Book picks similar to
Assimil Japanese with Ease, Volume 2 by Catherine Garnier
Japanese for Dummies
Eriko Sato - 2002
It is also the gateway to the rich culture of the exciting and complex island nation of Japan. Some people get intimidated by the prospect of speaking Japanese--worried that it's just too complex and different--but these fears are unfounded. While you can devote a lifetime to the study of this or any language, picking up the basics of Japanese doesn't require any more than an interest and a willingness to try something new."Japanese For Dummies" has everything you need to get off the ground with speaking the language. Author and Professor of Japanese Eriko Sato starts you off with the essentials of grammar and pronunciation, giving you a working sense of the language, before showing you Japanese in action. You'll then explore vocabulary and expressions through dialogues taking place in situations such as: Introductions and greetingsEating and drink ingShoppingExploring the townTalking on the telephoneAsking directionsGetting aroundStaying at a hotelYou'll also discover social customs, formalities, and manners, from how and when to bow to how to unwrap a present. Whether you simply want to introduce yourself to the Japanese language, say a few words to a neighbor or coworker, or you're planning a major trip or study abroad in Japan, "Japanese For Dummies" will enable you to get the basics fast and work towards your own goal at your own pace. You'll also find out about: How to use karaoke to help you learn JapaneseMovies that will introduce you to Japanese culture and languageLearning Japanese the "gourmet" wayWhen ignoring "no, thank you" shows good mannersProper table mannersProper body languageHow to sound fluentAnd much moreWith helpful vocabulary summaries, a mini-dictionary at the end, and an audio CD full of conversations and pronunciations, "Japanese For Dummies" assumes no prior knowledge of Japanese on your part--providing the perfect guide for a quick-but-thorough, lighthearted-but-not-lightweight introduction to the language.
Unlocking Japanese
Cure Dolly - 2016
A ground-breaking book that sets out to demonstrate that Japanese is “simple, logical and beautiful” and that most of the apparently “arbitrary rules” that you “just have to learn” can be reduced to simple, easily intuitive patterns if you just understand how the language really works.
Read Japanese Today
Len Welsh - 1969
Read Japanese Today is a comprehensible and storylike approach to an often difficult language. Intended for people on the go, this book will teach you to recognize and read the 400 most commonly used Japanese kanji characters.Completely revised and expanded and featuring 25 percent more kanji than previous editions, Read Japanese Today is a fun way to demystify the beautiful language of Japan.
A Guide to Japanese Grammar: A Japanese Approach to Learning Japanese Grammar
Tae Kim - 2012
The best website for learning Japanese grammar is now in print! My website has been helping people learn Japanese as it's really spoken in Japan for many years. If you find yourself frustrated that you can't understand Japanese movies or books despite having taken Japanese classes, then this book is for you. It will help you finally understand those pesky particles and break down grammatical concepts that will allow you to comprehend anything from simple to very complex sentences. You will also learn Japanese that's spoken by real people including casual speech patterns and slang, stuff that's often left out in most textbooks. Don't take my word for it, just check out my website and order this book to have it handy wherever you go.
Conquer Basic Spanish: A Short Introduction To Beginners Spanish, Including Spanish Grammar, Verbs and Vocabulary (Learn Spanish Book 4)
Linda Plummer - 2014
I'm sure it will be ...
Japanese Reader Collection Volume 1: Hikoichi
Clay Boutwell - 2010
Also, if you have an older (1st or 2nd gen) Kindle, please confirm it will display Japanese before buying. If you bought the Kindle version and the Japanese show as boxes, please contact me for an image version. Perfect for beginning and upper beginning students of Japanese. This affordable Japanese reader contains four complete stories of a clever and mischievous young man, Hikoichi. Get FREE MP3s of the stories read by a native Japanese speaker. Listen while reading. The link to the MP3s is found on the last page. Read--in Japanese--how the wise and young Hikoichi shows his smarts with these four short stories in Japanese. Yes, you can read real Japanese—even if you are just starting out in Japanese. • All Japanese have furigana (printed version) and romaji for those starting out. • Four full traditional Japanese stories about Hikoichi. • Every sentence is broken down word-for-word and with explanation of the grammar. • The full story in Japanese only (without the running gloss) is also provided so you can practice reading without interruption. • Finally, we have included a simple and mostly literal English translation for you to check your understanding (Don’t cheat! Work through the Japanese first!). • Download the FREE MP3s to listen while you study. The first story has the lord of the castle testing Hikoichi in a Solomon-esque question—which young lord is the true young lord? The second story shows choosing the first and most favorable isn't always best. In the end, only Hikoichi can enjoy the cherry blossoms. The third story is about a mysterious, but living umbrella. Some things are just too good to be true. We wrap things up with Hikoichi’s encounter with a Tengu—a mythical creature whose straw raincoat renders its wearer invisible. While beginners to Japanese can get a lot from this, hiragana knowledge is required. Finally, we invite the reader to contact us with questions or requests for future Japanese readers. You will find our personal email addresses in the book. To your Japanese!
Tobira: Gateway To Advanced Japanese Learning Through Content And Multimedia (Japanese)
岡 まゆみ - 2009
TOBIRA promotes language learning through the use of multimedia materials and establishes a support system via the Internet so that learners outside Japan have access to a Japanese language environment.Chapter 1: The Geography of JapanChapter 2: Speech Styles in JapaneseChapter 3: Japanese TechnologyChapter 4: Sports in JapantChapter 5: Japanese FoodChapter 6: The Japanese and ReligionChapter 7: Japanese Pop CultureChapter 8: Japanese Traditional Performing ArtsChapter 9: Education in JapanChapter 10: Japan's Convenience StoresChapter 11: The History of JapanChapter 12: Traditional Japanese CraftsChapter 13: The Japanese and NatureChapter 14: Japanese PoliticsChapter 15: The Future of Your Country and the World
New Penguin Parallel Text: Short Stories in Japanese
Michael EmmerichSueko Yoshida - 2011
Here is the perfect introduction to contemporary Japanese fiction. Featuring many stories appearing in English for the first time, this collection, with parallel translations, offers students at all levels the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of contemporary literature without having to constantly consult a dictionary. Richly diverse in themes and styles, the stories are by well-known writers-like Haruki Murakami and Banana Yoshimoto-as well as by emerging voices. Complete with notes, these selections make excellent reading in either language.
Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You
Jay Rubin - 1992
Previously known as Gone Fishin', this book has brought Jay Rubin more feedback than any of his literary translations or scholarly tomes, "even if," he says, "you discount the hate mail from spin-casters and the stray gill-netter."To convey his conviction that "the Japanese language is not vague," Rubin has dared to explain how some of the most challenging Japanese grammatical forms work in terms of everyday English. Reached recently at a recuperative center in the hills north of Kyoto, Rubin declared, "I'm still pretty sure that Japanese is not vague. Or at least, it's not as vague as it used to be. Probably."The notorious "subjectless sentence" of Japanese comes under close scrutiny in Part One. A sentence can't be a sentence without a subject, so even in cases where the subject seems to be lost or hiding, the author provides the tools to help you find it. Some attention is paid as well to the rest of the sentence, known technically to grammarians as "the rest of the sentence."Part Two tackles a number of expressions that have baffled students of Japanese over the decades, and concludes with Rubin's patented technique of analyzing upside-down Japanese sentences right-side up, which, he claims, is "far more restful" than the traditional way, inside-out."The scholar," according to the great Japanese novelist Soseki Natsume, is "one who specializes in making the comprehensible incomprehensible." Despite his best scholarly efforts, Rubin seems to have done just the opposite.Previously published in the Power Japanese series under the same title and originally as Gone Fishin' in the same series.
Making Out in Japanese: (Japanese Phrasebook)
Todd Geers - 1988
"Sugoku suki! Mata aeru?"--(I'm crazy about you! Shall we meet again?) Answer this correctly in Japanese and you may be going on a hot date. Incorrectly, and you could be hurting someone's feelings or getting a "slap!" Japanese classes and textbooks tend to spend a lot of time rehearsing for the same fictitious scenarios but chances are while in Japan you will spend a lot more time trying to make new friends or start new romances--something you may not be prepared for. If you are a student, businessman or tourist traveling to Japan and would like to have an authentic and meaningful experience, the key is being able to speak like a local. This friendly and easy-to-use Japanese phrasebook makes this possible. "Making Out in Japanese" has been updated and expanded to be even more helpful as a guide to modern colloquial Japanese for use in everyday informal interactions--giving access to the sort of catchy Japanese expressions that aren't covered in traditional language materials. As well as the Romanized forms ("romanji"), each expression is now given in authentic Japanese script ("kanji and kana" with "furigana" pronunciation clues), so that in the case of difficulties the book can be shown to the person the user is trying to communicate with. This Japanese phrasebook includes: A guide to pronouncing Japanese words correctly. Explanations of basic Japanese grammar, such as, intonation, word stress, and particles. A guide to male and female usage. Romanized forms of words and phrases ("romanji"). Complete Japanese translations including Japanese characters ("kanji") and the Japanese alphabet ("kana"). Useful and interesting notes on Japanese language and culture. Lots of colorful, fun and useful expressions not covered in other phrasebooks.Titles in this unique series of bestselling phrase books include: "Making Out in Chinese, Making Out in Indonesian, Making Out in Thai, Making Out in Korean, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Japanese, Making Out in Vietnamese, Making Out in Burmese, Making Out in Tagalog, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Arabic, Making Out in English, More Making Out in Korean, and More Making Out in Japanese.
Japanese Sentence Patterns for Effective Communication: A Self-Study Course and Reference
Taeko Kamiya - 2005
Designed specifically for native-English speakers approaching Japanese as a second language, this book presents 142 essential Japanese sentence patterns, first by giving equivalents in English, then following with Japanese translations. Each pattern is accompanied by a concise, easy-to-follow explanation and several Japanese example sentences that demonstrate its usage. In addition, practice sections for each pattern allow the student to test his or her understanding of the material presented.Japanese Sentence Patterns for Effective Communication is organized into twelve chapters according to communicative function, including such tasks as making simple, declarative statements about people and things in the world; making comparisons; talking about events in the past, present and future; expressing desire, conjecture and intention;stating causes or reasons; making requests; asking and giving permission; and using the passive and causative-passive voices. Extensive charts at the back of the book outline the rules for inflecting and conjugating adjectives and verbs-essential to fluent communication.
The Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary
Jack Halpern - 1999
Normally, the learner must memorize numerous compounds as unrelated units. A unique feature of this dictionary that overcomes this difficulty is the core meaning, a concise keyword that defines the dominant sense of each character, followed by detailed character meanings and numerous compounds that clearly show how thousands of building blocks are combined to form countless compound words.Another unique feature is the System of Kanji Indexing by Patterns (SKIP), an indexing system that enables the user to locate characters as quickly and as accurately as in alphabetical dictionaries.Modern linguistic theory has been effectively integrated with sophisticated information technology to produce the most useful kanji learner's dictionary ever compiled. For the first time, learners have at their fingertips a wealth of information that is linguistically accurate, easy to use, and carefully adapted to their practical needs.FEATURESo 2,230 entry characters, including all the kanji in the Joyo and Jinmei Kanji listso 41,000 senses for 31,300 words and word elements show how each character contributes to the meanings of compounds o 1,200 homophones with core meanings explain differences between closely related characters o 386 variant forms used in prewar literature and in names o 1,945 stroke order diagrams show you how to write each kanji stroke by stroke o 7,200 character readings, including name readings o Over 2,000 cross-references and five appendixes give instant access to a mass of useful reference data
Basic Kanji Book, Vol. 1
Chieko Kano - 1990
These books are really textbooks just for learning kanji. Each lesson covers about 10 characters and begins with a section called "About the kanji" which gives interesting background on the kanji you are about to learn. Next comes writing and reading lessons for each kanji. Lastly, there is a longer reading section followed by a game or some quiz.