computer-derived images have been added to enhance the material. Biologists benefit from these changes as they build their skills in making the connection. Doody Review Services Reviewer: Bruce A. Fenderson, PhD(Thomas Jefferson University) Description: The author expertly organizes, explains, and illustrates the chemical and cellular basis of life on Earth in this comprehensive and exciting introduction to cell and molecular biology. The 18 fascinating chapters cover topics ranging from control of gene expression to mechanisms of immune response. There is even a chapter on laboratory techniques. The focus of the book is on biological chemistry, with an emphasis on core concepts and experimental approaches. Purpose: The purpose is to provide a textbook for an introductory course in cell and molecular biology. The author hopes that students will visualize a world filled with "giant molecules and minuscule structures" that constitute the chemistry of life. He encourages students to consider the evidence that is presented to support a biological model, think of alternate explanations, and plan experiments that may lead to new hypotheses. One of the author's goals is to help students develop their independent, critical-thinking skills. Audience: This is an excellent companion textbook for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in cell and molecular biology. It is written for students across a wide range of life science disciplines
Animal Physiology
Richard W. Hill - 1989
Its full-colour illustration program includes many novel, visually effective features to help students learn.
Medical Microbiology [with Student Consult Online Access]
Patrick R. Murray - 1990
Murray's best-selling book "the most colorful and fun text to read in medical microbiology." Now it's back in an updated New Edition-and it's as succinct, user-friendly, and authoritative as ever. Readers will continue to enjoy its lucid discussions of how microbes cause disease in humans. Expert coverage of basic principles, the immune response, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology ensures they understand all the facts vital to the practice of medicine today. More than 550 brilliant full-color images make complex information easy to understand and illustrate the appearance of disease.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
Anatomy & Physiology
Boundless - 2013
Boundless works with subject matter experts to select the best open educational resources available on the web, review the content for quality, and create introductory, college-level textbooks designed to meet the study needs of university students.<br><br>This textbook covers:<br><br><b>Human Anatomy and Physiology Introduction</b> -- Anatomy and Physiology Overview, Life, Homeostasis, Anatomical Terms, Clinical Cases<br><br><b>General Chemistry</b> -- Matter and Energy, Element Properties: Atomic structure, Chemical Bonds, Chemical Reactions, Inorganic Compounds, Organic Compounds<br><br><b>Cellular Structure and Function</b> -- the study of cells, Cell membranes and the fluid mosaic model, Transport across membranes, How reception works in cell signaling, Nucleus and Ribosomes, Organelles, The Cytoskeleton, External cellular components, Cell division: process and importance, The cell cycle, Transcription and translation, RNA processing, Translation to a polypeptide, Transcription, Apoptosis signals an orderly cell death<br><br><b>Tissues</b> -- Epithelial Tissue, Cell Junctions, Clinical Cases, Tissue Repair, Tissue Development, Cancer, Connective Tissue, Membranes, Nervous Tissue<br><br><b>The Integumentary System</b> -- The Skin, Accessory Structures of the Skin, Functions of the Integumentary System, Wound Healing, Integumentary System Development, Skin Disorders, Imbalances, Diseases, and Clinical Cases<br><br><b>Skeletal Tissue</b> -- Cartilage, Bone Classification, Bone Formation, Bone and Calcium, Bone Development, Bone Diseases, Disorders, Imbalances, and Clinical Cases<br><br><b>The Skeletal System</b> -- Overview of the Musculoskeletal system, Divisions of the Skeletal System, The Axial Skeleton, Skull, Hyoid Bone, Vertebral Column, Thorax, Clinical Cases of the Axial Skeleton, The Appendicular Skeleton, The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle, Upper Limb, The Pelvic (Hip) Girdle, Lower Limb, Skeletal System Development, Clinical Cases of the Appendicular Skeleton<br><br><b>Joints</b> -- Classification of Joints, Synovial Joints, Joint Development, Clinical Cases<br><br><b>Muscle Tissue</b> -- Overview of Muscle Tissue, Skeletal Muscle, Control of Muscle Tension, Muscle Metabolism, Exercise and Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Smooth Muscle, Clinical Cases: Muscle Disorders, Development of Muscle<br><br><b>The Muscular System</b> -- Overview of the Muscular System, Head And Neck Muscles, Trunk Muscles, Muscles of the Upper Limb, Muscles of the Lower Limb, Clinical Cases and Muscular System Disorders<br><br><b>Nervous Tissue</b> -- Overview of the Nervous System, Neuroglia, Neurons, Collections of Nervous Tissue, Neurophysiology<br><br><b>Central Nervous System (CNS)</b> -- The Brain, Consciousness, Sleep, Language, and Memory, Protection of the Brain, Parts of The Brain Stem, The Cerebellum, The Diencephalon, Cerebral Cortex (or Cerebral Hemispheres), Functional Systems of the Cerebral Cortex, Development of the CNS, Brain Disorders and Clinical Cases, The Spinal Cord, Spinal Cord Anatomy, Disorders and Clinical Cases of the Spinal Cord<br><br><b>Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)</b> -- Sensation, Sensory Receptors, Somatosensory System, Nerves, Cranial Nerves, Spinal Nerves, Distribution of Spinal Nerves, Motor Activity, Motor Pathways, Reflexes, Pain, Development of the Nervous System, Disorders of Spinal Nerves and Clinical Cases<br><br><b>Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)</b> -- Autonomic Nervous System, ANS Anatomy, Physiology of ANS,
Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support
Roberta M. Berns - 1985
Examining how the school, family, and community influence children's socialization, this text addresses complex issues in a clear, comprehensive fashion. An enjoyable read, it's packed with meaningful, timely examples and effective study tools that ensure you gain a solid understanding of chapter concepts. A sensitive presentation of diversity issues includes matters related to culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and special needs. Updated throughout, this edition features a stronger emphasis on NAEYC and DAP standards as well as new information on diversity in all forms, technology and the impact of media, bullying, and other topics.
Biological Psychology
James W. Kalat - 1981
This Eighth Edition redefines the high standard set by previous editions. It offers the best balance of rigor and accessibility, the most current research, and the most thorough technology integration available for your course--all presented within a unique modular format that supports student mastery and provides instructors with maximum teaching flexibility. In every chapter, Kalat accurately portrays biopsychology as a dynamic and empirical field in which fascinating new discoveries are constantly being made. He captures readers' interest with the latest biological psychology findings, such as how gingko biloba claims to aid memory and coverage of the hypothesis that humans' mate choice patterns are influenced by natural selection. Throughout, the author's goal is not only to convey information, but also to convey his excitement about and dedication to the subject.
Admission Assessment Exam Review
HESI - 2012
Plus, it helps you identify areas of weakness so you can focus your study time. Sample problems and step-by-step examples with explanations in the math and physics sections show you how to work through each problem so you understand the steps it takes to complete the equation. Practice tests with answer keys for each topic - located in the appendices for quick access - help you assess your understanding of each topic and familiarize you with the types of questions you're likely to encounter on the actual exam. HESI Hints boxes offer valuable test-taking tips, as well as rationales, suggestions, examples, and reminders for specific topics.End-of-chapter review questions help you gauge your understanding of chapter content.A full-color layout and more illustrations in the life science chapters visually reinforce key concepts for better understanding.Expanded and updated content in each chapter ensures you're studying the most current content.Basic algebra review in the math section offers additional review and practice.Color-coded chapters help you quickly find specific topic sections.Helpful organizational features in each chapter include an introduction, key terms, chapter outline, and a bulleted chapter summary to help you focus your study.A glossary at the end of the text offers quick access to key terms and their definitions.
Horizons: Exploring the Universe
Michael A. Seeds - 1981
To achieve this goal, they focuses on two central questions: "What Are We?" which highlights your place as a planet dweller in an evolving universe, guiding you to better understand where we came from and how we formed; and "How Do We Know?" which provides insights into how the process of science can teach us more about what we are.
Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems
Mikell P. Groover - 2000
It follows a more quantitative and design-oriented approach than other texts in the market, helping readers gain a better understanding of important concepts. They'll also discover how material properties relate to the process variables in a given process as well as how to perform manufacturing science and quantitative engineering analysis of manufacturing processes.
Signing Illustrated (Revised Edition): The Complete Learning Guide
Mickey Flodin - 2004
This easy-to-use guide is updated and expanded to include new computer and technology signs and offers a fast and simple approach to learning. Includes:- Vocabulary reviews- Fingerspelling exercises- Sign matching and memory aids- A complete glossary and a comprehensive index- Clear instructive drawings
Animal Diversity
Cleveland P. Hickman Jr. - 1995
The book uses the theme of evolution to develop a broad-scale view of animal diversity--students focus not only the organisms themselves, but also the processes that produce evolutionary diversity. The book is unique in its comprehensive survey of zoological diversity and its emphasis on evolutionary, systematic and ecological principles, all in one package.
Genetics: From Genes to Genomes
Leland H. Hartwell - 1999
Written by an author team, including a Noble Prize winner, this text presents the integration of Mendelian and molecular principles, providing students with the links between early genetics understanding and the molecular discoveries that have changed the way the field of genetics is viewed.
Atlas of Human Anatomy
Frank H. Netter - 1989
In over 540 beautifully colored and easily understood illustrations, it teaches the complete human body with unsurpassed clarity and accuracy. This new edition features 45 revised, 290 relabeled and 17 wholly new plates, drawn fully in the tradition of Frank Netter, and includes more imaging and clinical images than ever before. Six Consulting Editors have worked together to ensure the new edition's accuracy and usefulness in the lecture theatre, classroom and dissection lab. Ninety plates from the book as well as a powerful and varied bank of ancillary material, unique to this atlas, are available online through uniquely informative drawings that allow you - and have allowed generations of students - to learn structures with confidence. Associates normal anatomy with an application of that knowledge in a clinical setting. Offers a strong selection of imaging to show you what is happening three dimensionally in the human body, the way you see it in practice.Provides clinically applicable information right from the start, to mirror the way that most anatomy courses are now taught.At, you'll access...- Over 90 of the most important anatomy illustrations from the book.- Interactive Anatomy Dissection Modules.- Radiographs, CT scans, MRIs, and angiograms, with labels on/off buttons for self testing.- QuickTime movies of stacked, transverse, and sectional images from the Visible Human Project (VHP).- Review Center with Identification Spot Tests and USMLE-style multiple-choice questions.- Integration links to other STUDENT CONSULT titles.- and more!
Organic Chemistry
Jonathan Clayden - 2000
It treats the subject as a coherent whole, complete with numerous logical connections, consequences, and an underlying structure and language. Employing an approach based on mechanism and reaction type, the book empasizes understanding ideas rather than merely memorizing facts. It shows students how to realistically draw molecules and mechanisms to reveal the fundamental chemistry.Using a fresh, accessible writing style as well as examples from everyday life, the authors explain the basics of organic chemistry carefully and thoroughly. A special focus on mechanism, orbitals, and stereochemistry helps students gain a solid comprehension of important factors common to all reactions. The book's innovative design enhances clarity and instruction with boxes that separate summary information and other material from the main text; a variety of colors that draw attention to items such as atoms, molecules, and orbitals; and figures that are drawn in red with significant parts emphasized in black. Early chapters feature carbonyl group reactions, and later chapters systematically develop the chemistry through discussions of spectroscopy, stereochemistry, and chemical reactions.Each chapter opens with a Connections box, divided into three columns:- Building on: Details material from previous chapters that relate to the current chapter- Arriving at: Provides a guide to the content of the chapter- Looking forward to: Previews later chapters, which develop and expand the current material
Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach
David H. Barlow - 2004
Bundled (ISBN 9780534633622) textbook with InfoTrac CD-ROM.