Best of
The Message of the Qur'an
Muhammad Asad - 2005
A new typeset and index is complimented with a prologue by the distinguished British Muslim Gai Eaton and original artwork by internationally renowned artist and scholar Dr. Ahmed Moustafa. Asad's translation is widely considered to be the foremost in conveying the meaning and sensibility of the original Arabic text, making this edition a must-have for English readers with a budding interest in Islamic studies and veteran scholars alike.
No God but God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam
Reza Aslan - 2005
This updated edition addresses the events of the past decade, analyzing how they have influenced Islam’s position in modern culture. Aslan explores what the popular demonstrations pushing for democracy in the Middle East mean for the future of Islam in the region, how the Internet and social media have affected Islam’s evolution, and how the war on terror has altered the geopolitical balance of power in the Middle East. He also provides an update on the contemporary Muslim women’s movement, a discussion of the controversy over veiling in Europe, an in-depth history of Jihadism, and a look at how Muslims living in North America and Europe are changing the face of Islam. Timely and persuasive, No god but God is an elegantly written account that explains this magnificent yet misunderstood faith.
Muhammad: The Messenger of God: An Analysis of the Prophet's Life
M. Fethullah Gülen - 2005
This book presents Prophet Muhammad in the different roles he assumed within his community as a father, husband, statesman, chief of staff, and an individual with utmost compassion, wisdom, grace, humility, and trustworthiness.
The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish
Neil Douglas-Klotz - 2005
Unlike most books on Sufism, which are primarily collections of translated Sufi texts, this accessible guide is a handbook that explains how to apply Sufi principles to modern life. With inspirational commentary that connects each quality with contemporary concerns such as love, work, and success, as well as timeless wisdom from Sufi masters, both ancient and modern, such as Rumi, Hafiz, Shabistari, Rabia, Inayat Khan, Indries Shah, Irina Tweedie, Bawa Muhaiyadden, and more, The Sufi Book of Life is a dervish guide to life and love for the twenty-first century.On the web:
The Content of Character: Ethical Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (sa)
Sheikh Al-Amin bin Ali Mazrui - 2005
These wise sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, collected here, are designed to do just that – to guide us to the very best in ourselves. Compiled by renowned East African scholar, Al-Amin ‘Ali Mazru’i, this collection brings together sayings that encourage good character, speaks to our conscience and our heart, and moves us to become better human beings.As a scholar, Shaykh Al-Amin Mazrui attempted to be a bridge between Islam and modernity. He argued that while Christianity became the vanguard of progress when it became more secular and less Christian, Islam was the vanguard of progress when it was more Islamic and less secular. According to Shaykh Al-Amin, progress among Muslims required not the abandonment of Islam but the recovery of the original spirit of Islamic enlightenment. Shaykh Al-Amin's choice of these favored sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) in "The Content of Character" --translated and introduced here by the well-known American Muslim scholar Hamza Yusuf -- was influenced by his effort to be a bridge--builder, especially between the values of tradition and the norms of modernity, between the wisdom of religion and the compassion of humanity.Contains original Arabic text of hadiths as well.
Al-Ghazali: Deliverance from Error & The Beginning of Guidance
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali - 2005
It is the aim of this Series to put it within reach, so that we may stretch forth our hands to the good cheer laid before us.Deliverance from Error is the spiritual autobiography of Al-Ghazali, and The Beginning of Guidance, complements his spiritual autobiography and sets out his ideal of how the religious man should order his life from hour to hour and day to day.
The Ideal Muslim: The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim as defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah
محمد علي الهاشمي - 2005
In his relation with his rabb' (lord), himself, family, parents, relatives, friends, and the community at large, he has a most excellent example in the Prophet of Islam (pbuh). His idealism is further strengthened by the characters of the first generations of Muslims who excelled in all the various fields of human endeavour. He is reassured by the teachings of Islam that he also can reach these noble heights by working to improve his character daily.In this title, the author gives a clear overview of the practical aspects of the Islamic lifestyle, as exemplified by the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and his Companions. Moving from the innermost aspect of the individual's spiritual life to his dealings with all those around him, one can see how the Muslim is expected to interact with all others in his life.
Islam and the Blackamerican: Looking Toward the Third Resurrection
Sherman A. Jackson - 2005
Jackson notes that no one has offered a convincing explanation of why Islam spread among Blackamericans (a coinage he explains and defends) but not among white Americans or Hispanics. The assumption has been that there is an African connection. In fact, Jackson shows, none of the distinctive features of African Islam appear in the proto-Islamic, black nationalist movements of the early 20th century. Instead, he argues, Islam owes its momentum to the distinctively American phenomenon of Black Religion, a God-centered holy protest against anti-black racism.Islam in Black America begins as part of a communal search for tools with which to combat racism and redefine American blackness. The 1965 repeal of the National Origins Quota System led to a massive influx of foreign Muslims, who soon greatly outnumbered the blacks whom they found here practicing an indigenous form of Islam. Immigrant Muslims would come to exercise a virtual monopoly over the definition of a properly constituted Islamic life in America. For these Muslims, the nemesis was not white supremacy, but the West. In their eyes, the West was not a racial, but a religious and civilizational threat. American blacks soon learned that opposition to the West and opposition to white supremacy were not synonymous. Indeed, says Jackson, one cannot be anti-Western without also being on some level anti-Blackamerican. Like the Black Christians of an earlier era struggling to find their voice in the context of Western Christianity, Black Muslims now began to strive to find their black, American voice in the context of the super-tradition of historical Islam. Jackson argues that Muslim tradition itself contains the resources to reconcile blackness, American-ness, and adherence to Islam. It is essential, he contends, to preserve within Islam the legitimate aspects of Black Religion, in order to avoid what Stephen Carter calls the domestication of religion, whereby religion is rendered incapable of resisting the state and the dominant culture. At the same time, Jackson says, it is essential for Blackamerican Muslims to reject an exclusive focus on the public square and the secular goal of subverting white supremacy (and Arab/immigrant supremacy) and to develop a tradition of personal piety and spirituality attuned to distinctive Blackamerican needs and idiosyncrasies.
The Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists
Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2005
Bush's assurances that Islam is a peaceful religion and that all good Muslims hunger for democracy, confusion persists and far too many Westerners remain convinced that Muslims and terrorists are synonymous. In the aftermath of the attacks of 9/11, the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the recent bombings in London, an unprecedented amount of attention has been directed toward Islam and the Muslim world. Yet, even with this increased scrutiny, most of the public discourse regarding Islam revolves around the actions of extremist factions such as the Wahhabis and al-Qa'ida. But what of the Islam we don't hear about?As the second-largest and fastest-growing religion in the world, Islam is deemed by more than a billion Muslims to be a source of serenity and spiritual peace, and a touchstone for moral and ethical guidance. While extremists have an impact upon the religion that is wildly disproportionate to their numbers, moderates constitute the majority of Muslims worldwide. It is this rift between the quiet voice of the moderates and the deafening statements of the extremists that threatens the future of the faith.In The Great Theft, Khaled Abou El Fadl, one of the world's preeminent Islamic scholars, argues that Islam is currently passing through a transformative period no less dramatic than the movements that swept through Europe during the Reformation. At this critical juncture there are two completely opposed worldviews within Islam competing to define this great world religion. The stakes have never been higher, and the future of the Muslim world hangs in the balance.Drawing on the rich tradition of Islamic history and law, The Great Theft is an impassioned defense of Islam against the encroaching power of the extremists. As an accomplished Islamic jurist, Abou El Fadl roots his arguments in long-standing historical legal debates and delineates point by point the beliefs and practices of moderate Muslims, distinguishing these tenets from the corrupting influences of the extremists. From the role of women in Islam to the nature of jihad, from democracy and human rights to terrorism and warfare, Abou El Fadl builds a vital vision for a moderate Islam. At long last, the great majority of Muslims who oppose extremism have a desperately needed voice to help reclaim Islam's great moral tradition.
Provisions for the Seekers: A Manual of Prophetic Hadiths with Commentary
'Ashiq Ilahi Al-Bulandshehri - 2005
His words were eloquent, comprehensive, and simple, conveying libraries of wisdoms and truths. The Messenger--the blessings and peace of Alalh be upon him--himself said, “I have been sent with the jawami al-kalim” (Bukhari)—that is, pithy language that expresses a multitude of meanings in few words. Bookstores and libraries today are full of books of proverbs, coined by historical personages and political and religious leaders. But each of these pales in comparison to the eloquence of the Messenger of God--the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him--and philosophers and sages seem nothing more than struggling students in the light of his divinely inspired wisdom. This book is a collection of 327 hadiths which the author, Shaykh 'Ashiq Ilahi al-Bulandshehri, compiled from 'Allama Tabrizi’s renowned hadith compilation, Mishkat al-Masabih. The book contains many jawami' al-kalim, as well as prophecies and other accounts and narratives. The book is ultimately a compilation of hadiths meant to inspire the souls of today’s Muslims and give them a glimpse at the charisma of the Prophet Muhammad--the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him--and a roadmap with which they can achieve closeness to their Lord.
The Qur'an: A New Translation
Anonymous - 2005
It is the fundamental and paramount source of the creed, rituals, ethics, and laws of the Islamic religion. It is the book that ‘differentiates’ between right and wrong, so that nowadays, when the Muslim world is dealing with such universal issues as globalization, the environment, combating terrorism and drugs, issues of medical ethics, and feminism, evidence to support the various arguments is sought in the Qur'an. This supreme status stems from the belief that the Qur'an is the word of God, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad via the archangel Gabriel, and intended for all times and all places.The Qur'an was the starting point for all the Islamic sciences: Arabic grammar was developed to serve the Qur'an, the study of Arabic phonetics was pursued in order to determine the exact pronunciation of Qur'anic words, the science of Arabic rhetoric was developed in order to describe the features of the inimitable style of the Qur'an, the art of Arabic calligraphy was cultivated throughwriting down the Qur'an, the Qur'an is the basis of Islamic law and theology; indeed, as the celebrated fifteenth-century scholar and author Suyuti said, ‘Everything is based on the Qur'an’. The entire religious life of the Muslim world is built around the text of the Qur'an. As a consequence of the Qur'an, the Arabic language moved far beyond the Arabian peninsula, deeply penetrating manyother languages within the Muslim lands––Persian, Turkish, Urdu, Indonesian, and others. The first sura (or section) of the Qur'an, al-Fatiha, which is an essential part of the ritual prayers, is learned and read in Arabic by Muslims in all parts of the world, and many other verses and phrases in Arabic are also incorporated into the lives of non-Arabic-speaking Muslims.Muslim children start to learn portions of the Qur'an by heart in their normal schooling: the tradition of learning the entire Qur'an by heart started during the lifetime of the Prophet and continues to the present day. A person attaining this distinction becomes known as a hafiz, and this is still a prerequisite for admission to certain religious schools in Muslim countries. Nowadays the Qur'an is recited anumber of times daily on the radio and television in the Muslim world, and some Muslim countries devote a broadcasting channel for long hours daily exclusively to the recitation and study of the Qur'an. Muslims swear on the Qur'an for solemn oaths in the law-courts and in everyday life.
Children Around the Prophet (SAW): How Muhammad (SAW) Raised the Young Companions
Hesham Al-Awadi - 2005
In introducing parents and potential parents to the Prophetic example of dealing with children, Dr. Hesham Al-Awadi tackles the challenges and complexity of raising children, and the necessity to understand and cater for their needs. Throughout these lectures recorded at Birkbeck College, University of London, Dr. Al-Awadi, a renowned Seerah historian draws upon instances from the Prophet's (SAW) life in order to address the emotional, spiritual, moral, sexual, and social dimensions of raising children in today's society.
Ibn 'Arabi: Heir to the Prophets
William C. Chittick - 2005
His central doctrine is the unity of all existence. In this text, William Chittick explores how, through the work of Ibn Al-Arabi, Sufism moves away from anguished and ascetic searchings of the heart and conscience and becomes a matter of speculative philsophy and theosophy.
Scattered Pictures: Reflections Of An American Muslim
Zaid Shakir - 2005
Scattered Pictures is an anthology of essays, which discuss difficult and oftentimes controversial topics. In these turbulent times, these are issues that if left un-addressed, could continue to spiral downwards into serious political, social and religious discord. This shining book will appeal to all readers interested in critical solutions for a harmonious understanding across divides in humanity and is an innovative guide for students at both the high school and college levels. One of the most respected and influential Muslim scholars in the West, Imam Shakir is also a former member of the US Air Force and a Political Science professor. With long-standing dedication to the human community, Imam Shakir has helped to shape a better understanding of the conflicts we face. He has forged campaigns for human rights and social justice, and his devotion stands in helping to build and reinforce intellectual and spiritual roots, so that we as a global community may begin to adopt solution-oriented strategies.
The Path to Perfection: An Edited Anthology of the Spiritual Teachings of Hakim Al-Umma Mawlana Ashraf 'Ali Thanawi
Ashraf Ali Thanwi - 2005
The teachings gathered here are notes of admonition and encouragement written by a man who has walked the path to his Creator; and at their core, these teachings are sustenance for the ailing hearts and souls of our time. White Thread Press makes this invaluable work available in elegant and moving prose, while remaining true to its traditional origins. The result, a profound awakening of the heart, is within the reach of all. Those new to the spiritual sciences will delight in the range and profundity of the psychological and spiritual disciplines of Islam, while those already on the Path will gain new insights and perspectives. At a time when the discourse surrounding Islam is generally inauthentic and shallow, The Path to Perfection presents a much-needed antidote. It goes beyond simply diagnosing the spiritual ailments that afflict us; it puts forward means of eradicating them, so that we as individuals, as communities, and as an Umma can reap the benefits of a spiritual way of life
From My Sisters' Lips
Na'ima B. Robert - 2005
Feelings of shock, horror, repulsion, pity or even fear are not uncommon. But have you ever wondered who it is behind the veil and what makes her tick? Ever wondered what her life is really like and whether her dreams, hopes and aspirations differ from yours? From My Sisters' Lips offers a rare glimpse into the lives of a community of women, most of whom are converts to Islam, and invites you to share their joys, sorrows, convictions and faith. When Na'ima B Robert abandoned her western lifestyle and embraced Islam six years ago, it was not a decision taken lightly. Yet soon after she took her first tentative steps towards covering, she felt empowered; no longer judged on physical appearances alone, no longer seeking the approval to feel beautiful — or using her looks to wield power over men — the experience effected her greatly. Before long she grew in confidence and courage. As she says, "Something just clicked." I thought, "Good, don't look; don't compare me with your latest squeeze, don't try and guess my measurements - my body is my own business!"' From My Sisters' Lips offers a glimpse into the lives of just some of the extraordinary women who, like herself, have chosen to live behind the veil. What emerges is a vivid and intimate portrait of a sisterhood; as they speak candidly and with conviction on a diverse range of subjects ranging from marriage to motherhood, stereotypes, submission and self-image, we hear the strong, proud voices of those who are seldom heard.
Sufi Sage of Arabia: Imam Abdallah ibn Alawi al-Haddad
Mostafa al-Badawi - 2005
The life of this renown spiritual master—whose teachings and personal example continue to influence lives around the world—is examined, from his early attraction to Sufi poetry and visit to the tomb of the prophet Hud to his rise as a Sufi master, his Hajj journey to Mecca, and his death. The biographical facts of al-Haddad's life are interspersed with 35 black and white photographs and ruminations on his spiritual teachings, including his take on the "nine stages of certainty," the five investitures of taqwa, the stages of gnosis, and karamat and super natural events. Sufi practitioners, historians, and anthropologists will come to a deeper understanding of this timeless and enduring tradition with this fascinating record of a seminal Sufi master."Two paths to God exist for the people of this world, the path to salvation and the path to sanctification. For those who seek more than the minimum, who desire more than the average man, who want and yearn for intimate knowledge of their source and ultimate destiny, sanctification allows them that possibility . . . This book, while a biography of one of the greatest saints in Islamic history, is more than that. It is a book of alchemy itself, filled from start to finish with the science of tasawwuf, which is and has always been the heart of Islamic tradition . . . Dr. Badawi was a student of a direct descendent of Shaykh Abdallah al-Haddad, Habib Ahmad Mashur al-Haddad. Those of us fortunate enough to have known him personally consider him a realized spiritual master and sanctified soul, and none can sanctify save God . . . This book is a compelling testimony to the spiritual power and influence of the sanctified soul on the world. It is perhaps more importantly for us a step toward re-introducing the desperately needed path of sanctification." Shaykh Hamza Yusuf"At a time when the Muslim world is suffering from false teachings being spread by extremists, the message of al-Haddad offers a precious means of return to the high ethical and spiritual standards of classical Islam. The publication of this important book should prove a milestone on the way of furthering that blessed effort." T. J. WinterThis unique biography of the saint Imam Abdallah al-Haddad takes readers into the fascinating world and spiritual life of 17th-and early 18th-century Yemen. The life of this great spiritual master whose teachings and personal example continue to influence lives around the world is examined, from his early attraction to Sufi poetry and visit to the tomb of the prophet Hud to his rise as a Sufi master. The biographical facts of al-Haddad's life are interspersed with his spiritual teachings, including those on the nine stages of certainty, the five investitures of taqwa, the stages of gnosis, and supernatural events. Sufi practitioners, historians, and anthropologists will come to a deeper understanding of this timeless and enduring tradition with this fascinating record of a seminal Sufi master's life and death.From the Fons Vitae Imam al-Haddad Spiritual Masters series, which includes The Book of Assistance (1872038018), Gifts for the Seeker (1887752579), and The Lives of Man (1887752145).
Don't Be Sad
Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarni - 2005
Don't Be Sad is an absolute must-read for all people. It is full of practical advice on how to replace sadness with a pragmatic and ultimately satisfying Islamic outlook on life. It exposes to the modern reader how God teaches us to deal with the tests and tribulations of this world. So, take heart and hold firmly onto the rope of God.
Splendours of Qur'an Calligraphy and Illumination
Martin Lings - 2005
But whereas Islamic architecture is world famous, its calligraphic art has remained relatively unknown and inaccessible. Black-and-white photographs of the art of calligraphy are plentiful, but a page of script, impressive though it can be in black and white, loses much without the tints of the paper and the ink.Splendours of Qur'an Calligraphy and Illumination reproduces the formal excellence of colors and texture that distinguish these artistic masterpieces. In all, 180 openings are displayed, carefully chosen from the greatest collections of Qur'an manuscripts in the world.
Civilization of Faith - A Journey Through Islamic History
Mustafa as-Sibâ‘ee - 2005
They are dazzled by the power of the west with its wealth, scientific discoveries and technological advantages. Those who are unfamiliar with history might be unaware that this has not always been the case. A few hundred years ago, it was just the opposite. The Muslim Ummah was the superpower of the age, and Muslims were leaders in culture, science and technology. The cities of the Muslim world were the centres of learning to which people came from far and wide.The Muslims, at one time, were the most technologically-advanced civilization on the earth. The uniqueness of their civilization lay in the fact that, although they achieved a great deal in materialistic terms, they remained a compassionate society where the poor and disadvantaged were cared for.This book is a reminder to Muslims that they have a glorious past; for many centuries, they had the upper hand over their enemies. They became masters of the world when they adhered to Islam; however, when they became preoccupied with worldly gain and the pursuit of luxury, decline set in. Today, if Muslims take their religion seriously, they will once again be supported by Allah, the Exalted, and lead the world in all spheres of life.Nasiruddin al-Khattab has translated this thought provoking book into English.
Encountering the World of Islam
Keith E. Swartley - 2005
Through this comprehensive collection, you will learn about Muhammad and the history of Islam, gain insight into today's conflicts, and dispel western fears and myths. You will also discover the frustrations and desires of Muslims and learn how to pray for and befriend them. Encountering the World of Islam provides a positive, balanced, and biblical perspective on God's heart for Muslims and equips you to reach out to them in Christ's love.Encountering the World of Islam features articles from eighty authors who have lived throughout the Muslim world, from West Africa to Southeast Asia. Experienced missionaries, scholars of Islam, and other wellknown authors, including several Muslims, contribute to this extensive ministry resource.
Supporting the Rights of Believing Women
Umm Salamah as-Salafiyyah - 2005
She spends her time by herself in the women’s library, substitute teaching for Umm ‘Abdillaah Al-Waadi’iyyah when she is absent, and effective lecturing. Verily, the Islaamic community is in great need of righteous women who can care for their Muslim sisters so that the corrupted and corrupting callers do not lead them astray. The wives of the Prophet (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ سَلَّمَ) as well as the female companions played a major role in spreading the prophetic traditions. In conclusion, I advise the author and her sisters to make a great effort in spreading beneficial knowledge from the Noble Qur’aan, the prophetic traditions, and the ‘Arabic Language, to become knowledgeable in Allaah’s religion, to place an importance on spreading that knowledge by writing and inviting to Allaah and teaching the ignorant women. If Allaah guides one woman by your hand, it is better for you then a red camel. May Allaah firmly establish us all on what he loves and pleases Him.
Is the Qur'an God's Word?
Zakir Naik - 2005
As belief in God is the root of a religion and Tawheed is the first pillar of Islam, it merits vitally important to acquaint people with the Quran and its source, which is undoubtedly God's revelation upon Muhammad SAW.
Life of Muhammed
Muhammed Haykal - 2005
It includes complete coverage of the Prophet's life, a detailed analysis of pre-Islamic Arabia, the situational context of revelation and a comparative study of the basics of Islamic and western civilizations.
The Ultimate Guide to Umrah
Abu Muneer Ismail Davids - 2005
During such a visit, a newcomer has to face many difficulties because of lack of knowledge about the rites and places. To provide complete details about everything, a pilgrim wants to know, first time this book has been compiled with utmost care and research so as to make it useful in every respect.
A Return to the Spirit: Questions and Answers
Martin Lings - 2005
The 96-year-old author, a respected British scholar, recounts the lessons learned from the Sufi sage, including the answers to profound questions such as Do religions contradict one another? What is the spiritual significance of tears and laughter? How does the Divine play a part in such simple acts? Do civilizations embody spirituality? and How is the Quranic definition of the afterlife related to Sufism? An appendix in memory of Dr. Lings includes tributes from Huston Smith and Wendell Berry, photos from Doctor Ling's, and excerpts from major obituaries.
Islamic Beliefs: A Brief Introduction to the ‘Aqeedah of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamâ‘ah
Abdullâh A. Hamid al-Athari - 2005
Without careful attention, a Muslim may live his or her whole life following a deviant path filled with innovation, thinking that he or she is doing the right thing, only to find out – when it is too late – that this path only leads to hell.
Islamic Beliefs: A Brief Introduction to the ‘Aqeedah of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamâ‘ah
is written in a straightforward style, distilling the knowledge of the scholars and making it accessible to the ordinary Muslim. It touches on the main points of ‘aqeedah (fundamental Islamic beliefs or creed) and explains the main features of the path of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the early generation, with brief references to deviant groups in order to show the contrast between the path of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the paths of the deviant groups, between light and darkness, guidance and misguidance. The straightforward approach of this book will allow the reader to follow its arguments and develop a clear picture of the proper approach to and interpretation of the Qur’an and the Sunnah.This is a book which should be on every Muslim’s bookshelf, so that they will have at their fingertips a concise and readily-accessible reference for the basic issues of their religion.
Who Is Muhammad
Khurram Murad - 2005
It is part of a trio on the Qur'an and the life and message of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the others being "The Qur'anic Treasures" (0-86037-274-X) and "Gifts from Muhammad" (0-86037-273-1).
Sacred Freedom: Western Liberalist Ideologies in the Light of Islam
Haneef Oliver - 2005
Discussing the consequences of a pluralistic worldview, Sacred Freedom questions whether the West has examined the realities of democracy before endeavoring to spread it by force around the world. Are ideologies derived from Western historical experiences universally applicable? Has the West arrived at a balanced understanding of personal freedom? These are only some of the important questions raised in this unique book.
The Prophet's Night Journey & Heavenly Ascent
محمد بن علوي المالكي - 2005
He raised him until he reached the Lote-tree of the Farthest Boundary where ends the science of every Messenger-Prophet and every Angel Brought Near, where lies the Garden of Retreat, to the point that he heard the sound of the pens that write what has befallen and what is to befall" [From the book cover].
The Noble Life of the Prophet Volume 1
علي محمد الصلابي - 2005
Set of 4 volumes
How To Become A Good & Successful Medical Student
Muhaya Mohamad - 2005
It is an invaluable guide to those who plan to do Medicine, doing medicine and is recommended for young doctors.
Modern-Day Stories of Muslims Who Found Jesus
Emir Fethi Caner - 2005
You will be moved and inspired by the stories of Hassan from Malaysia, Muusa from the West Bank, Aisha from Saudi Arabia, and sixteen other Muslims who found Christ and tenaciously persevere in their faith despite the terror and sacrifice that comes with it.
Tears of the Heart
Osman Nuri Topbaş - 2005
Through the mercy of Allah, Rumi penetrated to the very depth of the human soul and thus was able to withness its unveiled inner workings. Through the sheer radiance of that vision, the book penetrates the secrets of creation that unfolded before his inner eye.
The Biography of Imam Bukhaaree
Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood - 2005
I hope to focus not just on their contributions to the vast wealth of Islamic knowledge with which Allah has blessed this nation, but also on the more private and personal aspects of their lives: their manners, their piety, and their worship. These are issues we need to learn about, for the people of this nation cannot hope to achieve a return to their past glory and honor unless they assume the qualities that, in effect, defined the Muslims of the first few generations of Islam.
Spiritual Power: How It Works
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee - 2005
This vital knowledge, held in trust by spiritual masters, shows how spiritual power can work in the world, and how each person can make a dynamic contribution to help the world evolve.
Fundamentals of Rumi's Thought: A Mevlevi Sufi Perspective
Şefik Can - 2005
The level of engagement with all the classical Persian sources, and the spiritual sensitivity is astonishing."
The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims
Andrew G. Bostom - 2005
But care is taken not to say how Islam expanded. Regarding this expansion, little is said about jihad. And yet it all happened through war!" The Legacy of Jihad provides a comprehensive, meticulously documented corrective to the genre of ahistorical assessments decried by Ellul. This unique, extensive compilation includes Muslim theological and juridical texts, eyewitness historical accounts by both Muslim and non-Muslim chroniclers, and essays by preeminent scholars analyzing jihad war and the ruling conditions imposed upon the non-Muslim peoples conquered by jihad campaigns. The Legacy of Jihad reveals how, for well over a millennium, across three continentsAsia, Africa, and Europenon-Muslims who were vanquished by jihad wars, became forced tributaries (called dhimmi in Arabic), in lieu of being slain. Under the dhimmi religious caste system, non-Muslims were subjected to legal and financial oppression, as well as social isolation. Extensive primary and secondary source materials, many translated here for the first time into English, are presented, making clear that jihad conquests were brutal, imperialist advances, which spurred waves of Muslims to expropriate a vast expanse of lands and subdue millions of indigenous peoples. Finally, the book examines how jihad war, as a permanent and uniquely Islamic institution, ultimately regulates the relations of Muslims with non-Muslims to this day. Scholars, educators, and interested lay readers will find this collection an invaluable resource.
An Introduction to Islamic Law
Wael B. Hallaq - 2005
Wael Hallaq, a leading scholar and practitioner of Islamic law, guides students through the intricacies of the subject in this absorbing introduction. The first half of the book is devoted to a discussion of Islamic law in its pre-modern natural habitat. The second part explains how the law was transformed and ultimately dismantled during the colonial period. In the final chapters, the author charts recent developments and the struggles of the Islamists to negotiate changes which have seen the law emerge as a primarily textual entity focused on fixed punishments and ritual requirements. The book, which includes a chronology, a glossary of key terms, and lists of further reading, will be the first stop for those who wish to understand the fundamentals of Islamic law, its practices and history.
Sufi Poems: A Mediaeval Anthology
Martin Lings - 2005
Dr Lings is the author of numerous best-selling works on Sufism and is a published poet in his own right. Inlcuding poems here translated for the first time, Sufi Poems brings together selections from the giants of Sufism; for example, Rabia, Hallaj, Ibn al-Farid and Ibn Arabi. Sufi Poems is published as bi-lingual Arabic-English edition which will be of interest to all those wishing to read the original Arabic and will also be helpful for university students of Arabic.
Funeral Rites in Islam
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips - 2005
Due to non-Islamic influences, Muslims have drifted away from the established practice of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all). Many Muslims no longer know or practice the necessary rites, and often mix in un-Islamic practices with the funeral ritual.Dr. Bilal Philips has written
Funeral Rites in Islam
in order to serve the needs of English-speaking Muslims, using easy-to-understand explanations and instructions based strictly on the fundamental sources of Islam — the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This book is based on Sheikh al-Albaani's classic Ahkaamul Janaa'iz.
Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614
L.P. Harvey - 2005
Although the Granada riot was a local phenomenon that was soon contained, subsequent widespread rebellion provided the Christian government with an excuse—or justification, as its leaders saw things—to embark on the systematic elimination of the Islamic presence from Spain, as well as from the Iberian Peninsula as a whole, over the next hundred years.Picking up at the end of his earlier classic study, Islamic Spain, 1250 to 1500— which described the courageous efforts of the followers of Islam to preserve their secular, as well as sacred, culture in late medieval Spain—L. P. Harvey chronicles here the struggles of the Moriscos. These forced converts to Christianity lived clandestinely in the sixteenth century as Muslims, communicating in aljamiado— Spanish written in Arabic characters. More broadly, Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614, tells the story of an early modern nation struggling to deal with diversity and multiculturalism while torn by the fanaticism of the Counter-Reformation on one side and the threat of Ottoman expansion on the other. Harvey recounts how a century of tolerance degenerated into a vicious cycle of repression and rebellion until the final expulsion in 1614 of all Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula.Retold in all its complexity and poignancy, this tale of religious intolerance, political maneuvering, and ethnic cleansing resonates with many modern concerns. Eagerly awaited by Islamist and Hispanist scholars since Harvey's first volume appeared in 1990, Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614, will be compulsory reading for student and specialist alike. “The year’s most rewarding historical work is L. P. Harvey’s Muslims in Spain 1500 to 1614, a sobering account of the various ways in which a venerable Islamic culture fell victim to Christian bigotry. Harvey never urges the topicality of his subject on us, but this aspect inevitably sharpens an already compelling book.”—Jonathan Keats, Times Literary Supplement
Imam Al Shatibi's Theory Of The Higher Objectives And Intents Of Islamic Law
Ahmad Al-Raysuni - 2005
his book represents a pioneering contribution presenting a comprehensive history of the objectives of Islamic Law in its various aspects, as well as a painstaking study of objectives-based thought as pioneered by the father of objectives-based jurisprudence, Imam Abu Ishaq al-Shatabi; in addition, the author presents us with an important study of al-Shatabi himself which offers a wealth of new, beneficial information about the life, thought and method of this venerable imam.
The Hidden Debt to Islamic Civilisation
S.E. Al-Djazairi - 2005
It is a failure, which stems, I think, from the straightjacket of history, which we have inherited. The medieval Islamic world, from central Asia to the shores of the Atlantic, was a world where scholars and men of learning flourished. But because we have tended to see Islam as the enemy of the West, as an alien culture, society, and system of belief, we have tended to ignore or erase its great relevance to our own history." Prince Charles, Oxford University Speech 1993The Hidden Debt to Islamic Civilisation is a thorough study of that relevance and how it has been hidden from Western consciousness. Al-Djazairi puts his many years of expert work as an historian into this book. From street lighting to soap, from trigonometry to algebra, from windmills to universities, from nutrition to surgery of the eye, from the paper industry to mass literacy, from the banker’s cheque to religious freedom, Western civilisation owes its emergence to its encounter with the Islamic world.Yet few people are aware of this debt. Political efforts at overpowering the Muslim world have had no small part to play in this concealment, just as they had no small part to play in the decline of Islamic Civilisation. Recognising and understanding this debt is a vital part of bringing about a more just world where Islam can again inspire great achievements to benefit humanity."
The Empire of the Qara Khitai in Eurasian History: Between China and the Islamic World
Michal Biran - 2005
Arriving in Central Asia from China, the Qara Khitai ruled over a mostly Muslim population. Their history affords a unique window onto the extensive cross-cultural contacts between China, Inner Asian nomads and the Muslim world in the period preceding the rise of Chinggis Khan. Using an extensive corpus of Muslim and Chinese sources, Michal Biran comprehensively examines the political, institutional and cultural histories of the Qara Khitai. Her book explores a range of topics including the organization of the army, the position of women, the image of China in Muslim Central Asia, the religions of the Qara Khitai and the legacy they left for the Mongols. Crucially she asks why they did not, unlike their predecessors and successors in Central Asia, embrace Islam. The book represents a groundbreaking contribution to the field of Eurasian history for students of the Islamic world, China and Central Asia
Sunna Notes Volume 1
Gibril Fouad Haddad - 2005
Including the Nukhba al-fikar of Ibn Hajar Asqalani.
Two Who Attained: Twentieth-Century Sufi Saints: Fatima al-Yashrutiyya Shaykh Ahmad al-'Alawi
Leslie Cadavid - 2005
Shaykh al-Alawi's influence was pivotal to the spiritual development of Thomas Merton, who looked to al-Alawi's writings and teachings in his own practice. Fatima al-Yashrutiyya is a rare example of a literate Muslim woman living a public spiritual life. Readers will see a new side of the Sufi Path from her uncompromising viewpoint, and can catch an uncommon glimpse of life in the early 20th century for a spiritual seeker, writer, and self-educated woman in the Muslim world. These essays represent Islam in its esoteric dimension and raise issues of regional unrest and colonial intervention that are still relevant. Through the words of these two saints the world of the Sufi brotherhood is opened, revealing an underlying theme of the oneness of Allah.
Reflections on the Qur'ān
Irfan Ahmad Khan - 2005
Comments on the first two chapters of the Qur'an, "Surahs Al-Fatihah", and "Al-Baqarah".
The Dictionary of the Holy Quran: Arabic Words - English Meanings
Abdul M. Omar - 2005
This is the 3rd edition of this valuable historical work ever published.
Sufi Commentaries on the Qur'an in Classical Islam
Kristin Zahra Sands - 2005
It examines the shared hermeneutical assumptions of Sufi writers and the diversity in style of Sufi commentaries. Some of the assumptions analyzed are: * the Qur'an is a multi-layered and ambiguous text open to endless interpretation* the knowledge of deeper meanings of the Qur'an is attainable by means other than transmitted interpretations and rational thought* the self is dynamic, moving through states and stations which result in different interpretations at different times.The styles of Sufi commentaries are explored, which range from philosophical musings to popular preaching to literary narrative and poetry. Other commentaries from the classical period are also investigated to provide context in understanding Sufi approaches and exegetical styles.
The Life of Muhammad
Muhammad Husayn Haykal - 2005
It includes complete coverage of the Prophet's life, a detailed analysis of pre-Islamic Arabia, the situational context of revelation, and a comparative study of the basics of Islamic and Western civilizations. It is based upon a scholarly examination of all of the extant Sirah and Hadith literature (the Prophet's life, his sayings and narrations of his teachings by his comtemporaries) with the eye of an objective, scientific, and critical scholar who is well versed in modern historical critical methodology. THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD is an essential book for all English-speaking Muslims, as well as non-Muslims. This English version has been approved by the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Cairo
The Life of Prophet Muhammad: Highlights and Lessons
Mustafa as-Sibaaie - 2005
This book is a blueprint for da‘wah. From studying his biography we learn the lessons of patience and perseverance in the face of adversity and opposition, and the readiness to sacrifice everything for the cause of Islam. In this book, Dr. as-Sibâ‘ie shows us how the Prophet’s approach was gentle yet determined and clear-cut, with no compromise on basic issues. The author takes the most important events of the Messenger’s life, summarizes them in order to offer a brief overview, then outlines the lessons that we learn from these events. This is an excellent introduction both to the principles of da‘wah and to the seerah, the study of the life of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). It should be on the bookshelf of every Muslim who wants to call others to Allah.
The Animals' Lawsuit Against Humanity: An Illustrated 10th Century Iraqi Ecological Fable
Ikhwan al-Safa - 2005
During the ensuing trial, where both humans and animals testify before the King, both sides argue their points ingeniously, deftly illustrating the validity of both sides of the ecology debate. The ancient antecedents of this tale are thought to have originated in India, with the first written version penned in Arabic sometime before the 10th century in what is now Iraq. Much later, this version of the story was translated into Hebrew in 14th century France and was popular in European Jewish communities into the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This exquisite English translation, illustrated with 12 original color illumination plates, is useful in introducing young and old alike to environmental and animal rights issues.
The Paradise of Submission: A Medieval Treatise on Ismaili Thought
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi - 2005
This is a new English translation of his Rawda-yi taslim--the single most important Ismaili text from the Alamut period. In this work the Persian and English texts are edited and published together for the first time. This is Tusi’s major Ismaili work and the most important primary source on Ismaili doctrines during the Alamut period.
Michael Cooperson - 2005
It presents him in his many facets: rebel, rationalist, scientist, poet, politician, warrior, inquisitor, and self-proclaimed defender of the faith. Drawing on contemporary sources, some friendly and others hostile, it offers a comprehensive portrait of a fascinating figure in Islamic history.
Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah: may Allah exalt his mention
Abdurrahman Al-Sheha - 2005
Hard to find
Averroes (Ibn Rushd): Muslim Scholar, Philosopher, and Physician of the Twelfth Century
Liz Sonneborn - 2005
He was dedicated to the study of Plato and Aristotle, writing comprehensive commentaries on the great Greek philosophers who introduced Europe to the breadth of Greek philosophy. Known as one of the greatest interpreters of Aristotle, he provided a link between ancient and modern thought. Supports history-social science context standards mandating exploration of intellectual exchanges and contributions of Muslim scholars, and their influence on the science, geography, mathematics, philosophy, and medicine of later civilizations.
The Biography of Sufyaan Ath-Thauree
Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood - 2005
He is a revered and noble scholar, a status he earned although he fled from all forms of fame and popularity throughout his life, which has been a good example of piety, purity, worship, righteousness. humbleness, fearfulness and repentance.
Cosmology and Architecture in Premodern Islam: An Architectural Reading of Mystical Ideas
Samer Akkach - 2005
Samer Akkach demonstrates how space ordering in premodern Islamic architecture reflects the transcendental and the sublime. The book features many new translations, a number from unpublished sources, and several illustrations.Referencing a wide range of mystical texts, and with a special focus on the works of the great Sufi master Ibn Arabi, Akkach introduces a notion of spatial sensibility that is shaped by religious conceptions of time and space. Religious beliefs about the cosmos, geography, the human body, and constructed forms are all underpinned by a consistent spatial sensibility anchored in medieval geocentrism. Within this geometrically defined and ordered universe, nothing stands in isolation or ambiguity; everything is interrelated and carefully positioned in an intricate hierarchy. Through detailed mapping of this intricate order, the book shows the significance of this mode of seeing the world for those who lived in the premodern Islamic era and how cosmological ideas became manifest in the buildings and spaces of their everyday lives. This is a highly original work that provides important insights on Islamic aesthetics and culture, on the history of architecture, and on the relationship of art and religion, creativity and spirituality.
A Textbook of Hadith Studies: Authenticity, Compilation, Classification and Criticism of Hadith
Mohammad Hashim Kamali - 2005
Suitable for university courses and all serious students of Islam, the topics surveyed include Hadith methodology, Hadith literature, the history of Hadith compilation and documentation, and the methods of Hadith criticism (al-jarh wa al-ta'dil) and classification.Mohammad Hashim Kamali, born in Afghanistan in 1944, was a professor of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence at the International Islamic University in Malaysia, and dean of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC) from 1985–2007. He is currently chairman and CEO of the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies, Malaysia. He is also on the international advisory boards of eleven academic journals published in Malaysia, the United States, Canada, Kuwait, India, Australia, and Pakistan. Professor Kamali has addressed over 120 national and international conferences, and has published sixteen books and over 110 academic articles. His books include The Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, Freedom of Expression in Islam, and Islamic Commercial Law: An Analysis of Futures and Options.
Beyond the Exotic: Women's Histories in Islamic Societies
Amira El-Azhary Sonbol - 2005
Muslim women have been depicted as different, and by exoticizing (orientalizing) them--or Islamic society in general--they have been dealt with outside of general women's history and regarded as having little to contribute to the writing of world history or to the life of their sisters worldwide. By approaching widely used sources with different questions and methodologies, and by using new or little-used material (with much primary research), this book redresses these deficiencies. Scholars revisit and reevaluate scripture and scriptural interpretation; church records involving non-Muslim women of the Arab world; archival court records dating from the present back to the Ottoman period; and the oral and material culture and its written record, including oral history, textbooks, sufi practices, and the politics of dress. By deconstructing the past, these scholars offer fresh perspectives on women's roles and aspirations in Middle East societies.
Albucasis Aka Al-zahrawi: Renowned Surgeon of the Arab World (Great Muslim Philosophers and Scientists of the Middle Ages)
Fred Ramen - 2005
He is remembered for his breakthroughs in surgery, as well as for his medical encyclopedia, which was used in medical schools in Europe until the seventeenth century. He was also the inventor of many surgical instruments, some of which are still used today. Supports history-social science context standards mandating exploration of intellectual exchanges and contributions of Muslim scholars, and their influence on the science, geography, mathematics, philosophy, and medicine of later civilizations.
Sunna Notes Volume 2
Gibril Fouad Haddad - 2005
Sunna Notes Volume 2Studies in Hadith & DoctrineThe Excellent Innovationin the Qur’an & Hadithwith Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali’sThe Sunna of the CaliphsThe purpose of this book is to do away once and for all with perilous misconceptions and to present over 160 proofs for the Sunni understanding of Sunna and bid'a as it was – and continues to be – set forth in classical, moderate, mainstream Islam according to the Sunni Salaf and Khalaf including the Four Schools of Fiqh.
The Book of Character: An Anthology of Writings on Virtue from Islamic and Other Sources
Camille Helminski - 2005
The advice of prophets Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad, the wisdom of Confucius and Buddha, and the prudence of saints, scholars, and even cyclists provide expert guidance for those looking to improve their spiritual well-being.
Muslim Studies, Vol. 1
Ignaz Goldziher - 2005
Indeed, the two volumes, originally published in German in 1889-1890, can justly be counted among those that laid the foundations of the modern study of Islam as a religion and a civilization. The first study deals with the reaction of Islam to the ideals of Arab tribal society, to the attitudes of early Islam to the various nationalities and more especially the Persians, and culminates in the chapter on the Shu'ubiya movement which represents the reaction of the newly converted peoples, and again more especially the Persians, to the idea of Arab superiority. The second essay is the famous study on the development of the Hadith, the "Traditions" ascribed to Muhammed, in which the Hadith is shown to reflect the various trends of early Islam: Goldziher's name is mainly associated with the critical study of the Hadith, of which this essay is the chief monument. The third essay is about the cult of saints, which, though contrary to the spirit and letter of the earliest Islam, played such an important part in its subsequent development. These essays, with the author's marvelous richness of information, profound historical sense, and sympathetic insight into the motive forces of religion and civilization, are today as fresh as at the time of their original publication and their reissue is indispensable for the growing number of students of Islam. Hamid Dabashi contributes a major eighty-five-page study of Goldziher's life and scholarship, situating both in the intellectual and political currents of his own time while evaluating his work in the context of the current debate over Orientalism.
The Eagle's Nest: Ismaili Castles in Iran and Syria
Peter Willey - 2005
Often superior in construction to those built by the Crusaders, these castles withstood numerous offensives for over two centuries until the middle of the thirteenth century when most were captured and demolished by the Mongols. Peter Willey describes the discoveries he made during the course of more than 20 expeditions to these Ismaili sites spanning the past forty years. The book is illustrated with photographs, maps and plans. As well as being a piece of original scholarship, it is also a readable personal account of the challenges encountered in expeditions to remote, inaccessible and often hazardous locations.
Allah's Miracles in the Qur'an
Harun Yahya - 2005
This book of guidance and wisdom calls man to the truth and instructs all human beings to adhere to the values which this mighty revelation contains. From the day of its revelation to the Day of Judgement, this last divine book will remain as the sole guide for humanity. The book of Allah states, "But it is nothing less than a Reminder to all the worlds." (Qur'an, 68:52) Ever since the Qur'an was revealed, it has possessed an easily understandable language and tone, accessible to all people and in all times. Allah tells us of this style in the Qur'an: "We have made the Qur'an easy to remember..." (Qur'an, 54:22) The perfection of the literary language of the Qur'an, the incomparable features of its style and the superior wisdom contained within it are some of the definitive proofs that it represents the word of our Lord. In addition, the Qur'an contains within its words many miracles which prove it to be Allah's word. One of these attributes is the remarkable number of scientific truths which are contained in the Book of Islam. In this book which was revealed over fourteen centuries ago to the Prophet Muhammad (saas), there are innumerable examples of information humanity have only been able to uncover by the technology of the 20th and 21st centuries.
The Man and the Fox
Idries Shah - 2005
However, the fox gets trapped, but through his ingenuity and perseverance he manages to escape. This story can inspire children to face challenges and to overcome and, sometimes, make use of obstacles in their path.
The Qur'an: An Encyclopedia
Oliver Leaman - 2005
It plays a central role in Islam and ever since it appeared fourteen hundred years ago has been the subject of intense debate. Some of this has been carried out by Muslims and some by those hostile or indifferent to Islam, producing a very wide range of views.Authored by forty-three international experts, the objective of The Qur'an: An Encyclopedia is to present this diversity of thought, approach and school without priority, in order to give a strong appreciation of the range of response that the text has provoked throughout its history and providing students and researchers with a powerful one-volume resource covering all aspects of the text and its reception.Islam and the Qur'an are much in the news today and there is a public debate going on in which things are said about the Qur'an without much knowledge or understanding of the book. Every effort has been made to help the reader use the Encyclopedia as an investigative tool in Quranic studies. The volume assumes no previous knowledge of the Qur'an, Islam or Arabic. Technical terms are explained in the text itself and the style of each entry is designed to be as self-contained as possible. Entries are cross-referenced and many include a brief bibliography. At the end of the work there is a substantial annotated bibliography providing a detailed guide to the most significant books, journals and articles in Qur'anic Studies. There is a full index.The readership will include those seeking basic information on the Qur'an, however the substantial number of longer entries means that it will also be used by specialists.
The Great Latke-Hamantash Debate
Ruth Fredman Cernea - 2005
Nature versus nurture. Free will versus determinism. Every November at the University of Chicago, the best minds in the world consider the question that ranks with these as one of the most enduring of human history: latke or hamantash? This great latke-hamantash debate, occurring every year for the past six decades, brings Nobel laureates, university presidents, and notable scholars together to debate whether the potato pancake or the triangular Purim pastry is in fact the worthier food. What began as an informal gathering is now an institution that has been replicated on campuses nationwide. Highly absurd yet deeply serious, the annual debate is anopportunity for both ethnic celebration and academic farce. In poetry, essays, jokes, and revisionist histories, members of elite American academies attack the latke-versus-hamantash question with intellectual panache and an unerring sense of humor, if not chutzpah. The Great Latke-Hamantash Debate is the first collection of the best of these performances, from Martha Nussbaum's paean to both foods—in the style of Hecuba's Lament—to Nobel laureate Leon Lederman's proclamation on the union of the celebrated dyad. The latke and the hamantash are here revealed as playing a critical role in everything from Chinese history to the Renaissance, the works of Jane Austen to constitutional law. Philosopher and humorist Ted Cohen supplies a wry foreword, while anthropologist Ruth Fredman Cernea provides historical and social context as well as an overview of the Jewish holidays, latke and hamantash recipes, and a glossary of Yiddish and Hebrew terms, making the book accessible even to the uninitiated. The University of Chicago may have split the atom in 1942, but it's still working on the equally significant issue of the latke versus the hamantash. “As if we didn’t have enough on our plates, here’s something new to argue about. . . . To have to pick between sweet and savory, round and triangular, latke and hamantash. How to choose? . . . Thank goodness one of our great universities—Chicago, no less—is on the case. For more than 60 years, it has staged an annual latke-hamantash debate. . . . So, is this book funny? Of course it’s funny, even laugh-out-loud funny. It’s Mickey Katz in academic drag, Borscht Belt with a PhD.”—David Kaufmann, Forward
I Love Islam Textbook: Level 3 (With CD)
Aimen Ansari - 2005
Textbooks and workbooks gradually introduce Muslim students to the essentials of their faith and bring to light important historical and cultural aspects of Islam. Each book in the series is designed to emphasize aspects of Islam appropriate for that grade school level. The program introduces Islam to young Muslims through both state of the art educational and authentic Islamic tarbiyah methodologies.By Level 3, students are expected to have attained the basics of Islam. They are led through more detailed lessons about Islamic principles and character building themes taken from Qur an, Hadeeth, and Seerah. The lessons are presented as stories, related in a captivating and exciting narrative style. Activities and questions are designed to nurture comprehension and analytical skills. Colorful illustrations and graphics inspire students to learn, love and live Islam. The book also comes with a CD of Qur an stories and nasheeds by Noorart.More about this Series:This series covers grades one through twelve and includes a student textbook and workbook, as well as a teacher's edition.The series will cover many aspects of Islam including:1. Iman2. Fiqh ul-Ibadat3. Fiqh ul-Mu'amalat4. Qur'an5. Hadeeth6. Seerah7. Islamic Character Education8. The Muslim World
Defending the Transgressed by Censuring the Reckless Against the Killing of Civilians
Muhammad Afifi Al-Akiti - 2005
A fatwa, or religious opinion, by a Malaysian Muslim theologian of the Shafi'i stream of thought, against the targeting of civilians in terrorist attacks.
Tales of Nasreddin
Henry D. Barnham - 2005
Middle-Eastern Studies. Translated from the Turkish by Henry D. Barnham. Here is a collection of 181 of the funniest and best-known Mulla Nasreddin stories. Mulla Nasreddin, as he is known in the Persian-speaking world, is a humorous witty character that goes by different names in different cultures. Iranians, Arabs and Turks still bicker about who he was and where he was from. What can be said is that Mulla is a universal character on which are framed various humorous, philosophical, moral or pedagogic anecdotes. A Mulla Nasreddin anecdote is often used to emphasize a point. Most read a funny story. However, in the same tale, a Sufi may see multiple strands of mystic meaning and a revolutionary will see the idea of resistance to authority. Depending on the reader and the time, Nasreddin may be more of a wise man, a jester a rebel or a philosopher.