Best of
The Cornish Trilogy: The Rebel Angels; What's Bred in the Bone; The Lyre of Orpheus
Robertson Davies - 1988
John and the Holy Ghost, this dazzling trilogy of novels lures the reader into a world of mysticism, historical allusion, and gothic fantasy that could only be the invention of Canada's grand man of letters.
Dead Poets Society
N.H. Kleinbaum - 1988
As Keating turns the boys on to the great words of Byron, Shelley, and Keats, they discover not only the beauty of language, but the importance of making each moment count. But the Dead Poets pledges soon realize that their newfound freedom can have tragic consequences. Can the club and the individuality it inspires survive the pressure from authorities determined to destroy their dreams?
Another Sort of Learning
James V. Schall - 1988
Schall has written a delightfully odd book about books, because he believes that (1) to be educated is to confront the great questions about what is; that (2) many modern students, in or out of school, never learn to raise, much less answer, the great questions, thus are uneducated in the deepest sense; and that (3) great books, past and present, which wrestle deeply yet non-technically with these questions rather than passively mirroring popular culture with its myopia and prejudices, can fill this vacuum for anyone, in or out of school. It contains unusually sane reflections on education, unusually reflective reviews of books, and unusually discriminating booklists. Just the book I have wanted to give my students for years." - Peter Kreeft, Boston College "For years I have meant to write such a book as Another Sort of Learning, suggesting how the rising generation might acquire some measure of wisdom despite the intellectual vices or indifferences of the Academy; but I am happy that Schall has forestalled me. It is full of much valuable wisdom." - Russell Kirk, Author, The Conservative Mind "Few teachers can match Fr. Schall at conveying a sense of the life of the mind, few would have the audacity to write about 'what a student owes his teacher', or the charm to carry it off, or the wisdom to make it memorable. He never forgets that 'to learn' is a transitive verb, and that its object is truth." - Joseph Sobran, Editor, National Review
Performance Theory
Richard Schechner - 1988
For more than four decades his work has challenged conventional definitions of theatre, ritual and performance. When this seminal collection first appeared, Schechner's approach was not only novel, it was revolutionary: drama is not just something that occurs on stage, but something that happens in everyday life, full of meaning, and on many different levels. Within these pages he examines the connections between Western and non-Western cultures, theatre and dance, anthropology, ritual, performance in everyday life, rites of passage, play, psychotherapy and shamanism.
The Dialectic of Freedom
Maxine Greene - 1988
Accounts of the lives of women, immigrants, and minority groups highlight the ways in which Americans have gone in search of openings in their lived situations, learned to look at things as if they could be otherwise, and taken action on what they found.Greene presents a unique overview of American concepts and images of freedom from Jefferson's time to the present. She examines the ways in which the disenfranchised have historically understood and acted on their freedom--or lack of it--in dealing with perceived and real obstacles to expression and empowerment. Strong emphasis is placed on the focal role of the arts and art experience in releasing human imagination and enabling the young to reach toward their vision of the possible.The author concludes with suggestions for approaches to teaching and learning that can provoke both educators and students to take initiatives, to transcend limits, and to pursue freedom--not in solitude, but in reciprocity with others, not in privacy, but in a public space.
The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism
Henry Louis Gates Jr. - 1988
Examining the ancient poetry and myths found in African, Latin American, and Caribbean culture, and particularly the Yoruba trickster figure of Esu-Elegbara and the Signifying Monkey whose myths help articulate the black tradition's theory of its literature, Gates uncovers a unique system for interpretation and a powerful vernacular tradition that black slaves brought with them to the New World. His critical approach relies heavily on the Signifying Monkey--perhaps the most popular figure in African-American folklore--and signification and Signifyin(g). Exploring signification in black American life and literature by analyzing the transmission and revision of various signifying figures, Gates provides an extended analysis of what he calls the Talking Book, a central trope in early slave narratives that virtually defines the tradition of black American letters. Gates uses this critical framework to examine several major works of African-American literature--including Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, and Ishmael Reed's Mumbo Jumbo--revealing how these works signify on the black tradition and on each other. The second volume in an enterprising trilogy on African-American literature, The Signifying Monkey--which expands the arguments of Figures in Black--makes an important contribution to literary theory, African-American literature, folklore, and literary history.
The Hard Road to Renewal: Thatcherism and the Crisis of the Left
Stuart Hall - 1988
Hall's critical approach is elaborated here in essays on the formation of the SDP, inner city riots, the Falklands War and the signficance of Antonio Gramsci. He suggests that Thatcherism is skillfully employing the restless and individualistic dynamic of consumer capitalism to promote a swingeing programme of 'regressive modernization'.The Hard Road to Renewal is as concerned with elaborating a new politics for the Left as it is with the project of the Right. Hall insists that the Left can no longer trade on inherited politics and tradition. Socialists today must be as radical as modernity itself. Valuable pointers to a new politics are identified in the experience of feminism, the campaigns of the GLC and the world-wide response to Band Aid.
God of Ecstasy: Sex Roles and the Madness of Dionysos
Arthur Evans - 1988
A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction
Linda Hutcheon - 1988
It continues the project of Linda Hutcheon's Narcissistic Narrative and A Theory of Parody in studying formal self-consciousness in art, but adds to this both an historical and an ideological dimension. Modelled on postmodern architecture, postmodernism is the name given here to current cultural practices characterized by major paradoxes of form and of ideology. The "poetics" of postmodernism offered here is drawn from these contradictions, as seen in the intersecting concerns of both contemporary theory and cultural practice.
Fourier Analysis
T.W. Körner - 1988
These range from number theory, numerical analysis, control theory and statistics, to earth science, astronomy, and electrical engineering. Each application is placed in perspective with a short essay. The prerequisites are few (the reader with knowledge of second or third year undergraduate mathematics should have no difficulty following the text), and the style is lively and entertaining.
Mystifying Movies: Fads & Fallacies In Contemporary Film Theory
Noël Carroll - 1988
Workers on the Nile: Nationalism, Communism, Islam, and the Egyptian Working Class, 1882-1954
Joel Beinin - 1988
Beinin and Lockman examine "the dialectic of class and nation [and] the formation of a new class of wage workers as Egypt experienced a particular kind of capitalist development ... and these workers' adoption of various forms of consciousness, organization, and collective action in a political and economic context structured by the realities of foreign domination and the struggle for national independence." "This work breaks new ground in contemporary Western scholarship on the Middle East and challenges Orientalist assumptions that classes do not exist, or play only an insignificant role. The authors' careful and comprehensive account of the workers and their unions is obviously understanding of, and sympathetic to, the working class. Yet it is free of the rather mechanistic and reductionist analyses of earlier writings on the subject." -- Nazih Ayubi, MESA Bulletin.
Planning Local Economic Development: Theory and Practice
Edward James Blakely - 1988
Blakely and Bradshaw investigate planning processes, analytical techniques, business and human resource development, as well as high-technology economic development strategies.
Feminism and Foucault: Violence, Poverty, and Prostitution
Irene Diamond - 1988
This book fosters an unprecedented dialogue between Foucault and the fertile ground of contemporary feminism and explores the many ways these disparate approaches to cultural analysis converge and interact.
The Avars A Steppe Empire in Central Europe, 567–822
Walter Pohl - 1988
Fierce warriors and canny power brokers, the Avars were more influential and durable than Attila’s Huns, yet have remained hidden in history. Walter Pohl’s epic narrative, translated into English for the first time, restores them to their rightful place in the story of early medieval Europe.The Avars offers a comprehensive overview of their history, tracing the Avars from the construction of their steppe empire in the center of Europe; their wars and alliances with the Byzantines, Slavs, Lombards, and others; and their apex as the first so-called barbarian power to besiege Constantinople (in 626); to their fall under the Frankish armies of Charlemagne and subsequent disappearance as a distinct cultural group. Pohl uncovers the secrets of their society, synthesizing the rich archaeological record recovered from more than 60,000 graves of the period, as well as accounts of the Avars by Byzantine and other chroniclers.In recovering the story of the fascinating encounter between Eurasian nomads who established an empire in the heart of Europe and the post-Roman Christian cultures of Europe, this book provides a new perspective on the origins of medieval Europe itself.
Action Research Principles and Practice
Jean McNiff - 1988
Action Research is becoming increasingly important and useful. The author explains its philosophies and practices of action, illustrating her explanations with case studies of recent projects. She also reviews current trends in action research and examines key concepts in its development.
Dogen's Manuals of Zen Meditation
Carl Bielefeldt - 1988
This study examines the historical and religious character of the practice as it is described in Dogen's own meditation texts, introducing new materials and original perspectives on one of the most influential spiritual traditions of East Asian civilization. The Soto version of Zen meditation is known as "just sitting," a practice in which, through the cultivation of the subtle state of "nonthinking," the meditator is said to be brought into perfect accord with the higher consciousness of the "Buddha mind" inherent in all beings. This study examines the historical and religious character of the practice as it is described in Dogen's own meditation texts, introducing new materials and original perspectives on one of the most influential spiritual traditions of East Asian civilization.
Problem Solving: A Statistician's Guide
Chris Chatfield - 1988
This book illuminates the complex process of problem solving, including formulating the problem, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting the conclusions.
All Consuming Images: The Politics Of Style In Contemporary Culture
Stuart Ewen - 1988
A provocative, compelling, and entertaining look at how the power of images dominates every aspect of our lives.
Why Scots Matters
J. Derrick McClure - 1988
Why Scots Matters details the origins and history of the language, and discusses the influences and events which have shaped its use. Derrick McClure's work encompasses the differences between dialect and language, and the great works of literature written in Scots - Barbour's Bruce, James I's Kingis Quair, the superb poetry of Henryson and Dunbar, Lindsay's triumphal Ane Satire of the Thrie Estaitis and, of course, the work of Robert Burns and Hugh McDiarmid. The importance of Scots as a record of political and social change is also examined, as the influence of the Norse, English, French and the Gaels had an impact on Scots vocabulary as well as Scottish history. In conclusion, the author argues that the Scots language should be used and encouraged, not only because of its contribution to human achievement in the past, but because it is a unique mark of the distinctive identity of the Scottish people. J. Derrick McClure is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Aberdeen.
Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830 - 1914
Patrick Brantlinger - 1988
Critics and cultural historians have usually regarded the Empire as being of marginal importance to early and mid-Victorian writers. Patrick Brantlinger asserts that the Empire was central to British culture as a source of ideological and artistic energy, both supported by and lending support to widespread belief in racial superiority, the need to transform "savagery" into "civilization," and the urgency of promoting emigration.Rule of Darkness brings together material from public records, memoirs, popular culture, and canonical literature. Brantlinger explores the influence of the novels of Captain Frederick Marryat, pioneer of British adolescent adventure fiction, and shows the importance of William Makepeace Thackeray's experience of India to his novels. He treats a number of Victorian best sellers previously ignored by literary historians, including the Anglo-Indian writer Philip Meadows Taylor's Confessions of a Thug and Seeta. Brantlinger situates explorers' narratives and travelogues by such famous author-adventurers as David Livingstone and Sir Richard Burton in relation to other forms of Victorian and Edwardian prose. Through readings of works by Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, H. Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling, John Hobson, and many others, he considers representations of Africa, India, and other non-British parts of the world in both fiction and nonfiction.The most comprehensive study yet of literature and imperialism in the early and mid-Victorian years, Rule of Darkness offers, in addition, a revisionary interpretation of imperialism as a significant factor in later British cultural history, from the 1880s to World War I. It is essential reading for anyone concerned with Victorian culture and society and, more generally, with the relationship between Victorian writers and imperialism, 'and between racist ideology and patterns of domination in modern history.