A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World's Greatest Market

Jim Rogers - 2007
    Now the one and only Jim Rogers shows how any investor can get in on the ground floor of the greatest economic boom since England's Industrial Revolution. In this indispensable new book, one of the world's most successful investors, Jim Rogers, brings his unerring investment acumen to bear on this huge and unruly land now being opened to the world and exploding in potential. Rogers didn't just wake up a Sinophile yesterday. He's been tracking the Chinese economy since he first went to China in 1984 in preparation for his round-the-world motorcycle trip and then again, later, when he saw Shanghai's newly reopened stock exchange (which looked like an OTB office). In the decades that followed-especially in recent years, with the easing of Communist party financial dictates-the facts speak for themselves: - The Chinese economy's growth rate has averaged 9 percent since the start of the 1980s. - China's savings rate is over 35 percent (in America, it's 2 percent). - 40 percent of China's output goes to exports (so there's no crippling foreign debt). - $60 billion a year in direct foreign investment, combined with a trade surplus, has brought Beijing's foreign currency reserves to over $1 trillion. - China's fixed assets-ports, bridges, and roads-double every two and a half years. In short, if projections hold, China will surpass the United States as the world's largest economy in as little as twenty years. But the time to act is now. In A Bull in China, you'll learn what industries offer the newest and best opportunities, from power, energy, and agriculture totourism, water, and infrastructure. In his trademark down-to-earth style, Rogers demystifies the state policies that are driving earnings and innovation, takes the intimidation factor out of the A-shares, B-shares, and ADRs of Chinese offerings, and encourages any reader to trust his or her own expertise (if you're a car mechanic, check out their auto industry). A Bull in China also features fascinating profiles of Red Chip companies, such as Yantu Changyu, China's largest winemaker, which sells a Healthy Liquor line mixed with herbal medicines. Plus, if you want to export something to China yourself-or even buy land there-Rogers tells you the steps you need to take. No other book-and no other author-can better help you benefit from the new Chinese revolution. Jim Rogers shows you how to make the amazing energy, potential, and entrepreneurial spirit of a billion people work for you.

Day Trading For Dummies

Ann C. Logue - 2007
    It's also the riskiest. Before you begin, you need three things: patience, nerves of steel, and a well-thumbed copy of Day Trading For Dummies--the low-risk way to find out whether day trading is for you. This plain-English guide shows you how day trading works, identifies its all-too-numerous pitfalls, and get you started with an action plan. From classic and renegade strategies to the nitty-gritty of daily trading practices, it gives you the knowledge and confidence you'll need to keep a cool head, manage risk, and make decisions instantly as you buy and sell your positions. Learn how to:Set up your accounts and your office Connect with research and trading services Plan and research trades carefully and thoroughly Comply with regulations issues and tax requirements Leverage limited capital Cope with the stress quick-action trading Sell short to profit from price drops Evaluate your day-trading performance Use technical and fundamental analysis Find entry and exit points Use short-term trading to establish a long-term portfolio You'll also find Top-Ten Lists of good reasons to go into day trading, or run from it in terror, as well as lists of the most common (and expensive) mistakes day traders make. Read Day Trading For Dummies and get the tips, guidance, and solid foundation you need to succeed in this thrilling, lucrative and rewarding career.

Skip the Flip: Secrets the 1% Know About Real Estate Investing

Hayden Crabtree - 2020

The Signs Were There: The clues for investors that a company is heading for a fall

Tim Steer - 2018
    But often, a company's published accounts offer clues to impending disaster, providing you know where to look. Through the forensic examination of more than 20 recent stock market disasters, Tim Steer reveals how companies hide or disguise worrying facts about the robustness of their business. In his lively style, he looks at the themes that underlie the ways companies hide the truth and he stresses that in an assessment of a company's accounts, investors should always bear in mind that the only fact is cash; everything else - profit, assets, etc - is a matter of opinion. Full of invaluable lessons for investors, the book concludes with some trenchant observations on what is wrong in the worlds of investment, audit and financial regulation, and what changes should be introduced.

Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors

Michael E. Porter - 1980
    Porter's Competitive Strategy has transformed the theory, practice, and teaching of business strategy throughout the world. Electrifying in its simplicity -- like all great breakthroughs -- Porter's analysis of industries captures the complexity of industry competition in five underlying forces. Porter introduces one of the most powerful competitive tools yet developed: his three generic strategies -- lowest cost, differentiation, and focus -- which bring structure to the task of strategic positioning. He shows how competitive advantage can be defined in terms of relative cost and relative prices, thus linking it directly to profitability, and presents a whole new perspective on how profit is created and divided. In the almost two decades since publication, Porter's framework for predicting competitor behavior has transformed the way in which companies look at their rivals and has given rise to the new discipline of competitor assessment. More than a million managers in both large and small companies, investment analysts, consultants, students, and scholars throughout the world have internalized Porter's ideas and applied them to assess industries, understand competitors,, and choose competitive positions. The ideas in the book address the underlying fundamentals of competition in a way that is independent of the specifics of the ways companies go about competing. Competitive Strategy has filled a void in management thinking. It provides an enduring foundation and grounding point on which all subsequent work can be built. By bringing a disciplined structure to the question of how firms achieve superior profitability, Porter's rich frameworks and deep insights comprise a sophisticated view of competition unsurpassed in the last quarter-century.

Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World

Christopher Steiner - 2012
    It used to be that to diagnose an illness, interpret legal documents, analyze foreign policy, or write a newspaper article you needed a human being with specific skills—and maybe an advanced degree or two. These days, high-level tasks are increasingly being handled by algorithms that can do precise work not only with speed but also with nuance. These “bots” started with human programming and logic, but now their reach extends beyond what their creators ever expected. In this fascinating, frightening book, Christopher Steiner tells the story of how algorithms took over—and shows why the “bot revolution” is about to spill into every aspect of our lives, often silently, without our knowledge. The May 2010 “Flash Crash” exposed Wall Street’s reliance on trading bots to the tune of a 998-point market drop and $1 trillion in vanished market value. But that was just the beginning. In Automate This, we meet bots that are driving cars, penning haiku, and writing music mistaken for Bach’s. They listen in on our customer service calls and figure out what Iran would do in the event of a nuclear standoff. There are algorithms that can pick out the most cohesive crew of astronauts for a space mission or identify the next Jeremy Lin. Some can even ingest statistics from baseball games and spit out pitch-perfect sports journalism indistinguishable from that produced by humans. The interaction of man and machine can make our lives easier. But what will the world look like when algorithms control our hospitals, our roads, our culture, and our national security? What hap­pens to businesses when we automate judgment and eliminate human instinct? And what role will be left for doctors, lawyers, writers, truck drivers, and many others?  Who knows—maybe there’s a bot learning to do your job this minute.

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

Edwin Lefèvre - 1923
    Generations of readers have found that it has more to teach them about markets and people than years of experience. This is a timeless tale that will enrich your life--and your portfolio.

The Theory of Money and Credit

Ludwig von Mises - 1912
    A. Hayek, came to challenge all previous trade-cycle theories.Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) was the leading spokesman of the Austrian School of economics throughout most of the twentieth century.Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.

The New Retirementality: Planning Your Life and Living Your Dreams....at Any Age You Want

Mitch Anthony - 2001
    Most people won't experience the same retirement that their parents did, nor do they necessarily want to. Page by page, top financial planner Mitch Anthony reveals how new opportunities will enable individuals to create tailor-made retirements. He includes new research and studies to back his insights and introduces readers to important concepts such as "wealthcare" and "return on life." Filled with engaging anecdotes and inspirational suggestions, this book will motivate readers to rethink the way they retire.

Can I Retire Yet?: How to Make the Biggest Financial Decision of the Rest of Your Life

Darrow Kirkpatrick - 2016
    You've reached major milestones and accumulated more assets than you dreamed possible, and yet you hesitate. “Can I retire?” This book will help answer that question by showing you…. The tools you need to live a secure and independent retirement, without worrying about money What you must know before leaving a career behind How much it will cost you to live in retirement, and how to manage your cash flow The current choices for retirement health care, including lesser-known but effective options The threat from inflation: two secrets that politicians and bankers will never admit A realistic assessment of the impact that income taxes will have on your retirement Social Security’s role in your retirement: when you should claim and how much it’s worth to you How to construct and manage an investment portfolio for income and growth in retirement About immediate annuities and why you need multiple sources of retirement income The key variables and unknowns in your retirement withdrawal equation Reviews of the best retirement calculators, and tips for how to use them accurately Beyond the simplistic 4% Rule to the latest research on safe withdrawal rates Realistic bracketing of your retirement savings needs, without over caution or overconfidence The history of economic cycles and the related asset classes for optimal retirement security A survey of strategies plus original research for how to orchestrate your retirement distributions A practical retirement fuel gauge alerting you to problems while you still have time to act Backup plans: the lifeboat strategies for ensuring you'll never be without essential income The 6 crucial questions to answer before you can retire The one, simple, powerful, non-financial reason that you can and should retire earlier than later

Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes - And How to Correct Them: Lessons from the New Science of Behavioral Economics

Gary Belsky - 1999
    Most important, they focus on the decisions we make every day and, using entertaining examples, provide invaluable tips on avoiding the financial faux pas that can cost thousands of dollars each year.

Wall Street: A History: From Its Beginnings to the Fall of Enron

Charles R. Geisst - 1997
    The bull market of the 1990's came to a close, ushering in the end of the dot com boom, a record number of mergers occurred, and accounting scandals in companies like Enron and WorldCom shook the financial industry to its core. In this wide-ranging volume, financial historian Charles Geisst provides the first history of Wall Street, explaining how a small, concentrated pocket of lower Manhattan came to have such enormous influence in national and world affairs. In this updated edition, Geisst sums up the recent turbulence that has threatened America's financial industry. He shows how in 1997 thirty NASDAQ market makers paid a record $1.3 billion fine for price irregularities in stocks. He makes sense of the closing of the bull market, and explains a major change in the accounting rules for mergers that caused monumental losses for companies like AOL Time Warner. And he recounts how in the aftermath of the speculative fever that swept Wall Street in the 1990's, the scandals at Enron, Tyco, Worldcom, and Conseco represent a last gasp of mergermania and a fallout from a bubble-like market. Wall Street is at once the story of the street itself, from the days when the wall was merely a defensive barricade built by Peter Stuyvesant, to the modern billion-dollar computer-driven colossus of today. In a broader sense it is an engaging economic history of the United States, the role Wall Street played in making America the most powerful economy in the world, and the many challenges to that role it has faced in recent years.

The Shadow Market: How Sovereign Wealth Funds and Rogue Nations Threaten America's Financial Future

Eric J. Weiner - 2010
    Weiner reveals how foreign countries and private investors are increasingly controlling the global economy and secretly wresting power from the United States in ways that our government cannot reverse and about which the average American knows nothing. The most potent force in global commerce today is not the Federal Reserve, not the international banks, not the governments of the G7 countries, and certainly not the European Union. Rather, it is the multi-trillion-dollar network of super-rich, secretive, and largely unregulated investment vehicles—foreign sovereign wealth funds, government-run corporations, private equity funds, and hedge funds—that are quietly buying up the world, piece by valuable piece. As Weiner’s groundbreaking account shows, the shadow market doesn’t have a physical headquarters such as Wall Street. It doesn’t have a formal leadership or an index to track or a single zone of exchange. Rather, it comprises an invisible and ever-shifting global nexus where money mixes with geopolitical power, often with great speed and secrecy.   Led by cash-flush nations such as China, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and even Norway, the shadow market is hiring the brightest international financial talent money can buy and is now assembling the gigantic investment portfolios that will form the power structure of tomorrow’s economy.   Taking advantage of the Great Recession and subsequent liquidity problems in the United States and Europe, the major players of the shadow market are deploying staggering amounts of cash, controlling the capital markets, and securing not only major stakes in multinational companies but huge tracts of farmland and natural resources across the world. Yet that’s not all; they’re also pursuing political agendas made possible by their massive wealth and are becoming increasingly aggressive with the United States and other governments.   Highly informative and genuinely startling, Eric J. Weiner’s up-to-date account gets out in front of daily events, with proof of his argument destined to appear in the news for years to come. The Shadow Market moves the conversation from “international competition” to “global financial warfare,” and stands as an urgent must-read for anyone interested in the future of the global economy, America’s position in the world, or how and where to invest money today. DID YOU KNOW? ***The Pentagon has run elaborate simulations of global financial war. Result: America lost, and the shadow market won. ***The U.S. dollar is under siege as a global currency; oil-producing nations have already begun secret discussions about replacing it in oil trading. ***While Greece was burning in the spring of 2010, the shadow market nations were spending hundreds of billions of dollars all over the world rather than helping to fix the European crisis. Why? Because it wasn’t their problem. ***With its wealth of natural resources, Brazil may be more powerful than Germany, France, and Great Britain put together, and may soon rival the United States for economic supremacy in the Western Hemisphere. ***In April 2009, China told the International Monetary Fund to sell 3,217 tons of gold. How much did China buy? That’s a secret. What else is China buying? As many of the oil reserves in non–Middle Eastern countries as it can, including in Canada. It has bought so many Australian natural resource companies that Australia is getting nervous. And some would say that China has, in effect, already purchased Taiwan. ***Many of the shadow market countries are racing to improve their food-security risks by buying large swaths of farmland in other countries, potentially at the risk of starving the local citizens. Saudi Arabia has a farm the size of Connecticut in Indonesia, and Korean industrial giant Daewoo controls half the arable land of Madagascar. ***Iran is China’s third largest oil supplier and in return receives significant protection from Chinese diplomats, who are increasingly important players on the geopolitical stage. ***The shadow market countries will soon control nearly $20 trillion in assets, a sum greater than the gross domestic product of the United States.

The Ultimate Price Action Trading Guide

Atanas Matov - 2019
     Understand the dynamics of price action trading and give yourself a significant trading advantage. Benefit from years of trading experience. Give yourself an advantage by learning from someone who has experience on a prop desk. Atanas will teach you what you need to know about different types of price action and and how to trade it. Not sure where to start? Are you unsure about what it means to trade price action? Or maybe you don't understand how technical indicators work. This book will give your trading clarity. Understand different types of candlesticks and price action patterns so you can reduce your risk and be consistently profitable.. Easy to understand explanations of complex topics, this book will demystify price action trading once and for all. From Steve Burns of NewTraderU.com: "Atanas writes about the topics that most traders are interested in, price action and the tools to trade it systematically. His insight on technical indicators, how to identify and trade a trend, and how to visually see chart patterns have been read by tens of thousands of readers. The work and effort Atanas puts into writing and custom illustration is a testament to his passion for trading." About the Author: Atanas Matov a.k.a. Colibri Trader (@priceinaction on Twitter) started his trading career as a retail trader in the early 2000’s. After a few years of trading and investing his own funds, he won the KBC stock market challenge and shortly afterwards started working for a leading prop trading house in London. Currently he is trading his own account and trying to help other traders through his trading blog and social media. Major part of Atanas’s philosophy is in giving back and helping others achieve their trading goals. In his own words: “Judge your trading success by the things you have given up in order to get where you are now!" Follow Atanas on Twitter @priceinaction www.colibritrader.com