Book picks similar to
Microbiology: An Introduction by Gerard J. Tortora
Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments
Gerald Karp - 1979
The sixth edition explores core concepts in considerable depth and presents experimental detail when it helps to explain and reinforce the concepts. The majority of discussions have been modified to reflect the latest changes in the field. The book also builds on its strong illustration program by opening each chapter with “VIP” art that serves as a visual summary for the chapter. Over 60 new micrographs and computer-derived images have been added to enhance the material. Biologists benefit from these changes as they build their skills in making the connection. Doody Review Services Reviewer: Bruce A. Fenderson, PhD(Thomas Jefferson University) Description: The author expertly organizes, explains, and illustrates the chemical and cellular basis of life on Earth in this comprehensive and exciting introduction to cell and molecular biology. The 18 fascinating chapters cover topics ranging from control of gene expression to mechanisms of immune response. There is even a chapter on laboratory techniques. The focus of the book is on biological chemistry, with an emphasis on core concepts and experimental approaches. Purpose: The purpose is to provide a textbook for an introductory course in cell and molecular biology. The author hopes that students will visualize a world filled with "giant molecules and minuscule structures" that constitute the chemistry of life. He encourages students to consider the evidence that is presented to support a biological model, think of alternate explanations, and plan experiments that may lead to new hypotheses. One of the author's goals is to help students develop their independent, critical-thinking skills. Audience: This is an excellent companion textbook for undergraduate and graduate-level courses in cell and molecular biology. It is written for students across a wide range of life science disciplines
Foundations in Microbiology
Kathleen Park Talaro - 1992
It uses a taxonomic approach for the study of pathogens.
Neil A. Campbell - 1987
This text has invited more than 4 million students into the study of this dynamic and essential discipline.The authors have restructured each chapter around a conceptual framework of five or six big ideas. An Overview draws students in and sets the stage for the rest of the chapter, each numbered Concept Head announces the beginning of a new concept, and Concept Check questions at the end of each chapter encourage students to assess their mastery of a given concept. New Inquiry Figures focus students on the experimental process, and new Research Method Figures illustrate important techniques in biology. Each chapter ends with a Scientific Inquiry Question that asks students to apply scientific investigation skills to the content of the chapter.
Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach [with IP-10]
Dee Unglaub Silverthorn - 1997
The newly revised Fifth Edition has been significantly updated throughout and features substantially revised art and Running Problems in the book and on the reader Companion Website. Recognized as an extraordinary educator and active learning enthusiast, Dr. Silverthorn incorporates time-tested classroom techniques throughout the book and presents thorough, up-to-date coverage of new scientific discoveries, biotechnology techniques, and treatments of disorders. Dr. Silverthorn also co-authored the accompanying Student Workbook and Instructor Manual, ensuring that these ancillaries reinforce the pedagogical approach of the book.The Fifth Edition includes access to Interactive Physiology(R) 10-System Suite (IP-10), PhysioEx(TM) 8.0, A&P Flix animations in 3D, and The Physiology Place Companion Website. Key Topics: Introduction to Physiology, Molecular Interactions, Compartmentation: Cells and Tissues, Energy and Cellular Metabolism, Membrane Dynamics, Communication, Integration, Homeostasis, Introduction to the Endocrine System, Neurons: Cellular and Network Properties, The Central Nervous System, Sensory Physiology, Efferent Division: Autonomic and Somatic Motor Control, Muscles, Integrative Physiology I: Control of Body Movement, Cardiovascular Physiology, Blood Flow and the Control of Blood Pressure, Blood, Mechanics of Breathing, Gas Exchange and Transport, The Kidneys, Integrative Physiology II: Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, Digestion, Energy Balance and Metabolism, Endocrine Control of Growth and Metabolism, The Immune System, Integrative Physiology III: Exercise, Reproduction and DevelopmentMarket: Intended for those interested in learning the basics of human physiology
Medical Microbiology [with Student Consult Online Access]
Patrick R. Murray - 1990
Murray's best-selling book "the most colorful and fun text to read in medical microbiology." Now it's back in an updated New Edition-and it's as succinct, user-friendly, and authoritative as ever. Readers will continue to enjoy its lucid discussions of how microbes cause disease in humans. Expert coverage of basic principles, the immune response, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology ensures they understand all the facts vital to the practice of medicine today. More than 550 brilliant full-color images make complex information easy to understand and illustrate the appearance of disease.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
Principles of Biochemistry
Albert L. Lehninger - 1970
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition brings clarity and coherence to an often unwieldy discipline, while incorporating the field's most important recent developments and applications.
Molecular Cell Biology
Harvey F. Lodish - 1992
Molecular Cell Biology stands out from its peers in this course in that it provides a clear introduction to the techniques and experiments of scientists past and present, not just an "encyclopedia" of information. This experimental emphasis, together with a solid pedagogical framework in the chapters, provides the clearest, most cutting-edge text available.
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Elaine N. Marieb - 1985
Marieb draws on her own, unique experience as a full-time A&P professor and part-time nursing student to explain concepts and processes in a meaningful and memorable way. With the Seventh Edition, Dr. Marieb has teamed up with co-author Katja Hoehn to produce the most exciting edition yet, with beautifully-enhanced muscle illustrations, updated coverage of factual material and topic boxes, new coverage of high-interest topics such as Botox, designer drugs, and cancer treatment, and a comprehensive instructor and student media package. Package Components *NEW! InterActive Physiology(R) 9-System Suite CD-ROM *Student Access Kit for MyA&P (CourseCompass) and the Anatomy & Physiology Place companion website *REVISED! A Brief Atlas of the Human Body, Second Edition
Biology (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac )
Eldra Pearl Brod Solomon - 1993
In this edition the authors have created a learning system that makes the chapters easier to navigate and provides a variety of ways for students to learn the material. "Learning Objectives" are now strategically placed throughout the chapter following major headings, and there are review questions at the ends of these major sections. "Chapter Summaries" are now organized around the "Learning Objectives" as well, making it easier for students to return to the place in the book that can help them work through the end-of-chapter material. Icons throughout the chapter direct students to the BiologyNow CD and tells them what they will find there. BiologyNow, the new Student CD-ROM for BIOLOGY Seventh Edition, is also based on these "Learning Objectives" to further reinforce the text's concepts. The BiologyNow CD, fully integrated with the Seventh Edition text, provides access to diagnostic pre-tests for each chapter. It also automatically generates customized learning plans for students, directing students to the information in the book, ancillaries and media program that will help them master specific concepts. Post-tests allow students to assess their progress as well. Personal Tutor with SMARTHINKING, a FREE online live tutoring service. Students can ask questions, get answers, and they don't need to set up appointments! For instructors, a Multimedia Manager provides the text art in PowerPoint form. Instructors also receive an Instructor's Guide, ExamView Electronic Testing and WebTutor course management options. Solomon, Berg, and Martin have gone beyond presenting facts for memorization -- they have created a well-designed pedagogical system through their use and reuse of chapter "Learning Objectives," which is supported by an unbelievable package of materials for instructors and students.
Raymond Chang - 1988
It strikes a balance between theory and application by incorporating real examples, and helping students visualize the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structures that are the basis of chemical activity.
Concepts of Genetics
William S. Klug - 2005
The authors capture students' interest with up-to-date coverage of cutting edge topics and research. This text will help students connect the science of genetics to the issues of today through interesting and thought-provoking applications. The sixth edition boasts the next generation of media integration including Gen CD-X (student CD-ROM and Companion Website).
Environment: The Science Behind the Stories
Jay Withgott - 2010
Integrated central case studies woven throughout each chapter, use real-life stories to give you a tangible and engaging framework around which to learn and understand the science behind environmental issues. Printed on FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified paper, the newly revised Fourth Edition engages you through the addition of new EnvisionIt photo essays.
Organic Chemistry
John McMurry - 1987
Why? In John McMurry's words: "I have been asked hundreds of times over the past ten years why I wrote this book. I wrote this book because I love writing. I get great pleasure and satisfaction from taking a complicated subject, turning it around until I see it clearly from a new angle, and then explaining it in simple words. I write to explain chemistry to students the way I wish it had been explained to me years ago." Through his lucid writing and ability to show the beauty and logic of organic chemistry, McMurry makes learning enjoyable for students. The highest compliment that can be given to a chemistry book applies to McMurry: It works! Mainstream in level, McMurry's coverage is concise yet doesn't omit any key topics. McMurry blends the traditional functional-group approach with a mechanistic approach. The primary approach, by functional group, begins with the simple and progresses to the more complex so that readers who are not yet versed in the subtleties of mechanisms are first exposed to the "what" of chemistry before beginning to grapple with the "why." Within this primary organization, the author places a heavy emphasis on explaining the fundamental mechanistic similarities. In this edition, McMurry retains his standard-setting features (including his innovative vertical format for explaining reaction mechanisms) while revising his text line-by-line to include hundreds of small but important improvements. For example, the Sixth Edition includes new examples, additional steps in existing examples, new problems, new phrases to clarify the exposition, and a vibrant new art program. In addition, new icons in the text lead students to a variety of new online resources. McMurry's text is in use at hundreds of colleges and universities around the world, from North America, to the United Kingdom and the Pacific Rim.
Principles of Genetics
D. Peter Snustad - 1997
This clear, concise look at the basic principles and concepts of genetics uses a human genetics perspective to discuss the methods and experiments upon which genetic principles are based, such as DNA replication.