Finding Peace, Happiness, and Joy

Richard G. Scott - 2007
    In his familiar, warm style, Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve outlines the truths we need to understand and embrace to live a life of peace, happiness, and joy. He covers such important topics as developing a godly character, receiving and responding to heavenly guidance, repenting of our sins, loving others, and learning to cope with what seems unfair. Using insightful stories and examples, Elder Scott mentors the reader while at the same time he teaches with profound apostolic counsel. If we will trust in the Lord's promises and accept the gifts he offers us, if we are obedient to his commandments, then we too can fulfill the scriptural declaration, "Men are, that they might have joy."

Counseling With Our Councils: Learning To Minister Together In The Church And In The Family

M. Russell Ballard - 1997
    Russell Ballard. He shows that the pattern for government by councils is divinely inspired and points out the wisdom and strength available in properly conducted councils. He teaches:

The Way Back to Heaven

S. Michael Wilcox - 2015
    In contrast, the prophet Jacob dreamed of a ladder sent down from heaven by God, with rungs—steps—that we could ascend to return to Him. In The Way Back to Heaven: The Parable of the Crystal Stairs, award-winning author S. Michael Wilcox helps us discern the "stairs of man" from the "stairs of God." Using the metaphor of a beautiful crystal stairway, he shows us the difference between a focus on "being and becoming" and "believing and doing" in our life's journey. While we may think we know the steps we'll need to take, the author suggests some unexpected—even counterintuitive—yet essential stairs each of us will encounter as we make our way back to our Father in Heaven.

Our Latter-Day Hymns: The Stories and the Messages

Karen Lynn Davidson - 1988
    In this volume you will find the stories of all the hymns in the 1985 LDS hymnbook, so far as those stories are known. Some of the hymns came about in ways that are quite dramatic and personal; others came into being under ordinary circumstances. And each of the more than three hundred hymns has a message all its own. Prepared with the cooperation and assistance of the General Music Committee of the Church, this companion to the hymnbook gives brief biographies of the authors and composers of the hymns, the stories of the hymns themselves, and an account of changes that may have ocurred in the words or in the music. Our Latter-day Hymns gives insight into the beliefs and history, hopes and fears of the people who sing these hymns. Church members who have music callings as well as those who simply enjoy singing will find this volume fascinating and informative.

Prophecy, Key to the Future

Duane S. Crowther - 1962
    This book is throughly researched-its scope is far-reaching and its evidence is reliable. The research in this book will help all who read it to prepare for the events to come. With over 450,000 copies in print, Prophecy, Key to the Future, is a must-have for every Latter-day Saint and Christians everywhere. ISBN: 0-882-90781-6, SIZE: 6x9", paperback

The Birth We Call Death

Paul H. Dunn - 1976
    Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, c1976.

A Witness and a Warning: A Modern-Day Prophet Testifies of the Book of Mormon

Ezra Taft Benson - 1988
    In A Witness and a Warning you will find President Benson's counsel, insight, testimony and teachings pertaining to the Book of Mormon.

Receiving Answers to Our Prayers

Gene R. Cook - 1991
    In Receiving Answers to Our Prayers, Elder Cook examines some of the most important principles and practices of prayer, which the Lord has taught us through scripture and through living prophets. By illustrating those principles through examples and many true-life stories, he shows that the Lord does answer prayers and suggests ways we can become more receptive to the answers the Lord sends. Elder Cook focuses on the difficult question of why answers do not always come in ways we expect and what we can do then to increase our faith.

The Infinite Atonement

Tad R. Callister - 2000
    Millet in his foreword to this landmark book. "Even some doctrines, though interesting and fun to discuss, must take a backseat to more fundamental and foundational doctrines. It is just so with the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The Atonement is the central act of human history, the pivotal point in all time, the doctrine of doctrines."With The Infinite Atonement, Brother Tad R. Callister offers us what may be the most comprehensive, yet understandable, treatment of the Atonement in our day. He thoughtfully probes the infinite scope of this "great and last sacrifice," describing its power and breadth and explaining how it redeems us all.Using the scriptures and the words of the prophets, Brother Callister explores the Savior's divinity and the depth of his love for mankind. He explains the blessings that flow from the Atonement, providing insight into the resurrection, repentance, and the gifts of peace, motivation, freedom, grace, and exaltation. He explains the relationship of justice and mercy and the importance of ordinances. Through discussing the effects of the fall of Adam and our individual sins, he reminds us in a powerful way of the incalculable debt of gratitude we owe Christ for his unparalleled offering."An attempt to master this doctrine requires an immersion of all our senses, all our feelings, and all our intellect," Brother Callister writes. "Given the opportunity, the Atonement will invade each of the human passions and faculties.... The Atonement is not a doctrine that lends itself to some singular approach, like a universal formula. It must be felt, not just 'figured'; internalized, not just analyzed.... The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the most supernal, mind-expanding, passionate doctrine this world or universe will ever know."With clarity, testimony, and understanding, The Infinite Atonement teaches us rich and wonderful truths about this "doctrine of doctrines," and elevates our spirits as we contemplate the perfect love of Him who gave all that we might receive all.

The Second Comforter: : Conversing with the Lord Through the Veil

Denver Carlos Snuffer Jr. - 2006
    It is an Odyssey through the greatest principles, ordinances and meanings of the Latter-day Saint faith in a comprehensive narrative. It will change the way you think of yourself, and of your life.

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers

Maria Covey Cole - 2009
    And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.” —D&C 64:33Caring for small children or keeping track of teenagers often leaves many women struggling to find contentment in their calling as mothers. In this inspirational text, Maria Covey Cole discusses the importance of gaining perspective on motherhood, shunning comparisons with others, and allowing our natures to be changed through the grace of Christ.This beautiful book provides a valuable perspective on the trials and joys of raising a family and the noble calling of motherhood by intertwining heartwarming stories, quotes from prophets and Apostles, and numerous scripture verses.

First Principles and Ordinances: The Fourth Article of Faith in Light of the Temple

Samuel Morris Brown - 2014
    A fresh focus on our relationships with God and other people can transform our understanding and experience of the Latter-day Saint gospel basics of faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost. In this book, Samuel M. Brown highlights continuity between the gospel’s first principles and ordinances and the highest ordinances of LDS temple worship. After encountering his tapestry woven of personal stories, scripture, LDS history, and perspectives of other religious traditions, you’ll never read the Fourth Article of Faith the same way again.

21 Days Closer to Christ

Emily Belle Freeman - 2007
    Each step of the journey introduces a new concept that will help you come to know and recognize the hand of the Lord in your life. With an emphasis on daily scripture study and personal prayer, each chapter concludes with an assignement designed to help you apply and personalize concepts such as humility, gratitude, and listening to the Spirit. In the rush of everyday life, this unique book provides a refreshing pause and the opportunity to focus our efforts on becoming closer to Christ.

Guide Me to Eternity

Christine T. Monsen - 1994
    The book in her own words, touchingly shares her pain and her transcendent love for her husband and coming to the firm knowledge of life after death.

Your Endowment

Mark A. Shields - 2009
    In this remarkable volume, Mark Shields, an experienced gospel teacher, casts new light on the symbolism inherent in temple ordinances and provides a wealth of insights that will change the way you worship. Whether you've been attending the temple for years or are preparing to enter for the first time, you will learn to love the temple, understand its purposes, and appreciate the rich symbolism it embodies. Your Endowment is a must-read for anyone looking to get more from temple worship.