Book picks similar to
Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament by Bruce M. Metzger
An Introduction to the New Testament
D.A. Carson - 1992
An updated and expanded edition of a standard textbook on the New Testament for first- and second-year seminary students.
The Epistle to the Philippians (New International Greek Testament Com
Peter T. O'Brien - 1991
Such thorough exegetical work lies at the heart of these volumes, which contain detailed verse-by-verse commentary preceded by general comments on each section and subsection of the text. An important aim of the NIGTC authors is to interact with the wealth of significant New Testament research published in recent articles and monographs. In this connection the authors make their own scholarly contributions to the ongoing study of the biblical text. The text on which these commentaries are based is the UBS Greek New Testament, edited by Kurt Aland and others. While engaging the major questions of text and interpretation at a scholarly level, the authors keep in mind the needs of the beginning student of Greek as well as the pastor or layperson who may have studied the language at some time but does not now use it on a regular basis.
It's Still Greek to Me: An Easy-To-Understand Guide to Intermediate Greek
David Alan Black - 1998
This easy-to-understand and humorous guide is for students in their second year of Greek study.
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament & Other Early Christian Literature
Walter Bauer - 1928
Including entries for many more words, the new edition also lists more than 25,000 additional references to classical, intertestamental, Early Christian, and modern literature.In this edition, Frederick W. Danker's broad knowledge of Greco-Roman literature, as well as papyri and epigraphs, provides a more panoramic view of the world of Jesus and the New Testament. Danker has also introduced a more consistent mode of reference citation, and has provided a composite list of abbreviations to facilitate easy access to this wealth of information.Perhaps the single most important lexical innovation of Danker's edition is its inclusion of extended definitions for Greek terms. For instance, a key meaning of "episkopos" was defined in the second American edition as overseer; Danker defines it as "one who has the responsibility of safeguarding or seeing to it that something is done in the correct way, guardian." Such extended definitions give a fuller sense of the word in question, which will help avoid both anachronisms and confusion among users of the lexicon who may not be native speakers of English.Danker's edition of Bauer's Wörterbuch will be an indispensable guide for Biblical and classical scholars, ministers, seminarians, and translators.
The Gospel according to Mark
James R. Edwards - 2001
Written by a biblical scholar who has devoted thirty years to the study of the second Gospel, this commentary aims primarily to interpret the Gosepl of Mark according to its theological intentions and purposes, especially as they relate to the life and ministry of Jesus and the call to faith and discipleship. Unique features of James Edwards's approach include clear descriptions of key terms used by Mark and revealing discussion of the Gospel's literary features, including Mark's use of the "sandwich" technique and of imagistic motifs and irony. Edwards also proposes a new paradigm for interpreting the difficult "Little Apocalypse" of chapter 13, and he argues for a new understanding of Mark's controversial ending.
The Gospel of Luke
Joel B. Green - 1997
This highly original commentary, part of the New International Commentary, is unique for the way it combines concerns with first-century culture in the Roman world with understanding the text of Luke as a wholistic, historical narrative.
The Message of James
J. Alec Motyer - 1985
This rich exposition brings James's letter to life for today's reader. Alec Motyer is himself gripped by James's energy and concern for practical Christianity.The letter shows how a genuine faith is a tested faith, how encounter with difficulties is an essential part of the growth to Christian maturity this book powerfully brings out James's memorable themes--the link between enduring trials and maturity; the question of perfection; the good gifts of God; faith, works and Christian concern in a world of human need; the implications of careless and evil words; the meaning of war; the church and healing; confession of sin; and the need for active purity in life.
Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar
William D. Mounce - 1993
Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar and its companion tool Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook are by far the best-selling and most widely accepted textbooks for learning New Testament Greek. As a result of feedback from professors, the author has made adjustments to his material. For example, a chapter on clauses has been added at the end of the book. The CD-ROM is now easier to use and has even more information on it than the earlier edition. The workbook has been significantly rewritten. Nearly 50 percent of the verses are new. They are shorter and more focused on the grammar of the chapter. Features include: - Best-selling Greek language textbook - Changes from the first edition made in response to ten years of use - Grammar's CD-ROM is easier to navigate and now includes short audio summary lectures (7-9 minutes) - An appendix in the Grammar allows professors to introduce verbs earlier in the course - Two tracks in the workbook: track one allows you to go through the book in the normal order. Track two has totally different exercises that allow you to teach verbs earlier. - Workbook has 3-hole, perforated pages
The Gospel of Mark
William L. Lane - 1974
The NICNT authors evaluate significant textual problems and take into account the most important exegetical literature. More technical aspects--such as grammatical, textual, and historical problems--are dealt with in footnotes, special notes, and appendixes.
The Letter of James
Douglas J. Moo - 1986
Because James is so concise, so intensely practical, and so filled with memorable metaphors and illustrations, it has become one of the two or three most popular New Testament books in the church.This highly original commentary seeks to make the Letter of James clear and applicable to Christian living today. Interacting with the latest views on James but keeping academic references to a minimum, Douglas Moo first introduces the Letter of James in its historical context and then provides verse-by-verse comments that explain the message of James both to its first readers and to today's church.
Keep Your Greek: Strategies for Busy People
Constantine R. Campbell - 2010
Seminarians spend countless hours mastering biblical languages and learning how the knowledge of them illuminates the reading, understanding, and application of Scripture. But while excellent language acquisition resources abound, few really teach students how to maintain their use of Greek for the long term. Consequently, many pastors and other former Greek students find that under the pressures of work, ministry, preaching, and life, their hard-earned Greek skills begin to disappear.Constantine Campbell has been counseling one-time Greek students for years, teaching them how to keep their language facility for the benefit of their ministry. In Keep Your Greek, he shows how following the right principles makes it possible for many to retain--and in some cases regain--their Greek language skills.In Keep Your Greek, you will acquire strategies such as,How to wisely use Bible software tools so that you don't become dependent on them.How different methods of reading practices can assist your memory and keep you from becoming discouraged.How to make time to keep up on your language skills for the sake of your busy ministry.Pastors will find Keep Your Greek an encouraging and practical guide to strengthening their Greek abilities. Current students will learn how to build skills that will serve them well once they complete their formal language instruction.Loosing a skill or knowledge set is always discouraging, but with a little guidance, you can dust off your Greek and continue making linguistic insights a regular part of your study and teaching.
The Acts of the Apostles
Ben Witherington III - 1997
Written in a readable style, with more detailed interaction with scholarly discussion found in the various excursuses, this commentary draws on the best new insights from a number of disciplines (narratological studies of Luke-Acts, archaeological and social scientific study of the New Testament, rhetorical analysis of Acts, comparative studies in ancient historiography) to provide the reader with the benefits of recent innovative ways of analyzing the text of Acts. In addition there is detailed attention to major theological and historical issues, including the question of the relationship of Acts to the Pauline letters, the question of early Christian history and how the church grew and developed, the relationship between early Judaism and early Christianity, and the relationship between Christianity and the officials of the Roman Empire. Acts is seen as a historical monograph with affinities with the approaches of serious Greek historians such as Thucydides and Polybius in terms of methodology, and affinities with some forms of Jewish historiography (including Old Testament history) in terms of content or subject matter. The book is illustrated with various pictures and charts, which help to bring to light the character and setting of these narratives.
How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour
Gordon D. Fee - 2001
Helps people read the Bible as a whole; and even when the whole is narrowed to whole books, helps readers to see how each book fits into the grand Story of the Bible.
The Letters of John:
John R.W. Stott - 1964
New Testament texts are interpreted without unduly going into scholarly technicalities.