Book picks similar to
Relationships and How to Survive Them by Liz Greene


Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment

Deepak Chopra - 2007
    This iconic journey changed the world forever, and the truths revealed continue to influence every corner of the globe today.A young man in line for the throne is trapped in his father's kingdom and yearns for the outside world. Betrayed by those closest to him, Siddhartha abandons his palace and princely title. Alone and face-to-face with his demons, he becomes a wandering monk and embarks on a spiritual fast that carries him to the brink of death. Ultimately recognizing his inability to conquer his body and mind by sheer will, Siddhartha transcends his physical pain and achieves enlightenment.Although we recognize Buddha today as an icon of peace and serenity, his life story was a tumultuous and spellbinding affair filled with love and sex, murder and loss, struggle and surrender. From the rocky terrain of the material world to the summit of the spiritual one, Buddha captivates and inspires—ultimately leading us closer to understanding the true nature of life and our selves.

The Little Light (The Guardians of the Lore #1)

Dipa Sanatani - 2019
    But they’re going to have to put their differences aside to help the Little Light - a wise soul, imbued with insight and curiosity - prepare for its birth on Planet Earth, where it has a great and far-reaching destiny... “A part of the Sun will always shine inside the Little Light, come what may. Life can be full of pain, suffering and strife, but this spark will always remain untouched because it belongs to the source of all life on earth. Nothing and no one can take it away because it is a gift from the father to all his children. It can never be tarnished or spoilt. It exists and will continue to burn bright till the death of the physical body.” In her debut novel The Little Light, Dipa Sanatani takes the reader on a voyage of awakening and discovery, ideal for lovers of mythology, spirituality, folklore and fairy tales. On the eve of its birth, The Little Light finds itself in the topsy-turvy world of the Planet Party, hosted in the Cosmic Womb. Here, anything is possible, and anything could happen… and the Little Light must do all it can to listen, learn, and ready itself for the path which will lead it to its destiny on earth. Along the way the Little Light meets Mercury, who bristles at being constantly overshadowed (literally!) by his father, The Sun, a flamboyant figure who wears a gold ring on every finger and bright yellow loafers. As the rest of the Celestial Beings gather, they have to contend with Havah and Dag, the Guardians of the Lore, who know that the Little Light will soon be a tiny baby in a cold, hard world where it will have to struggle for its survival. Alongside the Little Light, we learn there is more to explore in the heavens and on this earth than anybody could ever imagine possible. Endless lives, perpetual cycles of death and rebirth, infinite possibilities for love, happiness, renewal, enlightenment and wisdom… it’s all out there, waiting to be discovered, and waiting to make a change deep within us all.

In Sync with the Opposite Sex: Understand the Conflicts. End the Confusion. Make the Right Choices.

Alison A. Armstrong - 2006
    End the Confusion. Make the Right Choices.

Passionate Presence: Experiencing the Seven Qualities of Awakened Awareness

Catherine Ingram - 2003
     "Usually people associate a sense of unbound presence with epiphanies in life-being present at a birth, or a death. People lose themselves in sexual union, in nature, or in the presence of a heart-wrenching beauty. In those moments they forget to keep up the story about the one having the experience, and all that is left is the actual experience." In Passionate Presence, internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher Catherine Ingram shares her insights and wisdom for connecting more intimately to the experience of our daily worlds. Through her popular interactive Dharma Dialogues (dharma meaning truth, or "the way"), she has helped thousands of spiritual seekers everywhere in their quest for awakening by encouraging them to give up the quest. Now she brings nearly thirty years of experience to a book that shows us how to recognize these everyday miracles, and become more cognizant of life's greatest gift: our own passionate presence. Based on "non-dual" teachings that rely on direct experience, with numerous stories illustrating her points, Ingram takes readers on an eye-opening journey that will help them to: o Know the seven traits of passionate presence: silence, tenderness, discernment, embodiment, genuineness, delight, and wonder o Relax in simple presence to dissolve barriers between people, foster better communication, and create inner peace and harmony o Discover why true aloneness can never be lonely o See how tender mercies can purge intense feelings of anger and much more. Filled with illuminating anecdotes and personal reflections, Passionate Presence reveals our true natures and opens the doorway to the divine in all of us. Inspiring and profound, it is certain to gain a wide and devoted readership.

Moonology: Working with the Magic of Lunar Cycles

Yasmin Boland - 2016
    In Moonology , world-renowned astrologist Yasmin Boland unveils: -why connecting with the moon can change your life for the better -powerful rituals and ceremonies for each moon phase -how the moon connects us to nature and the cosmos -how to work out where the moon is in each cycle -international New Moon and Full Moon dates for the next 10 years You will also learn affirmations, visualizations, and chants to use during each phase of the moon, and will discover the role of Angels, Goddesses, and Ascended Masters during the New and Full Moons. This is a book for all those wishing to deepen their connection with nature and take their spiritual practice to a new level.

Wolf's Message

Suzanne Giesemann - 2014
    If you have ever wanted to read a book that validates immortality and communication with loved ones who have passed on, then read this book. It is an authentic portal to the other side." Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the SpiritWhen Mike and Beth Pasakarnis received the news that every parent dreads, their world seemed to crumble around them. Spiritual teacher and evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann knew exactly how they felt. Like Mike and Beth’s son, Wolf, her step-daughter Susan had been struck and killed by a bolt of lightning out of the blue. Until meeting Mike and Beth, Suzanne—a former “by-the-book” Navy commander—had cautiously refrained from using the word “proof” when speaking of the eternal existence of the soul. But no longer. The evidence Mike and Beth shared from their son provided all the proof she needed. Little did Mike, Beth, or Suzanne know that their lives would soon become even more entangled by unexpected visits from Wolf’s spirit. Had Wolf’s presence offered a one-time glimpse across the veil, they might still be pondering the significance of the mystifying clues he left behind. Instead, as Wolf repeatedly made his presence known, Suzanne was able to piece together Wolf’s puzzle and reveal a startling message that has profound spiritual implications for us all. Travel along on Suzanne’s incredible journey as she unravels the web of clues Wolf wove to ensure that his uplifting message of hope and joy is understood by all mankind. "Part spiritual detective story, part definitive proof of after-death communications from a most extraordinary young man, Wolf’s Message is above all a must-read for those seeking a more balanced, heart-centered way of living." Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., author of Lessons from the Light“Wolf’s efforts to communicate with us through Suzanne deserve to be taken seriously and received with gratitude, awe, and celebration.” Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D., author of The Sacred Promise “Somehow, reading Wolf's Message creates a field into which the reader is incorporated experientially. Reading, learning, and Being are rolled into a synergy that exemplifies the truths of nature and existence as they are revealed. Such authentic interactivity is rarely achieved in this context; a really good book is one in which the author draws the reader in by chronicling notions and events in such a way as to invite and affirm our ability to relate. A really great story dispenses with the dichotomy of author and reader altogether, and the precious anomaly of Wolf's Message is that it behaves more like an Oracle than a Book.” Dr. Barbara E. Fields, Executive Director, Association for Global New Thought

51 Weapons of The Wise: A Young Persons Guide to Life, Spirituality & Success

Sean Buranahiran - 2018
    True happiness can feel far away for people trying to understand themselves, how others think, and life itself, but it doesn’t have to be this way. I was unsure of how I would reach success. I literally felt like a newborn when I moved to Thailand. I did not know how to speak or read Thai, and I did not know what my future would look like, but I persisted. I wrote this book to help others by sharing my journey of growth from obscurity to impacting millions. These are the stories and lessons of how I found my way, and these Weapons of the Wise will hopefully help you find yours. I divided this book into four sections: I Self - How to know yourself, be adaptable, build your legacy, and manage self-expectations. II Social - How to understand others and develop a likable, growth-focused personality. III Success - How to build the habits and virtues required to reach the top of your field. IV Spiritual - How to connect with your inner voice, intuition, and spiritual self for guidance. You can start at any section depending on where you feel you need to grow the most, or read them in sequence. In all, I’m sharing The 51 Rules for Life I personally live by. Each has served me in creating the life I have today and have all been involved in my success. When I first came to Thailand, I had no friends and my parents were in a different country. The only thing with me was my dreams and my shadow. I may not have known what my future would hold, but I knew I’d succeed. I write this for my children, I write this for the world, and I write this for you in hopes it can help you on your “hero’s journey”.

Buddhism for Dudes: A Jarhead's Field Guide to Mindfulness

Gerry Stribling - 2011
    Strib takes a good look at who the Buddha was, meditation, karma, and more. With good humor and without sentimentalism (plus a sprinkling of hilarious cartoons), he explains these down-to-earth insights in everyday language. Showing how Buddhism boldly approaches life’s problems head on, unflinching and alert—like a soldier in a forward listening post in the dark of night—Strib emphasizes the Buddhist call to moral action for the good of oneself and others.

An Introduction to A Course in Miracles

Miracle Distribution Center - 1989
    It presents the story of how the Course was written, a summary of its teaching, selected quotations from the material, frequently asked questions and answers, and a look at the impact the Course has had. An ideal way to introduce yourself or others to A Course in Miracles.

Yeah Dave's Guide to Livin' the Moment: Getting to Ecstasy Through Wine, Chocolate and Your iPod Playlist

David Romanelli - 2009
    What's not to love?David “Yeah Dave” Romanelli is kinda hip, kinda goofy, and occasionally really outrageous, an unlikely guru who is reinventing the quest for enlightenment. For Yeah Dave, the path to ecstasy doesn't require any previous experience with yoga, meditation, or wellness. He shows us how to find transcendence through everyday pleasures, like admiring the sunset or rocking out to your favorite band. “There is a place where the chocolate tastes sweeter, the music sounds better, the inspiration feels richer, and the visions look clearer,” writes Dave. “That place is the Moment.”Yeah Dave’s Guide to Livin’ the Moment offers an alternative to the crazy, over-stimulating, distracted world we live in today, a world in which we watch the news while eating, eye our email while conversing, and forget to notice the full moon while texting. On our mission for speed, movement, and stimulation, we risk missing our life. Yeah Dave’s book gives us our life back, one beautiful, delicious, and funny moment at a time.Yeah Dave’s Guide will make you laugh out loud while taking you someplace totally unexpected. Through hilarious vignettes about his dorky moves on the dance floor, his Crackberry addiction, and his tryst with Hot Horny Married Woman, he shares fresh and unforgettable wisdom. Without dogma or anything too “out there,” Dave makes you want to slow down the blur of modern life and find the full flavor, power, and passion that can only be found in the Moment.

What Do We Do with the Bible?

Richard Rohr - 2018
    . . the list goes on. Still, we believe the Bible has something important to say. How can we read it in a contemplative and intelligent way?

Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited

Brian L. Weiss - 1996
    In a hypnotic trance, Dr. Weiss's young patient summoned memories of many past lifetimes, demonstrated an astonishing ability to transmit transcendental messages, and turned the life of a respectable psychiatrist upside down.CAN YOU FIND YOUR SOULMATE AGAIN?Now Dr. Weiss takes his research one breathtaking step further. He portrays two strangers, Elizabeth and Pedro, who are unaware that they have been lovers throughout the long centuries -- until fate brings them together again. He shows how each and every one of us has a soulmate whom we have loved in past incarnations and who waits to reunite with us now. And he opens up entirely new worlds for all of us everywhere, based on a single, powerful truth...

Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

Three Initiates - 1912
    This concise guide offers a modern interpretation of the doctrine, distilling its teachings with seven compelling principles that can be applied to self-development in daily life.

Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View

Richard Tarnas - 1996
    Drawing on years of research & on thinkers from Plato to Jung, Tarnas explores the planetary correlations of epochal events like the French Revolution, the world wars & 9/11. Whether read as astrology updated for the quantum age or as a contemporary classic of spirituality, Cosmos & Psyche is an important work of sophistication & learning. importance.Preface1 The transformation of the cosmos. The birth of the modern selfThe dawn of a new universe Two paradigms of historyForging the self, disenchanting the worldThe cosmological situation today 2 In search of a deeper order. Two suitors: a parableThe interior quest Synchronicity & its implicationsThe archetypal cosmos3 Through the archetypal telescope. The evolving traditionArchetypal principlesThe planets Forms of correspondence Personal transit cycles Archetypal coherence & concrete diversityAssessing patterns of correlation 4 Epochs of revolution. From the French Revolution to the 1960sSynchronic & diachronic patterns in historyScientific & technological revolutionsAwakenings of the DionysianThe liberation of natureReligious rebellion & erotic emancipationFilling in the cyclical sequence The individual & the collectiveA larger view of the sixties5 Cycles of crisis & contraction. World Wars, Cold War & 9/11Historical contrasts & tensionsConservative empowermentSplitting, evil & terror"Moby Dick" & nature's depthHistorical determinism, realpolitik & apocalypseMoral courage, facing the shadow & the tension of oppositesParadigmatic works of artForging deep structures 6 Cycles of creativity & expansion. Opening new horizons Convergences of scientific breakthroughsSocial & political rebellions & awakeningsQuantum leaps & peak experiencesFrom Copernicus to DarwinMusic & literatureIconic moments & cultural milestonesGreat heights & shadowsHidden births 7 Awakenings of spirit & soul. Epochal shifts of cultural visionSpiritual epiphanies & the emergence of new religionsUtopian social visions Romanticism, imaginative genius & cosmic epiphanyRevelations of the numinous The great awakening of the Axial Age The late 20th century & the turn of the millennium8 Towards a new heaven & a new earth. Understanding the past, creating the futureObservations on future planetary alignmentsSources of the world orderEpilogueNotesSourcesAcknowledgmentsIndex

Chiron and the Healing Journey: An Astrological and Psychological Perspective

Melanie Reinhart - 1990
    Chiron is the smallest planet in our solar system and was discovered only in the 1970s. In this comprehensive study of the planet, Melanie Reinhart examines its meaning and symbolism in psychological terms, and explores how it has added another dimension to astrology. Named after the mythical centaur, Chiron is identified with the figure of the "wounded healer, " and represents a spirit of philosophical independence, compassion, and a sense of trust in our inner selves. Rich in mythological anecdotes, literary allusions, and historical perspectives, with in-depth case studies, information tables, and a completely updated and expanded ephemeris for the twenty-first century, "Chiron and the Healing Journey" is an indispensable book for the practicing astrologer and will fascinate anyone interested in the subject.