Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life

Jim Kwik - 2020
    In Limitless, readers will learn Jim's revolutionary strategies and shortcuts to supercharging their brains, with simple, actionable tools to sharpen the mind, enhance focus, and fast-track their fullest potential. "No matter your age, background, or level of education, you can learn new ways to use your brain. If you've been searching for better ways of coping and growing, I'm here to help you fall in love with learning again." -- Jim Kwik

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Network Marketing Professionals

Stephen R. Covey - 2009
    Covey presents an integrated, principle-centered approach for becoming a highly effective network marketing professional. Including real-world examples of current, successful networkers, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for not only living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity, but applying principle-centered habits that will help you become truly effective in your networking business.Included in this training is a 48-page workbook outlining timeless networking principles that, along with the audio training, acts as the perfect complement to help you achieve your ultimate networking goals of effectiveness.

Getting Naked: Five Steps to Finding the Love of Your Life (While Fully Clothed & Totally Sober)

Harlan Cohen - 2012
    With a simple 5-step approach to finding the love of your life, Harlan answers the most commonly asked questions from his syndicated advice column, his college tours, his website, and his newest book for Gen Y. He helped a generation make the most of college life, now he'll help them find the love of their lives.

How to Build Self-Discipline to Exercise: Practical Techniques and Strategies to Develop a Lifetime Habit of Exercise

Martin Meadows - 2016
    You've probably even put some money down before, vowing that THIS was the year you'd get in shape, lose that extra weight, and become the energetic person you know is hiding inside you. Unfortunately, life happens, and you fall into the habit of "I'll start tomorrow." Your motivation drops, and your self-discipline fails to push you through to achieve your goals. You begin to make excuses: you'll be really sore after working out, it's been too long since you've last exercised, you don't have willpower, your friends and family tell you to be happy with how you are, you think you're too weak, inflexible or otherwise unfit for exercise, and many more. There was that one time you started a program, but you couldn't keep up with the weekly or monthly goals, so you got frustrated and gave up. All of that has added up to make you think you're incapable of starting and continuing an exercise program. You're afraid you aren't mentally or physically strong enough, but still hold out the hope that someday a magic pill will change all that. The magic exists today, but it's not as easy or fast as swallowing a pill. However, it can be simple and enjoyable. How to Build Self-Discipline to Exercise is a concise, practical guidebook on how to introduce and keep exercise in your life. Inside, you'll learn: - why the most common type of motivation people use to exercise is usually ineffective (and which types of motivation are much stronger) - the wrong "P" that will lead you to giving up when you face obstacles - how to overcome procrastination and finally start exercising – including a slightly uncomfortable trick that will ensure you'll get plenty of exercise - how to find time to exercise despite a hectic schedule (and surprising math that shows you actually lose time when you don't make time for exercise) - practical tricks and tips to stay motivated forever, even when you encounter obstacles - how to enjoy exercise while still getting the most powerful benefits of it (hint: if your workout involves "work," it's not a good workout) - how to prevent injuries, improve recovery, and handle the inevitable muscle soreness so you stick to exercise even if your body acts against you - how to deal with other people, wrong expectations, and negativity (from both your surroundings and yourself in the form of self-criticism or self-doubt) When put together and acted upon, the six chapters in this book – supported by over 80 references to scientific studies and credible experts – will help you form a new habit and make one of the most important changes you'll ever make in your life. Purchase the book now and let's embark on the journey to learn how.

Do More Better: A Practical Guide to Productivity

Tim Challies - 2015
    Do more good. Better. I am no productivity guru. I am a writer, a church leader, a husband, and a father—a Christian with a lot of responsibilities and with new tasks coming at me all the time. I wrote this short, fast-paced, practical guide to productivity to share what I have learned about getting things done in today’s digital world. Whether you are a student or a professional, a work-from-home dad or a stay-at-home mom, it will help you learn to structure your life to do the most good to the glory of God. In Do More Better, you will learn: * Common obstacles to productivity * The great purpose behind productivity * 3 essential tools for getting things done * The power of daily and weekly routines * And much more, including bonus material on taming your email and embracing the inevitable messiness of productivity. It really is possible to live a calm and orderly life, sure of your responsibilities and confident in your progress. You can do more better. And I would love to help you get there.

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

Timothy Ferriss - 2016
     From the author:   “For the last two years, I’ve interviewed more than 200 world-class performers for my podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show. The guests range from super celebs (Jamie Foxx, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.) and athletes (icons of powerlifting, gymnastics, surfing, etc.) to legendary Special Operations commanders and black-market biochemists. For most of my guests, it’s the first time they’ve agreed to a two-to-three-hour interview. This unusual depth has helped make The Tim Ferriss Show the first business/interview podcast to pass 100 million downloads.   “This book contains the distilled tools, tactics, and ‘inside baseball’ you won’t find anywhere else. It also includes new tips from past guests, and life lessons from new ‘guests’ you haven’t met.   “What makes the show different is a relentless focus on actionable details. This is reflected in the questions. For example: What do these people do in the first sixty minutes of each morning? What do their workout routines look like, and why? What books have they gifted most to other people? What are the biggest wastes of time for novices in their field? What supplements do they take on a daily basis?   “I don’t view myself as an interviewer. I view myself as an experimenter. If I can’t test something and replicate results in the messy reality of everyday life, I’m not interested.   “Everything within these pages has been vetted, explored, and applied to my own life in some fashion. I’ve used dozens of the tactics and philosophies in high-stakes negotiations, high-risk environments, or large business dealings. The lessons have made me millions of dollars and saved me years of wasted effort and frustration.   “I created this book, my ultimate notebook of high-leverage tools, for myself. It’s changed my life, and I hope the same for you.”

Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success

Shane Snow - 2014
    They employ what psychologists call "lateral thinking: to rethink convention and break "rules" that aren't rules.These are not shortcuts, which produce often dubious short-term gains, but ethical "smartcuts" that eliminate unnecessary effort and yield sustainable momentum. In Smartcuts, Snow shatters common wisdom about success, revealing how conventions like "paying dues" prevent progress, why kids shouldn't learn times tables, and how, paradoxically, it's easier to build a huge business than a small one.From SpaceX to The Cuban Revolution, from Ferrari to Skrillex, Smartcuts is a narrative adventure that busts old myths about success and shows how innovators and icons do the incredible by working smarter—and how perhaps the rest of us can, too.

The Checklist Book: Set Realistic Goals, Celebrate Tiny Wins, Reduce Stress and Overwhelm, and Feel Calmer Every Day

Alexandra Franzen - 2020
    It will change your life. Simplicity at its best: The checklist is one of the world’s oldest—and most effective—productivity systems. If anything, author and entrepreneur Alexandra Franzen shares, it is just as valuable now as it was during the days of the Roman Empire. Writing out a simple checklist allows us to tangibly plan our day and set in stone what we want to accomplish.Cut out unnecessary noise: There are countless apps and organizational systems out there to help us straighten out our lives, but often they only add to the madness. Trying to keep up leaves us feeling drained and overwhelmed. Learn how to choose your highest priorities, set realistic goals, celebrate tiny wins, and feel calmer every day with the magic of checklists.Be realistic about the time in a day: By physically writing down our tasks on a single piece of paper, we force ourselves to limit how much we can do in a day. Too often, we cram our day with tasks and chores and leave almost no space for self-care or time with loved ones. We end up disappointed in our inability to complete our never-ending to-do list. Checklists help you plan your day in a more gentle, realistic way. You accomplish what needs to be done—and enjoy things you want to be doing, too. In the life-changing Checklist Book, learn: The history of the checklist and why it remains to be relevant and effective today The science behind the success of checklists, such as the instant satisfaction we feel when we put a check next to a finished task How to create a basic daily checklist—and checklists for specific situations, like moving to a new city or navigating a divorce Readers who love life-improvement books like The Bullet Journal Method, Free to Focus and Atomic Habits will love The Checklist Book.

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It

Chris Voss - 2016
    Never Split the Difference takes you inside his world of high-stakes negotiations, revealing the nine key principles that helped Voss and his colleagues succeed when it mattered the most – when people’s lives were at stake.Rooted in the real-life experiences of an intelligence professional at the top of his game, Never Split the Difference will give you the competitive edge in any discussion.

You 2.0: Stop Feeling Stuck, Reinvent Yourself, and Become a Brand New You - Master the Art of Personal Transformation

Ayodeji Awosika - 2017
     Imagine FINALLY making the changes you've been meaning to make, looking back, and thinking "Wow. It wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be" Two-time bestselling author and TEDx speaker Ayodeji Awosika details the process of how he went from a dead-end life to tripling his income and building a business around his passions. In You 2.0, the author provides concrete steps you can take to become the person you were meant to be, including end-of-chapter exercises and routines that will help you finally follow through with your personal transformation. Instead of vague ideas like "believe!" or "write down your goals" the book shows you how to dive deep into the reason why you're stuck, so you have the clarity you need to change. In this book you’ll learn: The hidden psychological barriers that keep you from changing (and how to destroy them) Why goal setting doesn’t work (and what you should do instead) The two words that determine the quality of your life (plus a little trick to dramatically increase your self-confidence) Why finding your passion is a waste of time (and what you should do instead) The key ingredients to change that helped me quit smoking, lose 20 lbs., publish two books, and triple my income (with no willpower required) How the world's most successful artists and entrepreneurs overcome their fear and start projects they love How millions are taking advantage of the new economy (and how you can too) Each chapter of the book ends with key takeaways and exercises to help you apply what you learned. Instead of just reading, you’ll become an active participant in your own transformation. Buy this book now to stop feeling stuck and start becoming the person you deserve to become. Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals

Chris McChesney - 2011
    A #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller with more than 500,000 copies sold, The Four Disciplines of Execution will radically change your business.Do you remember the last major initiative you watched die in your organization? Did it go down with a loud crash? Or was it slowly and quietly suffocated by other competing priorities? By the time it finally disappeared, it’s likely no one even noticed. What happened? Often, the answer is that the “whirlwind” of urgent activity required to keep things running day-to-day devoured all the time and energy you needed to invest in executing your strategy for tomorrow. The 4 Disciplines of Execution can change that forever. The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) is a simple, repeatable, and proven formula for executing your most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind. By following the 4 Disciplines—Focus on the Wildly Important; Act on Lead Measures; Keep a Compelling Scoreboard; Create a Cadence of Accountability—leaders can produce breakthrough results, even when executing the strategy requires a significant change in behavior from their teams. 4DX is not theory. It is a proven set of practices that have been tested and refined by hundreds of organizations and thousands of teams over many years. When a company or an individual adheres to these disciplines, they achieve superb results, regardless of the goal. 4DX represents a new way to think and work that is essential to thriving in today’s competitive climate. The 4 Disciplines of Execution is one book that no business leader can afford to miss.

Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big

Bo Burlingham - 2005
    It has long been a business article of faith that great companies, by definition, constantly focus on maximizing their revenues year after year. Yet quietly, under the radar, a growing number of undeniably great compabnies have rejected the pressure of endless growth to focus on more satisfying business goals. Veteran journalist Bo Burlingham takes us deep inside fourteen of these remarkable comapnies that have chosen to march to their own drummer. He shows the leaders of these small giants recognized the full range of choices they had about the type of company they could create and made the choice to pursue greateness by placing other goals ahead of getting as big as possible as fast as possible. And he shows how we can all benefit by questioning the conventional definitions of business success."

Become Your Own Financial Advisor: The real secrets to becoming financially independent

Warren Ingram - 2013
    This highly accessible book is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their financial situation, from the financial novice who needs clear basic guidelines on how to deal with money to those who are more financially savvy but want to supplement their knowledge. Covering a range of topics, from saving, investing, debt management, buying a house to blunders to avoid, Become Your Own Financial Advisor provides people of all ages and levels of wealth with practical information on how to improve their finances. And, in the process, proves that financial freedom is possible for everyone.

The Innovator's Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book that Will Change the Way You Do Business

Clayton M. Christensen - 1997
    Christensen says outstanding companies can do everything right and still lose their market leadership -- or worse, disappear completely. And he not only proves what he says, he tells others how to avoid a similar fate.Focusing on "disruptive technology" -- the Honda Super Cub, Intel's 8088 processor, or the hydraulic excavator, for example -- Christensen shows why most companies miss "the next great wave." Whether in electronics or retailing, a successful company with established products will get pushed aside unless managers know when to abandon traditional business practices. Using the lessons of successes and failures from leading companies, "The Innovator's Dilemma" presents a set of rules for capitalizing on the phenomenon of disruptive innovation.

The Science of Success: How to Attract Prosperity and Create Life Balance Through Proven Principles

James Arthur Ray - 1999
    With penetrating insights and straightforward concepts, James gives you the tools necessary to tap into your own spiritual power center. A simple book that is by no means simplistic, combining fun stories and powerful anecdotes, The Science of Success gives you the power and the wisdom to create the life of your dreams.