Best of
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Christopher M. Bishop - 2006
However, these activities can be viewed as two facets of the same field, and together they have undergone substantial development over the past ten years. In particular, Bayesian methods have grown from a specialist niche to become mainstream, while graphical models have emerged as a general framework for describing and applying probabilistic models. Also, the practical applicability of Bayesian methods has been greatly enhanced through the development of a range of approximate inference algorithms such as variational Bayes and expectation propagation. Similarly, new models based on kernels have had a significant impact on both algorithms and applications. This new textbook reflects these recent developments while providing a comprehensive introduction to the fields of pattern recognition and machine learning. It is aimed at advanced undergraduates or first-year PhD students, as well as researchers and practitioners, and assumes no previous knowledge of pattern recognition or machine learning concepts. Knowledge of multivariate calculus and basic linear algebra is required, and some familiarity with probabilities would be helpful though not essential as the book includes a self-contained introduction to basic probability theory.
The Biology of Cancer
Robert A. Weinberg - 2006
Book by Weinberg, Robert A.
Japanese From Zero! 1: Proven Methods to Learn Japanese with integrated Workbook and Online Support
George Trombley - 2006
The lessons and techniques used in this series have been taught successfully for over ten years in classrooms throughout the world.Using up-to-date and easy-to-grasp grammar, Japanese From Zero is the perfect course for current students of Japanese as well as absolute beginners.In Book 1 of the Japanese From Zero series, readers are taught new grammar concepts, over 800 new words and expressions, and also learn the hiragana writing system.Features of Book 1: * Integrated Workbook with Answer Key* Over 800 New Words and Expressions* Learn to Read and Write Hiragana* Easy-to-Understand Example Dialogues* Culture Points about Japan* Bilingual Glossaries with Kana and Romaji...and much more
Intimate Relationships
Rowland S. Miller - 2006
Written in a unified voice, this text features the reader-friendly tone that was established in the first three editions and presents the key findings on intimate relationships, the major theoretical perspectives, and some of the current controversies in the field. Brehm, Miller, Perlman, and Campbell illustrate the relevance of close relationship science to readers' everyday lives, encouraging thought and analysis. The new edition includes more illustrations, tables, and figures that complement the thoroughly updated, new-and-improved text.
The PowerScore LSAT Logic Games Bible
David M. Killoran - 2006
The LSAT Logic Games Bible features a detailed methodology for attacking the games section, extensive drills, and 21 real LSAT logic games with detailed analyses.
Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness
Anne Waugh - 2006
The text is written in straightforward language and is complemented by extensive clear, full-colour illustrations. Each chapter provides an explanation of the normal structure and functions of the human body and what occurs when disease or illness disrupts the normal processes.Carefully refined, clear and unambiguous textExcellent layout ensures the text and relevant illustrations are close togetherHighly illustrated with clear line diagrams, mostly in colourText uses regular sequences of headings, lists, and bullet points to help with learning and revisionOmits the unnecessary detail which can confuse the student new to the subjectA glossary of common prefixes, suffixes and roots commonly used in anatomy and physiologyAn Appendix containing useful biological values for easy referenceLearning outcomes related to the sections within each chapterAccompanying Colouring and workbook that facilitates structured learning and revision of the material in this bookAccess to an Evolve companion website offering animations, MCQs, a full image bank, an audio pronunciation guide as well as useful web links.- text revised and updated, including one chapter integrating the musculoskeletal system and a new chapter on genetics to reflect the increasing importance of this topic - new and revised artwork/illustrations - enhanced features on the Evolve website for students: -High quality animations -Multiple-choice questions -Web links to supplementary websites -An audio pronunciation guideand for Lecturers: -Image bank: the complete collection of images from the book.
Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models
Andrew Gelman - 2006
The book introduces a wide variety of models, whilst at the same time instructing the reader in how to fit these models using available software packages. The book illustrates the concepts by working through scores of real data examples that have arisen from the authors' own applied research, with programming codes provided for each one. Topics covered include causal inference, including regression, poststratification, matching, regression discontinuity, and instrumental variables, as well as multilevel logistic regression and missing-data imputation. Practical tips regarding building, fitting, and understanding are provided throughout. Author resource page: http: // gelman/arm/
Why You Do the Things You Do: The Secret to Healthy Relationships
Tim Clinton - 2006
In this transformational book, the authors have used ground-breaking research to develop four primary patterns of relating to one another that shed light on our actions--and how we can learn to love and be loved even better.
Principles of Trauma Therapy: A Guide to Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment
John Briere - 2006
Authors John Briere and Catherine Scott articulate a nonpathologizing, phenomenological perspective on trauma and recovery--one that emphasizes both specific therapeutic techniques and the general but critical role of the therapeutic relationship.
Caring for People God's Way: Personal and Emotional Issues, Addictions, Grief, and Trauma
Tim Clinton - 2006
This complete follow-up to Competent Christian Counseling melds together biblical foundations and teachings, the very latest research, theory, and practice in Christian counseling, and a model that's biblically eclectic, strength-based, and Spirit-directed.
Rhythms of the Brain
György Buzsáki - 2006
This book provides eloquent support for the idea that spontaneous neuron activity, far from being mere noise, is actually the source of our cognitive abilities. It takes a fresh look at the co-evolution of structure and function in the mammalian brain, illustrating how self-emerged oscillatory timing is the brains fundamental organizer of neuronal information. The small world-like connectivity of the cerebral cortex allows for global computation on multiple spatial and temporal scales. The perpetual interactions among the multiple network oscillators keep cortical systems in a highly sensitive metastable state and provide energy-efficient synchronizing mechanisms via weak links.In a sequence of cycles, Gy�rgy Buzs�ki guides the reader from the physics of oscillations through neuronal assembly organization to complex cognitive processing and memory storage. His clear, fluid writing accessible to any reader with some scientific knowledge is supplemented by extensive footnotes and references that make it just as gratifying and instructive a read for the specialist. The coherent view of a single author who has been at the forefront of research in this exciting field, this volume is essential reading for anyone interested in our rapidly evolving understanding of the brain.
An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits
Uri Alon - 2006
It provides a simple mathematical framework which can be used to understand and even design biological circuits. The textavoids specialist terms, focusing instead on several well-studied biological systems that concisely demonstrate key principles. An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits builds a solid foundation for the intuitive understanding of general principles. It encourages the reader to ask why a system is designed in a particular way and then proceeds to answer with simplified models.
Song: A Guide to Art Song Style and Literature, Revised Edition
Carol Kimball - 2006
Now back in print after an absence of several years, this newly revised edition includes biographies and discussions of the work of 150 composers of various nationalities, as well as articles on styles of various schools of composition.
Med-Surg Success: A Q&A Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking (Davis's Q&a Series)
Kathryn Cadenhead Colgrove - 2006
More than 2,265 classroom-tested, NCLEX -style questions. (Alternate-item format, too!) Test-taking hints and rationales for correct and incorrect answers. TWO BOOKS IN ONE! Course review now. NCLEX -prep later. Assure your mastery of medical surgical nursing knowledge while honing your critical thinking and test-taking skills. The 2nd Edition of this popular resource features 2,000 questions that reflect the latest advances in medical-surgical nursing and the new, 2010 NCLEX-RN test plan. The seemingly huge volume of information you must master has been organized into manageable sections divided by body systems and specific diseases. Each chapter is a self-contained unit. For each practice question, you ll find the answer, rationales for correct and incorrect responses, and a test-taking tip. The comprehensive exam at the end of each chapter assesses your strengths and weaknesses, identifying areas for further study. The bonus CD-ROM, featuring 265 questions, offers an interactive approach to course review and exam preparation. Click Here for a Special Mail-In Rebate Offer
Evolutionary Dynamics: Exploring the Equations of Life
M.A. Nowak - 2006
Evolutionary Dynamics is concerned with these equations of life. In this book, Martin A. Nowak draws on the languages of biology and mathematics to outline the mathematical principles according to which life evolves. His work introduces readers to the powerful yet simple laws that govern the evolution of living systems, no matter how complicated they might seem. Evolution has become a mathematical theory, Nowak suggests, and any idea of an evolutionary process or mechanism should be studied in the context of the mathematical equations of evolutionary dynamics. His book presents a range of analytical tools that can be used to this end: fitness landscapes, mutation matrices, genomic sequence space, random drift, quasispecies, replicators, the Prisoner's Dilemma, games in finite and infinite populations, evolutionary graph theory, games on grids, evolutionary kaleidoscopes, fractals, and spatial chaos. Nowak then shows how evolutionary dynamics applies to critical real-world problems, including the progression of viral diseases such as AIDS, the virulence of infectious agents, the unpredictable mutations that lead to cancer, the evolution of altruism, and even the evolution of human language. His book makes a clear and compelling case for understanding every living system--and everything that arises as a consequence of living systems--in terms of evolutionary dynamics.
Teaching Twelfth Night and Othello: Shakespeare Set Free
Teaching Shakespeare Institute - 2006
At the Library's Teaching Shakespeare Institute, scholars, actors, and teachers from across the country work together at the business of teaching and learning Shakespeare. This third volume of the Shakespeare Set Free series is written by institute faculty and participants. The volume sparkles with fine recent scholarship and the wisdom and wit of real classroom teachers in all kinds of schools all over the United States. In this book, you'll find: Clear and provocative essays written by leading scholars to refresh the teacher and challenge older students Successful and plainly understandable techniques for teaching through performance Ways to teach Shakespeare that successfully engage students of every grade and ability level in exploring Shakespeare's language and the magical worlds of the plays Day-by-day teaching strategies for Twelfth Night and Othello -- created, taught, written, and edited by teachers with real voices in real classrooms.
Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats
Étienne Côté - 2006
Etienne Cote's Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats, 2nd Edition is like six books in one -- with concise topics within sections on diseases and disorders, procedures and techniques, differential diagnosis, laboratory tests, clinical algorithms, and a drug formulary. Revised from cover to cover, this edition includes dozens of new topics. It also includes free access to a fully searchable companion website featuring an electronic version of the text, all of the book's images, a searchable drug formulary, and 150 "Client Education Sheets" in both English and Spanish.
Democracy Reborn: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Fight for Equal Rights in Post-Civil War America
Garrett Epps - 2006
. . With a novelist's eye for biographical detail, Epps has written an . . . enthralling book.--David W. Blight, Chicago TribuneThe last battle of the Civil War wasn't fought at Appomattox by dashing generals or young soldiers but by middle-aged men in frock coats. Yet it was war all the same--a desperate struggle for the soul and future of the new American Republic that was rising from the ashes of Civil War. It was the battle that planted the seeds of democracy, under the bland heading Amendment XIV. Scholars call it the Second Constitution. Over time, the Fourteenth Amendment--which at last provided African Americans with full citizenship and prohibited any state from denying any citizen due process and equal protection under the law--changed almost every detail of our public life.Democracy Reborn tells the story of this desperate struggle, from the halls of Congress to the bloody streets of Memphis and New Orleans. Both a novelist and a constitutional scholar, Garrett Epps unfolds a powerful story against a panoramic portrait of America on the verge of a new era.
Straw for the Fire: From the Notebooks of Theodore Roethke
Theodore Roethke - 2006
Within these notebooks, Roethke allowed his mind to rove freely, moment by moment, moving from the practical to the transcendental, from the halting to the sublime.Fellow poet and colleague David Wagoner distilled these notebooks—twelve linear feet of bookshelf—into an energetic, wise, and rollicking collection that shows Roethke to be one of the truly phenomenal creative sources in American poetry.From “A Psychic Janitor”: I’m sick of fumbling, furtive, disorganized minds like bad lawyers trying to make too many points that this is an age of criticism: and these, mind you, tin-eared punks who couldn’t tell a poem from an old boot if a gun were put to their heads . . .Cover art by United States Poet Laureate Ted Kooser.
Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry
Neil S. Norton - 2006
The Netter head and neck anatomy plates have long been considered the preeminent illustrations of their kind. Now, many of these original plates have been updated, relabeled, and modified to set an even higher standard.Covers dental clinical correlates such as, maxillary sinus lift - Caldwell Luc procedures - maxillary root tips penetrating into the maxillary sinus - and loss of bone in edentulous patients and its effect on treatment planning.Features Illustrated clinical examples within each chapter, demonstrating the practical relevance of the anatomy.Includes tables that display the maximum amount of information in the minimum space, providing quick access to essential concepts.And much more.
Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction
Adam Jones - 2006
The book examines the differing interpretations of genocide from psychology, sociology, anthropology and political science and analyzes the influence of race, ethnicity, nationalism and gender on genocides. In the final section, the author examines how we punish those responsible for waging genocide and how the international community can prevent further bloodshed.
Analysis II
Terence Tao - 2006
The emphasis is on rigour and on foundations. The material starts at the very beginning - the construction of the number systems and set theory, then to the basics of analysis (limits, series, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integration), through to power series, several variable calculus and Fourier analysis, and finally to the Lebesgue integral. These are almost entirely set in the concrete setting of the real line and Euclidean spaces, although there is some material on abstract metric and topological spaces. There are also appendices on mathematical logic and the decimal system. The course material is deeply intertwined with the exercises, as it is intended for the student to actively learn the material and to practice thinking and writing rigorously.
Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice
Sebastian Pole - 2006
This book offers a clear, accessible and yet detailed guide to Ayurvedic herbalism. It encompasses a brief history of the growth of Ayurveda, a discussion of its fundamental principles, treatment strategies as well as the energetic approach of traditional Ayurvedic herbal pharmacy and pharmacology. It also emphasizes the importance of using sustainably harvested herbs in clinical practice. The introductory theoretical chapters complement the core of the book that includes over 100 plant profiles of Ayurvedic herbs and 50 traditional formulas.The herbal material medica of Ayurveda is discussed, along with traditional ayurvedic energetics, in way that is accessible to the western complementary practitioner.Uniquely styled plant profiles include information on over 100 herbs and 25 formulas.The Ayurvedic theory of clinical treatment is clearly presented, as well as its application.Material represents a blend of traditional medicine with modern research, combining pure Ayurveda with modern phytotherapy and bio-medicine.Coverage of each plant includes details on growing habitat and special characteristics.Practical step-by-step instructions explain how to prepare herbal medicines in the unique Ayurvedic style - oils, creams, ghees, jams, etc.Photos are provided of both the freshly growing herbs and dried samples.Authored by an experienced Medical Herbalist, Ayurvedic practitioner, and passionate herb grower well-versed in the classical Ayurvedic texts and contemporary writings.
Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical Guide
Claudia Ross - 2006
No prior knowledge of grammatical terminology is assumed and a glossary of grammatical terms is provided. Featuring related exercises and activities, this Grammar is accompanied by the Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar Workbook.
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach [with Student Resource DVD]
Yunus A. Cengel - 2006
The subject of thermodynamics deals with energy and has long been an essential part of engineering curricula all over the world. Its broad application area ranges from microscopic organisms to common household appliances, transportation vehicles, power generation systems, and even philosophy. This introductory book contains sufficient material for two sequential courses in thermodynamics, and students are assumed to have an adequate background in calculus and physics. A conscious effort is made to emphasize the basic principles of thermodynamics while also providing students with a perspective of how computational tools are used in engineering practice. The traditional classical, or macroscopic, approach is used throughout the text, with microscopic arguments serving in a supporting role as appropriate. This approach is more in line with students’ intuition and makes learning the subject matter much easier.
Introduction to Number Theory (Text and Solution Manuals Art of Problem Solving) by Mathew Crawford (2008) Paperback
Mathew Crawford - 2006
Topics covered in the book include primes & composites, multiples & divisors, prime factorization and its uses, simple Diophantine equations, base numbers, modular arithmetic, divisibility rules, linear congruences, how to develop number sense, and much more. This books is ideal for students who have mastered basic algebra, such as solving linear equations. Middle school students preparing for MATHCOUNTS, high school students preparing for the AMC, and other students seeking to master the fundamentals of number theory will find this book an instrumental part of their mathematics libraries.
A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests: Administration, Norms, and Commentary
Esther Strauss - 2006
The goal of the third edition of A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests, a well-established neuropsychology reference text, is twofold. First, the Compendium is intended to serve as a guidebook that provides a comprehensive overview of the essential aspects of neuropsychological assessment practice.Second, it is intended as a comprehensive sourcebook of critical reviews of major neuropsychological assessment tools for the use by practicing clinicians and researchers. Written in a comprehensive, easy-to-read reference format, and based on exhaustive review of research literature in neuropsychology, neurology, psychology, and related disciplines, the book covers topics such as basic aspects of neuropsychological assessment as well as the theoretical background, norms, and the utility, reliability, and validity of neuropsychological tests.For this third edition, all chapters have been extensively revised and updated. The text has been considerably expanded to provide a comprehensive yet practical overview of the state of the field. Two new chapters have been added: Psychometrics in Neuropsychological Assessment and Norms in Psychological Assessment. The first two chapters present basic psychometric concepts and principles. Chapters three and four consider practical aspects of the history-taking interview and the assessment process itself. Chapter five provides guidelines on report-writing and chapters six through sixteen consist of detailed, critical reviews of neuropsychological tests, and address the topics of intelligence, achievement, executive function, attention, memory, language, visual perception, somatosensory olfactory function, mood/personality, and response bias. A unique feature is the inclusion of tables that summarize salient features of tests within each domain so that readers can easily compare measures. Additional tables within each test review summarize important features of each test, highlight aspects of each normative dataset, and provide an overview of psychometric properties. Of interest to neuropsychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and educational and clinical psychologists working with adults as well as pediatric populations, this volume will aid practitioners in selecting appropriate testing measures for their patients, and will provide them with the knowledge needed to make empirically supported interpretations of test results.
Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications
Yunus A. Cengel - 2006
The text provides a highly intuitive and practical understanding of the material by emphasizing the physics and the underlying physical phenomena involved. Using a reader-friendly approach and a conversational writing style, the book is self-instructive and entertains while it teaches. It shows that highly technical matter can be communicated effectively in a simple yet precise language.
Girls, Social Class, and Literacy: What Teachers Can Do to Make a Difference
Stephanie Jones - 2006
This remarkable book is at once powerful and poetic, provocative and informative. Lucy Calkins Be prepared to have your heart examined, perhaps bruised, and ultimately strengthened for the social action that is the reason Stephanie teaches and writesand the reason every educator must read this book. Jo Beth Allen, author of Sociocultural Playgrounds: Teacher Research in the Writing Classroom A must-read for teacher study groups preparing to tackle the impact of poverty on elementary education. Barbara Comber, Centre for Studies in Literacy, Policy and Learning Cultures University of South Australia Girls, Social Class, and Literacy is a compelling and provocative look at the debilitating effects of classism on young girls, as well as a pragmatic and powerful examination of the transformative effects of sensitive, smart teaching on children whose lives and education are too often a reflection of their economic status. Stephanie Jones shares the insights of a five-year study that followed eight working-poor girls, offering you unusually sharp insight into what its like to be underprivileged in America. With critical literacy as her tool, Jones then helps you peel back your ideas of the poorand of your own studentsto see them, and your role in their lives, more clearly. Just as important, using reading and writing workshop as an instructional framework, she describes how to validate and honor all students realities while cultivating crucial critical literacy skills. Youll find out why giving children the option to find and talk openly about disconnections with childrens literature (as well as connections) and to write on topics of their choosing (even difficult ones) can have a large, positive impact on students as they speak and write about their reality without shame or fear of judgment.As the gap between rich and poor widens in America, more and more children from working-poor families enter schools. You can make a difference in their lives by rethinking how you look at social class and extending to all children the same opportunities to share their experiences through reading, speaking, and writing. Read Girls, Social Class, and Literacy and ensure that in your classroom the education every student receives is not proportionate to their financial worth, but rather to their human worth.
Sound Systems: Design and Optimization: Modern Techniques and Tools for Sound System Design and Alignment
Bob McCarthy - 2006
This book is written for the field professional as well as the consultant or student, in a clear and easy-to-read style and illustrated with color diagrams and screenshots throughout. McCarthy's unique guide reveals the proven techniques to ensure that your sound system design can be optimized for maximum uniformity over the space.The book follows the audio signal path from the mix console to the audience and provides comprehensive information as to how the sound is spread over the listening area. The complex nature of the physics of speaker interaction over a listening space is revealed in terms readily understandable to audio professionals. Complex speaker arrays are broken down systematically and the means to design systems that are capable of being fully optimized for maximum spatial uniformity is shown. The methods of alignment are shown, including measurement mic placement, and step-by-step recipes for equalization, delay setting, level setting, speaker positioning and acoustic treatment. These principles and techniques are applicable to the simplest and most complex systems alike, from the single speaker to the multi-element "line array."
Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research
John W. Creswell - 2006
The text incorporates activities and exercises for classroom use or for use by the researcher in preparing designs.
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
John L. Hennessy - 2006
Today, Intel and other semiconductor firms are abandoning the single fast processor model in favor of multi-core microprocessors--chips that combine two or more processors in a single package. In the fourth edition of "Computer Architecture," the authors focus on this historic shift, increasing their coverage of multiprocessors and exploring the most effective ways of achieving parallelism as the key to unlocking the power of multiple processor architectures. Additionally, the new edition has expanded and updated coverage of design topics beyond processor performance, including power, reliability, availability, and dependability. CD System Requirements"PDF Viewer"The CD material includes PDF documents that you can read with a PDF viewer such as Adobe, Acrobat or Adobe Reader. Recent versions of Adobe Reader for some platforms are included on the CD. "HTML Browser"The navigation framework on this CD is delivered in HTML and JavaScript. It is recommended that you install the latest version of your favorite HTML browser to view this CD. The content has been verified under Windows XP with the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0, Firefox 1.5; under Mac OS X (Panther) with the following browsers: Internet Explorer 5.2, Firefox 1.0.6, Safari 1.3; and under Mandriva Linux 2006 with the following browsers: Firefox 1.0.6, Konqueror 3.4.2, Mozilla 1.7.11. The content is designed to be viewed in a browser window that is at least 720 pixels wide. You may find the content does not display well if your display is not set to at least 1024x768 pixel resolution. "Operating System"This CD can be used under any operating system that includes an HTML browser and a PDF viewer. This includes Windows, Mac OS, and most Linux and Unix systems. Increased coverage on achieving parallelism with multiprocessors. Case studies of latest technology from industry including the Sun Niagara Multiprocessor, AMD Opteron, and Pentium 4. Three review appendices, included in the printed volume, review the basic and intermediate principles the main text relies upon. Eight reference appendices, collected on the CD, cover a range of topics including specific architectures, embedded systems, application specific processors--some guest authored by subject experts.
Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience: The Geometry of Excitability and Bursting
Eugene M. Izhikevich - 2006
This is an explanation of the relationship of electrophysiology, nonlinear dynamics, and the computational properties of neurons, with each concept presented in terms of both neuroscience and mathematics and illustrated using geometrical intuition.
Concepts in Thermal Physics
Stephen J. Blundell - 2006
This book provides a modern introduction to the main principles that are foundational to thermal physics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The key concepts are carefully presented in a clear way, and new ideas are illustrated with copious worked examples as well as a description of the historical background to their discovery. Applications are presented to subjects as diverse as stellar astrophysics, information and communication theory, condensed matter physics and climate change. Each chapter concludes with detailed exercises.
Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods
Richard A. McPherson - 2006
A new full-color layout makes reference much easier. What's more, new chapters on laboratory regulations, nutrition, point-of-care testing, bioterrorism, proteomics, microarray analysis, and the human genome project - as well as a completely new section on cancer testing and meticulous updates from cover to cover - put all the latest, most essential knowledge at your fingertips.Describes the scientific foundation, and clinical application of today's complete range of laboratory tests.Delivers quick and easy access to information with a superb organization that lends itself to continuous reading as well as specific, on-the-spot referencing of a particular problem or condition.Presents a new full-color layout, many new color illustrations and visual aids, and a new organ-system organization to make reference easier and faster.Provides new chapters on Proteomics, Microarray Analysis, and Human Genome Project in Laboratory-Based Diagnostics - authored by pioneering experts who helped originate these techniques.Delivers a new chapter on Laboratory Regulations that details stringent new guidelines in the U.S. and abroad (such as CLIA88 and HIPAA), inspection, accreditation, and proficiency testing.Includes a completely new section on Cancer Testing that covers all aspects of molecular cancer testing, oncoproteins and early tumor detection, and tumor markers.Incorporates sweeping updates on instrumentation and clinical laboratory automation - medicolegal aspects of environmental toxicology, occupational exposures, and workplace/employment drug testing - molecular microbiology testing - bioterrorism - nutritional status testing - point-of-care testing - and many other evolving topics.Offers an increased emphasis on error detection, correction, and prevention as well as cost-effective test selection.With 117 additional contributing experts.
Master ASL - Level One (with DVD)
Jason E. Zinza - 2006
Though a textbook, this is still one of the best and easiest to follow works on American Sign Language.
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Programming
Itzik Ben-Gan - 2006
Database developers and administrators get best practices, expert techniques, and code samples to master the intricacies of the programming language—solving complex problems with real-world solutions. Discover how to:Understand when to apply set-based programming techniquesDesign and implement date and time-related XML and CLR datatypesUse temporary objects, including temporary tables, table variables, and table expressionsWork with T-SQL and CLR user-defined functions, stored procedures, and triggersSupport user input-based queries and variable data with dynamic executionWork with transactions and new exception handling constructsApply a concurrency model to support simultaneous usersUse Service Broker for controlled asynchronous processing in database applications This book includes code samples on the Web.
Everlasting Dominion: A Theology of the Old Testament
Eugene H. Merrill - 2006
Eugene H. Merrill, a thoroughly researched theology of the Old Testament based on decades of study and teaching experience.Taking a high view of Scripture as the inspired, authoritative Word of God, Merrill guides readers to a better understanding of the nature of Old Testament theology and employs a well-balanced method of laying bare the Scripture so that its profound, lifechanging truths can be better apprehended and applied.
Weak Links: The Universal Key to the Stability of Networks and Complex Systems
Peter Csermely - 2006
The author (recipient of several distinguished science communication prizes) uses weak (low affinity, low probability) interactions as a thread to introduce a vast variety of networks from proteins to economics and ecosystems. Many people, from Nobel Laureates to high-school students have helped to make the book understandable to all interested readers. This unique book and the ideas it develops will have a significant impact on many, seemingly diverse, fields of study."
International Legal English Student's Book with Audio CDs (3): A Course for Classroom or Self-study Use
Amy Krois-Lindner - 2006
International Legal English Second edition teaches learners how to use English in a commercial law environment and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. This second edition has fully-updated content - including twice the number of authentic case studies compared to the first edition - and contains a new unit on Transnational Commercial Law. An updated pull-out glossary is included in the Student's Book. International Legal English Second edition is ideal preparation for the Cambridge International Legal English Certificate (ILEC) and contains exam practice tasks, exam tips and a practice ILEC test.
The Imo Compendium
Dušan Djukić - 2006
Only six students from each participating country are given the honor of participating in this competition every year. The IMO represents not only a great opportunity to tackle interesting and challenging mathematics problems, it also offers a way for high school students to measure up with students from the rest of the world. The IMO has sparked off a burst of creativity among enthusiasts in creating new and interesting mathematics problems. In an extremely stiff competition, only six problems are chosen each year to appear on the IMO. The total number of problems proposed for the IMOs up to this point is staggering and, as a whole, this collection of problems represents a valuable resource for all high school students preparing for the IMO. Until now it has been almost impossible to obtain a complete collection of the problems proposed at the IMO in book form. "The IMO Compendium" is the result of a two year long collaboration between four former IMO participants from Yugoslavia, now Serbia and Montenegro, to rescue these problems from old and scattered manuscripts, and produce the ultimate source of IMO practice problems. This book attempts to gather all the problems and solutions appearing on the IMO, as well as the so-called "short-lists," a total of 864 problems. In addition, the book contains 1036 problems from various "long-lists" over the years, for a grand total of 1900 problems. In short, "The IMO Compendium" is the ultimate collection of challenging high-school-level mathematicsproblems. It will be an invaluable resource, not only for high-school students preparing for mathematics competitions, but for anyone who loves and appreciates math.
Complete Italian Grammar
Marcel Danesi - 2006
From the present tense of regular verbs to direct object pronouns, this comprehensive guide and workbook covers all aspects of Italian grammar that you need to master.Focusing on the practical aspects of Italian as it's really spoken, each unit of "Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Italian Grammar" features clear explanations, numerous realistic examples, and lots of engaging exercises."Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Italian Grammar" makes mastering grammar easy with: Clear, down-to-earth, easy-to-follow explanations that make even the most complex principles easy to understand Example sentences that illustrate and clarify each grammatical point Dozens of exercises in formats suited to every learning style Practical and high-frequency vocabulary used throughout A detailed answer key for quick, easy progress checksWith help from this book, you can effortlessly use: Possessive adjectives - Relative pronouns - Gerunds - Expressions of time - The passive and the impersonal "Si" * The subjunctive mood * Question words
Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology
Marcia Nelms - 2006
You'll prepare for your future career as you develop an understanding of nutrition therapy for each body system
Genomes 3
Terence A. Brown - 2006
Updated to incorporate the recent major advances, Genomes 3 is an invaluable companion for any undergraduate throughout their studies in molecular genetics. Genomes 3 builds on the achievements of the previous two editions by putting genomes, rather than genes, at the centre of molecular genetics teaching. Recognising that molecular biology research was being driven more by genome sequencing and functional analysis than by research into genes, this approach has gathered momentum in recent years.
Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice
Anne Shumway-Cook - 2006
The text prepares therapists to examine and treat patients with problems related to balance, mobility, and upper extremity function, based on the best available evidence supporting clinical practice. This edition provides the latest research findings and their clinical applications in postural control, mobility, and upper extremity function. Drawings, charts, tables, and photographs are also included to clarify postural control and functional mobility, and laboratory activities and case studies are provided to reinforce key concepts. Videos on the back-of-book DVD examine motor control deficits, including deficits in postural control, mobility, and upper extremity function in different types of neurologic pathology (stroke, cerebellar pathology, cerebral palsy, and Parkinson's disease) as well as in balance impaired elders. These videos can be viewed in their entirety or in the following segments: impairments, postural control, mobility, and upper extremity control. This video enhances the clinical coverage found in the textbook.
Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction
Terence A. Brown - 2006
Assuming the reader has little prior knowledge of the subject its importance, the principles of the techniques used and their applications are all carefully laid out, with over 250 clearly presented two-colour illustrations. In addition to a number of informative changes to the text throughout the book, the final four chapters have been significantly updated and extended to reflect the striking advances made in recent years in the applications of gene cloning and DNA analysis in biotechnology: Extended chapter on agriculture including new material on glyphosate resistant plantsNew section on the uses of gene cloning and PCR in archaeologyCoverage of ethical concerns relating to pharming, gene therapy and GM crops Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis remains an essential introductory text to a wide range of biological sciences students; including genetics and genomics, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology and applied biology. It is also a perfect introductory text for any professional needing to learn the basics of the subject. All libraries in universities where medical, life and biological sciences are studied and taught should have copies available on their shelves. View the Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis webpage at
Condensed Matter Field Theory
Alexander Altland - 2006
This primer is aimed at elevating graduate students of condensed matter theory to a level where they can engage in independent research. It emphasizes the development of modern methods of classical and quantum field theory with applications oriented around condensed matter physics. Topics covered include second quantization, path and functional field integration, mean-field theory and collective phenomena, the renormalization group, and topology. Conceptual aspects and formal methodology are emphasized, but the discussion is rooted firmly in practical experimental application. As well as routine exercises, the text includes extended and challenging problems, with fully worked solutions, designed to provide a bridge between formal manipulations and research-oriented thinking. This book will complement graduate level courses on theoretical quantum condensed matter physics.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research
Timothy A. Brown - 2006
Brown uses rich examples derived from the psychology, management, and sociology literatures to provide in-depth treatment of the concepts, procedures, pitfalls, and extensions of CFA methodology. Chock full of useful advice and tables that outline the procedures, the text shows readers how to conduct exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and understand similarities to and differences from CFA; formulate, program, and interpret CFA models using popular latent variable software packages such as LISREL, Mplus, Amos, EQS, and SAS/CALIS; and report results from a CFA study. Also covered are extensions of CFA to traditional IRT analysis, methods for determining necessary sample sizes, and new CFA modeling possibilities, including multilevel factor models and factor mixture models. Special features include a companion Web page offering data and program syntax files for many of the research examples so that readers can practice the procedures described in the book with real data. The Web page also includes links to additional CFA-related resources.
Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis in Social Work Practice
Jacqueline Corcoran - 2006
A risk and resilience framework helps social workers understand environmental influences on the emergence of mental disorders and the strengths that clients already possess. Social workers will also learn to apply critical thinking to the DSM when it is inconsistent with social work values and principles. Finally, the authors catalog evidence-based assessment instruments and treatments so that social workers can intervene efficiently and effectively, using the best resources available.Students and practitioners alike will appreciate the wealth of case examples, evidence-based assessment instruments, and treatment plans that make this an essential guide to the assessment and diagnostic processes in social work practice.
Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana: A Workbook for Self-Study
Kenneth G. Henshall - 2006
Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana provides beginning-level students of Japanese a thorough grounding in the basic hiragana and katakana phonetic symbols or syllabaries. A comprehensive introduction presents their basic function, origin, pronunciation and usage. The main body of the book is devoted to presenting the 92 hira and kata characters along with their variations, giving step-by-step guidelines on how to write each character neatly in the correct stroke order, with plentiful practice spaces provided for handwriting practice. This Japanese workbook includes:Systematic and comprehensive coverage of the two Japanese kana systems.Ample provision for Japanese kana practice, review, and self-testing at several levelsDetailed reference section explaining the origin and function of kana, and the various kana combinations.Access to online Japanese audio files to aid in correct pronunciation.Helpful additional information for language students accustomed to romanized Japanese.Vocabulary selected for usefulness and cultural relevance.About this new edition:The new third edition has been expanded and revised to include many additional reading and writing exercises. Accompanying online recordings demonstrate the correct pronunciation of all the characters, vocabulary, and sentences in the book.
Spanish-English Dictionary (Barron's Bilingual Dictionaries)
Margaret Cop - 2006
This book features 100, 000 entries with translations, and makes an ideal reference book for schools, libraries, businesses, and the home bookshelf. Yet its manageable size and reasonable price also makes it a practical learning tool for students taking a Spanish language course. It features: Two full-length sections: English to Spanish and Spanish to English American-style English translations of all Spanish entries Headwords printed in a second color for easy reference with translations, parts of speech, and pronunciation guide printed in black Exemplary phrases using headwords in standard contexts Separate bilingual lists for numerals, phonetics symbols, abbreviations, and geographical names This all-inclusive dictionary also features full-color atlas-style maps, a concise grammar guide, a regular verb conjugation list, and many more language learning aids. Here is a complete and up-to-date bilingual dictionary for libraries, schools, and the home. It can also serve as a helpful take-along book for international travelers. FREE eBOOK VERSION available with purchase A key feature that sets "Barron's Spanish-English Dictionary " apart from others is the FREE downloadable electronic version of the print dictionary. Users will find a PIN number in the back of each book that instructs them on how to download a copy onto their PDA, smartphone, and/or PC. Here's a great feature for students and travelers constantly on the go.
Blessing the World: What Can Save Us Now
Rebecca Ann Parker - 2006
Her life's work, so eloquently displayed on these pages, is to expose the lie that violence redeems and to direct us toward the forces that repair broken life. An important and timely contribution to post-September 11 theological reflection.
Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems
Michael H. Tooley - 2006
It is written for anyone pursuing a career in aircraft maintenance engineering or a related aerospace engineering discipline, and in particular will be suitable for those studying for licensed aircraft maintenance engineer status as part of an EASA or FAR-147 approved course or taking Aerospace Engineering City & Guilds modules, EDEXCEL National Units, EDEXCEL Higher National Units or a Degree in aircraft engineering.
Planning and Urban Design Standards
American Planning Association - 2006
Edited from the main volume to meet the serious student's needs, this Student Edition is packed with more than 1,400 informative illustrations and includes the latest rules of thumb for designing and evaluating any land-use scheme--from street plantings to new subdivisions. Students find real help understanding all the practical information on the physical aspects of planning and urban design they are required to know, including: * Plans and plan making * Environmental planning and management * Building types * Transportation * Utilities * Parks and open space, farming, and forestry * Places and districts * Design considerations * Projections and demand analysis * Impact assessment * Mapping * Legal foundations * Growth management preservation, conservation, and reuse * Economic and real estate development Planning and Urban Design Standards, Student Edition provides essential specification and detailing information for various types of plans, environmental factors and hazards, building types, transportation planning, and mapping and GIS. In addition, expert advice guides readers on practical and graphical skills, such as mapping, plan types, and transportation planning.
Welsh's Synthesizer Cookbook: Synthesizer Programming, Sound Analysis, and Universal Patch Book
Fred Welsh - 2006
The acoustic patches are based on harmonic analysis and are exceedingly close to the real instruments.An included CD contains the new SCB VSTi softsynth and audio samples for synthesizer calibration as well as a full album of electronica.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Stephen Bullon - 2006
Book by
Introduction to Programming with C++
Y. Daniel Liang - 2006
KEY TOPICS: Introduction to Computers, Programs, and C++; Elementary Programming; Selections; Loops; Function Basics; Advanced Function Features; Single-Dimensional Arrays; Multidimensional Arrays; Objects and Classes; Class Design; Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management; Templates and Vectors; File I/O; Operator Overloading; Inheritance and Polymorphism; Exception Handling; Recursion; Algorithm Efficiency; Sorting; Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues. The following bonus chapters are on the book’s Web site: Binary Search Trees; STL Containers; STL Algorithms; Graphs and Applications; Weighted Graphs and Applications; AVL Trees and Splay Trees. MARKET: Ideal for beginning programmers.
A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory
Jeffrey S. Rosenthal - 2006
It is designed for graduate students in a variety of fields (mathematics, statistics, economics, management, finance, computer science, and engineering) who require a working knowledge of probability theory that is mathematically precise, but without excessive technicalities. The text provides complete proofs of all the essential introductory results. Nevertheless, the treatment is focused and accessible, with the measure theory and mathematical details presented in terms of intuitive probabilistic concepts, rather than as separate, imposing subjects. In this new edition, many exercises and small additional topics have been added and existing ones expanded. The text strikes an appropriate balance, rigorously developing probability theory while avoiding unnecessary detail.
Mind as Machine: A History of Cognitive Science Two-Volume Set
Margaret A. Boden - 2006
It brings together psychology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, computing, philosophy, linguistics, and anthropology in the project of understanding the mind by modelling its workings. Oxford University Press now presents a masterful history of cognitive science, told by one of its most eminent practitioners.
Drugs and Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology
William A. McKim - 2006
This text gives an up-to-date description of the field of Behavioral Pharmacology. It starts by describing basic pharmacological concepts of drug administration and pharmacokinetics, research methodology including clinical trials, tolerance and withdrawal, drug conditioning, addiction processes, and neuroscience of drug action. Each chapter, thereafter, applies these concepts to different classes of both recreational and therapeutic drugs. Each chapter includes a section on the history of the drug class that places the drug in its historical and social context. It is written to be understandable to students without a background in Pharmacology or Neuroscience or Psychology.
Desk Reference to Nature's Medicine
National Geographic Society - 2006
Long before formal science enabled us to take a systematic approach to medicine, healers used plants to alleviate pain, ease the symptoms of dozens of diseases, and treat complaints of every kind. And today, countless people still use medicinal plants, whether in traditional roles or as building blocks for new research and innovative drugs. Featuring 350 full-color photographs, botanical drawings, and maps, this accessible, fact-filled book is based on the work of renowned botanical experts and presents alphabetically arranged, beautifully illustrated entries for hundreds of plants touted for millennia to soothe, even heal. Each is clearly described, with full details of its physical appearance and medicinal uses; its origins and geographic distribution, how it's harvested and used in conventional and alternative medicine, a range map; and more. It's also a fascinating medical chronicle filled with informative sidebars on everything from ancient folklore to the latest research. Readers learn how aspirin evolved from a concoction of willow bark to the familiar white pill of today, how the foxglove's flowery beauty contributes to the potent heart drug digitalis, and how many other now common treatments have deep historical and cultural roots. It's a journey that starts many centuries ago in remote places like the Amazon rain forest, where shamans practiced their powerful curative magic of plants, and leads to the high-tech pharmaceutical labs of today's scientists working to discover new plant-based drugs that can be used effectively to treat diseases major and minor alike, from cancer to the common cold.
Basic Vision: An Introduction to Visual Perception
Robert Snowden - 2006
It leads us through the various elements that come together in our perception of the world around us: size, color, motion, and three-dimensional space. The book illustrates the intricacy of the visual system, discussing its development during infancy, and reveals how the brain can get it wrong. It also demonstrates the importance of contemporary techniques and methodology--neuroscience-based techniques in particular--in advancing our understanding of the visual system.With a sense of enthusiasm for the subject that pervades the book, Basic Vision is ideal for undergraduate courses in visual perception.Online Resource Center: For Lecturers:- Downloadable figures to facilitate lecture preparation- Customizable course outlines and student handouts, to facilitate lecture delivery- Test bank of multiple-choice questions - a readily available tool for either formative or summative assessmentFor Students:- Annotated web links that provide ready access to additional learning resources- Update section that links to websites and journal articles covering developments in the field since the book published
APA Dictionary of Psychology
American Psychological Association - 2006
With over 25,000 terms and definitions, the APA Dictionary of Psychology encompasses all areas of research and application, and includes coverage of concepts, processes, and therapies across all the major subdisciplines of psychology. Ten years in the making and edited by a distinguished editorial board of nearly 100 psychological scholars, researchers and practitioners, the APA Dictionary of Psychology is destined to become the most authoritative reference of its kind. authoritative definitions; thousands of incisive cross-references directing the user to synonyms and antonyms, acronyms and abbreviations, and related terms and concepts that deepen the user's understanding of related topics; and balanced coverage of over 100 subject areas across the field of psychology including clinical, experimental, neuropsychology, cognitive, personality and social, developmental, health, psychopharmacology, methodology and statistics, and many others. Entries include nearly 8,000 terms from the APA's Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms[registered] which helps students and researchers refine their APA database searches (such as the flagship PsycINFO[registered] bibliographic database's 2+ million records). It also includes A Guide to Use and Quick Guide to Format that together explain important stylistic and format features to help readers most effectively use the Dictionary. covering biographies; institutions, associations and organizations; psychological therapies and interventions; and psychological tests and assessment instruments. It contains thumb tabs for locating definitions quickly and easily. Academicians, researchers, clinicians, undergraduates and graduate students, and professionals in allied mental health, education, medicine, and law, as well as academic and public libraries, will find the Dictionary essential.
C. David Allis - 2006
In this new volume, 24 chapters written by experts in the field discuss epigenetic effects from many perspectives. There are chapters on the basic molecular mechanisms underpinning epigenetic regulation, discussion of cellular processes that rely on this kind of regulation, and surveys of organisms in which it has been most studied. Thus, there are chapters on histone and DNA methylation, siRNAs and gene silencing; X-chromosome inactivation, dosage compensation and imprinting; and discussion of epigenetics in microbes, plants, insects, and mammals. The last part of the book looks at how epigenetic mechanisms act in cell division and differentiation, and how errors in these pathways contribute to cancer and other human diseases. Also discussed are consequences of epigenetics in attempts to clone animals. This book is a major resource for those working in the field, as well as being a suitable text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses on gene regulation.
Conservation and the Genetics of Populations
Frederick William Allendorf - 2006
Crow, Nancy FitzSimmons, Robert C. Lacy, Michael W. Nachman, Michael E. Soule, Andrea Taylor, Loren H. Rieseberg, R.C. Vrijenhoek, Lisette Waits, Robin S. Waples and Andrew Young. Supplementary information designed to support Conservation and the Genetics of Populations including: Downloadable sample chapterAnswers to questions and problemsData sets illustrating problems from the bookData analysis software programsWebsite linksAn Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Please contact our Higher Education team at for more information.
Understanding and Using Linear Programming
Jiří Matoušek - 2006
Our guiding phrase is, what everytheoreticalcomputerscientistshouldknowaboutlinearprogramming. The book is relatively concise, in order to allow the reader to focus on the basic ideas. For a number of topics commonly appearing in thicker books on the subject, we were seriously tempted to add them to the main text, but we decided to present them only very brie?y in a separate glossary. At the same time, we aim at covering the main results with complete proofs and in su?cient detail, in a way ready for presentation in class. One of the main focuses is applications of linear programming, both in practice and in theory. Linear programming has become an extremely ?- ible tool in theoretical computer science and in mathematics. While many of the ?nest modern applications are much too complicated to be included in an introductory text, we hope to communicate some of the ?avor (and excitement) of such applications on simpler examples."
RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL: Coding for Efficiency, Portability, and Scalability
Pong P. Chu - 2006
Focusing on the module-level design, which is composed of functional units, routing circuit, and storage, the book illustrates the relationship between the VHDL constructs and the underlying hardware components, and shows how to develop codes that faithfully reflect the module-level design and can be synthesized into efficient gate-level implementation. Several unique features distinguish the book: * Coding style that shows a clear relationship between VHDL constructs and hardware components * Conceptual diagrams that illustrate the realization of VHDL codes * Emphasis on the code reuse * Practical examples that demonstrate and reinforce design concepts, procedures, and techniques * Two chapters on realizing sequential algorithms in hardware * Two chapters on scalable and parameterized designs and coding * One chapter covering the synchronization and interface between multiple clock domains Although the focus of the book is RTL synthesis, it also examines the synthesis task from the perspective of the overall development process. Readers learn good design practices and guidelines to ensure that an RTL design can accommodate future simulation, verification, and testing needs, and can be easily incorporated into a larger system or reused. Discussion is independent of technology and can be applied to both ASIC and FPGA devices. With a balanced presentation of fundamentals and practical examples, this is an excellent textbook for upper-level undergraduate or graduate courses in advanced digital logic. Engineers who need to make effective use of today's synthesis software and FPGA devices should also refer to this book.
The Intentional Teacher: Choosing the Best Strategies for Young Children's Learning
Ann S. Epstein - 2006
adult-directed" learning reduces a complex question to two extremes, in which either the children, or the adults hold the power ina classroom. Here, finally, is a book thta recognizes there is a middle ground where children and adults share responsibility for learning, and that the most effective teachers make thoughtful, intentional use of both child-guided and adult-guided experience.
Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia: 2007 Classic Shirt-Pocket Edition
Steven M. Green - 2006
It details typical drug dosing (both FDA approved and off-label uses), available trade and generic formulations, metabolism, safety in pregnancy and lactation, relative drug pricing information, Canadian trade names, and an Herbal & Alternative Therapies section. Multiple invaluable tables supplement the drug content, including opioid equivalency, emergency drug infusions, cardiac dysrhythmiaprotocols, pediatric drug dosing, and much more.
Portrait of the Artist as a White Pig: Poems
Jane Gentry - 2006
Moments of insight -- gained while watching a roofer at work next door, napping with the cat, reading on the porch, carrying the laundry, or strolling the aisles of Sam's Club -- expose the bright bones of the swiftness of time's passage, reminding us to stay attentive. Gentry's poems are deeply grounded in the continuity of family and homeplace yet also embrace new experiences. The juxtaposition of the ordinary and the beautiful, the paradox of the mundane and the artistic -- whether in nature, in relationships, in memories, or in the body -- are the hallmarks of her second collection.The years took our house, cool and dark, generous as a healthy heart, where in Septembera cricket sang under the kitchen hearth.They took my mother with her red hairand her creamy skin, and my fatherwhose laughing head shone with the fireof summer as he shoveled corn to his pigs.When I awoke one day, my bloomwas past. Those who loved me first were dead, and promises had blown away like chaffor clouds, which dazzle now only in the momentof their height and roll.The years have given back the thing itself. -- from My Life Story
Negotiating the Complexities of Qualitative Research in Higher Education: Fundamental Elements and Issues
Susan R. Jones - 2006
This text simultaneously covers new ground and retraces the steps essential in designing good qualitative research.
Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: Screening for Referral [With CDROM]
Catherine C. Goodman - 2006
It describes both red flags and yellow flags, so you can recognize the signs and symptoms for conditions outside the scope of physical therapy practice. This edition includes new information on women's health issues. Written by experienced PT practitioner Catherine Cavallaro Goodman, this book helps you determine whether a client's symptoms require physical therapy or physician referral!
Principles of Paleontology
Michael Foote - 2006
For this highly anticipated revision of Raup and Stanley’s one-term undergraduate text, two of Raup’s former students—Michael Foote and Arnold Miller—use that defining core approach to present a thoroughly up-to-date portrait of a field that has undergone major transformations in the last two decades.
A Geometric Approach to Differential Forms
David Bachman - 2006
This text presents differential forms from a geometric perspective accessible at the undergraduate level. The book begins with basic concepts such as partial differentiation and multiple integration and gently develops the entire machinery of differential forms. The author approaches the subject with the idea that complex concepts can be built up by analogy from simpler cases, which, being inherently geometric, often can be best understood visually. Each new concept is presented with a natural picture that students can easily grasp. Algebraic properties then follow. This facilitates the development of differential forms without assuming a background in linear algebra. Throughout the text, emphasis is placed on applications in 3 dimensions, but all definitions are given so as to be easily generalized to higher dimensions. Containing excellent motivation, numerous illustrations and solutions to selected problems in an appendix, the material has been tested in the classroom along all three potential course tracks.
Creative Community Builder's Handbook: How to Transform Communities Using Local Assets, Arts, and Culture
Thomas C. Borrup - 2006
You'll understand the arts impact on community well-being and have the rationale for engaging others. Find inspiration and ideas from twenty case studies Part 2 gives you ten concrete strategies for building on the unique qualities of your own community. Each strategy is illustrated by two case studies taken from a variety of cities, small towns, and neighborhoods across the United States. You'll learn how people from all walks of life used culture and creativity as a glue to bind together people, ideas, enterprises, and institutions to make places more balanced and healthy. These examples are followed in Part 3 with six steps to assessing, planning, and implementing creative community building projects: 1. Assess Your Situation and Goals; 2. Identify and Recruit Effective Partners; 3. Map Values, Strengths, Assets, and History; 4. Focus on Your Key Asset, Vision, Identity, and Core Strategies; 5. Craft a Plan That Brings the Identity to Life; 6. Secure Funding, Policy Support, and Media Coverage. Detailed guidance, hands-on worksheets, and a hypothetical community sample walk you through the entire process. Each section includes additional resources as well as an appendix listing books, web sites, organizations, and research studies. By understanding the theoretical context (Part 1), learning from case studies (Part 2), and following the six steps (Part 3), you'll be able to build a more vibrant, creative, and equitable community.
Exploring the Quantum: Atoms, Cavities, and Photons
Serge Haroche - 2006
These experiments have now become real, with single particles--electrons, atoms or photons--directly unveiling the weird features of the quantum. State superpositions, entanglement and complementarity define a novel quantum logic which can be harnessed for information processing, raising great hopes for applications. This book describes a class of such thought experiments made real. Juggling with atoms and photons confined in cavities, ions or cold atoms in traps, is here an incentive to shed a new light on the basic concepts of quantum physics. Measurement processes and decoherence at the quantum-classical boundary are highlighted. This volume, which combines theory and experiments, will be of interest to students in quantum physics, teachers seeking illustrations for their lectures and new problem sets, researchers in quantum optics and quantum information.
Orient Point: Poems
Julie Sheehan - 2006
Julie Sheehan's poems are like nothing else: woven of nature guides and self-help books, legal argot and street slang, the sway, jangle, and far-flung syntax of our unruly language all the way down to its gnarly roots in Chaucer.
Lorelle J. Burton - 2006
Emerging and evolving topics that receive increased coverage in the new edition include conservation psychology, social media and the psychological impacts of natural disasters. A key strength of the text and its extensive print and online accompanying resources continues to be its integrated coverage of cross-cultural and indigenous psychology, a key requirement for the professional accreditation of Psychology degree programs. The text and its associated resources are ideal for both Psychology majors and those taking only a one-semester study of Psychology.Chapter 1 Psychology: The study of mental processes and behaviourChapter 2 Research methods in psychologyChapter 3 Biological bases of mental life and behaviourChapter 4 Sensation and perceptionChapter 5 ConsciousnessChapter 6 LearningChapter 7 MemoryChapter 8 Thought and LanguageChapter 9 IntelligenceChapter 10 Motivation and emotionChapter 11 PersonalityChapter 12 Physical and cognitive developmentChapter 13 Social developmentChapter 14 Health, stress, and copingChapter 15 Psychological disordersChapter 16 Treatment of psychological disordersChapter 17 Attitudes and social cognitionChapter 18 Interpersonal processesChapter 19 Cross-cultural and indigenous psychology
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Querying
Itzik Ben-Gan - 2006
Database developers and administrators get best practices, sample databases, and code to master the intricacies of the programming language—solving complex problems with real-world solutions.Discover how to:Understand logical and physical query processing Apply a methodology to optimize query tuning Solve relational division problems Use CTEs and ranking functions to simplify and optimize solutions Aggregate data with various techniques, including tiebreakers, pivoting, histograms, and grouping factors Use the TOP option in a query to modify data Query specialized data structures with recursive logic, materialized path, or nested sets solutions PLUS—Improve your logic and get to the heart of querying problems with logic puzzles Get code and database samples on the Web
Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction
Vyvyan Evans - 2006
The authors offer clear, critical evaluations of competing formal approaches within theoretical linguistics. For example, cognitive linguistics is compared to Generative Grammar and Relevance Theory. In the selection of material and in the presentations, the authors have aimed for a balanced perspective.Part II, Cognitive Semantics, and Part III, Cognitive Approaches to Grammar, have been created to be read independently. The authors have kept in mind that different instructors and readers will need to use the book in different ways tailored to their own goals. The coverage is suitable for a number of courses.While all topics are presented in terms accessible to both undergraduate and graduate students of linguistics, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive science, and modern languages, this work is sufficiently comprehensive and detailed to serve as a reference work for scholars who wish to gain a better understanding of cognitive linguistics.
Fundamentals of Molecular Virology Fundamentals of Molecular Virology
Nicholas H. Acheson - 2006
The text approaches learning about virology by presenting a set of chapters each of which covers a specific virus family, using one or two well-studied viruses as examples. Each chapter is designed to tell a story about the virus under discussion, and to portray the "personality" of that virus. The text incorporates lessons from classic and contemporary concepts providing a well-rounded presentation on the subject of virology. FEATURES OF FUNDAMENTALS OF MOLECULAR VIROLOGY * Unique, Applied Chapter Stories. Each chapter presents a unique example or case to help introduce the students to the different viruses that will be studied or examined in that chapter. * Evolutionary Boxes. Feature exciting and current developments in molecular virology. These are integrated throughout the entire book and can be found in every chapter. These help students understand the importance of currency and application of virology. * Comprehensive, Illustrative Art Program. The text contains a number of two-color figures which focus on the individual steps in virus replication and helps draw student's attention to important concepts and details. * Coverage of Human Pathogens. Includes chapters that cover important human pathogens such as smallpox virus, measles virus, poliovirus, herpes viruses, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, Ebola virus, SARS corona virus, West Nile virus, and others. What instructors are saying about Fundamentals of Molecular Virology "I like the structured treatment that is presented in Acheson. Overall, it is one of the best written and clearly organized texts on the subject I have seen." - Jeannine Williams, College of Marin "I found the text very readable and believe it will appeal to a wide audience of students...I believe this text will have broad appeal in a field where few texts exist." - Michael Roner, The University of Texas at Arlington "The main strength of the book is the great molecular detail the author achieves, but still at a level that an undergraduate student should be able to master. I like the blend of molecular with medical; this has been lacking in most virology books that I have considered using." - Darlene Walro, Walsh University
Women and Gender: In the Western Past, Volume One
Katherine L. French - 2006
While devoting attention to women of all classes, religions, and ethnicities, the text examines political, economic, intellectual, and social history through the lens of gender. The narrative emphasizes women's agency over oppression and makes cutting-edge scholarship in women's history accessible to a wide audience. Five major themes run throughout the narrative: the relationship between key historical events and ideas and women's lives, the history of the family and sexuality, the social construction of gender, cultural assumptions about women (versus their actual lives), and self perception and women's place in western societies. A rich collection of primary sources and biographies reinforces these themes.
Pimsleur Arabic (Egyptian) Conversational Course - Level 1 Lessons 1-16 CD: Learn to Speak and Understand Egyptian Arabic with Pimsleur Language Programs
Pimsleur Language Programs - 2006
Just one 30-minute lesson a day gets you speaking and understanding like no other program. This course includes Lessons 1-16 from the Arabic (Egyptian) Level 1 program - 8 hours of audio-only effective language learning with real-life spoken practice sessions. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. Topics include: greetings, numbers, meals, shopping, telling time, scheduling activities, and asking and giving directions. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Egyptian Arabic. The Egyptian Arabic Language Arabic is the world's 6th most common language with 295 million native speakers. It is also the liturgical language of 1.6 billion Muslims as it is the language of the Qur’an the holy book of Islam. Egyptian Arabic is mainly spoken in urban Egypt. Egyptian Arabic has also gained a high degree of acceptance throughout the Arabic-speaking world because of its use in films. Pimsleur's Egyptian Arabic teaches the Cairene dialect, the prestige dialect spoken in Cairo, Egypt's capital city. Tech Talk - CDs are formatted for playing in all CD players, including car players, and users can copy files for use in iTunes or Windows Media Player.
Quantitative Methods for Business and Management
Frank Dewhurst - 2006
The book features sections on foundation topics, models for business and management, and modelling and analyzing decisions. In particular, the new edition features greater coverage of statistics to reflect teaching in this area, with chapters on Elementary Statistics, Summary Statistics and Inferential Statistics. Other new areas of coverage in the second edition include Network Models and Non-linear Models.The book retains its popular style which offers students numerous examples accompanied by clear and straightforward explanations. Excel examples are also integrated throughout to help students to understand how this software tool is used by managers, and frequent questions and exercises enable students to test their understanding. A free CD contains Excel applications and solutions to the exercises in the textbook, and a full online learning centre completes an excellent learning package for business students.
Nash Editions: Photography and the Art of Digital Printing
Graham Nash - 2006
With little in the way of "how-to," the book focuses more on why and showcases eloquent photographs, including a heartbreakingly beautiful portrait of Marilyn Monroe, a naked World War II bomber tail gunner, and the inevitable "Emperor's New Clothes" work. Equally heartbreaking for far different reasons is Henry Wilhelm's essay "A History of Permanence" that includes a section called "The Totally Lost Kodacolor Era" that will leave you stunned by the corporate callousness that's described. This book not only deserves to be on the bookshelf of anybody who cares about photography, it deserves to be read." -- Joe Farace, ShutterbugMost of us know him as one member of the band Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, but what you may not know is that at the same time Graham Nash was rocking the world, he was also pursuing a parallel career in photography and digital imaging. Nash Editions--the world's premier fine-art digital printmaking studio, which Graham co-founded with R. Mac Holbert--represents the pinnacle of those efforts. This book uses thought-provoking essays and glorious artwork to sum up not only Nash Editions' achievements but also the state of fine-art digital printmaking. After a brief history of printmaking, you'll reach the heart of the book: an essay by Holbert on the genesis of Nash Editions and fine-art digital printing (which details the studio's interactions with major artists like David Hockney); an essay by MoMA consultant Henry Wilhelm (which includes a technical comparison of traditionally and digitally prepared prints); and commentary from Nash Editions artists. The book's more than 100 illustrations include Nash Editions artwork, photos of artists in the studio, images of the machines used in digital printing, and illustrations of the proofing process.
Steel Construction Manual
AISC - 2006
Veterinary Herbal Medicine
Susan G. Wynn - 2006
A body-systems based review explores herbal medicine in context, offering information on toxicology, drug interactions, quality control, and other key topics.More than 120 herbal monographs provide quick access to information on the historical use of the herb in humans and animals, supporting studies, and dosing information. Includes special dosing, pharmacokinetics, and regulatory considerations when using herbs for horses and farm animals.Expanded pharmacology and toxicology chapters provide thorough information on the chemical basis of herbal medicine.Explores the evolutionary relationship between plants and mammals, which is the basis for understanding the unique physiologic effects of herbs.Includes a body systems review of herbal remedies for common disease conditions in both large and small animals.Discusses special considerations for the scientific research of herbs, including complex and individualized interventions that may require special design and nontraditional outcome goals.
Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamentals First
Y. Daniel Liang - 2006
Using a fundamentals-first approach, Liang explores the concepts of problem-solving and object-oriented programming. Beginning programmers learn critical problem-solving techniques, then move on to grasp the key concepts of object-oriented and GUI programming using Java 5. Small, simple, and stimulating examples demonstrate concepts and techniques; longer examples are presented in case studies with discussions and line-by-line explanations.
Math & Science for Young Children
Rosalind Charlesworth - 2006
It also carefully addresses the ever-changing and important national standards: The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), National Council of Teachers of Math (NCTM), National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the National Research Council (NRC). Both math and science are presented from a common conceptual framework, and problem solving is emphasized as the major means for constructing concepts. The systematic approach of the book promotes developmentally appropriate assessment through observation, documentation of records, audio and video use, performance evaluations, and student portfolios. This text covers the use of literature and the promotion of the written language with an emphasis on dramatic play, and provides information regarding materials and resources as well as parent involvement. With the units developed sequentially from pre-kindergarten to primary level, the book is easy and logical to follow.
Metric Spaces
Mmcheal S. Searcsid - 2006
This book offers a unique approach to the subject which gives readers the advantage of a new perspective on ideas familiar from the analysis of a real line. Rather than passing quickly from the definition of a metric to the more abstract concepts of convergence and continuity, the author takes the concrete notion of distance as far as possible, illustrating the text with examples and naturally arising questions. Attention to detail at this stage is designed to prepare the reader to understand the more abstract ideas with relative ease.The book goes on to provide a thorough exposition of all the standard necessary results of the theory and, in addition, includes selected topics not normally found in introductory books, such as: the Tietze Extension Theorem; the Hausdorff metric and its completeness; and the existence of curves of minimum length. Other features include:end-of-chapter summaries and numerous exercises to reinforce what has been learnt; extensive cross-referencing to help the reader follow arguments; a Cumulative Reference Chart, showing the dependencies throughout the book on a section-by-section basis as an aid to course design.The book is designed for third- and fourth-year undergraduates and beginning graduates. Readers should have some practical knowledge of differential and integral calculus and have completed a first course in real analysis. With its many examples, careful illustrations, and full solutions to selected exercises, this book provides a gentle introduction that is ideal for self-study and an excellent preparation for applications.
Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy
Octavian Catuneau - 2006
This textbook thoroughly develops fundamental concepts of sequence stratigraphy that links base-level changes to sedimentary deposits. It examines differing approaches to how the sequence stratigraphic method can be applied to the rock record, and reviews practical applications such as how petroleum geologists can target where to drill for oil. The book's balanced approach helps students acquire a common terminology and conceptual understanding that will be helpful later in their academic and professional careers, whether they pursue jobs as geologists, geophysicists, or reservoir engineers.This textbook offers theoretical guidelines of how the facies and time relationships are expected to be under specific circumstances such as subsidence patterns, sediment supply, topographic gradients, etc. It goes beyond the standard treatment of sequence stratigraphy by focusing on a more user-friendly and flexible method of analysis of the sedimentary rock record than other current methods. The text is richly illustrated with dozens of full color photographs and original illustrations of outcrop, core, well log, and 3D seismic data. There is a dedicated chapter on discussions and conclusions, along with an instructor site containing images from the book.Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy will appeal to researchers and professionals, as well as upper graduate and graduate students in stratigraphy, sedimentology, petroleum peology and engineering, economic geology, coal geology, seismic exploration, precambrian geology, and mining geology and engineering.
Historica: 1000 Years of Our Lives and Times
Geoffrey Wawro - 2006
In the year 1000 most people lived in rural areas, cities were small & grew around cathedrals or fortresses or castles; transportation was by horse & cart; breakfast for most people was a small meal of bread & cheese at sunrise; most people were illiterate; education was usually only for wealthy boys & was conducted by the church (in natural history, 1,000 years ago you may have been taught that hyenas can change their sex at will, & that the only fear elephants have is of dragons), & personal freedom was very limited; people's roles in life were strictly limited by their place in society. Today the world is a very different place. How did these changes occyr? Historica tells the story: that of wars, invasions, inventions, discoveries, explorations, & the amazing people who played a key part in all these events that have brought us to where we are today. This is history made real & exciting, with stories that are as dramatic as today's news, with pictures & maps to bring the most distant events & civilizations in sharp focus.
The First Amendment on Campus: A Handbook for College and University Administrators
Saundra K. Schuster - 2006
Managing Engineering and Technology
Lucy C. Morse - 2006
This text is also ideal forengineers, scientists, and other technologists interested in enhancing their management skills. "Managing Engineering and Technology" is designed to teach engineers, scientists, and other technologists the basic management skills they will need to be effective throughout their careers.
Concepts for Care: 20 Essays on Infant/Toddler Development and Learning
J. Ronald Lally - 2006
Each essay represents current thinking in the field of infant/toddler development and care. Individually and as a collection, the essays provide a springboard for reflection, discussion, and further exploration, especially for infant/toddler professionals seeking to enhance their programs and for students in the field of early care and education.