Inconspicuously Human

Uday Singh - 2021
    This book covers those and a slew of other questions that shed light onto what constrains people, what motivates them, and ultimately what makes them happy.

The Grief Recovery Handbook: A Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Devastating Losses

John W. James - 1988
    Drawing from their own histories as well as from others', the authors illustrate how it is possible to recover from grief and regain energy and spontaneity.Based on a proven program, The Grief Recovery Handbook offers grievers the specific actions needed to move beyond loss. New material in this edition includes guidance for dealing with:·  Loss of faith·  Loss of career and financial issues·  Loss of health·  Growing up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional homeThe Grief Recovery Handbook is a groundbreaking, classic handbook that everyone should have in their library.“This book is required for all my classes. The more I use this book, the more I believe that unresolved grief is the major underlying issue in most people’s lives. It is the only work of its kind that I know of that outlines the problem and provides the solution.”—Bernard McGrane, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, Chapman University

The Little Book of Calm: Tame Your Anxieties, Face Your Fears, and Live Free (The Little Book of Series)

Aaron Balick - 2018
    From exercises to help you put your worries into perspective, to relaxation methods for when anxiety attacks, Dr Aaron Balick shows you how to feel more at ease and sustain a sense of calm

Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls: A Cosmic Perspective of Codependence and the Human Condition

Robert Burney - 1995
    It explains why a New Age has dawned in human consciousness on planet Earth and explores the interrelationship between subjects that range from the Bible, Buddha, and Jesus to quantum physics, molecular biology, and AIDS. The belief system the book is based upon is exemplified by this quote from The Dance of Wounded Souls: "We are not sinful, shameful human creatures who have to somehow earn Spirituality. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. We are here to experience and learn, to Touch and to feel." The author, a therapist who specializes in codependence/inner child healing, not only explains the big picture of how we are all ONE, part of one Cosmic energy interaction that is unfolding perfectly, he also offers insights into how the individual being can lovingly change their relationship with self and life in order to transform their human experience into a much more enjoyable adventure. This is a life-changing, life-affirming book.

The Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn

Hackauthor² - 2020
    It won’t place any judgement, embarrassment, or pressure to undergo painful measures.In fact, there’s absolutely no need to cut down or reduce your usage whilst reading; doing so is actually detrimental.Perhaps this goes against everything you’ve been told, but ask yourself if what you’ve been told has worked? If it had, you wouldn’t be reading this hackbook.Pornography addiction manifests in various ways with far-reaching societal effects. Many people use pornography because the internet allows instantaneous access to supernormal stimuli. Consider if the following questions apply to you.- Do you spend far more time viewing porn than you originally intended?- Are you unsuccessful in efforts to stop or limit your consumption of pornography?- Has time spent viewing pornography interfered with, or taken precedence over personal or professional commitments, hobbies, or relationships in your life?- Do you go out of your way to keep your pornography consumption secret (e.g. deleting browser history, lying about viewing porn)?- Has viewing pornography caused significant problems in intimate relationship(s)?- Do you experience a cycle of arousal and enjoyment before and during pornography consumption, followed by feelings of shame, guilt, and remorse after?- Do you spend significant amounts of time thinking about pornography, even when not watching it?- Has viewing pornography caused any other negative consequences in your personal or professional life (e.g. missed work, poor performance, neglected relationships, financial problems)?If you’re a porn user that depends on it for masturbation or sex, all you need to do is read on. If you’re here for a loved one, all you need to do is persuade them to read this book. If unable to persuade them, read the book yourself. Understanding the method assists getting the message across and preventing your children from starting. Don’t be fooled by the fact that they don’t have access to it now – all do before getting hooked.

The Relationship Rescue Workbook: A Seven Step Strategy For Reconnecting with Your Partner

Phillip C. McGraw - 2000
    Now, in The Relationship Rescue Workbook, Dr. Phil, Oprah's resident expert on human functioning, provides questions, exercises and self-tests that will enable couples in even the most troubled relationships to get their love lives back on track. And for those in solid relationships who would like to regain their spark, he reveals how to make that happen. He shows readers exactly how to pinpoint problems in their relationships, and how to make sure that the changes they enact will truly last. His straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is advice is made crystal clear in this easy-to-use workbook that is sure to prove immensely popular with his devoted national following.

The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter--And How to Make the Most of Them Now (Updated Edition)

Meg Jay - 2021
    Some say they are a second adolescence. Others call them an emerging adulthood. Dr. Meg Jay, a clinical psychologist, argues that 20-somethings have been caught in a swirl of hype and misinformation, much of which has trivialized what is actually the most defining decade of adulthood.Drawing from a decade of work with hundreds of 20-something clients and students, The Defining Decade weaves the latest science of the 20-something years with behind-closed-doors stories from 20-somethings themselves. The result is a provocative listen that provides the tools necessary to make the most of your 20s, and shows us how work, relationships, personality, social networks, identity, and even the brain can change more during this decade than at any other time in adulthood - if we use the time wisely.The Defining Decade is a smart, compassionate and constructive book about the years we cannot afford to miss.

Try Softer: A Fresh Approach to Move Us out of Anxiety, Stress, and Survival Mode--and into a Life of Connection and Joy

Aundi Kolber - 2020
    If we’re honest, we’ve been overfunctioning for so long, we can’t even imagine another way. How else will things get done? How else will we survive?It doesn’t have to be this way.Aundi Kolber believes that we don’t have to white-knuckle our way through life. In her debut book, Try Softer, she’ll show us how God specifically designed our bodies and minds to work together to process our stories and work through obstacles. Through the latest psychology, practical clinical exercises, and her own personal story, Aundi equips and empowers us to connect us to our truest self and truly live. This is the “try softer” life.In Try Softer, you’ll learn how to: Know and set emotional and relational boundaries Make sense of the difficult experiences you’ve had Identify your attachment style—and how that affects your relationships today Move through emotions rather than get stuck by them Grow in self-compassion and talk back to your inner critic Trying softer is sacred work. And while it won’t be perfect or easy, it will be worth it. Because this is what we were made for: a living, breathing, moving, feeling, connected, beautifully incarnational life.

7 Thoughts to Live Your Life By: A Guide to the Happy, Peaceful, & Meaningful Life

I.C. Robledo - 2018
     They can drag you down or Lift You Higher and Higher to better places than you could have dreamed of. Many people focus on improving their habits, and this can be useful, but it is very difficult to make a long-lasting positive change when you don’t have the Right Thoughts in mind. With this book You will learn what the Right Thoughts are, and they will help reveal the path to your best life. The 7 Thoughts to Live Your Life By will provide you with the most compelling Thoughts that have the power to help you Make Your Dreams into a Reality , find happiness, achieve success, overcome the obstacles on your path, and become your best self. Internationally bestselling author I. C. Robledo discovered the 7 Thoughts after suffering through a dark depression. While meditating one day, he asked himself how he could live a better life and the 7 Thoughts came to him in a flash of insight. He transformed his life with the 7 Thoughts and would like to help you to do the same. These Thoughts have also been found in religious and philosophical texts from the East to the West, and they have been supported through modern scientific findings. Are You ready to tap into an Eternal Wisdom that transcends any single era, philosophy, religion, or culture? Are You Ready to Awaken? When you learn the 7 Thoughts and master them, you will be ready to Awaken and be able to: Consciously use the 7 Thoughts to create a good, happy, peaceful, and meaningful life Understand that a simple Thought holds immense power, and can have effects on the other side of the world Be a great source of positive energy, and diminish or stop creating experiences of sorrow, anxiety, stress, and pain for yourself and for others Turn a Superpain into a Superpower, meaning to convert painful, difficult, or negative experiences into superpowers, or positive and desirable experiences Accept the Now, love the Now, and understand that the Now is all there is, rather than needing things to be some other way Discover your gift in order to give it away to the world Align your thoughts, words, actions, beliefs, values, and desires to become a unified, happy, and transcendent being Become a limitless being and shine with the stars with the 7 Thoughts to Live Your Life By. Pick up your copy today by scrolling to the top of the page and clicking BUY NOW.

Break-up Boss

Zoë Foster Blake - 2018
    But you don't have to suck at break-ups. Break-ups are awful, and tough, and they're very real, but that doesn't mean they get to take over your whole life. YOU can take charge. YOU can be the boss of your break-up. YOU can choose to see it as a gift. And you must.Break-up Boss gives you all the tools and techniques (and lots of lectures - cute!) to deal with each stage of your break-up. This is a Real Life, no-nonsense picture of a break-up, and an enthusiastic, empowered and positive view of how to deal with it.

There Are No Sad Dogs in Heaven: Finding Comfort After the Loss of a Pet

Sonya Fitzpatrick - 2013
    For many they’re as close as children; for some they may be our only children. And while most of us can expect that our children will outlive us, sadly, our pets almost never do.Losing a pet can be as difficult as losing any other family member; we grieve, we miss them, and, mostly, we want closure, to know that our furry, feathered, or scaled friends are okay, wherever they are.For years, animal communicator Sonya Fitzpatrick has helped pet owners cope with the loss of their beloved companions. Many of them ask the same questions: Is my pet happy? Why did this happen? Is it okay to get another pet? Using her personal experiences as well as the stories of the families she’s worked with, Sonya sheds some light on the questions that every grieving pet owner has, and assures the reader that there are, in fact, no sad dogs (or cats or birds or turtles or horses or cows) in heaven.

The Pathwork of Self-Transformation

Eva Pierrakos - 1990
    Combining rare psychological depth and insight with an inspiring vision of human possibility, the Guide's teachings, known as the Pathwork, have influenced many New Age thinkers. Now the core teachings of the Guide have been collected in one volume synthesizing its essential wisdom.

The 5 Love Languages/Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married Set

Gary Chapman - 2010

F*ck Your Feelings: Master Your Mind, Accomplish Any Goal, and Become A More Significant Human

Ryan Munsey - 2018
    Not logic. Not rational thought. Feelings. Can you feel the pull of emotions, hunger, guilt, pain, jealously, depression, and everything else weighing on every decision that you make? Business owners, entrepreneurs, regular people looking to get in shape, anyone with a goal that isn't terrified of tough love - you need to read F*ck Your Feelings - as soon as possible! In this book you'll learn how to use personal mind control techniques to control the way your brain is wired, constantly accomplish your goals, and feel MORE pleasure during the day. You cannot control your instincts until you understand how they work - PERIOD. Learn how to apply the fundamentals of emotional control so that you can uplift yourself ON COMMAND, fight through periods of stress and torment, and give yourself long-term satisfaction and peace. Packed with advice you can put to use right away, you'll learn how to SPOT and What pragmatic and actionable tactics will you learn? The one four letter word that practically guarantees you'll fail at whatever you do. The real nature of emotions, and the twenty minute exercise we can take to give ourselves lasting joy throughout the day. Why eating one marshmallow at the wrong time can ruin your relationships and cost you thousands of dollars. Why play, safety, and something called the VAGUS NERVE is critical for your performance in life. The "everything is everything" moment that will separate you from 92% of people - in the entire world. Also the following insights: How to survive and recover when your brain is HOOKED on dopamine, fear, amusement, and other toxic drugs. The actual, CONTROLLABLE physical property that decides whether you're a dreamer, or a doer! How feeling threatened or insecure can actually make you sluggish, lazy, and TRAPPED in failure. How to interact with your phone, tablet and computer without wrecking your back, eyes, and heart. And so much more! Here's what this book ISN'T: this isn't a get rich quick scheme, a business plan, or some touchy-feely nonsense about touching your inner self. This is about building the most consistent element in any business - YOURSELF. How will your business improve? Be more focused throughout the day. Gain the ability to say NO to temptation when it comes. HACK your brain so that you're always energized and pumped up NEVER be outside your comfort zone or afraid of a challenge. Implement these techniques and watch your profits skyrocket.

Special Operations Mental Toughness:The Invincible Mindset of Delta Force Operators, Navy SEALs, Army Rangers & Other Elite Warriors

Lawrence Colebrooke - 2015
    However, the major factor in the success these warriors achieve is their mental toughness, decisiveness, resilience and ability to control their natural physical and psychological responses to fear and stress during some of the most dangerous situations imaginable. These extraordinary warriors possess a unique mindset that enables them to successfully attack and overcome obstacles and challenges that others can't - or for various reasons - won't even try to tackle. Now, you can leverage the insights and advice of members of some of Americas' elite military units to elevate your level of mental toughness and self-confidence. Topics covered in this book include; - The Rite of Passage: An Introduction to Special Operations Selection - The Special Operator Mindset: Individual Traits, Attitudes, Tactics & Techniques - How You Can Develop a "Spec-Ops" Level of Mental Toughness - How to Control Fear, Stress & Anxiety - The Navy SEAL Seven Pillar Technique - Methods of Developing Exceptional Self-Confidence - The "Whole Person" Approach to Personal Development - How Special Operators Achieve Excellence via "Deliberate Practice" - The "Wet Socks" Story: A Special Operators' Thoughts on Overcoming Adversity - The Four Levels of Competence: How You Can Apply Them To Your Life - How to Set Goals, Take Action & Achieve Success This book is designed to help you develop the same mindset, strength of will and winning mentality that is shared by Americas' most capable and respected warriors. It can help you change your perspective on how you have been approaching various aspects of your personal and professional life and it provides techniques, tools and tips that can help you achieve your dreams and goals!