A Practical Guide to the Runes: Their Uses in Divination and Magic

Lisa Peschel - 1989
    This ancient oracular practice has been rediscovered in the twentieth century as we try to simplify our complicated existence.A Practical Guide to the Runes provides in a concise manner:• Complete descriptions of the 25 runes in divination• Four rune layouts• Instructions for making runes and accessories• Meanings and uses of the runes in magick• Step-by-step guidelines in carving runes and creating talismans• Charging of talismans• Differences between bindrunes and runescriptsTake charge of your life to make the choices and changes you desire.

Prometheus Rising

Robert Anton Wilson - 1983
    Gurdjieff's self-observation exercises, Alfred Korzybskis general semantics, Aleister Crowley's magical theorems, and the several disciplines of Yoga; not to mention Christian Science, relativity, quantum mechanics, and many other approaches to understanding the world around us! That is exactly what Robert Anton Wilson does in Prometheus Rising. In short, this is a book about how the human mind works and what you can do to make the most of yours.

Magical Chants

Lady Gianne - 2012
    This book contains seventy seven chants that can be used in a variety of ways individually or in spell and ritual work.Use them for basic protection, pain relief, and physical or spiritual healing. Chant to bless your meals, your garden, or yourself. Raise your creative energy, calm your stress, and ease your anxiety. Love and money chants are also included.An interactive table of contents is included and viewable in the free preview. Now Available in a Four Volume Set Magical Chants, Magical Mojo Bags, Magical Oil Recipes, and Magical Powder Recipes are now available to readers in Gianne's Grimoire of Personal Power.Readers receive a discount purchasing the four volume set over buying each book individually.

The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman

Anonymous - 2000
    With the use of these rings, people attained extraordinary powers. Perhaps the most wonderful secret revealed is the power to produce the Black Pullet, otherwise known as the "Hen with the Golden Eggs." Unlimited wealth was granted to the person who achieved the creation of this incredible Hen. Includes complete instructions for creating the Black Pullet.

Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius

Hermes Trismegistus
    Their supposed author, a mythical figure named Hermes Trismegistus, was thought to be a contemporary of Moses. The Hermetic philosophy was regarded as an ancient theology, parallel to the revealed wisdom of the Bible, supporting Biblical revelation and culminating in the Platonic philosophical tradition. This new translation is the only English version based on reliable texts, and Professor Copenhaver's introduction and notes make this accessible and up-to-date edition an indispensable resource to scholars.

The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order: An Interpretation of the Rosicrucian Allegory An Explanation of the Ten Rosicrucian Grades

Paul Foster Case - 1989
    Paul Foster Case. He explains that Rosicrucianism is based upon earthly organizations, but on personal unflodment, and clearly describes the distinctive marks of a Rosicrucian. The treatise is divided into two main parts by Dr. Case. The first is a careful examination and interpretation of the principle Rosicrucian maneifestos, the Fama Fraternitatis and the Confessio Fraternitatis. The second part is an explanation of the Rosicrucian Grade system, as applied to the diagram of the Tree of Life and Tarot attributions. By participating in the outlined procedures, aspirants are put on the right track of preparing themselves for union with the Higher Self, which may or may not include group work with an outer order or fraternity. The first editions of 1927, 1928 and 1933 were of limited publication. The fourth and most complete expansion of the text by Paul Case ws finished in 1937, revised by him in 1953 just before his death , and published in by Weiser in 1985. It represents the full maturity of his thought on this subject.

Origins of Modern Witchcraft: The Evolution of a World Religion

Ann Moura - 2000
    Judaism began a few thousand years before that. Religion in Egypt and Sumer go maybe a few thousand years before that. But what came before? Most people don't know that civilization began at Sind, a fertile area in modern Pakistan. Their ancient religion, the worship of Shiva and Shakti, is the oldest religion known. It spread throughout the world and it, reactions to it, or a combination of the two are the basis for all religion in the world today. Does this sound surprising? Historian and former history teacher Ann Moura has been able to trace civilization and religion into the past by over 100,000 years! She presents this information in "Origins of Modern Witchcraft. "The author reveals that virtually every aspect of modern Witchcraft can be traced back to the ancient Sind religion. Much of the same can be found in modern Hinduism, but Hinduism has had many Vedic ideas – including orthodoxy and caste – added to the original faith. Even so, the notion of the triple goddess (a Maiden, Mother, and Crone) comes straight from the older religion. The idea of the God being horned is derived from an image of Shiva. Many of the mythic images we associate with Greece and Rome originally came from the Sind religion. But this goes beyond Wicca to other religions. You'll see that Christ was a version of Krishna and "original sin" was a development of those who hated the original religion. It means that something was evil because it originally came from Sind. Controversial? You bet! This book is destined to be one of the most controversial books published this or any other year! But the author has listed all of her sources. Now is your chance to read the evidence for yourself and discover the real ancient sources for your beliefs. Get your copy today!

WTF is Tarot?: ...& How Do I Do It?

Bakara Wintner - 2017
    No necesitas aprender el tarot porque ya lo sabes. Es desde este punto de partida radical que este libro descompone el antiguo arte de la cartomancia. Esta gu�a fresca, accesible y a veces atrevida, arroja una luz hol�stica sobre c�mo leer el tarot, desde la base de la magia misma hasta la comprensi�n de las complicadas tarjetas para ofrecer lecturas a otros.El autor y lector de tarot Bakara Wintner desempaqueta la magia de los arcanos mayor y menor con sabidur�a cham�nica y el ingenio de una ni�a, iluminando su significado con an�cdotas y analog�as reflexivas que revelan cu�n enraizados est�n estos s�mbolos en nuestra vida cotidiana: podemos sentir a la Luna en una carrera descalza por Prospect Park, aceptar la gracia de Temperance al enamorarnos o identificar cu�ndo es el momento de soltar a un ex con el ahorcado.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Young Blood, Old Magic: A No-Nonsense Approach to the Ancient Art of Reading TarotYou do not need to learn the tarot because you already know it. It is from this radical jumping off point that WTF Is Tarot breaks down the ancient art of cartomancy. This fresh, accessible and sometimes cheeky guide sheds a holistic light on how to read tarot, from the foundation of magic itself to understanding those tricky court cards to offering readings to others.In WTF Is Tarot, author and tarot reader Bakara Wintner unpacks the magic of the Major and Minor Aracana with shamanic wisdom and girl boss wit, illuminating their meaning with thoughtful anecdotes and analogies that reveal how deeply rooted these symbols already are in our everyday lives: we can feel the Moon in a howling barefoot run through Prospect Park, accept the grace of Temperance in falling in love or a divine intervention, "ghost the haters" with the Six of Swords, or identify when it's time to let go of an ex with the Hanged Man.WTF is Tarot offers far more than a refreshingly candid tutorial on card reading. Bakara goes on to investigate the magic of crystal healing, chakras, meditation and other magical practices. This young witch offers not just a guide, but an invitation for even the most mundane Muggles to welcome magic into their lives, and for experienced wizards to rediscover it once again.

Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates: Unlocking the Dynamics of Soul Attraction

Kevin J. Todeschi - 1999
    It provides insights into soul attractions and how relationships develop within the framework of reincarnation.

Karmic Astrology: Retrogrades and Reincarnation Vol 2

Martin Schulman - 1977
    Schulman presents one of the most radical and unorthodox interpretations of retrograde planets yet published. Disregarding the traditional "good" or "bad" explanations, he gives instead a system which explains the three vibrational moods in which these planets may be expressed. Each planet is discussed thoroughly in all signs and houses. There is also an examination of the esoteric and karmic symbolism begun in Volume 1 of the Series.

Self-Initiation Into the Golden Dawn Tradition: A Complete Curriculum of Study for Both the Solitary Magician and the Working Magical Group

Chic Cicero - 2002
    Although much of their knowledge has been published, to really enter the system required initiation within a Golden Dawn temple--until now.Regardless of your magical knowledge or background, you can learn and live the Golden Dawn tradition with the first practical guide to Golden Dawn initiation. Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero offers self-paced instruction by two senior adepts of this magical order.For the first time, the esoteric rituals of the Golden Dawn are clearly laid out in step-by-step guidance that's clear and easy-to-follow. Studying the Knowledge Lectures, practicing daily rituals, doing meditations, and taking self-graded exams will enhance your learning. Initiation rituals have been correctly reinterpreted so you can perform them yourself. Upon completion of this workbook, you can truly say that you are practicing the Golden Dawn tradition with an in-depth knowledge of qabalah, astrology, Tarot, geomancy, spiritual alchemy, and more, all of which you will learn from Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition.No need for group membership Instructions are free of jargon and complex language Lessons don't require familiarity with magical traditions Grade rituals from Neophyte to Portal Link with your Higher Self If you have ever wondered what it would be like to learn the Golden Dawn system, Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition explains it all. The lessons follow a structured plan, adding more and more information with each section of the book. Did you really learn the material? Find out by using the written tests and checking them with the included answers. Here is a chance to find out if the Golden Dawn system is the right path for you or to add any part of their wisdom and techniques to the system you follow. Start with this book now.

Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions

Joyce Higginbotham - 2002
    Based on a course in Paganism that the authors have taught for more than a decade, it is full of exercises, meditations, and discussion questions for group or individual study.This book presents the basic fundamentals of Paganism. It explores what Pagans are like; how the Pagan sacred year is arranged; what Pagans do in ritual; what magick is; and what Pagans believe about God, worship, human nature, and ethics.For those who are exploring their own spirituality, or who want a good book to give to non-Pagan family and friends A hands-on learning tool with magickal workings, meditations, discussion questions, and journal exercises Offers in-depth discussion of ethics and magick

Complete Enochian Dictionary: A Dictionary of the Angelic Language As Revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley

Donald C. Laycock - 2001
    John Dee, an advisor in the court of Queen Elizabeth I, began a series of experiments intended to explore the ability to contact the spirit world. With Edward Kelley acting as the medium in these experiments, Dee was able to record these communications as they were transmitted in Enochian - the language of the angels.Donald Laycock has thoroughly analyzed the work of Dee and Kelley. In this volume, he recounts the history of their experiments. The rest of the work consists of a pronunciation guide for the twenty-one letters, significant to untangling both the meaning and the derivation of the messages handed down from Dee and Kelley, and a basic Enochian-English/English-Enochian dictionary. The result is a fascinating linguistic and magical mystery story, integral to any study of the Enochian tradition.Stephen Skinner's lucid preface sets the tone and historical context for today's readers.

Love Cards: What Your Birthday Reveals about You and Your Personal Relationships

Robert Lee Camp - 1994
    Did you ever wonder why some people are afraid of commitment and others always put work before love? Is the woman you met last night right for you? Why does your spouse put household chores before sex? Why is your best friend an incurable romantic? The newly discovered fortune telling system in Love Cards offers explanations for why we are the way we are and reveals the secret truths about our love life. First, use your birthdate to find your birth card. Discover everything from karma you might be carrying from a past life to which celebrities share your card. Then check out your lovers', family's and friends' cards. Your compatibility chart will tell you who is destined to be your soulmate and who will break your heart. --Find out exactly who you are compatible with in love, sex, romance & marriage.--Learn quickly how to do a complete relationship reading between any two people.--Find out how your Karma and Past Life cards affect your present relationships.--Discover why you have chosen past partners and learn to make better decisions.--Explore the real reasons for your attractions--it's really card chemistry!

Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe

Dean Radin - 2018
    Are such powers really possible? Science says yes.According to noted scientist and bestselling author of The Conscious Universe, Dean Radin, magic is a natural aspect of reality, and each of us can tap into this power with diligent practice.But wait, aren't things like ESP and telepathy just wishful thinking and flights of the imagination? Not according to the author, who worked on the US government's top secret psychic espionage program known as Stargate. Radin has spent the last forty years conducting controlled experiments that demonstrate that thoughts are things, that we can sense others' emotions and intentions from a distance, that intuition is more powerful than we thought, and that we can tap into the power of intention (think The Secret, only on a more realistic and scientific level). These dormant powers can help us to lead more interesting and fulfilling lives.Beginning with a brief history of magic over the centuries (what was called magic two thousand years ago is turning out to be scientific fact today), a review of the scientific evidence for magic, a series of simple but effective magical techniques (the key is mental focus, something elite athletes know a lot about), Radin then offers a vision of a scientifically-informed magic and explains why magic will play a key role in frontiers of science.