Best of
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Volumes A & B
Judith Tanka - 1979
From trickster tales of the Native American tradition to bestsellers of early women writers to postmodernism, this edition conveys the diversity of American literature from its origins to the present. Volume 2 covers the period of 1865 to the present.
Electronic Principles
Albert Paul Malvino - 1979
It's been updated to keep coverage in step with the fast-changing world of electronics. Yet, it retains Malvino's clear writing style, supported throughout by abundant illustrations and examples.
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: v. 1
Nina Baym - 1979
From trickster tales of the Native American tradition to bestsellers of early women writers.
A Guide To Econometrics
Peter E. Kennedy - 1979
This overview has enabled students to make sense more easily of what instructors are doing when they produce proofs, theorems and formulas.
The Norton Anthology Of American Literature
Nina Baym - 1979
This modern section has been overhauled to reflect the diversity of American writing since 1945. A section on 19th-century women's writing is included.
Jacob Millman - 1979
With pedagogical use of second color, it covers devices in one place so that circuit characteristics are developed early.
Best Karate, Vol.4: Kumite 2
Masatoshi Nakayama - 1979
It places kumite in perspective, relating it to training as a whole.
Radiation Detection & Measurement
Glenn F. Knoll - 1979
Whilst maintaining its comprehensive depth in coverage, this edition includes up-to-date information, including sections on digital pulse processing, compound semiconductor detectors and recent detector developments.'
Calculus With Analytic Geometry
Ron Larson - 1979
This was the first calculus text to use computer-generated graphics, to include exercises involving the use of computers and graphing calculators, to be available in an interactive CD-ROM format, to be offered as a complete, online calculus course, and to offer a two-semester Calculus I with Precalculus text. Every edition of the series has made the mastery of traditional calculus skills a priority, while embracing the best features of new technology and, when appropriate, calculus reform ideas. Now, the Eighth Edition is the first calculus program to offer algorithmic homework and testing created in Maple so that answers can be evaluated with complete mathematical accuracy.Two primary objectives guided the authors in writing this book: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and saves the instructor time. The Eighth Edition continues to provide an evolving range of conceptual, technological, and creative tools that enable instructors to teach the way they want to teach and students to learn they way they learn best.
The explanations, theorems, and definitions have been thoroughly and critically reviewed. Additionally, the exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they cover all calculus topics appropriately.
Questions involving skills, writing, critical thinking, problem-solving, applications, and real-data applications are included throughout the text. Exercises are presented in a variety of question formats, including matching, free response, true/false, modeling, and fill-in the blank.
The Eduspace online resources have been integrated into a comprehensive learning system that combines numerous dynamic calculus resources with online homework and testing materials. Eduspace with eSolutions combines all the features of Eduspace with an electronic version of the textbook exercises and the complete solutions to the odd-numbered text exercises, providing students with a convenient and comprehensive way to do homework and view the course materials.
The Integrated Learning System addresses the changing needs of today's instructors and students. Recognizing that the calculus course is presented in a variety of teaching and learning environments, the program resources are available in print, CD-ROM, and online formats.
SMARTHINKING online tutoring brings students real-time, online tutorial support when they need it most.
Applied Fluid Mechanics
Robert L. Mott - 1979
The most popular applications-oriented approach to engineering technology fluid mechanics, this text covers all of the basic principles of fluid mechanics-both statics and dynamics-in a clear, practical presentation that ties theory directly to real devices and systems used in chemical process industries, manufacturing, plant engineering, waste water handling and product design. Readable and clearly written, the new 6th edition brings a much more attractive appearance to the book and includes many updates and additional features.
Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness
Michael R. Garey - 1979
Johnson. It was the first book exclusively on the theory of NP-completeness and computational intractability. The book features an appendix providing a thorough compendium of NP-complete problems (which was updated in later printings of the book). The book is now outdated in some respects as it does not cover more recent development such as the PCP theorem. It is nevertheless still in print and is regarded as a classic: in a 2006 study, the CiteSeer search engine listed the book as the most cited reference in computer science literature.
Financial Theory and Corporate Policy
Thomas E. Copeland - 1979
Appropriate for the second course in Finance for MBA students and the first course in Finance for doctoral students, the text prepares students for the complex world of modern financial scholarship and practice. It presents a unified treatment of finance combining theory, empirical evidence and applications.
Combinatorial Problems and Exercises (AMS Chelsea Publishing) (AMS Chelsea Publishing)
László Lovász - 1979
The most effective way of learning such techniques is to solve exercises and problems. This book presents all the material in the form of problems and series of problems (apart from some general comments at the beginning of each chapter). In the second part, a hint is given for each exercise, which contains the main idea necessary for the solution, but allows the reader to practice the techniques by completing the proof. In the third part, a full solution is provided for each problem. This book will be useful to those students who intend to start research in graph theory, combinatorics or their applications, and for those researchers who feel that combinatorial techniques might help them with their work in other branches of mathematics, computer science, management science, electrical engineering and so on. For background, only the elements of linear algebra, group theory, probability and calculus are needed.
Probability and Measure
Patrick Billingsley - 1979
Retaining the unique approach of the previous editions, this text interweaves material on probability and measure, so that probability problems generate an interest in measure theory and measure theory is then developed and applied to probability. Probability and Measure provides thorough coverage of probability, measure, integration, random variables and expected values, convergence of distributions, derivatives and conditional probability, and stochastic processes. The Third Edition features an improved treatment of Brownian motion and the replacement of queuing theory with ergodic theory. Like the previous editions, this new edition will be well received by students of mathematics, statistics, economics, and a wide variety of disciplines that require a solid understanding of probability theory.--back cover
The Norton Anthology of American Literature: American Literature since 1945 (Volume E)
Nina Baym - 1979
Last volume (E) of the anthology of the American literature from its sixteenth-century origins to the present.
Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics
Athel Cornish-Bowden - 1979
Multi-enzyme complexes and cooperativity are therefore treated in more detail than in any other textbook on the market. The respected and well known author is one of the most experienced researchers into the topic and writes with outstanding style and didactic clarity. As with the previous editions, he presents here steady-state kinetics and fast reactions, supplementing each chapter with problems and solutions. For the first time, this edition features a companion website providing all figures in colour
Linear Algebra
Stephen H. Friedberg - 1979
This top-selling, theorem-proof text presents a careful treatment of the principal topics of linear algebra, and illustrates the power of the subject through a variety of applications. It emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between linear transformations and matrices, but states theorems in the more general infinite-dimensional case where appropriate.
Earl W. Swokowski - 1979
The strengths of these texts are characterized by mathematical integrity, comprehensive discussions of the concepts of calculus, and an impressively large collection of worked examples and illustrative figures.
Astronomy, From The Earth To The Universe
Jay M. Pasachoff - 1979
The writing style is friendly and carefully detailed. It serves as a valuable reference for both beginners and astronomy enthusiasts. This book is organized as a number of stories. Individual chapters often tell what used to be known, how space and other modern observations have transformed our understanding, and then what is scheduled for the future. This is done with each planet. Consequently, an instructor can easily add photos (available as slides, overheads, CD-ROMs, and on the World Wide Web) and movies and keep a student's interest for a whole lecture on each planet, if desired. Students learn about astronomy through concrete examples, rather than merely being given overarching concepts without enough underpinning.
Lectures, Cambridge 1932-35 (Great Books in Philosophy)
Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1979
Beyond this publication, the impact of his thought was mainly conveyed to a small circle of students through his lectures at Cambridge University. Fortunately, many of his ideas have survived in both the dictations that were subsequently published, and the notes taken by his students, among them Alice Ambrose and the late Margaret Macdonald, from 1932 to 1935. These notes, now edited by Professor Ambrose, are here published, and they shed much light on Wittgenstein's philosophical development. Among the topics considered are the meaning of a word and its relation to common usage, rules of grammar and their relation to fact, the grammar of first person statements, language games, and the nature of philosophy. This volume is indispensable to any serious discussion of Wittgenstein's work.
Immunology at a Glance. J.H.L. Playfair, B.M. Chain
John H.L. Playfair - 1979
Immunology at a Glance presents a broad look at immunology with the aid of a series of thoughtfully constructed sketches to show the mechanisms involved in immunological processes.
Multivariate Data Analysis
Joseph F. Hair Jr. - 1979
This book provides an applications-oriented introduction to multivariate data analysis for the non-statistician, by focusing on the fundamental concepts that affect the use of specific techniques.
An Introduction to Homological Algebra
Joseph J. Rotman - 1979
Rotman's book gives a treatment of homological algebra which approaches the subject in terms of its origins in algebraic topology. In this new edition the book has been updated and revised throughout and new material on sheaves and cup products has been added. The author has also included material about homotopical algebra, alias K-theory. Learning homological algebra is a two-stage affair. First, one must learn the language of Ext and Tor. Second, one must be able to compute these things with spectral sequences. Here is a work that combines the two.
Graphics for Architecture
Kevin Forseth - 1979
Graphics for Architecture Kevin Forseth with David Vaughan A thorough understanding of design drawing enhances the designer's ability to reason out difficult graphic constructions and to select or create appropriate means for depicting buildings and environments.
Engineering Drawing And Design
Cecil Howard Jensen - 1979
It offers the most comprehensive program available.
R. Allan Freeze - 1979
Provides quantitative methods of calculation in groundwater hydrology. Contains sections on transport processes, ground water contamination, well hydraulics, and aquifer yield including analog and numerical modeling. Covers mathematical derivations in appendices. "
Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem
Ian Stewart - 1979
It reflects the exciting developments in number theory during the past two decades that culminated in the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. Intended as a upper level textbook, it is also eminently suited as a text for self-study.
A World of Heroes: Selections from Homer, Herodotus and Sophocles
Joint Association of Classical Teachers’ Greek Course - 1979
It consists of two volumes, one of text and one of grammar, vocabulary and exercises and gives the student a thorough introduction to Attic Greek as well as to Herodotus and Homer. A World of Heroes and The Intellectual Revolution are designed to take students on from Reading Greek and to give them a graded introduction to six of Ancient Greece's most important authors.
Fundamentals of Mathematics
William M. Setek Jr. - 1979
It emphasizes the development of math skills and aims to promote confidence in students with a range of mathematical skills. It includes worked examples and step-by-step solutions.
Medical Parasitology: A Self-Instructional Text
Ruth Leventhal - 1979
Superb color plates, line drawings, and black-and-white photographs enhance the text. This book is unparalleled as a learning tool for students of medical technology, biology, medicine, and public health, and can be used as a laboratory manual. I like the concise, clear text. The tests are good. Color plates are excellent. Overall, an excellent textbook. -- Lynn Hale, MT(ASCP)SM, MBA, Medical Technology Program, Pathologists Associated, Muncie, Indiana Nice self-study. Tables very valuable with key information in organized manner. Study questions and case studies very useful. -- Carol Larson, MSEd, MY(ASCP), Assistant Professor, Division of Medical Technology, University of Nebraska Medical Center
A Short Course in General Relativity
James Foster - 1979
The text begins with an exposition of those aspects of tensor calculus and differential geometry needed for a proper exposition of the subject. The discussion then turns to the spacetime of general relativity and to geodesic motion, comparisons and contrasts with Newton's theory being drawn where appropriate. A brief consideration of the field equations is followed by a discussion of physics in the vicinity of massive objects, including an elementary treatment of black holes. Particular attention is paid to those aspects of the theory that have observational consequences. The book concludes with brief introductory chapters on gravitational radiation and cosmology, and includes an appendix that reviews the special theory of relativity. In preparing this new edition, the authors have made extensive revisions to the original text. In particular, the first three chapters -- covering coordinate systems, tensors and the geometry of curved spaces -
Matrix Structural Analysis
William McGuire - 1979
* Imperial units are used instead of SI units in many of the examples and problems, particularly those of a nonlinear nature that have strong implications for design, since the SI system has not been fully assimilated in practice.
Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple [Book & CD-ROM]
Stephen Goldberg - 1979
The book now includes and interactive CD with a lab section, 3D rotations, interactive anatomy, tutorial on neurologic localization, and quiz. Third edition.
Aerodynamics for Engineers
John J. Bertin - 1979
This text presents a background discussion of each topic followed by a presentation of the theory.
The Process Is the Punishment: Handling Cases in a Lower Criminal Court
Malcolm M. Feeley - 1979
Not so, says Malcolm Feeley in this provocative and original book. Basing his argument on intensive study of the lower criminal court system, Feeley demonstrates that the absence of formal “due process” is preferred by all of the court’s participants, and especially by defendants. Moreover, he argues, “it is not all clear that as a group defendants would be better off in a more ‘formal’ court system,” since the real costs to those accused of misdemeanors and lesser felonies are not the fines and prison sentences meted out by the court, but the costs incurred before the case even comes before the judge—lost wages from missed work, commissions to bail bondsmen, attorney’s fees, and wasted time. Therefore, the overriding interest of the accused is not to secure the formal trappings of the judicial process, but to minimize the time, and money, spent dealing with the court.Focusing on New Haven, Connecticut’s, lower court, Feeley found that the defense and prosecution often agreed that the pre-trial process was sufficient to “teach the defendant a lesson.” In effect, Feeley demonstrates that the informal practices of the lower courts as they are presently constituted are more “just” than they are usually given credit for being.
Plan and Section Drawing
Thomas C. Wang - 1979
Sweeping stylistic and technical advances made since its original publication fifteen years ago are added to this new edition, which also includes new chapters on process and computer graphics.
Groups In Process: An Introduction to Small Group Communication
Larry L. Barker - 1979
Groups in Process continues to balance traditional and progressive approaches to teaching small group communication, drawing together the best of current research and thought on leadership, problem solving, and conflict management. Thorough and up-to-date, this book serves as a bridge between discussion-based texts and newer, interpersonal perspectives. Its straightforward presentation translates theory into practice with a plenitude of real-world examples. For those interested in Small Group Communication.
Richard G. Lipsey - 1979
This revision includes updated information on such key issues as health care, distribution of income, unemployment, labor, and monetary policy. The authors have also greatly increased the focus on the international economy and economic growth.
Soil Chemistry
Hinrich L. Bohn - 1979
The complex interplay among organic and inorganic solids, air, water, microorganisms, and plant roots in soil is the subject of Soil "Chemistry," a reference pivotal to understanding soil processes and problems.Thoroughly reorganized for ease of use, this updated Third Edition of "Soil Chemistry" summarizes the important research and fundamental knowledge in the field in a single, readily usable text, including: Soil-ion interactionsBiogeological cycles and pollutionWater and soil solutionsOxidation and reductionInorganic solid phase and organic matter in soilWeathering and soil developmentCation retention (exchange)Anion and molecular retentionAcid and salt-affected soilsNew to the Third Edition is an enhanced emphasis on soil solution chemistry and expanded coverage of phosphate chemistry and the chemical principles of the aqueous phase. At the same time, the book has retained the clear examination of the fundamentals of the science of soil that has distinguished earlier editions. Complete with SI units and end-of-chapter study questions, Soil Chemistry is an excellent introductory resource for students studying this crucial topic.
Counseling American Minorities: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Donald R. Atkinson - 1979
Chapters were written by multicultural experts who have first-hand personal and professional exposure to the experiences and needs of members of each group.
Schaum's Outline of Electronic Communication
Lloyd Temes - 1979
A new chapter on phase lock loops and frequency synthesizers has been added and more practical analysis of RF amplifiers and oscillators are included.
Theoretical Kinematics
O. Bottema - 1979
The treatment is rigorous and elegant, focusing on the mathematical development of the subject apart from any particular applications. The authors begin with general concepts and problems and then specialize gradually to more simple cases. The book is divided into 13 chapters. The first two deal with displacement and motion in n-dimensional Euclidean space. The next three chapters discuss two-, three-, and four-and-more position theory for both finite and infinitesimal displacements. This is followed by a series of chapters on kinematics itself beginning with a chapter on continuous motion. The next three chapters then discuss spherical kinematics, plane kinematics, and special motions, respectively. The book concludes with chapters on n-parameter motions, non-Euclidean kinematics, and mathematical methods useful in kinematics theory. Over 800 examples and an extensive bibliography further enhance the usefulness of the text.Because of its generality and lucid style, this classic work will be invaluable not only to specialists in kinematics but also to those with mathematical training working in biomechanics, computer-aided design, geology, multi-body dynamics, robotics, or any field where rigid body motions need to be understood or modeled analytically, It is a standard reference that belongs in the library of anyone whose work includes subject matter of kinematic content."In its thoughtfulness, elegance, balance, rigor, kinematic insight, and encyclopedic nature, it is my judgment the finest treatment of theoretical kinematics which has yet been written." — American Scientists
Arnold L. Glass - 1979
The third edition of Cognition is organized around this central thesis. The text is a description of how the mind works rather than a description of the kinds of experiments that cognitive psychologists perform. It is enlivened with many practical examples and anecdotes. A special effort is made to show how the different cognitive functions, action, perception, attention, etc., all overlap.
Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology: Techniques and Interpretations
Mark E. Josephson - 1979
Josephson's classic text provides a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias and the therapeutic interventions used to treat arrhythmias. The book details the electrophysiologic methodology required to define the mechanism and site of origin of arrhythmias so that safe and effective therapy can be chosen. Close attention is given to the mechanisms, clinical implications, and limitations of current therapeutic interventions, including drugs, implantable devices, and catheter and surgical ablation.More than 1,100 illustrations clarify the concepts and techniques presented in the text. This edition has a new full-color design.A companion Website offers the fully searchable text with all illustrations.