Leadership is Hell: How to Manage Well - And Escape with your Soul

Rob Asghar - 2014
    This book punctures that misguided myth—and it will liberate you from others’ expectations and from your own illusions about success. This book is a practical manual for leading the right way and for the right reasons. It explores how to identify and overcome the blind spots that may be hurting your career; whether you have the right mindset for the kind of success that you’re seeking; how to develop just the right amount of “healthy ego” to make an impact; and how to make an impact on the world in a way that’s true to who you are (be forewarned, this might involve a completely different path than your current one). This book will take you on a journey, showing you famous figures from history and the present—some who got it right, and some who didn’t. You’ll look at seven roads to hell within the world of leadership, and seven roads out of hell, to guide you safely to a meaningful legacy. All royalties support the University of Southern California’s Neighborhood Academic Initiative to prepare local urban schoolchildren for college.

Phonics - A Sounds - Book 1: Improve Your Child's Spelling and Reading Skills- Elementary School

Katrina Kahler - 2014
    170 pages of A sounds! You can use this book with a young child who is just starting school or with an older child who has missed out on the basics. If a child doesn't know their phonic sounds...they will always struggle with spelling, reading and writing. Sometimes the same sound can be spelt in different ways, e.g. the sound ake (cake) can also be spelt ache earache) and eak (steak). The best way to use this book is to focus on one sound at a time. Read through them with your child, talk about the sounds, practice spelling them and write them. The A Sounds book is the largest of the series. You will also find the e, i, o and u books on Amazon. Katrina Kahler is a teacher with 30 years of experience in Elementary Schools. She is a highly successful teacher who has helped thousands of children. This is how she teaches the children in her classroom to spell. Start working with your child today and see the difference it will make to their literacy skills.

How to Find A Job: When There Are No Jobs A Necessary Job Search and Career Planning Guide for Today's Job Market (Find A Job Series)

Paul Rega - 2011
    His provocative new book strikes a nerve with millions of displaced workers and goes well beyond the principles of job hunting. He introduces a revolutionary new concept in career management and personal development called Intuitive Personal Assessment (IPA). Paul takes his readers on a powerful journey as he tells a gripping story about his own career and the unique challenges he's faced as an executive recruiter.The author shares his vast knowledge of career planning and the inner workings of the job search process, citing hundreds of proven and effective job search techniques. He explains how to market your background to a targeted audience, interviewing skills and techniques, network building strategies, how to utilize personal and business contacts, effective use of social media, including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, insider tips on working with recruiters, salary and benefits negotiation, how to write a resume, cover and follow-up letters, how to start and succeed in your own business and much more.Despite the many challenges faced by those suffering as a result of the weak job market, Paul believes that change in one's life can be positive. He explains that, "Change throughout your life is inevitable, and as your life changes so often does your career." His book is an effective guide that will provide you with the necessary tools, skills and inside knowledge from a professional recruiter to help you navigate through difficult economic times and find a new job or change careers.

How to Work for Yourself: 100 Ways to Make the Time, Energy and Priorities to Start a Business, Book or Blog

Bryan Cohen - 2013
    Side projects can result in extra income, greater fulfillment and even a more enjoyable career. If you aren't creating something in your spare time, you aren't reaching your full potential. Unfortunately, most people can't find the time, energy or correct life priorities to start and complete creative side projects. They keep putting off planning these projects, never finding out what they could have accomplished if they'd only created something. Author Bryan Cohen is no stranger to creative productivity. He's earned more than $35,000 in the past few years from his side business, Build Creative Writing Ideas. His 30 books, all of which were written in the past few years, have sold more than 20,000 copies. He achieved this success through the life-enriching tips he learned by reading dozens of books, attending multiple conferences and through his own trial and error. He's put in hundreds of hours of refining his creativity techniques so that you don't have to. By using Cohen's tips and tricks, you'll start planning your business, book, blog or course in the next few days with optimized time, renewed energy and an improved balance in your life.For purchasing this concise 16,000-word book, you'll get an added bonus: 75% off access to Cohen's online video course on the education platform Udemy.It's time to create your side project. Buy this book today!

Time Is Money: A Simple System To Cure Procrastination Without Willpower, Become More Productive, Find Your Focus & Get More Done In Less Time! (Personal ... Productivity & Get Stuff Done Book 3)

Alex Altman - 2015
    You’ll be able to have fun, build unstoppable motivation and even break lazy habits that are holding you back. You’ll learn how to develop habits correctly by following the “Three R’s”. What will you learn? Well here’s a preview…• The 4 Reasons why you procrastinate and how to solve them• How to increase your energy by creating habits that stick• The 4 mistakes people make when setting goals• How to increase your “focus muscle” and get more things done in less time• What to do when you’re feeling overwhelmed• How to overcome the fear of failure thats preventing you from making progressDon’t hesitate to pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!P.S. If you’re a procrastinator don’t delay this purchase. The information in this book will help you transform your life!

The Little Book of Gold: Fundraising for Small (and Very Small) Nonprofits

Erik Hanberg - 2011
    Avoid common pitfalls and get tips on proven methods that work.This short guide helps new Executive Directors, active board chairs, and other key staff in charge of fundraising to learn the basics of professional and sustainable fundraising. Geared specifically for non-profits with small and very small budgets (a few hundred thousand dollars a year down to the smallest budgets).Revised and expanded in 2011!"It was a perfect primer for me as I prepare for a new role in my agency." -- Anne Maack, Child Start, Wichita, Kansas"A valuable contribution to our colleagues in the nonprofit world--especially those of us in smaller organizations that do not have dedicated fund development staff."-- Jose Martinez, Executive Director, Food Bank of Yolo County, Yolo County, California

The Compound

Ben Follows - 2017
    In the small town of Crescent Point, Jake will come face to face with an enemy unlike any he's ever faced before, and with the sins he's tried to ignore. He will discover that sometimes when you dig too deep into the darkness, you find something dragging you further down, and the only escape from the darkness is a desperate scramble toward the light.

Bayonet Dawn

Scott Moon - 2016
    Unbreakable destiny. Ultimate sacrifice. One man will do anything to save what matters most. Kevin Connelly embarks on a quest to honor the memory of his grandfather, a war hero in a neighborhood without heroes, and rescue his twin siblings from mysterious aliens. His older brother, now the head of their orphaned family has other plans, requiring him to flee a contract with a powerful crime lord. Military enlistment might be the answer to his prayers or the beginning of his destruction. Ace and Amanda-Margaret Connelly learn firsthand the secret of the Siren doom when they are captured by a race of giants opposing their Siren masters. Nothing is what it seems. The human race will soon learn rebels are treacherous allies. Gunnery Sergeant Robert Priest, PhD, is dedicated to the 343rd Marauders despite the horror of Brookhaven and the damage done to his closest friends. Duty doesn't get easier when the Connelly family complicates his mission of vengeance and redemption. Bayonet Dawn is military science fiction packed with camaraderie, action, and a family saga to be remembered. The book strives to realize the best elements of classics in the genre: Starship Troopers, Battlestar Galactica, and Dune.

Music Habits - The Mental Game of Electronic Music Production: Finish Songs Fast, Beat Procrastination and Find Your Creative Flow

Jason Timothy - 2015
    The goal of this book, is to cover music production from many different angles in a way that will change your thinking on the subject and build your confidence. Music making is a very mental and psychological game, and more often than not, all the technical stuff can hold you back from achieving your goals if you don't have the right creative habits in place first. With all the information available with a simple Google search, I wanted to really get to the heart of things that aren't being discussed nearly enough. I want to clear out all the garbage you may have been told and replace it with the essentials you can put to immediate use. Many people new to music may dive into forums and mindlessly watch video tutorials attempting to gather more and more information until they think they have enough to get going (hint: you never feel like you know enough). That would be like reading a whole encyclopedia and then being asked to recall only the important things that will get you from point A to point B. Even worse, much of the information you get will contradict the last thing you read. It's like finding a needle in a haystack only to be told it's the wrong needle. There is a much better approach. It's an approach that doesn't require you to know a lot to get started. You only need to know enough to get to the next step in your process. There is truly nothing stopping you from becoming a music producer. The ones who are successful now are the ones who started from nothing and chipped away at it until they found a way to express their unique voice. There are no gatekeepers making decisions on who is worthy and who isn't. The determining factor is you, your habits and your confidence in yourself. This book can be read from start to finish, or as a “choose your own adventure”, going directly to what you think can help you most right now. Don't get caught up thinking you have to devour everything before getting started. That isn't necessary, and isn't the point of the book. The core concepts in the book will come up time & time again which should help you retain them & be able to recall them when the need arrives. By exploring these concepts from several angles you should gain a broad view of their many uses. My hope is that this book is used as a toolbox. You simply find the right tool that moves you forward and get back to work. So few people, who have more than enough information in their heads, ever start. Of those who do start, even fewer finish what they started and are satisfied with the results. I want you to be in that small group of finishers. Let's get started.

Amazon Affiliate: Make Money with the Amazon Affiliate Program

Armaan Kohli - 2014
    He shows you screenshots of how his income keeps growing along with an example of how he ultimately sold his 6 month old Amazon affiliate website for over $15000!He also shares 7 amazing tips on how to increase your conversion rates as an Amazon affiliate to get the maximum bang for your buck. If you’re looking for a practical and easy to follow guide on how to make money as an Amazon affiliate, then this is the right book for you.This book also includes FREE bonus Keyword packages that are worth more than $1000.

137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading

Kevin D. Hendricks - 2013
    It's about falling in love with books again and discovering the habits to help you read more. Author Kevin D. Hendricks read 137 books in 2012 without giving up TV, a day job or becoming completely antisocial. He shares what worked for him, including carrying a book everywhere (including church), reclaiming idle moments (software loading), and not being ashamed of genre (he's partial to post-apocalyptic sci-fi). It's a quick read so you can absorb the ideas, figure out what might work for you and fall in love with reading again.

The Book on Making Money

Steve Oliverez - 2017
    In The Book on Making Money, he reveals what he learned while successfully hitting this goal for seven years in a row, growing his annual income to more than $1 million. Walking readers through the steps he took to reach his goal, Oliverez shows how they can apply the same techniques to greatly increase their own income, whether they work for someone else or run their own business. Oliverez spells out his disagreements with the traditional wisdom that tells young adults to go to school, get good grades and find a safe, steady job - advice that has left many Americans with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans, credit card debt or mortgages on homes they can't afford. He also assaults the idea of saving one’s way to wealth as absurd and counterproductive, using his own experience of trying to save money while poor as an example. Instead of promoting an austere lifestyle of clipping coupons and spending as little as possible, he shows how those habits can actually prevent people from becoming wealthy. Perhaps your goal is to create passive income, launch a startup or make money investing in the stock market. Maybe you're still an employee and you want to learn how to write a better resume, ask for a raise, and budget so you can get out of debt. This straight-forward guide will teach you how money works and give you the tools to achieve financial freedom.

Stop Chasing Carrots: Healing Self-Help Deceptions With a Scientific Philosophy of Life

Chris Masi - 2015
    Yet psychologists and philosophers agree that these commonplace approaches to creating happiness, success, and fulfillment make critical mistakes. Stop Chasing Carrots reveals how these mistakes begin with misconceptions about happiness and then presents a philosophy of life to achieve better results.Here is the rare book that creates a philosophy of life based on scientific evidence. Replacing self-help materialism, Eastern spiritualism/minimalism, and complex but insightful psychological studies with an accessible, balanced, and realistic concept, Stop Chasing Carrots empowers readers to lead lives based on proven ideas.

SELF-CONFIDENCE BOOM: The Simple Way to Building Your Self-Confidence

George Zelina - 2017
    In this book you will learn how to:- Develop and master simple techniques to increase your self-confidence- Incorporate these techniques as a part of you everyday life- Implement techniques which work regardless of your gender or age- Overcome low self-esteem- Become an all-around happier personBased on moments within his personal life, author George Zelina paints a vivid picture of how he overcame his low self-esteem and went on to become a successful certified life coach.Imagine being able to set goals and see them through to the end, all because of an increase in self-confidence. You could quit smoking, lose weight or learn a new skill. You could do anything, in fact, because with self-confidence comes the knowledge that anything is within your grasp.

Coyote Breed

Alan David - 2016
    Praise for Alan David 'A classic of the genre.' – Tom Kasey, bestselling author of Trade Off.Alan David is a prolific writer of over 500 novels in a wide range of genres, from classic westerns, to historical thrillers. His other western novels include Fight or Die, Gun Hell, Gun Wages, Wildmen and Draw or Die. Pioneering Press is an imprint of Endeavour Press, the UK’s leading independent digital publisher. We publish new and classic westerns by authors from the US and the UK. Sign up to our newsletterFollow us on Twitter: @PioneeringPress