
William H. Willimon - 2002
    Always a difficult vocation, changes in society and the church in recent years have made the ordained life all the more complex and challenging. Is the pastor primarily a preacher, a professional caregiver, an administrator? Given the call of all Christians to be ministers to the world, what is the distinctive ministry of the ordained? When does one's ministry take on the character of prophet, and when does it become that of priest? What are the special ethical obligations and disciplines of the ordained? In this book, Willimon explores these and other central questions about the vocation of ordained ministry.He begins with a discussion of who pastors are, asking about the theological underpinnings of ordained ministry, and then moves on to what pastors do, looking at the distinctive roles the pastor must fulfill. The book also draws on great teachers of the Christian tradition to demonstrate that, while much about Christian ministry has changed, its core concerns--preaching the word, the care of souls, the sacramental life of congregations--remains the same.Ordained ministry is a vocation to which we are called, not a profession that we choose. To answer that call is to open oneself to heartache and sometimes hardship; yet, given the one who calls, it is to make oneself available to deep and profound joy as well.

Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change

Martin Silberberg - 1995
    Intended for students of General Chemistry, this text contains: macroscopic to microscopic molecular illustrations; step-by-step worked exercises in every chapter; and a range of end-of-chapter problems, which provide applications covering a variety of freshman interests, including engineering, medicine, materials, and environmental studies.

Psychology and Life

Richard J. Gerrig - 1977
       Psychology and Life continues to provide a rigorous, research-centered survey of the discipline while offering students special features and learning aids that will spark their interest, excite their imaginations, and get them to think critically about the material. Over 200 research studies are spotlighted throughout the text, with the goal of showcasing the how and the why behind key psychological research. This textbook has not only withstood the test of time, it has kept pace brilliantly with the changing field of psychology.   Now available with the award-winning “Discovering Psychology” video series, produced by WGBH Boston with the American Psychological Association. Author Phil Zimbardo narrates the video series, as leading researchers, practitioners, and theorists probe the mysteries of the mind and body and bring psychology to life for introductory students. Video viewing guides are included at the end of each chapter of the textbook.

Corporate Finance

Jonathan Berk - 2006
    Using the unifying valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, this work covers time-tested principles and the advancements with the practical perspective of the financial manager.

Understanding Research: A Consumer's Guide

Vicki L. Plano Clark - 2009
    This text helps develop in readers the skills, knowledge and strategies needed to read and interpret research reports and to evaluate the quality of such reports.

The Art of Public Speaking

Stephen E. Lucas - 2008
    Whether a novice or an experienced speaker, every student will learn how to be a better public speaker through Lucas' clear explanations of classical and contemporary theory and thorough coverage of practical applications. The new edition offers a revolutionary digital experience--McGraw-Hill Connect Lucas and Connect Lucas Plus. The Connect Lucas products allow students and instructors to access all course materials including a complete media and research library, study aids and speech preparation and assessment tools from a single place, With Connect Lucas, students use the traditional printed text. Specially marked icons in the text guide students to the media-rich, interactive features available at Connect Lucas Plus allows students and instructors to access the fully-integrated, media-rich textbook from As students read the book online, linked icons guide them to embedded media-rich, interactive features. Learn more and visit

The Law and Special Education

Mitchell L. Yell - 1997
    In the highly litigated area of Special Education, it is imperative that professionals in the field understand the legal requirements of providing a free appropriate public education to students with disabilities. This text presents the necessary information for educators to understand the history and development of special education laws and the requirements of these laws. It provides the reader with the necessary skills to locate pertinent information in law libraries, on the Internet, and other sources to keep abreast of the constant changes and developments in the field. The second edition of The Law and Special Education, one of the top special education law books in the field, includes new information on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. It has been updated with the latest information on the statutes, regulations, policy guidance, and cases on special education law.

CNC Programming Handbook

Peter Smid - 2000
    Used in hundreds of educational institutions around the world as the primary text for CNC courses, and used daily by many in-field CNC programmers and machine operators, this book literally defines CNC programming. Written with careful attention to detail, there are no compromises. Many of the changes in this new Third Edition are the direct result of comments and suggestions received from many CNC professionals in the field. This extraordinarily comprehensive work continues to be packed with over one thousand illustrations, tables, formulas, tips, shortcuts, and practical examples.The enclosed CD-ROM now contains a fully functional 15-day shareware version of CNC tool path editor/simulator, NCPlot™. This powerful, easy-to-learn software includes an amazing array of features, many not found in competitive products. NCPlot offers an unmatched combination of simplicity of use and richness of features. Support for many advanced control options is standard, including a macro interpreter that simulates Fanuc and similar macro programs.The CD-ROM also offers many training exercises based on individual chapters, along with solutions and detailed explanations. Special programming and machining examples are provided as well, in form of complete machine files, useful as actual programming resources. Virtually all files use Adobe PDF format and are set to high resolution printing.FEATURES Fully functional shareware version of CNC toolpath simulator/editor, NCPlot(TM), included on the CD-ROM. This powerful software includes an amazing array of features, including those not found in competitive products. Support for many advanced features is standard, and the included macro interpreter can simulate Fanuc and compatible macro toolpath programs Detailed section on CNC lathes with live tooling, including examples Image files of many actual parts, used as examples More programming examples (both in printed text and on the CD-ROM) Optimized for the latest Fanuc and related control systems Additional formulas, calculations and handy reference material Fourth axis programming (indexing and rotary) CD-ROM based projects, including several as interactive PDF forms Improved index for better search of topics

Castles: Their Construction and History

Sidney Toy - 1939
    Nearly 200 photos & drawings illustrate moats, keeps, baileys etc. Covers Caernarvon Castle, Dover Castle, Hadrian's Wall, the Tower of London etc. 199 black-&-white illustrations.PrefaceThe ancient fortresses of Babylon, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Asia Minor & GreeceFortifications of Greece & Rome, 300 to 200 BCFortifications of the Levant, Rome & Western Europe, 200 to 30 BCFortifications of the Roman Empire Byzantine fortifications from the 5th to the 10th centuryFortifications of Western Europe from the 5th to the 11th centuryRectangular keeps or donjonsByzantine & Saracen fortifications of the 12th centuryTransitional keeps of the 12th centuryFortifications & buildings of the bailey in the 11th & 12th centuriesCastles from about 1190 to 1270Siege engines & siege operations of the Middle AgesEdwardian & contemporary castlesTowns, fortified bridges & towersGatehouses & defences of the curtain during the 13th & 14th centuriesDevelopment of the tower-house16th-century fortsIndex

Functional Behavioral Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment: A Complete System for Education and Mental Health Settings

Ennio Cipani - 2007
    I've examined every one and Cipani's is clearly the best. The assessment part is great, and I particularly like the protocol format for interventions. Cipani's text nicely fills a big gap between research and application. Were I teaching a seminar to clinicians, I think the text would be perfect. -- Brian A. Iwata, PhD, University of FloridaProfessionals who work in mental health and educational settings are frequently faced with clients (children, adolescents, adults) who engage in serious problem behaviors. Such behaviors often impact the client's welfare and ability to live, work, and be educated in mainstream environments. Children and adolescents who manifest these behaviors are particularly vulnerable to these disruptions, which can have a far-reaching impact on their development and future prospects.This practical book, written both for clinician/educators and high-level students, creates a function-based behavioral diagnostic classification system, the first of its kind, as well as treatment protocols that fit such a diagnostic system. Heavily practitioner-oriented, the book will address the full range of behaviors - ranging from aggression, self-injury, stereotypic behavior (repetitive body movements), tantrums, and non-compliance - with real life and hypothetical cases to help clinicians think through the full range of treatment options. Unique in moving beyond functional assessment to assessment diagnosis and treatment, this book will be highly useful for mental health clinicians, students of Advanced Behavior Analysis, and special education practitioners among others.Professor Cipani has also prepared extensive ancillary material for use in teaching this book and will make it available to anyone who has adopted it for course use. Instructors who have adopted the title may inquire of Professor Cipani at

Barron's AP Psychology

Allyson J. Weseley - 2007
    All test questions are answered and explained. It also provides extensive subject review covering all test topics. Topics reviewed include research methods, the biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning, cognition, personality, abnormal psychology, and treatment of disorders. This manual also presents an overview of the test, extra multiple-choice practice questions, test-taking tips, and an analysis of the test’s essay question with a sample essay.

Jonas and Kovner's Health Care Delivery in the United States

Anthony R. Kovner - 1986
    Designed for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, it includes the contributions of leading thinkers, educators, and practitioners who provide an in-depth and objective appraisal of why and how we organize health care the way we do; the enormous impact of health-related behaviors on the structure, function, and cost of the health care delivery system; and other emerging and recurrent issues in health policy, health care management, and public health. To update this book with the rapid changes that have occurred in health care through November 2013, a separate chapter, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Supplement, is available to students and instructors as a downloadable PDF.This text is divided into five sections, in order to provide some coherence to this broad terrain. Part I, The Current U.S. Health Care System, addresses major characteristics and issues, including reform, financing, and comparative health care systems. This section now includes multiple new charts and tables providing concrete health care data. Part II, Population Health, focuses on health behavior, including health care models, public health policy and practice, risk factors, facilitating healthy lifestyle practices, and access to care. Part III, Medical Care Delivery, addresses integrated health models, delivering high-quality health care, health care costs and value, and comparative effectiveness. Part IV, Support for Medical Care Delivery, concerns governance and management issues, including accountability, the health workforce, and information technology. Part V, The Future of Health Care Delivery in the United States, includes a new 5-year trend forecast.Key Features: Includes major provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act of 2010Each chapter includes these special features: key concepts; extensive mapping resources; key words; learning objectives; discussion questions; and case studiesCovers the newest models of care, such as Accountable Care Organizations and Integrated Delivery SystemsExamines new ways of conceptualizing and assessing health care, including comparative effectiveness researchFeatures contributions by leading scholars and key figures within the U.S. health care system, including John Billings, JD; Carolyn M. Clancy, MD; C. Tracy Orleans, PhD; and Michael S. Sparer, PhD, JDContains new coverage of health reform, developing countries, population health, public health and catastrophic events, and a broadened discussion of the health care workforceAffordable Care Act (ACA) Supplement available to students and instructors as a downloadable PDF. Available to Instructors: Instructor's Guide (updated to reflect content from ACA supplement)PowerPoint PresentationsImage BankTest Bank (updated to reflect content from ACA supplement)"

Current Issues and Enduring Questions

Sylvan Barnet - 2013
    Get the most recent updates on MLA citation in a convenient, 40-page resource based on The MLA Handbook, 8th Edition, with plenty of models. Browse our catalog or contact your representative for a full listing of updated titles and packages, or to request a custom ISBN.The unique collaborative effort of a professor of English and a professor of philosophy, Current Issues and Enduring Questions is an extensive resource for teaching argument, persuasive writing, and rigorous critical thinking. This extraordinarily versatile text and reader continues to address current student interests and trends in argument, research, and writing.Its comprehensive coverage of classic and contemporary approaches to argument includes Aristotelian, Toulmin, and a range of alternative views, including a new chapter on analyzing and writing about arguments in popular culture. Readings on contemporary controversies (including student loan debt, locavorism, and the boundaries of online privacy) and classical philosophical questions (such as How free is the will of the individual?) are sure to spark student interest and lively discussion and writing, and new e-Pages take advantage of what the Web can do by including videos, speeches, film trailers, and other multimodal arguments.

Biology: Concepts & Connections

Neil A. Campbell - 2005
    It is known for scientific accuracy and currency; a modular presentation that helps students to focus on the main concepts; and art that teaches better than any other book. The fifth edition builds upon this success with new features that help students synthesize and connect important topics such as Connecting the Concepts exercises and Key Concepts quizzes; and a variety of tools to help instructors enliven their lectures like our exclusive video clips from Discovery Channel.

Molecular Cell Biology

Harvey F. Lodish - 1992
    Molecular Cell Biology stands out from its peers in this course in that it provides a clear introduction to the techniques and experiments of scientists past and present, not just an "encyclopedia" of information.  This experimental emphasis, together with a solid pedagogical framework in the chapters, provides the clearest, most cutting-edge text available.