Book picks similar to
Ravenloft Gazetteer - Volume 3: A Ravenloft Campaign Setting Supplement by John W. Mangrum
Deities and Demigods
Rich RedmanJeff Easley - 2002
With abilities that reach nearly beyond the scope of mortal imagination, the splendor of the gods humbles even the greatest of heroes.This supplement for the D&D game provides everything you need to create and call upon the most powerful beings in your campaign. Included are descriptions and statistics for over seventy gods from four fully detailed pantheons. Along with suggestions for creating your own gods, Deities and Demigods also includes information on advancing characters to godhood.To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.
The Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings
Douglas Niles - 1993
Brilliant burglars and easygoing farmers. Now The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings reveals the secrets of these two popular races - their culture, beliefs, and subraces (including two new subraces), as well as twenty-eight new character kits, from the gnome Goblinsticker to the halfling Forestwalker. If you enjoy playing gnome or halfling characters, or if you're a DM interested in creating an all-gnome or all-halfling campaign, this is the book for you!
Player's Option: Spells and Magic (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, First Printing, Rulebook/2163)
Richard Baker - 1995
Within these pages you will find new spells and proficiencies for wizards and priests, plus further rules on spell research and magical item creation, new options for designing spellcasters, an alternate system of gaining and using spells, and much more. Use this book to bring out the full power and potential of any spellcasting character!
The Seven Sisters: Forgotten Realms Accessory
Ed Greenwood - 1995
Another is Elminster's beloved and the infamous Witch-Queen of Aglarond. The third is the Lady Mage of Waterdeep, peer and consort of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun, and the fourth is a Harper and one of the famous Knights of Myth Drannor. The fifth is a leader of the Harpers and a legendary bard in her own right, and the sixth is a dead - perhaps undead - witch. And the seventh? She's the one who wild tales are whispered about all across Faerûn around many a fireside late at night.But who are they, really? Their very names conjure up romance, allure, and power - Storm Silverhand, the Simbul, High Lady Alustriel. Sages say they are among the Chosen of Mystara, archmages who wield magic few can dare to stand against. Yet these seven do not seek to rule the world, and they often stay quiet and hidden for generations.That hints at another thing. These seven seem immortal, never aging as the long years pass. Just who are these Seven Sisters, and what are their secrets?Read this tome, and learn what the Zhentarim, the Red Wizards of Thay, and the Cult of the Dragon could not, despite performing many fell deeds in the attempt. Learn the stories of these great ladies, and their aims and strivings - and browse among over a hundred new and spectacular spells! Dungeon Masters and players alike will find this volume an essential sourcebook of Realmslore, and a handy guide to archsorceresses peerless in power.
Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins
Rich Redman - 2001
It's packed with ways to customize cleric and paladin characters, including: New feats, prestige classes, weapons, and equipment. More uses for turning checks, and new magic items and spells designed specially for clerics and paladins. Information about special organizations such as the Laughing Knives and the Stargazers. Detailed maps of temples that players and Dungeon Masters can use as bases of operation or as enemy structures that must be brought down. Indispensable to both players and Dungeon Masters, this book adds excitement to any campaign.
Dungeon Master's Guide
David Zeb Cook - 1995
All the information you need to create and run thrilling, swords-and sorcery adventures is clearly laid out in the "Dungeon Master Guide." Learn all there is to know about the magical spells, hundreds of magical spells, hundreds of magical devices and treasures, battles, travel, experience awards, and more. This fresh, new format is your guidebook to the challenging world of the AD&D Dungeon Master!Separate edition as previous AD&D 2nd edition as book has been revamped and updated with significant changes to structure and content.
Underdark (Dungeons & Dragons d20 Fantasy Roleplaying, Forgotten Realms Accessory)
Bruce R. CordellVance Kovacs - 2003
In addition to 25 new regional feats as well as new prestige classes, spells, monsters, and magic items, there is also background content on 60 cities and sites of interest, including extensive story content gathered from a multitude of Forgotten Realms products and articles.To help both players and dungeon masters use the book without players stumbling onto things they shouldn't, additional material for running a campaign is isolated in a single section of the book and includes adventure hooks.To use this accessory, you also need the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual.
Tome of Magic: Pact, Shadow, and Truename Magic
Matt Sernett - 2006
These magic subsystems function alongside the existing D&D ® magic system and offer new game mechanics, character options, and adventure possibilities. Within this tome you'll find three new standard classes -- one for each new kind of magic -- as well as new spells, feats, prestige classes, monsters, and magic items tied thematically to each.Pact MagicPowerful entities known as vestiges exist beyond the boundaries of life, death, and undeath. The binder uses pact magic -- a combination of symbols and secret rituals -- to summon these entities, strike bargains with them, and gain their formidable and sometimes bizarre supernatural powers.Shadow MagicThe Plane of Shadow is a dark, twisted reflection of the real world. The shadowcaster, by understanding the fundamental properties of the plane and unlocking its magical mysteries, learns to harness and channel its umbral gloom, shaping the darkness to serve her whim.Truename MagicEvery creature has a truename -- the word of its creation. The truenamer knows the primal language of the universe -- the language of Truespeech -- and learns the truenames of creatures and objects to gain control over them, transform them, or destroy them.
Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers (Dungeons & Dragons Accessory)
Mike Selinker - 2001
Masters of the Wild: A Guidebook to Barbarians, Druids, and Rangers contains strategies for creating specific types of characters, as well as advice for Dungeon Masters and players on how these types of characters could impact a campaign world. This volume contains details of skills, feats, and equipment for players who want to play a specific type of character beyond the information available in the Player's Handbook.
Song and Silence: A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues
John D. Rateliff - 2001
Packed with new ways to customize even the most artful characters this book includes: New feats, prestige classes, weapons, spells, magic items, and equipment. Complete guidelines for trapmaking, including 90 sample traps. Descriptions of a wide range of thieves' guilds and bardic colleges. Detailed rules for flanking opponents in combat. Dungeon Masters and players who want to add a new dimension to their bards and rogues will find a wealth of indispensable material within these pages. To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the "Player's Handbook," the "Dungeon Master's ""Guide," and the "Monster Manual." A player needs only the "Player's Handbook."
Sly Flourish's Dungeon Master Tips
Michael E. Shea - 2010
You’ve read both Dungeon Master’s guides. You’ve run a few games. You pick up ideas here and there on the net. Or maybe you're an old grizzled vet who has run games for 20 years.Maybe your game is feeling a little stale. Maybe your encounters didn’t run exactly as you wanted them too. Maybe you feel like you're stuck in a rut. Maybe you feel a bit overwhelmed when you have to come up with an exciting, creative game every week.You’re not looking for a huge tome on game theory. You don’t need yet another take on world-building. You’re looking for some practical tips you can use today to help you focus your energy in the right places and make some kick-ass D&D games for you and your friends. You want something you can read quick and start using right away.My friend, here is the book for you.This book was written to give you solid usable tips to help you build your story, design exciting encounters, and run a great game when you’re at the table. It’s a short book, designed to be read quickly and referenced often.Oh yeah, and it’s got some awesome original artwork by Jared Von Hindman of Head Injury Theater.This is a completely original book. Every chapter was written from scratch to help you focus on what’s important and get past some of the roadblocks we all face when designing a D&D game.
Dungeon Master's Screen: A 4th Edition D&D Accessory
Wizards of the Coast - 2008
Easy-to-reference rules and tables appear on the inside panels of the screen; these are designed for the Dungeon Master's eyes only and comply with the rules in the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons core rulebooks.
Arms and Equipment Guide
Eric Cagle - 2003
The well-stocked pages of this book hold an impressive inventory of merchandise to get you into and out of all manner of trouble, including:A caravanload of equipment, trade goods, alchemical items, poisons, mounts, and vehicles. Over 230 magic weapons and armors, such as the flameshroud axe, lance of the unending charge, and vampire hunter armor. Over 125 magic items, including new artifacts, such as elixir armor, rings of the hive mind, the ghost rod, and the bag of endless caltrops. Rules for vehicle combat on land, sea, and air. Within these pages, players and Dungeon Masters will find what they need to outfit their characters for nearly every contingency.To use this accessory, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Master's Guide. A player needs only the Player's Handbook.