Your Money Life: Your 20s

Peter Dunn - 2015
    Many of us begin our twenties burdened with college loan payments, and it's not unusual to end them with even more debt, often in the form of a costly home mortgage. In this debt-bracketed decade, it's crucial to develop solid money-management skills that will see you into your thirties in sound financial shape. The more you learn about saving, budgeting, and other money matters during your twenties, the more solid a foundation you can create--a foundation that will support your financial life for the next seventy years! In this lively and fun book, personal finance expert Peter Dunn offers practical tips and strategies created specifically to address the financial concerns and goals of readers in their twenties. Learn to master the challenges of this crucial decade with YOUR MONEY LIFE: YOUR 20s.

All the Money in the World: What the Happiest People Know about Getting and Spending

Laura Vanderkam - 2012
    We spend endless hours obsessing over our budgets and investments, trying to figure out ways to stretch every dollar. We try to follow the advice of money gurus and financial planners, then kick ourselves whenever we spend too much or save too little. For all of the stress and effort we put into every choice, why are most of us unhappy about our finances?According to Laura Vanderkam, the key is to change your perspective. Instead of looking at money as a scarce resource, consider it a tool that you can use creatively to build a better life for yourself and the people you care about. For instance, the average couple spends $5,000 on engagement and wedding rings, making these pricey purchases largely because everyone else does. But what if you decided to spend $300 on rings and apply the rest to future date nights, weekend getaways, and thinking-of-you bouquets over the next ten years? In he long run, what would bring more joy to your marriage? Likewise, will owning a home with a pristine lawn and a two-car garage—the American Dream—really make you more satisfied? Or are you saving up for this investment just because financial planners tell you it’s worth it?Vanderkam shows how each of us can figure out better ways to use what we have to build the lives we want. Drawing on the latest happiness research as well as the stories of dozens of real people, Vanderkam offers a contrarian approach that forces us to examine our own beliefs, goals, and values.Among her advice:Laugh at the Joneses: It’s human nature to compare yourself to those around you, but you can create lifestyle hat rings you personal satisfaction without copying your neighbors.Give yourself the best weekend ever: Studies show that experiences often bring more pleasure than material goods. With a little planning and creativity, you can give yourself a memorable getaway without leaving town or going broke.Embrace the selfish joy of giving: Giving back not only helps you build karma, it also helps you build a community—which is much more fulfilling than a tax deduction. All the Money in the World is a practical and inspiring guide that shows how money can buy happiness—if we spend it wisely.

Can I Retire Yet?: How to Make the Biggest Financial Decision of the Rest of Your Life

Darrow Kirkpatrick - 2016
    You've reached major milestones and accumulated more assets than you dreamed possible, and yet you hesitate. “Can I retire?” This book will help answer that question by showing you…. The tools you need to live a secure and independent retirement, without worrying about money What you must know before leaving a career behind How much it will cost you to live in retirement, and how to manage your cash flow The current choices for retirement health care, including lesser-known but effective options The threat from inflation: two secrets that politicians and bankers will never admit A realistic assessment of the impact that income taxes will have on your retirement Social Security’s role in your retirement: when you should claim and how much it’s worth to you How to construct and manage an investment portfolio for income and growth in retirement About immediate annuities and why you need multiple sources of retirement income The key variables and unknowns in your retirement withdrawal equation Reviews of the best retirement calculators, and tips for how to use them accurately Beyond the simplistic 4% Rule to the latest research on safe withdrawal rates Realistic bracketing of your retirement savings needs, without over caution or overconfidence The history of economic cycles and the related asset classes for optimal retirement security A survey of strategies plus original research for how to orchestrate your retirement distributions A practical retirement fuel gauge alerting you to problems while you still have time to act Backup plans: the lifeboat strategies for ensuring you'll never be without essential income The 6 crucial questions to answer before you can retire The one, simple, powerful, non-financial reason that you can and should retire earlier than later

Taxes Made Simple: Income Taxes Explained in 100 Pages or Less

Mike Piper - 2008
    the standard deduction Several money-saving deductions and credits and how to make sure you qualify for them How to calculate your refund How to know which tax forms to fill out State income taxes Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) Capital Gains and Losses

Stock Market Investing for Beginners Dummies

Giovanni Rigters - 2018
    You don’twant to be the old employee working as a door greeter at your big chain department store. It will also be frustrating and very depressing if you are not financially aware of your future. Time seems to go faster the older you get and it’s never too late to get started.But getting started might be one of your problems. There is too much information available and too many scammers are trying to get you to invest in shady companies. You also don’t have the time to figure everything out by yourself, because it might seem too hard and complicated.However, getting the investing part of your life handled will improve your life tremendously. You will have peace of mind when you think about your future and you will also have the confidence to make sound investing decisions. You’ll also have the knowledge to talk intelligently with your peers and financial advisors, making it easy to spot when someone is giving you wrong information.I begin with the basics, like what are stocks and how the stock market works. I then transition into how you can make money in the stock market, give you some stocks you should have on your watch list and some of the lies and mistakes you will have to deal with as an investor.So, don’t wait and get this book now. It’s on sale at this moment, but the price will go up!

Debt-Free on Any Income

Lyle Shamo - 2004
    Authors and money-management experts Lyle and Tracy Shamo say, "Like it or not, meeting basic needs has nothing to do with poverty and everything to do with how well we manage our money." In this practical guidebook, the authors will help you take control of your money, teaching you how to pay off your debt-including your mortgage and car loans- and stay out of debt. Advanced computer software (included on a CD-ROM that comes with the book) will help you assess your financial status, learn more about where your money is going and discover how to channel it to the right places.

Missed Fortune 101: A Starter Kit to Becoming a Millionaire

Douglas R. Andrew - 2005
    A starter kit to becoming a millionaire - isn't it time you became wealthy? This explosive and controversial openly challenges the most basic and fundamental tenets of personal investing.

Financially Stupid People Are Everywhere: Don't Be One of Them

Jason Kelly - 2010
    The mistakes people make with their money are basic, and avoidable, and unless you understand what they are, you're probably going to repeat them. What you need is someone who can shed light on the obstacles we face and show you how to avoid getting tripped up by them.Financially Stupid People Are Everywhere shows how society is rigged to take as much of your wealth as possible, and simple ways you can resist. It investigates, explains, and offers advice for all those who have fallen into debt, taken a second mortgage, been trapped by credit cards, or found themselves unable to get ahead.Discusses what you can do to stop the destructive cycle of borrowing and spending Illustrates the four major tenets of getting money right Highlights how to avoid the many ways that government, banks, and big business try to trap you with debt To secure your financial future, you must break the dangerous cycle of borrowing and spending, and learn how to guard your wealth against corporate ploys. Financially Stupid People Are Everywhere leads you down the only proven path to financial freedom.

Rich on Any Income: The Easy Budgeting System That Fits in Your Checkbook

James P. Christensen - 1986
    Most people know how important it is to manage their money wisely. But most budget books are cumbersome and overly technical. And computerized budgeting systems are complex and temperamental. This book presents a simple, easy-to-use, and effective system that makes budgeting as easy as writing a check.

Blockchain for Everyone: How I Learned the Secrets of the New Millionaire Class (And You Can, Too)

John Hargrave - 2019
    When John Hargrave first invested in cryptocurrency, the price of a single bitcoin was about $125; a few years later, that same bitcoin was worth $20,000. He wasn’t alone: this flood of new money is like the early days of the Internet, creating a new breed of “blockchain billionaires.” Sir John has unlocked their secrets. In Blockchain for Everyone, Sir John reveals the formula for investing in bitcoin and blockchain, using real-life stories, easy-to-understand examples, and a healthy helping of humor. Packed with illustrations, Blockchain for Everyone explains how (and when) to buy bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and other blockchain assets, with step-by-step instructions. Blockchain for Everyone is the first blockchain investing book written for the layperson: a guide that helps everyone understand how to build wealth wisely. It’s the new investing manifesto!

The Seven Money Types: Discover How God Wired You To Handle Money

Tommy Brown - 2017
    A fascinating concept!"– Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love LanguagesTrue financial well-being involves more than getting out of debt and accumulating wealth. It’s about discovering how you’re wired by God, and how that wiring influences the way you think about, feel toward, and handle money.Discovering your money type – whether you are an Abraham (hospitality), an Isaac (discipline), a Jacob (beauty), a Joseph (connection), a Moses (endurance), an Aaron (humility), or a David (leadership) – will bring greater self-awareness, reduce internal financial tension, help you resolve financial conflict with others, and help you grow financially from a faith-based perspective. As you walk with Pastor Brown through the Scriptures you’ll find holistic financial pathways that lead you to a place of increased awareness and confidence related to money.In The Seven Money Types, Pastor Tommy Brown leads you on a journey of personal discovery as he reveals the seven money types found in Scripture, helps you identify the type that best fits you by means of a 35-question assessment, and coaches you on understanding, affirming, developing, and enjoying your unique approach to money.

The Financial Matrix

Orrin Woodward - 2015
    Because it is difficult to detect, the Financial Matrix easily seduces people into willingly enslaving themselves with debt. But Orrin Woodward discovered its existence and managed to free himself. Now his book brings you that same awareness and gives you the tools and principles to break free and create a life of abundance.

The Debt Consolidation Myth: A Proven Method to Help You Get Out of Debt While Still Living Your Life

Jesse Mecham - 2017
    Let’s have you destroy your debt. Let’s have you be rid of it forever. That’s exactly what this 80/20 guide is going to give you—a sure-fire, bulletproof, tried and true method for destroying your debt. Debt, in almost any form, is lame. Nope, “lame” is probably not a strong enough word for it. Debt is a burden. Debt’s a drain. It’s a mood killer. It’s a relationship strainer. It’s a cash flow crusher. Sheesh. It takes the fun out of just about everything. Sure, you’ll hear fancy-pants people tell you about “good” debt and “bad” debt and the like. They’ll discuss fancy terms like “opportunity cost” or the value of using “OPM” (other people’s money, and if you didn’t know what OPM meant, bless you). They may even use another three-letter acronym like “ROI” when they’re talking about how you can leverage debt and get a better return on your investment. Well, we’re not talking about capitalization of a multi-conglomerate business. We’re talking about your personal finances. And when it comes to personal finances, debt is a draining, mood-killing, cash flow-crushing burden—and it’s lame. Heck, debt collectors, big banks, attorneys ... they all make debt personal. So I think it’s safe to say that your debt belongs right square in the middle of what we’d call your personal finance. Yes, let’s make this very personal. Let’s talk about how you got into this mess of debt, where you want to go, and how you’ll get there. And, true to our 80/20 guide form, I’ll tell you everything you need to know and do as quickly as possible. Unless I see a good opportunity for a joke, where I’ll drag it out just a bit longer.

The Indomitable Investor: Why a Few Succeed in the Stock Market When Everyone Else Fails

Steven M. Sears - 2012
    By revealing how top investors and traders think and act Steven Sears shows the stock market to be an undulating ocean of money, with seasoned investors reading the waves others cannot.Teaching readers to think about the market in radically different ways, "The Indomitable Investor" shows how to improve returns--and, just as importantly, avoid losses--with disciplines deployed by people who almost always do exactly the opposite of what Wall Street says to do.Laying bare great fallacies, the book explains that non-professional investors wrongly think the stock market is a place to make money, which is what Wall Street wants them to try to do. "The Indomitable Investor" says otherwise and shows how Wall Street's best investors have a completely different focus.Explains the critical ideas and insights of top traders and investors in language anyone can understand and implementPacked with material rarely shared off Wall Street that is used every day by professional investorsIntroduces the 17 most important words on Wall StreetTeaches critical skills, including: How to increase returns by focusing on risk, not potential profits; how to use the stock market's historical patterns to optimize investment decisions; understanding key relationships between stocks and the economy that predict what will happen to stocks and the broader market; how to increase mutual fund returns with an easy adjustment that redirects the bulk of profits to you--not mutual fund companies, and how to analyze information like seasoned investors to move beyond "statement of the obvious" news reports that turn ordinary investors into Dumb MoneyAccessible to readers of all backgrounds, including those with a limited understanding of investing, "The Indomitable Investor" will change how investors view the stock market, Wall Street, and themselves.

How to Retire on Dividends: Earn a Safe 8%, Leave Your Principal Intact

Brett Owens - 2019
    Your choice."--Richard Fields, Retirement Expert. Wall Street warns you to withdraw only 4% a year when retired. But Main Street retirees have an advantage. You can obtain 6%, 7% and even 8% annual dividend yields--triple or even quadruple the S&P 500's yield--without reducing principal or taking on unnecessary risk. Skip Wall Street's low-yielding, blue-chip, "dividend aristocrat" BS and learn how from Brett and Tom!