Decide to Play Great Poker: A Strategy Guide to No-Limit Texas Hold ’Em

Annie Duke - 2011
    But guess what? It really does depend. The key to becoming a great poker player is in knowing exactly what it depends on. At last there’s a book that gives you that answer. Poker is a game of so many variables: table position, flop texture, the number of players in a hand, the personalities of your opponents, and so much more. Decide to Play Great Poker teaches you how to identify and analyze those variables, interchange them within basic game-situation templates, and become knowledgeable, comfortable, and confident in any poker situation. Instead of just dictating a bunch of rules that work only some of the time, this book teaches you to become a great poker thinker and strategist, so that you can expertly navigate any poker challenge that you encounter. Most players think that the goal of poker is to make money. They’re wrong! The goal of poker is to make good decisions. Money is simply the way you measure how well you’re meeting that objective. So if you’re ready to start making world-class decisions at the poker table—and to reap the substantial rewards that those decisions will yield—all you have to do is decide: Decide to Play Great Poker now. You’ll never be vexed by “it depends” again.

Next Level Magic: A Guide to Mastering the Magic the Gathering™ Card Game

Patrick Chapin
    Next Level Magic is a comprehensive course on realizing your goals in playing Magic the Gathering.

Applications of No-Limit Hold ’em: A Guide to Understanding Theoretically Sound Poker

Matthew Janda - 2013
    This task would be impossible if a player had to actually think about every other hand in his range, but by understanding theoretical sound poker, he can quickly design balanced ranges using the proper bet-sizing while playing. Applications of No-Limit Hold 'em teaches theoretical sound poker, and thus the ability to create the bet-sizings and ranges which will beat the better players. The theory in this book is not designed to be complex or abstract, but rather it's intended to be applied immediately producing better overall results.Many confusing concepts such as overbetting, balancing multiple bet-sizing ranges, donk betting, and check-raising as the preflop raiser are crucial to a player's strategy despite few players implementing them or talking

The Blackjack Life: A Journey Through the Inner World of Card Counting, the Lessons of Teamwork, and the Clandestine Pursuit of Beating the Odds

Nathaniel Tilton - 2012
    May have some markings and writings. Note: The above used product classification has been solely undertaken by the seller. Amazon shall neither be liable nor responsible for any used product classification undertaken by the seller. A-to-Z Guarantee not applicable on used products.

The Poker Mindset

Ian Taylor - 2007
    The success of the book quickly spread around the world and is currently translated in eight different languages. Are you ready to look at poker in a different way and transform your own game? What "secret" separates top poker players from poker wannabes?Is it zen-like mind-reading skills, a computer-like brain or thousands of hours of play? No. It is a series of established approaches and behaviors that enables these experts to bring their "A" game to the table session after session, regardless of short-term results.In this groundbreaking book, Taylor and Hilger lay bare the secrets of the Poker Mindset seven core attitudes and concepts that ensure you have the optimal emotional, psychological, and behavioral framework for playing superior poker.The Poker Mindset deeply explores vital topics that most poker books only touch upon: - Tilt: What it really is, why and when you are most prone to it, and how you can avoid it.- Bankroll: A complete examination of bankroll management from a technical, but more importantly, from a psychological and emotional viewpoint.- Opponents: How to determine your competitors' mental and emotional processes so that you can dominate, out think and outplay them.- Downswings: Every poker player experiences them, but you will truly understand and be armed against low ebbs when they occur.- Bad Beats: The Poker Mindset will enable you to overcome the trauma of bad beats and losing big pots.Poker is a fun game, but it is even more fun when you win. The Poker Mindset may be the most valuable poker book you will ever read. Embrace its concepts and you can overcome the unseen obstacles that are limiting your success at the table.When you make the Poker Mindset your mindset, you will take control of your game and walk away a winner.

The Psychology of Poker

Alan N. Schoonmaker - 2000
    To be successful, you must be able to master all of them and then apply them at the appropriate times. They include proper hand selection, appropriate aggression, bluffing, semi-bluffing, understanding tells and telegraphs, choosing the right games, and reading hands. These skills do not come easily since they require unnatural actions. You cannot win just by "doing what comes naturally." This book does not provide strategic advice; you should get it from other Two Plus Two books. Dr. Schoonmaker is concerned only with the way that psychological factors affect your own and your opponents� ability to play properly. For example, have you ever wondered why some players seem extremely aggressive while others are passive? Why some are tight and others loose? Furthermore, have you ever wondered why some tactics seem to come naturally to you while others don�t? This text will answer many of these questions. It will explain why you and your opponents play the way you do. Many people know how to play properly, but play poorly. Simply learning strategy does not mean that you will apply it properly. The author also suggests strategic adjustments that you should make to improve your results against different kinds of players, and he suggests personal adjustments that will help you to play better and enjoy the game more.

Big Deal: One Year in the Life of a Professional Poker Player

Anthony Holden - 1990
    He spent days and nights in the poker paradise of Las Vegas, in Malta and Morocco, even shipboard, mingling with the legendary greats, sharpening his game, perfecting his repartee, and learning a great deal about himself in the process. Poker, Holden would insist, is not gambling. Like chess it is a paradigm of life at its most intense, a gladiatorial contest that brings out the best as well as the worst in people. Its heroes, its eccentrics and is comedians stalk the pages of this book, along with all the hair-raising, nail-biting excitement of the games themselves. The book is reissued with a new introduction by the author.

Arbiter of Worlds: A Primer for Gamemasters

Alexander Macris - 2019
    This primer will teach you how to build living, breathing worlds for your players to explore; how to host game and manage game sessions; and how to create powerful experiences of adventure that your players will talk about for years to come. Learn the secret to becoming a judge, an adversary, a worldbuilder, and a storyteller and become an arbiter of worlds! “Every Macris campaign starts with a rich, open world; the edge of a massive map; and the ability to find adventure in any direction. After playing in a dozen of his campaigns, I can assure you that Macris is the best prepared, most thorough GM on the prime material plane. He balances “deadly adversary” and “the party’s greatest supporter” perfectly. I’ve been lucky to contribute to some renowned video game worlds, and to discus world design with some of the most accomplished writers alive. And I’m honestly not sure there’s been someone more thorough at and passionate for world building than Macris since ... maybe Tolkien? (Okay, maybe G.R.R. Martin, but he’s not as organized or efficient.) It takes organization, creativity, and careful technique to build a massive world efficiently and deliver it effectively, and Macris can show you how he does it.” - Dr. Michael Capps, award-winning videogame executive, writer, designer (*Gears of War*, *Fortnite*, *Unreal Tournament, Unreal Championship*) “Armed with decades of experience as both a player and a designer, Macris cuts to the marrow with razor sharp insights in an unapologetic and often painfully insightful analysis of every imaginable facet of being a Game Master. From implication of play inherent in a game’s design, to world building, to the often delicate nature of unspoken social contracts inherent in the hobby, the guidance found in Arbiter of Worlds is a much-needed breath of fresh air to veterans of the hobby and a forged-in-the-fire bootcamp for those taking their first steps behind the screen.” - James M. Spahn, Ennie and Origins Award Winning RPG designer “A superb read. He makes his points the way you would expect a Harvard-trained lawyer to do. If you read this book, you are going to come out knowing real things you did not know before that will help you run games at the table…” - Courtney Campbell, Hack & Slash

The Million Word Crossword Dictionary

Stanley Newman - 2004
     Meticulously compiled by two crossword professionals with a combined fifty years in the field and based on a massive analysis of current crosswords, there has never been a crossword dictionary with the breadth, depth, and currency of this one. From Jim Carrey to Sister Carrie, Homer Simpson to Homer’s Iliad, the wide-ranging entries include 500,000+ synonyms, 3,000+ literary works, 3,000+ films, 20,000+ famous people from all fields, and more than 50,000 fill-in-the-blank clues so popular in today’s crosswords.Featuring an introduction by New York Times crossword editor Will Shortz, The Million Word Crossword Dictionary makes every other crossword dictionary obsolete.This updated edition offers thousands of new entries, including slang terms; brand names; celebrity names; and the latest films, novelists’ works, sports Hall of Famers, automobile models, and more. The new, larger type size makes finding the answers easier than ever.

Return of the Kettlebell: Explosive Kettlebell Training for Explosive Muscle Gains

Pavel Tsatsouline - 2010
    Several champions made astonishing, almost mysterious, strength and muscle gains--at least two broke new powerlifting world records—thanks to kettlebell training. Pavel decided to reverse engineer this "What the Hell" effect experienced by the champions—so all others could benefit from their success. Return of the Kettlebell presents the final fruit of Pavel's research—combining the very best of ancient lifting wisdom with modern day scientific breakthroughs. Central to Pavel's new program for explosive muscle gain is the skillful use of double kettlebells. Discover smokers like the Double Clean, classic strength builders like the Double Snatch and Double Press and enjoy the supreme intensity of the Double Clean and Jerk. Like the Breakfast of Champions, consume what's on the Return of the Kettlebell menu and watch yourself grow—and grow! Chapter 1: The Science of Big Heresy, but it works! Maverick superstar Vasily Alexeevev snuck this renegade method past the apparatchiks' noses—and packed serious pounds of beef on his grateful students in record time… Page 2 Why the Russian kettlebell beats all comers as the ideal tool for repetition quick lifts… Page 3 Why "fast eccentrics" are now all the rage among serious hypertrophy experts Understand how to manipulate Z-band streaming for faster muscle growth… Page 4 Shoot from both barrels! How a double whammy of "quick wacks" and "slow squeezes" will leave no muscle untrashed in your quest for explosive growth… Page 5 3 styles of Russian kettlebell training—which one is right for you?… Pages 6–8 Chapter 2: Explode and Grow This "Smokers' Delight" will jack your heart rate through the roof… Page 11 The best starting position for more powerful—and safer—shoulder contractions… Page 13 The ladies' way to trouble-free Double Cleans… Page 17 Yes, this will build monstrous biceps—but you'll be risking a serious injury… Page 19 Bad idea! Why "scooping" can only hurt your future strength development… Page 20 The difference between anatomical and biomechanical breathing—and which to choose for greater strength development… Page 21 The essential prerequisites for a powerful Double Snatch… Page 22 You MUST employ this secret in the Double Snatch—or risk your back and face… Page 24 Could this method be the best ever upper back and shoulder builder?... Page 26 Employ this little-known method for the ultimate in lateral deltoid development… Page 28 How to correctly perform the Viking Push Press—for way more powerful quads and tris… Page30 The 2 biggest problems a beginner faces with the Push Press—and the perfect solution to both. The correct grip for optimal explosiveness in the Snatch… Page 33 The essential prerequisite for maximal force transmission in the arms and legs… Page 34 The correct neck position for a truly effective Push Press—and a great way to save your back… Page 36 The 4 major keys to efficient and painless shock absorption 3 important reasons NEVER to raise your heels when push pressing… Page 40 Why it's best to stay "light" with the Viking Push Press… Page 43 Risk being accused of steroid abuse—when you gain like crazy from this ultimate kettlebell lift… Page 46 How to optimize your Clean and Jerk—for inhuman results 4 superb Russian drills to i

The Tao Of Poker: 285 Rules to Transform Your Game and Your Life

Larry W. Phillips - 2003
    In The Tao of Poker, prize-winning poker player Larry Phillips offers more than 280 rules to bring you to new levels of personal achievement, just when and where you need them most.Here are some of The Tao of Poker’s rules for success:Take the long viewOnce you commit to a hand, play it strongDon’t throw in good money after badIf you think you’re beat, get outTry out these rules and watch your game, and your life, improve. Now you can be a winner at home, at work, and at the casino - wherever the stakes for success are high!

Gridlock: Crossword Puzzles and the Mad Geniuses Who Create Them

Matt Gaffney - 2006
    Tens of millions of Americans solve crossword puzzles regularly, but few know a thing about their genesis. Who writes crosswords, how--and for God's sake, why? Matt Gaffney is one of two dozen people who earns a living as a cruciverbalist. In Gridlock he provides an insider's look at the people who put that puzzle in your paper every day. With verve and gusto, Gaffney traces his own starving-artist struggle to find paying puzzle gigs, including marketing hip crosswords to the Gen-X market. He then moves on to topics like the effect of computers on crossword writing, including a man versus machine battle he stages to see who writes better crosswords; the ever-evolving crossword puzzle book market, where a top-selling series now has books shaped like a toilet seat; and a trip to the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, where the "Cru" (collective slang noun meaning "the crossword puzzle writing community") hangs out in person once a year. Gridlock also features an interview with crossword rock star Will Shortz.

Phil Hellmuth Presents Read 'Em and Reap: A Career FBI Agent's Guide to Decoding Poker Tells

Joe Navarro - 2006
    While the math of poker has been refined over the past 20 years, the ability to read other players and keep your own "tells" in check has mostly been learned by trial and error.But now, Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer specializing in nonverbal communication and behavior analysis—or, to put it simply, a man who can tell when someone's lying—offers foolproof techniques, illustrated with amazing examples from poker pro Phil Hellmuth, that will help you decode and interpret your opponents' body language and other silent tip-offs while concealing your own. You'll become a human lie detector, ready to call every bluff—and the most feared player in the room.

The Man with the $100,000 Breasts: And Other Gambling Stories

Michael Konik - 1999
    Some people will do anything for money.  Take Brian Zembic, recipient of the world's most notorious boob job.  After a fellow gambler bet $100,000 that Brian wouldn't subject himself to the breast implants he so admired in women, Brian found himself going under the knife to become a 38C--and $100,000 richer.Anchored by this incredible tale, gambling expert Michael Konik introduces readers to the quirky subculture of high rollers and hustlers in dozens of other outrageous true stories profiling gamblers who make wagering a way of life.You'll meet the man who turned $10,000 into $17 million with a pair of dice, the man responsible for determining the point spread of the Super Bowl, and the world's most notorious golf hustler.  In addition to the bizarre and hilarious escapades of hard-core gamblers, Konik shares insider tips for how to score more in comps than you lose at the tables, how to identify casino games that should be avoided, and how to gain a legal advantage over the house.In this rollicking collection of stories, Konik celebrates the glamour, glitz, and excitement of gambling culture in Vegas and beyond, giving readers a behind-the-tables look at one of the nation's most lucrative entertainment industries.

Essential Poker Math, Expanded Edition: Fundamental No Limit Hold'em Mathematics You Need To Know

Alton Hardin - 2016
    This book will teach you the basic poker mathematics you need to know in order to improve and outplay your opponents, and focuses on foundational poker mathematics - the ones you’ll use day in and day out at the poker table; and probably the ones your opponents neglect.