The United States and Britain in Prophecy

Herbert W. Armstrong - 1942
    People of the Western world would be stunned-dumbfounded-if they knew!The governments of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australasia, South Africa would set in motion gigantic crash programs-if they knew!They could know! But they don’t! Why?

Mistletoe Kisses & Christmas Wishes

Leah Atwood - 2016
    For seven years, she has raised her daughter without a father.Scott Lamar never meant to abandon his daughter and pregnant girlfriend, but life happened, and college provided a means of escape. All that changed when he found faith in God, and now he wants to make up for his past mistakes. Is it ever too late to do the right thing?Mistletoe and Mochas by Lynnette BonnerChelsea Tan looks up from the mocha she's making to see Cannon Jones. She nearly drops the cup. He hasn't contacted her once in the past several weeks. She'd gotten his message loud and clear. But now he wants to spend time with her? Well, he'll just see how gullible she is this time! Cannon hopes Chelsea will understand the reasons he hasn't been in contact. But she's as frosty as the Seattle air the week before Christmas. He'd better put on all his charm. Maybe with the help of a few mochas and some mistletoe all will not be lost.Cephalopod Cupid by Kathleen FreemanLacey McDowell has the best job in the world. She's a Marine biologist at the Seattle Aquarium. Her favorite "exhibit," an octopus escape artist named Gabriel, should make the coming Christmas merry enough. But with her friend marrying her ex-boyfriend, it may be time for a change. The N.O.A.A. research vessel in port is looking for a marine biologist. But how can Lacey leave Gabriel? And what about the boy who loves her favorite cephalopod, or his father, a handsome executive who's moving to Seattle?Christmas Bells are Ringing by Lesley Ann McDanielHaving recently relocated to Seattle, Shelby longs for someone special in her life. When a handsome green-eyed stranger walks into the coffee shop where she works, her interest is piqued. Later, she finds a bag containing five beautiful hand-painted Christmas bells on the cream and sugar table. No one comes back to claim it, so she decides to do a little detective work. Does she dare hope that it will lead her to the stranger with the magnetic green eyes?Seattle Rayne by Sylvia StewartLoneliness has hovered over Rayne DeMarco's life. Frequent infusions of coffee have neither enlivened her flagging business as a freelance writer nor her social life. Seattle's gray winter skies seem to mirror her life. Then a mama cat with three rambunctious kittens finds a home in her above-the-garage apartment, and a handsome Montana cowboy, Matt Hayes, walks back into her life. Add a puppy who needs a little love and you have a Seattle romance that is as sure to warm your heart as the hot coffee Seattleites crave.All I Want for Christmas by Janalyn VoigtWhen Corey broke Hailey's heart, her best friend Matt picked up the pieces. If Matt wasn't a cubicle worker moonlighting as a Seattle street musician, this would be easy. But never mind that he stirs her emotions, Hailey can't afford a drag on her ambitions. She needs to climb the career ladder to keep her childhood home. Matt isn't about to tell Hailey that the 'fiddle' he carries is a Stradivarius or that he owns a tuxedo, not after his fiancé ditched him for a man with more money.

Say I Am You: Poetry Interspersed with Stories of Rumi and Shams

Rumi - 1994
    This collection features dozens of newly translated poems interspersed with legends and stories of their lives, presenting an intimate portrait of their communion and allowing readers to eavesdrop on their unique spiritual dialogue.

The Magic Monastery: Analogical and Action Philosophy of the Middle East and Central Asia

Idries Shah - 1972
    The Magic Monastery differs from its predecessors in that it contains not only traditional tales--mostly unpublished--but also stories specially written by Shah to complete the book as 'a course in non-linear thinking.'

FATWA: Hunted in America

Pamela Geller - 2017
     With the slicing wit and piercing insight that have characterized all her work, Pamela Geller here recounts her unlikely journey from New York City career girl to indomitably fearless human rights activist, reviled by the enemies of freedom the world over. 'I assumed my freedom,' she writes. 'Never for one moment did I think that it could be taken from me. But all that changed on one day.' That day was September 11, 2001, when on a beautiful, bright blue sunny morning, the global jihad struck in America with terrifying and murderous force. The United States of America and the free world as a whole would never be the same again. Neither would Pamela Geller. In this book, Geller tells the whole extraordinary story of how she began chronicling her take on news events at her groundbreaking website Atlas Shrugs, then moved into activism, at first on behalf of Muslim girls who were being brutalized and victimized at home for not following the misogynistic rules of Islamic law, and then to stand against the advance of jihad and sharia on numerous fronts -- above all for the freedom of speech, which is increasingly embattled in this age of jihad. It's all here: Geller recounts the battle to defeat the sinister Ground Zero mosque project; the ISIS attack at Geller's Mohammed Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas; the fatwa issued to her and plot to behead her; and much more including the relentless vilification from a mainstream media hell-bent on defaming and destroying everyone who stands for freedom against jihad terror and sharia oppression. Pamela Geller writes: 'Any lover of freedom would have been tarred the same way I was, and many have been. I am but a proxy in this terrible, long war. What has happened to me is what happens, in small and large ways, to every American who stands for freedom.' Yet, as shown in this book, she has prevailed. Without Pamela Geller, there would be a 16-story mega-mosque at Ground Zero today. Without Pamela Geller, untold numbers of young women who are living free today instead would have been victims of honor killings. Without Pamela Geller, countless numbers of indefatigable fighters for freedom would have been cowed and intimidated into silence by an increasingly violent and authoritarian left-wing agenda. If this book is proof of anything, it's that one person can make a difference. And what a remarkable difference Pamela Geller has made. At last, in Fatwa: Hunted In America, she tells her story.

The Phoenix Affirmations

Eric Elnes - 2006
    These twelve central affirmative principles of Christian faith are built on the three great loves that the Bible reveals: love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self. They reflect commitments to environmental stewardship, social justice, and artistic expression as well as openness to other faiths. Transcending theological and culture wars, inclusive and generous in spirit and practice, these principles ask believers and seekers alike to affirm their Christian faith in a fresh way.

Theology for a Troubled Believer: An Introduction to the Christian Faith

Diogenes Allen - 2010
    In this book, Allen hopes to supply more of the information (pieces of the puzzle) that are needed if a person is to make sense of the Christian understanding of God and our life in the universe. More philosopher than theologian, Allen writes for a troubled believer, dealing with issues and questions that emerge during Christians' daily lives and in the course of contemplating Christian faith.

Dajjal: The Anti Christ

Ahmad Thomson - 1997
    However, this best-selling book is not simply a catalogue of these events. Rather it examines and compares the outward existential behaviour, along with its inward psychological reality, both of those who do not base their way of life on Prophetic guidance and those that do.

Something to Talk About (The Cochran/Deveraux Series)

Melanie Woods Schuster - 2012
    Adam Cochran has a lot on his mind because he's recently admitted to himself that he's in love with his best friend and business partner, Alicia Fuentes. She's always been hands-off to him because they made a promise to stay friends and only friends. He'd finding it harder and harder to keep that promise because he wants her like he's never wanted anything or anyone in his life. Alicia is going through the same thing because she's been in love with Adam for years and the same promise has kept her from admitting her feelings for him. But true love will always find a way and they finally break down the barriers that have kept them in the BFF category and find their way into each other's arms. Being in love is wonderful and their passion exceeds all their expectations. Adam proposes and she accepts, but when Big Benny announces to the family that he fathered a son while he was married to his late wife, Lillian, everything changes,Adam is furious and refuses to have anything to do with his new half-brother, even though the rest of the family is willing to accept him. Benita tries to convince Adam that John is a good man, reminding him that John Flores is the man her saved her sanity and helped her reconcile with Clay after the tragic car accident that made her miscarry their first child, Even after finding how how Big Benny came to have a one-night-affair with John's mother, Adam isn't convinced that he can forgive his father and accept his brother. His angst drives a wedge between him and Alicia and causes her great distress.But when it's revealed that John is dying of the same condition that caused his mother's death and that Adam is the only one who can save him through a living transplant, Adam has no choice but to do the right thing and volunteer to help his newest sibling. Now it's Alicia who has the [roblem because she's afraid that something will happen to Adam during the surgery.Adam's tender love and infinite passion show Alicia that she has nothing to fear, that he and John will both come through the procedure with flying colors so that he and Alicia can live a life filled with love. And he's right; everything works out perfectly and they begin their new life together.Of course, there's the small matter of what becomes of John Flores-Cochran and his acerbic assistant "Miss Parker", and that's what book seven, A Fool for You is all about. Happy reading!

The Muslim Home: 40 Recommendations in Light of the Quran and Sunnah

محمد صالح المنجد - 1997
    Therefore, a Muslim home should be a decent and comfortable residence which nurtures the Muslim family. In order to be so, your home life must be based on intimacy, love, sincerity, truthfulness, honesty and the like. All these concepts and others are just applications of the Islamic principles. The Muslim Home: 40 Recommendations presents necessary advice about building such a home. Acquiring this information will enable you to make your home the most secure and enjoyable place for yourself and your family.

I Lost My Way: Finding Happiness After Despair

Yasmin Mogahed - 2019
    We know that true happiness is the happiness of the heart. How can we find happiness after despair? Then now, how to build happiness?

The Purpose of Creation

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips - 2002
    Everybody at some time or another ask themselves the question why do I exist? The variety and complexity of the intricate systems which constitute the fabric of both beings and the world in which they exist indicate that there must have been a supreme being who created them.

Children Around the Prophet (SAW): How Muhammad (SAW) Raised the Young Companions

Hesham Al-Awadi - 2005
    In introducing parents and potential parents to the Prophetic example of dealing with children, Dr. Hesham Al-Awadi tackles the challenges and complexity of raising children, and the necessity to understand and cater for their needs. Throughout these lectures recorded at Birkbeck College, University of London, Dr. Al-Awadi, a renowned Seerah historian draws upon instances from the Prophet's (SAW) life in order to address the emotional, spiritual, moral, sexual, and social dimensions of raising children in today's society.

The Love Dare: a novella

Asia Monique - 2020
    Aware of her intense feelings for the man ten years her senior, Lily comes to a decision, but not before Devin ups the ante.*Please note, though this story has a beginning, middle, and end it is short in form. If you prefer longer novels, there are other Asia Monique titles for you to choose from. This standalone novella is book six in the Flower Sister series. It is not required, but recommended to start at book one.

Alcoholics Anonymous

AAWS - 2018
    The author is a founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Bill W. & Dr. Bob. It is the originator of the seminal "twelve-step method" widely used to attempt to treat many addictions, from alcoholism and heroin addiction to marijuana addiction, as well as overeating, sex addiction, gambling addiction, and family members of alcoholics, with a strong spiritual and social emphasis.