Book picks similar to
Games and Decision Making by Charalambos D. Aliprantis


Strategic Market Management

David A. Aaker - 2007
    I found this book unique in its capacity to benefit executives, planning staff, and students of strategy alike." -- Robert L. Joss, Dean of the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University Create successful strategies for today's dynamic business environment It isn't your Dad's (or Mom's) marketplace any more. Business environments once seemed quite stable and simple. Today, every market can be described as dynamic, and you need to adapt your strategies in order to counter the threats and maximize your opportunities. The Eighth Edition of Strategic Market Management is designed to give you the strategic management tools you need to meet the challenges created by the dynamic nature of markets. Using a variety of concepts and methods such as strategic questions, portfolio models, and scenario analysis, the book outlines the five competencies that spark successful, ongoing strategizing: Strategic analysis--With an emphasis on external market analysis, this new edition illustrates a structured approach to understanding the customer, the competitor, and important trends that you can apply to your strategic decision making Stimulating and managing innovation--Understand different types of innovation and deal with the organizational challenges involved in bringing innovations to market Managing multiple businesses--Know how to allocate resources towards businesses of the future and away from businesses that lack growth potential Creating advantage--Take a long-term perspective to develop truly sustainable competitive advantages (SCAs) Developing growth strategies--Gain the skills to energize, leverage, globalize the business, or create new businesses Significantly revised, with a wealth of new and updated material, Strategic Market Management, 8th Edition remains the most authoritative guide to creating business strategies that will be relevant and compelling to customers, sustainable even in face of competitive attack, and maximize the assets and competencies of your organization.

Discrete Mathematics

Richard Johnsonbaugh - 1984
    Focused on helping students understand and construct proofs and expanding their mathematical maturity, this best-selling text is an accessible introduction to discrete mathematics. Johnsonbaugh's algorithmic approach emphasizes problem-solving techniques. The Seventh Edition reflects user and reviewer feedback on both content and organization.

100 Greatest Cycling Climbs: A Road Cyclist's Guide To Britain's Hills

Simon Warren - 2010
    It is now possible for cyclists of all abilities to ride a well marked, well marshalled event just about any weekend of the year, usually based around one, two or sometimes as many as ten fearsome hills. For the first time, here is a pocket-sized guide to the 100 greatest climbs in the land, the building blocks for these rides, written by a cyclist for cyclists. From lung busting city centre cobbles to leg breaking windswept mountain passes, this guide locates the roads that have tested riders for generations and worked their way into cycling folklore. Whether you're a leisure cyclist looking for a challenge or an elite athlete trying to break records stick this book in your pocket and head for the hills. To watch a video of Simon Warren in action click here

Introduction to Probability

Dimitri P. Bertsekas - 2002
    This is the currently used textbook for "Probabilistic Systems Analysis," an introductory probability course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, attended by a large number of undergraduate and graduate students. The book covers the fundamentals of probability theory (probabilistic models, discrete and continuous random variables, multiple random variables, and limit theorems), which are typically part of a first course on the subject. It also contains, a number of more advanced topics, from which an instructor can choose to match the goals of a particular course. These topics include transforms, sums of random variables, least squares estimation, the bivariate normal distribution, and a fairly detailed introduction to Bernoulli, Poisson, and Markov processes. The book strikes a balance between simplicity in exposition and sophistication in analytical reasoning. Some of the more mathematically rigorous analysis has been just intuitively explained in the text, but is developed in detail (at the level of advanced calculus) in the numerous solved theoretical problems. The book has been widely adopted for classroom use in introductory probability courses within the USA and abroad.

Urinalysis and Body Fluids

Susan King Strasinger - 1985
    In this reference, case studies and clinical situations analyze and explore the clinical significance of non-blood body fluids and are designed to aid students in developing the skills of problem solving and critical thinking that are essential in a clinical laboratory.

Calculus with Analytic Geometry

Earl W. Swokowski - 1979

Time Series Analysis

James Douglas Hamilton - 1994
    This book synthesizes these recent advances and makes them accessible to first-year graduate students. James Hamilton provides the first adequate text-book treatments of important innovations such as vector autoregressions, generalized method of moments, the economic and statistical consequences of unit roots, time-varying variances, and nonlinear time series models. In addition, he presents basic tools for analyzing dynamic systems (including linear representations, autocovariance generating functions, spectral analysis, and the Kalman filter) in a way that integrates economic theory with the practical difficulties of analyzing and interpreting real-world data. Time Series Analysis fills an important need for a textbook that integrates economic theory, econometrics, and new results.The book is intended to provide students and researchers with a self-contained survey of time series analysis. It starts from first principles and should be readily accessible to any beginning graduate student, while it is also intended to serve as a reference book for researchers.-- "Journal of Economics"


George T. Milkovich - 2007
    The 9th edition continues to examine the strategic choices in managing total compensation. The total compensation model introduced in chapter one serves as an integrating framework throughout the book. The authors discuss major compensation issues in the context of current theory, research, and real-business practices. Milkovich and Newman strive to differentiate beliefs and opinions from facts and scholarly research. They illustrate new developments in compensation practices as well as established approaches to compensation decisions.

Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices

Denise M. Harmening - 2005
    Building from a review of the basic science to the how and why of clinical practice, this text is thorough guide to immunohematology and transfusion practices. It begins with six color plates of which Plate 2 - standardized grading of macroscopic red cell antigen-antibody reactions - is extraordinarily useful. These are actual photomicrographs of immediate spin reactions and at a glance, will automatically assure standardized reporting of the reactions. Chapter on medicolegal and ethical aspects of providing blood collection and transfusion service is simply fascinating reveting reading. An added bonus is the table of blood group characteri stics (antigen, ISBT number, frequency in different ethnicities, expression during life, etc.) on the inside covers at the front and back of the book. Nothing like having a quick complete reference when you need it! This is a great book. Valerie L. Ng, PhD, MD, University of California, San Francisco, California for Doody Review Service.

The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements

Gerald I. White - 1993
    * An increased international focus with more coverage of IASC and non-US GAAPs and more non-US examples.

Mathematics for Economists

Carl P. Simon - 1994
    An abundance of applications to current economic analysis, illustrative diagrams, thought-provoking exercises, careful proofs, and a flexible organization-these are the advantages that Mathematics for Economists brings to today’s classroom.

Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing

William H. Press - 1988
    In a self-contained manner it proceeds from mathematical and theoretical considerations to actual practical computer routines. With over 100 new routines bringing the total to well over 300, plus upgraded versions of the original routines, the new edition remains the most practical, comprehensive handbook of scientific computing available today.

Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction

Richard S. Sutton - 1998
    Their discussion ranges from the history of the field's intellectual foundations to the most recent developments and applications.Reinforcement learning, one of the most active research areas in artificial intelligence, is a computational approach to learning whereby an agent tries to maximize the total amount of reward it receives when interacting with a complex, uncertain environment. In Reinforcement Learning, Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto provide a clear and simple account of the key ideas and algorithms of reinforcement learning. Their discussion ranges from the history of the field's intellectual foundations to the most recent developments and applications. The only necessary mathematical background is familiarity with elementary concepts of probability.The book is divided into three parts. Part I defines the reinforcement learning problem in terms of Markov decision processes. Part II provides basic solution methods: dynamic programming, Monte Carlo methods, and temporal-difference learning. Part III presents a unified view of the solution methods and incorporates artificial neural networks, eligibility traces, and planning; the two final chapters present case studies and consider the future of reinforcement learning.

Statistics for Business and Economics [with Student CD]

Paul Newbold - 1976
    This text enables students to conduct serious analysis of applied problems in contrast to merely running simple“canned” applications to help students become stronger analysts and future managers. It is also at a mathematically higher level than most business statistics texts.

Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems

Didier Sornette - 2002
    In this book, Didier Sornette boldly applies his varied experience in these areas to propose a simple, powerful, and general theory of how, why, and when stock markets crash.Most attempts to explain market failures seek to pinpoint triggering mechanisms that occur hours, days, or weeks before the collapse. Sornette proposes a radically different view: the underlying cause can be sought months and even years before the abrupt, catastrophic event in the build-up of cooperative speculation, which often translates into an accelerating rise of the market price, otherwise known as a "bubble." Anchoring his sophisticated, step-by-step analysis in leading-edge physical and statistical modeling techniques, he unearths remarkable insights and some predictions--among them, that the "end of the growth era" will occur around 2050.Sornette probes major historical precedents, from the decades-long "tulip mania" in the Netherlands that wilted suddenly in 1637 to the South Sea Bubble that ended with the first huge market crash in England in 1720, to the Great Crash of October 1929 and Black Monday in 1987, to cite just a few. He concludes that most explanations other than cooperative self-organization fail to account for the subtle bubbles by which the markets lay the groundwork for catastrophe.Any investor or investment professional who seeks a genuine understanding of looming financial disasters should read this book. Physicists, geologists, biologists, economists, and others will welcome "Why Stock Markets Crash" as a highly original "scientific tale," as Sornette aptly puts it, of the exciting and sometimes fearsome--but no longer quite so unfathomable--world of stock markets.