Best of
Relating: An Astrological Guide to Living With Others on a Small Planet
Liz Greene - 1977
The author uses basic astrological concepts symbolically and practically in a framework of Jungian psychology to show how people relate to one another on both conscious and unconscious levels.
Planets in Youth: Patterns of Early Development
Robert Hand - 1977
Parents will welcome this book and use it to help their children learn to cope with the complexities of modern life. Readers of all ages will use it to understand their own patterns of early development. The first four chapters define the roles of mother and father, explain the effects of various planetary energy systems and discuss the meaning of elements and crosses in a child's chart. Hand analyzes the charts of three children, including Judy Garland and Shirley Temple, to illustrate the astrological principles and psychological insights set forth in his intriguing study of personality development. The major part of the book consists of delineations of horoscope factors, written with young people in mind. Every planet in every sign, house and major aspect, as well as every rising sign, is interpreted in about three hundred words that stress possibilities rather than certainties.
Culture, Crisis, And Creativity
Dane Rudhyar - 1977
There comes a time, suggest Rudhyar, when for the sake of our spiritual heritage, we should consider breaking away from established patterns and values that have been imposed upon us through our culture. 'Spirit creates, culture reproduces.'
Planetarization of Consciousness
Dane Rudhyar - 1977
Man as a microcosm of the universe. Man as a reality that transcends the physical organism, all localisms and nationalisms, and in whom spirit and matter can unite in a Divine Marriage productive of ever creative tomorrows.
Predictive Astrology: Understanding Transits as the Key to Tte Future
Frances Sakoian - 1977
Focuses on understanding the relationships between the transits of the planets and personal horoscopes.