Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World

Ron Larson - 2002
    Offering an approach with a visual/graphical emphasis, this text offers a number of examples on the premise that students learn best by doing. This book features an emphasis on interpretation of results and critical thinking over calculations.

Electric Circuits

James W. Nilsson - 1983
    Electric Circuits is the most widely used introductory circuits textbook of the past decade. The book has remained popular due to its success in implementing three themes throughout the text: (1) It builds an understanding of concepts based on information the student has previously learned; (2) The text helps stress the relationship between conceptual understanding and problem-solving approaches; (3) The authors provide numerous examples and problems that use realistic values and situations to give students a strong foundation of engineering practice.

Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future

Richard T. Wright - 2001
    As the field of environmental science continues to evolve, this highly readable guide presents a full spectrum of views and information for students to evaluate issues and make informed decisions. An extensive resource package integrates text and digital media in an easy-to-use format designed to assist instructors in classroom preparation.

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

David J. Griffiths - 1994
    The book s two-part coverage organizes topics under basic theory, and assembles an arsenal of approximation schemes with illustrative applications. For physicists and engineers. "

Kaplan Medical USMLE Master the Boards Step 2 CK

Conrad Fischer - 2010
    Conrad Fischer presents the only full-color USMLE guide on the market to cover the clinical conditions and patient management scenarios tested on the Step 2 CK exam.New from best-selling USMLE author and award-winning medical educator, Dr. Conrad Fischer, comes the only full-color USMLE guide on the market to present the clinical conditions and patient care scenarios encountered on the Step 2 Clinical Knowledge exam. Students take the USMLE Step 2 CK Exam during their final year of medical school. The Step 2 Clinical Knowledge is a multiplechoice exam designed to determine whether the examinee possesses the medical knowled.0ge and understanding of clinical science considered essential for the provision of patient care under supervision. Kaplan Medical USMLE Master the Boards Step 2 CK is the first book that covers the content of the exam in a logical and methodical fashion, emphasizing several categories of residency including:A logical step-by-step approach to patient careAn assessment of severity, prognosis, and next course of action for specific conditionsHow to prioritize while managing, especially in emergency or acute casesAn outline of signs/symptoms and diagnostic or lab tests that signify the need for change in management approaches

Mechanical Vibrations

Singiresu S. Rao - 1986
     This text gives expanded explanations of the fundamentals of vibration including history of vibration, degree of freedom systems, vibration control, vibration measurement, and more. For engineers and other professionals who want a clear introduction to vibration engineering.

Kuby Immunology

Judy A. Owen - 2012
    The new edition is thoroughly updated, including most notably a new chapter on innate immunity, a capstone chapter on immune responses in time and space, and many new focus boxes drawing attention to exciting clinical, evolutionary, or experimental connections that help bring the material to life.See what's in the LaunchPad

Signing Illustrated (Revised Edition): The Complete Learning Guide

Mickey Flodin - 2004
    This easy-to-use guide is updated and expanded to include new computer and technology signs and offers a fast and simple approach to learning. Includes:- Vocabulary reviews- Fingerspelling exercises- Sign matching and memory aids- A complete glossary and a comprehensive index- Clear instructive drawings

Solid State Physics

Neil W. Ashcroft - 1976
    This book provides an introduction to the field of solid state physics for undergraduate students in physics, chemistry, engineering, and materials science.


John W. Santrock
    As a master teacher John Santrock connects students to current research and real-world application, helping students see how developmental psychology plays a role in their own lives and future careers. Through an integrated, personalized digital learning program, students gain the insight they need to study smarter and improve performance.

The Research Methods Knowledge Base

William Trochim - 1999
    It can be used in a variety of disciplines and is ideal for an introductory comprehensive undergraduate or graduate level course. Through its conversational, informal style it makes material that is often challenging for students both accessible and understandable. The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 3e covers everything from the development of a research question to the writing of a final report, describing both practical and technical issues of sampling, measurement, design and analysis.

Medical Terminology: A Living Language

Bonnie F. Fremgen - 2004
    For each body system, broad coverage of anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnostic procedures, treatment procedures, and pharmacology is provided. The author emphasizes both terms built from Latin and Greek word parts, and modern English terms, helping students develop a full working word part vocabulary they can use to interpret any new term. This edition contains many new terms, and has been reorganized for more efficient learning. To eliminate confusion, Word Building tables have been removed from each chapter and the terms have been distributed throughout the pathology, diagnostic procedure, and treatment procedure tables, where they are more immediately relevant to students. Note: This ISBN is just the standalone book, if the customer wants the book/access card order the ISBN below; 133962032 / 9780133962031 Medical Terminology: A Living Language PLUS MyMedicalTerminologyLab with Pearson etext -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0132843471 / 9780132843478 Medical Terminology: A Living Language 0133936236 / 9780133936230 MyMedicalTerminologyLab with Pearson etext - Access Card - Medical Terminology A Living Language

Principles of Foundation Engineering

Braja M. Das - 1984
    Das' Sixth Edition of PRINCIPLES OF FOUNDATION ENGINEERING maintains the careful balance of current research and practical field applications that has made it the leading text in foundation engineering courses. Featuring a wealth of worked-out examples and figures that help students with theory and problem-solving skills, the book introduces civil engineering students to the fundamental concepts and application of foundation analysis design. Throughout, Das emphasizes the judgment needed to properly apply the theories and analysis to the evaluation of soils and foundation design as well as the need for field experience. The sixth edition contains many new homework and worked-out problems.

Hair Like a Fox: A Bioenergetic View of Pattern Hair Loss

Danny Roddy - 2013
    But in the scalp of a balding man, they do not get everything they need and as a result, the hair-producing cells gradually die off. Here we have an example of a mild ‘disease’ which is caused by cellular malnutrition.” —Dr. Roger J. Williams “A living cell requires energy not only for all of its functions, but also for maintenance of its structure.” —Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi "What could be more important to understand than biological energy? Thought, growth, movement, every philosophical and practical issue involves the nature of biological energy.” —Raymond Peat, PhD ======== The Current View of Pattern Hair Loss is Unproductive (and Dangerous) While it is often stated with great confidence that pattern pattern hair loss is the result of defective genes and "male" androgenic hormones (e.g., dihydrotestosterone or DHT), the theory is physiologically unsound. After 60 years of research the "genetic-androgen" hypoheses has produced a single FDA-approved "therapy" that works less than 50% the time and can result in permanent chemical castration (Minoxidil is a nonstarter for many men and women). In contrast, castrates and pseudohermaphrodites--who serve as the foundation for all baldness research--are protected from pattern hair loss 100% of the time. Steps Towards a 'Bioenergetic' View of Pattern Hair Loss Standing on the shoulders of giants (e.g., Otto Warburg, Albert Szent-Györgyi, Gilbert Ling, Ray Peat and others), HAIR LIKE A FOX sets up an alternative 'bioenergetic model' of pattern hair loss with a focus on the smallest unit of life, the cell. This same context elucidates simple yet effective therapies for halting and perhaps reversing pattern hair loss in a way that harmonizes with our unique physiology.

Admission Assessment Exam Review

HESI - 2012
    Plus, it helps you identify areas of weakness so you can focus your study time. Sample problems and step-by-step examples with explanations in the math and physics sections show you how to work through each problem so you understand the steps it takes to complete the equation. Practice tests with answer keys for each topic - located in the appendices for quick access - help you assess your understanding of each topic and familiarize you with the types of questions you're likely to encounter on the actual exam. HESI Hints boxes offer valuable test-taking tips, as well as rationales, suggestions, examples, and reminders for specific topics.End-of-chapter review questions help you gauge your understanding of chapter content.A full-color layout and more illustrations in the life science chapters visually reinforce key concepts for better understanding.Expanded and updated content in each chapter ensures you're studying the most current content.Basic algebra review in the math section offers additional review and practice.Color-coded chapters help you quickly find specific topic sections.Helpful organizational features in each chapter include an introduction, key terms, chapter outline, and a bulleted chapter summary to help you focus your study.A glossary at the end of the text offers quick access to key terms and their definitions.