Best of
Principles of Biochemistry
Albert L. Lehninger - 1970
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition brings clarity and coherence to an often unwieldy discipline, while incorporating the field's most important recent developments and applications.
Real and Complex Analysis
Walter Rudin - 1970
The basic techniques and theorems of analysis are presented in such a way that the intimate connections between its various branches are strongly emphasized. The traditionally separate subjects of 'real analysis' and 'complex analysis' are thus united in one volume. Some of the basic ideas from functional analysis are also included. This is the only book to take this unique approach. The third edition includes a new chapter on differentiation. Proofs of theorems presented in the book are concise and complete and many challenging exercises appear at the end of each chapter. The book is arranged so that each chapter builds upon the other, giving students a gradual understanding of the subject.This text is part of the Walter Rudin Student Series in Advanced Mathematics.
General Chemistry
Linus Pauling - 1970
Those principles included modern theories of atomic and molecular structure, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. In addition, Dr. Pauling attempted to correlate the theories with descriptive chemistry, the observed properties of substances, to introduce the student to the multitude of chemical substances and their properties.In this extensively revised and updated third edition, the Nobel prizewinning author maintains an excellent balance between theoretical and descriptive material, although the amount of descriptive chemistry has been decreased somewhat, and the presentation of the subject, especially in relation to the nonmetals, has been revised in such a way as to permit greater correlation with the electronic structure of atoms, especially electronegativity. The principles of quantum mechanics are discussed on the basis of the de Broglie wavelength of the electron. The quantized energy levels of a particle in a box are derived by means of a simple assumption about the relation of the de Broglie waves to the walls of the box. No attempt is made to solve the Schrödinger wave equation for other systems, but the wave functions of hydrogen-like electrons are presented and discussed in some detail, and the quantum states for other systems are also covered. Statistical mechanics is introduced before thermodynamics, and the discussion of thermodynamics is based on it. This arrangement reflects the author's belief that beginning students can understand statistical mechanics better than chemical thermodynamics. Aimed at first-year college students who plan to major in chemistry or closely related fields, the book is written in a logical, clear and understandable style. In addition, many excellent figures are included, along with numerous problems and 75 pages of appendixes covering such topics as symmetry of molecules and crystals, hybrid bond orbitals, and magnetic properties of substances.
Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation
Kenneth Lyons Jones - 1970
It provides a wealth of information on normal and abnormal morphogenesis * minor anomalies and their relevance * clinical approaches to specific diagnoses * and normal standards of measurement for the entire spectrum of disorders. Each chapter includes a description of the specific abnormality-including occasional associated abnormalities-natural history, etiology, and references. On opposing pages are several descriptive photographs and line drawings of either an individual with the abnormality or specific features of the abnormality.Provides over 1,450 photographs and illustrations to depict each malformation-many from the personal collections of Drs. Smith and Jones-to aid readers in diagnosis.Uses a consistent chapter format to help readers quickly and easily find information on any given disorderOffers the most current coverage available on existing disorders and their molecular basis, plus the very latest information on virtually any genetic or physiological malformation.Offers a clearer understanding of abnormalities through the use of more than 1,000 new full-color figures and photographs.Includes updates for every disorder, with extensive new information on the molecular basis of malformations as well as new clinical information for many disorders.Covers 16 additional commonly seen disorders, including Deletion 1p36 syndrome * Deleletion 22q13 syndrome * Meier-Gorlin Syndrome * Short Syndrome * 3-C Syndrome * GAPO Syndrome * Lenz Microphthalmia Syndrome * Muenke Craniosynostosis * Torriello-Carey Syndrome * Mandibulo-Acral Syndrome * Mowat-Wilson Syndrome * Ulnar-Mammary Syndrome * Kaufman-McKusick Syndrome * Smith-Maginess Syndrome * Wiedeman-Rautenstrauch Syndrome * and Shprintzen-Golberg Syndrome.Presents a wealth of new Growth Charts, plus complete revisions to existing Growth Charts.
Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry
Peter Sykes - 1970
This guidebook is aimed clearly at the needs of the student, with a thorough understanding of, and provision for, the potential conceptual difficulties he or she is likely to encounter.
Counterexamples in Topology
Lynn Arthur Steen - 1970
It is only as a result of pursuing the details of each example that students experience a significant increment in topological understanding. With that in mind, Professors Steen and Seebach have assembled 143 examples in this book, providing innumerable concrete illustrations of definitions, theorems, and general methods of proof. Far from presenting all relevant examples, however, the book instead provides a fruitful context in which to ask new questions and seek new answers.Ranging from the familiar to the obscure, the examples are preceded by a succinct exposition of general topology and basic terminology and theory. Each example is treated as a whole, with a highly geometric exposition that helps readers comprehend the material. Over 25 Venn diagrams and reference charts summarize the properties of the examples and allow students to scan quickly for examples with prescribed properties. In addition, discussions of general methods of constructing and changing examples acquaint readers with the art of constructing counterexamples. The authors have included an extensive collection of problems and exercises, all correlated with various examples, and a bibliography of 140 sources, tracing each uncommon example to its origin.This revised and expanded second edition will be especially useful as a course supplement and reference work for students of general topology. Moreover, it gives the instructor the flexibility to design his own course while providing students with a wealth of historically and mathematically significant examples. 1978 edition.
Modern Control Engineering
Katsuhiko Ogata - 1970
The layout of the book covers the following: Laplace transforms, mathematical model
The Variational Principles of Mechanics
Cornelius Lanczos - 1970
Model of clear, scholarly exposition at graduate level with coverage of basic concepts, calculus of variations, principle of virtual work, equations of motion, relativistic mechanics, much more. First inexpensive paperbound edition. Index. Bibliography.
A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Vol. 1
Michael Spivak - 1970
Will take 25-35 days
Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications
Paul L. Meyer - 1970
Convex Analysis: (Pms-28)
R. Tyrrell Rockafellar - 1970
Tyrrell Rockafellar's classic study presents readers with a coherent branch of nonlinear mathematical analysis that is especially suited to the study of optimization problems. Rockafellar's theory differs from classical analysis in that differentiability assumptions are replaced by convexity assumptions. The topics treated in this volume include: systems of inequalities, the minimum or maximum of a convex function over a convex set, Lagrange multipliers, minimax theorems and duality, as well as basic results about the structure of convex sets and the continuity and differentiability of convex functions and saddle- functions. This book has firmly established a new and vital area not only for pure mathematics but also for applications to economics and engineering. A sound knowledge of linear algebra and introductory real analysis should provide readers with sufficient background for this book. There is also a guide for the reader who may be using the book as an introduction, indicating which parts are essential and which may be skipped on a first reading.--back cover
Animal Physiology: Adaptation and Environment
Knut Schmidt-Nielsen - 1970
The book is structured the same as the previous edition, but every chapter has been updated to take into account recent developments, with numerous new references and figures. New and expanded features include: extensive modifications to the chapter on Movement, Muscle and Biomechanics; new material on respiratory pigments; feeding and digestion in shrimp and hoatzin; plant defense compounds; diving in seals; high temperature tolerance; the patch clamp method for ion channel research; the pineal gland and melatonin. Two-color throughout for clear description and illustration of fundamental principles.
Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction
Donald E. Kirk - 1970
Geared toward upper-level undergraduates, this text introduces three aspects of optimal control theory: dynamic programming, Pontryagin's minimum principle, and numerical techniques for trajectory optimization.Chapters 1 and 2 focus on describing systems and evaluating their performances. Chapter 3 deals with dynamic programming. The calculus of variations and Pontryagin's minimum principle are the subjects of chapters 4 and 5, and chapter 6 examines iterative numerical techniques for finding optimal controls and trajectories. Numerous problems, intended to introduce additional topics as well as to illustrate basic concepts, appear throughout the text.
Earth's Dynamic Systems
W. Kenneth Hamblin - 1970
These two unifying themes form the backbone of this book, providing a logical and illustrated introduction to physical geology. The student CD-ROM includes several high-quality animations, photographs, and videos.
Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation
Barry A.J. Fisher - 1970
It has been widely adopted by police academies, community colleges, and universities and is recommended for preparation for certification exams. Written in an easy-to-read style, this comprehensive text offers up-to-date technical expertise that the author has developed over many years in law enforcement. Includes check-off lists, case studies, and 16 pages of full-color illustrated photos. Also included is an appendix on equipment for crime scene investigations and a companion CD for training.
Modern Welding
Andrew D. Althouse - 1970
In addition to covering a very wide range of welding and cutting processes, the text includes thorough coverage of welding symbols, testing and inspection, and getting a job in the welding industry.
Managing the resource allocation process: A study of corporate planning and investment
Joseph L. Bower - 1970
no description
Foundations Of Mechanical Accuracy
Wayne R. Moore - 1970
Harrison, Dean Emeritus of M.I.T.''s School of Science, writes as follows: "Basic to man''s behavior is his ability to determine, modify, and adapt to his environment. This he has been able to do in proportion to his skill at making measurements, and fundamental to all other measuring operations is his ability to determine locations in the material world. Thus the science of mechanical measurements is a fundamental one. It is this science, and the art which accompanies and informs it, with which this book is concerned."Classic text on precision engineering with over 550 photographs and engineering drawings, “Foundations of Mechanical Accuracy” has been translated into seven different languages with over 15,000 copies sold. How to attain precision in manufacturing to millionths of an inch and control such accuracies by appropriate measuring techniques is described and illustrated in this new book. Its author, Wayne R. Moore, devoted seven years to its research and writing. Acclaimed by leaders in science and industry throughout the world, the book is an invaluable source of ideas and a reference book of lasting value for everyone concerned with precision measurement and machining to ultra close tolerances. Contained in its 353 pages are over 550 photographs and engineering drawings-most of them original. Much of the information in the book has never before appeared in print. The subject matter is based in large part on the "four arts" underlying the attainment of mechanical accuracy: geometry, standards of length, dividing the circle, and roundness. A fifth section covers the techniques and applications of the Universal Measuring Machine.
The Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Vol 2: Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health
Robert M. Goldenson - 1970
Erwin Amlacher - 1970
Its object is that of presenting in a concise and clear manner the most important facets of the subject. Fish pathology has a vital importance to the fishing industry, as well as to fish farming activities, by virtue of the capital which is invested in these same. Apart from analyzing and present- ing the more fundamental information, the themes have been so arranged as to prove of utility both to the veterinarian and to the fish farmer. This latter consideration determined the manner in which the topics were selected. The present book attempts to be something of usefulness, as well as being easy to handle and to understand, not only to the specialist who is occupied full-time with the study of fish biology, but also for the veterinarian and others who may be interested in the breeding of carp, trout, and ornamental aquarium fishes, and for aquarists and fishermen. The text is presented in an orderly fashion so that it may the better be utilized by the reader. Each important disease is without exception divided as follows: 1. symptoms; 2. diagnosis; 3. etiology; morphology and taxonomy (or biology) of the causative aient; course of the disease; 4. histopathology and histochemistry; 5. therapy, prophylaxis and hygiene. In my opinion such a presentation serves the purpose of facilitating a uniform description, as well as to save time. The Tables for the diagnosis and the treatment of the different diseases have this same object in view. With regard to the figures, I have not made any attempt to be original, and always where it has been possible I have attempted to include data reported by other investigators who have made concrete contributions to the subject. It is for this same reason that the number of figures taken from other works is in the region of a third of the total.
Introduction to Quantitative Genetics
D.S. Falconer - 1970
It extends these concepts to the segregation of genes that cause genetic variation in quantitative traits. Key techniques and methods are also covered.
This Fabulous Century, 1870-1900 (This Fabulous Century Series)
Time-Life Books - 1970
Afro American History: Primary Sources
Thomas R. Frazier - 1970
Washington, Langston Hughes, Stokely Carmichael, and Jesse Jackson..