Book picks similar to
Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits by David A. Hodges


Intermediate Accounting

J. David Spiceland - 1998
    This edition is thoroughly revised, now including more application and analysis problems.

Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design

John Lewis - 1997
     This new edition has an earlier evolution of object concepts, developed in a way that capitalizes on the power of objects without overwhelming beginning programmers. It includes all new Java 5 topics, including Scanner class, enumerated types, autoboxing, variable length parameter lists, the enhanced for loop, and generic types. This is in depth coverage on GUI applications. This book is appropriate for beginning programmers who want to learn to program with Java as well as experienced programmers who want to add Java to their skill-set.

Technical Communication

John M. Lannon - 2005

Data Modeling Essentials

Graeme Simsion - 1992
    In order to enable students to apply the basics of data modeling to real models, the book addresses the realities of developing systems in real-world situations by assessing the merits of a variety of possible solutions as well as using language and diagramming methods that represent industry practice.This revised edition has been given significantly expanded coverage and reorganized for greater reader comprehension even as it retains its distinctive hallmarks of readability and usefulness. Beginning with the basics, the book provides a thorough grounding in theory before guiding the reader through the various stages of applied data modeling and database design. Later chapters address advanced subjects, including business rules, data warehousing, enterprise-wide modeling and data management. It includes an entirely new section discussing the development of logical and physical modeling, along with new material describing a powerful technique for model verification. It also provides an excellent resource for additional lectures and exercises.This text is the ideal reference for data modelers, data architects, database designers, DBAs, and systems analysts, as well as undergraduate and graduate-level students looking for a real-world perspective.

Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory

Robert L. Boylestad - 2005
    Boylestad and Nashelsky offer students a complete and comprehensive survey, focusing on all the essentials they will need to succeed on the job. This very readable presentation is supported by strong pedagogy and content that is ideal for new students of this rapidly changing field. Its colorful, student-friendly layout boasts a large number of stunning photographs. A broad range of ancillary materials is available for instructor support.

The Food Lover's Companion (Barron's Cooking Guide)

Sharon Tyler Herbst - 1990
    Hailed by Bon App(c)tit magazine as "one of the best reference books we've seen, a must for every cook's library," it's the ultimate kitchen tool. Here are answers to questions about cooking techniques, meat cuts, kitchen utensils, food, wine, cocktail terms, and much more. Readers will also find a completely revised and expanded appendix containing a pasta glossary, a pan substitution chart, consumer information contacts, ingredient equivalents and substitutions, and more. A million readers can't be wrong--and they've found previous editions of this book invaluable. For anybody who cooks--or who simply loves food--here's a terrific reference source and an outstanding cookbook supplement.

UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language

Martin Fowler - 1997
    This third edition is the best resource for quick, no-nonsense insights into understanding and using UML 2.0 and prior versions of the UML. Some readers will want to quickly get up to speed with the UML 2.0 and learn the essentials of the UML. Others will use this book as a handy, quick reference to the most common parts of the UML. The author delivers on both of these promises in a short, concise, and focused presentation. This book describes all the major UML diagram types, what they're used for, and the basic notation involved in creating and deciphering them. These diagrams include class, sequence, object, package, deployment, use case, state machine, activity, communication, composite structure, component, interaction overview, and timing diagrams. The examples are clear and the explanations cut to the fundamental design logic. Includes a quick reference to the most useful parts of the UML notation and a useful summary of diagram types that were added to the UML 2.0. If you are like most developers, you don't have time to keep up with all the new innovations in software engineering. This new edition of Fowler's classic work gets you acquainted with some of the best thinking about efficient object-oriented software design using the UML--in a convenient format that will be essential to anyone who designs software professionally.

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

David J. Griffiths - 1994
    The book s two-part coverage organizes topics under basic theory, and assembles an arsenal of approximation schemes with illustrative applications. For physicists and engineers. "

Digital Design and Computer Architecture

David Money Harris - 2007
    Digital Design and Computer Architecture begins with a modern approach by rigorously covering the fundamentals of digital logic design and then introducing Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Featuring examples of the two most widely-used HDLs, VHDL and Verilog, the first half of the text prepares the reader for what follows in the second: the design of a MIPS Processor. By the end of Digital Design and Computer Architecture, readers will be able to build their own microprocessor and will have a top-to-bottom understanding of how it works--even if they have no formal background in design or architecture beyond an introductory class. David Harris and Sarah Harris combine an engaging and humorous writing style with an updated and hands-on approach to digital design.Unique presentation of digital logic design from the perspective of computer architecture using a real instruction set, MIPS.Side-by-side examples of the two most prominent Hardware Design Languages--VHDL and Verilog--illustrate and compare the ways the each can be used in the design of digital systems.Worked examples conclude each section to enhance the reader's understanding and retention of the material.

The Protocols (TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1)

W. Richard Stevens - 1993
    In eight chapters, it provides the most thorough coverage of TCP available. It also covers the newest TCP/IP features, including multicasting, path MTU discovery and long fat pipes. The author describes various protocols, including ARP, ICMP and UDP. He utilizes network diagnostic tools to actually show the protocols in action. He also explains how to avoid silly window syndrome (SWS) by using numerous helpful diagrams. This book gives you a broader understanding of concepts like connection establishment, timeout, retransmission and fragmentation. It is ideal for anyone wanting to gain a greater understanding of how the TCP/IP protocols work.

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics

John D. Anderson Jr. - 1984
    The classic organization of the text has been preserved, with new standalone viscous flow sections at the end of various chapters to conceptualize the coverage of this topic in part 4, and complement discussion of fundamental principles in part 1, inviscid incompressible flow in part 2, and inviscid compressible flow in part 3. Historical topics, carefully developed examples, numerous illustrations, and a wide selection of chapter problems are found throughout the text to motivate and challenge students of aerodynamics. This is the most reliable up-to-date text for students and teachers of aerodynamics. New edition will include a new support tools Aerodynamics website, including animation and simulation tools. New edition will emphasize modern methods without diminishing the study of pure theory and experiment.

Mastering APA Style: Student's Workbook and Training Guide

American Psychological Association - 2009
    This user-friendly training guide includes groups of instructional exercises and practice tests on various aspects and features of the sixth edition of the Publication Manual, including electronic references and citations, grammar, headings, seriation, statistical and mathematical copy, italics, capitalization, numbers style, and table formatting.


John R. Schermerhorn Jr. - 1995
     In this new edition, Management, 9e has been extensively revised with a sincere commitment to help instructors teach and students learn in today's complex and globally competitive environment. The subject matter has been carefully chosen to meet AACSB accreditation guidelines while allowing extensive flexibility to fit various course designs and sizes. Along with updates of core material, Management, 9e offers a number of changes in the organization, content, and design that respond to current themes and developments in the theory and practice of management.

The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student

Mike Kim - 2017
    Whether you are new to the LSAT or have been studying for a while, you will find invaluable benefit in the Trainer's teachings, strategies, drills, and solutions.The LSAT Trainer includes: over 200 official LSAT questions and real-time solutions, simple and battle-tested strategies for every type of Logical Reasoning question, Reading Comprehension question, and Logic Gameover 30 original and unique drills designed to help develop LSAT-specific skills and habits, access to a variety of free study schedules, notebook organizers, and much more.

ServSafe Coursebook [with Answer Sheet]

National Restaurant Association - 2001
    It is the ideal solution for the academic setting, multiple-day training, or individuals in need of more extensive food safety training. Food safety has never been more important to the restaurant industry and its customers. Based on the "2013""FDA Food Code, " the "ServSafe Coursebook" focuses on the preventative measures to keep food safe. The content in the "ServSafe Coursebook" goes beyond the principles found in the "ServSafe""Manager Book" and adds greater depth and breadth of food safety practices by featuring expanded sections on food defense, high-risk populations, active managerial control, and crisis management. Food safety topics are presented in a user-friendly, practical way with more real-world case studies and stories to help readers understand the day-to-day importance of food safety. Developed by the industry, for the industry, ServSafe(R) is a proven way to minimize risk and maximize protection for foodservice owners, employees, and customers. Recognized as the industry standard, ServSafe offers a complete suite of printed and online products and is the most important ingredient to food safety training and certification success. The "ServSafe Coursebook" is available packaged with MyServSafeLab(TM). MyServSafeLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program that truly engages students in learning. It helps students better prepare for class, quizzes, and exams-resulting in better performance in the course-and provides educators a dynamic set of tools for gauging individual and class progress. The "ServSafe Coursebook" 6th Edition is available packaged in a number of ways to suit your specific needs. ISBN: 0133883507 is a package containing the book and the answer sheet for the pencil/paper version of the ServSafe Food Protection Manager exam" ServSafe Coursebook with Answer Sheet 6th Edition " Also available: Stand-alone book: "ServSafe Coursebook "6th Edition ISBN: 0133883604A package containing the book, the answer sheet for the pencil/paper version of the ServSafe Food Protection Manager exam, AND MyServSafeLab with Pearson eText Access Card: " ServSafe Coursebook with Answer Sheet, Revised Plus NEW MyServSafeLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, "6/e ISBN: 0133962733A package containing the book and online exam voucher: "ServSafe Coursebook with Online Exam Voucher 6th Edition "ISBN: 0133883515A package containing the book, online exam voucher, AND MyServSafeLab with Pearson eText Access Card: "ServSafe Coursebook with Online Exam Voucher, Revised Plus NEW MyServSafeLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 6/e "ISBN: 0133962725Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyServSafeLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN. MyServSafeLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.