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Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History
Stephen Jay Gould - 1989
It hold the remains of an ancient sea where dozens of strange creatures lived—a forgotten corner of evolution preserved in awesome detail. In this book Stephen Jay Gould explores what the Burgess Shale tells us about evolution and the nature of history.
A Neotropical Companion: An Introduction to the Animals, Plants, and Ecosystems of the New World Tropics
John C. Kricher - 1989
It is the most comprehensive one-volume guide to the Neotropics available today. Widely praised in its first edition, it remains a book of unparalleled value to tourists, students, and scientists alike. This second edition has been substantially revised and expanded to incorporate the abundance of new scientific information that has been produced since it was first published in 1989. Major additions have been made to every chapter, and new chapters have been added on Neotropical ecosystems, human ecology, and the effects of deforestation. Biodiversity and its preservation are discussed throughout the book, and Neotropical evolution is described in detail. This new edition offers all new drawings and photographs, many of them in color. As enthusiastic readers of the first edition will attest, this is a charming book. Wearing his learning lightly and writing with ease and humor, John Kricher presents the complexities of tropical ecology as accessible and nonintimidating. Kricher is so thoroughly knowledgeable and the book is so complete in its coverage that general readers and ecotourists will not need any other book to help them identify and understand the plants and animals, from birds to bugs, that they will encounter in their travels to the New World tropics. At the same time, it will fascinate armchair travelers and students who may get no closer to the Neotropics than this engagingly written book.
Frank B. Gill - 1989
The new edition maintains the scope and expertise that made the book so popular while incorporating the latest research and updating the exquisite program of drawings.
Histology: A Text and Atlas: With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology
Michael H. Ross - 1989
It combines a detailed textbook that emphasizes clinical and functional correlates of histology with a beautifully illustrated atlas featuring full-color digital micrographs of the highest quality.This edition includes over 100 new illustrations, more Clinical Correlation boxes on the histology of common medical conditions, and new information on the molecular biology of endothelial cell function. Terminology throughout the text is consistent with Terminologia Anatomica.A powerful interactive histology atlas CD-ROM for students is included with the book and features all of the plates found in the text with interactive functionality.
Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual
Joseph Sambrook - 1989
In this new edition, authors Joseph Sambrook and David Russell have completely updated the book, revising every protocol and adding a mass of new material, to broaden its scope and maintain its unbeatable value for studies in genetics, molecular cell biology, developmental biology, microbiology, neuroscience, and immunology.
For the Love of Enzymes: The Odyssey of a Biochemist
Arthur Kornberg - 1989
Though he was a swordsman, his book was not limited to combat but addressed the much broader question of how to achieve excellence in life through study, discipline, and planning. It is still avidly read in Japan today. Arthur Kornberg's book is a modern-day Book of Five Rings that replaces the medium of swordsmanship with that of biochemistry, particularly enzymology. As Kornberg describes his successive research problems, the challenges they presented, and the ultimate accomplishments that resulted, he provides us with a primer in the strategies needed to do scientific work of great significance. Moreover, these strategies are played out in the context of solving some of the great biochemical problems of the twentieth century.The ability to manipulate and alter DNA fired a revolution that forever changed the nature of biology. Arthur Kornberg is a primary architect of that revolution, arguably one of the two or three most important biologists of this time. Prior to Kornberg, genetic information and later DNA were imbued by biologists with an almost vitalistic aura. Kornberg demonstrated that DNA is a molecule synthesized by enzymes, like all other chemical constituents of the cell. More important, he trained a school of scientists who focused on and discovered many of the enzymatic activities that act on DNA. It is these enzymes in particular that allow modern "genetic engineering."For the Love of Enzymes does not describe a single lucky or hard-won accomplishment. Rather, it is the story of thirty years of decisive campaigns, nearly all of which led to insights of major significance. In relating his story, Kornberg never avoids the difficult question of "why" why he felt classical nutritional studies had reached a plateau, why he turned to enzymology as a discipline in which the important answers would be found, and why he believes the study of enzymes will grow ever more important as we face the new scientific frontier of brain function.This book will challenge students of biology and chemistry at all levels who want to do important work rather than simply follow popular trends. It will also delight and inform readers who wish to understand how "real" science is done, and to learn of the values that guide one of our greatest researchers.
The Human Career: Human Biological and Cultural Origins
Richard G. Klein - 1989
A. Foley, Antiquity), The Human Career has proved to be an indispensable tool in teaching human origins since its publication in 1989. This substantially revised edition retains Richard Klein's innovative approach and incorporates new findings from the past decade.The Human Career chronicles the evolution of people from the earliest primates through the emergence of fully modern humans within the past 200,000 years. Its comprehensive treatment stresses recent advances in knowledge, including, for example, ever more abundant evidence that fully modern humans originated in Africa and spread from there, replacing the Neanderthals in Europe and equally archaic people in Asia. With its coverage of both the fossil record and the archeological record over the 2.5 million years for which both are available, Klein emphasizes that human morphology and behavior evolved together. Throughout the text, Klein presents evidence for alternative points of view, but also does not hesitate to take a position.In addition to outlining the broad pattern of human evolution, The Human Career details the kinds of data that support this pattern, including information on archeological sites, artifacts, fossils, and methods for establishing dates in geological time. With abundant references and hundreds of illustrations, charts, and diagrams, this new edition is unparalleled in its usefulness for teaching human evolution.
Mark Ridley - 1989
Readable and stimulating, yet well-balanced and in-depth, this text tells the story of evolution, from the history of the study to the most revent developments in evolutionary theory. The third edition of this successful textbook features updates and extensive new coverage. The sections on adaptation and diversity have been reorganized for improved clarity and flow, and a completely updated section on the evolution of sex and the inclusion of more plant examples have all helped to shape this new edition. Evolution also features strong, balanced coverage of population genetics, and scores of new applied plant and animal examples make this edition even more accessible and engaging. Dedicated website - provides an interactive experience of the book, with illustrations downloadable to PowerPoint, and a full supplemental package complementing the book - Margin icons - indicate where there is relevant information included in the dedicated website. Two new chapters - one on evolutionary genomics and one on evolution and development bring state-of-the-art information to the coverage of evolutionary study. Two kinds of boxes - one featuring practical applications and the other related information, supply added depth without interrupting the flow of the text. Margin comments - paraphrase and highlight key concepts. Study and review questions - help students review their understanding at the end of each chapter, while new challenge questions prompt students to synthesize the chapter concepts to reinforce the learning at a deeper level.
Blueprints: Solving the Mystery of Evolution
Maitland Armstrong Edey - 1989
Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation
Hal Caswell - 1989
It begins with simple cases, presented in detail so that beginning students can learn how to use these powerful models. It goes on to coveradvanced topics in stochastic and nonlinear models. Analytical methods and theoretical issues are illustrated with empirical examples throughout.The decade since the publication of the First Edition of this book has seen enormous progress in the theory and application of matrix population models. The new edition includes greatly expanded treatment of stochastic and density-dependent models, sensitivity analysis, and statistical inference, and new chapters on parameter estimation, structured population models, demographic stochasticity, and applications of matrix models in conservation biology.Matrix Population Models, Second Edition, is an indispensable reference for graduate students and researchers in ecology, population biology, conservation biology, and human demography
Robert Root-Bernstein - 1989
The index is of names only. TheRoot-Bernstein (natural science and physiology, Michigan State) attempts to understand how scientists in
Ancient Forests of the Pacific Northwest
Elliott A. Norse - 1989
It shows how human tampering affects an ecosystem, and how the Pacific Northwest could become a model for sustainable forestry worldwide.
Vanishing Tracks: Four Years Among the Snow Leopards of Nepal
Darla Hillard - 1989
It is also a story of love and high adventure that provides a fascinating, affecting profile of a people inhabiting one of the most isolated and inhospitable regions in the world—the Kanjiroba Himal of western Nepal.
The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Spanish and English Dictionary
Oxford University Press - 1989
Based on the premise that pictures can more clearly convey certain kinds of information, these dictionaries present a list of vocabulary relating to a subject together with a picture illustrating that subject. Each double-page spread links the words by number to the picture situation drawn from everyday life; 384 sections cover a broad range of subjects in the fields of science, medicine, technology, industry, commerce, and arts and leisure, including astronomy, automobiles, swimming, supermarkets, nuclear energy, nightclubs, and much more. Both English and foreign words appear on the same page for easy use. The dictionaries also provide fully alphabetized indices in both languages which refer the reader not only to the various subjects and contexts in which a word is used, but also to the correct translation and vocabulary of the entire subject. An essential reference for general readers, students, translators, travelers, and business people, The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Dictionaries serves as an invaluable supplement to other foreign language guides. The new editions featured below have been completely updated and revised to include the most recent innovations in science and technology and to offer increased coverage of all major fields of reference.
Evolutionary Genetics
John Maynard Smith - 1989
Aimed at advanced undergraduates in the biological sciences, the book covers basic population and quantitative genetics, evolutionary game theory, behavioral evolution, sexual selection and mating systems, speciation, and macroevolution. Theory and mathematics are clearly explained, with the aid of problems at the ends of the chapters, and the author takes care to place these within the context of questions central to current research in evolutionary biology. This Second Edition has been revised and updated throughout to reflect new findings and research interests. In the chapter on phenotypic evolution, the author incorporates new research on game theory. The discussions of sex and host-parasite interactions have been extensively revised and the author has added a new chapter on molecular genetics and the reconstruction of evolutionary history. Evolutionary Genetics remains the essential textbook for advanced undergraduates seeking a clear, comprehensive, and up-to-date account of the theory of evolutionary biology.
Clinical Anesthesia
Paul G. Barash - 1989
More than 100 leading experts cover every aspect of contemporary perioperative medicine in one comprehensive, clinically focused, clear, concise, and accessible volume.New chapters in this edition cover genomic basis of perioperative medicine, office-based anesthesia, and disaster preparedness and bioterrorism. A new two-color page design enables readers to spot crucial information quickly. Each chapter opens with a numbered list of key points and the numbers are used in the margins to help readers locate information on those points.Subscribe to Lippincott's Interactive Anesthesia Library and get online access to the fully searchable content of eight critically acclaimed references in anesthesiology, critical care, and pain management.
The Natural History of Weasels and Stoats: Ecology, Behavior, and Management
Carolyn M. King - 1989
Their descriptions were often accurate but sometimes misinterpreted the animals' behaviors and underlying explanations for those behaviors. Organized natural history became one of the roots of the science of ecology inthe 1920s and by the 1960s scientists had begun to study the biology of weasels with all the critical, objective advantages of modern theory and equipment. Until the first edition of this book appeared in 1989 no one had attempted to explain these results to non-specialist naturalists. Nowthoroughly revised, this book will continue to be the main one-stop reference for professionals. But both kinds of knowledge are brought together here-- observations for the traditional naturalist and rigorous measurements and interpretations for modern scientists, integrated into a single, readableaccount.This new edition provides a comprehensive summary of the extensive advances over the last 15 years in our knowledge of these fascinating animals. A new U.S.-based co-author reshapes the content to be more U.S.-centric. Stories about North America trappers and backwoodsmen interacting with weaselsreplace some (not all) of the previous stories about English gamekeepers. These changes permeate the book, so readers familiar with the first edition will recognize some material, but will find a lot that is new. Much less reliable European information quoted in the first edition was there at thetime when no better information was available. Now a new NZ chapter focuses on predation problems of the species introduced to that country. This edition, much more than a simple update, is now truly an international treatment and a more valuable resource.
The Woody Plants of Ohio: Trees, Shrubs and Woody Climbers Native
E. Lucy Braun - 1989
The Unheeded Cry: Animal Consciousness, Animal Pain And Science
Bernard E. Rollin - 1989
Text confronting animal rights: do experimental animals feel pain and suffer, and if so, what ought humans do about it? Forwarded by Jane Goodall. For veterinary students, educators, and anyone who cares about animals and the way they are treated in our society. This is an expanded edition of the first printing: c1989. Hardcover, softcover available.
Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications
Daniel A. Crowl - 1989
A reference for industry professionals, this second edition is also useful for teaching at the graduate and senior undergraduate levels.
Vertebrate Life
F. Harvey Pough - 1989
Herpetology presents a comprehensive picture of amphibians and reptiles and their important roles in modern ecosystems. The new edition features full-color photos and species maps, a new chapter on biogeography, and expanded treatment of conservation.
A Student's Guide to the Seashore
J.D. Fish - 1989
User-friendly dichotomous keys are supported by details of diagnostic features and biology of each species. Now enhanced with 32 pages of colour, this much acclaimed guide is invaluable to students of marine biology at any level. Questions such as how does the species reproduce? What is its life-cycle? How does it feed? are answered in the notes accompanying each species to give a fascinating insight into the diversity and complexity of life on the shore. The text is supported by an extensive glossary of scientific terms and a comprehensive bibliography is included to aid further study. The third edition builds on the excellent reviews of earlier editions and will continue to appeal to a wide readership, including students, teachers and naturalists.
Darwin Without Malthus: The Struggle for Existence in Russian Evolutionary Thought
Daniel P. Todes - 1989
They identified that bias with Darwin's concept of the struggle for existence and his emphasis upon the evolutionary role of overpopulation and intraspecific conflict. In this book, Todes documents a historical Russian critique of Darwin's Malthusian error, explores its relationship to such scientific work as Mechnikov's phagocytic theory, Korzhinskii's mutation theory and Kropotkin's theory of mutual aid, and finds its origins in Russia's political economy and in the very nature of its land and climate. This is the first book in English to examine in detail the scientific work of nineteenth century Russian evolutionists, and the first in any language to explore the relationship of Russian theories to the economic, political, and natural circumstances in which they were generated. It combines a broad scope (dealing with political figures and cultural movements) with a close analysis of scientific work on a range of topics.
Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
Jeremy W. Dale - 1989
It is comprehensive, easy to use and well structured with clear two-colour diagrams throughout. Specific changes to the new edition include:More detail on sigma factors, anti-sigma factors and anti-anti sigma factors, and the difference in the frequency of sigma factors in bacteria Expand material on integrons as these are becoming increasingly important in antibiotic resistance Enhanced treatment of molecular phylogeny Complete revision and updating of the final chapter on 'Gene Mapping and Genomics' Two-colour illustrations throughout. The focus of the book remains firmly on bacteria and will be invaluable to students studying microbiology, biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and related biomedical sciences.