Your First 1000 Copies: The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book

Tim Grahl - 2013
    He has worked with authors across all fiction and non-fiction genres. Along with his client work, he has studied many other successful authors to learn what works and what doesn't.The result is Your First 1000 Copies where he walks you through the Connection System, a plan that every author can immediately start using. The plan looks like this: Permission - How to open up communication with your readers where you can reliably engage them and invite them to be involved. Content - How to use content to engage with current readers and connect with new ones. Outreach - How to ethically and politely introduce yourself to new readers. Sell - How all of these steps can naturally lead to book sales without being pushy or annoying Track - How to use modern online tools to see what's working and what's not working, and how to make decisions based on data.This is a system that any author can immediately put in place to start building their platform. Whether you're a seasoned author looking to step into the new publishing landscape, or you're a brand new author, Your First 1000 Copies will give you the tools to connect with readers and sell more books.

Kindle Bestseller Publishing: Write a Bestseller in 30 Days!

Gundi Gabrielle - 2017
     All her books reached #1 within just a few days of publishing and over time, she developed a Step-by-Step, proven and easy-to-follow System that can help you reach Bestseller status with your very first book. "Kindle Bestseller Publishing" is part 5 of the “The Sassy Way…..when you have NO CLUE!” series, that teaches Internet Marketing to total beginners. You might not think of Kindle Publishing as a marketing tool, but it is actually: One of the fastest, most efficient ways to build a following online! For your blog, your social media platforms, your business or any service you are offering. In addition, KINDLE PUBLISHING offers the following BENEFITS: - The Prestige of being a published - or even Bestselling - Author - Instant Authority in your Field - New clients and customers on auto-pilot who will trust you a lot more, because you have already proven yourself - Passive Income - Automatic List Building. Email marketing is widely considered the most powerful marketing technique of all, more than Facebook and Google Ads combined. Publishing a book on Amazon can help you build your mailing list on auto-pilot - and Amazon even pays you to do it….. This book will teach you STEP-BY-STEP how to go from zero to published - and - possibly a Bestseller! It is NOT an in-depth WRITING COURSE although some basic instructions and tips are provided. “Kindle Bestseller Publishing” focuses on the Marketing aspects of publishing a book on Amazon and in particular, what it takes to reach Bestseller status - the “science” behind it. Important areas that will be covered include:: - Researching profitable Book Ideas - Understanding Amazon’s Algorithm and how new readers can find you - How to optimize your meta data, including your book title to trigger Amazon’s algorithm to promote your book heavily - Category and Keyword Research and how Bestseller ranking on Amazon works - How to market your book during Launch Week and much more….

Successful Self-Publishing: How to self-publish and market your book in ebook and print

Joanna Penn - 2015
     Many authors are frustrated because there are so many options for self-publishing, and they don't know which one to choose or what will be best for their book. Others spend thousands of dollars to publish and end up broken-hearted with the result. But it doesn't have to be this way. I've spent the last seven years self-publishing bestselling fiction and non-fiction books and in 2011, I left my day job to become a full-time author entrepreneur. I've made lots of mistakes along the way, but through the process of self-publishing 17 books, I've learned the most effective way to publish and market your books. In this book, I'll share everything with you. The book includes: - What you need to know before you self-publish - Why self-publishing an ebook is a good idea - How to format an ebook - Exclusivity and going direct - How to self-publish an ebook - Why self-publish a print book - Print-on-demand will change your life - What you need to know before you print - How to self-publish a print book - What to do if you want help with the publishing process - After self-publishing - How much does it cost to self-publish? - How do you get paid when you self-publish? - Book marketing principles - How to market fiction - How to market non-fiction Plus, links to more useful resources. If you're ready to successfully self-publish, then download a sample or buy now. You can also get your free Author 2.0 Blueprint and mini-course at (just copy and paste into your browser)

Law of Attraction Habits: 5 Habits That Super Charge Your Manifesting Skills

Chris Tomasso - 2015
    Of course, there are huge things you want in your life and they seem incredibly daunting. In response to this, maybe you checked out books on the law of attraction or "The Secret," but you've had some trouble understanding it and applying it. These habits will show you how to work with it simply and easily in just 10 minutes a day. When you learn to work with the law of attraction, your manifesting skills skyrocket. Most books tell you things like, “Just think positive!” Yeah, try doing that on a day when you’re late for work, trying to get a project finished, or decided you really want something but you have no idea where to even start. Don't listen to that B.S. This book doesn’t just give you theory. It doesn’t give you weird processes. It gives you 5 foundational habits to make getting everything you want via the law of attraction, much much easier. Using this book you’ll be able to: Create more ease in your life while still getting just as much done. Learn how to clear your mind in just 10, 5, or even 2 minutes. Become more emotionally healthy, if that's your thing. Discover why appreciating has been working against you, and how to work with it instead. Understand and identify the best time to really amp up your manifesting. Act from inspiration so that the work you do is 10x more effective. Let go of thoughts that aren’t serving you. And more! Click to get your free copy today.

Story Engineering: Character Development, Story Concept, Scene Construction

Larry Brooks - 2011
    From story concept to character development to scene construction and beyond, this title helps you learn the big picture of storytelling at a professional level through a fresh approach that shows how to combine six core competencies: the four elemental competencies of concept, character, theme, and story structure (plot).

Yearly Content Planner and Strategy Guide

Kirsten Oliphant - 2018
    Are you tired of spinning your wheels as a content creator? It's time to get intentional so you can grow your audience and make more money doing what you LOVE.  Stop wasting time on what isn't working! Scale up your success with strategic plans for your writing and promotion this year.  You'll learn how to:  use simple analytics to narrow your focus create blog posts and other content your audience is hungry for utilize the power of microblogging reverse engineer your desired income plan launches without overwhelming your audience implement a working social media strategy ...and so much more! Whether you are a blogger, writer, podcaster, or YouTuber, you'll find helpul tips and resources to map out a successful year's worth of content. This in-depth planner also comes with a free printable content calendar with daily, weekly, and monthly planning pages to help you put your goals into action. If you are ready to see results for your creative work, this planner is the first step to success! Download your Yearly Content Planner and Strategy Guide today!

Everything You Need to Know About Personal Finance in 1000 Words

C.J. Carlsen - 2014
    Do you know that everything you need to know about personal finance can be summed up in only 1,000 words? What if I told you that you can learn how to handle your money better than a majority of your peers?Now you can.In this book you learn everything you could ever want to know about your money - in less than 10 minutes. That’s all it will take for you to become a master of money.How many articles and books do you see on personal finance? Hundreds? Thousands?Blogs. Books. Podcasts. The resources you have at your disposal are limitless. You know what happens when you have limitless resources? You ignore them. All of them. But that is okay. This will be the only resource you will ever need on personal finance. That is what makes this book so special. In this brief book you will learn: How to control your spending habits Where you should focus your time when making a large purchase How to save thousands doing this one simple thing How tracking every penny does NOT make you financially responsible and what you should do instead What you should spend your money on (hint: it’s not what you think) Why saving for only 10 years is better than saving for 32 years How to make budgeting work for you, even if you hate it! How to make more money Where you should focus your time and effort on to make more money Those habits of the rich How you make money work for you How to avoid taxes legally. The specific investment you should choose The one type of mutual fund you should avoid How you can simplify your finances What you can do to save for retirement every month without lifting a finger If you do not want to learn everything about personal finance in 10 minutes or less, this book is not for you. However, if you want to take control of you money, grab this free eBook today. You’ll be glad you did. Well, what are you waiting for?! Scroll up and download your copy today!

The Six Conversations of a Brilliant Manager

Alan J. Sears - 2019
    Sears distils over 20 years’ experience as a management consultant and coach into six simple conversational structures that cover every management situation. A natural storyteller with a great narrative gift, Sears delivers his message in an entirely unique manner – as a work of business fiction. In this compelling and highly instructive tale you can follow the journey of newly promoted Operations Manager Sam Mitchell as he faces the everyday pressures and challenges of managing a team, and then relate his experiences to real life scenarios in your workplace. Conversation #1 – What can you do about that? Conversation #2 – Who should really own this? Conversation #3 – How should we be behaving? Conversation #4 – Who’s really doing this? Conversation #5 – Where are we heading? Conversation #6 – How are we doing?   This highly practical guide concludes with a simple how-to chapter, explaining why and how each conversation works, and when to use them, as well as providing accompanying tips and techniques. The Six Conversations of a Brilliant Manager is an instantly-applicable and hugely powerful toolkit for every manager and HR department looking to get the very best out of their people.

My Name is (state your name), and I am a Writer (The "My Name Is..." Series)

C.G. Cooper - 2013
    The problem is, every one she knows tells her it can't be done. Instead she slogs to work every day, ignoring her dream. One day, at her favorite coffee shop, she meets Daniel. He'll soon teach her how to become the author she's always dreamed of being.This parable is fictional, but seven out of nine chapters include practical exercises for readers. If you're looking to become a writer or just struggling to find a better way, this short novel is for you.If you're ready, here's the first step. Start by reading the following statement: My Name is (state your name), and I am a Writer.More in this series:My Name is (state your name), and I am an Indie Author-->>

From Word to Kindle: Self Publishing Your Kindle Book with Microsoft Word, or Tips on Formatting Your Document So Your Ebook Won't Look Terrible

Aaron Shepard - 2011
    It's not hard to find instructions for converting from Word to Kindle -- but these instructions are usually less helpful than they could be. Many, for example, proclaim that Word's HTML output requires extensive alteration and cleanup before submission. This advice is misguided. Some who offer it have drawn their conclusions after simply choosing the wrong export option. Others fuss about a moderate amount of excess code, not realizing that it doesn't increase file size enough to matter or that the Kindle ignores it anyway. Other instructions will imply the opposite: that conversion is straightforward and just what you would expect. Supposedly, as long as you start with a properly formatted Word document, you'll wind up with a well-formatted ebook. Well, it doesn't really work that way -- not without a few techniques for tricking or bullying the Kindle into doing what you want. In this book, Aaron Shepard offers his own tips for moving your document from Word to Kindle, with a focus on desktop Word versions from 2003/2004 to 2010/2011. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Aaron Shepard is a foremost proponent of the new business of profitable self publishing, which he has practiced and helped develop since 1998. He is the author of -Aiming at Amazon, - -POD for Profit, - and -Perfect Pages, - as well as two other books on Kindle formatting. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// CONTENTS Getting Started 1 FIRST STEPS Working with Word Document Setup Text Cleanup 2 KINDLE FORMATTING Special Characters Font Formatting Paragraph Styles Paragraph Spacing Paragraph Justification Line Breaking Page Layout 3 SPECIAL ELEMENTS Other Paragraphs Lists Tables Text Boxes and Sidebars Footnotes and Endnotes Pictures 4 NAVIGATION Web Links Internal Links Tables of Contents Menu Items 5 FINAL STEPS HTML Export Book Covers Book Data Submitting and Previewing ///////////////////////////////////////////////// SAMPLE By default, Word will apply the Normal style to your paragraphs. Amazon knows this, so for some Kindles, it hijacks that style, changing its formatting to what Amazon prefers. This can lead, for example, to unwanted space above or below a paragraph. If you want control of your own formatting, then, you'll have to avoid the Normal style and apply something different. There's no problem, though, with applying styles based on Normal, or even with applying a duplicate of Normal under a completely different name. In regard to this, watch out for manual page breaks in recent versions of Word. Unless you're in Compatibility Mode, each break is now placed in a paragraph of its own, and the Normal style is assigned automatically. That in itself isn't a problem -- but if you then hit Return and start typing, your new paragraph will be in Normal as well. (This is another reason to stick to the paragraph format setting -Page break before- to start a new page.) You can change all paragraphs already in Normal style to a different one by using the Format menu in the Find and Replace dialog. Don't enter any text, but place your cursor in first the Find box and then the Replace while choosing a style for each.

Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t: Why That Is And What You Can Do About It

Steven Pressfield - 2016
    And the secret phrase is this:NOBODY WANTS TO READ YOUR SH*T. Recognizing this painful truth is the first step in the writer's transformation from amateur to professional. From Chapter Four: “When you understand that nobody wants to read your shit, you develop empathy. You acquire the skill that is indispensable to all artists and entrepreneurs—the ability to switch back and forth in your imagination from your own point of view as writer/painter/seller to the point of view of your reader/gallery-goer/customer. You learn to ask yourself with ev­ery sentence and every phrase: Is this interesting? Is it fun or challenging or inventive? Am I giving the reader enough? Is she bored? Is she following where I want to lead her?"

You Are A Writer (So Start Acting Like One)

Jeff Goins - 2012
    In You Are a Writer, Jeff Goins shares his own story of self-doubt and what it took for him to become a professional writer and best-selling author—and the principles he’s learned from seeing many others do the same. He gives you practical steps to improve your writing, get published, and build a platform that puts you in charge. This book is about what it takes to be a writer in the 21st Century. You will learn the importance of passion and discipline and how to show up every day to do the work. You Are a Writer will help you fall back in love with writing and build an audience who shares your love. It’s about living the dream of a life dedicated to words.

How to Market a Book: Overperform in a Crowded Market (Reedsy Marketing Guides #1)

Ricardo Fayet - 2021
    Marketing it can be even harder.Marketing a book in 2021 can seem like a full-time job, what with the crazy number of things authors seem to be expected to do: social media, blog tours, advertising, price promotions, mailing lists, giveaways, you name it. But here’s a little secret: you don’t need to do all those things to successfully set your book on the path to success. What you need is a solid plan to find the one or two tactics that will work, and start to drive sales… in a minimum amount of time. And that’s exactly what you’ll find in this book.Instead of drowning you in information or inundating you with hundreds of different tactics and strategies that eventually prove fruitless, this book will guide you through a step-by-step framework to find the ones that actually work for you and your book, so that you can start marketing more efficiently.In particular, you’ll learn: • How to change your mindset and sell more books with less effort.; • How to write books that guarantee a lasting, profitable career; • How to get Amazon’s Kindle Store to market your book for you; • How to get thousands of readers into your mailing list before you even release the book; • How to propel your book to the top of the charts at launch; and • How to automate your marketing so that you can spend less time marketing and more time writing,After helping over 150,000 authors crack the marketing code through a popular weekly newsletter, Reedsy’s Co-founder Ricardo Fayet is sharing everything he’s learned over the past few years in this beginner-friendly, jargon-free guide to book marketing.

Mastering Amazon Descriptions: An Author's Guide

Brian D. Meeks - 2019
    From the author of Mastering Amazon Ads: An Author's Guide, comes a new book on the art of copywriting for descriptions.A typical description might convert one click in thirty into a new reader. After two years of research and hundreds of descriptions written, the data shows that properly written descriptions can get the job done in ten clicks.Would you rather pay for 10 or 30 clicks to get a conversion?With 40 descriptions across lots of genres, you'll find everything you need to understand and train yourself to write proper copy.* Powerful hooks* Engaging copy* Visually Appealing formatting.

Mindfulness: The Most Effective Techniques: Connect With Your Inner Self To Reach Your Goals Easily and Peacefully

Ian Tuhovsky - 2017
    It doesn't require you to be a part of any religion or a movement. What mindfulness is about is living a good life (that's quite practical, right?), and this book is all about deepening your awareness, getting to know yourself, and developing attitudes and mental habits that will make you not only a successful and effective person in life, but a happy and wise one as well. If you have ever wondered what the mysterious words "mindfulness" means and why would anyone bother, you have just found your (detailed) answer! This book will provide you with actionable steps and valuable information, all in plain English, so all of your doubts will be soon gone. In my experience, nothing has proven as simple and yet effective and powerful as the daily practice of mindfulness. It has helped me become more decisive, disciplined, focused, calm, and just a happier person. I can come as far as to say that mindfulness has transformed me into a success. Now, it's your turn. There's nothing to lose, and so much to win! The payoff is nothing less than transforming your life into its true potential. What you will learn from this book: -What exactly does the word "mindfulness" mean, and why should it become an important word in your dictionary? -How taking as little as five minutes a day to clear your mind might result in steering your life towards great success and becoming a much more fulfilled person? ...and how the heck can you "clear your mind" exactly? -What are the most interesting, effective, and not well-known mindfulness techniques for successthat I personally use to stay on the track and achieve my goals daily while feeling calm and relaxed? -Where to start and how to slowly get into mindfulness to avoid unnecessary confusion? -What are the scientifically proven profits of a daily mindfulness practice? -How to develop the so-called "Nonjudgmental Awareness" to win with discouragement and negative thoughts, stick to the practice and keep becoming a more focused, calm, disciplined, and peaceful person on a daily basis? -What are the most common problems experienced by practitioners of mindfulness and meditation, and how to overcome them? -How to meditate and just how easy can it be? -What are the most common mistakes people keep doing when trying to get into meditation and mindfulness? How to avoid them? -Real life tested steps to apply mindfulness to everyday life to become happier and much more successful person? -What is the relation between mindfulness and life success? How to use mindfulness to become much more effective in your life and achieve your goals much easier? -What to do in life when just about everything seems to go wrong? -How to become a more patient and disciplined person? Stop existing and start living. Start changing your life for the better today.