Best of
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl (Literature Guide: Grades 4-8)
Scholastic Inc. - 1999
Each guide includes an author biography, chapter summaries, creative cross-curricular activities, vocabulary builders, reproducibles, and discussion questions.
Genki I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese
Eri Banno - 1999
Abundantly illustrated and containing a wide variety of exercises, Genki is sure to bring vigor to your classroom! Though primarily meant for use in college-level classes, it is also a good guide for independent learners and is a nice resource book for teachers of Japanese. Genki's authors teach at Kansai Gaidai University, which hosts the largest number of North American students spending their junior year in Japan.
Genki I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I - Workbook
Eri Banno - 1999
The Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary
Jack Halpern - 1999
Normally, the learner must memorize numerous compounds as unrelated units. A unique feature of this dictionary that overcomes this difficulty is the core meaning, a concise keyword that defines the dominant sense of each character, followed by detailed character meanings and numerous compounds that clearly show how thousands of building blocks are combined to form countless compound words.Another unique feature is the System of Kanji Indexing by Patterns (SKIP), an indexing system that enables the user to locate characters as quickly and as accurately as in alphabetical dictionaries.Modern linguistic theory has been effectively integrated with sophisticated information technology to produce the most useful kanji learner's dictionary ever compiled. For the first time, learners have at their fingertips a wealth of information that is linguistically accurate, easy to use, and carefully adapted to their practical needs.FEATURESo 2,230 entry characters, including all the kanji in the Joyo and Jinmei Kanji listso 41,000 senses for 31,300 words and word elements show how each character contributes to the meanings of compounds o 1,200 homophones with core meanings explain differences between closely related characters o 386 variant forms used in prewar literature and in names o 1,945 stroke order diagrams show you how to write each kanji stroke by stroke o 7,200 character readings, including name readings o Over 2,000 cross-references and five appendixes give instant access to a mass of useful reference data
Advanced Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English
Martin Hewings - 1999
It provides coverage of those language areas advanced-level students will find most rewarding to study. It retains the clarity of presentation of other books in the 'in Use' family. Two-page units present grammar explanation and examples, including typical student mistakes, on left-hand pages, and useful and varied practice on right-hand pages. Extra practice exercises at the back provide further challenging and contrastive practice of grammar points from different units. A study guide helps students find those areas most appropriate for their study. Grammar areas are cross-referenced throughout. There are useful appendices dealing with verb forms, and a glossary and all answers are given at the back.
Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs
James P. Allen - 1999
It contains twenty-six lessons, exercises (with answers), a list of hieroglyphic signs, and a dictionary, as well as twenty-five essays on the most important aspects of ancient Egyptian history, society, religion and literature. It also offers scholars of linguistics a complete grammatical description of the classical language of ancient Egypt.
Minimus Pupil's Book: Starting Out in Latin
Barbara Bell - 1999
Highly illustrated, the book contains a mixture of stories and myths, grammar explanations and exercises, and background cultural information. Pupils are drawn into the material as they read about the lives of a family living in a community at Vindolanda; the adventures of the children and the family cat and mouse provide interest throughout. As well as offering a lively introduction to Latin and classical studies, Minimus also has cross-curricular relevance. The material on the community at Vindolanda can be used to supplement studies of the Romans at KS2. The grammatical content helps to develop language awareness, and provides a solid foundation from which learners can progress to further English or foreign language studies. The Teacher's Resource Book provides support, particularly for non-Classicists. It includes teaching guidelines, English translations of the Latin passages, and additional background information, plus photocopiable worksheets.
The Ultimate French Review and Practice: Mastering French Grammar for Confident Communication
David M. Stillman - 1999
Here's the "ultimate," painless way for intermediate and advanced learners to brush up on the rules. Each grammatical concept is explained and then illustrated with lively sentence examples; extensive exercises offer practice at applying this knowledge in everyday conversation. Also included are "culture notes," authentic documents, vocabulary boxes, and verb charts, as well as a full answer key and index.
Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing
Christopher D. Manning - 1999
This foundational text is the first comprehensive introduction to statistical natural language processing (NLP) to appear. The book contains all the theory and algorithms needed for building NLP tools. It provides broad but rigorous coverage of mathematical and linguistic foundations, as well as detailed discussion of statistical methods, allowing students and researchers to construct their own implementations. The book covers collocation finding, word sense disambiguation, probabilistic parsing, information retrieval, and other applications.
Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test
Deborah Phillips - 1999
Volume A: Skill and Strategies provides comprehensive coverage of the language skill and test-taking strategies student need to increase their TOEFL test score. Volume B: Practice Tests offers five complete tests that reproduce the format and style of the TOEFL test and further familiarize student with the exam.Volume B: Practice Testsfeatures:
A comprehensive strategies section to help students avoid common mistakes and maximized their time
Five complete Practice Tests which allow students to simulate taking the actual TOEFL test and the TWE test (Test of Written English)
Sample TOEFL test Answer Sheets to provide practice with both othe horizontal and the vertical formats
A complete Tapescript and Answer Key making this text useful for self-study as well as classroom instructionVolume B: Practice Tests is accompanied by a set audio cassettes.
The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations: The Complete Opinionated Guide for the Careful Speaker
Charles Harrington Elster - 1999
As Elster points out, there is no sewer in connoisseur, no dip in diphthong, and no pronoun in pronunciation. The culmination of twenty years of observation and study, The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations is more than just a pronunciation guide. Elster discusses past and present usage, alternatives, analogies, and tendencies and offers plenty of advice, none of it objective. Whether you are adamant or ambivalent about the spoken word, Elster arms you with the information you need to decide what is acceptable for you.The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations has now been expanded and revised and features nearly 200 new words, including:al-Qaeda bruschetta commensurate coup de grâce curriculum vita exacerbate gigabyte hara-kiri machismo Muslim Niger Pinochet Pulitzer sorbet tinnitus w (as in www-dot)and many, many more.Charles Harrington Elster is the pronunciation editor of Black’s Law Dictionary and the author of various books about language, including Verbal Advantage, There’s a Word for It, and What in the Word? He has been a guest columnist on language for the Boston Globe and the New York Times Magazine and a commentator on NPR and hundreds of radio shows around the country.
The Turkish Language Reform: A Catastrophic Success
Geoffrey Lewis - 1999
The book is important both for the study of linguistic change and for the light it throws on twentieth-century Turkishpolitics and society.
A Dictionary of Japanese Particles
Sue A. Kawashima - 1999
It would be no exaggeration to say that, for most people, they can never be completely mastered. Thus, the study of particles is a lifetime undertaking, and students need a lifelong companion to help them along the way. That companion is A Dictionary of Japanese Particles.Covering over 100 particles in alphabetical order, the dictionary explains the meanings of each (most have more than one) and gives sample sentences for each meaning.Illustrations are provided where necessary for clarification. There are also exercises at the back of the book for those who wish to test their knowledge of particle usage. Appendices and endpaper charts are provided for easy access.A Dictionary of Japanese Particles is an essential reference work, meant to be used over the years as students continue to confront puzzling particles.
Potentialities: Collected Essays in Philosophy
Giorgio Agamben - 1999
The volume opens with an introduction in which the editor situates Agamben's work with respect to both the history of philosophy and contemporary European thought. The essays that follow articulate a series of theoretical confrontations with privileged figures in the history of philosophy, politics, and criticism, from Plato to Spinoza, Aristotle to Deleuze, Carl Schmitt to Benjamin, Hegel to Aby Warburg, and Heidegger to Derrida. Three fundamental concepts organize the collection as a whole: language, in the sense not of particular statements but rather the very taking place of speech, the pure fact of language's existence; history, as it appears from a perspective in which tradition, transmission, and memory reach their messianic fulfillment; and potentiality, understood as a fundamental problem of metaphysics, ethics, and the philosophy of language. All these topics converge in the final part of the book, in which Agamben offers an extensive reading of Melville's short story "Bartleby the Scrivener" as a work that puts potentiality and actuality, possibility and reality, in an altogether new light.
The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition
Michael Tomasello - 1999
Michael Tomasello is one of the very few people to have done systematic research on the cognitive capacities of both nonhuman primates and human children. The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition identifies what the differences are, and suggests where they might have come from.Tomasello argues that the roots of the human capacity for symbol-based culture, and the kind of psychological development that takes place within it, are based in a cluster of uniquely human cognitive capacities that emerge early in human ontogeny. These include capacities for sharing attention with other persons; for understanding that others have intentions of their own; and for imitating, not just what someone else does, but what someone else has intended to do. In his discussions of language, symbolic representation, and cognitive development, Tomasello describes with authority and ingenuity the "ratchet effect" of these capacities working over evolutionary and historical time to create the kind of cultural artifacts and settings within which each new generation of children develops. He also proposes a novel hypothesis, based on processes of social cognition and cultural evolution, about what makes the cognitive representations of humans different from those of other primates.Lucid, erudite, and passionate, The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition will be essential reading for developmental psychology, animal behavior, and cultural psychology.
Dictionary of Slang
Jonathon Green - 1999
Typical entries include parts of speech, etymology...time periods, geography, brief definitions...usage examples... occasional cross references. Entries such as 'nudnik'...'New York minute'...'La la Land'...and 'beam me up, Scotty'...will delight...readers. Libraries...will...want to purchase this resource because of its broader coverage and affordable price."--Library Journal.
Reading and Writing Lakota Language
Albert White Hat Sr. - 1999
It presents the Sicangu dialect using an orthography developed by Lakota in 1982 and which is now supplanting older systems provided by linguists and missionaries. This new approach represents a powerful act of self-determination for Indian education.Though Reading and Writing the Lakota Language is thorough in its inclusion of conjugation, syntax, and sentence, it emphasizes vocabulary and pronunciation. Author Albert White Hat Sr. presents Lakota philosophy as it applies to specific grammar lessons. Moreover, he documents the impact of the acculturation process on the language, showing how Lakota evolved as a result of non-Indian influences. The textual example offers new information and interpretation of Lakota society, even to scholars who specialize n Plains cultures. Beyond language instruction, readers will value the book for its cultural insights, humorous stories, and its entertaining tone.
Origins of Human Communication
Michael Tomasello - 1999
In this original and provocative account of the evolutionary origins of human communication, Michael Tomasello connects the fundamentally cooperative structure of human communication (initially discovered by Paul Grice) to the especially cooperative structure of human (as opposed to other primate) social interaction. Tomasello argues that human cooperative communication rests on a psychological infrastructure of shared intentionality (joint attention, common ground), evolved originally for collaboration and culture more generally. The basic motives of the infrastructure are helping and sharing: humans communicate to request help, inform others of things helpfully, and share attitudes as a way of bonding within the cultural group. These cooperative motives each created different functional pressures for conventionalizing grammatical constructions. Requesting help in the immediate you-and-me and here-and-now, for example, required very little grammar, but informing and sharing required increasingly complex grammatical devices. Drawing on empirical research into gestural and vocal communication by great apes and human infants (much of it conducted by his own research team), Tomasello argues further that humans' cooperative communication emerged first in the natural gestures of pointing and pantomiming. Conventional communication, first gestural and then vocal, evolved only after humans already possessed these natural gestures and their shared intentionality infrastructure along with skills of cultural learning for creating and passing along jointly understood communicative conventions. Challenging the Chomskian view that linguistic knowledge is innate, Tomasello proposes instead that the most fundamental aspects of uniquely human communication are biological adaptations for cooperative social interaction in general and that the purely linguistic dimensions of human communication are cultural conventions and constructions created by and passed along within particular cultural groups.
Kodansha's Furigana Japanese Dictionary
Kodansha - 1999
It has been edited with the needs of English-speaking users in mind, whether students, teachers, business people, or casual linguists, and special care has been taken at each stage of its compilation including the selection of entry words and their equivalents, the wording of the detailed explanations of Japanese words, the choice of example sentences, and even its functional page design to maximize its usefulness. What is furigana and why is it so important? Furigana refers to the small kana that are printed above or alongside kanji to show their pronunciation. With furigana superscripts, the beginner who is familiar with hiragana and katakana is able to read even the most difficult and obscure kanji at a glance. Other dictionaries either provide little or no guide to kanji readings or romanize some or all of the Japanese words and sentences. In the past, romanized dictionaries were of some value to students using textbooks that contained no Japanese script. Now, however, an increasing number of influential curricula around the world are based on a rationale and methodology that demands the introduction of hiragana and katakana from the earliest stages. Learners and their teachers using such curricula will inevitably feel more comfortable with a dictionary such as Kodansha s Furigana Japanese Dictionary, one that shows the pronunciation of kanji with a familiar and authentic kana script. Combining Kodansha's Furigana Japanese-English Dictionary (1995) and Kodansha's Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary (1996) in one portable. affordable, and user-friendly volume, this dictionary has the following unique features: o A basic vocabulary of 30,000 entries covers the most frequently used English and Japanese words o Special treatment has been given to hundreds of words, names, and phrases of special relevance to English-speaking students of Japanese o Semantic and usage differences between Japanese words and expressions are explained in clear English o Thousands of example sentences and phrases illustrate how Japanese words are used in context o Special information is provided on verb conjugations, formality, and other aspects of Japanese grammar and usage
The Ultimate Phrasal Verb Book
Carl W. Hart - 1999
Phrasal verbs are verbs combined with prepositions or adverbs. Familiarity with phrasal verbs and understanding their use as nouns (breakup, showoff, and many others), or adjectives (spaced-out, broken-down, stressed-out and many others) is essential to ESL students. This book's hundreds of examples in context and hundreds of exercises will be extremely useful to ESL students who are preparing for TOEFL or who simply wish to improve their English.
The Languages of Native North America
Marianne Mithun - 1999
These several hundred languages show tremendous genetic and typological diversity, and offer numerous challenges to current linguistic theory. The book includes an overview of their special characteristics, descriptions of special styles, a catalog of the languages that details their locations, genetic affiliations, number of speakers, and major structural features, and lists published material on them.
The Ultimate Spanish Review and Practice: Mastering Spanish Grammar for Confident Communication
Ronni L. Gordon - 1999
This book explains each grammatical concept and illustrates sentence examples. It is designed for intermediate and advanced learners to brush up on the rules.
Successful Writing Proficiency
Virginia Evans - 1999
Learn Greek in 25 Years: A Crash Course for the Linguistically Challenged
Brian Church - 1999
Larousse Advanced French-English/English-French Dictionary
Larousse - 1999
Modern and comprehensive, the "Larousse Advanced Dictionary" is aimed at people who want to take their learning of French to the highest level. It stands apart from other dictionaries of its size thanks to its user-friendly and educational design. Included are 250,000 terms and references and over 400,000 translations. This dictionary contains boxed notes help clarify the most common expressions,insuring the correct usage every time. Every advanced learner of French will find that this is THE dictionary of French language and culture.
Kodansha's Furigana Japanese Dictionary
Masatoshi Yoshida - 1999
It has been edited with the needs of English-speaking users in mind, whether students, teachers, business people, or casual linguists, and special care has been taken at each stage of its compilation including the selection of entry words and their equivalents, the wording of the detailed explanations of Japanese words, the choice of example sentences, and even its functional page design to maximize its usefulness. This edition combines Kodansha's Furigana Japanese-English Dictionary (1995) and Kodansha's Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary (1996) into one portable, affordable, and user-friendly volume.
Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English
Douglas Biber - 1999
The book looks at four text types "conversation, fiction, news reportage, and academic prose" and reports statistical findings as well as examining the reasons that condition a particular grammatical choice. "
A Barfield Reader: Selections from the Writings of Owen Barfield
Owen Barfield - 1999
S. Lewis called the wisest and best of my unofficial teachers.Owen Barfield was one of the most original and stimulating thinkers of the twentieth century, the man that C.S. Lewis said could not speak on any subject without illuminating it, the man whose writings have won praise from figures as diverse as T.S. Eliot and Saul Bellow, Walter de la Mare and Howard Nemerov, W.H. Auden and Marshall McLuhan. This comprehensive overview supplements major selections with numerous short supporting passages form the whole corpus of his writings and provides a short glossary of Barfieldian terms and useful primary and secondary bibliographies.
Words, Meaning and Vocabulary: An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology
Howard Jackson - 1999
Lexicology is the branch of linguistics that studies all aspects of the vocabulary of a particular language. The book provides an account of the sources of modern English words and studies the development of vocabulary over time. It examines: What are words? Where do English words come from? How are words made up? How do words 'mean'? How are words used? How can words be investigated? This new edition of the best-selling textbook has been revised and updated throughout. A new chapter has been added, and chapters on dictionaries and corpus linguistics have been updated. Lists of exercises and figures, summaries of content at the beginning of each chapter, a revised list of suggestions for further reading, and a new glossary have been added. Words, Meaning and Vocabulary is an essential introduction to lexicology for undergraduate students.
Scrapiron Blues
Dambudzo Marechera - 1999
In the "Concentration Camp," Marechera gives a poetic, deeply felt voice to the dread experienced by former inhabitants of the "keeps," the restricted villages of Zimbabwe's War of Liberation. Often he takes a child's view to measure the horrors of adult society. Gentleness paired with sarcasm marks his hardly known children's stories.
Cinema for French Conversation: Le cinéma en cours de français
Anne-Christine Rice - 1999
The films are selected to provide interesting viewing, key cultural information, and accessible language levels. Each chapter of the book is devoted to a single movie and includes aids for students watching the film, discussing and writing about the film, and understanding the film in a broader cultural context.Also included: vocabulary helpful to understanding and discussing the film; structured exercises in understanding the film once it has been viewed, especially for discussion in class; an accompanying reading for each film designed to provide perspective on the film itself.New features for the third edition are: more cultural, historical and literary information about the film and its story; new and additional readings; a section for each film dealing with art.
The Oxford Dictionary of Slang
John Ayto - 1999
Here, John Ayto has brought together over 10,000 slang words and phrases common to 20th-century English, to provide a comprehensive and highly engaging guide to the most outspoken corner of our language. Unlike most such dictionaries, this volume is organized thematically, with slang words gathered under such headings as the body and its functions or sustenance and intoxication. Within each section, the words are listed chronologically, starting with the century's earliest words and phrases and progressing right through to the present day, thus illuminating the development of slang and colloquial language over the last hundred years. Word origins and other interesting features of usage are given wherever possible, as are illustrative quotations from a wide range of authors. A comprehensive A-Z index lists all words included in the dictionary, so you can find a particular word quickly. From five-finger discount to forty-rod whiskey, this is an authoritative and up-to-date record of slang throughout the English-speaking world.
Elementary Language Practice - With Key
Michael Vince - 1999
• Elementary grammar clearly explained• Extensive practice of vocabulary in context• Regular progress checks• Elementary level grammar clearly explained and practised• Functional language developed and extended• Language skills, including spelling, punctuation and word formation• Consolidation and extension of vocabulary in common topic areas• Grammar index and wordlist• Ideal for self-study or classroom use
African American Vernacular English: Features, Evolution, Educational Implications
John R. Rickford - 1999
In response to the flood of interest in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) following the recent controversy over Ebonics, this book brings together sixteen essays on the subject by a leading expert in the field, one who has been researching and writing on it for a quarter of a century.
Advanced French Grammar
Monique L'Huillier - 1999
Its objective is not only practical mastery of the language, but familiarity with its structure. The Grammar takes full account of modern linguistic research, but without excessive emphasis on formalism. It provides numerous examples based on the author's own experience of teaching French to English speakers. The norms of correct expression are given together with current usage and deviations. A substantial index of French and English words and of topics provides easy access to the text itself.
Wicked Irish
Howard Tomb - 1999
Learn to flatter customs agents: "'Tis a grand machine you have there, officer!" Politely decline the heavy Irish breakfast: "I've given up pig entrails/congealed blood for Lent." Show appreciation for fine whiskey: "ACK ACK! Mother Mary! That goes down the nun's knickers!" There's even a special section just for golfers: "Should I replace divots in consecrated ground? Am I entitled to relief from this dolmen/ewe/leprechaun? Shite! I don't usually lose a putt in the wind."Wicked Irish is instant gift of gab, and soon you'll be toasting newfound friends, strangers, barmaids, and even stray dogs with confidence.
The Ins and Outs of prepositions: A Guidebook for ESL Students
Jean Yates - 1999
Unlike most languages - which usually have only a few prepositions to serve many different communication needs- English has dozen of them and almost none follows any clear, consistent set of rules. This book offers practical guidelines for correct usage, and provides hundreds of examples that incorporate all of the prepositions into familiar contexts. A total of 61 prepositions are examined.
Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies
Neil J. Anderson - 1999
Exploring Second Language Reading is a comprehensive exploration of ESL reading and provides an overview of the key issues, as well as practical strategies, for teaching reading effectively.
Oxford: English-Hebrew/Hebrew-English
Yaakov Levy - 1999
It has clear, bold type and includes notes on English grammar such as plurals, adjectives, verbs, tenses, time of day and much more.
Elementary Korean
Ross King - 1999
This new edition of Elementary Korean, the most comprehensive and detailed introductory Korean textbook available, offers beginning learners of Korean everything they need to learn the language effectively. Perfect for a first-year university-level course use or the independent language learner. No prior knowledge of the language is necessary. The new format, now with dozens of illustrations, presents Korean vocabulary and Korean grammar in an accessible and understandable manner while extensive conversations and exercises help to reinforce the Korean language and build reading and listening comprehension. This edition includes:An MP3 audio CD and a dedicated website.Rich and highly nuanced examples with brand new illustrations.Detailed but on–technical grammar notes, ample writing exercises with an accompanying answer key.Detailed examples of authentic dialogue.Highly technical grammar notes.Plenty of writing practice.Dialogues, reading texts, and written exercises are in Hangul, the Korean alphabet, so students are quickly able to read and write authentic Korean. Layered lessons are designed to build on each other, making Korean easy to learn from the most popular introductory Korean language textbook available. Included is a revised audio CD that helps learners to speak like a native and a web-based practice component through the University of British Columbia that can help students to learn Korean even beyond the pages of this book. According to the Modern Language Association, enrollment in Korean in American universities is increasing rapidly. Available separately is the companion Elementary Korean Workbook. This helpful workbook will assist you in practicing and polishing your Korean language skills. Each lesson supplements the corresponding lesson in the textbook. There are ten activities per lesson, offering a range of exercises and practice opportunities to enable you to achieve proficiency in everyday, conversational Korean.
Why We Curse: A Neuro-Psycho-Social Theory of Speech
Timothy Jay - 1999
The Neuro-Psycho-Social Theory of Speech draws together information about cursing from different disciplines and unites them to explain and describe the psychological, neurological, cultural and linguistic factors that underlie this startling phenomenon.Why We Curse is divided into five parts. Part 1 introduces the dimensions and scope of cursing and outlines the NPS Theory, while Part 2 covers neurological variables and offers evidence for right brain dominance during emotional speech events. Part 3 then focuses on psychological development including language acquisition, personality development, cognition and so forth, while Part 4 covers the wide variety of social and cultural forces that define curse words and restrict their usage. Finally, Part 5 concludes by examining the social and legal implications of cursing, treating misconceptions about cursing, and setting the agenda for future research.The work draws on new research by Dr. Jay and others and continues the research reported in his groundbreaking 1992 volume Cursing in America. A psycholinguistic study of dirty language in the courts, in the movies, in the schoolyards and on the streets.
Oxford Greek English Learner's Dictionary
D.N. Stavropoulos - 1999
The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms
Jennifer Speake - 1999
The history and date of origin of the idiom is given where possible, and some entries are supported by illustrative quotations as a guide to usage, from both past and present sources. The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms is useful for all native speakers of English, as it focuses on American English and British English, in addition to less common variants. Destined to become a classis among language reference titles, this book is a must for writers and journalists, as well as for all those who have a general interest in the English language.
Sit on a Potato Pan, Otis!: More Palindromes
Jon Agee - 1999
These palindromes and their accompanying cartoons will inspire laughs long after first sight. One may feel compelled to go through the book again backwards -- appropriately palindromically -- to revisit his or her favorites.
Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills
Judith R. Birsh - 1999
The book offers effective strategies for teaching students with dyslexia and other struggling language learners. The book defines multisensory education and examines its use in several educational subject areas. This edition includes chapters on teaching phonemic awareness, reading, comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, math, handwriting, composition, and study skills. of activities. The book also includes chapters on the history of the English language, parenting the child with dyslexia, and the high functioning individual with dyslexia. New chapters to this volume discuss how to develop multisensory structured language lessons, reading remediation for middle and high school students, and using multisensory instruction with English language learners. In addition, the first chapter on research is new and a chapter on vocabulary has been added. Three chapters from the first edition have been dropped: interdisciplinary studies, transition to the general classroom, and instruction for adult basic education. The second edition also includes two online chapters.
Cantonese Complete Course (Teach Yourself)
Hugh D.R. Baker - 1999
Learners can use the Teach Yourself Language Courses at their own pace or as a supplement to formal courses. These complete courses are based on the very latest learning methods and designed to be enjoyable and user-friendly.Prepared by experts in the language, each course begins with the basics and gradually promotes the student to a level of smooth and confident communication, including: - Up-to-date, graded interactive dialogues- Graded units of culture notes, grammar, and exercises- Step-by-step guide to pronunciationThe new editions also feature: - Clear, uncluttered, and user-friendly layout- Self-assessment quizzes to test progress- Practical vocabulary- Regular and irregular verb tables- Plenty of practice exercises and answers- Bilingual glossary- Website suggestions to take language study further
Learn Biblical Hebrew [With CDROM]
John H. Dobson - 1999
With this book, readers can learn Hebrew on their own and will find themselves reading meaningful verses from the Hebrew Bible after just two hours of study The second edition has been updated and revised and includes an audio CD-ROM.
Doing Conversation Analysis: A Practical Guide
Paul Ten Have - 1999
This book is the first to provide hands-on experience in training to use this invaluable methodology.The process of doing conversation analysis is outlined in sections which cover: an introduction to the approach and specific methodology of CA, making and transcribing recordings, analytic strategies in CA, applying CA, and writing up and publishing results.Most chapters have detailed examples of actual recordings of interactional talk in ordinary settings, and all end with suggested practical exercises and further reading.
Presumptive Meanings: The Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature
Stephen C. Levinson - 1999
In this book Stephen C. Levinson explains some general processes that underlie presumptions in communication. This is the first extended discussion of preferred interpretation in language understanding, integrating much of the best research in linguistic pragmatics from the last two decades. Levinson outlines a theory of presumptive meanings, or preferred interpretations, governing the use of language, building on the idea of implicature developed by the philosopher H.P. Grice. Some of the indirect information carried by speech is presumed by default because it is carried by general principles, rather than inferred from specific assumptions about intention and context. Levinson examines this class of general pragmatic inferences in detail, showing how they apply to a wide range of linguistic constructions. This approach has radical consequences for how we think about language and communication.
Webster's II New College Dictionary
Merriam-Webster - 1999
Created to serve the needs of a wide range of users, including students on campus and families at home, Webster’s II has hundreds of notes on usage, word history, and synonyms that shed light on our language and offer guidance on word choice. Authoritative and easy to use, Webster’s II New College Dictionary is a trusted companion to inquisitive minds at every stage of life.• Accurate, concise definitions • Hundreds of detailed illustrations • Updated biographical and geographic sections • Alphabet, Bible, currency, and other informative tables • Concise style guide with rules for capitalization and punctuation
Intermediate Hindi Reader (Hindi and English Edition)
Usha R. Jain - 1999
Twentieth Century Words
John Ayto - 1999
Ayto looks at some 5,000 words and meanings, from "flapper" to "flower power" to "road rage." We learn the birth dates of words such as "movie" (1910s), "barbecue" (1930s), Beatlemania (1960s), and "foodie" (1980s). Ayto also treats us to many surprises as well. Did you know, for instance, that "atomic energy" was coined in the 1900s, "rocket ship" in the 1920s, "hologram" in the '40s, and "modem" in the '50s? And in addition to the main alphabetic sequence of entries, the book also offers boxed features on topics of special interest, such as words arising from World War II ("bazooka," "jeep," "bikini"). With a thoughtful essay to introduce each decade, and thousands of evocative words and phrases, Twentieth Century Words will enthrall all word lovers as it opens a unique window on the last one hundred years.
Hebrew Phrasebook & Dictionary
Justin BEN-ADAM & Ilana WISTINETZKI - 1999
1st published: November 1999.
Context and Content: Oxford Cognitive Science Series: Essays on Intentionality in Speech and Thought
Robert C. Stalnaker - 1999
These collected essays offer philosophers and cognitive scientists a summation of Stalnaker's important and influential work in this area. His new introduction to the volume gives an overview of this work and offers a convenient way in for those who are new to it.
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Allusions
Elizabeth Webber - 1999
Provides definitions of over 900 allusions and includes a history of each term, a pronunciation guide, and examples of the word or phrase used in context.
Ladino-English/English-Ladino Concise Dictionary
Elli Kohen - 1999
Definitions include word origins, the cultural context of expressions, and usage, making the book an invaluable reference tool for anyone interested in Romance and Oriental languages and/or Jewish culture.
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency: With Key
Richard Side - 1999
Fully updated in line with the enw CPE exam, this New Edition provides thorough coverage of the structures and vocabulary essential for CAE and CPE exam success. *Detailed grammar content. Clear presentation, an index of structures and a wealth of examples based on the Longman Corpus. *Special focus on vocabulary. Revised vocabulary sections based on user feedback concentrate on words and phrases that are useful in all papers of the exams. *Lots of opportunity to practise. A wide variety of exercises provide graded practice to confirm understanding and prepare for the CAE and proficiency exams, particularly Paper 3. *Continuous testing in exam format. A diagnostic test for each unit and exam practice sections to check progress. *A flexible approach. Can be used in many different ways; clear cross-references point you in the direction of related grammar or vocabulary areas.
Good Intentions: Writing Center Work for Postmodern Times
Nancy Maloney Grimm - 1999
But to do this, writing centers need to be more fully engaged with the paradox of literacythe way that literacy both dominates and liberates, both demands submission and offers the promise of agency. Nancy Grimm believes that postmodern theory, which emphasizes the diversity of our society, offers the best opportunities for this engagement. Her book offers a fundamental reconsideration of writing center workwork, she maintains, that must be informed by an understanding of the cultural role of literacy education.Because so many educational practices are based on tacit assumptions about the normal way to do things, Grimm argues that both the teaching and tutoring of literacy must be informed by a radical reconsideration of academic fairness. Change will depend on the willingness of comfortably situated people to open themselves to authentic listening and the possibilities of having their world views transformed by writing center students. Good intentions alone, particularly good intentions grounded in a missionary narrative, are not enough to overcome the potentially oppressive nature of literacy education.Grimm begins by positioning the debate about the function of the writing center in the larger cultural conflict created by postmodern conditions. She locates writing center work within the historical contradictions of literacy, then analyzes the way composition teaching regulates an academic identity. She goes on to show how postmodern theories of subjectivity offer ways to intervene in that regulation. After reconceptualizing the politics of writing center administration, Grimm ultimately argues for a conception of fairness that holds writing center workers responsible for not only granting students membership to the academic literacy club but also for changing the gates of that club when change is necessary.Good Intentions is essential reading for educators involved with writing centers in any capacitywhether they be directors, researchers, professional and undergraduate staff, or simply teachers of students who use writing centers.
Les Trois Cochons
Sheila H. Collins - 1999
Piglet brothers 'Ti Joe, 'Ti Claude, and 'Ti Fr re have reached the age when Mamere Cochon must send them out into the great big world to seek their fortunes. As they venture out on their own, they must each find, or build, their own homes. At the same time, they must be ever on the lookout for the hungry loup-garou. With a little porcine persistence, the intrepid trio is bound to achieve their goals and live happily ever after-much to the delight of youngsters everywhere.
The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Expository Prose
John C. Brereton - 1999
The editors' goals have always been the same: to collect the very best essays, by the very best writers, and place them between two covers. This new edition continues in that tradition, providing instructors with a wealth of selections, many of them new to this edition. The text also offers a flexible organization, an affordable price, and inventive, practical suggestions for improving reading and writing.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary
Judy Pearsall - 1999
There are over 220,000 words, phrases and meanings covering current and historical English, and specialist and technical areas.
Infected Korean Language, Purity Versus Hybridity: From the Sinographic Cosmopolis to Japanese Colonialism to Global English
Chong-Sok Ko - 1999
Mair). Although numerous book-length studies of language and modernity in China and Japan can be found even in English, little has been written in any language on the question of linguistic modernity in Korea. Infected Korean Language, Purity Versus Hybridity by noted journalist and writer Koh Jongsok is a collection of critical essays about Korean language and writing situated at the nexus of modern Korean history, politics, linguistics, and literature. In addition to his journalistic and writing experience, Koh also happens to have a keen interest in language and linguistics, and he has received postgraduate training at the highest level in these subjects at the Sorbonne. This book bears witness to the trials and tribulations-historical, technical and epistemological-by which the Korean language achieved "linguistic modernity" under trying colonial and neo-colonial circumstances. In particular, Koh tackles questions of language ideology and language policy, modern terminology formation, and inscriptional practices (especially the highly politicized questions of vernacular script versus Chinese characters, and of orthography) in an informed and sensitive way. The value of Koh's essays lies in the fact that so little has been written in a critical and politically progressive vein-whether scholarly or otherwise-about the processes whereby traditional Korean inscriptional and linguistic practices became "modern." Indeed, the one group of academics from whom one would expect assistance in this regard, the "national language studies" scholars in Korea, have been so blinkered by their nationalist proclivities as to produce little of interest in this regard. Koh, by contrast, is one of precious few concerned and engaged public intellectuals and creative writers writing on this topic in an easily understandable way. Little or nothing is available in English about modern Korean language ideologies and linguistic politics. This book analyzes the linguistic legacies of the traditional Sinographic Cosmopolis and modern Japanese colonialism and shows how these have been further complicated by the continued and ever-more hegemonic presence of English in post-Liberation Korean linguistic life. It exposes and critiques the ways in which the Korean situation is rendered even more complex by the fact that all these issues have been debated in Korea in an intellectual environment dominated by deeply conservative and racialized notions of "purity," minjok (ethno-nation) and kugo or "national language" (itself an ideological formation owing in large part to Korea's experience with Japan). Koh sheds light on topics like: linguistic modernity and the problem of dictionaries and terminology; Korean language purism and the quest for "pure Korean" on the part of Korean linguistic nationalists; the beginnings of literary Korean in translation and the question of "translationese" in Korean literature; the question of the boundaries of "Korean literature" (if an eighteenth-century Korean intellectual writes a work of fiction in Classical Chinese, is it "Korean literature"?); the vexed issue of the "genetic affiliation" of Korean and the problems with searches for linguistic "bloodlines"; the frequent conflation of language and writing (i.e., of Korean and han'gul) in Korea; the English-as-Official-Language debate in South Korea; the relationship between han'gul and Chinese characters; etc. This book will be of value to those with an interest in language and history in East Asian in general, as well twentieth-century Korean language, literature, politics and history, in particular. The book will be an unprecedented and invaluable resource for students of modern Korean language and literature.
Language, Logic, and Concepts
Ray S. Jackendoff - 1999
The areas covered by the essays include the foundations of language and thought, congnitive and linguistic development, and mathematical approaches to cognition.
The Australian Oxford Dictionary
Bruce Moore - 1999
Drawing on Oxford's unrivalled databases in International English and Australian English, The Australian Oxford Dictionary offers Australian readers a timely and up-to-date guide to language and usage as well as a full range of encyclopedia material.
Norse Romance I: The Tristan Legend
Marianne E. Kalinke - 1999
thus the entire set of texts can be read as a study in Norse literary patronage, of literary renewal and transformation... A major contribution, not only to the Old Norse field, but to the broader world of medieval literature and culture. Norse Romance will endure for years to come. SPECULUM Norse Romances comprises a three-volume set, making available for the first time critical editions and translations of important medieval Arthurian texts from Iceland, Norway and Sweden, under the general editorship of Marianne Kalinke. This volume is devoted to the Tristan legend. It contains Geitarlauf and Janual, Old Norse translations of the French lais Lanval and Chevrefeuil; Tristrams saga ok Is�ndar, Brother Thomas's Old Norse translationof Thomas's Tristan, dated 1226 and commissioned by King H�kon H�konarson the Old of Norway; "Tristrams kv�di", a fourteenth-century Icelandic "Tristan" ballad; and the Saga af Tristram ok Isodd, a fourteenth-century Icelandic version of the Old Norse Tristrams saga ok Is�ndar.The translators are: ROBERT COOK, PETER JORGENSEN, JOYCE HILL, MARIANNE E. KALINKE.Professor MARIANNE KALINKE teaches in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Ancient Greek Alive
Paula Saffire - 1999
It inspires a constructive sense of enthusiasm in the classroom while helping students master grammatical principles and reading skills.Among the imaginative features of the book is a two-week introduction to spoken Greek, which immerses students in the sound and basic vocabulary of the language so that they are comfortable as they learn to read and write. (Conversational scripts are provided.) For its reading passages, Ancient Greek Alive uses engaging and even humorous stories drawn from folklore around the world and rendered freshly into classical Greek. The book's grammatical explanations are unusually clear. Helpful, one-step-at-a-time exercises are incorporated into the lessons. Entire chapters are devoted to vocabulary review to underline its importance and provide rest stops. There are special sections on aspects of Greek culture. Students test their reading skills along the way on intriguing passages in original Greek texts, which range from Heraclitus and the New Testament to Diogenes and Greek gravestones.
The Collected Works of Edward Sapir: Culture (Collected Works of Edward Sapir, No. 3)
Regna Darnell - 1999
The first section contains Sapir's essays on theoretical and conceptual topics in cultural anthropology, psychology, and other social sciences, mostly published between 1917 and Sapir's death in 1939. This section includes two previously unpublished major papers from presentations at the 1926 and 1930 Hanover Conferences. The second section consists of an edited manuscript on the psychology of culture, based on student notes on the lectures Sapir intended to base a book upon but which he did not live to write. The third section contains Sapir's reviews of books in psychology and psychiatry, published between 1917 and 1928. Section Four contains his previously-published essays and book reviews on social and political topics of the day, written mainly for a general audience. The final section contains essays and reviews on music and contemporary literature, including a few previously unpublished pieces.
Resisting Linguistic Imperialism in English Teaching
A. Suresh Canagarajah - 1999
This book explores how English is used in periphery communities, while subtly resisting the linguistic imperialism from the global ELT enterprise.
A New Introduction to Old Norse: Part I Grammar
Michael Barnes - 1999
Encarta World English Dictionary
Anne Soukhanov - 1999
Or you can browse it in all of its real world splendor. The Encarta World Dictionary sports 400,000 entries, including 20,000 new words, and over 4,000 illustrations. And, if its definitions pass for thoroughness, it's for good reason: Soukanov's hoard of 250 lexicographers used computer, internet and database technology in a groundbreaking way. And yes, "groundbreaking" is a listed word. Sharon Bosley
Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers
Mimi Zeiger - 1999
The new edition includes new examples from the current literature including many involving molecular biology, expanded exercises at the end of the book, revised explanations on linking key terms, transition clauses, uses of subheads, and emphases. If you plan to do any medical writing, read this book first and get an immediate advantage.
Talk French
Isabelle Fournier - 1999
Featuring introductions, ordering and talking about food and drink, finding your way around, buying things, finding somewhere to stay and getting around, it provides the grounding in the basics of French.
Urdu: An Essential Grammar
Ruth Schmidt - 1999
Explanations contain minimal jargon and emphasis has been placed on the aspects of Urdu that pose a particular challenge for English-speaking students.Features include: * language examples throughout in both Urdu script and romanization* user-friendly layout* detailed contents list* comprehensive index.Urdu: An Essential Grammar presents a fresh and accessible description of the language and will prove invaluable to students at all levels.
Concise Scots Dictionary
Scottish National Dictionary Association - 1999
The Concise Scots Dictionary contains: * Meaning* Spelling variants* Pronunciation* Information on when and where words are used* Grammatical information* Idioms and phrases* Etymologies* Details of Scottish life then and no
Speech, Music, Sound
Theo van Leeuwen - 1999
Drawing on a wide range of phonetic, linguistic, pragmatic, semiotic, and musicological sources, it concentrates on the communicative roles of aural perspective, rhythm, melody, and timbre in music as well as speech, everyday soundscapes, and film and television soundtracks. It applies linguistic concepts such as turntaking to music, and musical concepts such as harmony to speech. And it also contains a chapter on aural realism, again in relation to music, speech, and contemporary sound design.
Adverbs and Functional Heads: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective
Guglielmo Cinque - 1999
In this theory, both adverbs and heads, which encode the functional notions of the clause, are ordered in a rigid sequence. Cinques cutting-edge proposal suggests that the structure of natural language sentences is much richer than previously assumed.
Integrated Chinese Level 1 Pt. 1, 2nd Ed. Textbook: Simplified Character Edition
Tao-Chung Yao - 1999
This acclaimed, best-selling series is successful because it integrates all four language skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Integrated Chinese helps you understand how the Chinese language works grammatically, and how to use Chinese in real life.Materials within Integrated Chinese are divided into sections of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Two types of exercises are used: there are traditional exercises (fill-in-the-blank, sentence completion, translation) to help learners build a solid grammatical foundation; and there are communication exercises (listening quizzes, speaking drills, discussion topics, etc.) to prepare them to function in a Chinese language environment. Authentic materials written for native Chinese speakers, such as newspaper clippings, signs, and tickets, are used frequently. Topics relate to students' immediate environment (family, friends, school, and work) and focus on practical competencies such as seeing the doctor, making an appointment, shopping, etc. Notes on grammar, language use and Chinese culture are found throughout the textbooks. Character workbooks teach students to write characters in their correct stroke order. The Level 2 Character Workbook also features example sentences in traditional characters showing word usage in context, and four useful appendices: Proper nouns and measure words, an English-Chinese glossary of all vocabulary in Levels 1 and 2, a Chinese character index of all characters in Levels 1 and 2, and the example sentences in simplified form. Teacher's Manuals contain workbook answer keys, transcripts of listening exercises and grammar notes in Chinese. The Character Workbook is designed to help the student learn Chinese characters in their correct stroke order. Character workbook features:
In the Level 1 workbooks, stroke order for each new character is displayed, along with its pinyin pronunciation and English translation.
Character boxes allow students to practice writing the characters.
The Level 2 Character workbook, in addition to stroke order, presents example sentences to illustrate word usage in context.
The Level 2 Character workbook includes both simplified and traditional character forms.
Four useful appendices are included in the Level 2 Character workbook: A list of proper nouns and measure words; an English-Chinese glossary that includes all vocabulary in Levels 1 and 2; a Chinese character index that lists all characters appearing in Levels 1 and 2; and the simplified-form example sentences that appear in traditional characters throughout the text.
Learning to Read and Write: Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children
Susan B. Neuman - 1999
Experiences commonplace in many homes and early childhood settings--such as adults reading to children--are key in laying the foundation for literacy. Yet these experiences are far from universal. To ensure that all children learn to read and write by the end of third grade, early childhood educators need to know more and do more to promote literacy in effective, developmentally appropriate ways.
Collins German-English, English-German Dictionary: Unabridged
Peter Terrell - 1999
More Latin for the Illiterati
Jon R. Stone - 1999
Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature
David John Wallace - 1999
Thirty-three contributors provide information on a vast range of literary texts and the conditions of their production and reception. The volume also contains a chronology, full bibliography and a detailed index. This book offers the most extensive account available of the medieval literatures so drastically reconfigured in Tudor England. It will prove essential reading for scholars of the Renaissance as well as medievalists, and for historians as well as literary specialists.
Hebrew Phrasebook (Lonely Planet Phrasebooks)
Klara Ilana Wistinetzki - 1999
To make your trip to the Promised Land an amble through fragrant cedar forests rather than a slog through the drier parts of the Negev, get your hands on this trusty phrasebook. Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix of practical and social words and phrases in more than 120 languages. Chat with the locals and discover their culture - a guaranteed way to enrich your travel experience.
The Grammar Lab Book One
Kenna Bourke - 1999
A lively, humorous and richly illustrated grammar series for children aged nine to twelve.
Let's Learn Kanji: An Introduction to Radicals, Components and 250 Very Basic Kanji
Yasuko Kosaka Mitamura - 1999
It is widely held that spoken and written Japanese require separate efforts by the student, as if these two aspects were in fact distinct languages.A first step toward alleviating this situation was taken by Yasuko Mitamura in 1985 with the publication of Let's Learn Hiragana and Let's Learn Katakana, which continue to help thousands of students every year to master these two forms of Japanese script. Now, Let's Learn Kanji goes to the heart of the problem: the learning of kanji (i.e., Chinese characters as they are used in Japan).Not simply a brilliant exposition but also a workbook, it teaches the student how to write the basic strokes, how to put these together into full-fledged kanji, and how kanji function in the context of example sentences. Progress is continually checked, and the student is encouraged through quizzes and exercises. The result: 250 fundamental characters learned almost painlessly.
On Rhetoric and Language: Four Key Dialogues
Jean Nienkamp - 1999
Previously, those interested in reading or teaching these dialogues had to acquire several books, typically having introductions that portrayed Plato's philosophy as strictly anti-rhetorical. The introduction to this volume treats Plato's discussions of the language arts as central to his philosophical practice. Reflecting current critical discussions about the significance of ambiguities and inconsistencies in the dialogues, the introduction approaches them as enacting the dialogical and rhetorical practice of philosophy rather than as expositions of doctrine. Readers are thus invited to participate in the dialogues as vital philosophical conversations about issues that animate contemporary rhetorical and literary thought today.Specific features of this text include:• four key dialogues on rhetoric and language presented in one volume in complete, contemporary translations;• an introduction that discusses the complexities of Plato's dialogues and views on language, writing, dialogue, rhetoric, and poetics in a readable style;• brief introductions to each dialogue that point out the major features of the dialogue as well as raise questions to stimulate thoughtful reading;• an expanded bibliography for those interested in pursuing further critical discussion of the texts; and• an index to key terms and concepts covered in the introduction and dialogues.
Basic Spanish
Ana C. Jarvis - 1999
The series has been enhanced and updated to better address the needs of today's students, pre-professionals, and professionals who need a working knowledge of Spanish. The core text, "Basic Spanish," provides the essential grammatical structures needed for communicating in Spanish. The six worktexts, "Basic Spanish for Getting Along, Basic Spanish for Business and Finance, Basic Spanish for Medical Personnel, Basic Spanish for Law Enforcement, Basic Spanish for Social Services," and "Basic Spanish for Teachers," are communication worktexts that encourage students to use and practice the grammar learned in "Basic Spanish." The worktexts present realistic situations a student will encounter in everyday life when needing to communicate in Spanish as well as a variety of authentic workplace situations likely to be encountered by professionals, with attention to specialized vocabulary of each profession, dialogue completions, role-plays, and realia-based activities."The Basic Spanish Series" offers flexibility for an array of academic, professional, and adult education settings. "Basic Spanish" can be used independently or with any combination of the six worktexts. "Basic Spanish" combined with "Basic Spanish for Getting Along" is ideal for an Introductory Conversation course, while combining the text with any of the career-specific worktexts serves students, pre-professionals, or professionals who need a working knowledge of the language in a short period of time. A comprehensive supplementspackage enhances the program and offers students and professionals helpful tools for developing their language skills outside of the classroom."Early introduction of essential communicative concepts" enables students to begin speaking immediately."Chapter-opening spread" orients and organizes students by previewing the chapter's "Objectives, Structures, and Communication; " highlighting a different Spanish-speaking country, with a profile in English and a map; and providing a legend of icons that indicate additional resources available with the program."Clear, concise grammar presentation" lists the grammar topic in English and Spanish, followed by explanations in English, language models in Spanish with translations and charts, and "Vamos a practicar" exercises for reinforcement of the material."Practical vocabulary presentation" contains lists of chapter vocabulary clearly divided into the following categories: Cognates, Verbs, Adjectives, and Other Words and Expressions--all containing translations with the exception of cognates."Cuanto sabe usted ahora? self-tests" offer assessment opportunities after every five lessons. Answers on the ClassPrep CD give instructors the option to cover the answers in class or provide students the answers so they can monitor their own progress."Para escuchar y entender section" reinforces listening through two types of audio exercises "Practica" (grammar exercises) and "Que dicen?" (listening comprehension)."End-of-lesson activity" provides practice of the active vocabulary introduced in each lesson, in the "Palabras y mas palabras" (words and more words), followed by "En estas situaciones," a pair/group activity that encourages students to applystructures and vocabulary learned in the lesson."Communicative activities" encourage practice of the grammar points through role-plays and group situations.
Folk Linguistics
Nancy A. Niedzielski - 1999
Introductory texts often disparage folkbelief in contrast to 'scientific truth'. In fact, language is a ubiquitous topic of discussion and general concern of the folk. They talk about grammar, pronunciation, first and second language learning, language disabilities, dialects, gender and language, and a host of other topics. This book approaches such beliefs as one of the most important aspects of ethnography. Surely what a people believe about their language is as important as any other key to an understanding of their culture.;
The Interlinear NIV Parallel New Testament in Greek and English
Alfred Marshall - 1999
The marginal text is the 21st edition of Eberhard Nestle's Noovum Testamentum Graece.
MAP: Spanish a Language Map
NOT A BOOK - 1999
This unique i]Language Map /i] sup]R /sup] is a lightweight phrasebook, but in a durable, laminated, fold-out format.
Cheng and Tsui Chinese Character Dictionary: A Guide to the 2,000 Most Frequently-Used Characters
Wang Huidi - 1999
The many rules and characters of Chinese present learners with what can seem like an overwhelming amount of complicated information, and tasks such as writing characters correctly are often a major stumbling block. In this dictionary aimed specifically at learners, characters are organized alphabetically by pinyin and are printed in large, clear fonts (both Kai and Song script) in two colors, making it easy to discern their appearance and structure, and to distinguish between similar-looking characters. Basic meanings and examples of use are given in English and pinyin, and each entry also includes information on radicals, number of strokes, stroke order, structural classification and the diagrammatic form of each character. Simplified characters.
Fokus Deutsch: Beginning German 2 (Student Edition + Listening Comprehension Audio CD) [With CD]
Annenberg - 1999
This dynamic new three-level program carefully integrates videos, texts, audio and other supplements to bring German language, history and culture into focus for students. "Fokus Deutsch" was created through a collaboration of the Annenberg/CPB project, WGBH/Boston, and the McGraw-Hill Companies - the trio who also created "Destinos," "Nuevos Destinos," and "Connect with English" - along with Inter Nationes and the Goethe-Institut. The result is an original and engaging program that immerses students in the reality of German life, history, and culture. The comprehensive package for "Fokus Deutsch" also includes such multimedia supplements as a CD-ROM resource for instructors and a text specific website In short, "Fokus Deutsch" is a comprehensive, well-organized program that integrates video, audio print and technology as effectively as it integrates language, drama, culture, and history.
South Pacific Phrasebook (Lonely Planet)
Hadrien Dhont - 1999
Open up communication with local greetings and conversation starters, and discover the culture through traditional dance, legend and songs. In This Guide: Covers the languages of the Cook Islands, Easter Island, Fiji (Fijian & Fijian Hindi), Hawaii, New Caledonia, New Zealand (Maori & NZ English), Niue, Norfolk & Pitcairn islands, Samoa, Tahiti and Tonga.Favorite local dishes and traditional ways to cook up a feast.Maps locating each island within the region.Festivals, ceremonies and placenames.
Discontinuous Syntax: Hyperbaton in Greek
A.M. Devine - 1999
This study applies some of these ideas to hyperbaton, offering an original new theory with broad applications for our understanding of Greek syntax. Students of epic will find a fresh perspective on orality in Homer while the general classicist will discover a more precise and explicit framework for the analysis of textual meaning in literary research.
Cicero - Pro Archia Poeta Oratio: A Syntactic Analysis of the Speech and Companion to the Commentary
Steven M. Cerutti - 1999
-- Introduction, "Reading the Diagrams"-- Latin text with same-page and facing translation, notes & discussion, and Latin text in sentence diagrams
Reading Latin Epitaphs
John Parker - 1999
John Parker has reproduced the text of 52 church memorials in Latin, and this edition is illustrated with photographs of eight of the epitaphs, providing explanatory captions that help contextualize each inscription. With an introduction that discusses the conventions of lettering, abbreviations, Latinized personal names, and stock phrases found on these memorial stones, Reading Latin Epitaphs is not only a volume for ecclesiastical scholars or historians, but an excellent tool for travelers and architecture enthusiasts as well. Giving readers all the tools they need to decipher these texts, Parker has included a very brief Latin grammar that lays out the basics of the language in a clear and concise fashion, and notes on Roman numerals and dates. A glossary of all the words found in the included epitaphs, as well as additional words often found in inscriptions, rounds out this indispensible guide.
Schaum's Outlines of Russian Grammar
James S. Levine - 1999
Exercises are included.