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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon
Al-Anon Family Groups - 1972
One Day at a Time in Al-AnonAl-Anon Family Group 1989
Talks with Ramana Maharshi: On Realizing Abiding Peace and Happiness
Ramana Maharshi - 1972
These "Talks" offer a genuinely universal approach to Truth, by directly pointing to the certainty of our essential nature. By applying even a few of these passages to our life, we can become aware of the ever-present, abiding Reality.The great Indian sage Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950) had the unique gift of embodying the highest wisdom in the most ordinary manner. His words, full of insight and understanding, express the authentic experience of Enlightenment. For decades, they have guided people from diverse backgrounds and traditions to the Source of enduring peace and happiness.Through the wise words of this beloved sage, we are clearly and consistently shown how to reclaim our innate Freedom—simply by looking in the right place and discovering what has always been present. A fundamental shift of attention is all that is required. By approaching these dialogues in the spirit of inquiry, one has the opportunity to awaken to a greater Reality: that of our own Being, our true Self.
Life Lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us About the Mysteries of Life and Living
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross - 1972
The tragedy is not that life is short but that we often see only in hindsight what really matters. In this, her first book on life and living, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross joins with David Kessler to guide us through the practical and spiritual lessons we need to learn so that we can live life to its fullest in every moment. Many years of working with the dying have shown the authors that certain lessons come up over and over again. Some of these lessons are enormously difficult to master, but even the attempts to understand them can be deeply rewarding. Here, in fourteen accessible chapters, from the Lesson of Love to the Lesson of Happiness, the authors reveal the truth about our fears, our hopes, our relationships, and, above all, about the grandness of who we really are.
The Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi - 1972
Here is a collection of Sri Ramana's instructions and discourses culled from three works: Who Am I? , Spiritual Instructions , and Maharshi's Gospel. These teachings are arranged by topics such as work and renunciation, silence and solitude, peace and happiness, and the discipline of self-inquiry. Reading this book, presented in question-and-answer format, evokes the feeling of being with this outstanding teacher at one of his intimate teaching sessions.
The Magic Monastery: Analogical and Action Philosophy of the Middle East and Central Asia
Idries Shah - 1972
The Magic Monastery differs from its predecessors in that it contains not only traditional tales--mostly unpublished--but also stories specially written by Shah to complete the book as 'a course in non-linear thinking.'
Idries Shah - 1972
The book confronts the reader with unaccustomed perspectives and ideas, in an attempt to set the mind free, to see how things really are. As the book's foreword states, 'Do you imagine that fables exist only to amuse or to instruct, and are based upon fiction? The best ones are delineations of what happens in real life, in the community and in the individual's mental processes'.
Srimad Bhagavatam: First Canto "Creation"(Chapters 1-7)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1972
C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, whom scholars and spiritual leaders worldwide recognize as the most distinguished teacher of Indian culture and philosophy of the modern age. Srimad-Bhagavatam is a virtual encyclopedia of yoga, meditation, and the mystic arts. It brings together in one complete source information that previously took hundreds of books to explain. "Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1" presents the first part of the first Canto as a sampler for the whole 18-volume set.
You Are the World
Jiddu Krishnamurti - 1972
A recapitulation of 12 talks & discussions that Jiddu Krishnamurti, the world-renowned spiritual teacher & prolific author, has given in American universities.
In My Own Way: An Autobiography
Alan W. Watts - 1972
From early in this intellectual life, Watts shows himself to be a philosophical renegade and wide-ranging autodidact who came to Buddhism through the teachings of Christmas Humphreys and D. T. Suzuki. Told in a nonlinear style, In My Own Way wonderfully combines Watts’ own brand of unconventional philosophy and often hilarious accounts of gurus, celebrities, psychedelic drug experiences, and wry observations of Western culture. A charming foreword written by Watts’ father sets the tone of this warm, funny, and beautifully written story of a compelling figure who encouraged readers to “follow your own weird” — something he always did himself, as his remarkable account of his life shows.
Beyond Violence
Jiddu Krishnamurti - 1972
This fascinating analysis will provide readers with an understanding of the connection between humans and violence and will demonstrate how to achieve mental liberation and tranquility. Realizando que el mundo esta lleno de violencia, tanto en el nivel global como individual, el autor sostiene que el cambio de la sociedad surgirn de la mente y la tranquilidad total.
Seven Arrows
Hyemeyohsts Storm - 1972
It is the tale of the land they cherish and the lives they hold sacred, lived until the enemy can no longer be stopped, and the dead have few left to weep for them.
Gnosis: The Mesoteric Cycle (Book 2)
Boris Mouravieff - 1972
Book by Mouravieff, Boris
The Impossible Question
Jiddu Krishnamurti - 1972
The Impossible Question reveals the unique approach of a profound thinker and teacher; it will prove invaluable to those who wish to gain insight into his philosophy or into themselves. Jiddu Krishnamurti was born in southern India in 1895 and died in 1986. The essence of his teachings is that societal change and world peace can only occur through a complete change of individual consciousness.
The Real Faith
Charles S. Price - 1972
Real Faith is a reprint of the famous faith-building masterpiece by one of this century's great men of God.
God's Will for You
Gloria Copeland - 1972
Jesus said, And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Explore the truth with Gloria Copeland its truth that will make you free, as you learn Gods Will for You.
What Religion Is the Words of Swami Vivekananda
Vivekananda - 1972
The Mystery of the Golden Blossom: The Magic of Spirituality, Sexuality, and Love
Samael Aun Weor - 1972
Between lovers that magnetic force is particularly powerful and its action has a far-reaching effect.” - Samael Aun WeorIn the heart of every religion there are teachings about intimate human relationships, a sacred knowledge about the transformative power of sex, which states that true spiritual mastery is a result of conquering base desires and transforming them into conscious virtues. Harnessing and transforming the most powerful forces within places us on a revolutionary path to spiritual awakening. Every birth is a magical act, performed through sex. Spiritual birth is no exception, and is accomplished through a divine form of sexuality.“The physical union of a man and a woman, in essence, is a supernatural act, a reminiscence of paradise, the most beautiful of all the hymns of praise dedicated to the Creator by the creature; it is the alpha and the omega of all creation.” - Samael Aun Weor• Enter into the sacred mysteries hidden in all major religions• Learn to practice the ancient science that inspired Tantra, Alchemy, Taoism, and other traditions• Filled with lively, entertaining stories, and practical exercises and guidance for personal development
Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
Jane Roberts - 1972
Having withstood the test of time, it is still considered one of the most dynamic and brilliant maps of inner reality available today.
The Substance of Faith: And Other Cotton Patch Sermons
Clarence Jordan - 1972
Within the pages of this book, you'll discover the basic themes of Clarence Jordan's life: "Incarnational Evangelism," the "God Movement," and his prophetic insight into the enemies of authentic faith, such as Mammon. Dallas Lee has brought all this together from what Clarence Jordan said in pulpit, classroom, and lecture hall.
The Creative Encounter
Howard Thurman - 1972
Howard Thurman writes here about the "meaning of the religious experience as it involves the individual totally, which means inclusive of feelings and emotions."
Dynamic Laws of Healing
Catherine Ponder - 1972
She shows one how to turn on the corrective thoughts in order to change the whole pattern of your life for the better. It is explained that everybody can use these ancient healing laws and there's nothing mysterious about them. In fact, healing constantly takes place in our lives in simple ways that seem miraculous. We all have the healing power, if we only realize it. This is a book that substantially expands one's consciousness. Should be on every healer' bookshelf.Catherine Ponder discloses one useful healing technique after another, making this a manual and reference work as well as fascinating reading for all interested in the vital work of healing.
A Reason to Live! A Reason to Die!: A New Look at Faith in God
John Joseph Powell - 1972
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. First Canto - Part Two
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda - 1972
The timeless wisdom of India is expressed in the Vedas, ancient Sanskrit texts that touches upon all fields of human knowledge. Originally preserved through oral tradition, the Vedas were first put into writing by Śrīla Vyāsadeva, the literary incarnation of God. After compiling the Vedas, Śrīla Vyāsadeva was inspired by his spiritual master to present their profound essence in the form of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Known as the ripened fruit of the tree of Vedic literature, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the most complete and authoritative exposition of Vedic knowledge. After writing the Bhāgavatam, Vyāsa taught it to his son, Śukadeva Gosvāmī, who later spoke the Bhāgavatam to Mahārāja Parīkṣit in an assembly of sages on the bank of the sacred Ganges River. Although Mahārāja Parīkṣit was a great rājarṣhi (saintly king) and the emperor of the world, when he received notice of his death seven days in advance, he renounced his entire kingdom and retired to the bank of the Ganges to seek spiritual enlightenment. The questions of King Parīksit and Śukadeva Gosvāmīs illuminating answers, concerning everything from the nature of the self to the origin of the universe, are the basis of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. The first verse of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam makes clear that because the book is intended for people serious about spiritual progress, it will not deal with sectarian religious ideas, philosophical conjecture, or worldly concerns. The second text promises that anyone who reads the book systematically will achieve the spiritual success meant for all human beings. This edition of Bhāgavatam is the only complete English translation with an elaborate and scholarly commentary, and it is the first edition widely available to the English-reading public. This work is the product of the scholarly and devotional effort of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, the worlds most distinguished teacher of Indian religious and philosophical thought. His Sanskrit scholarship and intimate familiarity with Vedic culture combine to reveal to the West a magnificent exposition of this important classic. With its comprehensive system of providing the original Sanskrit text, Roman transliteration, precise word-for-word equivalents, a lucid English translation and a comprehensive commentary, it will appeal to scholars, students and laymen alike. The entire multivolume text, presented by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, promises to occupy a significant place in the intellectual, cultural and spiritual life of modern man for a long time to come. This volume is First canto Part Two (Chapters 8 through 12)Librarian's note: See alternate book with ISBN 0912776870 here.
Sealed Orders: The Autobiography of a Christian Mystic
Agnes Sanford - 1972
This is the deeply personal, candid, unvarnished journal of a woman whose life fit the Christian mold, yet God powerfully used her as a healer. Her story is one of searching, seeing, and sharing to carry out God's Sealed Orders. Sanford found God to be real. God found Sanford to be willing. From China to California, through the turbulence of a world at war, God's unlikely servant taught the power of prayer and the miracle of healing -- lessons as fresh and resonant today as they were when her books were first published. In itself, Sealed Orders is a healing experience. The power of its instruction in the life of faith and power arises from the deep experiences of a remarkable servant of the omnipotent God.
The Way to the Kingdom
Joseph Benner - 1972
These words are addressed to those who are seeking the way into the Kingdom of God--the Kingdom where a Great Love and Wisdom, the serving and the inspiring of others, and the utter forgetfulness of self, are the natural life of everyone who dwells therein. This ebook contains 346 pages in 20 chapters.
Answers to praise
Merlin R. Carothers - 1972
Read the many letters from people who put their extraordinary principles to work.
The Fire of Love and the Mending of Life
Richard Rolle - 1972
In The Mending of Life, Rolle tells the story of his life and his miracles, from the pain of his conversion as a young man to his settling after a period of wandering with the Cistercian nuns in the tiny hamlet of Hampole, near Doncaster in England. In The Fire of Love, Rolle extols an exquisite love of God through poetry and prose, discussing the importance of the love of God in a life of faith, and also relates his disagreements with the Church of his time. Those interested in the medieval literature, the history of mysticism, and in unique perspectives on the faith should take a look at these important works by the writer generally considered the father of English mysticism.
The Gnosis and the Law
Tellis S. Papastavro - 1972
It is quite a tome, but makes clear many things about the spiritual hierarchy which I had been wondering for over thirty years. How does the Devic Kingdom fit into the hierarchy, for example, and what is a Chohan? It tells where the spiritual retreats on the inner planes are located (AA Michael's is in the Banff, Canada, area for example). I learned who the companions of the different archangels are as well. It took a while to read, but I have turned down more page corners on this book than any other I have read in a couple of decades. I will keep this in my library for a LONG while.Here is what is on the inside cover page:"O Thou Who givest sustenance to the Universe,From Whom all things proceed,To Whom all things return;Unveil to us the face of the true spiritual Sun,Hidden by a disc of golden light,That we may know the truthAnd do our whole duty,As we journey to Thy sacred feet." The Gayatri.