The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

Michael Bungay Stanier - 2016
     Drawing on years of experience training more than 10,000 busy managers from around the globe in practical, everyday coaching skills, Bungay Stanier reveals how to unlock your peoples' potential. He unpacks seven essential coaching questions to demonstrate how--by saying less and asking more--you can develop coaching methods that produce great results. – Get straight to the point in any conversation with The Kickstart Question – Stay on track during any interaction with The Awe Question – Save hours of time for yourself with The Lazy Question – and hours of time for others with The Strategic Question – Get to the heart of any interpersonal or external challenge with The Focus Question – and The Foundation Question – Ensure others find your coaching as beneficial as you do with The Learning Question A fresh innovative take on the traditional how-to manual, the book combines insider information with research based in neuroscience and behavioural economics, together with interactive training tools to turn practical advice into practiced habits. Witty and conversational, The Coaching Habit takes your work--and your workplace--from good to great. "Coaching is an art and it's far easier said than done. It takes courage to ask a question rather than offer up advice, provide and answer, or unleash a solution. giving another person the opportunity to find their own way, make their own mistakes, and create their own wisdom is both brave and vulnerable. In this practical and inspiring book, Michael shares seven transformative questions that can make a difference in how we lead and support. And he guides us through the tricky part - how to take this new information and turn it into habits and a daily practice. --Brené Brown, author of Rising Strong and Daring Greatly

How to Self-Promote without Being a Jerk

Bruce Kasanoff - 2014
    Thanks to Bruce Kasanoff’s engaging writing and sage advice, this is an enjoyable book that’s full of new ideas to put into action immediately." -- Adam Grant, Wharton professor and bestselling author of Give and Take Do you feel uncomfortable blowing your own horn? Do you struggle to get your fair share of attention? If either is true, this little gem of a book is for you. It provides you with quick and effective tips on the most appropriate ways to make a name for yourself in our hyper-connected world. The book is organized around the author's "Simplify Your Future" framework for managing your career and life: Be generous and expert, trustworthy and clear, open-minded and adaptable, persistent and present.

Shocking Career Secrets - Basic Edition

Ryan Firestorm - 2013
    These secrets will help you get great salary raises, get selected in a job interview, & even get a promotion easily. Here are the closely-guarded secrets that will be revealed in this never-before disclosure. Career Secret # 1: Why would you be fired? Can you avoid the dreaded Pink Slip? And why the most-beloved perk 'Work From Home' is the surest ticket out of the company? For the first time ever, you will be taken behind the scenes of a mass-firing (multiple layoffs). You will understand what prompts a company to fire its loyal employees (this means you). And the biggest insider secret... if you are Working from Home, why you will get laid off in the next few months. You will also learn how to protect your job & make yourself almost 'fire'proof. Career Secret # 2: Job sites are utterly useless Sick and tired of job hunting? Learn why job sites are utterly useless & where you need to focus your energies for a job search. This one strategy will increase your probability of getting a job from a measly 1% to a stunning 60%. Career Secret # 3: Your experience or skills doesn't matter in an Interview! Did you know that your experience or skills doesn't count for the hiring manager? What is the recruiter really looking for? It's this one little thing... Career Secret # 4: Your manager doesn't care what you did the whole year Are you surprised? Or did I confirm what you already suspected? Is everything you are doing in your job, all in vain? Not yet. This secret will tell you how to get on your manager's radar. Career Secret # 5: Appraisal ratings and increments are your manager's headache. Here's how to force your manager to give you a fat paycheck. There is a ton of information on salary negotiation during a job interview. What about salary negotiation during a performance review? This secret will tell you the simplest & easiest way to rate your own performance. And how to make an epic presentation that will force your manager to grudgingly give you a great rating & an excellent salary raise.

The Secrets of College Success

Lynn F. Jacobs - 2010
    Written by award-winning professors Lynn Jacobs and Jeremy Hyman, it’s loaded with insider information that only professors know--but few are willing to reveal. The over 600 tips in this book will show you: *How to pick good courses and avoid bad professors *How to develop “college-level” skills and habits that’ll put you ahead of the pack *How to get through the freshman comp, math, language, and lab science requirements--in one try *How to figure out what’s going to be on the tests, and what professors are looking for in papers and presentations *How to pick a major you’ll really like--and be good at *How to get the edge for graduate school--or the inside track to a really good job *And much more.The tips are quick and easy-to-use, and the advice is friendly and supportive. It’s as if you had your own personal professor guiding you on the path to college success.

Menopause Mondays: The Girlfriend's Guide to Surviving and Thriving During Perimenopause and Menopause

Ellen Dolgen - 2015
    Spurred by her own experience struggling with the symptoms of menopause, Dolgen has devoted the last ten years of her life to helping other women during this often difficult time. While she’s not a doctor or scientist, she’s “talked the talk” with countless menopause experts, so that she can “walk the menopause walk” with you and share the keys to this menopause kingdom. Together with her son, Jack, she created this new, comprehensive guide to all things menopause—the symptoms, the treatments, the long-range effects on a woman’s health. Dolgen shares the expertise of numerous specialists to replace confusion and embarrassment with medically sound solutions, presented in an entertaining and informative way. You’ll find detailed descriptions and treatments for the symptoms you or your loved one may experience, from hot flashes and mood swings to mental fogginess and loss of libido, and lots more in between. In addition to sharing the latest research and proven treatments, Dolgen offers guidance to finding a menopause specialist who’s right for you, and she provides a clear explanation of what tests to ask for. You’ll also learn about the latest studies on hormone replacement as well as alternative therapies and remedies. Finally, Dolgen shares the real-life experiences of women—and those who love them—as they traverse the crazy ups and downs of perimenopause and menopause. Her motto is: Suffering in silence is OUT! Reaching out is IN!

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

Chip Heath - 2010
    Psychologists have discovered that our minds are ruled by two different systems - the rational mind and the emotional mind - that compete for control. The rational mind wants a great beach body; the emotional mind wants that Oreo cookie. The rational mind wants to change something at work; the emotional mind loves the comfort of the existing routine. This tension can doom a change effort - but if it is overcome, change can come quickly.In Switch, the Heaths show how everyday people - employees and managers, parents and nurses - have united both minds and, as a result, achieved dramatic results:- The lowly medical interns who managed to defeat an entrenched, decades-old medical practice that was endangering patients (see page 242)- The home-organizing guru who developed a simple technique for overcoming the dread of housekeeping (see page 130)- The manager who transformed a lackadaisical customer-support team into service zealots by removing a standard tool of customer service (see page 199)In a compelling, story-driven narrative, the Heaths bring together decades of counterintuitive research in psychology, sociology, and other fields to shed new light on how we can effect transformative change. Switch shows that successful changes follow a pattern, a pattern you can use to make the changes that matter to you, whether your interest is in changing the world or changing your waistline.

Career Killers/ Career Builders: The Book Every Millennial Should Read

John M. Crossman - 2017
    This book has a wide audience, anyone from the ages 18-31, and the people that employ them. The book is not meant for just people in business, it is meant for any professional. What John has seen, on a national level, is a need for additional training resources for the millennial group on core aspects of being a professional. This book helps them lead a healthy and successful life. Author’s Bio: John M. Crossman is a nationally recognized writer and speaker to college students with regard to careers and success. In addition, he is a mentor and a passionate advocate for young professionals. John is President of Crossman & Company, a regional commercial real estate company based in Orlando. He is married and has two daughters.

So You Think You Can Write? The Definitive Guide to Successful Online Writing

Julia McCoy - 2016
    Written by Julia McCoy, who spent years of her life teaching herself the elements of successful online writing and launched a writing business that hit seven figures within five years, this book is your essential blueprint to learning what it takes to write great online copy, both as a freelancer and brand/business owner.In this book, Julia walks you step-by-step through the process of how to craft the seven forms of online content:1. Web Content2. Blogging3. Social Media4. Advertising/Sales Copy5. Industry Writing6. Journalism 7. Creative WritingJulia also takes you through the basics of SEO (search engine optimization) for the online writer and creator, without overloading you: you'll get a key list of the top tools on the web to research keywords, learn how to hone your best key phrases, and the tactics of how and where to place them in your content. Illustrated, easy-to-understand, and fun to read, this is a comprehensive yet digestible resource for writers and businesses alike on how to create successful online content.After you read this book, you'll be able to: Define your audience and the terms they use to search in Google Write great content that will get picked up by Google Know the basics of what it takes to write all seven forms of online copy Create blogs that are evergreen and engaging Know how to write the "secret" bits of copy that search engines love: meta descriptions, tags and more Know how to use Twitter chats, live streaming, and Facebook groups, and other platforms to find your people and confidently market yourself as a writer Access a comprehensive list of online writing tools and resources in the final Appendix Julia McCoy has built a successful freelance writing career and a multi-million dollar copywriting agency out of nothing but the amount of hard work, time, and self-teaching she put into it: and she believes any writer has what it takes to create great online content, provided they learn the essential tactics of adapting to all online copy forms. But she knows it's hard to find these fundamentals in one place: which is why she decided to write a book to offer everyone just that opportunity. A writer and internet marketer from an early age, Julia started three companies, enrolled in college, and wrote a book by 16.

Poke the Box

Seth Godin - 2011
    It demands that you stop waiting for a road map and start drawing one instead. You know how to do this, you’ve done it before, but along the way, someone talked you out of it.We need your insight and your dreams and your contributions. Hurry.

Surrounded by Idiots

Thomas Erikson - 2014
    Understanding someone’s pattern of behavior is the key to successful communication. Erikson breaks down the four kinds of behavior types—Reds who are dominant and commanding, Yellows who are social and optimistic, Greens who are laid back and friendly, and Blues who are analytical and precise—and explains how to identify and interact with each type of person. Instead of being bogged down with overly technical categorizations, the simple four color system allows you to speedily identify a friend or coworker and adjust how you speak and share with them.Surrounded by Idiots is full of practical information for interacting with people based on their color, including the strengths and weaknesses of all the profiles, how to give positive and negative feedback to each, and the best way to word an email when writing to someone with a different profile.

So, You Want to Start a Business?: 8 Steps to Take Before Making the Leap

Edward D. Hess - 2008
     So, You Want To Start A Business? is the blueprint I needed to get organized and put all the right things in place." -KORY BAILEY, Owner, Creative Counterpart Build the Successful Company You've Always Wanted to Own! Avoid the 8 disastrous operational mistakes that kill new businesses Walk step-by-step through the entire process of building a winning business Master 55 amazingly simple rules of business success For every entrepreneur and potential previous business experience necessary! Launch the winning business you've always wanted...or make more money in the business you've already started! More than 5,000,000 new businesses are started each year...but 70% of them will fail. Now, two renowned experts on entrepreneurship identify the 8 "killer mistakes" that cause most business failures-and give you the knowledge, tools, and hands-on advice to avoid them, so you can build a business that thrives. Unlike other books on entrepreneurship, this book focuses on the crucial operational issues associated with consistent profitability. You'll learn how to identify the right opportunities and customers; design winning products and services; set the right prices; overcome customer inertia; avoid common day-to-day management mistakes; find and keep good employees; and finally, smoothly manage growth. Throughout, the authors draw on real life entrepreneurial experiences, case studies, and leading-edge research. There's nothing theoretical here: This is fast-paced, 100% practical advice you can use to make your business dreams and goals come true-starting right now. What really makes a successful entrepreneur? What they do, how they act...and how to find your best path to business success Get the 3 "Ws" right from the start What will you sell, who will buy it-and why will they buy it? 55 simple, indispensable rules for success What you must know about customers, competitors, and your employees The art and science of managing people, operations, and growth Create processes, set priorities, maximize quality, measure people-and improve every day

Chakras: A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing:Balance Chakras, Improve your Health and Feel Great

Kristine Marie Corr - 2016
     Are you looking to uncover the immense natural energy you can enjoy when your chakras are balanced and healthy? Do you find yourself looking for a path that can help you unlock the secrets to happiness, energy, and wellbeing? The chakras have long been seen as the most important centers of energy and power in the human body. When the chakras are fully functional, the body can stay healthy and at peace. Naturally, there are many outside forces that can hurt our bodies and keep the chakras from being open. The chakras must be open and flowing if the body and mind are to be healthy and happy. This guide will help you to understand the seven chakras and how they will work to improve your body in general. Each individual chakra covers different parts of the body and various emotional and physical aspects of your life. You will learn about how to identify the key signs of blocked chakras while also learning about what you can do to restore their functions. These include many routines that are easy to incorporate into your daily life. After downloading this book you will learn What are the seven chakras What are the signs and symptoms of blocked chakras Causes of Blockages and Healing of Imbalances Positive Habits and How They Influence The Chakras Dietary Habits The Energetic Influence of Others External Triggers of Chakra Blocks Chakra Block – General Healing Technique And Much More Download your copy today

Be More Pirate: Or How to Take On the World and Win

Sam Conniff - 2018
    Business Book of the Month" Financial Times"A Modern Life Bible" Shortlist MagazineA model for how to break the system and create radical change" The London Evening Standard- - - - Mischief, Purpose, PowerPirates didn’t just break the rules, they rewrote them. They didn't just reject society, they reinvented it. Pirates didn’t just challenge the status-quo, they changed everyf*ckingthing. Facing a self-interested establishment, a broken system, industrial-scale disruption and an uncertain future, pirates rebelled against an unfair world and change it for good. Now, you can follow in their footsteps.Be More Pirate unveils the innovative strategies of Golden Age pirates, drawing parallels between the tactics and teachings of legends like Henry Morgan and Blackbeard with modern rebels, like Elon Musk, Malala and Banksy. With takeaway sections and a Featuring takeaway sections and a guide to build you own pirate code 2.0, Be More Pirate will show you how to leave your mark on the 21st century. Whatever your ambitions, ideas and challenges, Be More Pirate will revolutionize the way you live, think and work today, and tomorrow.[BACK INSIDE COVER PRINT]‘Be More Pirate feels so important as it looks to history to help us grip the future.’ Martha Lane-Fox, do you have a specific bio Martha would like us to use? ‘A refreshing, entertaining and inspiring perspective on work, leadership and why we do what we do ... it’s a call for a more radical rethink of where we’re going wrong, and where we’re going next.’ Bruce Daisley, Host of the Number 1 Business Podcast ‘Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat’

The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play

Neil A. Fiore - 1988
    Dr. Fiore’s techniques will help any busy person start tasks sooner and accomplish them more quickly, without the anxiety brought on by the negative habits of procrastination and perfectionism.

The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth

Amy C. Edmondson - 2018
    With so much riding on innovation, creativity, and spark, it is essential to attract and retain quality talent--but what good does this talent do if no one is able to speak their mind? The traditional culture of "fitting in" and "going along" spells doom in the knowledge economy. Success requires a continuous influx of new ideas, new challenges, and critical thought, and the interpersonal climate must not suppress, silence, ridicule or intimidate. Not every idea is good, and yes there are stupid questions, and yes dissent can slow things down, but talking through these things is an essential part of the creative process. People must be allowed to voice half-finished thoughts, ask questions from left field, and brainstorm out loud; it creates a culture in which a minor flub or momentary lapse is no big deal, and where actual mistakes are owned and corrected, and where the next left-field idea could be the next big thing.This book explores this culture of psychological safety, and provides a blueprint for bringing it to life. The road is sometimes bumpy, but succinct and informative scenario-based explanations provide a clear path forward to constant learning and healthy innovation.* Explore the link between psychological safety and high performance * Create a culture where it's "safe" to express ideas, ask questions, and admit mistakes * Nurture the level of engagement and candor required in today's knowledge economy* Follow a step-by-step framework for establishing psychological safety in your team or organization Shed the "yes-men" approach and step into real performance. Fertilize creativity, clarify goals, achieve accountability, redefine leadership, and much more. The Fearless Organization helps you bring about this most critical transformation.