Best of
Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure
Catherine Yronwode - 2002
224 pages 500 herbs, roots, minerals, and rare zoological curios, 750 traditional spells, tricks, and magical recipes, 50 black and white illustrations
The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development
Christopher Penczak - 2002
With study, dedication, and practice, the lessons and exercises in this book will empower you to transform the repetitive rigors of the daily grind into a witch's web of magickal experiences.The Inner Temple of Witchcraft is a thorough course of education, introspection, meditation, and the development of the magickal and psychic abilities that are the birthright of the witch. Four introductory chapters present the history, traditions, and principles of witchcraft, followed by thirteen lessons that start with basic meditation techniques and culminate in a self-initiation ceremony equivalent to the first-degree level of traditional coven-based witchcraft.As you progress through this year-and-a-day course of study, you will explore a wide range of topics that support and inform the dedicated witch:Ancient and modern magickal philosophy Modern scientific theories supporting a new definition of reality Instant magick techniques for protection, healing, and serenity Energy work and anatomy, including chakras and auras Astral travel, dreams, and spirit guides Healing techniques for body, mind, and spirit This book's non-dogmatic presentation encourages an eclectic, personal approach while providing a strong foundation for the practice of witchcraft and magick. Develop your psychic abilities and practice potent magickal techniques as you explore the source of every witch's power--the temple within.Winner of the 2003 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Award for Best Magic Book
The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus & the Sex Magic of Isis
Tom Kenyon - 2002
A love so deep it has survived over 2000 years of lies, to be finally told now, in this, "the beginning of the ending of time." A High Initiate of the Temple of Isis, Mary Magdalen was the Holy Grail, the cup that carried the blood of Christ. And the long-prophesied "sun" that was born to her was a girl named Sar'h. In The Magdalen Manuscript, given by her and reprinted here, word-for-word as she gave it, she described the alchemy that she and Yeshua practiced. This is the alchemy that prepared him to sustain life after death, so that he could meet his destiny and lay a trail of light through the death realms, a light path each of us can follow. This is Her Story, revealing some of the deepest secrets of the Temples, as requested by Isis. To this remarkable text, Tom Kenyon has added a companion of the major streams of internal alchemy, plus an in-depth look at Egyptian High Alchemy and a clarification of the Alchemies of Horus. Judi Sion, at the request of Mary Magdalen, has added One Woman's Story, which is every woman's story. The truth unveiled. For those who have eye to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them listen. For those who have neither, let them pass on.
England's Hidden Reverse: A Secret History of the Esoteric Underground
David Keenan - 2002
Based on several years' worth of exclusive interviews and unprecedented access to all three bands' personal archives, 'England's Hidden Reverse' is the first, definitive, biography of Nurse With Wound, Coil and Current 93.
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen
Scott Cunningham - 2002
From artichokes to kidney beans to grape jelly, food contains specific magical energies you can harness for positive results. This encyclopedia of food magic offers twenty-seven of Scott Cunningham's favorite recipes. Magical menus for more than ten desired goals including love, protection, health, money, and psychic awareness are provided as well.This commemorative edition also presents special features and articles celebrating Scott Cunningham's remarkable life.
Perdurabo, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Life of Aleister Crowley
Richard Kaczynski - 2002
Perdurabo (the magical name Crowley chose when inducted into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn) traces Crowley’s remarkable journey from his birth as the only son of a wealthy lay preacher to his death in a boarding house as the world’s foremost authority on magick. Along the way, he rebels against his conservative religious upbringing; befriends famous artists, writers, and philosophers (and becomes a poet himself ); is attacked for his practice of “the black arts”; and teaches that science and magick can work together. While seeking to spread his infamous philosophy of “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,” Crowley becomes one of the most notorious figures of his day. Based on Richard Kaczynski’s twenty years of research, and including previously unpublished biographical details, Perdurabo paints a memorable portrait of the man who inspired the counterculture and influenced generations of artists, punks, wiccans, and other denizens of the demimonde.
Telos Volume 1: Revelations Of The New Lemuria (Telos, Vol. 1)
Aurelia Louise Jones - 2002
Timely and fascinating messages from the people of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, living in the fifth dimensional city of Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA. Telos is an ancient Lemurian City of Light that is real and still exists to this day in the physical realm, underneath Mount Shasta. Re-acquaint yourself with Adama, the High Priest of Telos and your eternal father, as he describes the kind of Earthly paradise they have forged for themselves as they raised their consciousness to a fifth dimensional reality. They are the survivors of the lost continent of Mu who perished beneath of waves of the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago. Our Lemurian brothers and sisters of Telos and our former family of ancient times are soon looking forward to coming out, when we are ready, to teach us how to do the same here on the surface. Due to their isolation from the surface population, they have succeeded in creating a civilization of peace and abundance, with no sickness, aging or death. They have mastered immortality in physical expression and they wish to teach us to do the same. Vividly and heroically, Telos delivers a clear understanding of what is required on the surface to create a prosperous society and a healthy environment. The Telosians and many other spiritually advanced civilizations are very real inside the Earth. They are coming forward at this time to inspire us to follow in their footsteps. The return of the Lemurians and their eventual emergence among us is nothing less than the "Second Coming" that we have been waiting for, for so very long. The Lemurians have long achieved the fullness of the Christ consciousness, and as we are ready to receive them among us, they will teach us how to implement, right here on the surface of this planet, the type of paradise they have forged for themselves in Telos. They will assist us in building a golden age that will manifest the fullness of the Christ consciousness, which is the divinity that has always been there within our hearts. The indwelling Christ of our being becoming tangibly manifested on this planet and in our daily lives. Here is what Adama has to say at this time: It is with much delight and anticipation that we bring to you the memories of Lemuria. Though these memories have appeared to be lost for a while, they have continued to live and thrive in your hearts unto this now moment in time. In Telos, we are honored to join hearts with you, and to assist in the unification of our two civilizations. We send you much love from Telos, where this divine energy flows in great abundance. Until we meet, keep practicing the art of true love, which starts with loving yourself. May love abound in your heart for each other and for all of creation, as precious jewels and expressions of the Love of the Mother/Father God! We hold you dearly in our hearts. Adama.
The Magician's Companion: A Practical and Encyclopedic Guide to Magical and Religious Symbolism
Bill Whitcomb - 2002
Over thirty-five magical models are compared and discussed. Begins with an introduction to magic, including a program of study so you can use any of the ninety-one systems described. Reveals the secrets of alchemy, magical alphabets, the chakras, the Tree of Life, astrology, and much more. It makes the ancient magical systems accessible, understandable and useful to modern magicians.
Moon Spells: How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want
Diane Ahlquist - 2002
Now, through the magick of Moon Spells, you can learn how to use its energies to achieve your desire--whether it's a joyful romance, a successful career, or superb physical and emotional health.Magickal practitioner Diane Ahlquist guides you on a journey to attuning your spirit with the moon. You'll be amazed at how much more you can achieve in life when you synchronize your activities with the moon's phases. With the proper use of candles, gemstones, and incense, spells can be conducted at exactly the right lunar moment to enhance the flow of power and make your wishes come true.By practicing the spells in this book, you can be more successful, more often, when you want to get a pay raise, release your fears, attract a lover, receive divine messages, begin a new life, or move on after a loss. The moon, our closest celestial neighbor, continues to offer you her power. Moon Spells shows you how to embrace it.
John Dee’s Five Books of Mystery: Original Sourcebook of Enochian Magic
John Dee - 2002
Dee concealed his treatises on the nature of humankind's contact with angelic realms and languages throughout his life, and they were nearly lost forever. In his brief biography of John Dee, Joseph Peterson calls him a "true Renaissance man"? detailing his work in astronomy, mathematics, navigation, the arts, astrology, and the occult sciences. He was even thought to be the model for Shakespeare's Prospero.All this was preparation for Dee's main achievement: five books, revealed and transcribed between March 1582 and May 1583, bringing to light mysteries and truths that scholars and adepts have been struggling to understand and use ever since. These books detail his system for communicating with the angels, and reveal that the angels were interested in and involved with the exploration and colonization of the New World, and in heralding in a new age or new world order. While Dee's influence was certainly felt in his lifetime, his popularity has grown tremendously since. His system was used and adapted by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and subsequently by Aleister Crowley.This new edition of "John Dee's Five Books of Mystery" is by far the most accessible and complete published to date. Peterson has translated Latin terms and added copious footnotes, putting the instructions and references into context for the modern reader.
Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition
Richard Smoley - 2002
It speaks from a nonsectarian point of view, unearthing insights from the whole of the Christian tradition, orthodox and heretical, famous and obscure. The esoteric tradition has traditionally searched for meanings that would yield a deeper inner knowledge of the divine. While traditional Christianity draws a timeline from Adam's Fall to the Day of Judgment, the esoteric often sees time as folding in on itself, bringing every point to the here and now. While the Church fought bitterly over dogma, the esoteric borrowed freely from other traditions—Kabbalah, astrology, and alchemy—in their search for metaphors of inner truth. Rather than basing his book around exponents of esoteric doctrine, scholar Richard Smoley concentrates on the questions that are of interest to every searching Christian. How can one attain direct spiritual experience? What does "the Fall" really tell us about coming to terms with the world we live in? Can we find salvation in everyday life? How can we ascend, spiritually, through the various levels of existence? What was Christ's true message to humankind? From the Gospel of Thomas to A Course in Miracles, from the Jesus Prayer to alchemy and Tarot, from Origen to Dante to Jung, Richard Smoley sheds the light of an alternative Christianity on these issues and more.
Druid Mysteries: Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century
Philip Carr-Gomm - 2002
He explains- The ancient history and inspiring beliefs of the ancient Druids- Druidic wild wisdom and their tree-, animal- and herb-lore- The mysteries of the Druids' seasonal celebrations- The Druids' use of magic and how their spirituality relates to paths such as WiccaThis guide will show how the wild wisdom of the Druids can help us to connect with our spirituality, our innate creativity, the natural world and our sense of ancestry. The life-enhancing beliefs and practices of this spiritual path have much to offer our 21st-century world.
The Healing Promise of Qi: Creating Extraordinary Wellness Through Qigong and Tai Chi
Roger Jahnke - 2002
Qigong is an ancient practice for harnessing Qi and increasing one's vitality (Tai Chi is one of the best-known forms of Qigong). This book explains the concept behind Qigong and describes how to incorporate it into your daily life in order to awaken your life force and experience better health. The author reveals how Qigong can help you improve your health, stress management, longevity, peak performance, wellness and attainment of inner peace.
H.P. Lovecraft (Toplu Eserleri #2)
H.P. Lovecraft - 2002
The serie will contain 83 fiction stories (including somre rare juvenal stories), one sonnet and two essays.
General Principles of Astrology
Aleister Crowley - 2002
Ghostwriting for Evangeline Adams, it was Crowley who wrote the vast majority of her classic textbooks, Astrology: Your Place in the Sun (1927) and Astrology: Your Place Among the Stars (1930). General Principles of Astrology finally acknowledges Crowley's authorship.Crowley's goal was to abandon traditional assumptions, so he based his findings on actual charts and how they were expressed in people's lives. In his characteristically clear and elegant prose, Crowley discusses each planet from a scientific and mythological point of view. He provides an exhaustive analysis of astrological types, drawing conclusions for over 180 astrological nativities of wellknown artists, poets, musicians, philosophers, politicians, and business leaders from the 18th to the 20th century.This new book is composed of painstakingly gathered work, primarily ghostwritten by Crowley, and published in various early twentiethcentury texts. It is published here in one volume for the first time, in an undertaking endorsed by both the Adams and Crowley estates.
Spirit Allies: Meet Your Team from the Other Side
Christopher Penczak - 2002
But it's not necessary to be a Tibetan holy man or ghost hunter to communicate with the other side. Everyone has friends beyond the veil, as author Christopher Penczak explains, "A spirit ally is a being in the unseen realms who, for whatever reason, decides to aid, befriend, protect, or teach us while we live our own Earthwalk." He dispels the shadowy ambiguity and fear surrounding the existence of these spiritual entities, shares compelling personal anecdotes, and offers straightforward techniquessuch as relaxation, automatic writing, and oracle interpretationto help readers contact their own guides. Through 30 simple exercises, Spirit Allies helps readers find their Power Animal, dream journey, speak with devas, communicate with ancestors and ascended masters, meet their personal spirit allies, and much more.
The Miracle Tree: Demystifying the Qabalah
R.J. Stewart - 2002
If you want to get past the obscurity of the Qabalah, this book is for you.
The Essential Tarot Kit: Book and Card Set
Rosalind Simmons - 2002
Follow the simple instructions in the guidebook to discover the meanings behind the mysterious imagery of the cards and learn how to conduct your own Tarot readings.
Night Jasmine Man
David Lambkin - 2002
He travels to Kenya to investigate her death.
Picatrix Liber Atratus Books 1 and 2 (Complete Picatrix Liber Atratus Edition)
Maslama Al-Majriti - 2002
The Kindle E-book versions are in two volumes, with one volume containing books one and two and the second volume containing books three and four of the four books of the Latin Picatrix. If you have the the two e-book volumes you have the complete Picatrix! Picatrix is translated & annotated by the noted scholars, magicians and astrologers John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock, Picatrix takes its rightful place as an essential occult text. Picatrix is an encyclopedic work with over 300 pages of Hermetic magical philosophy, ritual, talismanic and natural magic. Greer & Warnock's complete translation is lucid and well annotated. Renaissance Astrology & Adocentyn Press have released the complete Picatrix in a variety of different editions, including the Liber Atratus, Liber Rubeus and Liber Viridis-Green Magic editions. All editions contain the same basic text, but add additional variant passages, either from the Arabic Picatrix or authors cited, but not found in the Latin Picatrix. The Liber Atratus edition adds a passage on poisons from Ibn Washiyya's Book of Poisons.
Uthark: Nightside of the Runes
Thomas Karlsson - 2002
The runes are dynamic symbols that characterise hidden forces. The outer shapes of the runes have changed through history, but the principles that they symbolise are today almost the same as during old Norse times. This book does not claim to include a historical description of runes or rune magic. The book offers an introduction to a rune magic that is constructed around practical work with the runes in the contemporary world. The ambition, however, has been that the runosophy in this book shall be deeply rooted in historical Nordic magic.
Thoth: Architect of the Universe
Ralph Ellis - 2002
with dw 1998
A History of the Occult Tarot
Ronald Decker - 2002
Starting with the late 19th century, the authors—art historian and antique card curator Ronald Decker and former Oxford logic professor Michael Dummett—examine how the Tarot went from a deck used simply for card games to being the favored divination tool of occultists, a bridge to the spirit world, and even a map of the unconscious mind. Looking at the people and organizations who adopted the Tarot, ranging from the Theosophical Society and Aleister Crowley to the Order of the Golden Dawn and P.D. Ouspensky, this compelling scholarly look at Tarot’s occult history describes many of the fascinating decks used by occultists as well as the secret histories of magical and occult groups of the late 19th century through contemporary times. It is one of the essential histories of the subject and a key volume for the libraries of all serious students of Tarot.
Deepening Witchcraft: Advancing Skills & Knowledge
Grey Cat - 2002
Deepening Witchcraft: Advancing Skills and Knowledge focuses on the needs of Pagan leaders. Grey Cat brings her extensive leadership experience to one of the first books to offer guidance to students of Witchcraft looking for something beyond the basics. Beginning with an in-depth introduction to analytical thinking, Deepening Witchcraft addresses essential skills for the advanced student. Grey Cat explores connections between historical Paganism and its modern inception, digging for the sources of modern Wicca. She addresses the Wiccan Rede, discussing ethics and morality in a religion that centres on free will. Grey Cat also offers secrets for successful spells, and tips on teaching what you know to others. Deepening Witchcraft is a practical guide for Pagan leaders, complete with suggested structures, forms, and checklists. Grey Cat offers advice for commonly encountered situations including teaching, answering questions about Pagan history and claims to authenticity, organizing public rituals, and practicing advanced magic. A chapter on spiritual growth provides guidance for overburdened clerics, and the growth and development of Paganism is examined in chapters on community relations and ethical considerations. Not just for leaders, this book speaks to anybody with an interest in the future of the Pagan community. With an introduction by pioneering activist Lady Sintana, founder of the Ravenwood Church of the Old Religion in Atlanta, Georgia.
Moon Lore: Lunar Themes of Wisdom and Magic
Elizabeth Pepper - 2002
All hail to thee, Queen of heaven!Thou showest two horns to mark six days,And on the seventh will divide thy crown in two.On the fourteenth day, turn thy full face unto us.Seven is the Moon's mystic number, because each one of its four phases is completed in seven days.Nineteen is a sacred number in Old Irish and Celtic lore, for the sequence of Moon phases within a single zodiac sign is repeated every 19 years.As both the largest and the brightest object in the night sky, and the only one to appear in phases, the Moon has been a rich source of myth for as long as there have been myth-makers.Elizabeth Pepper's Moon Lore is a compendium of lunar tales, charms, chants, and curses from ancient time to the present.
Demons of the Flesh: The Complete Guide to Left Hand Path Sex Magic
Nikolas Schreck - 2002
Zeena and Nikolas Schreck have collaborated on several musical, written, artistic and spiritual projects together, including the avantgarde musical group Radio Werewolf, Nikolas Schreck's documentary Charles Manson Superstar, and the Liberation in this Lifetime course. Nikolas is the author of The Satanic Screen, Flowers from Hell: A Satanic Reader, and The Manson File: Myth and Reality of an Oulaw Shaman, to which Zeena contributed her iconic art suite "God Bless Charles Manson" as cover art and chapter plates. Zeena is the leader of the Sethian Liberation Movement.
Self-Initiation Into the Golden Dawn Tradition: A Complete Curriculum of Study for Both the Solitary Magician and the Working Magical Group
Chic Cicero - 2002
Although much of their knowledge has been published, to really enter the system required initiation within a Golden Dawn temple--until now.Regardless of your magical knowledge or background, you can learn and live the Golden Dawn tradition with the first practical guide to Golden Dawn initiation. Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero offers self-paced instruction by two senior adepts of this magical order.For the first time, the esoteric rituals of the Golden Dawn are clearly laid out in step-by-step guidance that's clear and easy-to-follow. Studying the Knowledge Lectures, practicing daily rituals, doing meditations, and taking self-graded exams will enhance your learning. Initiation rituals have been correctly reinterpreted so you can perform them yourself. Upon completion of this workbook, you can truly say that you are practicing the Golden Dawn tradition with an in-depth knowledge of qabalah, astrology, Tarot, geomancy, spiritual alchemy, and more, all of which you will learn from Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition.No need for group membership Instructions are free of jargon and complex language Lessons don't require familiarity with magical traditions Grade rituals from Neophyte to Portal Link with your Higher Self If you have ever wondered what it would be like to learn the Golden Dawn system, Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition explains it all. The lessons follow a structured plan, adding more and more information with each section of the book. Did you really learn the material? Find out by using the written tests and checking them with the included answers. Here is a chance to find out if the Golden Dawn system is the right path for you or to add any part of their wisdom and techniques to the system you follow. Start with this book now.
Nightside of the Runes: Uthark, Adulruna, and the Gothic Cabbala
Thomas Karlsson - 2002
Karlsson begins by examining the Uthark system of divination--the Left Hand Path of the runes--that lies hidden under the traditional Futhark system. According to the lore of Uthark, a cryptographic ruse was used to make it impossible for the uninitiated to know the true order of the runes. Exploring Agrell’s decryption of the Uthark system, Karlsson reveals similarities between the numerology of ancient mystery cults and the Runic tradition. He explains the multidimensional meaning of each rune from the Uthark perspective, their relationships with the nine worlds of Norse cosmogony, and the magical powers of rune-rows and the three aettir rune groupings. He details how to create your own magically-charged runes, direct and activate the force of the runes, and use them for rune meditation, divination, sigil magic, galders (power songs), and rune yoga. Karlsson also examines the secret dimensions of the 15 “noble” runes, the Adulrunes, based on the theories of Johannes Bureus. Using his knowledge of the Cabbala and alchemy, Bureus created magical symbols with the Adulrunes as well as one symbol containing all 15 Adulrunes, which Bureus called the “Adulruna.” Karlsson explains Bureus’ spiritual system of initiation, the Gothic Cabbala, revealing the connections between old Norse wisdom and the Cabbala. He explores Bureus’ Adulrune practices and explains how Bureus outlined seven levels of meaning for each rune, with those initiated into the highest rune levels able to conjure spirits and raise the dead. Covering more than just rune practices, Karlsson’s exploration of the dark or night side of the runes provides a comprehensive guide to Norse spirituality and the ancient spiritual mysticism of Odin.
Practical Magic and the Western Mystery Tradition
W.E. Butler - 2002
Practical Magic and the Western Tradition is a collection of previously unpublished articles, training papers and lectures covering many aspects of practical magic in the context of western occultism that show W.E.Butler not only as a leading figure in the magical tradition of the West, but also as one of its greatest teachers. Subjects covered include: What makes an occultist; Ritual training; Inner Plane contacts; Telesmatic images; Words of power.
Everyday Tarot: Using the Cards to Make Better Life Decisions
Gail Fairfield - 2002
The Feast of Flesh and Spirit
Lore de Angeles - 2002
Into a world of mystery and magic; Of mirrors held up to your psyche, Of enchantment and hope. From conversations with Kabbalistic archangels and entities most powerful, to beat poetry and challenges on love, to a story that will leave you lingering in the disturbance of non-ending because isn't that how life is? There is poetry and prose covering everything from witchcraft to the sensual to courage in the face of confusion and self-doubt. This is a unique collection presenting el duende in all its mystery ("Dark matter that threatens to become art"-Lorca).THE FEAST OF FLESH AND SPIRIT is a book of words, certainly, but also with a new expression-photographic portraiture in black and white: the Exquisite Survivor Collection: through word and image we will tantalise you with the desire for depth in a banal world.
Faeries and Demons and Other Magical Creatures
Edouard Brasey - 2002
On sultry summer nights, hapless mortals are prey to the deceptions of undines, ravishing mermaids and dangerous nixies. Languid summer makes way for the infernal dance of the evil spirits of autumn, a witches'' Sabbath attended by kobolds, succubi and nightmare spirits. From Earth's lower depths come the rumblings of armies of dwarves and gnomes preparing to burst out to the surface. Winter follows, the season when the Nordic gods sweep through on their doomed hunt for Asgard, harbingers of Christmas visitors attended by the nisses and tomtes of the Great North. Still farther north, Earth trembles beneath the footsteps of giant trolls.A spellbinding book, superbly illustrated by enchanting and sometimes terrifying images, that must surely rank as a passport to the Enchanted Kingdom.
Conversations with a Witch
Lois Bourne - 2002
She deals frankly with her own remarkable powers and examines the philosophy behind the Craft of the Wise. Exploring such New Age themes as psychometry and clairvoyance, precognition and the secret of invisibility have led her to many strange encounters and experiences. This is a deeply moving book that shows how the mystical and the magical have always been inherent in human life and nature.
Out Of The Shadows: Myths and Truths of Modern Wicca
Lilith McLelland - 2002
Outlining the advantages and pitfalls of each of the new Mystery religions, this book will empower readers to choose their own best path.
The Dying God: The Hidden History of Western Civilization
David Livingstone - 2002
When we remove the biases of how Western history is taught, we reveal a hidden tradition that began not in Greece, but in Babylon in the sixth century BC, and transformed not only Greek philosophy, Christianity, and Islam, but shaped the Renaissance and modern Europe.
Natural Magick: The Essential Witch's Grimoire
Sally Dubats - 2002
Aimed at helping the reader use natural gifts from the earth and develop their own intuitive talents, here is a comprehensive guide to the world of Wicca, and the practices, principles, tools, and elements used by modern witches in their daily lives.
The Forest of Souls: A Walk Through the Tarot
Rachel Pollack - 2002
Join celebrated Tarot author, artist, and scholar Rachel Pollack on a magical walk through the mysteries, archetypes, and dream-like images of the Tarot. In the tradition of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, Rachel draws upon symbols, myths, and folk tales both ancient and modern, to illuminate the spiritual truths behind the Tarot's symbols. The Forest of Souls unfolds like a dream, in a series of musings upon the confluence of the sacred and the mundane. How can a simple deck of 78 cards become keys unlocking life's greatest secrets? While the most common use of Tarot is for divination, Rachel shows how to use the cards for readings of an entirely different nature. Asking improbable, even impossible questions, she plays with the sacred possibilities and answers that the Tarot gives us. What nourishes my soul? What is soul? What is Tarot? What plan did God follow to create the universe? We now know that the Tarot was almost certainly not originally designed to include Kabbalistic and other occult correspondences. Yet such systems can greatly enhance our understanding of and relationship with the cards. Embracing paradox and non-linear thinking allows us to push the boundaries of the known and venture into the unknown. It is in that sacred space that we open ourselves to wonder and mystery.
Crystal User's Handbook: An Illustrated Guide
Judy Hall - 2002
Ancient peoples believed they were gifts from the gods and their magical properties--attraction, healing, protection, enhancement, future predictions--have been recognized in almost every culture. Now let these decorative, potent treasures of the earth work for you. From ritual and revelation to renewed health and relaxation, you'll come to know and appreciate the many ways these stones can enrich your life. A Crystal Directory of up-close, intensely colorful photos shows off each crystal's unique qualities in splendorous detail. Whether tapping into the healing powers of amethyst or the casting a love spell with rose quartz, you'll become adept at manipulating them to access their awesome power.
A Handbook For The Self-Employed Astrologer: A Language Of Life (Astrology: a Language of Life)
Robert P. Blaschke - 2002
A practical handbook for the self-employed astrologer that addresses all of their concerns: transitioning from student; establishing a professional practice; handling income, expenses and taxes; marketing and advertising; navigating the client relationship; teaching and local public speaking; writing, publishing and lecture travel; participating in the astrological community; overcoming occupational hazards; fostering personal and spiritual growth; notes for astrologers in the UK and Australia; contact information for local astrology groups.
Beginner's Guide to Tarot
Juliet Sharman-Burke - 2002
While there are many books and decks for the advanced tarot enthusiast, there is very little for the less advanced. Now there is The Beginner's Guide to the Tarot, a book and card set designed specifically for the novice. In the fully illustrated, 192 page book, noted tarot expert Juliet Sharman-Burke leads the reader through the cards and suits, the Minor and Major Arcana, and the major layouts for the compete 78 card deck. The book is packed with a newly designed and illustrated deck which draws upon both traditional and modern tarot iconography and is rendered in a clear, distinctive style.
Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology: The Professional Manual
Noel Tyl - 2002
They must make creative connections, know what to say when, and help their clients deal with life's most pressing issues.Noel Tyl illustrates how astrological measurements--through creative synthesis--can be used to effectively counsel individuals. Concrete examples are provided through the horoscopes of 122 celebrities, historical figures, and private clients. Also includes quick glance transit tables and a natal and midpoint solar arc analysis directory.
When Someone You Love is Wiccan: A Guide to Witchcraft and Paganism for Concerned Friends, Nervous Parents, and Curious Coworkers
Carl M. McColman - 2002
At last, a book that explains Pagan spirituality to non-Pagans in a balanced, accessible way. It acknowledges the natural anxiety many non-Pagans may feel when confronted by a son, daughter, sibling, friend, or co-worker who suddenly proclaims, "I'm a Witch!" Wicca and Paganism are among the world's fastest growing religions. It's apparent that much of this growth is due to teenage and young adults involvement. While this may be a positive sign to veteran practitioners, it may be understandably worrisome, even frightening, to many of the parents, family members, friends, and associates of today's witches. Aimed specifically at those who may have little interest in practicing Wicca themselves, When Someone You Love Is Wiccan includes:A brief introduction to Wicca and Paganism.Reasons why so many people are attracted to Paganism.Understanding the ethical and moral dimensions of Wicca.What not to do when interacting with Wiccans and other Pagans.Why the "Burning Times" are essential to understanding Wicca.Advice for those who might like to explore Wicca themselves.
Children's Dreams: Notes from the Seminar Given in 1936-40
C.G. Jung - 2002
G. Jung embarked upon a bold investigation into childhood dreams as remembered by adults to better understand their significance to the lives of the dreamers. Jung presented his findings in a four-year seminar series at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Children's Dreams marks their first publication in English, and fills a critical gap in Jung's collected works.Here we witness Jung the clinician more vividly than ever before--and he is witty, impatient, sometimes authoritarian, always wise and intellectually daring, but also a teacher who, though brilliant, could be vulnerable, uncertain, and humbled by life's great mysteries. These seminars represent the most penetrating account of Jung's insights into children's dreams and the psychology of childhood. At the same time they offer the best example of group supervision by Jung, presenting his most detailed and thorough exposition of Jungian dream analysis and providing a picture of how he taught others to interpret dreams. Presented here in an inspired English translation commissioned by the Philemon Foundation, these seminars reveal Jung as an impassioned educator in dialogue with his students and developing the practice of analytical psychology.An invaluable document of perhaps the most important psychologist of the twentieth century at work, this splendid volume is the fullest representation of Jung's views on the interpretation of children's dreams, and signals a new wave in the publication of Jung's collected works as well as a renaissance in contemporary Jung studies.
The Buddha's Path to Deliverance: A Systematic Exposition in the Words of the Sutta Pitaka
Nyanatiloka Thera - 2002
Drawing upon the Buddha’s own words from Sutta Pitaka, they are arranged in accordance with two overlapping schemes of practice: the threefold training in virtue, concentration, and wisdom, and the seven stages of purification. A lengthy chapter on concentration provides sutta sources for all 40 classical subjects of meditation, while a chapter on wisdom cites texts relating to the development of insight.
The Secret Commonwealth and the Fairy Belief Complex
Brian Walsh - 2002
It is an indepth study of Robert Kirk's 'The Secret Commonwealth', using this manuscript as starting point for examining other contemporary works conserning fairies and second sight. The Secret Commonwealth, written near the end of the seventeenth century by Robert Kirk, a Highland Presbyterian minister, is an account of Scottish beliefs concerning fairies and second sight. The abundance of Celtic fairy material in The Secret Commonwealth enables us to assess the extent to which non-Christian magico-religious folk beliefs were able to exist in the Highlands. One can also see where Kirk's text reflects or conflicts with orthodox belief systems regarding the supernatural world. These matters are discussed, as the contents of the text are systematically examined against the background of Celtic folklore and other seventeenth-century works that concerned themselves with fairies and the supernatural. This body of magico-religious beliefs, thus contextualized, is then interpreted to determine its importance and meaning in Early Modern Highland culture.The introduction consists of a description of the seventeenth century intellectual climate; the author; and the text's form, content, and publishing history. This is followed by a copy of the manuscript. The body of the thesis contextualizes the information in the manuscript typologically to derive an implicit context amid similar cultural expressions. The conclusion will re-examine some historical concerns before demonstrating that these fairy beliefs constituted a coherent, if amorphous, belief complex concerned with the nature of the spiritual, social, and physical world. This idea will be explored phenomenologically, to define the belief complex itself from the information gathered thus far, and then examined in the light of current academic views regarding `survivals' and `syncretism'. This is intended to draw the reader toward an understanding of this fairy belief complex and the position it holds in the Early Modern Highland culture.
The Wheel Of The Wiccan Year: How to Enrich Your Life Through The Magic of The Seasons
Gail Duff - 2002
The eight Wiccan festivals mark the turning of the seasons. In The Wheel of the Wiccan Year, experienced Wiccan Gail Duff describes--The core beliefs of Wicca and the significance of the festivals--The eight festivals - what they mark; how they relate to traditional spiritual beliefs and to our lives today--How to celebrate the festivals through rituals, affirmations, meditations, activities and decorations, spells, songs and chants--How to create oils, candles, incense, food and wine for the celebrations--Rituals for the lone practitioner as well as for groupsThe Wheel of the Wiccan Year is the perfect reference book for the growing pagan market and for anyone who simply wishes to enrich their life by re-aligning it with the natural cycle of the year.
The Dictionary Of The Esoteric: More than 3000 Entries On The Mystical And Occult Traditions
Nevill Drury - 2002
His The Dictionary of the Esoteric contains more than 3,000 entries on words and topics related to the occult and mysticism.
Magic Simplified
Draja Mickaharic - 2002
Unlike books containing only spells, this book instructs those who wish to perfect themselves ma
Solomon the Esoteric King: From King to Magus, Development of a Tradition
Pablo A. Torijano Morales - 2002
These esoteric traditions were very known in the Judaism from the first century to the fourth century CE and they were inherited by Christianity that cherished and developed it. The Rabbinic Judaism also known some of these new characterizations but transformed them into haggadic legends and deprived them of their practical character. The book provides news insights that should be taken into account for the study of magic and magical mentality in any cultural setting of Late Antiquity.