10 Management Models

Fons Trompenaars - 2015
    The way we think about leadership, for instance, has shifted radically from the genius of great entrepreneurs like Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford, through leadership as a science, leadership that releases human potential, the leader as strategist and warrior, customer champion, globalist and shareholder advocate, to, more recently, leadership as stewardship of the environment. Hundreds of models have been developed to track, measure and forecast business solutions, but as fashions shift how can we apply them in real organizations that have to succeed outside the classroom? 10 Management Models is taken from the book, 100+ Management Models by the same authors.

Inside the Mind of a Teen Killer

Phil Chalmers - 2009
    Why? In Inside the Mind of a Teen Killer, Chalmers, who has been interviewing teen murderers and serial killers for over a decade, recounts Woodham's gripping and horrifying story, plumbing his motives, and peering into the killer's mind. Chalmers also weaves into the narrative his reasearch about teen culture, including comparisons with other teen killers, to analyze the disturbing ascent of teen violence and offer ways that we, as individuals, leaders, and communities, can help defuse this alarming trend. Inside the Mind of a Teen Killer is a culmination of Phil Chalmers' fifteen-year study on teen murder and school violence.? This is an anti-violence project aimed at teens, parents, youth workers, teachers, and law enforcement. The most unique part of the book is the words of the killers themselves, explaining why they committed the crimes, what led them to murder, and how we could have helped them. The goal of this book is to educate America and the world on the growing problem of teen murder and school violence, and hopefully stop teen murder and save innocent lives. Phil interviewed nearly 200 teen killers and school shooters for this book, and it's sure to change the way America and the world thinks about the growing trend of juvenile homicide. Book release date to coincide with the 10-year anniversary of Columbine, April 20, 2009."Phil Chalmers has interviewed the killers. He has corresponded with them extensively. He has exhaustively researched their crimes

The Inefficiency Assassin: Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer

Helene Segura - 2016
    Her engaging time management program caters to diverse learning styles, offering case studies that allow readers to self-diagnose and zero in on the strategies most appropriate for them. Anyone wanting to streamline workflow and improve productivity can employ her wonderfully doable techniques — for clearing task lists, handling reminder systems, scheduling a variety of priorities, and even managing emails and phone calls. Thanks to Segura’s astute attention to personality, The Inefficiency Assassin meets readers where they are struggling and details quick and easy-to-implement strategies to, as Segura promises, “kick chaos to the curb.”

Mental Fitness: 15 Rules to Strengthen Your Body and Mind

Ant Middleton - 2021
    THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERThe brilliant new book from the multiple Sunday Times bestselling author that will explain the principles behind maintaining a healthy mind and body.The mind and body are often talked about as separate entities, but it’s only when they work in harmony with one another that one can truly push oneself to the highest heights.In his new book, Ant Middleton lays out and explains the principles that he lives by to best keep his mindset and body as strong as they can possibly be.

The Big Short: by Michael Lewis

aBookaDay - 2016
    If you have not yet bought the original copy, make sure to purchase it before buying this unofficial summary from aBookaDay. SPECIAL OFFER $2.99 (Regularly priced: $3.99) OVERVIEW This review of The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis provides a chapter by chapter detailed summary followed by an analysis and critique of the strengths and weaknesses of the book. The main theme explored in the book is how corruption and greed in Wall Street caused the crash of the subprime mortgage market in 2008. Despite being completely preventable, the big firms in Wall Street chose to ignore the oncoming fall in favor of making money. Michael Lewis introduces characters—men outside of the Wall Street machine—who foresaw the crisis and, through several different techniques, were able to predict how and when the market would fall. Lewis portrays these men—Steve Eisman, Mike Burry, Charlie Ledley, and Jamie Mai—as the underdogs, who were able to understand and act upon the obvious weaknesses in the subprime market. Lewis’s overall point is to demonstrate how the Wall Street firms were manipulating the market. They used loans to cash in on the desperation of middle-to-lower class Americans, and then ultimately relied on the government to bail them out when the loans were defaulted. Using anecdotes and interviews from the men who were involved first-hand, the author makes the case that Wall Street, and how they conducted business in regards to the subprime mortgage market, is truly corrupt beyond repair, and the men he profiles in this novel were trying to make the best out of a bad situation. By having the words from the sources themselves, this demonstrates Lewis’s search for the truth behind what actually happened. Ultimately, we as an audience can not be sure if the intentions of these underdogs were truly good, but Lewis does an admirable job presenting as many sides to the story as possible. The central thesis of the work is that the subprime mortgage crisis was caused by Wall Street firms pushing fraudulent loans upon middle-to-lower class Americans that they would essentially not be able to afford. Several people outside of Wall Street were able to predict a crash in the market when these loans would be defaulted on, and bought insurance to bet against the market (essentially, buying short). Over a time period from roughly 2005-2008, the market crashed and huge banks and firms lost billions of dollars, filed for bankruptcy, or were bailed out by the government. These men, the characters of Lewis’s novel, were able to bet against the loans and made huge amounts of money, but it was not quite an easy journey. Michael Lewis is a non-fiction author and financial journalist. He has written several novels—notably Liar’s Poker in 1989, Moneyball in 2003, and The Blind Side in 2006. Born in New Orleans, he attended Princeton University, receiving a BA degree in Art History. After attending London School of Economics and receiving his masters there, he was hired by Salomon Brothers where he experienced much about what he wrote about in Liar’s Poker. He is currently married, with three children and lives in Berkeley, California. SUMMARY PROLOGUE: POLTERGEIST Michael Lewis begins his tale of the remarkable—and strange—men who predicted the immense fall of the housing market by immediately exposing himself as the exact opposite type of person from them. He explains to the reader that he has no background in accounting, business, or money managing.

Stress-Proof Your Life (52 Brilliant Ideas)

Elisabeth Wilson - 2008
    Stress-proof your life is for the people who struggle to find time for a shower much less a bath. It's for the ones who are still clicking their mouse or ironing a shirt at 11.30pm. The ones who don't take their annual leave and worry that stress is affecting their health and relationships. Or they would worry if they weren't so knackered and that report wasn't due in at 9am. It's going to take a lot more than a candle-lit bubble bath to sort them out..." Elisabeth Wilson. Stress is not a generic thing although it's always treated that way. Some people are really good at avoiding some stresses without realising that they are slaves to another kind. Elisabeth looks at the sources - occupational, genetic and environmental - and reveals 52 clever techniques and ideas that focus on the causes rather than simply telling people how to deal with the symptoms. Here are just some of the chapters to be discovered: * Admit your addiction! * The power of positive stress; * Give a little, get a lot - why volunteering could be the best decision you've ever made; * Too stressed to sleep? - it happens, here's what to do if it happens to you (Strictly no lavender candles); * and The 'stop and collapse' effect - if you're fed up with getting sick on the very first day of your holiday, here's how to prevent it. With the "52 Brilliant Ideas" series readers can enhance their existing skills with negligible investment of time or money and will substantially improve their performance over the course of a year. Each of the 52 chapters tackles a single aspect of the subject in an entertaining and lively way. At the end of each chapter is a "how did it go?" feature which allows readers to reflect on the lesson in a classical experiential learning pattern. The tone of each book is personal and informal; readers will feel as thought they are having a one-to-one with their favourite coach.

Self Discipline: The Spartan and Special Operations Way To Mastering Yourself

Ryan Hunt - 2018
    When they arrive for basic training they are soft, unfit and mentally weak. The recruit will have no idea what real discipline means. Up to that point, he has lived a life of weakness. He has given into all his natural impulses and has feasted on junk food, surfed the internet and generally lived far under his potential.Very soon he will be thrown into a cauldron of discipline. He will experience for the very first time a life of control and power. When he comes out on the other side he will be a new man. People who know these men will see a transformed person. This is the power of self -discipline.In this book, you will learn lessons in self-discipline from the masters of self-discipline.The Spartans and the Special Operations community is the heart and soul of discipline. The Spartans dont exist anymore but they left a legacy that still lives on today. The warrior tradition of the Spartans is built on a foundation of immense self-discipline.The Modern Special Operations Units carry on similar traditions of extreme self-discipline. Today you can use these lessons in your life to carve out any future you want. This book will guide you through the most important principles of self-discipline.It will show you how to take your life and transform yourself into a powerful individual if you choose to do so and take action.Let's take a look at what you will learn inside this book: The Science and Psychology of Self-DisciplineHow To Develop Self DisciplineSelf-Discipline and FreedomImproving Focus and ConcentrationForming Good Habits and Breaking Bad HabitsHow To Build Mental ToughnessDaily Self-DisciplineAnd Much much more...

10 Years Younger: 21 Surprising Techniques to Turn Back Time

Kylie Ansett - 2016
    Based on years of personal research and client feedback, best-selling author, naturopath and health coach Kylie Ansett answers the question;What is the secret to looking and feeling younger? You will learn: • How to have whiter teeth without using chemicals • How to firm and tone your face for free • How to wake early feeling refreshed and energized every day • How to have the energy of a 25 year old without taking a single supplement • Detox methods that will take years off your face and decades off your body • And much, much more! Do you ever hear yourself making the excuse: “I’m too old for that!”? Do you look in the mirror some days and not recognize who is looking back? (Other days you feel just as old as you look!) Every day more grey hairs. And wrinkles. You don’t have as much energy. You’re not as bendy as you used to be. Skin that used to be firm is, well, less firm. Is there a way? Can you recapture the energy, the vitality and the health of your younger days? Can you start looking younger instead of older every day? Is there a way to turn back time? Look at what others have said about 10 Years Younger: Way more than just about looking good. Straightforward and practical advice for anyone who wants to be more conscious about their health, looks and life choices. - Harmony Davis Interesting, heartfelt, practical and humorous. A great reminder of how easy, cheap and effective looking younger can be. An excellent resource to keep us healthy and younger looking. - Deborah Sutton There is something in here for every woman; all the tips are simple, inexpensive and easy to implement. Read this and your body will thank you. - Julie Extremely entertaining, informative and engaging. I felt like I’d just given myself an enjoyable self-pampering session. It is a workout, a spring clean & rejuvenation for the body and mind. - Melia Vlatko-Rulo Both practical and compelling - gives the most amazing ideas for how to look and feel 10 years younger. What I like the best is the 'try it on' approach. Try them all and see what fits - what a brilliant idea! - Jane E Infante A genuine and honest approach to looking younger; and good health is at the heart of it. - Coral For those who can't or don't want to try 'artificial' ways of staying young, this is a really good book. Many techniques are simple and quick, with proven effects on your body and mind. Well written and concise, with good summaries at the end of each chapter. - J This is an upbeat and original book, about aging well. I liked the format this material was presented in, providing passages followed by an action plan. If you don't envision/equate growing older as a steady, downward slide to multiple meds, limited mobility and sagging jowls, give this one a try! - Geraldine Helen Harman Every ingenious tip was made with either ingredients I could easily find in my cupboard, or no ingredients at all, so I could begin straight away. - Taya M A holistic viewpoint, rather than quick fixes, creams and lotions. Age is as much about attitude and the way we see life.

Not Everyone Gets A Trophy: How to Manage the Millennials

Bruce Tulgan - 2015

It Starts with One: Changing Individuals Changes Organizations

J. Stewart Black - 2002
    Unfortunately, change is extraordinarily difficult, and most attempts to initiate and sustain it fail. In It Starts with One, J. Stewart Black and Hal B Gregersen identify the core problem: changing individuals and the "mental maps" inside their heads must happen before you can change the organization. Just as actual maps guide people's footsteps, mental maps guide daily behavior. Successful strategic change for the organization is all about changing individual mental maps and behaviors first, because they are the organization.To change organizations, you must break through your own brain barrier -- and help those around you do the same. One step at a time, It Starts with One shows how to do that: how to create new destinations, and new, more inspiring effective paths to sustainable change. Black and Gregersen systematically identify the brain barriers that stand in your way: failure to see, failure to move, and failure to finish. Drawing on their extensive experience consulting with world-class organizations, they offer integrated tools, strategies, and solutions for overcoming each of these obstacles. This edition offers even more effective tools, more guidance on leading change in globalizing environments, and more insight into changing your own mental maps...liberating yourself to transform your entire organization.Seventy percent of organizations that seek strategic change fail. Organizations can't change because individuals don't change. Individuals don't change because powerful mental maps stand in their way. This book offers a powerful, start-to-finish strategy for helping people redraw their mental maps -- and unleash their power to deliver superior, sustained strategic change. Thoroughly updated with new techniques, case studies, and examples, this book offers even more valuable insights for today's leaders and managers.

The Best Story Wins: How to Leverage Hollywood Storytelling in Business and Beyond

Matthew Luhn - 2018
    Former Pixar and The Simpsons Animator and Story Artist Matthew Luhn translates his two and half decades of storytelling techniques and concepts to the CEOs, advertisers, marketers, and creatives in the business world and beyond. A combination of Luhn’s personal stories and storytelling insights, The Best Story Wins retells the “Hero’s Journey” story building methods through the lens of the Pixar films to help business minds embrace the power of storytelling for themselves!

The One Minute Negotiator: Simple Steps to Reach Better Agreements

Don Hutson - 2010
    One essentially comes from the Harvard Business School camp, and it’s perhaps best described as “Thou Shalt Collaborate.” This approach teaches that negotiating parties should always work together toward common interests. The other school of thought, mostly pushed by author/consultant Roger Dawson, takes an opposite approach. Call it “Thou Shalt Compete,” this approach is always overtly or subtly adversarial. The One Minute Negotiator differs in that it doesn’t single-mindedly push one strategy over the other—in the real world every negotiation differs depending on the participants and the circumstances. The authors provide an easy-to-use tool that allows you to understand your own negotiation strategy and quickly match it to the negotiation strategy used by the other side and to the situation.   Too many people lose out in negotiations because of apprehension and misunderstanding about the process—what the authors call “negotiaphobia”. By providing a simple, straightforward process anyone can use The One Minute Negotiator to help conquer their fears and achieve the most beneficial outcome in all their dealings.

37 Ways to BOOST Your Coaching Practice: PLUS: the 17 Lies That Hold Coaches Back and the Truth That Sets Them Free!

Steve Chandler - 2015
     Remember what coaching's really about. It's about looking for ways to touch the soul, and having someone's life change. Coaching simply can't be sold like other things are sold. And that turns out to be good news. Once you begin practicing true connection, you become successful. In 37 Ways to BOOST Your Coaching Practice, Steve Chandler shows just what steps to take - and the 17 lies to avoid - to give your prospective clients a powerful experience of the work you do. Learn to fill your practice by moving beyond coaching-as-a-concept. Creating clients happens one coaching conversation at a time, one true connection at a time.

Prescription for Murder: The True Story of Mass Murderer Dr. Harold Frederick Shipman

Brian Whittle - 2004
    He pleaded Not Guilty. Each of Shipman's alleged victims was middle-aged or elderly and each was his patient and neighbour. The macabre exhumations of some of the bodies devastated the suburban community of Hyde in Greater Manchester, and it is the authors' inside knowledge of the region that provides the context for their investigation of the case.

I Have the Watch: Becoming a Leader Worth Following

Jon Rennie - 2019
     Through seven deployments commanding sailors in the complex and dangerous world of nuclear submarine warfare, Jon Rennie experienced a deep form of leadership. On a sub, there is no escape. No “after work.” No home to commute to. You live and lead side-by-side with the crew, every day. What Rennie didn’t realize was how much his time underwater prepared him to lead global industrial businesses and startups across multiple industries. Becoming a leader worth following begins—and ends—with people. “This book cuts to the heart of the matter of leadership: it’s all about people.” Says Joshua D. Cotton, PhD, Founder and CEO, VetStoreUSA With a special foreword by John Brubaker, Author of Seeds of Success, Rennie lays out a case for becoming a people-centered leader. Leaders have the watch. They are not only accountable for the results of the organization, but they are also responsible for the people who work for them. Leadership is a people business. The actions of a leader will have a deep impact on the lives and careers of the people they are responsible for. Natasha Goldstein, Founder and CEO, The Accountkeepers says, “As the founder of a fast-growing, people-based business, I could not put this book down. Unlike any other book on leadership I’ve read, Jon boils it down to what really matters: how you treat people.” Great leaders know that employees who are respected, appreciated, and are given the chance to grow will go the extra mile for your organization. This book provides real-world leadership wisdom written from a hands-on perspective. If you want to be a more effective leader, this is the one book you should read this year. “Start becoming a better leader today by reading this book.” Says Heather Eason, Founder and CEO, SELECT Power Systems