Book picks similar to
Caribbean Food & Nutrition For Csec by Anita Tull
Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications
Stephen P. Robbins - 1995
This edition will cover the essential concepts of management that students will find interesting and straightforward.
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers
Kate L. Turabian - 1955
Bellow. Strauss. Friedman. The University of Chicago has been the home of some of the most important thinkers of the modern age. But perhaps no name has been spoken with more respect than Turabian. The dissertation secretary at Chicago for decades, Kate Turabian literally wrote the book on the successful completion and submission of the student paper. Her Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, created from her years of experience with research projects across all fields, has sold more than seven million copies since it was first published in 1937.Now, with this seventh edition, Turabian’s Manual has undergone its most extensive revision, ensuring that it will remain the most valuable handbook for writers at every level—from first-year undergraduates, to dissertation writers apprehensively submitting final manuscripts, to senior scholars who may be old hands at research and writing but less familiar with new media citation styles. Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and the late Wayne C. Booth—the gifted team behind The Craft of Research—and the University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff combined their wide-ranging expertise to remake this classic resource. They preserve Turabian’s clear and practical advice while fully embracing the new modes of research, writing, and source citation brought about by the age of the Internet.Booth, Colomb, and Williams significantly expand the scope of previous editions by creating a guide, generous in length and tone, to the art of research and writing. Growing out of the authors’ best-selling Craft of Research, this new section provides students with an overview of every step of the research and writing process, from formulating the right questions to reading critically to building arguments and revising drafts. This leads naturally to the second part of the Manual for Writers, which offers an authoritative overview of citation practices in scholarly writing, as well as detailed information on the two main citation styles (“notes-bibliography” and “author-date”). This section has been fully revised to reflect the recommendations of the fifteenth edition of The Chicago Manual of Style and to present an expanded array of source types and updated examples, including guidance on citing electronic sources.The final section of the book treats issues of style—the details that go into making a strong paper. Here writers will find advice on a wide range of topics, including punctuation, table formatting, and use of quotations. The appendix draws together everything writers need to know about formatting research papers, theses, and dissertations and preparing them for submission. This material has been thoroughly vetted by dissertation officials at colleges and universities across the country.This seventh edition of Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations is a classic reference revised for a new age. It is tailored to a new generation of writers using tools its original author could not have imagined—while retaining the clarity and authority that generations of scholars have come to associate with the name Turabian.
Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures Through Objects
Tony Gaddis - 2009
If you wouldlike to purchase both the physical text and MyProgrammingLab search for ISBN-10: 0132989999/ISBN-13: 9780132989992. That packageincludes ISBN-10: 0132855836/ISBN-13: 9780132855839 and ISBN-10: 0132891557/ISBN-13: 9780132891554. MyProgrammingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. In "Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects", Gaddis covers procedural programming control structures and methods before introducing object-oriented programming. As with all Gaddis texts, clear and easy-to-read code listings, concise and practical real-world examples, and an abundance of exercises appear in every chapter. "
Urinalysis and Body Fluids
Susan King Strasinger - 1985
In this reference, case studies and clinical situations analyze and explore the clinical significance of non-blood body fluids and are designed to aid students in developing the skills of problem solving and critical thinking that are essential in a clinical laboratory.
Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals
Marilyn Friend - 2004
Contemporary concepts and evidence-based practices prepare new teachers for their roles in the education and well-being of students with disabilities and other special needs. Marilyn Friend combines research-informed concepts and skills with practical information for educators working in this challenging age of high standards and accountability, curriculum access, inclusive practices, professional collaboration, and student diversity. The third edition integrates the requirements of the NCLB and IDEA legislation with evidence-based practices so that readers understand the expectations for educators and students, and learn how critical concepts translate into educational practices. Real People, Real Classrooms:"Chapter Opening Vignettes "describe the experiences of three different students of varying ages as they relate to the topics discussed in each chapter and are referenced at key points in the chapter."Firsthand Account"features real life stories from teachers, students, parents, and school professionals sharing their own experiences and perspectives relating to life and learning with special needs."""Speaking from Experience "features capture the insights and advice of experienced teachers on topics ranging from working effectively with colleagues to finding ways to juggle all the responsibilities of being a special educator to addressing a variety of professional challenges, including those related to student behavior and family concerns.Real Research:Instruction in Action highlight teaching application for intensive instruction delivered by special education teachers in various educational settings.Positive Behavioral Supports illustrates the many positive, proactive ways to address students' behavior/social issues as part of overall classroom teaching and learning.Cutting Edge InformationTechnology Notes features showcase fascinating instructional and assistive technology applications for teaching students with exceptional needs in special educational settings as well as links to information that can help beginning teachers plan their lessons, motivate their students, and keep abreast of their rapidly changing field.Professional Edge features describe conceptual materials and cutting edge information that connect theory to practice.
Theater: The Lively Art
Edwin Wilson - 1995
Created for Theater Appreciation courses that cover both history and elements, Theater: The Lively Art, 6/e remains a comprehensive introductory theater text: an introduction to the audience's experience of theater, an investigation of the elements of theater, and a study of the important developments in the history of theater.
Organization Development: The Process Of Leading Organizational Change
Donald L. Anderson - 2009
Incorporating OD ethics and values into each chapter, Donald L. Anderson provides discussion of the real-world application of these theoretical ideas. In-depth case studies that follow major content chapters allow students to immediately apply what they have learned. In today's challenging environment of increased globalization, rapidly changing technologies, economic pressures, and expectations in the contemporary workforce, this book is an essential tool.
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association(r)
American Psychological Association - 1952
With millions of copies sold, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the style manual of choice for writers, editors, students, educators, and professionals in psychology, sociology, business, economics, nursing, social work, and justice administration, and other disciplines in which effective communication with words and data is fundamental.In addition to providing clear guidance on grammar, the mechanics of writing, and APA style, the Publication Manual offers an authoritative and easy-to-use reference and citation system and comprehensive coverage of the treatment of numbers, metrication, statistical and mathematical data, tables, and figures for use in writing, reports, or presentations. The new edition has been revised and updated to include:
The latest guidelines and examples for referencing electronic and online sources
New and revised guidelines for submitting papers electronically
Improved guidelines for avoiding plagiarism
Simplified formatting guidelines for writers using up-to-date word-processing software
All new guidelines for presenting case studies
Improved guidelines for the construction of tables
Updates on copyright and permissions issues for writers
New reference examples for audiovisual media and patents
An expanded and improved index for quick and easy access
Writers, scholars, and professionals will also find: New guidelines on how to choose text, tables, or figures to present data Guidelines for writing cover letters for submitting articles for publication, plus a sample letter Expanded guidelines on the retention of raw data New advice on establishing written agreements for the use of shared data New information on the responsibilities of co-authors New and experienced readers alike will find the 5th Edition a complete resource for writing, presenting, or publishing with clarity and persuasiveness.Approximately 400 pages
Chart Sense: Common Sense Charts to Teach 3-8 Informational Text and Literature
Rozlyn Linder - 2014
The same charts that Rozlyn creates with students when she models and teaches in classrooms across the nation are all included here. Packed with over seventy photographs, Chart Sense is an invaluable guide for novice or veteran reading teachers who want authentic visuals to reinforce and provide guidance for reading skills. Organized in a simple, easy-to-use format, Rozlyn shares multiple charts for every reading informational text and literature standard. Don't mistake this as just a collection of anchor chart ideas. At over 180 pages, this book is filled with actual charts, step-by-step instructions to create your own, teaching tips, and instructional strategies. This book includes: Over sixty-five photographs of teacher-tested charts and examples Easy to navigate chapters, organized by the 3-8 reading standards Step-by-step instructions to create each chart Teaching notes and instructional strategies Ideas and tips for scaffolding and differentiation . . . and MORE! Not a bunch of theory or philosophy . . . just hands-on, teacher-tested charts that you can use in your classroom . . . TODAY!
John J. Macionis - 1987
A widely acclaimed writing style, vivid illustration program, and extensive highlight features--applied chapter-opening vignettes, full-color Global and National Maps, thought-provoking theme boxes, applications and exercises--capture reader's imaginations and help them see clearly how sociological concepts and issues affect not only life in general, but their individual lives as well. An accompanying CD-ROM features a library of video selections illustration major concepts and theories, animated Global and National Maps, author's tips, chapter slide shows, etc. A companion Website is also available.The Sociological Perspective. Sociological Investigation. Culture. Society. Socialization. Social Interaction in Everyday Life. Groups and Organizations. Deviance. Sexuality. Social Stratification. Social Class in the United States. Global Stratification. Gender Stratification. Race and Ethnicity. Aging and the Elderly. The Economy and Work. Politics and Government. Family. Religion. Education. Health and Medicine. Population, Urbanization, and Environment. Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Social Change: Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Societies.For anyone interested in a cutting-edge introduction to sociology and social diversity from a global perspective.
APA: The Easy Way: A Quick and Simplified Guide to the APA Writing Style
Peggy M. Houghton - 2005
The authors of this book draw information from themanual that is specific to academic writing and expand uponit using set-up instructions and a sample paper. The end resultof this transformational process yields a useful guide that canbe used along with the actual manual for successful academicwriting.The handbook covers many detailed specifications of the APAstyle...including in-text citations, source citations, and a samplepaper. It also sheds new light on the manual using step-by-stepprocesses and exemplification that enable readers to fulfill APArules and regulations while focusing on content, rather than theformat, of their academic research.
Black's Law Dictionary
Bryan A. Garner - 1891
Building on the strength of previous editions, this edition includes an extensive appendix on legal abbreviations plus 17000 new definitions, explanation of more than 1000 law-related abbreviations and acronyms, and is enhanced with West Key Numbers for research reference.
Marketing Management
Philip Kotler - 1967
This is the 12th edition of 'Marketing Management' which preserves the strengths of previous editions while introducing new material and structure to further enhance learning.
Genki I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I - Workbook
Eri Banno - 1999