Book picks similar to
War in Heaven by Robert E. Weinberg


Truth Until Paradox

Stewart Wieck - 1994
    At least, the kind of magic that keeps the world alive. Magic is the power to shape reality, and this power is falling ever more into the hands of a few, into the hands of the Technocracy, a group of mages that has decided the universe is best defined by science.The second edition of this anthology contains the best stories from the first edition, as well as new stories that even better reflect the world of Mage: The Ascension "RM" as presented in the new edition of the Storyteller game.

Shadow Lords & Get of Fenris

Gherbod Fleming - 2001
    In Shadow Lords, we see how the fractious Garou struggle for dominance over one another, and in Get of Fenris, at a Concolation - the largest gathering of Garou - we see them standing together in their endless war against the Wyrm. But how long can the Garou continue to fight this war? Their numbers are diminishing, and as this seven-book series will reveal, their past is being taken from them as well.

Gehenna: the Final Night

Ari Marmell - 2004
    Legends say the undead descend from Caine, the first murderer portrayed in the Bible, who passed on his curse through his blood. Those same legends speak of a final reckoning, when Caine and his mad children will rise from slumber and consume all the undead. Vampires call this time Gehenna. For the vampire Beckett, a researcher among the undead, it means one last shot at understanding the mysteries of the get of Caine — and at outrunning his own sins. Vampire: Gehenna, the Final Night is the first act of the Time of Judgment, telling the story of a wide-ranging Armageddon among the supernatural entities of the World of Darkness.

Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy

Justin Achilli - 2000
    Is it the power of summoned demons? An application of the Blood's mystic properties? The will of spirits? Or is it something else altogether? Only those who master its dark secrets can know.Hidden Lore RevealedBlood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy provides the answers to long-asked questions about this most powerful of Kindred Disciplines and explores a gamut of new possibilities. Included in the book are new paths and rituals as well as details on the lesser known but similar arcane practices. What is it about Thaumaturgy that has allowed the Tremere to ascend to prominence in the modern nights? This book examines the answer.Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy includes: A complete look at Thaumaturgy, from its dark origins to its modern practice; A wealth of new paths and rituals; Other path and ritual systems like Necromancy and Koldunic Sorcery

The Beast Within

Stewart WieckBill Bridges - 2000
    The Kindred Move Among UsNot merely mad beasts of lonely hunters, the vampires of the World of Darkness who call themselves The Kindred because of the blood that elementally binds them together, are dangerously organized and cunning. They hide behind a plan they call the Masquerade so that they do not draw the attention or ire of mortals, and the society this masquerade obscures is as rich with wonders and as rife with conflict as any ever known among men.This collection of stories concerning the Kindred of the World of Darkness serves as both an introduction to their nature and an expose of the danger they pose. Collected within this second edition are favourites of the first edition, including stories by S.P. Somtow and Mathew J. Costello, as well as two all-new stories from Gherbod Flemming and Eric Griffin, two authors of the bestselling Vampire Clan Novel series.

Clanbook: Setites

Richard Watts - 1995
    I wish you joy o'th' Worm!"We are the small voice that whispers to you in the lonely hours of the night. We call to the darkness within all of you. We came from the dark, and to the dark we shall all return..."Called the corrupt by even the most crooked Ventrue, the Setites are almost universally mistrusted and feared by the clans of the Camarilla, and scorned by the Sabbat for their unwillingness to share in the Vaudalrie.Clanbook: Setites includes:* Extensive history of the followers of Set* All new Merits and Flaws for Setite characters* Ten complete character templates!

When Will You Rage?

Stewart WieckJohn H. Steele - 1994
    But the rise of mankind has seen an increase in the power of the Wyrm, a decayed entropic force that seeks to ruin Gaia. The Garou will not have this and wage a war that they have been losing for a millennia.The second edition of this anthology contains the best stories from the first edition, as well as new stories that even better reflect the world of Werewolf: The Apocalypse "TM" as presented in the revised edition of the Storyteller game.

Clanbook: Lasombra Revised

Bruce Baugh - 2001
    Their legacy of shadows eclipses the light thrown by their packs ritual fires. But are the Lasombra truly the esteemed leaders of the Sword of Caine or do they simply abuse it to serve their own ends?The Lords of the SabbatAs the next entry in the revised lineup of clanbooks, Lasombra takes one of the classic Vampire sourcebooks and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies revised material, inviting you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each with 32 more pages than the first-edition books) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.

The Erciyes Fragments

C.S. Friedman - 1999
    There he finds fragments of the original Book of Nod in a language that has been dead for thousands of years. Who has led him to this place? What has he uncovered? And why has he been chosen to transcribe the words of one who could be Caine himself?Who Found it and Why?Written by noted science-fiction novelist C.S. Friedman, The Erciyes Fragments is a version of the Book of Nod that has never been seen before by mortal eyes. The most sage of vampiric scholars provide their commentary for your enlightenment. Revealed now for the first time are the prophecies of Nod and of Gehenna!

Clanbook: Gangrel Revised

Brian Campbell - 2000
    The Outlanders have no need for the petty Jyhads and useless sniping of the undead - they are vampires, the highest order of beasts! Now, Clan Gangrel prowls the night unfettered by the traditions of the crumbling Camarilla. They have finally called the night their own.Or Savages Unbound?As the first entry in an ambitious series of revised clanbooks, Gangrel expands upon the clan's appearance in the revised edition of Vampire:All-new information accompanies a re-examination of earlier concepts, allowing you to add as much depth to your character as you like. Additionally, the sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each with 32 more pages than the first-edition books) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.

Guide to the Technocracy

Phil Brucato - 1999
    We influence every aspect of human society. We protect the Earth from the aliens without and the deviants within. Through order, science and technology, our conventions shape the course of the furure and catalog the wonders of the cosmos. We are there whenever someone uses a tool. We create the advancements that protect and comfort humanity. We decide how tomorrow improves beyond today. If you are ready to shape the world and willing to sacrifice yourself for humanity, you can be one of us.One World, One UnionAll the information needed to run a Technocracy - based Chronicle: Technocracy characters, new Abilities, Devices and Procedures, Technocratic organization and more. Explore the defenses of Technocratic bases, their corridors of political power and their hopes for the future. Discover how they deal with supernatural threats and what wonders they uncover. Learn the Union's beliefs and goals, and how it plans to empower all of humanity.

Clanbook: Tzimisce Revised

Lucien Soulban - 2001
    The modern nights have caught up with these monsters, however, who have fallen from their place as masters of hoary estates to degenerates bound by the callous whims of the Sabbat.The Flesh-Twisted FiendsAs the next entry in the revised lineup of clanbooks, Tzimisce takes one of the classic Vampire sourcebooks and brings it into a modern context. All-new information accompanies revised material, inviting you to add as much depth to your character as you like. The sheer volume of information contained in the new clanbooks (each with 32 more pages than the first-edition books) permits Storytellers to round out their chronicles.

Clanbook: Nosferatu

Robert Hatch - 1995
    But what are they plotting in their dark caverns? What schemes are brewing in the nether regions of the night? The Nosferatu watch everyone else, but who watches them?Clanbook: Nosferatu includes:* The history of the clan and its true role in the upheavals of the undead;* 10 sample characters suitable for players and Storytellers; and* the horrfying details of the Nosferatu kingdoms under every city.

Clanbook: Lasombra

Richard Dansky - 1996
    Unseen even by mirrors, these lords of darkness glide through the night they rule, orchestrating the rise and fall of Kindred and kine alike. From the Sahara Desert to the Spanish Main, from the monasteries of Seville to the mean streets of New York City, no other clan so embodies what it means to be a vampire.Clanbook: Lasombra includes:* The History of the clan and the foul diablerie of its progenitor;* Details on the clan's sinister rites and depraved games;* New Merits, Flaws and Obtenebration powers.

Dark Destiny: Proprietors of Fate

Edward E. Kramer - 1991
    Though shrouded from mortal society by an age-old Masquerade, their struggles and actions have changed the face of humanity.