5:2 Diet: The 5:2 Diet for Beginners - How the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting Can Make Your Body a Fat-Burning Machine and Help You Live Longer, Including ... Diet, Fast Diet) (5:2 Fast Diet Book 1)

Gina Crawford - 2015
    This book not only teaches you how to drop unwanted pounds while enjoying your favorite foods, it also teaches you how to live longer and stay healthy by applying the power of intermittent fasting to your life today! Stop torturing yourself with grueling diets that restrict you from eating your favorite foods! The 5:2 diet makes losing weight easier and tastier than ever! Though the 5:2 diet itself is fairly new, the concept of fasting and the study of the benefits of intermittent fasting on human health are not. Leading scientists have been studying the amazing health benefits of fasting for over 20 years. Dr. Michael Mosley, founder of the 5:2 fast diet, popularized the fast diet months after he had gone to see his doctor for a routine checkup and was unexpectedly diagnosed with diabetes, high cholesterol and metabolic syndrome. Refusing to be treated with drugs, Dr. Michael Mosley set out to find a way to heal himself naturally. After not seeing any success with traditional dieting he decided to explore intermittent fasting. The 5:2 diet and intermittent fasting work! After only 3 months on the 5:2 diet he lost 20 pounds of fat, normalized his blood glucose and lowered his cholesterol and blood pressure. The fast diet also allowed him to maintain his ideal weight. Research professor of medicine at Washington University, Dr. Luigi Fontana proved through his studies on various organisms that a 25-30% reduction in calories could increase lifespan by 50% and prevent disease. With the 5:2 diet you can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds of fat every week. On fast days, both women and men are encouraged to cut their calorie intake to about one quarter of what it normally is. Women should eat 500 calories on fast days and men should eat 600 calories. In a step by step way The 5:2 Diet for Beginners - How the 5:2 Diet Can Make Your Body a Fat-Burning Machine and Help You Live Longer will teach you everything you need to know about how to successfully apply the 5:2 diet to your life today for fast weight loss and better health. The 5:2 Diet for Beginners teaches you: What is the 5:2 diet? Why was the 5:2 diet created? Why fasting is so effective for weight loss and longevity How the 5:2 diet works What to eat on fast days 11 Quick tips to help you succeed on the 5:2 diet What to expect on the 5:2 diet Fast day 30 MINUTE recipes under 500 calories .....and more Here's a preview of what you'll learn: Why the 5:2 diet works The benefits of intermittent fasting How to make your fast days easy The 5:2 diet and high intensity training Exactly how your fast days and feed days will work How to maintain your ideal weight .....and much more! Dieting shouldn't be drudgery! You were meant to enjoy your life at your ideal wight with fabulous health! The 5:2 fast diet will keep you living happy and healthy for a really long time! D

Discover Your Optimal Health: The Guide to Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Vitality, Your Life

Wayne Scott Andersen - 2013
    Wayne Scott Andersen has devoted his career to creating optimal health through a comprehensive approach that addresses and breaks through logistical and psychological barriers. Widely and affectionately known for his work in the field of health coaching as "Dr. A," in Discover Your Optimal Health, he provides an inegrative approach that begins with developing (and maintaining) healthy habits each day. This crucial approach makes health the centerpiece of your life instead of something you do when you discover you have an illness or imbalance. Dr. A reveals how a little attention and discipline now can avoid health crises down the road. No matter what your current health status, you can be as healthy as possible. The habits you develop now make the difference between surviving and thriving, life or death. The steps toward reaching and maintaining your optimal health include: Integrating the Habits of Health into Your Life Discovering the Habits of Healthy Weight Loss Using the Habits of Healthy Eating Understanding the Habits of Healthy Motion Practicing the Habits of Healthy Sleep Employing the Habits of a Healthy Mind

The Hidden Plague: A Field Guide For Surviving and Overcoming Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Tara Grant - 2013
    Only a small fraction of those affected have been properly diagnosed, leaving many others to suffer in silence or pursue ill-advised conventional treatment methods that fail to address the cause of this painful condition. Tara Grant, a twenty-year sufferer of HS, has become an underground legend to her Internet community of HS victims by presenting a methodical, self-tested action plan to heal naturally. The centerpiece of her holistic approach rests on the understanding that HS is an autoimmune disorder caused by leaky gut syndrome. With a few simple dietary changes that eliminate certain “trigger” foods, you can heal your gut, restore your skin, reclaim your health, and rid yourself of HS symptoms forever. That’s it—no antibiotics, no experimental surgeries, and no more pain, suffering, or confusion.Q&A with Tara1. What was it about the subject you chose to write about in your book that made you feel so passionate about spreading the word and getting your book published? My motivation for writing this book was the overwhelming response I received from people on the Internet when I originally posted about it in March of 2012. It turns out it’s a pretty common condition, but many people (and doctors) don’t know what it is. It’s pretty standard to visit various doctors, and be told that you have “acne,” or to be subjected to butchering surgeries. There is no treatment for HS, according to the doctors. People with it suffer immensely—in fact, HS is acknowledged to be one of most painful conditions in the world. I’ve even received letters from doctors and nurses who suffer from HS, thanking me for telling them what it is that they have—and for offering them hope. The primary motivating factor for writing this book, however, was an email I received from a 12-year old girl, who said she was going to kill herself because of the pain she was in. I immediately wrote her back, but I never heard back from her. I am desperate to know that she’s okay. I don’t want anyone else to go through what I did as a teenager—I myself thought about suicide on more than one occasion. I’ve had many letters from people who say they want to kill themselves since.2. HS is hard to diagnose, and many doctors aren’t even aware of its existence. How did you get a diagnosis? I’ve had HS since I was thirteen years old, but wasn’t diagnosed until I was in my mid-30s. Up until then, I saw over forty doctors from four different countries - none of whom could tell me what was wrong with me. I eventually found the name “Hidradenitis suppurativa” in a book about PCOS (also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome, which I also had) and could finally put a name to the horrible condition I had suffered from for so long. I took that information to a dermatologist. That’s when I finally got a diagnosis—over twenty years later. At that time, I had already changed to a Primal diet and my HS was drastically better, so I declined the antibiotics and Accutane the doctor prescribed. I also refused to believe what she said: “You have to live with this for the rest of your life.” I knew, as a longtime sufferer of HS, that the doctors I had seen had no clue what they were talking about. My journey was extremely frustrating, and I went through it completely alone. Over the years, I was told I had “adult acne,” and also told that they didn’t know what was wrong with me. I was also told that I was overreacting, not keeping clean enough, and told to lose weight. Not a single doctor showed any compassion, or was willing to look into the matter further. I eventually stopped going to the doctors, and didn’t return until I had already made changes and knew I was on the right track. I knew that if I wanted answers, I had to do the research and experimentation myself. I wasn't interested in how I reacted to different drug, I was interested in healing myself naturally.  I knew that I was on the right track with diet, so I started investigating Robb Wolf’s Autoimmune Paleo Protocol, and made specific tweaks for skin conditions. Results I had seen from others (Dr. Terry Wahls, for example) who had healed themselves from crippling autoimmune conditions were the only motivation I needed. When I started treating HS like an autoimmune condition, it went into remission. There are literally thousands of cases of this happening with different autoimmune conditions all over the world. I was also able to induce flare-ups with specific experimentation. This completely checks with autoimmunity. There isn’t a cure—you will always have the predisposition for autoimmunity—but you CAN go into remission. 3. Do you have any relatives or close friends that became diagnosed after you?  There is no one else in my family with this condition. There is a mistaken belief that HS is hereditary. It is not. However, some families have more than one member affected by it. The reason for this is that HS is autoimmune. In order to get an autoimmune condition, you need to have the gene for autoimmunity. The fact that the autoimmune gene manifests as HS in more than one family member is complete coincidence. If you’re suffering from HS, you more than likely have other autoimmune conditions - and so does your family. Family trees littered with Crohn’s, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, restless legs syndrome, diabetes, Lupus, endometriosis, eczema, psoriasis, HS, and more—all of which are autoimmune—are very common. If you have HS, you have the autoimmune gene, which you did inherit. If your gut becomes leaky, then you will eventually develop an autoimmune condition.4. Do you have advice for anyone seeking medical help for this condition? Read my book first. The Western medical community is still under the mistaken belief that HS is caused by bacteria, hence the prescriptions for antibiotics. They will not be able to help you, and will suggest butchering surgeries and heavy hitting drugs, which often make matters worse. You can’t “cut HS out,” like you do with a cancerous tumor. When you remove an organ or tissue that is being ravaged by an autoimmune response, you open up all your other organs and tissues to attack. That’s why there’s over an 80% chance of reoccurrence of HS after surgery, and people will often start flaring-up in areas that had been clear before. Sometimes, they even develop brand new autoimmune conditions. Luckily, you actually hold the key to healing in your hands. You can heal yourself. If you can avoid infection, then you don’t need doctors—or drugs— to help you go into remission.5. What is the one thing you would stress most to anyone unable to get a copy of your book at this time? Many people with HS are on disability and don’t have a lot of disposable income, or they have been taken advantage of in the past. If this is you, go to your local library and ask them to carry the book. Then, you can borrow it for free. How much does a 1-oz jar of EmuAid cost? Turmeric capsules? Surgery? Doctor visits and prescriptions? We’ve all fallen for so much. I bet if you sat down and tallied up how much you’ve spent on Band-Aids alone for your HS over the years, $26 would be a drop in the bucket. The great thing about this book is that if you are not satisfied, you can request your money back. If you get this 300-page manual and find that there is nothing in it that is of any help, you can ask for a refund from the publisher. Try asking for a refund for EmuAid when it doesn’t work. That being said, I would challenge anyone with HS to read this book and find nothing in it that’s helpful.6. Your book is a very important first step in making the public aware of this illness. Besides the book, how do you plan to raise awareness of HS?My goal is to get on the Dr. Oz show. I figure that will give us the biggest bang for the buck. Many people have HS, but are unaware of what it’s called. They’re too embarrassed to go to the doctor about it. I would encourage all of you to write to the Dr. Oz show and ask them to feature me, and ask your local library to carry the book. The only way we’re going to raise awareness is to GO BIG.

Prescription for Life: Three Simple Strategies to Live Younger Longer

Richard Furman - 2014
    Richard Furman is a vascular surgeon with decades of experience. But his personal journey into living younger longer began with a tight pair of pants. Rather than go up a size, he decided to get back to his ideal weight. He changed how he ate. He began to exercise regularly. He started intensive research into what it takes to prevent the kind of conditions his patients had. What he found changed his life . . . and will change yours.Do you want to be healthy and active all of your life?Do you want to enjoy not just long life but quality life?Do you want to be there—wholly there—for your family and friends?Aging is inevitable, but heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, stroke, erectile dysfunction, and other age- and obesity-related problems are not! Simple, sustainable changes you make today can mean the difference between enjoying time with friends and family, and wasting it in doctors’ offices and hospitals.


Jeff T. Bowles - 2013
    After about 4 months upped the dose to 50,000 IU a day or 150X the old recommended “safe” dose I then boosted it to 100,000 IU a day or 300 x TIMES the old maximum safe dose!What happened over these last 10 months? Did I die? get sick? No! Just the opposite!! High dose Vitamin D3 therapy over the last year-CURED ALL MY CHRONIC CONDITIONS-SOME THAT I'D HAD FOR 20+ YEARS!1.A painful snapping hip syndrome which I had been suffering from for 23 years and no Dr could help me-It is now 100% gone. No pain and NO SNAPPING!!2.Yellow fungus infected toenails (under the nail)- I tried everything over 20 years and nothing worked-10 months of high dose Vitamin D3 and they are clear as a bell! 100% cured.3.A knobby bone spur on my elbow that made me look like Popeye the sailor man-It has now 100% dissolved and my elbow is back to the way it used to be 20 years ago.4.Painful , clicking, popping, stiff Arthritic shoulders that prevented me from even throwing a ball from home plate past the infield. A condition I’ve had for 15 years. Gone. No more popping snapping or clicking and I can throw the ball twice as far .5.A ganglion cyst that persisted on my wrist for over 5 years has shrunk from the size of half a golf ball to the size of a pea and now it is rock hard ,painless, and shrinking.6.A small subcutaneous cyst on my face that had not gone away for 20 years –now gone!7.AND-Without even trying my weight has dropped by 25 pounds from 204 to 179.This book tells you detailed results of my experiment, dangers to avoid, and also discusses a simple and elegant new theory that suggests how High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy Should help PREVENT OR CURE all the epidemics of disease and health issues that have been plaguing us since the 1980’s when Doctors started warning us to stay out of the sun and always use sunscreen. This has created the huge epidemics we see today of Obesity, Autism, Asthma, and many others!The theory is simple-Vitamin D3 is a hormone that your skin makes when you sit in the sun, it is not a vitamin it was just mislabeled when it was discovered. When your Vitamin D3 levels are low, your body gets you to prepare for winter by overeating, slowing you down to conserve energy, and even making you depressed to keep you housebound. Interestingly it is this same drop in Vitamin D3 levels that signals a bear to start hibernating!If your body expects famine-like conditions caused by winter to be likely- it will conserve your critical resources for the future. This leads to what I call the Incomplete Repair Syndrome which in turn causes most of the diseases humans face other than spontaneous gene mutations that cause syndromes and diseases caused exclusively by aging. High D3 can be used to prevent or treat a huge number of diseases MS, asthma, 17 kinds of cancer, lupus, arthritis, heart disease, obesity, depression, Parkinsons+many more...This IS the better mousetrap! Most MD's get just a basic 4 years in Med School, then work to earn not learn.

The 8-week Blood Sugar Diet Recipe Book: 150 simple, delicious recipes to help you lose weight fast and keep your blood sugar levels in check

Clare Bailey - 2016
    They range from quick breakfasts to deliciously satisfying suppers and follow the Mediterranean style of eating now proven to revolutionise your healthWhether you are embarking on the full 8-week diet plan to reverse your diabetes or simply looking to keep your blood sugar levels in check, this book will help you lose weight and change the way you eat for ever.

Never Be Fat Again: The 6-Week Cellular Solution to Permanently Break the Fat Cycle

Raymond Francis - 2007
    . . Your Cells. An M.I.T.-Trained Scientist Explains the ONE Secret You Need to Know to Lose Weight and Keep It Off. Raymond Francis is the scientist people turn to when diets don't work. His groundbreaking approach treats excess weight for what it reall y is--a disease caused by malfunctioning cells. As Francis explains, many of the foods we eat every day, especially the “health” and “diet” ones we dutifully buy to lose weight, have the opposite effect . Full of hidden toxins and lacking nutrients, they actually poison your cells and alter your weight-control genes, causing your body to put on the pounds. Like he's done for thousands of other people, Raymond Francis can help you turn this fat cycle around and reclaim your waistline--and your health. His simple yet scientifically supported plan will have you looking and feeling better than you have in years-- in just six weeks. You'll discover: Which low-fat and no-fat products actually make you fatter How one missing nutrient can signal your body to store fat Which food additives are most toxic--and how to spot them on a label The “Big 4” worst foods to eat--with delicious and nutritious alternatives How to sneak more fiber- and nutrient-rich foods into your day Plus, delicious recipes for meals and snacks and week-by-week to-do lists to keep you on track Your body already knows how to regulate its weight--you just need to give it a fighting chance. Now you can--for life.

AC: The Power of Appetite Correction

Bert Herring - 2015
    With appetite correction, no food is off limits. Your body naturally adjusts your appetite for sustainable lifestyle-based weight loss and weight maintenance. “AC: The Power of Appetite Correction” is based on ten years of user experience and weight loss successes with the author’s 2005 book, “The Fast-5 Diet and the Fast-5 Lifestyle.”

The Meat Fix: How a Lifetime of Healthy Living Nearly Killed Me!

John Nicholson - 2012
    Rather, it is an explanation of how Nicholson discovered what works for him and why we should all look at nutritional advice through a clear lens, not the warped prism of what has become conventional dietary advice. This is a surprising, often hilarious, and shocking journey of discovery.John Nicholson is author of We Ate All the Pies, which was longlisted for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year Prize.

Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life

Thich Nhat Hanh - 2010
    But somehow we get stalled. We start on a weight-loss program with good intentions but cannot stay on track. Neither the countless fad diets, nor the annual spending of $50 billion on weight loss helps us feel better or lose weight.Too many of us are in a cycle of shame and guilt. We spend countless hours worrying about what we ate or if we exercised enough, blaming ourselves for actions that we can't undo. We are stuck in the past and unable to live in the present--that moment in which we do have the power to make changes in our lives.With Savor, world-renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and Harvard nutritionist Dr. Lilian Cheung show us how to end our struggles with weight once and for all.Offering practical tools, including personalized goal setting, a detailed nutrition guide, and a mindful living plan, the authors help us to uncover the roots of our habits and then guide us as we transform our actions. Savor teaches us how to easily adopt the practice of mindfulness and integrate it into eating, exercise, and all facets of our daily life, so that being conscious and present becomes a core part of our being.It is the awareness of the present moment, the realization of why we do what we do, that enables us to stop feeling bad and start changing our behavior. Savor not only helps us achieve the healthy weight and well-being we seek, but it also brings to the surface the rich abundance of life available to us in every moment.

The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

Timothy Ferriss - 2000
    which 150 pages will you read? Is it possible to: Reach your genetic potential in 6 months? Sleep 2 hours per day and perform better than on 8 hours? Lose more fat than a marathoner by bingeing?   Indeed, and much more. This is not just another diet and fitness book.The 4-Hour Body is the result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body. It contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of elite athletes, dozens of MDs, and thousands of hours of jaw-dropping personal experimentation. From Olympic training centers to black-market laboratories, from Silicon Valley to South Africa, Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, fixated on one life-changing question: For all things physical, what are the tiniest changes that produce the biggest results? Thousands of tests later, this book contains the answers for both men and women. From the gym to the bedroom, it’s all here, and it all works. YOU WILL LEARN (in less than 30 minutes each):How to lose those last 5-10 pounds (or 100+ pounds) with odd combinations of food and safe chemical cocktails.* How to prevent fat gain while bingeing (X-mas, holidays, weekends) * How to increase fat-loss 300% with a few bags of ice * How Tim gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, without steroids, and in four hours of total gym time * How to sleep 2 hours per day and feel fully rested * How to produce 15-minute female orgasms * How to triple testosterone and double sperm count* How to go from running 5 kilometers to 50 kilometers in 12 weeks * How to reverse “permanent” injuries * How to add 150+ pounds to your lifts in 6 months * How to pay for a beach vacation with one hospital visit         And that's just the tip of the iceberg.  There are more than 50 topics covered, all with real-world experiments, many including more than 200 test subjects. You don't need better genetics or more discipline. You need immediate results that compel you to continue. That’s exactly what The 4-Hour Body delivers.

The Big Fat Truth: The Behind-the-scenes Secret to Weight Loss

J.D. Roth - 2016
    Who could help it? Here was a young woman who, just a few months earlier, had weighed in at 340 pounds on the hit ABC show Extreme Weight Loss. Now for all the world to see—and merely part way into her one-year effort to pare down—she’d (literally) gone further than she’d ever expected. From barely being able to walk up the stairs to running 26.2 miles in practically no time? The body is an amazing thing. And yet … it’s no match for the brain. It wasn’t the strength of Meredith’s body propelling her across the Niagara Falls finish line—it was the power of her mind.               No one knows that better than JD Roth, who as the number one producer of TV weight loss shows has helped countless overweight people change their bodies—and lives—for the better. Viewers of Extreme Weight Loss, The Biggest Loser, The Revolution and other transformational shows have seen the “technicians”—the trainers, the nutritionists, the doctors, and other health pros who appear on-screen—but they’ve never seen the heart and soul behind these amazing makeovers. That would be JD, whose production company not only created weight loss television, but who has produced more episodes in the genre than all other producers combined. He’s the behind-the-scenes wizard who gets inside the heads of the shows’ participants, encouraging, persuading, prodding, and inspiring them to succeed. Intimately involved in casting the shows’ contestants, then seeing them through the weight loss process, he’s the guy whose picture they tape onto their elliptical trainers and angrily scream at each night—then hug out of gratitude the next morning. He’s the guy who holds them when they cry and the one who tells them they need to get back on the treadmill even though they’re crying. JD is the shows’ tough-love dad—love being the operative word. Because it’s not just TV to JD; he’s on a mission to change people’s lives. Every fat person (yes, “fat person”—there’ll be no sugarcoating here) knows that you need to move more and eat less to shed pounds. Not exactly rocket science. Yet that simple formula doesn’t get to the root of what makes someone top out at 500 pounds, or sometimes just carry an extra fifty. The missing link in transformative weight loss is mental and emotional fortitude. Mining the same problem-solving and motivational skills JD has used so successfully with reality show contestants, The Big Fat Truth gets readers to address the real reasons they’re overweight (and nobody gets away with saying it’s because they love food). With his combination of enthusiasm, empathy, no-holds-barred style, and master story-telling abilities, JD helps them unearth and tackle the unresolved issues they’ve buried under the French fries and chocolate chip cookie. Presented in three parts, The Big Fat Truth includes short straight-to-the-point chapters that help readers identify their real issues, create their own reality show, and then shake up their lives to do the impossible. Included throughout are inspiring stories, advice, and before-and-after photos from people JD has helped to lose weight (both on camera and off), along with quick tips for how to stay accountable and a 30-day plan for putting this advice into action.

Unbelievable Freedom: How We Transformed Our Health and Happiness with Intermittent Fasting

Ryan Smith - 2018
    They had been on the hamster wheel of diets from long before they met. From the time of their wedding in 2003, they ate their way through a decade plagued by massive weight gain until 2014, at which point they topped out at well over 500 pounds combined. First Ryan began a weight loss effort, then Kim followed suit, eventually leading them both to intermittent fasting as outlined in Gin Stephens’ “Delay, Don’t Deny: Living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle.” At this point, Ryan and Kim have lost a collective 220 pounds. The journey transformed not only their connection to food, but to themselves and to each other. Their lives are filled with a peaceful joy that they hope to share with others. The Smiths specifically hope to reach couples who feel their separate issues with food are magnified in the context of their relationship. They run a busy Facebook support group called Fasting, Feasting, FREEDOM with Kim & Ryan. Updates about their lives can always be found at www.fastingfeastingfreedom.com.

Fast Tract Digestion Heartburn

Norman Robillard - 2012
    Fast Tract Digestion Heartburn is the first book to define and address the real cause of acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs as a result of digestive malabsorption of five difficult-to-digest carbohydrates. It leads to the overgrowth of gas-producing bacteria in the small intestine and the gas pressure drives acid reflux. Dropping a Mentos into a bottle of Coke is the perfect illustration of this phenomenon. Unfortunately, PPI drugs do not address the real cause, but also cause serious side effects including vitamin and mineral malabsorption, bone fractures, pneumonia, low blood magnesium levels, bacterial overgrowth, C diff infection and pneumonia as explained in the book.Fast Tract Digestion Heartburn offers science-based food choices and recipes (Fast Tract Diet) to limit the five difficult-to-digest carbohydrates, so that you can feel relief within a few days Also, it enables you to self-manage all of the symptoms of acid reflux going forward. The Fast Tract Diet is based on a scientific formula called Fermentation Potential (FP). FP is the key measure regardless of the carbohydrate count. Limiting foods with high FP will help control the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine and, as a result, acid reflux. The Fast Tract Diet was clinically tested on reflux sufferers in the Boston area. The results were overwhelming and proved the effectiveness of the diet as an alternative to proton pump inhibitor drugs.

The Abs Diet: The Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life

David Zinczenko - 2004
    It's not low-carb, low-fat, or low-anything else. It's just a smart, sensible, healthy plan that will give you the body you want in weeks. The Abs Diet will show you how to eat to keep your body's natural fat burners stoked at all times so you burn fat and build muscle all day, every day—even when you sleep. And you'll never feel hungry, restricted, or deprived.