Best of
Prometheus Rising
Robert Anton Wilson - 1983
Gurdjieff's self-observation exercises, Alfred Korzybskis general semantics, Aleister Crowley's magical theorems, and the several disciplines of Yoga; not to mention Christian Science, relativity, quantum mechanics, and many other approaches to understanding the world around us! That is exactly what Robert Anton Wilson does in Prometheus Rising. In short, this is a book about how the human mind works and what you can do to make the most of yours.
Everything is Negotiable: How to Get the Best Deal Every Time
Gavin Kennedy - 1983
With chapters on such subjects as making your offer count, dealing with intimidation, and getting it in writing, as well as self-assessment tests to help chart your progress, this book is a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to improve their negotiation skills. Superbly practical and insightful, this essential guide will make sure you come out on top in any negotiation.
The Essential Jung: Selected Writings
C.G. Jung - 1983
To familiarize readers with the ideas for which Jung is best known, the British psychiatrist and writer Anthony Storr has selected extracts from Jung's writings that pinpoint his many original contributions and relate the development of his thought to his biography. Dr. Storr has prefaced each extract with explanatory notes. These notes link the extracts, and with Dr. Storr's introduction, they show the progress and coherence of Jung's ideas, including such concepts as the collective unconscious, the archetypes, introversion and extroversion, individuation, and Jung's view of integration as the goal of the development of the personality.
Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure
Robert De Board - 1983
Then they encouraged him. Then they told him to pull himself together... Finally, Badger could stand it no longer. That admirable animal, though long on exhortation, was short on patience.'Now look here Toad, this can go on no longer', he said sternly. 'There is only one thing left. You must have counselling!'Robert de Board's engaging account of Toad's experience of counselling will capture the imagination of the growing readership of people who are interested in counselling and the counselling process. Written as a real continuation of life on the River Bank, Toad and his friends come to life all over again.Heron, the counsellor, uses the language and ideas of transactional analysis as his counselling method. Through the dialogues which make up the ten sessions, or chapters of the book, Toad learns how to analyse his own feelings and develop his emotional intelligence. He meets his 'rebellious child' and his 'adult' along the way, and by the end of the book, as debonair as ever he was, is setting out on a completely new adventure. As readers learn about Toad, so they can learn about themselves and be encouraged to take the path of psychological growth and development. Best-selling author, Robert de Board says: 'Toad's experiences are based on my own experiences of counselling people over a period of twenty years. Counselling for Toads is really an amalgamation of the many counselling sessions I have held and contains a distillation of the truths I have learnt from practice.'Appropriate for anyone approaching counselling for the first time, whether as a student or as a client, or for the professional counsellor looking for something to recommend to the hesitant, Counselling for Toads will appeal to both children and adults of all ages.
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Janet Geringer Woititz - 1983
In this updated edition of her bestseller she re-examines the movement and its inclusion of Adult Children from various dysfunctional family backgrounds who share the same characteristics. After decades of working with ACoAs she shares the recovery hints that she has found to work. Read Adult Children of Alcoholics to see where the journey began and for ideas on where to go from here.
Murphy's Boy
Torey L. Hayden - 1983
He didn't talk. He hid under tables and surrounded himself with a cage of chairs. He hadn't been out of the building in the four years since he'd come in. He was afraid of water and wouldn't take a shower. He was afraid to be naked, to change his clothes. He was nearly 16.Desperate to see change in the boy, the staff of Kevin's adolescent treatment center hired Hayden. As Hayden read to him and encouraged him to read, crawling down into his cage of chairs with him, Kevin talked. Then he started to draw and paint and showed himself to have a quick wit and a rolling, seething, murderous hatred for his stepfather.
The Madness of a Seduced Woman
Susan Fromberg Schaeffer - 1983
Agnes falls in love with this man, a local stonecutter, but the hero is also a betrayer, the apex of a triangle that eventually leads Agnes to commit murder.
In the Freud Archives
Janet Malcolm - 1983
R. Eissler, the venerable doyen of psychoanalysis; Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, a flamboyant, restless forty-two-year-old Sanskrit scholar turned psychoanalyst turned virulent anti-Freudian; and Peter Swales, a mischievous thirty-five-year-old former assistant to the Rolling Stones and self-taught Freud scholar. At the center of their Oedipal drama are the Sigmund Freud Archives--founded, headed, and jealously guarded by Eissler--whose sealed treasure gleams and beckons to the community of Freud scholarship as if it were the Rhine gold.Janet Malcolm's fascinating book first appeared some twenty years ago, when it was immediately recognized as a rare and remarkable work of nonfiction. A story of infatuation and disappointment, betrayal and revenge, In the Freud Archives is essentially a comedy. But the powerful presence of Freud himself and the harsh bracing air of his ideas about unconscious life hover over the narrative and give it a tragic dimension.
Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers
E. Fuller Torrey - 1983
In clear language, this much-praised and important book describes the nature, causes, symptoms, treatment and course of schizophrenia and also explores living with it from both the patient and the family's point of view. This new, completely updated fifth edition includes the latest research findings on what causes the disease as well as information about the newest drugs for treatment and answers to the questions most often asked by families, consumers and providers.
Honoring the Self: Self-Esteem and Personal Transformation
Nathaniel Branden - 1983
"Tell me how a person judges his or her self-esteem," says pioneering psychologist Nathaniel Branden, "and I will tell you how that person operates at work, in love, in sex, in parenting, in every important aspect of existence--and how high he or she is likely to rise. The reputation you have with yourself--your self-esteem--is the single most important factor for a fulfilling life."How to grow in self-confidence and self-respect.How to nurture self-esteem in children.How to break free of guilt and fear of others' disapproval.How to honor the self--the ethics of rational self-interest.From the Paperback edition.
Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book
Walker Percy - 1983
This favorite of Percy fans continues to charm and beguile readers of all tastes and backgrounds. Lost in the Cosmos invites us to think about how we communicate with our world.
Timothy Leary - 1983
Timothy Leary's passion affected an entire culture and influenced modern world history. Flashbacks, Leary's own account of his career as "an accomplished clinical psychologist at Harvard University, a dabbler in Eastern mysticism, a fugitive and convict, a stand-up comedian and actor, a writer and software designer and exponent of cybernetics" - (The New York Times), is the only book written by him that directly addresses the issues, people, and history of his personal awakening and crusade.
The Healing Power of Illness: Understanding What Your Symptoms Are Telling You
Ruediger Dahlke - 1983
A truer understanding of illness actually helps you stay healthier. When you "understand what your symptoms are telling you," you view them as bodily expressions of inner conflicts. Their symbolism will reveal the real problems you're facing. Pick a current health issue and see the difference when you treat it as a sign of healing instead of as a negative, following the approach of two psychologists, one trained in spiritual traditions and the other in natural healing and psychotherapy. Troubles with infection, allergies, respiration, digestion, skin and nervous system, heart and circulation, sexuality and pregnancy, even accidents, come with practical actions to take to remedy them.
Will and Spirit
Gerald G. May - 1983
. . . For the person looking for an intelligent and clear presentation of the relationship between psychological and spiritual growth, this is the book to read.'--America
Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction
Patrick J. Carnes - 1983
An essential resource for those struggling with sexual addiction and compulsions, and those who love them.With the revised information and up-to-date research, Out of the Shadows is the premier work on sex addiction, written by a pioneer in its treatment. Sex is at the core of our identities. And when it becomes a compulsion, it can unravel our lives. Out of the Shadows is the premier work on this disorder, written by a pioneer in its treatment. Revised and updated to include the latest research--and to address the exploding phenomenon of cybersex addiction--this third edition identifies the danger signs, explains the dynamics, and describes the consequences of sexual addiction and dependency. With practical wisdom and spiritual clarity, it points the way out of the shadows of sexual compulsion and back into the light and fullness of life.
The Myth of Analysis: Three Essays in Archetypal Psychology
James Hillman - 1983
By examining these ideas, and the role they have played both in and outside of the therapeutic setting, Hillman mounts a compelling argument that, rather than locking them away in some inner asylum or subjecting them to daily self-treatment, man's "peculiarities" can become an integral part of a rich and fulfilling daily life.Originally published by Northwestern University Press in 1972, this work had a profound impact on a nation emerging self-aware from the 1960s, as well as on the era's burgeoning feminist movement. It remains a profound critique of therapy and the psychological viewpoint, and it is one of Hillman's most important and enduring works.
Archetypal Psychology (James Hillman Uniform Edition, Vol. 1)
James Hillman - 1983
Hillman's "Brief Account" on archetypal psychology, originally written for the Enciclopedia del Novecento, is a concise, instructive introduction to the themes of polytheism, Greek myth, the soul/spirit distinction, animal images, psychopathology, imagination, and the importance of C.G. Jung, Henry Corbin, and Adolf Portmann in the formulation of the field.
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner - 1983
Gardner's trailblazing book revolutionized the worlds of education and psychology by positing that rather than a single type of intelligence, we have several--most of which are neglected by standard testing and educational methods.More than 200,00 copies of earlier editions have been sold; this reissue includes a new introduction by the author to mark the twenty-first birthday of this remarkable book.Download PDF
I Never Knew I Had a Choice: Explorations in Personal Growth [With Infotrac]
Gerald Corey - 1983
This book is designed to help students expand their self-awareness as they explore the significant choices available to them in the various dimensions of life. As students work through the self-inventories, exercises, and activities and read the first-person accounts of the choices real people have made in response to challenging life events, they will begin to explore themselves, their lives, and their beliefs and attitudes in a way that is personally empowering.
Awakening the Heart
John Welwood - 1983
What they propose is a meeting between the Western psychotherapeutic approach—grounded in working with the personal problems and the need to carve out a strong awareness of self—and Eastern tradition, which emphasizes a larger kind of awareness and equanimity as a continuously available source of clarity and health for those who know how to find it. They show that joining psychotherapy with meditation can mutually awaken the hearts of both therapist and client, sparking them both to open more fully. Jacob Needleman, Erich Fromm, Robin Skynner, Ram Dass, Karl Sperber, Roger Walsh, Chögyam Trungpa, and Thomas Hora are among the contributors.
Shame: The Power of Caring
Gershen Kaufman - 1983
'Trusted Seller;,
From Chocolate to Morphine: Everything You Need to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs
Andrew Weil - 1983
This enormously popular book — the best and most authoritative resource for unbiased information about how drugs affect the mind and the body — covers a wide range of available substances, from coffee to marijuana, antihistamines to psychedelics, steroids to smart drugs, and discusses likely effects, precautions, and alternatives. Now expanded and updated to cover such drugs as oxycontin, Ecstasy, Prozac, and ephedra and to address numerous ongoing issues, including the United States’ war on drugs, marijuana for therapeutic use, the overuse of drugs for children diagnosed with ADHD, and more, From Chocolate to Morphine is an invaluable resource.
The Hurt
Teddi Doleski - 1983
A simple story with a moral/behavioral message. Ages 6-8.
On Children and Death: A Touching and Inspired about How Children and Their Parents Can and Do..
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross - 1983
Based on a decade of working with dying children, this compassionate book offers the families of dead and dying children the help and hope they need to survive. In warm, simple language, Dr. Kübler-Ross speaks directly to the fears, doubts, anger, confusion, and anguish of parents confronting the terminal illness or sudden death of a child.
Reason in Human Affairs
Herbert A. Simon - 1983
What can reason (or more broadly, thinking) do for us and what can't it do? This is the question examined by the author, who received the 1978 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences "for his pioneering work on decision-making processes in economic organizations."
Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory
Jay R. Greenberg - 1983
Just as disturbed and distorted relationships lie at the core of the patient's distress, so too does the relation between analyst and patient play a key role in the analytic process. All psychoanalytic theories recognize the clinical centrality of "object relations," but much else about the concept is in dispute. In their ground-breaking exercise in comparative psychoanalysis, the authors offer a new way to understand the dramatic and confusing proliferation of approaches to object relations. The result is major clarification of the history of psychoanalysis and a reliable guide to the fundamental issues that unite and divide the field.Greenberg and Mitchell, both psychoanalysts in private practice in New York, locate much of the variation in the concept of object relations between two deeply divergent models of psychoanalysis: Freud's model, in which relations with others are determined by the individual's need to satisfy primary instinctual drives, and an alternative model, in which relationships are taken as primary. The authors then diagnose the history of disagreement about object relations as a product of competition between these disparate paradigms. Within this framework, Sullivan's interpersonal psychiatry and the British tradition of object relations theory, led by Klein, Fairbairn, Winnicott, and Guntrip, are shown to be united by their rejection of significant aspects of Freud's drive theory. In contrast, the American ego psychology of Hartmann, Jacobson, and Kernberg appears as an effort to enlarge the classical drive theory to accommodate information derived from the study of object relations.Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory offers a conceptual map of the most difficult terrain in psychoanalysis and a history of its most complex disputes. In exploring the counterpoint between different psychoanalytic schools and traditions, it provides a synthetic perspective that is a major contribution to the advance of psychoanalytic thought.
Aesthetics of Change
Bradford P. Keeney - 1983
While practitioners are constantly greeted with new strategies, techniques, programs, and interventions, this book argues that the full benefits of the therapeutic process cannot be realized without fundamental revision of the concept of change itself. Applying cybernetic thought to family therapy, Bradford P. Keeney demonstrates that conventional epistemology, in which cause and effect have a linear relationship, does not sufficiently accommodate the reciprocal nature of causation in experience. Written in an unconventional style that includes stories, case examples, and imagined dialogues between an epistemologist and a skeptical therapist, the volume presents a philosophically grounded, ecological framework for contemporary clinical practice.
Cinderella and Her Sisters: The Envied and Envying
Ann Belford Ulanov - 1983
The essence of inner and outer nobility, she is the envy of her cruel stepmother and her ugly sisters. Using this familiar story, Ann and Barry Ulanov explore the psychological and theological aspects of envy and goodness. In their interpretation of the tale, they move back and forth between internal and external issues - from how feminine and masculine parts of persons fit or do not together to how individuals conduct their lives with those of the same and opposite sexes, how they conflict, compete, or join harmoniously.
Social Psychology
David G. Myers - 1983
Myers. Book also includes Social Sense Discovery Channel insert (CD that is sealed)
A Stroll with William James
Jacques Barzun - 1983
Commenting on James's life, thought, and legacy, Barzun leaves us with a wise and civilized distillation of the great thinker's work.
The Hug Therapy Book
Kathleen Keating - 1983
But, no bear hugs, please. Kathleen Keating and Mimi Noland combine their talents to show how and why all kinds of hugs have positive results on IQ, aging, self-esteem, and stress. Simple line art drawings of charismatic cartoon bears lend a whimsical touch to book guaranteed to touch your heart. A great gift idea for someone who needs a hug. A beary, beary uplifting book.
People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil
M. Scott Peck - 1983
M. Scott Peck brilliantly probes into the essence of human evil.People who are evil attack others instead of facing their own failures. Peck demonstrates the havoc these people of the lie work in the lives of those around them. He presents, from vivid incidents encountered in his psychiatric practice, examples of evil in everyday life.This book is by turns disturbing, fascinating, and altogether impossible to put down as it offers a strikingly original approach to the age-old problem of human evil.
Promethean Fire: Reflections on the Origin of Mind
Charles J. Lumsden - 1983
It is not any one of the intermediate forms connecting modern man to his apelike ancestors. It is something much more challenging -- the early human mind. How did it come into existence? And why?
Wilfred R. Bion - 1983
In this third work published in 1965, the author examines the ways in which the analyst's description of the original analytic experience, mediated by theory, necessarily transforms it in the course of effecting an interpretation.
Crisis Intervention: A Handbook for Practice and Research
Karl A. Slaikeu - 1983
Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
Despair and Personal Power in the Nuclear Age
Joanna Macy - 1983
The People of the Secret
Ernest Scott - 1983
It is generally assumed that this process and its agents are screened from human eyes, but this book suggests otherwise.
Primary Speech
Ann Belford Ulanov - 1983
It is our personal and most private act of devotion. Words cannot do justice to the feelings, wishes, terrors, pains, or pleasures that we exchange with God. This book sets out to define prayer as both a means of drawing nearer to God everyday and as a coping tool that people can use in order to achieve harmony, balance, and satisfaction in their in their lives.
The Seminars, Workshops and Lectures of Milton H. Erickson, Vol. 1: Healing in Hypnosis
Milton H. Erickson - 1983
Book in Mint condition. Jacket has edgewear, chips in new archival jacket cover.
Living Faith: Belief and Doubt in a Perilous World
Jacques Ellul - 1983
The Perspectives of Psychiatry
Paul R. McHugh - 1983
Paul R. McHugh and Phillip R. Slavney offer an approach that emphasizes psychiatry's unifying concepts while accommodating its diversity. Recognizing that there may never be a single, all-encompassing theory, the book distills psychiatric practice into four explanatory methods: diseases, dimensions of personality, goal-directed behaviors, and life stories. These perspectives, argue the authors, underlie the principles and practice of all psychiatry. With an understanding of these fundamental methods, readers will be equipped to organize and evaluate psychiatric information and to develop a confident approach to practice and research.
A Woman in Your Own Right: Assertiveness and You
Anne Dickson - 1983
Children of the Future: On the Prevention of Sexual Pathology
Wilhelm Reich - 1983
He points particularly to how disastrous the exclusion of genitality is to the child.
The Castle of the Pearl
Christopher Biffle - 1983
The book helps people in classes, in therapy sessions, in seminars, or working alone, to see their lives more clearly by encouraging them to examine their relationships and themselves. Line drawings.
Disabled and Their Parents
Leo F. Buscaglia - 1983
Discusses the emotional needs of disabled people and their families and examines methods for helping the handicapped to live fulfilling lives.
I Never Told Anyone: Writings by Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
Ellen Bass - 1983
A reissue of the now-classic anthology (with more than 60,000 copies sold) of deeply moving testimonies by survivors of child sexual abuse--with a new afterword by Ellen Bass, co-author of The Courage to Heal.
The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling
Arlie Russell Hochschild - 1983
But what happens when this system of adjusting emotions is adapted to commercial purposes? Hochschild examines the cost of this kind of "emotional labor." She vividly describes from a humanist and feminist perspective the process of estrangement from personal feelings and its role as an "occupational hazard" for one-third of America's workforce.
Images Of The Self: The Sandplay Therapy Process
Estelle L. Weinrib - 1983
In this classic work, Weinrib shares her understanding of how sandplay works to heal and transform the psyche.This updated edition features a new introduction by Dr. Katherine Bradway, colleague and friend of Weinrib, two new chapters from Weinrib's published papers, and a wealth of clearly accessible reference material for study and research.
When Love Gets Tough: The Nursing Home Decision
Doug Manning - 1983
Doug outlines the decision process, how to understand the emotions and guilt that may accompany this move, and how to develop a healthy relationship with the loved one once the move has been made. He also discusses family meetings, legal and financial issues and working with the facility.
More on The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense
Suzette Haden Elgin - 1983
In this sequel, she introduces a whole new strategy, moving us beyond response into a more proactive realm. Illustrated with realistic examples, this practical guide teaches us a number of new verbal skills, including how to: * identify the five main verbal behavior patterns * isolate trigger words in various verbal attacks * anticipate the direction of a conversation * take control of a potentially explosive exchange * and defuse "time bomb" phrases. Written in a breezy, jargon-free style, this valuable little book will show you how to survive the battle and emerge the victor in the ongoing War of Words!
Eye to Eye: The Quest for the New Paradigm
Ken Wilber - 1983
Drawing from a broad spectrum of disciplines, he shows how many common models of reality err by confusing the three realms.
Finding the Quiet Mind
Robert S. Ellwood - 1983
It synthesizes teachings from both Eastern and Western philosophies in contemporary language appropriate for all modern readers, regardless of their religion or worldview, and assumes that most people can benefit from meditation without relying on an external teacher. Included are tips on body posture, breath, and mantras, as well as a chapter on mediating for the wellbeing of others. Author Robert Ellwood is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Religion at the University of Southern California.
All the Best, Neill: Letters from Summerhill
A.S. Neill - 1983
The Changing Nature of Man: Introduction to Historical Psychology
Jan Hendrick Van Den Berg - 1983
Words As Eggs: Psyche in Language and Clinic
Russell Arthur Lockhart - 1983
It appeals first of all to the intelligently psychological reader who wants new modes of understanding. Lockhart offers countless insights to analysts and counselors in daily practice. His voice is original, undogmatic, sensible and wise." -- James Hillman
Richard T. Schaefer - 1983
Known for its balanced coverage of the 3 perspectives, this text continues to encourage students to think about their world with a sociological imagination. Through its strong coverage of globalization, race and ethnicity, careers in sociology, and current topics like mass media and social policy, Sociology provides students with knowledge they can use on campus, at work, in their neighborhoods, and in the global community. The new 12th edition features updated sections in various chapters reflecting recent sociological changes like the impact of the current economic downturn on social class and the global culture war. New Research Today boxes provide students with relevant examples of sociological research.
Psychological Seduction: The Failure of Modern Psychology
William Kilpatrick - 1983
This book is not intended to explore every branch but to chart the general direction and force of the stream. The criticisms I offer in the pages that follow are directed toward psychology as a social force: in other word, psychology as it influences our everyday ways of thinking and acting.
The Passionate Life: Stages of Loving
Sam Keen - 1983
Sam Keen wants us to regard eros as an impulse or energy that links us to the whole web of life rather than a strictly sexual-romantic thing. Keen constructs a profound meditation on the dynamics of loving." Publisher's Weekly
Archetypal Medicine
Alfred J. Ziegler - 1983
According to his view, humanity's nature is neither natural nor healthy, but rather, afflicted and chronically ill. In this way he challenges the philosophical basis of traditional medicine, exposes its shadow, and charges that the current excessive interesting in health betrays our nature. All of this is done in a clear and elegantly simple style that is packed with case examples and medical data.
Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved by You?
Jordan Paul - 1983
This book can help couples anticipate and approach occasional or chronic conflict with compassion and creativity.This classic text for couples interested in creating freer, more joyful, and profoundly intimate relationships explores the delicate balance of being true to oneself and being loved by another. Newly updated by the authors, here is the classic text for couples interested in creating freer, more joyful, and profoundly intimate relationships. In their best-selling book about couple relationships, Jordan Paul and Margaret Paul explore the delicate balance of being true to oneself and being loved by another. While couples think they are fighting about money, sex, or time, the authors reveal how such conflicts are almost always more deeply rooted and related to issues of self-protection. Offering a solid framework for conflict resolution, the authors guide couples in working through fears and false beliefs that can block the expression of loving feelings. Stories of couples and examples of dialogue validate readers- feelings and experiences.Key features and benefitsa proven best-sellerhighly recommended by marriage therapistsincludes exercises for couples to explore core beliefs and values
The Struggle to Be Free: My Story and Your Story
Wayne E. Oates - 1983
Wayne Oates reflects on his struggle to be free to decide his own destiny; to choose his own direction; to express his own thoughts; to work in his own way; and to put into action what he perceived as God's destiny for him. At the same time, he leads readers to understand the spiritual dimensions of their own lives so that they might set themselves free from poverty, feelings of inferiority, regimentation, loneliness, helplessness, and compulsive work.
Jung, Hesse, Harold: The Contributions of C.G. Jung, Hermann Hesse, and Preston Harold to a Spiritual Psychology
Winifred Babcock - 1983
Madness and Lust: A Psychoanalytical Approach to Don Quixote
Carroll B. Johnson - 1983
The Life of the Self: Toward a New Psychology
Robert Jay Lifton - 1983
Fury On Earth: A Biography Of Wilhelm Reich
Myron R. Sharaf - 1983
True to its literary analog and human source, Fury on Earth ends in catharsis. I felt like crying upon closing it.'--Webster Schott, Washington Post Book World
The Pickpocket and the Saint
Sheldon B. Kopp - 1983
What Love Asks of Us
Nathaniel Branden - 1983
This ground-breaking book offers positive, concrete answers to the most urgent and frequently asked questions from men and women struggling to understand the love in their lives.
Elements of Episodic Memory
Endel Tulving - 1983
It has been unavailable for some years, but is now back in print as in its original form, with this reissue. The book examins the critical role that retrieval processes play in remembering. It proposes that the nature of recollective experience is determined by the interaction between the 'episodic' trace information and the 'sematic' retrieval information. This basic theme is elaborated by tracing the development of the ideas considering relevant empirical evidence, relating a proposed theoretical framework to the ideas held by other theorists, and dealing with criticisms advanced by others. These issues are discussed from two perspectives. Firstly, from the point of view of 'detached science': the emphasis here is on ideas, hypotheses, evidence, logic and theory. The second is a personal commentary on the development of ideas at the first viewpoint, and provides observations about the psychology and sociology of a developing science.
Growing Up Feeling Good: The Life Handbook for Kids
Ellen Rosenberg - 1983
Growing Up Feeling Good is a warm, wise, down-to-earth reference that kids (and the adults in their life) will turn to again and again for information, support and guidance. This comprehensive life handbook addresses a broad range of issues, including: friendship; popularity; peer pressure; growth and development; sex; alcohol and other drugs; family feelings; divorce; getting closer to parents; dealing with death; school; dealing with differences; having a disability;and much more.
Listening Perspectives in Psychotherapy
Lawrence E. Hedges - 1983
The major psychological schools can thus be viewed as Listening Perspectives for grasping unique and private experience which is, to a greater or lesser extent, characteristic of various levels or stages of development of the human relatedness potential. This book illustrates four distinctly different styles of listening that have emerged in psychoanalysis. It will survey the contributions of many and explore the possibilities of each Listening Perspective as a separate mode of psychoanalytic inquiry.