Best of
The Prophets
Abraham Joshua Heschel - 1962
When The Prophets was first published in 1962, it was immediately recognized as a masterpiece of biblical scholarship.The Prophets provides a unique opportunity for readers of the Old Testament, both Christian and Jewish, to gain fresh and deep knowledge of Israel's prophetic movement. The author's profound understanding of the prophets also opens the door to new insight into the philosophy of religion.
New Seeds of Contemplation
Thomas Merton - 1962
Christians and non-Christians alike have joined in praising it as a notable successor in the meditative tradition of St. John of the Cross, The Cloud of Unknowing, and the medieval mystics, while others have compared Merton's reflections with those of Thoreau. New Seeds of Contemplation seeks to awaken the dormant inner depths of the spirit so long neglected by Western man, to nurture a deeply contemplative and mystical dimension in our lives. For Merton, "Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul. For just as the wind carries thousands of winged seeds, so each moment brings with it germs of spiritual vitality that come to rest imperceptibly in the minds and wills of men. Most of these unnumbered seeds perish and are lost, because men are not prepared to receive them: for such seeds as these cannot spring up anywhere except in the soil of freedom, spontaneity and love."
My Land and My People: The Original Autobiography of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet
Dalai Lama XIV - 1962
My Land and My People tells the story of his life.
Letters from the Earth: Uncensored Writings
Mark Twain - 1962
The essays were written during a difficult time in Twain's life; he was deep in debt and had lost his wife and one of his daughters. The book consists of a series of short stories, many of which deal with God and Christianity. Twain penned a series of letters from the point-of-view of a dejected angel on Earth. This title story consists of letters written by the archangel Satan to archangels, Gabriel and Michael, about his observations on the curious proceedings of earthly life and the nature of man's religions. By analyzing the idea of heaven and God that is widely accepted by those who believe in both, Twain is able to take the silliness that is present and study it with the common sense that is absent. Not so much an attack as much as a cold dissection. Other short stories in the book include a bedtime story about a family of cats Twain wrote for his daughters, and an essay explaining why an anaconda is morally superior to Man. Twain's writings in Letters From the Earth find him at perhaps his most quizzical and questioning state ever.
To Know Christ Jesus
Frank Sheed - 1962
Sheed's concern with the Gospels is to come to know Christ as he actually lived among us, interacted with all the various people he encountered from his infancy to his passion and death--the God-man who was like us in all things except sin. Sheed has tried especially to see Our Lord in his effect upon others--seeing how they saw him, trying to see why they saw him so. There is much about Mary and Joseph in their task of bringing up a baby who was literally adorable; about John the Baptist; about Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalen; about Nicodemus; about people we meet only for a moment, like the man born blind and the owners of the drowned swine; and why the Pharisees, not only the worst of them but some of the best, would not accept Christ. Faith, doctrine, prayer, worship--all the content and consequences of Christian belief--rest on the person of Christ Jesus as recorded in the Gospels. In this classic study, Frank J. Sheed employs wide learning, theological sophistication, spiritual insight, and a lucid style to bring the reader to a personal encounter with the living Lord. To Know Christ Jesus has been justly called one of the most satisfying studies of the Gospel ever made. Frank J. Sheed had a distinguished career as a publisher, lecturer, street-corner evangelist, and popular writer. He and his wife Maisie Ward were the founders of the publishing house Sheed & Ward. His many books include Christ in Eclipse, What Difference Does Jesus Make?, Theology and Sanity, and A Map of Life.
The Dawn Breakers: Nabil's Narrative
Nabil-i-A'zam - 1962
A reprint of the 1932 original, and full of wonderful features, this book is a necessity for any serious scholar of Baha'i history. If you desire fullest details, then read this sourcebook on the dramatic events which inaugurated the promised dawn, foretold in all the Sacred Scriptures. Central is the Figure of the Blessed Bab, '...matchless in His meekness, imperturbable in His serenity, magnetic in His utterance...', as it documents the tragic and triumphal events, fueled by a visionary and sacrificial heroism which He alone inspired. Words and events were related first hand, Nabil-i-Azam by many eye-witnesses and participants in this Divinely inspired and short-lived period, which cleaved the clouds of entrenched tradition, and prepared nothing less than the long awaited dawning of the Ancient of Days.
Lectures from Colombo to Almora (Hard bound)
Vivekananda - 1962
A vivid narration of events in the making of a Prophet and a World Teacher.
Symbols of Sacred Science
René Guénon - 1962
Coomaraswamy. This extraordinary text unveils the cosmological meanings of root symbols organized under such general headings as: The Center of the World, Cyclic Manifestation, Symboic Weapons, Axial Symbolism and the Symbolsim of Passage, The Symbolism of Building, and The Symbolism of the Heart. Far more than a simple catalogue of myths and symbols from many traditions, Symbols of the Sacred Science lays the foundation for a universal esoteric symbology. In this work, Gunon demonstrates the fundamental unity-across all cultures and ages-of the images with which the Absolute clothes itself in its cosmic self-revelation.
Defeated Enemies
Corrie ten Boom - 1962
Out of the depth of her own spiritual experiences, world Christian Corrie ten Boom shares with her Christian readers that the victory has been already won and the enemy of our souls defeated in God's timeless eternity.
Life and Holiness
Thomas Merton - 1962
The text is Merton's classic work on incorporating spirituality into everyday life.
The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life
Lü Dongbin - 1962
The ancient Taoist text that forms the central part of this book was discovered by Wilhelm, who recognized it as essentially a practical guide to the integration of personality.
The Golden Children's Bible
Anonymous - 1962
It consists of six parts: parts one through four drawn from the Old Testament, parts five and six from the New Testament. Each page is alive with stories of every sort of people, their words and deeds, and notated with the books of the Bible they are taken from. . . a perfect introduction to the Bible for young people.
St. Michael the Archangel
Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration - 1962
Michael Prayer is once again being prayed daily for the intention of Religious Liberty in America!This booklet includes Prayers to St. Michael. From the Old Testament times until today, St. Michael the Archangel has always powerfully defended and assisted God's people on earth. Based on Scripture, Church history and saintly traditions, this book explains St. Michael's name, his rank among the Angels, his victory over Satan, his role among the Israelites, his role as Guardian Angel of the Catholic Church, as defender of souls, Heavenly Physician, helper in battle, advocate of the dying, consoler of the Poor Souls in Purgatory and guardian of the Blessed Sacrament and the Pope. Also included are the apparition and victory at Monte Gargano, the huge shrine to the Archangel on Mont St. Michel, the vision of Pope Leo XIII and St. Michael\'s role to come at the End of Time. Here too is a treasury of prayers, including the famous Chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel. A goldmine of traditional facts which will be an eye-opener and an encouragement to all Catholics in our daily spiritual battles!
The Gospel of St. John: (cw 103)
Rudolf Steiner - 1962
Accordingly, he turned to the deepest, most spiritual of the Gospels--that of the initiate St. John.In this lecture course, readers will find that the incarnation, death, and resurrection of the Divine Word, or Logos, reveals the mission of the Earth: Love. We learn of the mysteries behind Lazarus' resurrection, the "I AM" sayings, and the seven degrees of initiation. We come to understand that the Gospel of St. John is a continuing spiritual presence--to be recalled, meditated, and permeated with one's own life. In doing so, we realized that our purpose--and that of all humankind--is to become the Virgin Sophia, a receptical for the Holy Spirit.All of Steiner's work, as Marie Steiner writes in her introduction, was "to pave the way to Christ." Indeed, at the conclusion of these lectures, Rudolf Steiner said: It will come to be understood that Christianity is only beginning its influence and will fulfill its real mission only when it is understood in its true, spiritual form.... The more these lectures are understood in this sense, the better they will be understood as they were intended. This volume is essential if one is to truly understand Rudolf Steiner's understanding of esoteric Christianity and its place in the world today and in the future.Contents: Introduction by Marie Steiner-von Sivers1. The Doctrine of the Logos2. Esoteric Christianity3. The Mission of the Earth4. The Raising of Lazarus5. The Seven Degrees of Initiation6. The "I AM"7. The Mystery of Golgotha8. Human Evolution in Its Relation to the Christ Principle9. The Prophetical Documents of the Origin of Christianity10. The Effect of the Christ Principle11. Christian Initiation12. The Nature of the Virgin Sophia and of the Holy SpiritThis volume is a translation of Das Johannes-Evangelium (GA 103).
Joan of Arc: By Herself and Her Witnesses
Régine Pernoud - 1962
Using historical documents and translated by Regine Pernoud, Joan of Arc seeks to answer the questions asked by Joan's contemporaries as well as us: Who was she? Whence came she? What had been her life and exploits? First published in the United States in 1966 by Stein and Day, this book reveals the historical Joan, described in contemporary documents by her allies as well as her enemies.
Jews, God, and History
Max I. Dimont - 1962
Dimont shows how the saga of the Jews is interwoven with the story of virtually every nation on earth. This is a tale of a people escaping annihilation, fighting, falling back, advancing - a lively and fascinating look at how the Jews have contributed to humankind's spiritual and intellectual heritage in remarkable ways, and across a remarkable span of history.
Samson Raphael Hirsch - 1962
Horeb succeeds in capturing the unifying ideological threads that weave in and out of the 613 commandments of the Bible and constitute the fabric of the Jewish way of life. It is an excellent book both for beginning and advanced students seeking to understand the deeper meaning behind Jewish law and is beautifully translated by the distinguished rabbi and Hirschian scholar, Dayan Dr. I. Grunfeld.
The Prophets, Vol 1
Abraham Joshua Heschel - 1962
But in the Jewish tradition, as Abraham Joshua Heschel explains in The Prophets, these figures earn their title by witnessing the world around them with outstanding passion. Prophets are those whose "life & soul are at stake" in what they say about "the mystery of [god's] relation to man." They are "some of the most disturbing people who have ever lived," & yet they are also "the men whose image is our refuge in distress, & whose voice & vision sustain our faith." Heschel's book, one of the classic texts on the subject, contains sophisticated, straightforward discussions of each of the Hebrew prophets, the primary themes of their preaching, & comparisons of Israel's prophets to those of other religions'. Heschel avoids the two great temptations in any discussion of prophesy: overstating the supernatural quality of a prophet's epiphany ("A prophet is a person, not a microphone") & reducing prophesy to a merely human phenomenon. Instead, he describes the prophet's peculiar status as god's spokesman in a way that does justice to its complexity: "He speaks from the perspective of god as perceived from the perspective of his own situation.--Michael Joseph Gross (edited)
God Sent a Man
Carlyle Boynton Haynes - 1962
. . in everything God works for good with those who love him."
Myth and Reality
Mircea Eliade - 1962
The author believes that understanding the structure and function of myths in these traditional societies serves to clarify a stage in the history of human thought: "myths reveal that the World, man, and life have a supernatural origin and history, and that this history is significant, precious, and exemplary."
The Spiritual Heritage of India
Prabhavananda - 1962
This selection gives excerpts from the scriptures that best explain the philosophy. Included are discussions on The Bhagavad Gita: The Song of God, How To Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali, The Upanishads: Breath of the Eternal. There are also chapters on the Vedas, Tantras, and other scriptures and famous teachers of India.
All the Promises of the Bible
Herbert Lockyer - 1962
In All the Promises of the Bible, Dr. Herbert Lockyer discusses the nature of God’s promises—their substance · simplicity · surety · source · security · scope.Lockyer’s in-depth look at the scope of God’s promises arranges them in categories that cover the full array of human concerns, from the spiritual to the material and the corporate to the personal. As you come to understand God’s promises and how they apply to every aspect of your life, you’ll gain a trust in God that will sustain you through the worst of times and be your source of rejoicing in the best.
Baptismal Instructions
John Chrysostom - 1962
John Chrysostom, probably at Antioch about 390. Their interest lies in Chrysostom's activity as a mystagogue for the baptismal candidates and as their instructor in Christian doctrine and morality immediately after their initiation.
Religious Vocation: An Unnecessary Mystery
Richard Butler - 1962
A solid Thomist, who wrote this book in 1961, Father Butler shows that this type of question shows a totally wrong approach to a religious vocation - an approach that began with misguided theology in the 20th century, which then trickled down to the popular level, confusing both aspirants and spiritual directors. Though Fr. Butler deals primarily with vocations to the religious life, he also gives the classic guidelines on priestly vocations. The author states, based on the tradition of the Church, that religious vocation is not uncommon, rare or extraordinary and that it does not require an introspective search for some special voice or attraction. This book provides welcome, intelligent guidance both for spiritual directors and for those considering the religious life or that of the priesthood!
My Life
Ahmadu Bello - 1962
The descendant of the great reformer, Shehu Usuman dan Fodio, the Sardauna grew up in the atmosphere of the Muslim and aristocratic tradition of the Fulani conquerors of Northern Nigeria. He reached maturity in a Nigeria that was rapidly advancing towards independent nationhood, with political institutions deriving largely from the traditions of the Christian West. As leader of the Northern Peoples Congress, the majority political party in Northern Nigeria, the Sardauna became the first Premier of that region in 1954.
Selected Writings (Classics of Western Spirituality)
Augustine of Hippo - 1962
Augustine of Hippo: Selected WritingsTranslated and introduced by Mary T. Clark Augustine of Hippo (354-430), bishop, philosopher, and Doctor of the Church whose thought molded the Western theological tradition, is clearly one of the most influential figures in the history of the Church. At the heart of his brilliant philosophical and theological speculation is his spirituality-a spirituality founded on the reality of the soul's experience of the Trinity in the depths of its interiority.This book is a collection of his writings, which in every sense must be considered true classics of spirituality in the West. Included are excerpts from Confessions, On the Trinity, The City of God, and Homilies on the Psalms along with the complete texts of the Rule of St. Augustine, On Seeing God, and On the Presence of God.In speaking of Augustine's relevance for our time, Paul VI said: If St. Augustine were alive today, he would speak as he spoke a thousand and more years ago. Why? Because he really personifies a humanity that believes, that loves Christ and our beloved God.
The Festival of Lughnasa
Maire MacNeill - 1962
It marked the end of summer and the beginning of the harvest season, and on that day the first meal of the year's new food crop was eaten. The chief custom was the resorting of the rural communities to certain heights or water-sides to spend the day in festivity, sports and bilberry-picking. The custom existed also in the Isle of Man, Cornwall, Wales and in the north of England. Formerly it must have been general in all Celtic lands for there is no doubt that it is a survival of Lughnasa (Lugnasad), the Celtic festival held on the first of August. In the description of the celebration much emerges of the old life of the countryside, and so the study is, in part, a contribution to social history. Moreover, as the people preserved legends of the origin of the festival and of the assembly-sites, it has been possible to show a correspondence with ancient mythology, as expressed in Irish literature and in the cult-figures of Roman Gaul. The dominant myth of the festival is brought to light. A panorama, both extensive and detailed, is unfolded in the study, which reveals, inter alia, the nature of Crom Dubh, shows that legends of Cu Chulainn, Saint Patrick, and Cornwall's Jack the Tinkard originate in tales of Lugh, suggests why Jephthah's daughter was connected with the festival in the Isle of Man, glances at the medieval cult of Saint James, and interprets anew the battle of Moytura and the Etain saga. It shows a relationship between the old assembly of Tailtiu an the Croagh Patrick pilgrimage. It discusses Puck Fair. It ranges from Lugudunum in first-century Gaul to Dun Lughaidh at the foot of Errigal. Figures from Irish mythology, hagiography and history throng its pages.
The Radical Reformation
George Huntston Williams - 1962
In its scope--spanning all of Europe from Spain to Poland, from Denmark to Italy--and its erudition, The Radical Reformation is without peer. Now in paperback format, Williams' magnum opus should be considered for any university-level course on the Reformation.
The Quaker Reader
Jessamyn West - 1962
The writings illuminate the tenets of a just and loving religious faith and practice, and can inform and guide those familiar with or new to Quakerism.
Veterum Sapientia: On the Promotion of the Study of Latin
Pope John XXIII - 1962
Church Dogmatics 4.3.2 The Doctrine of Reconciliation
Karl Barth - 1962
Barth s theology found its expression mainly through his closely reasoned fourteen-part magnum opus, Die Kirchliche Dogmatik. Having taken over 30 years to write, the Church Dogmatics is regarded as one of the most important theological works of all time, and represents the pinnacle of Barth s achievement as a theologian.
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary
Everett F. Harrison - 1962
You long to know Him more intimately, to see Him face to face. Now is the time to dig deeper into the Scriptures, to see the Bible come alive for you: chapter by chapter, sentence by sentence, word by word.Written by forty-eight leading Bible scholars, this powerful handbook walks you through the entire text of the Old and New Testaments (primarily in the KJV). From the majestic Genesis account of all the Creator brought into being, to Christ's words at the end of Revelation ('Yea, I come quickly...'), you'll find insights to help you wrap your heart and mind around God's Word in the pages of The Wycliffe Bible Commentary.
The Origins of Infant Baptism
Joachim Jeremias - 1962
Here is Jeremias' response to Kurt Aland's 'Did the Early Church Baptize Infants?', which had been a refutation of Jeremias' earlier work, 'Infant Baptism in the First Four Centuries'. I would have preferred to meet [Aland's] attack by silence. I hate controversy and unfortunately Aland, by the tone of his argument, did not make the decision to reply to him an easy one. But the subject obliges me to express my opinion. from the Preface
Upanishads, Gita & Bible: A Comparative Study of Hindu & Christian Scriptures
Edward Geoffrey Parrinder - 1962
Hindu & Xian scriptures. Philosophy & religion. Religious dialog. Veda, Vedānta & Gītā. IN THE BEGINNING Creators. Existence & non-existence. Māyā & cyclic appearances. Two creation myths. Breath & wisdom. The Logos. Cyclic & linear patterns. THE ONE & THE MANY Aryans & Indus people; caste. Monism & the ātman. Nonduality. Lord, soul & bhakti. Implications of monotheism. Transcendence & immanence. Spirit & Logos. Duality.WHAT IS MAN? Body & soul; nature & breath; sleep & death; being & bliss. Asceticism. Pessimism? Life-affirming, materialistic religion. Body-soul unity. Breath & spirit. Anthropomorphism. IMMORTALITY The eternal soul; pre-existent & post-existent. Transmigration & karma. Memory, progress, detachment. Soul as breath of God. Pre-existence? Sheol. Resurrection. A spiritual body. HEAVEN & BLISS Heavens & underworld. The final goal; moksha & nirvāna. Union w/the Lord. Heaven, Paradise & Gehenna. Eternal life. Communion w/God. THE DISCIPLINE OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE Yoga & its techniques. Postures. The Lord. Ascetic prophets. Fasting; prayer. Xian yoga?MYSTICISM Mystical knowledge or union? Absorption & identity. Devotion & bhakti. Grace & revelation. I & Thou. Transcendence & union. Divine indwelling. The beatific vision.CONDUCT & SUFFERING Karma & tragedy. Determinism. Indifference. Ways of works & devotion. Personal relationships. Forgiveness & morality. Law & love. The suffering of the righteous.MORAL EXAMPLE status obligation; unattachment. Caste rules. Nonviolence. Ethical monotheism. Social justice. The inner motive. Love your enemies. Social service. Index
Action Française: Royalism and Reaction in Twentieth-Century France
Eugen Weber - 1962
One in a five volume series on the history of Western civilization, this volume traces the history of western nations from the end of World War I to the present.
Beyond Death: The Gnostic Book of the Dead
Samael Aun Weor - 1962
Now, for the first time, this book fearlessly approaches the topics of death, dying, and the afterlife for our day and age -- and for those who are tired of theories and are ready to know the truth through their own experience.Collects several books in one volume: 1. The Book of the Dead: Originally published in Spanish as "El Libro de Los Muertos" (1966). 2. The Mysteries of Life and Death: Originally published in Spanish as "Los Misterios de La Vida y de La Muerte" (1962). 3. Beyond Death: Originally published in Spanish as "Mas Alla de La Muerte" (1970). 4. A Talk on the Mysteries of Life and Death: from a lecture.