The Basics of Digital Forensics: The Primer for Getting Started in Digital Forensics

John Sammons - 2011
    This book teaches you how to conduct examinations by explaining what digital forensics is, the methodologies used, key technical concepts and the tools needed to perform examinations. Details on digital forensics for computers, networks, cell phones, GPS, the cloud, and Internet are discussed. Readers will also learn how to collect evidence, document the scene, and recover deleted data. This is the only resource your students need to get a jump-start into digital forensics investigations.This book is organized into 11 chapters. After an introduction to the basics of digital forensics, the book proceeds with a discussion of key technical concepts. Succeeding chapters cover labs and tools; collecting evidence; Windows system artifacts; anti-forensics; Internet and email; network forensics; and mobile device forensics. The book concludes by outlining challenges and concerns associated with digital forensics. PowerPoint lecture slides are also available.This book will be a valuable resource for entry-level digital forensics professionals as well as those in complimentary fields including law enforcement, legal, and general information security.

GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook

Wilpen L. Gorr - 2010
    By combining ArcGIS tutorials with self-study exercises intended to gradually build upon basic skills, the GIS Tutorial 1 is fully adaptable to individual needs, as well as the classroom setting. The tutorial demonstrates a range of GIS functionality, from creating maps and collecting data to using geoprocessing tools and models as well as ArcGIS 3D Analyst and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extensions for further analysis. GIS Tutorial 1 includes a data CD for working through the exercises and fully functioning 180-day trial DVD of ArcGIS Desktop10 software, making it the smart choice for GIS beginners.

Genetics: From Genes to Genomes

Leland H. Hartwell - 1999
    Written by an author team, including a Noble Prize winner, this text presents the integration of Mendelian and molecular principles, providing students with the links between early genetics understanding and the molecular discoveries that have changed the way the field of genetics is viewed.

Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment

Elizabeth D. Hutchison - 1999
    This volume provides an integrated micro/macro perspective on human behaviour, insights into human behaviour from biological, psychological and spiritual perspectives, and an examination of various human environments, from families to social movements and institutions.

Understanding Pathophysiology

Sue E. Huether - 2008
    The most current information on the mechanisms, manifestations, and treatments of disease are clearly and concisely presented. Accessible writing, numerous illustrations in full-color, and complete and separate treatment of pediatric pathophysiology are the hallmarks of this popular and respected text. The new third edition features extensively revised and updated content and an enhanced art program.The book is divided into two parts. Part One presents the general principles of pathophysiology, including cell injury and repair; genetics; fluids and electrolytes, acids and bases; immunity, inflammation, and infection; stress; and cancer. Part Two is organized by body system, and for each system it covers normal anatomy and physiology, alterations of function in adults, and alterations of function in children.• Complete but concise coverage provides a thorough discussion of general pathophysiology and specific disease processes. • Outstanding full-color art program illustrates normal anatomy and physiology, disease processes, and clinical manifestations of disease. • Pediatric content is presented in 9 separate chapters to provide thorough coverage of how disease processes specifically affect children. • Health Alert boxes present brief discussions of new research, diagnostic studies, preventative care, treatments, or other developments related to health or specific diseases. • Quick Check questions appear at the end of major sections of text and are designed to promote critical thinking. Suggested answers to the questions are found on the CD companion included with the text. • Risk Factor boxes illustrate how certain risk factors are associated with specific diseases. • Did You Understand? chapter summaries provide students with a comprehensive review of the major concepts presented in each chapter. • Aging content is identified with a special icon within the adult chapters. • Algorithms are used throughout the text to illustrate normal and compensatory physiology and pathophysiology. • Key terms are boldface in text and listed with page numbers at the end of each chapter for easy reference and chapter review.• Approximately 250 new full-color drawings have been added. • An Introduction to Pathophysiology included in the front matter defines pathophysiology — and related terms such as etiology and epidemiology — and explains why it is important. • Extensive updates, based on the most current research, have been made throughout the book. • To reflect the latest developments, the Biology of Cancer chapter has been completely rewritten. • Several chapters, including Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases and Alterations of the Reproductive Systems have been extensively edited.

Biology of the Invertebrates

Jan A. Pechenik - 1999

Calculus With Analytic Geometry

Ron Larson - 1979
    This was the first calculus text to use computer-generated graphics, to include exercises involving the use of computers and graphing calculators, to be available in an interactive CD-ROM format, to be offered as a complete, online calculus course, and to offer a two-semester Calculus I with Precalculus text. Every edition of the series has made the mastery of traditional calculus skills a priority, while embracing the best features of new technology and, when appropriate, calculus reform ideas. Now, the Eighth Edition is the first calculus program to offer algorithmic homework and testing created in Maple so that answers can be evaluated with complete mathematical accuracy.Two primary objectives guided the authors in writing this book: to develop precise, readable materials for students that clearly define and demonstrate concepts and rules of calculus and to design comprehensive teaching resources for instructors that employ proven pedagogical techniques and saves the instructor time. The Eighth Edition continues to provide an evolving range of conceptual, technological, and creative tools that enable instructors to teach the way they want to teach and students to learn they way they learn best. The explanations, theorems, and definitions have been thoroughly and critically reviewed. Additionally, the exercise sets have been carefully and extensively examined to ensure they cover all calculus topics appropriately. Questions involving skills, writing, critical thinking, problem-solving, applications, and real-data applications are included throughout the text. Exercises are presented in a variety of question formats, including matching, free response, true/false, modeling, and fill-in the blank. The Eduspace online resources have been integrated into a comprehensive learning system that combines numerous dynamic calculus resources with online homework and testing materials. Eduspace with eSolutions combines all the features of Eduspace with an electronic version of the textbook exercises and the complete solutions to the odd-numbered text exercises, providing students with a convenient and comprehensive way to do homework and view the course materials. The Integrated Learning System addresses the changing needs of today's instructors and students. Recognizing that the calculus course is presented in a variety of teaching and learning environments, the program resources are available in print, CD-ROM, and online formats. SMARTHINKING online tutoring brings students real-time, online tutorial support when they need it most.

Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction

Terence A. Brown - 2006
    Assuming the reader has little prior knowledge of the subject its importance, the principles of the techniques used and their applications are all carefully laid out, with over 250 clearly presented two-colour illustrations. In addition to a number of informative changes to the text throughout the book, the final four chapters have been significantly updated and extended to reflect the striking advances made in recent years in the applications of gene cloning and DNA analysis in biotechnology: Extended chapter on agriculture including new material on glyphosate resistant plantsNew section on the uses of gene cloning and PCR in archaeologyCoverage of ethical concerns relating to pharming, gene therapy and GM crops Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis remains an essential introductory text to a wide range of biological sciences students; including genetics and genomics, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology and applied biology. It is also a perfect introductory text for any professional needing to learn the basics of the subject. All libraries in universities where medical, life and biological sciences are studied and taught should have copies available on their shelves. View the Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis webpage at

Off-Camera Flash: Techniques for Digital Photographers

Neil van Niekerk - 2011
    Seeking to address the various challenges of off-camera lighting, professional photographers and advanced amateurs alike will find a range of confidence-building instruction, beginning with basic how’s and why’s of lighting for creative effect, the types of equipment available and instruction about their proper use, clear definitions of various technical concepts such as managing shutter speed and controlling flash exposure, using ambient light as well as natural sunlight during a shoot, and incorporating off-camera flash into a portrait session. Concluding this lesson plan is a look at five different real-life photo sessions, each employing a different flash technique. Here, photographers get a deeper understanding of each concept put into practice, marrying the elements of lighting with the natural elements presented by the shoot.

Aliens Ate My Pickup

Mercedes Lackey - 2012
    A humorous story written for the collection Fiddler Fair, this story has also been reprinted in This Is My Funniest 2: Leading Science Fiction Writers Present Their Funniest Stories Ever (Oct 2007), Galaxy's Edge, Issue 2: May 2013, and Dragon's Teeth (Dec 2013--omnibus of Fiddler Fair and Werehunter).

Genetics: A Conceptual Approach

Benjamin A. Pierce - 1997
    Based on the author’s 27 years of teaching experience, Genetics: A Conceptual Approach, Third Edition, builds upon features that have made past editions so successful:  an engaging writing style; relevant applications; an accessible and instructive art program; an emphasis on problem-solving; and, most importantly, a strong focus on concepts and connections.  To bring these key concepts into sharper focus, Ben Pierce has selectively reduced the amount of detail and has streamlined coverage to focus on essential concepts.

How the Immune System Works (How It Works)

Lauren M. Sompayrac - 1999
    Written in the same offbeat, "lecture-style" you're familiar with, the second edition provides a perfect introduction to the essential principles of the immune system, covered in 9 humorous but highly informative "lectures." Perfect as exam-prep review or an enjoyable overview of a difficult subject. This revised edition features: - New updates on the Pathophysiology of immunology - System-based approach that examines immunology as a system - Unique and engaging style for quick and easy learning

A Short Course in Photography: An Introduction to Photographic Technique

Barbara London - 1979
    Oriented toward traditional black and white photography, the book also explores digital techniques and web photography resources, equipment, the exposure and development of film, and the making and finishing of prints.

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics [With CDROM]

Robert W. Fox - 2003
    This new edition simplifies many of the steps involved in analysis by using the computer application Excel. Over 100 detailed example problems illustrate important fluid mechanics concepts: Approximately 1300 end-of-chapter problems are arranged by difficulty level and include many problems that are designed to be solved using Excel. The CD for the book includes: A Brief Review of Microsoft Excel and numerous Excel files for the example problems and for use in solving problems. The new edition includes an expanded discussion of pipe networks, and a new section on oblique shocks and expansion waves.

Human Anatomy

Frederic H. Martini - 1994
    Time-saving study tools help readers arrive at a complete understanding of human anatomy. KEY TOPICS: An Introduction to Anatomy, The Cell, Tissues and Early Embryology, The Integumentary System, The Skeletal System: Osseous Tissue and Skeletal Structure, The Skeletal System: Axial Division, The Skeletal System: Appendicular Division, The Skeletal System: Articulations, The Muscular System: Skeletal Muscle Tissue and Muscle Organization, The Muscular System: Axial Musculature, The Muscular System: Appendicular Musculature, Surface Anatomy and Cross-Sectional Anatomy, The Nervous System: Neural Tissue, The Nervous System: The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves, The Nervous System: The Brain and Cranial Nerves, The Nervous System: Pathways And Higher-Order Functions, The Nervous System:  Autonomic Division, The Nervous System: General and Special Senses, The Endocrine System, The Cardiovascular System: Blood, The Cardiovascular System: The Heart, The Cardiovascular System: Vessels and Circulation, The Lymphoid System, The Respiratory System, The Digestive System, The Urinary System, The Reproductive System, The Reproductive System: Embryology and HumanDevelopment. MARKET: For all readers interested in human anatomy.