The Leangains Method: The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected.
Martin Berkhan - 2018
Forget sit-ups. Eat when you want but don’t snack. Breakfast? Who needs it. Spend less than two hours a week in the gym to double your results in half the time, because less is more. Sound like a reasonable diet and exercise advice? To most people, it doesn’t. But as crazy as it sounds, these statements are part of the winning formula behind Martin Berkhan’s controversial Leangains method—as evidenced by hundreds of clients and thousands of success stories from Leangains devotees all over the world. The Leangains Method: The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected is the definitive fat loss manual and body transformation plan for people who are tired of gimmicks, BS, and the same old spiels they’ve heard countless times before. Tired tropes like “Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, and Dinner Like a Pauper,” conventional “wisdom” about our eating habits and other nonsensical beliefs has no place in this book - but they are dealt with accordingly, which is to say that The Leangains Method is the perfect gift for the dabbler who can’t tell right from wrong and is highly educational for beginners or scholars alike. Conceived and outlined on over a decade ago, the Leangains diet is commonly known as the “16:8" diet in mainstream media. The popular diet that shook the foundation of the fitness industry, kickstarted the intermittent fasting craze and caused a nutritional paradigm shift has been plagiarized more than any other diet in recent history. But its secrets have eluded everyone, and its efficiency has never been reproduced. Until now. And when its elusive creator pulls the curtain apart and reveals the treasured terroir of the Method, you will bask at its flavors and laugh at its imitators. Rest assured. People are often told that there are no secrets left. That statement was wrong a decade ago when Martin Berkhan introduced intermittent fasting and made breakfast skipping a thing. And in The Leangains Method: The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected he does it again. But he doesn’t make these outlandish claims casually, and skeptics will be delighted to know that the book and its methods are fully referenced, evidence-based, and peer-reviewed by fitness industry watchdog Alan Aragon. The Leangains Method: The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected is chock-full of insider secrets and cutting-edge science revealed for the very first time. You’ll learn why a calorie isn’t a calorie, and how to use this knowledge to your advantage. You’ll be taught the ingredients of the most efficient legal fat-burning stack in existence—and, should you decide to use it, be able to accelerate fat loss by up to half a pound per week. After that and much more, you’ll witness the unveiling of the greatest diet secret of them all. The magic bullet, the one thing that makes all the difference. Don’t listen to what they say. It exists. The Leangains Method: The Art of Getting Ripped. Researched, Practiced, Perfected is the alpha and omega of fat loss, conceived at the crossroads of lived experience and brutal honesty, the everyday practicalities of dieting, and the bleeding edge of science. It’s a body transformation plan that reaches beyond bodies and into minds, perceptions, and priorities. Its author makes a single promise. You’ve never read a book like this before, and you’ll never read its like again. Author’s note: The Leangains Method extols the benefits of a high-protein diet, and the nutritional recommendations in the book reflect this. It’s therefore unsuitable for vegans and—to a lesser extent—vegetarians.
The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet: The 5-Day Food-Cycling Formula That Resets Your Metabolism To Lose Up to 5 Pounds a Week
Yuri Elkaim - 2015
In this new book, Elkaim presents his unique 5-Day Food-Cycling Formula, which sets your metabolism to lose up to 5 pounds a week.In The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet, Elkaim reveals rarely discussed “fat triggers” and an easy, innovative way to double your weight loss in 3 weeks. Based on a powerhouse blend of nutritional expertise, fitness experience, and cutting-edge research, his 4-part approach features the strategic cycling of calories and carbohydrates; a “clean and lean” food plan that reduces fat triggers in your body; a unique way to exercise smarter, not harder; and the method to improve your body’s ability to repair and avoid burnout. The book also includes encouraging testimonials and remarkable photos of people who have successfully accelerated their metabolisms for life. This proven program will reset your body to your desired factory settings and supercharge your metabolism to burn fat on autopilot—no matter what your age, fitness level, or health status.
Warrior Cardio: The Revolutionary Metabolic Training System for Burning Fat, Building Muscle, and Getting Fit
Martin Rooney - 2012
A comprehensive look at cardiovascular training using scientifically proven techniques, paired with a diet plan that really delivers, Warrior Cardio features:• A complete 12-week fitness and diet program.• Hundreds of metabolic exercises with full-color photos.• Dozens of exciting workout routines, including hurricanes, complexes, and body weight and strength circuits.• Advanced warmup and prehab techniques to prevent injury.• A Warrior diet plan from nutrition expert John Berardi, PhD, based on the "Warrior 20" essential foods that promote increased weight loss and muscle gain.• The latest surprising research on the science behind cardiovascular fitness and training techniques.Whether your ultimate goal is to be a better athlete—or just train and look like one—Martin Rooney's Warrior Cardio has everything you need!
Nutrient Timing: The Future of Sports Nutrition
John Ivy - 2004
It shows that when the right combination of nutrients is delivered at the right time, one can activate his/her body's muscle machinery to increase muscle strength, improve endurance and increase lean muscle mass.
The Low-Carb Athlete: The Official Low-Carbohydrate Nutrition Guide for Endurance and Performance
Ben Greenfield - 2015
You’re interested in fueling your body for the combination of ideal health and performance, and you’re ready for weight loss, longevity, health, and breaking your sugar addiction. But is that even possible? Can you really escape the pasta binges and gastrointestinal distress that often accompanies an over-reliance on sugar? Can you really be a low-carb endurance athlete? Enhanced Performance Without Expensive Supplements Maybe you know it’s possible, but did you also know that there are certain supplements no low carb athlete should be training without? You’re probably worried that you’ll need to shell out big bucks for obscure supplements, right? Pine pollen? Ant protein? Thankfully, you just need some tried and true favorites that have proved the test of time. The number one supplement for low-carb athletes? It’s likely to be sitting on your kitchen table right now. And there’s another one that 70% of the population is deficient in…don’t let that be you, especially when deficiency can lead to fatigue and muscle cramps. Edge Out the Competition with Superior Nutrition As an Ironman triathlete who eats low-carb, author Ben Greenfield walks his talk. He’s developed a detailed system that will put you nutritionally ahead of 99% of your competitors. From training days, to race week, to the day of the race itself, you’ll learn exactly what you need to be eating and when for best performance and best health. The Low-Carb Athlete is the go-to resource for low carb athletes and those wishing to switch up their diet protocol from the old school carb-based diets of yesterday.
Younger Next Year: A Guide to Living Like 50 Until You're 80 and Beyond
Chris Crowley - 2004
A breakthrough book for men--as much fun to read as it is persuasive--Younger Next Year draws on the very latest science of aging to show how men 50 or older can become functionally younger every year for the next five to ten years, and continue to live like fifty-year-olds until well into their eighties. To enjoy life and be stronger, healthier, and more alert. To stave off 70% of the normal decay associated with aging (weakness, sore joints, apathy), and to eliminate over 50% of all illness and potential injuries. This is the real thing, a program that will work for anyone who decides to apply himself to "Harry's Rules."Harry is Henry S. Lodge, M.D., a specialist in internal medicine and preventive healthcare. Chris Crowley is Harry's 70-year-old patient who's stronger today (and skiing better) than when he was 40. Together, in alternating chapters that are lively, sometimes outspoken, and always utterly convincing, they spell out Harry's Rules and the science behind them. The rules are deceptively simple: Exercise Six Days a Week. Eat What You Know You Should. Connect to Other People and Commit to Feeling Passionate About Something. The science, simplified and demystified, ranges from the molecular biology of growth and decay to how our bodies and minds evolved (and why they fare so poorly in our sedentary, all-feast no-famine culture). The result is nothing less than a paradigm shift in our view of aging.Welcome to the next third of your life--train for it, and you'll have a ball.
Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones Way
Dan Buettner - 2009
In fact, most of us have the keys within our grasp. Circling the globe to study the world's happiest populations, Buettner has spotted several common principles that can unlock the doors to true contentment with our lives.Working with leading researchers, Buettner identifies the happiest region on each of four continents. He explores why these populations say they are happier than anyone else, and what they can teach the rest of us about finding contentment. His conclusions debunk some commonly believed myths: Are people who have children happier than those who don't? Not necessarily-in Western societies, parenthood actually makes the happiness level drop. Is gender equality a factor? Are the world's happiest places to be found on tropical islands with beautiful beaches? You may be surprised at what Buettner's research indicates.Unraveling the story of each "hotspot" like a good mystery, Buettner reveals how he discovered each location and then travels to meet folks who embody each particular brand of happiness. He introduces content, thriving people in Denmark, in Singapore, in northeastern Mexico, and in a composite "happiest place in America." In addition, he interviews economists, psychologists, sociologists, politicians, writers, and other experts to get at what contributes to each region's happiness, from the Danish concept of hygge, which translates to creating a feeling of coziness, to the Mexican love of a good joke.Buettner's findings result in a credible, cross-cultural formula and a practical plan to help us stack the deck for happiness and get more satisfaction out of life. According to Buettner's advisory team, the average person can control about forty percent of his or her individual happiness by optimizing life choices. These aren't unreasonable demands on a person's lifestyle, and they often require only slight changes. They fall into three categories that make up the way we live our lives: the food we eat, the way we exercise, and the social networks we foster. It's all about nourishing the body and the spirit. Heeding the secrets of the world's happiness all-stars can help us make the right choices to find more contentment in our own lives and learn how to thrive.
M.A.X. Muscle Plan, The
Brad Schoenfeld - 2012
Features a three-phase, six-month program for the entire body, helping readers increase their lean body mass, build muscle, and dramatically transform their bodies. Instruction revolves around MAX (Mitogen Activated Xtreme training) Mitogens being the chemical substances that encourage cells to divide, a process essential to muscle growth. Includes over 100 exercises and more than 200 photos that demonstrate the exercises and ready-to-use prescriptive program guides. Program's goal is to systematically utilize featured exercises to enhance mitogenic and other growth-oriented training responses in a way that promotes optimal muscle development. Complemented by cardio guidelines and nutritional recommendations based on the latest scientific research.
Approaching the Natural: A Health Manifesto
Sid Garza-Hillman - 2012
Sid’s philosophy is simple: the closer the human species moves by degrees to its natural design, the healthier and therefore happier it will be.In the years he has been a practicing nutritionist and health coach, Sid has honed an approach that makes achieving health and happiness a real possibility for virtually everyone. He has done this by addressing both the mental and physical aspects of achieving sustainable long-term health, and goes well beyond what any quick-fix diet/health plan can ever achieve. He passionately argues that health profoundly affects our happiness, and vice-versa, and applies his philosophy to nutrition, exercise, the mind, the family, and the world as a whole.Approaching the Natural: A Health Manifesto is accessible, clear, edgy and humorous. Sid distills his years of research into a book readers will want to carry with them as a quick reference when negotiating our most unnatural world – especially gen-x and gen-y’ers for whom there is a substantial lack of result-oriented health books that are this easy and actually fun to read.
The Laid Back Guide To Intermittent Fasting: How I Lost Over 80 Pounds and Kept It Off Eating Whatever I Wanted
Kayla Cox - 2018
She eventually lost over 80 pounds using this method of eating, but she had mixed results at first. She finally realized her big mistake: she was making it too complicated. She did not need to count calories, restrict carbs, or even limit her portion sizes. She found the best results when she made her plan simple and easy. When she started to practice intermittent fasting six days a week, walk six miles a day, and take a cheat day on Sunday, she found she could lose weight easily and consistently. She's kept off the weight with what feels like very little effort, and has found she loves intermittent fasting as a way of life. She's even started a YouTube channel which now has over 7,000 subscribers, in order to tell others about the benefits she's had with intermittent fasting. She wrote this book to give an in depth look at the weight loss journey she went on, including the struggles she had, the mistakes she made, and the process she used to lose the weight. The Laid Back Guide To Intermittent Fasting will give you all the tips, tricks, and lessons she's learned on her journey to easy and permanent weight loss.
To the Finish Line: A World Champion Triathlete's Guide to Your Perfect Race
Chrissie Wellington - 2017
With close to 2 million core participants, triathlons of various distances and challenges are attracting more participants than ever before. In TO THE FINISH LINE, one of the sports' greatest legends brings triathlon to life, with guidance for newbies or experienced athletes, to achieve their best triathlons-no matter their ability. Filled with training tips, practical advice and inside information from a champion, triathletes of all levels can benefit from Wellington's experience and insight. Her book will guide readers on their own journey, whether that be a sprint or an Ironman, and encourage them to rise to every new challenge.
Eat Stop Eat
Brad Pilon - 2007
Thousands of books have been written about the unique benefits of Intermittent Fasting and its ability to help people lose weight and improve health, but Eat Stop Eat was one of the first. Far from being just another fad, Eat Stop Eat is your indispensable guide to the latest science behind using intermittent fasting for simple yet effective weight loss, without unneeded complexity or the need to deprive yourself of the foods you love to eat.
The Fitness Mindset: Eat for energy, Train for tension, Manage your mindset, Reap the results
Brian Keane - 2017
The Fitness Mindset gives you everything you need to get the body you’ve always dreamed of, ramp your energy levels through the roof and develop the mindset to keep it forever. WHEN YOU READ THIS BOOK AND IMPLEMENT BRIAN’S PROVEN STRATEGIES, YOU WILL: • Know exactly what foods work best for you and how to eat to increase energy, lose fat and build lean muscle • Learn how to combine tension-style workouts and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to build the body you’ve always wanted • Build better habits and find your ‘why’ so you never lose motivation again • Develop strategies to minimise stress, anxiety and the fear of rebounding so you can create a bulletproof body and mind • Finally get into the best physical and mental shape of your life. About the author: In less than five years, Brian Keane went from a full time primary school teacher in London to one of the top online fitness coaches in Ireland and the UK, transforming thousands of lives and physiques in the process. From playing top level inter-county football as a teenager to travelling the world as a professional fitness model in his twenties, Brian reveals what he has learned in his 16 years of training, nutrition and personal development. Learn more at
Own the Day, Own Your Life: Optimised practices for waking, working, learning, eating, training, playing, sleeping and sex
Aubrey Marcus - 2018
Aubrey Marcus, author of the book is CEO of Onnit, a human performance company that he has built into one of the fastest growing companies in the world.How can we get the most out of our body and mind on a daily basis? Want to change your life for the better?Aubrey Marcus answers these questions in this handbook that guides the reader to optimise each moment of the day. With small, actionable changes implemented throughout the course of one day we can feel better, perform more efficiently and live happier. And these habits turn into weekly routines, ultimately becoming part of a lifelong healthy choice.From workouts and diet to inbox triage, mindfulness, shower temperature and sex this groundbreaking manual provides strategies for each element of your day. Drawing on the latest studies and traditional practices from around the world, this book delivers cutting-edge life hacks, nutritional expertise, brain upgrades and fitness regimes.Own the Day presents a path to change. It guides readers through a single 24-hour day of positive choices and optimal living that will form the groundwork for all their days to come. From foundational elements like workouts, diet, and mindfulness, to more routine opportunities to optimize your choices, such as shower temperature and inbox triage, readers will learn to make the most of every moment.Ultimately, Marcus creates a choose-your-own-adventure guide to living that brings the reader's mind, body, and spirit to life. It is a promise delivered on the back of real, concrete strategies for better living. And the all-encompassing results are what make this book's simplistic approach so successful. By focusing on optimal decision making for just one day —by making several small, key changes in your daily approach—you end up addressing your health at every level. And owning your day.
The Born Again Runner: A Guide to Overcoming Excuses, Injuries, and Other Obstacles—for New and Returning Runners
Pete Magill - 2016
Taking up running seemed impossible—but he willed himself to do it anyway. Magill went on to become one of the fastest masters runners ever, and a sought-after coach. Over a glowing (albeit hard-won) career, he has heard every excuse people use to stop running or never start—from achy knees and sore ankles, to advanced age and arthritis, to too many cigarettes or years on the couch. In every case, Magill’s best advice is to do what he did: Run anyway—at a pace and mileage that work. Through inspiration, science, and anecdote, Magill gets runners out the door; through personal action plans, he sets them on the right path; and through the best exercises to protect and rehabilitate the body, he keeps them going—showing a way forward for new and sidelined runners who haven’t before realized how close they are to fun and pain-free running!