Best of
Pillar of Light
Gerald N. Lund - 1994
I can see it on your face."For a moment, time seemed suspended as Nathan probed the inward recesses of his soul. There was still the incredulousness, still the sense of hearing something that couldn't possibly be true. And yet he knew it was. He knew without the least shadow of doubt that everything Joseph was telling him was true. And so, finally, with a wonder of his own, he said, "Yes, Joseph, I believe you."Pillar of Light — the first volume in the series The Work and the Glory — begins the epic story of the Benjamin Steed family. In the 1820s they move from Vermont to Palmyra Township in upstate New York in search of better farmland. There they meet a young man named Joseph Smith and are thrown into the maelstrom of conflict and controversy that swirls around him. Did he really see the Father and the Son in a pillar of light? Has he truly been visited by angelic messengers? What is all this talk about gold plates and new scripture? In short, is he a prophet and seer or a monumental fraud? The answers each one gives to these questions — intensely personal, potentially divisive — will dramatically affect the lives of the Steeds forever after.Author Gerald N. Lund here masterfully weaves together historical reality and high-powered fiction. In his hands this combination seems to make the reader an eyewitness to the early scenes of the Restoration, thus deepening one's understanding and appreciation of those momentous events. The well-drawn plot and fictional characters present a moving, gripping story. Here are Benjamin and Mary Ann Steed, devoted to each other as man and wife, yet at odds over religion; Joshua, their volatile son, who rebels and heads for trouble; the sensitive Nathan, their second son, in whom Joseph Smith's message strikes a responsive chord; the beautiful Lydia McBride, who captures the hearts of both Joshua and Nathan.This book skillfully explores the inmost motivations of Joseph Smith and his early followers and the responses of typical contemporary families to the claims he made. These people come to life in this powerful historical novel, a story that captures both the heartache and the happiness that came in the wake of Joseph's experience with the pillar of light.
Inspiring Experiences That Build Faith: From the Life and Ministry of Thomas S. Monson
Thomas S. Monson - 1994
Taken from events throughout his life, these accounts are organized into sections: Service to others, Faith Precedes Blessings, Prayer Availeth Much, Missionary Moments, Testimony Teaches Truth, Example of the Believers, and On the LIghter Side. One experience tells of an elderly man in oppressed Hungary. He had collected his tithing for forty years until he met a patriarch who could deposit it for him. Also, the man had tried unsuccessfully for many years to get permission to leave Hungary to attend the temple. Following a special blessing, his passport was finally approved and this faithful man received the temple ordinances. This example and many others depict the happiness that comes from obedience to the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ. Readers can find renewed strength in their testimonies through these faith-promoting experiences.
Jesus of Nazareth
Truman G. Madsen - 1994
Madsen shares his insights on the life and ministry of the Savior, available for the first time on CD. The same stimulating scholar and speaker who gave us the popular Joseph Smith the Prophet series, Brother Madsen draws on his experience as a former director of the BYU Jerusalem Center and leader of countless tours to the Holy Land to bring new illumination to many aspects of Christ’s unique mission. Topics include Jesus as the Shepherd and the Lamb, His baptism and temptation, and the Sermon on the Mount. The last four addresses deal with the Savior’s final week of mortality. These engrossing talks are sure to bring hours of fascinating listening to all students of the gospel and deepen testimonies of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What I Wish I'd Known in High School: A Crash Course in Teenage Survival
John Bytheway - 1994
Read by the author." 6 CDs.
That We Might Have Joy
Howard W. Hunter - 1994
Hunter asked members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "How often do we think of the Savior? How deeply and gratefully and how adoringly do we reflect on his life? How central to our lives do we know him to be?" Living a more Christlike life has long been a theme of President Hunter's messages to the Saints. That We Might Have Joy presents thirty-two of these messages, each expressing his testimony that "Christ's way is not only the right way, but ultimately the only way to hope and joy." The book is arranged in four parts"Making Christ Our Exemplar," "A Plea for Unity," "Facing Trials and Tribulations," and "Becoming Disciples of Christ." Each chapter within these sections draws from the scriptures an important message illustrating how using the Savior's life and teachings as our guide can lead to greater peace of mind and joy. President Hunter summarizes well this theme in his talk entitled "Facing Trials and Tribulations": "Our task is to have the gospel in our lives and to be a bright light, a city set on a hill, that reflects the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the joy and happiness that will always come to every people in every age who keep the commandments."
The Belonging Heart: The Atonement and Relationships with God and Family
Bruce C. Hafen - 1994
This book's theme deals with how the Atonement helps us build our relationships with the Lord and with others, especially family members. As we accept the Atonement, the Lord blesses us with a belonging heart. When we commit our lives to God, we show that commitment by how we give our lives, a day at a time, for the benefit of those we love_by how fully we let ourselves belong to them. The authors explain, 'In this kind of life, a full life of gracious connections with God and with other people, we may find where we really belong_for what we really were made.' This thought-provoking book helps us learn to gain the fulness of mortality by 'always abounding in good works, . . . [that] Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal [us] his.' (Mosiah 5:15.)
Gone Too Soon: The Life and Loss of Infants and Unborn Children
Sherri Devashrayee Wittwer - 1994
Maybe Christmas Doesn't Come From a Store
Jeffrey R. Holland - 1994
Guide Me to Eternity
Christine T. Monsen - 1994
The book in her own words, touchingly shares her pain and her transcendent love for her husband and coming to the firm knowledge of life after death.
A Children's Songbook Companion
Patricia Graham - 1994
The most complete and versatile resource available to help musicians and non-musicians alike teach children the love of the gospel through music and song! Includes: -Complete lesson plans for every song in the Children's Songbook -Hundreds of illustrations to copy and enlarge for teaching -Easy instructions-regardless of your level of musical experience You'll be able to: -Present and teach songs easily -Add fun and variety to your teaching -Challenge children of all ages and keep their attention -Create new lessons simply and effectively -Be well prepared to teach by the Spirit Perfect for: -Family home evening -Primary singing time -Family trips and vacations -Holidays and gatherings -Singing time at school The authors have drawn upon years of hands-on musical experience and professional talent to produce this complete one-source guide to help you share the joy of singing with every child in your life.
Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism
Donald W. Parry - 1994
The Autobiography of Elder Helvecio Martins
Helvecio Martins - 1994
Howard W. Hunter - 1994
Twenty General Authorities and general officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints explain how to create and nurture homes that are truly a refuge from the evils of the world.
Our Father's Plan
Boyd K. Packer - 1994
. . a shaft of sunlight streaming through stormy clouds . . . a field of yellow wheat lying ready for harvest. Each of these visual images reminds us of our Heavenly Father's love and of His eternal plan. President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, clearly teaches what has been revealed about the origin of the human family and about our relationship to God. Dramatic photographs complement the text and remind us of the scope and grandeur of God's creation and of our own divine heritage and limitless potential. "If we have come to know our Father's plan, we are never completely lost. We know something of how it was before our mortal birth. We know much of what lies beyond the horizon on either side, and which path will be safe for us to follow. With a knowledge of the plan comes also the determination to live the principles leading to eternal life." Pointing out that "gospel principles are not always fully explained in one place in the scriptures nor presented in order or sequence," President Packer draws together the segments of the plan of salvation: premortal life, mortality, life beyond the grave, and the mission of the Church. Each section includes a clear explanation a long with numerous scriptural references. Central to the plan is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, in His role as Creator and Redeemer, makes possible our rescue from death and our redemption from sin. President Packer bears his special witness of the Savior and explains the debt owed Him by all creation. Filled with a timeless and precious message, Our Father's Plan is a reminder of the love of God and of the merciful plan He has fashioned to provide eternal life for His children.
The Radiant Life
Truman G. Madsen - 1994
Topics include prayer and the atonement.Truman G. Madsen received graduate degrees in philosophy and the philosophy of religion from the University of Utah and Harvard. He served as the director of the Judeo-Christian Studies Center at BYU and as director of the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies. He is widely recognized as an expert on the life and teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Brother Madsen, who passed away in the summer of 2009, was a prolific author who is also known for his memorable audio and video presentations on a variety of gospel subjects.