Book picks similar to
Reading Latin: Grammar and Exercises by Peter Jones
Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool
J.Y.K. Kerr - 2002
An intriguing story - with Sherlock Holmes, the most famous and most eccentric detective in English literature, using his detective powers to solve the mystery.
Love and Honour and Pity and Pride and Compassion and Sacrifice
Nam Le - 2012
When his father, a man with a painful past, comes to visit, Nam’s writing and sense of self are both deeply changed. Love and Honour and Pity and Pride and Compassion and Sacrifice is a deeply moving story of identity, family and the wellsprings of creativity, from Nam Le’s multi-award-winning collection The Boat.
King Alfred's English, a History of the Language We Speak and Why We Should Be Glad We Do
Laurie J. White - 2009
Aimed at students in grades 7-12, "King Alfred's English" is an intriguing look at the development of language--a combination study in both history and English with a bit of linguistics woven throughout.
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary
Merriam-Webster - 1992
More than 35,000 entries. Pronunciations provided for all entries. Covers brand names and generic equivalents of common drugs.
Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction
John Lyons - 1995
Preserving the general structure of the author's important study Language, Meaning and Context (1981), this text has been expanded in scope to introduce several topics that were not previously discussed, and to take account of new developments in linguistic semantics over the past decade.
Intermediate English Grammar
Raymond Murphy - 2006
It is for intermediate and more advanced students combines reference grammar and practice exercises in a single volume.
The Law of Higher Education
William A. Kaplin - 2006
It also provides a guide for programs that help prepare higher education administrators for leadership roles. This important reference is organized into five main parts Perspectives and Foundations; The College and Its Governing Board and Staff; The College and Its Faculty; The College and Its Students; and The College and the Outside World. Each part includes the sections of the full fourth edition that most relate to student interests and are most suitable for classroom instruction, for example:The evolution and reach of higher education law The governance of higher education Legal planning and dispute resolution The interrelationships between law and policy The college and its employees Faculty employment and tenure Academic freedom Campus issues: student safety, racial and sexual harassment, affirmative action, computer networks, services for international students Student misconduct Freedom of speech, hate speech Student rights, responsibilities, and activities fees Athletics and Title IX Copyright
Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Paul Allen Tipler - 1981
Now in its fourth edition, the work has been extensively revised, with entirely new artwork, updated examples and new pedagogical features. An interactive CD-ROM with worked examples is included. Alternatively, the material on from the CD-ROM can be down-loaded from a website (see supplements section). Twentieth-century developments such as quantum mechanics are introduced early on, so that students can appreciate their importance and see how they fit into the bigger picture.
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases
Frank B. Cross - 1991
The cases, content, and features of the exciting new ninth edition have been thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in the business law environment. An excellent assortment of cases ranges from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions, and ethical, global, and corporate themes are integrated throughout. In addition, numerous features and exercises help you master key concepts and apply what you've learned to real-world issues, and the book offers an unmatched range of support resources, including innovative online review tools.
Roman Civilization: Selected Readings: The Republic & the Augustan Age, Vol 1
Naphtali Lewis - 1989
Originally published by Columbia University Press in 1955, the authors have undertaken another revision which takes into account recent work in the field. These volumes consist of selected primary documents from ancient Rome, covering a range of over 1,000 years of Roman culture, from the foundation of the city to its sacking by the Goths.The selections cover a broad spectrum of Roman civilization, including literature, philosophy, religion, education, politics, military affairs, and economics. These English translations of literary, inscriptional, and papyrological sources, many of which are available nowhere else, create a mosaic of the brilliance, the beauty, and the power of Rome.
Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings
John R. Perry - 1986
Ideal for introductory philosophy courses, the third edition of this classic text now includes a general introduction and features eighteen selections new to this volume and an expanded glossary of philosophical terms. A serious and challenging work, it includes sections on the meaning of life, God and evil, epistemology, philosophy of science, the mind/body problem, freedom of will, consciousness, ethics, and philosophical puzzles. This exceptionally successful anthology presents a large number of substantial--and in some cases complete--selections from major works, offering a unique balance between classical and contemporary readings. This third edition adds selections by Plato, Nelson Pike, J.L. Mackie, Elizabeth Anderson, David Lewis, Hilary Putnam, Frank Jackson, John Perry, Peter Strawson, Rosalind Hursthouse, G.A. Cohen, Samuel Scheffler, Debra Satz, and Kwame Anthony Appiah as well as Kavka's Toxin Puzzle and Quinn's Puzzle of the Self-Torturer.
Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
John McMurry - 1992
Effectively coversthe essentials of allied health chemistry without excessive andunnecessary detail. Puts chemistry in the context of everyday life.Covers biochemistry thoroughly to allow for flexible treatment andplaces emphasis on its relevance to society. Updates and expandscontent throughout in topics such as DNA, genomics, chemicalmessengers, the new food pyramid, and the modern view of nucleicacid chemistry and protein synthesis. Revises illustrations throughoutfor increased effectiveness. Redesigned diagrams and bulleted lists fora clearer layout.
Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses
April Hazard Vallerand - 2012
BONUS! FREE DIGITAL ACCESS One-year subscription to, Davis's Drug Guide Online, powered by Unbound Medicine. You'll have access to over 1,100 monographs from your desktop, laptop, or any mobile device with a web browser. LIFE-SAVING GUIDANCE... AT A GLANCE Red tab for high alert medications, plus in-depth high alert and patient safety coverage Red, capitalized letters for life-threatening side effects Drug-drug, drug-food, drug-natural product interactions Pedi, Geri, OB, and Lactation cautions IV Administration subheads NEW! REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies) icon Pharmacogenomic content Canadian-specific Much more! LEARNING, CARE PLANNING, AND PATIENT EDUCATION TOOLS Online at DavisPlus Interactive flash cards MORE! Audio podcasts Video clips Animations Schematic brain illustrations Much more!
From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome from 133 BC to AD 68
H.H. Scullard - 1959
More than forty years after its first publication this masterful survey remains the standard textbook on the central period of Roman history.