Best of
The Continuous Atonement
Brad Wilcox - 2009
Everyone knows that. But when the priest flubs it, what happens? Even though the expectation of perfection cannot be lowered, the person giving the prayer gets a second chance, and a third, and a fourth, if he needs them. No matter how many mistakes he makes along the way, when he does finally get it right, the outcome is counted as perfect and acceptable."God, like the bishop, cannot lower the standard that we ultimately become perfect," writes Brad Wilcox, "but He can give us many opportunities to start again. . . . Perfection is our long-term goal, but for now our goal is progress in that direction - continues progress that is possible only through the continuous Atonement."
Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Environment
Danny Silk - 2009
Through many relevant and true-life stories, the church is revealed as a place of freedom, respect, empowerment, and healthy discipline (not punishment). Culture of Honor challenges the status quo of church leadership structure and presents a refreshing view of the five-fold ministry. Jesus acknowledged this important principle in Matthew 20:25-26: "But Jesus called them to Himself and said, 'You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant." If those with power learn how to empower those around them, then surely it will come to pass that, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Today you can apply the truths revealed to relationships in your family, workplace, community, ministry, church--anywhere you deal with others.
Daughters of God
M. Russell Ballard - 2009
"While women live in homes under many different circumstances--married, single, widowed, or divorced, some with children and some without--all are beloved of God, and He has a plan for His righteous daughters to receive the highest blessings of eternity," writes Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve. Elder Ballard's respect and love for women are evident in the way he speaks about them, which he has done in several landmark addresses in recent years. Daughters of God presents three of those classic messages to and about women, accented with inspirational images. A perfect gift, this meaningful book will lift and encourage women in all of life's circumstances.
Your Endowment
Mark A. Shields - 2009
In this remarkable volume, Mark Shields, an experienced gospel teacher, casts new light on the symbolism inherent in temple ordinances and provides a wealth of insights that will change the way you worship. Whether you've been attending the temple for years or are preparing to enter for the first time, you will learn to love the temple, understand its purposes, and appreciate the rich symbolism it embodies. Your Endowment is a must-read for anyone looking to get more from temple worship.
The Hidden Christ: Beneath the Surface of the Old Testament
James L. Ferrell - 2009
Ferrell admits that he used to ask himself that question. However, there came a time in his life when he discovered what he had been missing, and at that point he "absolutely fell head over heals in love with the book." "But I had to discover something before I fell in love," he writes. "I had to discover that the most powerful messages--about the gospel and about life--lie hidden just below the surface of the stories in the book. When I learned to ask questions that penetrated the surface, the Old Testament opened up to reveal a wonderland of inspiring truth and practical insight."The Hidden Christ is the author's journey of discovery within the Old Testament, a journey that led him to find Christ in every story, every personality, every occurrence presented in that foundational work of scripture. This innovative and invigorating book explores many of these similitudes in depth, offering a perspective that illuminates Old Testament passages in surprising new ways.Here is the table of contents:PART ONE: CHRIST AND THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLDChapter 1: The Parallel CreationChapter 2: The Fall and Redemption of AgencyChapter 3: God and Man after the FallPART TWO: CHRIST AND THE PATRIARCHSChapter 4: Exploring the Abrahamic CovenantChapter 5: Another Look at Abraham and IsaacChapter 6: Christ and the Patriarchal OrderPART THREE: CHRIST AND THE HOUSE OF ISRAELChapter 7: Temporal and Spiritual Salvation through JosephChapter 8: The Exodus: Deliverance through the DelivererChapter 9: The Temple As the Way of Escape and ReturnChapter 10: Understanding the Law of MosesChapter 11: Discovering DeuteronomyChapter 12: Early Years in the Promised Land: The Pattern of Fall and RedemptionChapter 13: Samuel and the Messianic KingdomChapter 14: David, Saul, Jonathan, and the Allegory of SalvationChapter 15: The Houses of the Kings and the House of the LordChapter 16: Elijah and the Four Great SeparationsChapter 17: The Lord's Question to JonahChapter 18: The House of Israel As a Type and ShadowChapter 19: The Dispensations of the Lord's PeoplePART FOUR: CHRIST AND THE WRITINGSChapter 20: Job, David, and the Suffering of the LordChapter 21: The Wisdom of the ScripturesChapter 22: The Old Testament's Unified Testimony
Women of the Old Testament
Camille Fronk Olson - 2009
Women of the Old Testament focuses on twenty remarkable women representing different ages, economic circumstances, family status, and cultures. All of them had challenges, but each had a divine potential to contribute to the Lord s work. Bestselling author Camille Fronk Olson brings these women to life, going beyond the traditional scripture story to provide insights that are amazingly relevant today. Elspeth Young s exquisite, full- color illustrations also reveal something about each woman s life and the customs associated with her culture. A Points to Ponder section at the end of each chapter offers thoughtful questions to consider individually or in a discussion group.
Saying It Like It Is
Sheri Dew - 2009
Her personable and engaging approach has made her a favorite among people all over the world. In this collection, she shares some of the simple, stunning, sobering truths that have become her trademark: When we come to understand not only who we are but who we have always been and therefore who we may become the choice between following Christ or embracing the world is really no choice at all. The only way to be happy is to live the gospel. It is not possible to sin enough to be happy. We are here to influence the world rather than to be influenced by the world. If we could unleash the full influence of covenant- keeping women, the kingdom of God would change overnight. Paired with inspirational images in a beautifully designed gift book, her unflinchingly honest insights bring clarity to some of the most important issues we face today.
Why?: Powerful Answers and Practical Reasons for Living LDS Standards
John A. Hilton - 2009
The authors use quotes from Church leaders, informative real- life stories, and colorful graphics to engage the minds of teenagers. Most important, this invaluable book gives readers, including leaders and parents, the doctrinal whys to back up the standards found in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. Features answers to more than 100 questions, such as: Why do some people who break the commandments appear happy? Why shouldn t I just try alcohol, just so I can see what it tastes like? Why is wearing two pairs of earrings such a big deal? Or is it? Why is it wrong to steady date someone if we both have high standards? Why is 16 the magical age is it all that different from 15? Why is pornography a big deal if it doesn t hurt anybody? Why shouldn't I wear flip-flops to Church? Why do some people who pay tithing still not have a lot of money? Why should I talk to the bishop about certain sins?
The Divine Commodity: Discovering a Faith Beyond Consumer Christianity
Skye Jethani - 2009
A growing number of people are disturbed by the values exhibited by the contemporary church. Worship has become entertainment, the church has become a shopping mall, and God has become a consumable product. Many sense that something is wrong, but they cannot imagine an alternative way. The Divine Commodity finally articulates what so many have been feeling and offers hope for the future of a post-consumer Christianity. Through Scripture, history, engaging narrative, and the inspiring art of Vincent van Gogh, The Divine Commodity explores spiritual practices that liberate our imaginations to live as Christ's people in a consumer culture opposed to the values of his kingdom. Each chapter shows how our formation as consumers has distorted an element of our faith. For example, the way churches have become corporations and how branding makes us more focused on image than reality. It then energizes an alternative vision for those seeking a more meaningful faith. Before we can hope to live differently, we must have our minds released from consumerism's grip and captivated once again by Christ.
Weakness Is Not Sin: The Liberating Distinction That Awakens Our Strengths
Wendy Ulrich - 2009
Better understanding the distinction allows us to put more energy into building on our strengths, helping us to feel worthy and to find true joy in our redemption.
What the Scriptures Teach Us about Raising a Child
S. Michael Wilcox - 2009
Michael Wilcox applies in What the Scriptures Teach Us about Raising a Child his considerable scriptural knowledge and practical insight to the subject of parenting.Through examples both of God's dealings with us and also of scriptural parents' dealings with their own children, Brother Wilcox explores a variety of subjects, including how to--- Receive Heavenly Father's insights about your unique child- Say no- Build long-term relationships- Inspire such qualities as virtue, compassion, and resilience- Help a child who is struggling- Manage your own parental expectations, and much more.In an ever-changing world, the kind of parenting book you can trust would be an authoritative source with time-proven principles that rise above social trends.It would provide real examples and clear answers.And it would acknowledge the incomparable rewards--earthly and eternal--of raising children.Simply put, the kind of parenting book you can trust would offer the hope and the help to be found in the scriptures, written by a guide well versed both in the scriptures themselves and in the day-to-day trials and joys of parenting.That book is What the Scriptures Teach Us about Raising a Child.
24 Hours That Changed The World
Adam Hamilton - 2009
In this Lenten journey, Adam Hamilton guides us through the last twenty-four hours of Jesus' life. Each chapter is designed to help the reader experience and understand the significance of Jesus' suffering and death in a way you have never done before. Whether readers are long-time Christians or simply curious about the story of Christ's crucifixion, they are invited to join the author in retracing the last 24 hours of Jesus' life. The program that supports this product includes: 1) a DVD that contains session video filmed in the Holy Land and a leader's guide; and 2) a paperback devotional book. Lent, Lenten, Lenten Resource, Lenten Resources, Lent Study, Lent Studies, Easter, Easter Study, Easter Studies
Manuscript Revelations Books
Dean C. Jessee - 2009
Revelations and Translations, Volume 1, features two manuscript books into which scores of Joseph Smith's revelations, dated from 1828 to 1834, were copied by early Church scribes. The revelations copied into these two books became the primary basis for the canonized books of Joseph Smith's revelations: the Book of Commandments, published in 1833, and the first edition of the Doctrine and Covenants (1835). These revelation books are some of the earliest documents relating to the Restoration and the work of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and they rank among the most important documents in the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. In this oversized, full- color volume, the handwritten revelations will be reproduced on the left- hand pages, with the corresponding transcriptions (including annotations) on the right- hand pages. Many who have viewed the texts said they felt they were experiencing a rare "spiritual artifact." This landmark work will provide easy access to accurate and complete texts of these foundational documents.
65 Signs of the Times: Leading Up to the Second Coming
David J. Ridges - 2009
In fact, these signs were designed by the Lord to alert true believers to his imminent return. The question is, Will you recognize the signs? In this revised edition, David Ridges, author of the best-selling Gospel Studies Made Easier series, combines current events with ancient prophecy to illuminate how the signs of the times are already being fulfilled in our day. By carefully compiling his latest research and the words of modern prophets, Ridges presents these signs in a clear, easy-to-follow format, perfect for at-a-glance reference or more in-depth study. To help you understand them quickly, these signs are categorized as: 1. Fulfilled 2. Being Fulfilled 3. Yet to be Fulfilled Don t panic. Read 65 Signs of the Times and gain the peace of mind to take a positive approach to life in the last days.
The John Bytheway Collection, Volume 2
John Bytheway - 2009
Volume 2 also includes a bonus talk titled Be Thou an Example of the Believers the 2009 theme for the young men and young women. Volume 2 includes: What Are You Carrying in Your Backpack? How to Be Totally Miserable How to Be an Extraordinary Teen Dating 911 (2 CDs) What I Wish I d Known When I Was Single Bytheway, It s John: The Second Verse You re Gonna Make It Honoring the Priesthood as a Deacon, a Teacher, and a Priest (2 CDs) NEW! Be Thou an Example of the Believers
Feasting on the Word: Year B, Volume 3: Pentecost and Season After Pentecost 1
David L. Bartlett - 2009
When complete, the twelve volumes of the series will cover all the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with movable occasions, such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints' Day.For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays--one each on the theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical challenges of the text. This gives preachers sixteen different approaches to the proclamation of the Word on any given occasion.The editors and contributors to this series are world-class scholars, pastors, and writers representing a variety of denominations and traditions. And while the twelve volumes of the series will follow the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, each volume will contain an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers, as well as teachers and students, may make use of its contents.
When Pigs Move In: How to Sweep Clean the Demonic Influences Impacting Your Life and the Lives of Others
Don Dickerman - 2009
They take possession of lives, oppress believers and wreak havoc on the plans of God for His people. Could they be the source of YOUR struggles? Jesus did not say to counsel demons out or to medicate them out; He said, “Cast them out!” Every day, we give demons too much power when in fact, Jesus has given us authority to bind them and command them to leave. In When Pigs Move In, Don Dickerman delivers principles for deliverance, providing stories of men and women whose lives have been transformed because someone looked the devil right in the eye and commanded: “In Jesus’ name, get OUT!” Dickerman includes interviews and insight into such notable conversions as David Berkowitz (Son of Sam), Ed Ferncombe (one of Ireland’s worst criminals), and many others who have been delivered and set free.
Leading Women Who Wound: Strategies for an Effective Ministry
Sue Edwards - 2009
Given the fallen nature of the human heart as well as the complexities of personalities, conflict is an inevitable aspect of ministry. How do women deal with emotions when other women are insensitive, manipulative, or just plain mean? What does the Bible tell us? To be equpped for conflict, women must understand and master strategies specifically related to conflict with other women. Leading Women Who Wound shows women how to effectively deal with conflict within their ministries. Seasoned women's ministry leaders themselves, Sue Edwards and Kelley Mathews walk through several different aspects of conflict resolution including self examination, identification of potential sources of conflict, tools for conflict resolution, and insight on how to prevent and move beyond conflict to minister to those who have been sources of contention. Recognizing that not all conflict results in a happy ending, Leading Women Who Wound gives the tools necessary to minister effectively and move forward with integrity.
Achieving Your Life Mission
Randal A. Wright - 2009
But how do you know what those tasks are? In Achieving Your Life Mission, Randal Wright guides you through the process of finding and fulfilling those unique tasks by asking the Lord specific questions, learning to recognize your gifts, teaching yourself to turn weaknesses into strengths, and much more. Using insightful stories from the lives of both ancient and modern prophets, Randal shows how even the most perfect men have their weaknesses. Become the person you promised you would be and begin achieving your life mission today.
Feasting on the Word: Year C, Volume 2, Lent through Eastertide
David L. Bartlett - 2009
When complete, the twelve volumes of the series will cover all the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with movable occasions, such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints' Day.For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays--one each on the theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical challenges of the text. This gives preachers sixteen different approaches to the proclamation of the Word on any given occasion.The editors and contributors to this series are world-class scholars, pastors, and writers representing a variety of denominations and traditions. And while the twelve volumes of the series will follow the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, each volume will contain an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers, as well as teachers and students, may make use of its contents.
Praying with the Saints for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Susan Tassone - 2009
This inspiring book shows how you can join the saints in this act of divine charity, thereby attaining spiritual gifts for acts done for the souls that cry out to us for relief. "Over the years, Susan Tassone has been tirelessly writing and teaching about this revered tradition of praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Her meticulous research and attention to both historical and spiritual detail has helped many to understand more deeply the value of this singular devotion and selfless way of prayer. She has brought a whole new dimension to this devotion, seeing it through the spiritual writings and traditions of saints throughout the centuries." -- Cardinal Ivan DiasNihil Obstat: Rev. Michael Heintz, Ph.DImprimatur: John M. D'Arcy, Bishop of of Fort Wayne-South BendBibliography: 133-134total pages of paperback in hand: 143
Choosing Glory
Lili DeHoyos Anderson - 2009
Dr. Anderson applies a three realms perspective to daily choices, dating, marriage, parenting, stress, and progression. She offers concrete tools to help us find safety from telestial elements that threaten our peace and reminds us that we were meant for more than a good terrestrial life. This book invites us to recognize that every day we are--in fact--choosing glory.
Way to Be!: 9 Rules For Living the Good Life
Gordon Hinckley - 2009
Drawing upon his faith as well as his personal experience, Gordon B. Hinckley provides his readers with a game plan for discovering and embracing the things in life that are valuable and worthwhile. He shows how our lives are shaped by the decisions we make every day about personal behavior -- and he shows how to make the right decisions with the help of nine guiding principles. With its vivid anecdotes, invaluable precepts, and timeless wisdom, Way to Be! will be a source of both inspiration and practical advice for young people everywhere who want to lead better, fuller, more satisfying lives.
Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C Volume 1
David L. Bartlett - 2009
When complete, the twelve volumes of the series will cover all the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with movable occasions, such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints' Day. For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays--one each on the theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical challenges of the text. This gives preachers sixteen different approaches to the proclamation of the Word on any given occasion. The editors and contributors to this series are world-class scholars, pastors, and writers representing a variety of denominations and traditions. And while the twelve volumes of the series will follow the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, each volume will contain an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers, as well as teachers and students, may make use of its contents.
Hope In Our Hearts
Russell M. Nelson - 2009
Nelson, who, prior to his call into the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, was a pioneering cardiac surgeon. Today, as an Apostle, he understands our hearts in a new way — most particularly, he understands our need for hope in our hearts. As a special witness of Jesus Christ, he testifies powerfully of where that hope can be found.In Hope in Our Hearts, Elder Nelson brings his remarkable grasp of the gospel and his unique medical training to bear in eighteen outstanding messages that focus on family and relationships, Church doctrine, and personal growth. The book includes such classic addresses as: “Nurturing Marriage,” “Jesus Christ — The Master Healer,” and “The Magnificence of Man,” as well as some talks that aren’t widely available, such as “The Family: The Hope for the Future of Nations,” a landmark message given at the World Congress on Families V. An introduction written especially for this book includes important experiences, lessons, and photographs from his life.“All of God’s children encounter challenges and frustrations in life,” writes Elder Nelson. “That is part of our mortal experience. We also know that truly faithful people are produced not by fleeting flashes of exuberant effort but by continuous consistency in keeping the commandments of God. As we follow Jesus Christ, pressing forward one step at a time, we can do all that the Lord would have us do.”
I Trust When Dark My Road: A Lutheran View of Depression
Todd A. Peperkorn - 2009
The book also offers suggestions to help a loved one battling depression.
Feasting on the Word: Year B, Volume 4: Season After Pentecost 2
David L. Bartlett - 2009
When complete, the twelve volumes of the series will cover all the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with movable occasions, such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints' Day.For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays--one each on the theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical challenges of the text. This gives preachers sixteen different approaches to the proclamation of the Word on any given occasion.The editors and contributors to this series are world-class scholars, pastors, and writers representing a variety of denominations and traditions. And while the twelve volumes of the series will follow the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, each volume will contain an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers, as well as teachers and students, may make use of its contents.
The Trellis and the Vine: The Ministry Mind-Shift that Changes Everything
Colin Marshall - 2009
Vine work is the Great Commission.And there is trellis work: creating and maintaining the physical and organizational structures and programs that support vine work and its growth.What’s the state of the trellis and the vine in your part of the world? Has trellis work taken over, as it has a habit of doing? Is the vine work being done by very few (perhaps only the pastor and only on Sundays)? And is the vine starting to wilt as a result?The image of the trellis and the vine raises all the fundamental questions of Christian ministry: * What is the vine for? * How does the vine grow? * How does the vine relate to my church? * What is vine work and what is trellis work, and how can we tell the difference? * What part do different people play in growing the vine? * How can we get more people involved in vine work? In The Trellis and the Vine, Colin Marshall and Tony Payne answer these urgent questions afresh. They dig back into the Bible’s view of Christian ministry, and argue that a major mind-shift is required if we are to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ, and see the vine flourish again.
Seeing As God Sees: Discovering the Wonder of Ourselves and Others
S. Michael Wilcox - 2009
In this inspiring presentation, gifted teacher Michael Wilcox helps us recognize the wonder and power in each of us. With personal stories and fresh perspectives about scriptural accounts, he explains that, while we may see our weakness and failings, God always sees our potential. Brother Wilcox teaches that God puts things in our lives that help prepare us for future challenges. He bears witness that we all have spiritual gifts to give each other and to the Church even though we don t always recognize it. Stories about a report card, about the importance of nicknames, of mite moments, and of the Jonathan factor provide aha moments, helping us see ourselves and others as God sees us.
God Work: Confessions Of A Standup Theologian
Randy Harris - 2009
The Pearl of Great Price Made Easier
David J. Ridges - 2009
This incredibly useful guide to better understanding the Pearl of Great Price is a helpful, user-friendly tool for your scripture study. The full text of the Pearl of Great Price is included, with brief notes of explanation between and within the verses to aid your comprehension of the scriptures. Brought to you by best-selling author David J. Ridges, Your Study of the Pearl of Great Price Made Easier is an essential part of our popular Gospel Studies Series. With this convenient, informative guide, you will be better able to grasp the meaning of the Lord's words as you feast upon them.
Trails to Testimony: Bringing Young Men to Christ Through Scouting
Bradley D. Harris - 2009
Hinckley said, "There is no more significant work in this world than the preparation of boys to become men . . . who are qualified to live productive and meaningful lives." And President Thomas S. Monson underscores this thought when he says that "It's easier to build boys than to mend them." Bradley D. Harris, professor of recreational management and youth leadership at Brigham Young University, and past member of the LDS Young Mens General Board, challenges parents and youth leaders alike to rediscover the spiritual dimensions of Scouting-to focus on the close relationship that should exist between Scouting and the Aaronic Priesthood. The author's 22-year professional career with the Boy Scouts of America, combined with extensive experience within the Church in various priesthood leadership capacities, gives him invaluable insights into the responsibilities that parents and leaders have in bringing young men to Christ. "The family is the first institution charged with bringing young men to Christ. . . . Working in harmony, the family and the Aaronic Priesthood should create an atmosphere where young men's individual testimonies can . . . flourish." Trails to Testimony is a powerful guide for families and leaders entrusted with the sacred responsibility of teaching and guiding the young men of the Church.
Jehovah and the World of the Old Testament: An Illustrated Reference for Latter-Day Saints
Richard Neitzel Holzapfel - 2009
Richly illustrated with hundreds of images, including original artwork, artifacts, maps, and timelines, the book presents an indepth look at life in the ancient world and provides much- needed context to the biblical text. Discover the origins of the books of the Old Testament and learn how these teachings have been shared and preserved. Explore the role of prophets, prophecy, and politics, and examine scriptural issues that have been debated by scholars throughout the ages. More than 400 topics provide valuable insights into Old Testament times, from portraits of key personalities to controversial legends that have persisted to our day. This unique resource will enrich your study of the Old Testament as never before!
From Eternity to Here: Rediscovering the Ageless Purpose of God
Frank Viola - 2009
A drama that unfolded before time began. An epic saga that resonates with the heartbeat of God. A story that reveals nothing less than the meaning of life and God's great mission in the earth.From Eternity to Here presents three remarkable stories spanning from Genesis to Revelation. Each story traces a divine theme that is woven throughout scripture. Seen together, they offer an extraordinary glimpse into God's highest passion and grand mission. What you discover will forever change your view of life, the church, and our magnificent God.
Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Christopher Kimball Bigelow - 2009
In their wake, beautiful temples have sprung up on nearly every continent. These buildings are the heart and soul of local LDS congregations and represent much more than places of worship. Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is both an architecture and history book that chronicles the growth of the LDS faith as it spread around the world. With their elegant spires reaching to the heavens and massive square footage, Mormon temples are majestic structures. See spectacular examples of LDS international architecture, including the Campinas Brazil Temple, Taipei Taiwan Temple, and the Aba Nigeria Temple. Located on the LDS Church’s headquarters, the Salt Lake City Temple is recognized around the world as a symbol of the church. Learn about this remarkable building and all of the religious symbols incorporated into its design. Each spread includes an introduction to the temple, as well as a section containing more specific details such as address, events (dates of dedications, ground breaking) exteriors (design style, materials, dimensions), interiors (square footage, number of rooms), and temple district. This engaging book includes a giant, colorfully illustrated gate-fold guide to symbols in LDS temple design.
Kinship by Covenant: A Canonical Approach to the Fulfillment of God's Saving Promises
Scott Hahn - 2009
In this deeply researched and thoughtful book, Scott Hahn shows how covenant, as an overarching theme, makes possible a coherent reading of the diverse traditions found within the canonical scriptures. Biblical covenants, though varied in form and content, all serve the purpose of extending sacred bonds of kinship, Hahn explains. Specifically, divine covenants form and shape a father-son bond between God and the chosen people. Biblical narratives turn on that fact, and biblical theology depends upon it. With meticulous attention to detail, the author demonstrates how divine sonship represents a covenant relationship with God that has been consistent throughout salvation history. A canonical reading of this divine plan reveals an illuminating pattern of promise and fulfillment in both the Old and New Testaments. God’s saving mercies are based upon his sworn commitments, which he keeps even when his people break the covenant.
Beloved Enos
Denver Carlos Snuffer Jr. - 2009
Snuffer, Jr. the Book of Enos, the third writer in the Book of Mormon, is explained. This book-length commentary on Enos' writing discusses details which go unnoticed by most readers. Enos wrote in a cryptic style which employed symbols to convey deep meaning in few words. He inscribed his writings on metal plates with limited space, and therefore he wrote to make each word of his book convey meaning. This commentary sheds light on Enos in a way which has not been provided by any previous writer. It will reveal to the reader some of the deepest and most profound messages of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as understood, taught and practiced by the ancient prophet Enos.
Living in the Spirit: Drawing Us to God, Sending Us to the World
George O. Wood - 2009
George Wood's ability to express orthodox Pentecostal theology in creative and refreshing ways is unique. He lucidly expresses his desire that Pentecostals resist being content with memories of powerful past encounters with the Spirit and instead seek to be overwhelmed by the Spirit and demonstrate the enduring evidence of His fullness.
This Odd and Wondrous Calling: The Public and Private Lives of Two Ministers
Lillian Daniel - 2009
Two people still pastoring reflect honestly here on both the joys and the challenges of their vocation. Anecdotal and extremely readable, the book covers a diversity of subjects revealing the incredible variety of a pastor’s day. The chapters move from comedy to pathos, story to theology, Scripture to contemporary culture. This Odd and Wondrous Calling is both serious and fun and is ideal for those who are considering the ministry or who want a better understanding of their own minister’s life.
World Upside Down: Reading Acts in the Graeco-Roman Age
C. Kavin Rowe - 2009
Kavin Rowe argues that the time is long overdue for a sophisticated, critically constructive reappraisal. "A brilliant piece of work by a young scholar of considerable promise."--First Things"This well-written, well-argued book is a must read for New Testament scholars." -- Review of Biblical Literature "This sophisticated argument offers a comprehensive vision of Acts and deserves a wide readership." -- Religious Studies Review"There is so much happening in these pages that a slow and careful read will provoke sustained thoughts on a variety of subjects of ecclesial interest ranging from Christianity and culture to issues of tolerance and political theology." -- Themelios
Awake, Arise, and Come Unto Christ: Talks from the 2008 BYU Women's Conference
Brigham Young UniversityThomas S. Monson - 2009
Drawing on Moroni s exhortation to Awake, arise, and come unto Christ, the theme for the 2008 BYU Women s Conference invites us to awake to who we are and to the expansive reach of our influence as women of God, to arise by making of our lives a ministry as the Savior did, and to come unto Christ by choosing holiness and purity over worldliness. Contributors including President Thomas S. Monson, Elder and Sister Merrill Bateman, Julie B. Beck, John Bytheway, Sheri Dew, Mary Ellen Edmunds, Marie Hafen, and Carolyn Rasmus remind us that Jesus Christ can heal us, strengthen us, sanctify us, lift us, and redeem us, and that nothing is more important than being a follower of Jesus Christ.Young Women General Presidency For the Strength of Youth: A Resource for Parents and LeadersBarbara Thompson Lay Hold upon Every Good GiftSilvia H. Allred Principles of Self-RelianceElizabeth Ricks Discover, Develop and Honor Your GiftsPresident Thomas S. Monson Joy in the JourneySheri Dew Awake, Arise, and Come Unto ChristJeffrey N. Clayton Turning the MTC into a Review, Not a RevelationLolly S. and Russell T. Osguthorpe A Partnership of Equals: “Neither is the Man without the Woman, Neither the Woman without the Man”Ana Maria Coburn Sacred Relationships and Self-Reliance
The Church and the Surprising Offense of God's Love: Reintroducing the Doctrines of Church Membership and Discipline
Jonathan Leeman - 2009
Many churches have adopted this mind-set in their practice of membership and discipline-if they have not done away with such structures entirely. "Yet God's love and God's gospel are different than what the world expects," writes Jonathan Leeman. They're centered in his character, which draws a clear boundary between what is holy and what is not. It's this line that the local church should represent in its member practices, because the careful exercise of such authority "is God's means for guarding the gospel, marking off a people, and thereby defining his love for the world."So how should churches receive and dismiss members? How should Christians view their submission to the church? Are there dangers in such submission? The Church and the Surprising Offense of God's Love responds with biblical, theological, and practical guidance-from both corporate and individual perspectives. It's a resource that will help pastors and their congregations upend worldly conceptions and recover a biblical understanding and practice of church authority.
Praying in Color Kid's Edition
Sybil MacBeth - 2009
This is prayer that makes sense to kids. One minute a day will do. Any time of the day will work. Drawing with markers or crayons is h alf the prayer; the other half is carrying the visual memories throughout the day. Ages 5-11.Praise for Praying in Color: Sybil MacBeth is a math teacher and a dancer, and she is active in her local church in Memphis, Tennessee. Her first book, Praying in Color, has changed the prayer lives of many thousands of Christian adults, and now she has created the ideal version for kids. Sybil has been leading Praying in Color workshops across the U.S. for the last three years. You can visit her at
Men of Influence: The Potential of the Priesthood to Lift the World
Robert L. Millet - 2009
Millet describes how men can become men of influence, thereby blessing their families and neighborhoods even the world. How are we enabled to receive the Lord s power? Brother Millet explains that maturing spiritually isn't accomplished merely by being active in the Church and holding a current temple recommend, although those are necessary. Men of Influence encourages men to achieve that connection between heaven and earth which eventually makes a good man into a holy man, transforming a noble man into a man who can lift the world. If you feel you re living beneath your potential as a priesthood bearer (or if someone you love is), this book provides inspiration and practical advice to enable you to become one of the Lord's valiant servants.
Be Still...and Let Your Nail Polish Dry
Andrea Boeshaar - 2009
Go to the bank during lunch. Pick up cat food. Take Emily to ballet at 500. Go to choir practice. Run the dishwasher. Remember to breathe sometime today.... Todays Christian women are busy. Theyre wives, moms and businesswomen. They juggle families, careers, responsibilities and harried schedules. They look after the best interests of others, but have little time for themselves. Be Still...and Let Your Nail Polish Dry is a devotional designed for todays busy womenwomen who need a moment to relax, refresh and think about their own spiritual wellbeing. With contemporary, upbeat, humorous devotions from beloved authors Andrea Boeshaar, Sandie Bricker, Debby Mayne and Loree Lough, women will renew their spirits and grow closer to God in the time it takes to paint a set of fingernails.
Neal Maxwell Quote Book
Cory H. Maxwell - 2009
Maxwell's conference addresses, many listeners must have wished there were some means to capture and hold those skillfully crafted phrases that mark his stimulating style. With the publication of this book, that wish has been spectacularly granted. The quotations within these pages — over fifteen hundred in all — have been selected not only from his addresses but also from his numerous published books. Bearing eloquent gospel witness, they are spread through three hundred subjects. An extensive index further enhances this user-friendly book. And although this volume is formatted as a reference book, the power and focus of the individual quotations are such that the book can be read straight through with both spiritual and intellectual delight. Finding out the deep things of God, said Joseph Smith, requires “time, and experience, and careful and ponderous and solemn thoughts.” That the author has paid the price is evident. For example, of the plan of salvation he writes: “It does no violence even to our frail human logic to observe that there cannot be a grand plan of salvation for all mankind unless there is also a plan for each individual.” This profound statement gives all of us cause to ponder. And there is much, much more. This book will be of immense value not only to the ordinary reader and in the home but also to teachers of priesthood, Relief Society, and auxiliary classes. It is indeed a gold mine of gospel nuggets that will greatly assist, comfort, and encourage the traveler along life's path.
The Power of a Praying Church: Experiencing God Move as We Pray Together
Stormie Omartian - 2009
Helps readers to: strengthen their personal prayer times with God; experience the joy of finding a prayer partner; change their lives by becoming part of a dynamic prayer group; uncover the far-reaching power of a praying church; and, discover how in the world they can make a difference.
The Blessed Marriage: Experiencing Heaven on Earth in Your Marriage
Robert Morris - 2009
Can marriage really be heaven on earth? Robert & Debbie Morris open their hearts and lives, revealing the stories and sharing the principles that led them to "The Blessed Marriage."
Lyfsgud: If God Sent You a Text Message
Laurel Christensen - 2009
And if texting was His chosen method, He would do it. But, for now, it s not. He wants you to come to Him in prayer and scripture study and personal worship time. So, don t let these text devotionals be replacements for any of that. But if they can be little reminders of messages He is trying to send you, then they ve done their job. LYFSGUD is full of inspirational thoughts especially for Latter- day Saint young women. Laurel s unique way of putting things will help them understand on a deeply personal level that they have a Father in Heaven, that they are His daughters, and that He loves them. Each chapter includes a Big Message (a devotional), a Little Message (an invitation to act), and a section called His Message for You (where girls are invited to write down the impressions they receive from the Spirit while they read). The book also invites young women to visit to ask questions and share experiences.
Expositions of Holy Scripture
Alexander MacLaren - 2009
Book by Maclaren, Alexander
Gospel of Matthew: The Torah for the Church
Lawrence R. Farley - 2009
The Gospel of Matthew was written to prove to the Jews that Jesus of Nazareth is indeed the Christ, the fulfillment of their Scriptures. It contains the most thorough and organized presentation of Christ's teaching anywhere in Scripture. Thus the Gospel of Matthew is like the Christian Torah, the record of God's words and deeds through Christ. Matthew's Gospel also stresses the Church, since it is the true Israel, the holy remnant, whose message is to be taken to Jews (and Gentiles) everywhere. Other books in the Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series include: Shepherding the Flock: The Pastoral Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to Timothy and to Titus: 978-1888212563 Universal Truth: The Catholic Epistles of James, Peter, Jude, and John: 978-1888212600 The Gospel of Mark: The Suffering Servant: 978-1888212549; and more.
Catholic Teen Bible
Life Teen - 2009
New American Bible for Teens Features: An overview of all 73 books of the Bible * How to read Scripture * An overview of the Covenants in Scripture and their significance * A glossary of Biblical terms * Quotes from Saints on Scripture A Distinctly Catholic Resource * Tradition and Scripture explained * A guide to the Rosary and Scriptures * Biblical basis for all seven Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church * Practical apologetics * Relating Scripture and the Mass * The full cycle of Sunday readings
The Longest Week: What Really Happened During Jesus' Final Days
Nick Page - 2009
Reconstructing the moments, day by day, hour by hour, Nick Page examines the historical evidence to discover what really happened during Jesus' final days.
Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, and the Transformation of Divine Simplicity
Andrew Radde-Gallwitz - 2009
The idea was appropriated by early Christian theologians from non-Christian philosophy and played a pivotal role in the development ofChristian thought.Andrew Radde-Gallwitz charts the progress of the idea of divine simplicity from the second through the fourth centuries, with particular attention to Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nyssa, two of the most subtle writers on this topic, both instrumental in the construction of the Trinitariandoctrine proclaimed as orthodox at the Council of Constantinople in 381. He demonstrates that divine simplicity was not a philosophical appendage awkwardly attached to the early Christian doctrine of God, but a notion that enabled Christians to articulate the consistency of God as portrayed in theirscriptures.Basil and Gregory offered a unique construal of simplicity in responding to their principal doctrinal opponent, Eunomius of Cyzicus. Challenging accepted interpretations of the Cappadocian brothers and the standard account of divine simplicity in recent philosophical literature, Radde-Gallwitzargues that Basil and Gregory's achievement in transforming ideas inherited from the non-Christian philosophy of their time has an ongoing relevance for Christian theological epistemology today.
The Troy Dunn Collection: Six Life-Changing Talks for Youth
Troy Dunn - 2009
This collection contains six of his most memorable talks and includes; Life Is a Football Game, Dare to Be Different, Roller Coaster of Life, Respect, Buddy Bond and The Mission I Missed.
My Redeemer Lives: Remembering His Atonement and Resurrection
Kathryn Jenkins - 2009
It is only through Jesus Christ that we can return as sanctified beings to Heavenly Father and gain eternal life. My Redeemer Lives takes readers through Christ's final days, highlighting His sacred mission and love for each of us by reflecting on important events such as the Last Supper, His suffering and unfathomable pain in the Garden of Gethsemane, His crucifixion, and His resurrection. With powerful and profound commentary that includes in-sights from James E. Talmage and Bruce R. McConkie, along with beautiful artwork from a number of well-loved LDS artists, this book is a beautiful tribute to the Redeemer who saved us all from an unthinkable fate. 8.5" X 11", 96 pages ISBN 978-1-59811-789-9
Baby Jesus Is Born
Kelly Pulley - 2009
When he’s born, God’s angels tell everyone the good news. But the king isn’t happy at all. What will become of Baby Jesus?
Taking Flight with Creativity: Worship Design Teams That Work
Len Wilson - 2009
Getting a group of people together in one room is fairly easy. But whether large or small church, staff or volunteer, most discover that it is difficult to form a team that actually works. Using the metaphor of early flight, this resource analyzes how to be a part of a worship design team that works. Major sections include discovering a strategic approach to worship, tips for team composition, a look at how to overcome a series of obstacles that frequently keep teams from finding success together, and some of the usual "mechanical difficulties" that keep teams grounded.
Remembering and Reclaiming Diakonia: The Diaconate Yesterday and Today
John Chryssavgis - 2009
The text examines the historical documents relating to the ministry of the deacon and reflects on their meaning for today's ministry.
Scripture Study for Latter-Day Saint Families: The Old Testament
Dennis H. Leavitt - 2009
Within its pages you will find many helpful and exciting tools: object lessons, activities, scripture insights, prophetic statements, discussion questions, and stories. Also included are practical suggestions for making your study time more effective. If daily scripture study is a challenge for your family, here is the help you ve been looking for. With something for every member of the family, these simple- to- use teaching ideas will help your family unlock the scriptures and deepen their testimonies. Scripture Study for Latter- day Saint Families will help you discover ways to have a more meaningful experience with the scriptures as you study the lessons of the Old Testament with those you love most.
The 360-Degree Disciple
Alton Garrison - 2009
This handbook will challenge you to evaluate your own spiritual walk as well as explore the various stages of discipleship- from knowing Christ to becoming a mature leader who disciples others. A special section covers discipling children, youth, families, and people of diverse ethnicities. (Updated and expanded, previously published as Building the Winning Team.)
A Heart Exposed: Talking to God with Nothing to Hide
Steven James - 2009
What would happen if we, too, started praying honest prayers, raw with the realities of life, tender with the realization of grace? This title presents a collection of image-rich prayers that do just that - some etched out of the granite of suffering, others polished by the beauty of praise.
Five Practices of Fruitful Youth Ministry: A Youth Leader's Guide
Robert Schnase - 2009
These ten ready-to-use sessions teach the fundamentals of Christian living. Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission, and Extravagant Generosity--these five practices, designed to shape both heart and mind, will help youth grow in their discipleship as they transform the world. Features: 2 ready-to-use interactive sessions for each practice Reproducible pages Scripture references Suggestions for discussion Questions for reflection Planning helps Tried-and-true activities from youth groups across the country Robert Schnase is Bishop of the Missouri Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church and bestselling author of Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. Terry B. Carty is Director of The Youthworker Movement.
Concerning the True Care of Souls
Martin Bucer - 2009
First time ever available in English, this basically served as the "reformation handbook of pastoral theology," for Calvin and others, setting out in a vivid and persuasive way, biblical principles for church life, ministry, and discipline.
The Oxford Handbook of Methodist Studies
William J. Abraham - 2009
Building on the foundation laid by Frank Baker, Albert Outler, and other pioneers of the discipline, this handbook provides an overview of the best current scholarship in the field. The forty-two included essays are representative of the voices of a new generation of international scholars, summarising and expanding on topical research, and considering where their work may lead Methodist Studies in the future.Thematically ordered, the handbook provides new insights into the founders, history, structures, and theology of Methodism, and into ongoing developments in the practice and experience of the contemporary movement. Key themes explored include worship forms, mission, ecumenism, and engagement with contemporary ethical and political debate.
Wounded Lord: Reading John Through the Eyes of Thomas: A Pastoral and Theological Commentary on the Fourth Gospel
Robert H. Smith - 2009
Rather, John presents Thomas's faith. In this work, Robert H. Smith approaches Thomas as one who believes in the reality of incarnation: God has a body. Too often, Smith argues, Christians read John's gospel for its lyrical discourses. The resulting portrait of Jesus is a "cross-less Christ," a portrait that contributes powerfully to Christian triumphalism. In contrast, Smith finds that the evangelist always has the cross in view. Smith reads John "backwards," through the eyes of Thomas. In so doing, he demonstrates the centrality of a wounded Lord in the theology of the gospel. But this book does not end with hermeneutics. Smith advances his discussion into the life of discipleship. Anyone dwelling in Christ's body will be similarly marked. What does it mean to live in the world as the marked body of Christ? Everyone who poses the question will want to read this book. Martha E. Stortz Professor of Historical Theology and Ethics Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary/The Graduate Theological Union Berkeley, California Endorsements: "Always an innovative teacher and writer, Smith trumps all that in his final book. He finds in Thomas's plea to see Jesus's wounds precisely what John's Gospel wants us to see: a God who became incarnate in Jesus, wounds and all. This gospel is not saying, according to Smith, 'Jesus is like (the almighty) God', but that 'God is like this wounded Jesus.' When I used Robert's ideas recently to end a gospels course, one student said, in effect, 'You have kept the best teaching until now.'" --Everett R. Kalin Christ Seminary Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley "In Wounded Lord we find Robert Smith's last testament, a meditation on his favorite gospel. Renouncing all moralizing, ethnocentrism, and religious triumphalism, Smith focuses on Jesus's self-sacrificing love as the clue to God's nature and as power to heal all divisions. This is a book for everyone to reencounter John's Jesus, whose glory was to give self away so that all humanity might even now be one with him 'in the lap of the Father.'" --Gary Pence Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary "From the beginning of my pastoral ministry, I have relied on Robert H. Smith for cogent, pertinent, and deep reflection on Christian scriptures . . . Is he correct that the whole of the book needs to be refracted through the Thomas story, that the risen Christ always and necessarily bears the wounds of crucifixion? I believe so, and you ought to read the book to consider the question yourself. It will bless your devotional practice, your teaching and preaching, and your understanding of God's suffering for and with us." --Rev. Brian Stein-Webber Trinity Lutheran Church, Oakland, California About the Contributor(s): Robert H Smith (1932-2006), was professor of New Testament at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and served as a member of the core doctoral faculty of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He is the author of Apocalypse: A Commentary on Revelation in Words and Images (2000), and Easter Gospels: The Resurrection of Jesus According to the Four Evangelists (1983) He has published commentaries on Matthew (1989), Acts (1970), and Hebrews (1984). He co-authored several books with Paul Fullmer, Read Greek by Friday (Wipf &Stock, 2004), Read Greek by Friday: The Gospel of John & 1 John (Wipf & Stock, 2005), Greek at a Glance (Wipf & Stock, 2007).
Skin Boat: Acts of Faith and Other Navigations
John Terpstra - 2009
Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Jesus
Jeremy Royal Howard - 2009
S. Lewis, equips Christians with answers to deep and challenging spiritual questions while also helping seekers and unbelievers see Jesus for who He really is. In support, the book includes more than two hundred color photographs and illustrations.
Worshiping Body
Kimberly Bracken Long - 2009
A wonderful offering for all worship presiders, seminarians, commissioned lay pastors, new pastors, and experienced pastors, "The Worshiping Body" is essential reading for anyone interested in how their presence and movement during worship make a difference.
A Mother's Search for Meaning
Roberta Bandy - 2009
When their son was born with a rare chromosome abnormality, the Bandy family chose to cherish every day of his life. This is the true story of a remarkable young man whose life taught a profound lesson about love and faith. Readers who are searching for meaning and comfort will be encouraged by this family's daily struggles with disability and how they learned to see the Creator's splendor in the details.“You pick up A Mother’s Search for Meaning assuming it’s about raising a special needs child but immediately discover this book has been written about you. It’s about the Spirit of God surprising us with love in situations the world judges hopeless. Roberta Bandy has put me in touch with a reality too easily pushed aside, the Father’s inexhaustible, wise and patient love, and I know it can do the same for you.†Dale A. Meyer President of Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. “From beginning to end this book contains a lifetime of love. Rob’s physical condition leads a whole family into sweet service, and all are better for it. Read through to Rob’s departure, so moving, so fruitful, so filled with joy.†Walter Wangerin, Jr. Jochum Chair at Valparaiso University Winner of the National Book Award for “The Book of the Dun Cowâ€
A Spirituality of Survival: Enabling a Response to Trauma and Abuse
Barbara Glasson - 2009
What helps some people 'sur vivre' , that is, to live over and above their stories of trauma and abuse and begin to flourish? What is it that brings resilience to the human spirit, what are redemptive relationships and how can we make 'safe enough' spaces for hidden stories to come to light? How can inappropriate power relations be challenged, and forgiveness be a community activity rather than an individual's burden?This book comes out of the author's experience as a Methodist minister working alongside survivors of abuse, which began when a survivor arrived unannounced on her doorstep. 'It scared me. I wasn't trained for this and I felt totally out of my depth. As the weeks went by, I learned both the trauma and the resilience that were present in my unexpected visitor -- and the need to find a bridge between this experience and an informed theology.' Survivor stories are grounded and echoed in tales from an allotment: of the toil and preparation that are needed, both above and beneath the surface, to enable fragile shoots not only to emerge from the darkness but to grow and flourish. Glasson challenges the victim motif of crucifixion and claims the challenge of the resurrection -- for all people, and for the Church -- to 'live'! '
When Good Men Get Angry: The Spiritual Art of Managing Anger
Bill Perkins - 2009
Illustrated with research-based statistics and real-life stories of men who have successfully dealt with anger, When Good Men Get Angry explores the foundations of anger--what it is, where it comes from, how Jesus expressed it, and how the new and good man in you can control it.
Hope Unleashed
Andy Hawthorne - 2009
Committed to bringing the Christian message to youth in his hometown of Manchester, England, Andy Hawthorne was shocked when a missions partner told him he shouldn't just preach the gospel but also engage in community projects. What has washing someone's car got to do with the gospel? The idea worked, and today Hawthorne's Message Trust has been praised internationally for bringing hope and change to the roughest, poorest neighborhoods of Manchester. Written in a warm, passionate, nonreligious style, "Hope Unleashed" is filled with moving true stories as well as practical ideas and strategies for Christian mission based on Word and deed.
True Serenity
Thomas à Kempis - 2009
This attractively redesigned edition of True Serenity presents the wisdom of Thomas's fifteenth-century classic in a month's worth of daily devotions.Each book in the 30 Days with a Great Spiritual Teacher series provides a month of daily readings from one of Christianity's most beloved spiritual guides. For each day there is a brief and accessible morning meditation drawn from the mystic's writings, a simple mantra for use throughout the day, and a night prayer to focus one's thoughts as the day ends. These easy-to-use books are the perfect prayer companion for busy people who want to root their spiritual practice in the solid ground of these great spiritual teachers.
Famous Family Nights
Anne BradshawJerry Borrowman - 2009
The 91 contributors sharing their stories are moms and dads in various fields of entertainment and the community. "After reading the first few stories in this book I let out a sigh of relief and a chuckle as I realized my family really wasn't so dysfunctional when it came to family home evening experiences after all! This collection of stories is a "must-own" book, whether you are LDS or not. It provides wonderful ideas, and also helps us realize how important family time is to our children - whether they know it or not." - George Dyer, International Opera Singer.
We Believe in One God
Gerald L. Bray - 2009
This idea seems normal and natural to us, but it was a novelty in the ancient world. Neither Judaism nor any pagan religion or philosophy could claim to have a closely defined set of beliefs that everyone adhering to it was expected to profess publicly and defend against all comers. While this article on God the Father is the shortest and arguably oldest portion of the Creed, it fully sets forth the fundamental understanding of God as creator and originator of all that is. This commentary in its selection of texts from the early church highlights the common understanding of the One God in three Persons, elucidating the church's understanding of divine attributes and trinitarian relations.
Unlocking the Old Testament
Ed J. Pinegar - 2009
Pinegar and ?Richard J. Allen Dig deeper into the scriptures and gain new insights from respected gospel scholars with this concise, accessible, and easy-to-use commentary covering all the gospel doctrine Old Testament reading assignments. Remarks and annotations are presented to the side of the scriptural text used in the gospel doctrine weekly lessons, and there is also room for your own notes. Whether you're a beginning or advanced student of the scriptures, using this powerful study tool will deepen your understanding of the millennia-old sacred text of the Old Testament. 8.5" X 11", 512 pages ISBN 978-1-59811-851-3
Anglicanorum Coetibus - Apostolic Constitution & Complimentary Norms
Benedict XVI - 2009
The Apostolic Constitution and accompanying norms are the response of the Holy Father to the many requests that have been submitted to the Holy See from groups of Anglican clergy and faithful in different parts of the world who wish to enter into full, visible communion with the Catholic Church. The Constitution introduces a canonical structure which will allow for entry into full communion with the Catholic Church while preserving elements of the distinctive Anglican spiritual and liturgical patrimony. The Complementary Norms accompanying the Constitution will guide the implementation of this provision. This Apostolic Constitution opens a new avenue for the promotion of Christian unity while, at the same time, granting legitimate diversity in the expression of our common faith.
Spirit & Life: Essays on Interpreting the Bible in Ordinary Time
Scott Hahn - 2009
Published by Emmaus Road, these nine essays provide fresh insights into important biblical themes. Topics in this volume include: Scripture as God's symphony Pope Benedict's Scripture-based teaching on the person and prayer of Jesus The connection of Scripture, liturgy, and the Church The liturgical sense of God's Word The theme of fulfillment in Matthew's Gospel Church authority within a scriptural context A biblical approach to the Pentecostal phenomena A paradox? Christ as Majestic Judge vs. Christ as the Lamb Hahn shows that Scripture is not a dead letter but rather a great, living gift from God. Indeed, it is spirit and life to those who will unwrap and embrace it. Spirit and Life: Interpreting the Bible in Ordinary Time provides the reader with a greater appreciation of the Living Word.
Live Large. Be Different. Shine Bright.: 12 Contagious Qualities for Healthy Relationships
Doug Fields - 2009
Well, that's just not true! In Live Large. Be Different. Shine Bright., Doug Fields and Josh Griffin share about some important character qualities that will help you live large, be different, and shine bright. A lot of what Doug and Josh write about doesn't seem to get much sermon time, but these topics are definitely worthy of consideration and experimentation--topics like competition, laughter, cliques, encouragement, and several others will help you in the process of being a more vibrant follower of Jesus. These two youth ministry veterans definitely have a deep love for teenagers and a passion to help them become more attractive as they discover what it means to follow Jesus. If you've ever wanted to be challenged to be different...this book is for you.
The Ten Commandments: Interpretation: Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church
Patrick D. Miller - 2009
Miller studies the Ten Commandments as ancient document and as contemporary guide. With careful attention to each commandment in its original context, this book shows the reader the modern relevance of these basic principles, as well as how the ideas of each commandment influenced the New Testament. More than an intellectual exercise, The Ten Commandments applies the call of the commandments to modern-day issues.Westminster John Knox Press is proud to introduce an exciting new phase in the renowned Interpretation commentary series. Instead of focusing on individual books of the Bible, these new volumes will focus on the Bible's most enduring passages and most vital themes, bringing to these topics the insight and faithful wisdom that are longtime hallmarks of the Interpretation series. This expanded Interpretation series will be an excellent resource for all those who teach, preach, and study the Bible.
Theology and Ethics in Paul
Victor Furnish - 2009
Now, Theology and Ethics in Paul is available once again as part of the Westminster John Knox Press New Testament Library. Featuring a new introduction from Richard Hays, this timeless volume is as relevant in this century as it was in the last.The New Testament Library offers authoritative commentary on every book and major aspect of the New Testament, as well as classic volumes of scholarship. The commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, offer critical portrayals of the historical world in which the books were created, pay careful attention to their literary design, and present a theologically perceptive exposition of the text.
Old Testament Who's Who: A Comprehensive Guide to the People in the Old Testament and Pearl of Great Price
Ed Pinegar - 2009
Pinegar and Richard J. Allen Enhance your gospel study with this incredible new resource that provides an encyclopedia-like portrayal of the hundreds of people discussed in the gospel doctrine course of study for the Old Testament. Dozens of color images enhance fascinating entries of individuals both prominent and little known. Each listing is complete with a description, historical context, and the key contributions of their lives. Gleaned from a lifetime of intensive study and instruction, gospel scholars Ed J. Pinegar and Richard J. Allen have collaborated to create a useful tool filled with rich entries that bring the ancient world of the Old Testament to vibrant life. Old Testament Who's Who is a must-have for every LDS family and will be an essential part of your scripture study. 8.5" X 11", 224 pages ISBN 978-1-59811-850-6
Dom Helder Camara: Essential Writings
Hélder Câmara - 2009
When I ask why so many people are poor they call me a communist."--Dom Helder CamaraDom Helder Camara (1909-1999) was one of the great prophets of the Catholic Church in the twentieth century. As Archbishop of Recife, Brazil, he gained an international reputation as a champion of human rights during the era of military dictatorship and as a dedicated champion for the poor. Banned from the media in his own country, he toured the world denouncing oppression in the Third World and drawing links between the gospel and liberation. And yet his stern call to justice was inflected with a joy-filled, mystical love of God and creation that brought to mind the image of St. Francis.These selections from his many books highlight Dom Helders distinctive blend of spirituality and social vision. They point toward the renewal of the church, the transformation of the social order, and the healing of a wounded planet.Francis McDonagh, who lives in London, has spent the last twenty years following development and religious issues in Latin America, including three years living in Recife, Brazil, as a correspondent for The Tablet. He currently manages the Andes program of CAFOD, the British Catholic development agency.
The Old Rectory
Anthony Jennings - 2009
John Betjeman saw the design of rectories and vicarages as highly influential on our architecture. Forsaken by the Church but coveted by the private buyer, this is the story of these quintessentially English houses, with their combination of fine architecture, charm and character, large gardens and often splendidly rural locations.The Old Rectory examines their history, their evolution through the centuries, their many and varied styles of architecture, and their place in our heritage. It also explores the contribution made to our culture by the clerical families who once occupied these houses, and the famous people and eccentrics who have been associated with them. Finally, it considers their current role, and what the future might hold.